Zhi gan sha healing the soul. Read online "the big book of Chinese, Taoist medicine"

Zhi Gan Sha

Big book of Chinese, Taoist medicine. Healing in a minute with Healing Light and sacred mantras

Zhi Gang Sha

Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with Waterside Productions Inc. with the assistance of the literary agency Synopsis.

Original English language edition published by Namaste Publishing

© 2010 by Zhi Gang Sha

Precious message

Dr. Sha is a good teacher and a wonderful healer who conveys a precious message about the power of the soul to influence and transform our lives.

Secrets known only to a select few

Secret knowledge from the Master

As members of the human race, we need more people like Zhi Gan Sha.

Outstanding book

The useful knowledge and practices provided by Dr. and Master Sha are an outstanding achievement. They allow you to tune the body’s natural abilities for recovery.


For several years now I have never ceased to admire the work of Dr. Zhi Gan Sha. I remember the day when I first heard about the system of spiritual healing that he developed. He presented it as a new approach to medicine aimed at improving the health of the human spirit, mind and body. I immediately knew then that I wanted to support this gifted healer and his mission, so I immediately introduced him to my spiritual community. Since then, I have experienced a bright feeling of joy, witnessing how people, turning to his teachings and practices, bring more joy, harmony, peace and energy into their lives.

Dr. Sha's techniques awaken the healing power that is inherently present in every sentient being. They help by entrusting us with taking care of their well-being. His explanation of how energy and information connect consciousness, mind, body and spirit creates a dynamic network of information in a language that is easy to understand and, more importantly, apply.

The time-tested results that Dr. Sha has achieved have proven to numerous students and readers that the healing power of energy and messages lies in certain sounds and movements, as well as in perception. Dr. Sha does not just propagate his views, he implements them in everyday life. His life force theories and practices present a holistic, insightful and practical approach. His message encapsulates the idea that the concept of spiritual power applies to every aspect of human life. This enables dedicated practitioners to feel confident that they can successfully face any challenges of 21st century life.

Dr. Sha is known as a follower of his famous teacher, Dr. Zhi Chen Guo, who was one of the great Qigong masters and healers in the world. He himself is a master of such ancient disciplines as tai chi, qigong, kung fu, I Ching and feng shui. He excelled in combining the spiritual healing techniques traditional to his culture with Western medical training. A broad view of the synthesis of these two fundamental systems is presented in the Soul Power and The Miracle of Spiritual Healing series of books.

Dr. Sha's contribution to the process of improving society can hardly be overestimated. The way he helps his readers understand themselves, their feelings, emotions, and the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit is a precious gift to the evolutionary progress of the world. But that's not all. Through his books, Dr. Sha carefully guides the reader to understand the possibility of healing not only the body, mind and spirit, but also the heart. In the Miracle of Spiritual Healing series, Dr. Sha reveals powerful new healing techniques, encouraging readers to further transform their mind, body, and spirit.

Description: Zhi Gan Sha - Healing: Therapy for Soul, Mind and Body Dr. Zhi Gan Sha is an internationally recognized healer and spiritual teacher, New Energy guide, Qigong and Chinese Medicine master, and author of several best-selling books. He views his activities as divinely directed service to humanity and the entire Universe. His message is simple: heal the soul first, the mind and body will be healed after it. A unique healing system was built on this spiritual principle, which Dr. Sha partly adopted from his Teacher, partly received from the Almighty and perfected over decades of practice. Healing: Therapy for Soul, Mind and Body is for everyone. Each of us can and should be a healer for ourselves and our loved ones. The book provides simple but effective methods for healing and preventing more than 100 diseases, as well as special programs for weight loss, restoring emotional balance and general health.

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Translation from English by M. Korolev

Sha Zhi Gang

Ш12 Soul Power: The Path to Healing, Rejuvenation, Transformation

and enlightenment of all life / Transl. from English - M.: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2010. - 384 p.

ISBN 978-5-399-00023-7

In his new book, world-famous Chinese healer Dr. Zhi Gan Sha explains the principle of soul mastery

over matter, the essence of which is expressed in one sentence:

“First heal the soul, then the healing of the mind and

bodies." This universal law applies not only to physical health, but also to spiritual development, and to human relationships, and even to business! By taking care of our soul, we can ensure our well-being in all areas of life. The author gives many simple but effective practices of “mental healing” and illustrates their effect with examples from life.

In addition, this book offers eleven "downloads"

(or “transplants”) of the Divine Soul, which every reader can use. Master Sha will tell you in detail how to receive and apply these subtle energy programs for healing, transformation and enlightenment of both an individual and the entire society. Today it seems like a “miracle”, but perhaps Dr. Zhi Gang Sha’s system is the medicine of the future!

UDC 615.851 BBK 53.57 The Power of Soul.

The Way to Heal, Rejuvenate, Transform, and Enlighten All Life Copyright @ 2009 by Heaven's Library Publication Corp. and Dr. Zhi Gang Sha © "Sofia", 2009 © LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2009 ISBN 978-5-399 -00023-7 Contents Series “Soul Power”.................................................. 11 How to receive downloadable programs Divine Souls Offered in the Soul Power Series Books....... 26 What to Expect After Receiving Divine Soul Downloads........................ ....... 29 Preface to the series of books “The Power of the Soul”................................ 31 Preface to the book “The Power of the Soul”.......... .......... 33 How to read this book.................................... 37 Introduction............................................. 41 Chapter 1 . Fundamentals of the doctrine of the soul .......................... 51 What is the soul?................ .......

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I love my heart and soul.

I love all humanity.

Unite your hearts and souls.

Love, peace and harmony.

Love, peace and harmony.

I serve you and every reader.

I serve all humanity and all souls.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve and reveal the spiritual secrets, wisdom, knowledge and practices that allow healing, rejuvenation, transformation and enlightenment of the entire life of humanity and all souls.


to the book series “The Power of the Soul”

I have been admiring the work of Dr. Zhi Gan Sha for several years now. I distinctly remember the first time I heard his system of soul healing, therapy for the soul, mind and body, described. I knew immediately that I wanted to support this gifted healer and his mission, so I introduced him to my spiritual community at Agape Spiritual Center. Since then, I have had great pleasure in watching people who apply Dr. Sha's teachings and techniques experience increased energy, joy, harmony and peace in their lives.

