Crow harsh lands download fb2. Dem Mikhailov - Crowe

Dem Mikhailov

Crow. Harsh lands

© Mikhailov D., 2016

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

Chapter first

Harsh lands are a harsh master! Well, a very stern owner... oh, oh, malisepihu...

Two five-pound bags of wheat flour. Good.

Three five-pound bags of rye flour. Have a good one!

Two pounds of rice. Ordinary.

Pearl barley. Two pounds.

Millet. Two pounds.

Oats. Ten poods.

Barley. Ten poods.

An oak barrel filled to the brim with thick, delicious molasses.

Ash barrel with buckwheat honey. Yummy!

A peck of black tea.

A peck of green tea.

A pound of coffee beans.

A pound of fine salt.

A peck of coarse salt.

Various spices, ordinary ones, in little bags, bags and packages - about five kilograms. Expensive!

Ten pounds of young potatoes!

Twenty-liter copper boiler. Shines!

Five-liter copper pot. Sparkles.

Twenty-five regular copper spoons.

Twenty-five regular copper forks.

Twenty-five regular, copper, soup plates.

Twenty-five regular, copper, liter mugs.

Beer! Light. One hundred liter barrel. Fresh! Not bad!

Beer! Dark! A hundred-liter barrel! Fresh! Not bad!

Beer! Two ten-liter jugs hidden in straw-lined baskets. Good! For the ten's manager...

Anthracite is good, five pounds...

There are a few small things, for personal use - all in a thick fabric bag with the inscription “Mr. Crow."

All. The list is exhausted.

When ordering, the money set aside for the purchase ran out, but the gnome was not going to touch the NZ and even in a nightmare he could not imagine such a thing. “Emergency” money is emergency money, to be spent only in the very, very last resort. And the purchase of flour, beer and mugs did not fall into this “very very” category.

The order turned out to be somewhat chaotic, the list was “torn”, a lot was missed, even more was not missed, but is not yet available. In any case, the progress is good, especially considering the two temporarily hired specialists. Although it would be nice to hire them on a permanent basis.

“Cashmere,” a bearded old man with a vast bald spot grumpily introduced himself. The clothes are simple but clean. There is a long knife on his belt, and a large bag with rattling