Dr. Sha's techniques awaken the healing power already present in all of us and empower us to take our overall well-being into our own hands. Dr. Sha's explanation of energy and message, and how it all connects consciousness, mind, body and spirit, forms a dynamic network of information in a language that is easy to understand and, more importantly, just as easy to apply.

The time-tested results of Dr. Sha's system have proven to thousands of students and readers that there are healing energies and messages in specific sounds, movements, and positive perceptions. Based on Dr. Sha's own experience, the theories and methods of working directly with life force energy and spirit are practical, holistic and profound. Dr. Sha understands that soul power is most important in all aspects of life and awareness of this is essential to overcome the challenges of life in the 21st century.

A worldwide representative of his renowned teacher, Dr. Zhi Chen Guo, one of the greatest qigong masters and healers in the world, Dr. Sha is himself a master of ancient disciplines such as tai chi, qigong, gongfu, as well as an expert in the I Ching (Book of Changes) and feng. Shui.

He has combined the soul of his culture's natural healing methods with his Western medical training and generously offers his wisdom to us in the Soul Power series. His contributions to the healing profession are undeniable, and the way in which he empowers readers to understand themselves, their own feelings, and the connection between body, mind, and spirit is Dr. Sha's gift to the world.

In the Soul Power series, Dr. Sha helps the reader realize healing not only of the body, mind and spirit, but also of the heart. I believe his healing path is a universal spiritual practice, a journey of true transformation. Dr. Sha's service to the human race is rooted in professional integrity and a compassionate heart, and it is my sincere wish that readers of Dr. Sha's books will accept his invitation to awaken the power of the soul and realize the natural beauty of their existence.

Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder of the international spiritual center "Agape", participant in the film "The Secret"


to the book "The Power of the Soul"

Dr. Sha gives us a unique perspective on the soul that is what we most need as we enter the 21st century. I am a student of mysticism and holistic medicine, and Dr. Sha's book, Therapies for Soul, Mind, and Body, immediately resonated with me.

My first reaction was: “How wrong we were!

Of course, the main thing is the soul.” Interestingly, the allegorical tale of Pinocchio emphasizes the fact that the puppeteer (soul) directs the actions of the doll (boy). When a boy does not follow the dictates of his consciousness or soul, his nose grows.

After reading several of Dr. Sha's books, I had the opportunity to attend his Soul Healing and Enlightening retreat in Quebec City in June 2008. Participating in this seminar was a powerful reawakening of a belief that I have held throughout my life. It lies in the fact that our main goal in life is to help others. In particular, Dr. Sha's soul songs are powerful tools to experience the power of the soul.

Dr. Sha received the Universal Law from the Almighty: universal service includes universal love, Soul Power 34 forgiveness, peace, healing, blessing, harmony and enlightenment. For many years I believed that love was the desire to help others. Moreover, I feel that one of our most basic instincts is to provide help to others. Unfortunately, some people did not have enough knowledge to allow this instinct to flourish.

On the other hand, teaching, serving and helping others brings more satisfaction, inner harmony and peace to many people than any other activity. There is nothing more important in life. Dr. Sha emphasizes this transcendental nature of all beings through practical approaches that help us destroy karma, empowering us to shape our own destiny and our entire lives.

The soul is generally considered to be our unique, individual consciousness, the inner being that survives the death of the human body. The prevailing view among neuroscientists is that the mind or consciousness is a product of the brain. The mind-body relationship has received significant scientific attention in the past century. Mind-body medicine has developed as a “new” field of study.

Emotions are generally believed to result from the interaction of the mind and body. From a scientific point of view, the soul is considered a “set of beliefs” that shape one’s life position and line of behavior.

How sad that science has ignored what really determines life and happiness! We are very lucky that Dr. Sha has now opened this magical door for us.

Over the last hundred years, there has been increasing evidence that mind is a non-local aspect of consciousness. Clairvoyance, distance healing, and prayer healing have gained increasing respect in the field of disease treatment.

Holistic medicine was officially created in 1978, focusing on the spiritual needs of patients. The motto “body, mind and spirit” emerged, where the spirit essentially represented the various aspects of the soul.

Beliefs, behavior and emotions were major themes during this evolution of medical thought.

But our primary Divine essence, the soul, was not explored or touched upon. Mystics have written extensively about their experiences, which are often excellent examples of the beginnings of enlightenment. However, I was not aware of any spiritual being who offered a specific program for enlightenment - until I met Dr. Sha!

Now a new path to soul strength has opened before us - a path of understanding, gratitude and devotion, and above all, selfless love in its strongest manifestation. It is mainly the soul that guides us.

Her power is limitless. The soul is the door to Divine light and helps us achieve enlightenment to the fullest. The ancient wisdom of such seminal texts as Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and the Daode Ching, as well as the wisdom of the great philosophers and mystics, is now being transformed into a universal approach to all life - and Dr. Sha is using soul power and Divine Soul downloads to bring about this transformation.

I must mention once again the songs and mantras of the soul! I practiced meditation, chanting the mantra “OM” and many other chanting techniques. We are giant piezoelectric crystals that receive, store and send electromagnetic energy. Many of Dr. Sha's soul songs are the most powerful examples of direct soul connection I have experienced to date. They represent a significant creation and manifestation of the soul's power.

Dr. Sha writes in his wonderful book:

Soul Power

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Dr. Sha's book opens the door to allow everyone to experience the power of the soul - the ultimate journey of the soul. I hope you experience as much joy, healing, blessing and transformation as I have!

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In each book in my Soul Power series, I reveal spiritual secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and also teach spiritual practices. Secret and sacred knowledge and wisdom are important. But practice is even more important. Since ancient times, people who seriously studied Buddhism, Taoism, Qigong and Gongfu practiced for many hours a day. Their devotion gives them the opportunity to increasingly develop and transform their frequency, their consciousness and purification. Likewise, in today's world, successful professionals in every field spend months and years training several hours a day. Their commitment allows them to increasingly develop and transform their power and abilities.

Each book in the Soul Power series offers new approaches to healing, rejuvenation, and life transformation. Along with the doctrines of sacred wisdom and knowledge, I also offer downloads of the Divine Soul as a servant, container and channel of the Supreme. It is my honor to serve you through these books.

However, the most important service offered in these books is the practical training. This is especially true for this book, Soul Power. In it I will tell you about a dozen practices. I am well aware that even Soul Power 38 if you spend only four to five minutes on each practice, doing them all will take quite a long time. Do a few practices today. Several more tomorrow. The day after tomorrow again.

These practices are very important. If you don't do them, how can you know their power and benefits?

If you do not know their power and benefits, how will you be able to understand and fully absorb what I want to teach you?

Here's my message to you: when you read this book, make sure you don't skip the practices. In this book, I strongly encourage you to engage in spiritual practices and use the power of the soul to heal, prevent disease, prolong life, and transform every aspect of life, including relationships and finances. Reading this book, you feel as if you are at a seminar with me. When at seminars the teacher guides you through meditation or any exercise, you are not distracted by other things, right?

Take your time when studying this book. Do all the practices that I ask you to do. You will get ten, fifty, or even a hundred times more benefit than if you just quickly read the book.

In particular, receiving Divine Soul downloads does not mean receiving their benefits. You must invoke these benefits and then practice to receive and know Divine healing and blessing. Remember that simply reading this book once is not enough. My advanced students read my books many times. Every time they read them and do the practices, they increasingly want to exclaim: “Eureka!” They are increasingly achieving remarkable results of healing, purification and life transformation.

How to Read This Book 39 As you read this book, you should remember these important messages. I wish that each of you, by engaging in the practices described in this book, will achieve great healing, rejuvenation, purification and transformation of life. Gain the advantage of the dominion of soul over matter, that is, the power of the soul.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Feel it. Feel it. Feel it.

Receive benefits. Receive benefits. Receive benefits.

Hao! Hao! Hao!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

What is the soul?

The soul of people is a being of golden light. To see the soul, you must open your spiritual eye, which is called the Third Eye. Then you will clearly see that inside every person's body there is a being of golden light. The soul can be located in different parts of the body. There are seven different areas where the soul can reside. These seven houses of the soul are located:

Soul Power 52

1) immediately above the genital area;

2) between the genitals and the navel;

3) at the level of the navel;

4) in the heart chakra, which I call the Message Center;

5) in the throat;

6) in the head;

7) immediately above the head, above the crown chakra.

Where your soul is is very significant to your spiritual path. The significance is that the location of your soul represents your spiritual position in Heaven. The higher your soul is in the body, the higher your spiritual position in Heaven.

To improve its position, the soul must perform Xiulian. This is an ancient spiritual term. Xiu means "purification". Lian - “practice”. Xiulian represents the completeness of the spiritual path. Xiulian involves developing and purifying the soul, heart, mind and body. Neither you nor your soul can decide where the soul is located in your body. It simply means that your spiritual position is not determined by you or the desires of your soul. The Akashic Records, in accordance with your spiritual position, determine where the soul should be in your body. The Akashic Records are located in a special place in Heaven; they record your entire life, including all your activities, all your behavior and all your thoughts. They also determine, based on the records of your life, your spiritual position in Heaven.

If you offer good service such as love, care, compassion, kindness, generosity and purity, that good service will be recorded in the Akashic Records. If you offer unpleasant service, such as killing, stealing, causing harm, taking advantage of others, the Akashic Records will also record this unpleasant service. In the Akashic Records there is a book for the soul of every person. The purpose of such a book is to record all your services - good and unpleasant - in your present life and all the previous lives of your soul. Your soul also contains a copy of this recording. A highly developed spiritual being can directly read this record in the Akashic Records or from your soul. However, such spiritual beings are rare as they must be given a spiritual order from the Almighty to access this information.

Few beings throughout history have been ordered by the Almighty to access the Akashic Records.

I cannot stress enough that the location of the soul in your body is a very important factor for your spiritual path. Today many spiritual teachers talk about enlightenment of the soul. But what exactly is enlightenment of the soul? The key to soul enlightenment is the position of the soul. To be enlightened, the soul must be at the Message Center or higher. If your soul is not in these layers, it cannot be considered enlightened. This teaching about the Divine standard for soul enlightenment was given to me many years ago. Each year I conduct two or more retreats focused on healing and soul enlightenment. At each event, the Almighty enlightens all participants. Over the past few years, the Almighty has enlightened thousands of human beings. In Chapter 13 I will reveal very important spiritual secrets, wisdom, knowledge and practices for soul enlightenment.

It is a great honor for me to be a servant of humanity and the Supreme and to offer humanity Divine enlightenment of the soul. The Almighty has given me the task of offering soul enlightenment to all humanity.

I feel the utmost humility, reverence and blessing when I offer Divine Enlightenment Soul Power 54 Souls to humanity through my Soul Healing and Enlightenment Seminars. I am simply a servant and receptacle of the Supreme and offer Divine enlightenment to humanity. We should thank the Almighty for everything.

I am deeply honored to be a minister and container. I cannot express enough my gratitude to the Almighty for choosing me to serve humanity and all souls in this way.

Thank you, Almighty, from the bottom of my heart.

Soul Characteristics

Your soul (which I also call the soul of your body to distinguish it from other souls such as the souls of your organs) is independent. A human being has a soul, a mind and a body. They are separate but connected. Separated because they are independent.

Connected because they live in the same body and communicate with each other.

Souls have consciousness and intelligence. They are endowed with knowledge. They think. Analyze. There are things they like, and there are also things they don't like. One person may like to travel. Another may like food. You might like to read. Some people still like sports. And the soul can have its own likes and dislikes, which have developed over hundreds or even thousands of lives. To help balance Chapter 1: Basic Soul Teachings 55 and harmonize your soul, mind, and body, it is important to know what your soul likes and what it doesn’t.

Souls have emotions. The soul can be happy, calm, sad, scared or upset.

Souls have incredible wisdom. Once you open your channels of spiritual communication, you will be able to consult with your soul. You will be amazed to discover how much your soul knows.

She is one of your best advisors and mentors.

Souls have great memory. The soul can remember the experiences of all its lives. For example, you are traveling somewhere for the first time, but you clearly feel that this place is familiar to you. You may feel like you've been there before.

Some places make you happy. Others are scary.

You may have past life experiences in those places. Your soul remembers these experiences.

Therefore, in those specific places you have special sensations.

Souls are flexible. Head to the corner of your room. When you reach the corner, you will have nowhere else to go. You will have to turn around to move on. Many times in life you may find yourself in a corner. You must turn around to free yourself and move on. This teaches us to realize the importance of flexibility. The ancient Chinese said: “Hua yu san shuo, qiao shuo wei miao.” The meaning is: “There are always three ways to say something.

Choose the best one at the moment.” This tells us that there is flexibility in the utterance of each sentence. Therefore, flexibility exists in every aspect of life. Your beloved soul has deep wisdom, knowledge and experience from hundreds of past lives. Your soul has great flexibility. Make sure that you use Soul Power 56 the power of flexibility of your soul in various life situations.

Souls communicate with each other naturally. The soul of your body communicates with other souls naturally.

People often talk about or dream about having a soul mate.

When you meet some people, you can immediately feel the love. You may feel like there is something special between you. The reason is that your souls were close in past lives.

Perhaps your souls communicated for many years before you met physically.

Souls travel. When you are awake during the day, your soul remains in your body. But when you sleep at night, your soul can naturally travel outside of your body. In fact, many souls do this. Where does the soul go? Where she loves to go. Your soul can visit your spiritual teachers to learn directly from them. She may also visit your old friends or Heaven and other parts of the Universe.

Souls have incredible healing powers.

In this book, I will teach you how to use the power of the soul for healing, including self-healing, healing others, group healing, and long-distance healing.

Showers can help you prevent illness.

In this book I will reveal the spiritual secrets of preventing disease with the help of the soul.

Showers can help you rejuvenate. In this book I will share spiritual wisdom and techniques for rejuvenation through the soul.

Souls have incredible powers of blessing. If you are facing difficulties or blockages in your life, simply ask your soul to help you: “My dear soul, I love you, honor you and appreciate you. Could you bless my life? Could you help me overcome problems and Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the Doctrine of the Soul 57 difficulties? Thank you very much." Invoke the soul of your body in this way at any time, in any place. Your soul can help you solve your problems and overcome difficulties. Love your soul. Ask your soul to bless your life.

Your soul will gladly help you. As you see the changes in your life, you will be fascinated and amazed.

Souls have incomprehensible potentialities. In this book I will teach you how to develop the potential of your soul.

Your soul is connected to your mind. Your soul can teach your mind. She can impart her great wisdom to your mind.

Your soul is connected to your Heavenly group, which includes your spirit guides, teachers, angels and other enlightened masters in Heaven.

Your soul has the ability to store messages. Messages can be stored in your Message Center and in the souls of your body, systems, organs, cells, etc. Once you have developed the potentialities of your soul, you will be able to access these messages anytime and anywhere.

Your soul is constantly seeking knowledge. Your mind is constantly learning, and so is your soul. She can learn from other souls, particularly from your spiritual fathers and mothers. Your soul has the potential to learn Divine wisdom and knowledge.

Souls can protect your life. Your own soul can protect you. Other souls, including angels, saints, spirit guides, enlightened teachers and the Almighty, can protect your life.

They can help you prevent illness, turn a serious incident into a minor one, or help you avoid an accident.

Souls can reward you as well as warn you.

If the soul is pleased with what you are doing, it can Soul Power 58 bless your path. If the soul doesn't like what you do, it can make your life difficult.

It can block your relationships or even make you sick.

Your soul can predict your life. If you are able to communicate with your soul, it can tell you what awaits you.

Souls can follow spiritual laws and principles. Your mind may not know it, but your soul absolutely follows spiritual laws.

Your soul is eternal.

Many souls strive for enlightenment. They want to offer good service in the form of love, caring, compassion, sincerity, generosity and kindness. This is why more and more people are seeking spiritual secrets, wisdom, knowledge and practices. You are now reading this book. Perhaps you would like to know more.

Relationships between soul, mind and body

A human being has a soul, a mind and a body. The body consists of systems, organs, cells, cell organelles, DNA and RNA. The mind is unconscious. The body has consciousness. Every system, organ, cell, DNA and RNA has consciousness. Your body has a soul. Every system, organ, cell, DNA and RNA has a soul.

The soul is a being of golden light. If you have advanced spiritual abilities, you can see any of these souls, including DNA and RNA souls. These are different types of golden light beings.

Soul, mind and body are separate but are one within the body. They work with each other and communicate with each other. They harmonize each other and bring each other into balance. For example, Chapter 1. Basics of the Doctrine of the Soul 59 liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys are the main organs of Yin. If one of them is sick, it will disturb the harmony among all the other organs.

Each major organ is connected to the emotional body. The liver is associated with anger. Heart - with anxiety and depression. Spleen - with anxiety. The lungs are associated with grief and sadness. Kidneys - with fear. Diseases in the physical body can cause disharmony and imbalances in the emotional body.

Each organ has its own soul. The soul of the liver is called Hun. The soul of the heart is Shen. The soul of the spleen is I. The soul of the lungs is called Po. The soul of the kidneys is Zhi.

Each organ has its own soul, mind and body. Each cell has its own soul, mind and body. Every DNA and RNA too. Keeping the souls, minds and bodies of all your systems, organs, cells, DNA and RNA in balance is very important for life.

A human being has its own soul, mind and body. This soul is the soul of the body. This mind is the consciousness of this being. The body includes all systems, organs and cells. What is the relationship between them?

Generally speaking, human beings believe that they make decisions in their minds. People think that they like or dislike something. They think they want or don't want to do something. I want to tell everyone that your soul is involved in your decisions. She shares her likes and dislikes with your mind. If the decision of your mind coincides with the decision of your soul, everything goes smoothly and successfully.

If your mind doesn't agree with your soul's desire, everything gets blocked.

I have felt this Divine wisdom for many years.

The secret of the relationship between soul, mind and body can be expressed in one sentence:

The power of the soul The main thing is the soul.

At the company where you work, your boss tells you to do something. When you follow his or her orders, everything goes smoothly. If you don't follow your boss' orders, it can cause big problems.

This doesn't mean your boss is always right. But even if the boss is wrong, he or she has the power to make decisions about your work. In the same way, the soul may not always be absolutely right, but it has the power to block your life.

This wisdom teaches us the importance of communicating with our own soul. Your soul has the experience of many lifetimes. Generally speaking, your mind only has the experience of one life, your present life. Your soul knows much more than your mind. My teaching is to open your spiritual channels, allowing you to communicate with your own soul. Listen to the instructions of your soul. Follow your soul's desire. Your life can become much smoother and more successful.

If you have disharmony between your soul, mind and body, you may experience poor health, unbalanced emotions, unpleasant relationships and financial difficulties. How to harmonize them? Let me show you a simple spiritual practice to balance your soul, mind and body.

Sit down and try to completely relax. Silently communicate with your soul, mind and body as follows:

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Then chant quietly and repeatedly:

I love my soul, mind and body. I bring balance and harmony to my soul, mind and body.

I love my soul, mind and body. I bring balance and harmony to my soul, mind and body.

I love my soul, mind and body. I bring balance and harmony to my soul, mind and body...

Exercise for three to five minutes several times a day. At the end of practice always say:

Hao! Hao! Hao!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Hao means "perfect", "wonderful", "balance", "harmonize" and "get well". This is a confirmation and a command.

The first thanks are addressed to the Almighty. The second thank you goes to all your spiritual fathers and mothers in Heaven. The third thank you is to your own soul, mind and body. Gratitude is extremely important on the spiritual path.

Through this simple practice you can experience wonderful healing for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. You can achieve life transformation in your relationships and finances.

Why does this technique work? It is effective because you create love and share it with your soul, mind and body. You give a spiritual command to your soul, mind and body to bring yourself into balance and harmony. The key reason that all this is effective is that love melts away all blockages and Soul Power 62 transforms all life. Love has immeasurable power to remove all types of blockages. This spiritual command expresses the power of healing and transformation of your soul. I will give you the most important knowledge and practices regarding spiritual orders in Chapter 4.

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Every human being has a purpose in life.

Some people want to be scientists. Others are doctors. Someone wants to become an artist. Someone is a basketball player. Everyone loves to do something and dreams of doing it well.

If a person has a good profession, successful relationships, a harmonious family, happiness and good health, he feels successful in his physical life. Satisfaction in physical life is important. Many people experience this type of satisfaction. They are blessed.

Some people have this kind of physical success, but still they are not satisfied. They may feel a certain lack. They may feel empty. They may feel like they are searching, but they don't know exactly what they are looking for. If this description resonates with you, I believe you are searching for your spiritual path.

Millions of people around the world have already set foot on their spiritual path. They crave spiritual secrets, wisdom, knowledge and practices. They want to know what the spiritual path is and how to move forward along it. They strive for enlightenment and want to know how to achieve it.

In this book I will talk about what the spiritual path is, how to move forward along it, and how to achieve enlightenment of the soul.

Enlightenment of the soul represents the ultimate destiny of a person's spiritual path. After you have achieved the enlightenment of the soul, move on to the enlightenment of the mind and body. In Chapter 13, I will give you spiritual secrets, wisdom, knowledge and practices regarding soul enlightenment. Human physical life is limited.

Living 100 years is wonderful. Living longer is unusual. The life of the human soul is unlimited. The life of the soul is eternal. I am deeply aware that the relationship between the physical and spiritual path can be expressed in a secret consisting of one sentence:

The physical path is to serve the spiritual path.

If you offer great service to others, if you make others healthier and happier, if you help transform human consciousness and if you contribute to love, peace and harmony for humanity, Mother Earth and the universes, you will accumulate great virtue. Virtue is a record of your services.

Heaven records them. Your great virtue, arising from your good service, will raise the station of your soul. Your future lives will be greatly blessed.

Your descendants, including children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and more, will be greatly blessed. There is a famous ancient saying:

An ancestor plants a tree.

Descendants enjoy the shade.

On the other hand, if you offer unpleasant services such as killing, harming, and taking advantage of others, Heaven also records those unpleasant services. And these unpleasant ministries will deeply affect your future lives and the lives of your descendants. I will explain this wisdom further in Chapter 2 on Karma.

Zhi Gang Sha

Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with Waterside Productions Inc. with the assistance of the literary agency Synopsis.

Original English language edition published by Namaste Publishing

© 2010 by Zhi Gang Sha

Precious message

Dr. Sha is a good teacher and a wonderful healer who conveys a precious message about the power of the soul to influence and transform our lives.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages of Water

Secrets known only to a select few

Dr. John Gray, author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Secret knowledge from the Master

As members of the human race, we need more people like Zhi Gan Sha.

Dr. Maya Angelou, author of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

A practical path to healing

Dr. Sha offers a clear, practical path to learning the secrets of self-healing.

Marianne Williamson, author of Love! Bring her back into your life. A Course in Miracles"

Outstanding book

The useful knowledge and practices provided by Dr. and Master Sha are an outstanding achievement. They allow you to tune the body’s natural abilities for recovery.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of "There is a Spiritual Solution for Every Problem"


For several years now I have never ceased to admire the work of Dr. Zhi Gan Sha. I remember the day when I first heard about the system of spiritual healing that he developed. He presented it as a new approach to medicine aimed at improving the health of the human spirit, mind and body. I immediately knew then that I wanted to support this gifted healer and his mission, so I immediately introduced him to my spiritual community. Since then, I have experienced a bright feeling of joy, witnessing how people, turning to his teachings and practices, bring more joy, harmony, peace and energy into their lives.

Dr. Sha's techniques awaken the healing power that is inherently present in every sentient being. They help by entrusting us with taking care of their well-being. His explanation of how energy and information connect consciousness, mind, body and spirit creates a dynamic network of information in a language that is easy to understand and, more importantly, apply.

The time-tested results that Dr. Sha has achieved have proven to numerous students and readers that the healing power of energy and messages lies in certain sounds and movements, as well as in perception. Dr. Sha does not just propagate his views, he implements them in everyday life. His life force theories and practices present a holistic, insightful and practical approach. His message encapsulates the idea that the concept of spiritual power applies to every aspect of human life. This enables dedicated practitioners to feel confident that they can successfully face any challenges of 21st century life.

Dr. Sha is known as a follower of his famous teacher, Dr. Zhi Chen Guo, who was one of the great Qigong masters and healers in the world. He himself is a master of such ancient disciplines as tai chi, qigong, kung fu, I Ching and feng shui. He excelled in combining the spiritual healing techniques traditional to his culture with Western medical training. A broad view of the synthesis of these two fundamental systems is presented in the Soul Power and The Miracle of Spiritual Healing series of books.

Dr. Sha's contribution to the process of improving society can hardly be overestimated. The way he helps his readers understand themselves, their feelings, emotions, and the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit is a precious gift to the evolutionary progress of the world. But that's not all. Through his books, Dr. Sha carefully guides the reader to understand the possibility of healing not only the body, mind and spirit, but also the heart. In the Miracle of Spiritual Healing series, Dr. Sha reveals powerful new healing techniques, encouraging readers to further transform their mind, body, and spirit.

I believe that Dr. Sha's healing path is a universal spiritual practice, a journey towards true transformation. His sincere service to humanity is based on integrity and a compassionate heart. I appeal to his readers with a prayer: accept his invitation, awaken spiritual strength in yourself, realize the natural beauty of your being.


I have already shared my life’s purpose with you in the Soul Power series of books. In this series I will once again focus on this.

The purpose of life is service. I have dedicated my life to this very goal. Service is my life's mission. Serving means making others happier and healthier.

The ultimate goal of my mission is to transform the soul, heart, mind and body of humanity, as well as all souls on Earth and Heaven, countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes. Bring everyone to enlightenment for the sake of creating a Universal Family where love, peace and harmony reign.

By the Universal Family we mean all humanity on Earth and all the souls inhabiting the Earth and Heaven, the countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes. The ultimate goal of the Universal Family is to achieve wan ling rong he, which represents World Unity.

"Wan" means ten thousand. In China, "wan" represents All. "Ling" soul. “Rong he” – merging into one. "Wan ling rong he" (pronounced won lin ron hae) is translated as "all souls merge into one". This is World Unity. The ultimate goal of the new era. This new era, called the Era of Spiritual Light, began on August 8, 2003 and will last fifteen thousand years.

Achieving the ultimate goal of my mission requires three powers.

The first authority is learning to serve for the benefit of all sentient beings.

My task is to help people take the path of selfless service to the whole world. The message of this ministry is:

I am completely devoted to the service of humanity and all the souls inhabiting the Earth and Heaven, the countless planets and stars, galaxies and universes.

You fully serve humanity and all the souls inhabiting the Earth and Heaven, the countless planets and stars, galaxies and universes.

Together we are completely dedicated to the service of humanity and all the souls inhabiting the Earth and Heaven, countless planets and stars, galaxies and universes.

Second power - teach wisdom, spiritual secrets and practices, give knowledge, to help people on the path of spiritual self-healing and life transformation.

The message is:

I have the power for spiritual self-healing, transformation of my life.

You have the power for spiritual self-healing and transformation of your life.

Together we have the power to bring spiritual healing, transform the lives of humanity and all the souls who inhabit the Earth, countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes.

Transforming your life means:

✓ strengthening energy, stamina, vitality and immunity;

✓ healing of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies;

✓ disease prevention;

✓ transformation of all types of relationships;

✓ transformation of financial affairs and business;

✓ restoration of soul, heart, mind and body;

✓ increasing the level of ethics of the soul, heart and mind;

✓ opening of spiritual channels;

✓ bringing success to all areas of life;

✓ and much more.

The third mandate is to teach. Tao to help people achieve the state of Tao. To achieve the state of Tao means to gain enlightenment of the soul, mind and body.

Tao is the Primary Source.

The Original Source is the creator of Heaven and Earth, countless planets and stars, galaxies and universes.

Tao is a way of life.

Tao is universal principles and laws.

Spiritual enlightenment involves raising the soul to the level of a saint. The first step on the spiritual journey is to achieve enlightenment of the soul.

A person has two lives: physical and spiritual. Physical life is limited. Spiritual life is eternal. The purpose of physical life is to serve spiritual life. The goal of spiritual life is to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Achieving spiritual enlightenment means elevating the soul to the level of a saint. To be a saint is to become a diligent servant.

Saints of the highest level will reach the realm of the divine. When the soul reaches the divine realm, it achieves a very high level of enlightenment.

The next step on the spiritual journey is to achieve enlightenment of the mind.

Enlightenment of the mind involves the transformation of consciousness to the level of the consciousness of a saint. Saints occupy different positions in the multi-level hierarchy of Heaven. The consciousness of high-level saints can reach the highest reality - completely transform into divine consciousness. The attainment of divine consciousness is beyond comprehension.

The third step on the spiritual journey is achieving body enlightenment.

Enlightening the body involves transforming the physical body into a spotlessly pure body. Achieving a spotlessly clean body means achieving immortality.

Let me explain what the essence of immortality is.

Ren Fa Di, Di Fa Tian, ​​Tian Fa Tao, Tao Fa Zi Ran.

These four sacred phrases gradually reveal the process of enlightenment of the body, which is the path to achieving immortality.

Ren Fa Di."Ren" means Human. "Fa" - adherence to principles and laws."Di" - Earth. "Ren Fa Di" (pronounced ren fa di) is translated as “a person must follow the principles and laws of the Earth”. The law of gravity can serve as one of the clearest examples of this.

The path of following the principles and laws of the Earth has a deeper meaning. He teaches the transformation of jing qi shen (pronounced ching qi shen) person in jing qi shen of the Earth.

"Jing" means matter. "Qi" - energy. "Shen" - soul, or spirit, message, or information.

One of the fundamental sacred truths of antiquity about the world order can be formulated in one sentence:

Heaven and Earth, people, countless planets and stars, galaxies and universes are created from matter, energy and spirit.

Another sacred truth of antiquity, contained in one sentence:

Tian Ren He Yi."Tian" means Heaven, or Big Universe. "Ren" - man, or Small Universe. "He Yi" - merging into one.

"Tian Ren He Yi" (pronounced Tian Ren He Yi) is translated as “The Big and Small Universes are one.” What exists in the large universe also exists in the small one, and vice versa. This teaches us another sacred truth:

To understand the Big Universe, which includes Heaven and Earth, countless planets and stars, galaxies and universes, you must first have an idea of ​​the Small Universe, which is man.

Lao Tzu teaches us that the path of following the principles and laws of the Earth carries with it the sacred meaning of the transformation of matter, energy and spirit.

We need to realize that the matter, energy and spirit of man are different from the matter, energy and spirit of the Earth. A person has a life span of 100 years or a little more. Good genetic inheritance can allow a person to live 140–150 years.

How many years has the Earth existed? Nobody knows. I am currently interacting with the Source and asking, “How long has the Earth been around?” The answer is:

The earth has existed for billions of years or more.

The answer was received through the communication of my soul with the Primary Source. This Primary Source created the Earth. To date, the oldest minerals on Earth have been discovered in Western Australia. The analysis showed that they are at least 4.4 billion years old.

In the future, additional scientific research may reveal even more ancient things on Earth.

Following the principles and laws of the Earth reveals to us the secret of extending human life. We need to transform the matter, energy and spirit of man into the matter, energy and spirit of the Earth. On this occasion, in ancient teachings there is such a sacred phrase:

Xi shou tian di jing hua."Xi shou" means absorb. "Tian" Heaven. "Di" - Earth. "Jing hua" essence. By essence is meant matter, energy, the spirit of Heaven and Earth. "Xi shou tian di jing hua" (pronounced si shou tian di jing hua) is translated as “to absorb the essence of Earth and Heaven.”

Di Fa Tian."Di" means Earth. "Fa" - follow principles and laws."Tian" Heaven. "Di Fa Tian" (pronounced di fa tian) is translated as “Earth must follow the principles and laws of Heaven.”

To gain longevity and achieve immortality, you must first transform the matter, energy and spirit of man into the matter, energy and spirit of Earth, and then transform the matter, energy and spirit of Earth into the matter, energy and spirit of Heaven.

Tian Fa Tao."Tian" means Heaven. "Fa" - . "Tao" . "Tian Fa Tao" (pronounced tian fa dao) is translated as “Heaven must follow the principles and laws of the Tao.”

The step-by-step process of gaining longevity and achieving immortality comes down to the following:

✓ Step 1: transformation of matter, energy and spirit of man into matter, energy and spirit of the Earth.

✓ Step 2: subsequent transformation of the matter, energy and spirit of the Earth into the matter, energy and spirit of Heaven.

✓ Step 3: subsequent transformation of the matter, energy and spirit of Heaven into the matter, energy and spirit of Tao.

✓ Step 4: achieving Tao Fa Zi Ran (attaining and merging with the Tao).

Tao Fa Zi Ran."Tao" means Primary source, Path, universal principles and laws. "Fa" - follow principles and laws. "Zi Ran" – nature. "Tao Fa Zi Ran" (pronounced dao fa zi ran) is translated as "follow the natural path".

Achieving the state of following the natural path means achieving the Tao. To achieve Tao means merge with Tao. Merging with Tao means gaining immortality. This is the enlightenment of the body.

I want to emphasize that the third authority is to help true practitioners achieve the Tao. This in turn implies achieving enlightenment of the soul, mind and body.

This is the sacred path to achieving immortality.

The message of the third mandate is:

I have the power to achieve enlightenment of soul, mind and body.

You have the power to achieve enlightenment of soul, mind and body.

Together we have the power to achieve enlightenment of soul, mind and body.

In the Soul Power series, I shared my story of how I was chosen to be a servant of humanity and the Supreme in July 2003. I won't retell it. Please refer to the books in the indicated series.

Having been a servant, vehicle and vehicle of the Divine will for the past ten years, I have offered the world Divine karmic cleansing as well as Divine transplants for spirit, mind and body. Hundreds of thousands of miraculous spiritual healings have been made possible through these Divine tools, as well as the thousands of spiritual healers I have birthed on Earth. Today, the miracle of spiritual healing occurs daily. For this reason, the Almighty and Tao were pleased to lead me to the realization that the time had come to create a new series of books - “The Miracle of Spiritual Healing”.

I would like to convey to every reader the idea that the series of books “The Miracle of Spiritual Healing” teaches and helps you personally and humanity as a whole to take the path of spiritual self-healing. You will learn sacred wisdom and master the practices of spiritual healing. Each of you is capable of realizing spiritual self-healing.

In 2008, Tao, the Origin of all things, chose me as its servant, the servant of all humanity. Then I offered the world Taoist karma purification and Taoist transplants for spirit, mind and body. Over the past ten years, my soul has experienced an unprecedented upsurge. I am immensely happy that I have gained access to higher levels of the Primary Source. The Tao has an infinite number of levels. Therefore, the ascent of the spirit will never stop. Reaching higher levels brings with it the responsibility of serving humanity and all souls even more diligently.

It's 2013 now. Over the past ten years, the world has experienced many natural disasters, including earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, fires, volcanic eruptions, droughts and much more. There are other types of tests, such as political, economic, financial and business, environmental, health issues, as well as religious and ethnic wars and a number of others.

Millions of people suffer from diseases of the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. Millions and millions of people around the world have limited access to healthcare, and sometimes are completely deprived of it.

Why are the Earth and humanity being tested? The reason lies in the presence of blocks at the level of spiritual, mental and physical bodies. Blocks that exist at the level of the spiritual body are formed by negative karma. Negative karma accumulates throughout life as a result of harming someone or using people for one's own purposes. Blocks rooted in the mental body manifest themselves in a negative way of thinking, the presence of negative attitudes, building disharmonious relationships, selfishness, attachment, and so on. Blocks that appear at the level of the physical body are divided into energy and material.

How can we help humanity overcome this difficult historical period? How can we help humanity get rid of diseases as soon as possible? And most importantly: how to help humanity learn prevent illness?

My previous books including "Spiritual, mental and physical healing", "The Power of Healing", as well as ten books in the “Soul Power” series, which include "Spiritual Wisdom", "Soul Power", "Divine Healing of Soul, Mind and Body and Transmission System", "Tao I", "Song of Tao" And "Dance of the Tao", have offered answers to the above "how to help humanity" questions and have implemented hundreds of thousands of spiritual healings around the world.

In the new series of books, The Miracle of Spiritual Healing, I will offer you spiritual practices, wisdom and knowledge on a new level. The teachings and practices will become simpler, easier to use, and more powerful. And, as a result, they will lead you to spiritual healing faster.

What is this secret knowledge and power that I will share with you? In this book, I will create a Primary Source field. What does this mean? The Primary Source field is a field that has the matter, energy and spirit of the Primary Source.

How does the Origin field work? The Source Field conducts the matter, energy and spirit of the Prime Source at the vibrational frequency of the Prime Source of love, forgiveness, compassion and light. This can help transform the matter, energy and spirit of any destructive programs.

One of the most important principles and laws operating on countless planets and stars, in galaxies and universes, can be stated in one sentence:

Everything and everyone on Earth and Heaven, countless planets and stars, galaxies and universes is vibration, which is a field of matter, energy and spirit.

The Primary Source field conducts the matter, energy and spirit of the Primary Source. It allows you to eliminate blocks on the spiritual, mental and physical levels. Also helps transform the matter, energy and spirit of a person's spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies from head to toe, restoring you to health.

For this book, I will create a field of the Original Source by writing several calligraphic images of the Original Source of Spiritual Light. "Ling Guang" (pronounced ling guan) means "spiritual light". Calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light– a name that the Source himself gave me.

I will create a Primary Source field inside each calligraphy of the Primary Source of Spiritual Light. Each of them will channel the matter, energy and spirit of the Source, which will help you find spiritual healing.

How do these calligraphic images work? Calligraphic images of the Primary Source of Spiritual Light absorb the unchanging treasures from the Primary Source, which conducts its matter, energy and spirit. Jing of the Original Source is matter The original source. Original Source Qi – energy The original source. Shen of the Original Source – spirit or message The original source. The matter, energy and spirit of the Source field conducts the vibrational frequency of the Source along with His love, forgiveness, compassion and light. They will help you remove blocks on the spiritual, mental and physical levels, saving you from illness. You will be able to achieve healing and rejuvenation, absolute spiritual healing.

For the first time, I am sharing with humanity calligraphic images of the Original Source of Spiritual Light, imbued with the ability of spiritual healing. This book contains the following calligraphic images of the Primary Source of Spiritual Light:

Tao Guang Zha Shan(The Light of Tao manifests itself outward, spreading vibration, pronouncing Tao Guang Zha Shan);

✓ calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light Hei Heng Hong Ha(Zhong mantra of the Original Source, pronounced hey hang hong ha);

✓ calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light Guang Liang Hao Mei(Clear Light brings inner and outer beauty, pronounced guan liang hao mei);

✓ calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light Ling Guang(Spiritual Light, pronounced ling guan);

✓ calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light Da Ai(Great Love, pronounced yeah ah) will eliminate any blocks, help transform your whole life;

✓ calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light Da Kuan Shu(Great Forgiveness, pronounced yes kuan shu) will fill you with a feeling of joy, bring peace into your life;

✓ calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light Da Ci Bei(Great Compassion, pronounced yes tsy bay) will help strengthen energy, stamina, vitality and immunity for life;

✓ calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light Da Guang Ming(Great Light, pronounced yes guan ming). Helps you heal; prevent the occurrence of disease; cleanse and restore the strength of the soul, heart, mind and body; transform relationships with others; strengthen business and financial position; increase the level of internal ethics; open spiritual channels; bring success to all areas of life;

✓ calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light San Jiao Chang Tong(energy and fluids circulate freely through the main channels of the body, pronounced san jiao chang tong) will help eliminate blocks formed in the area of ​​key energy channels on the spiritual, mental and physical levels. Achieving healing and rejuvenation. "San" means three. "Jiao" sphere, space. "San Jiao" (pronounced San Jiao) are the main energy channels of the human body. San Jiao is a basic concept, wisdom and practice of traditional Chinese medicine dating back about five thousand years. In this book you will learn a lot about San Jiao.

How can I create the Original Source field in calligraphic images of the Original Source of Spiritual Light? I am the servant, the vehicle and the conductor of the Original Source. He trusted me by giving me free access to his resources to make the creation of the field possible.

Calligraphic images of the Original Source of Spiritual Light contain a power that goes beyond the boundaries of ordinary understanding. Test my words from personal experience. Practice. Use them to heal your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. Experience the power of the calligraphic images of the Original Source of Spiritual Light presented in this book.

I will give three possible ways to use calligraphic images of the Primary Source of Spiritual Light:

1. Place one palm on the image (see illustrations on the color tab) of the calligraphy of the Primary Source of Spiritual Light. Place the other palm on the part of the body that requires treatment, and sincerely ask for healing.

2. Apply the calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light to the part of the body that needs healing. Sincerely ask for recovery.

3. Meditate on the calligraphy of the Original Source of Spiritual Light. Sincerely ask for healing.

In ancient sacred teaching there is such a famous phrase:

Da Tao zhi jian."Da" means big. "Tao" Path. "Zhi" - to the highest degree. "Jian" - Just. "Da Tao zhi jian" (pronounced yes dao zhi jian) is translated as "The Great Path is extremely simple". The books in the Miracle of Spiritual Healing series follow this principle. You can realize this simplicity very quickly and quickly achieve spiritual healing. Are you interested in how and why?

I am happy to introduce to humanity a new series of books, “The Miracle of Spiritual Healing.” This is a great honor for me. I never cease to thank the Almighty, Tao and the entire Heavenly hierarchy for the sacred wisdom, knowledge and practices given to us. I also feel deep gratitude for their endless desire to bless us. How blessed is humanity! The source contains its power in books, offering my readers the opportunity to constantly refer to it. I am just a servant, a guide for readers, humanity and generally all souls.

The message of spiritual healing is:

I have the power to realize spiritual healing and transform my life.

You have the power to realize spiritual healing and transform your life.

Together we have the power to realize spiritual healing and transform the lives of humanity and all the souls who inhabit the Earth, countless planets and stars, galaxies and universes.

I love my heart and soul.

I love all of humanity.

Let's unite our souls and hearts together!

Love, peace and harmony.

Love, peace and harmony.

Love all humanity. Love all souls.

Give thanks to all humanity. Give thanks to all souls.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.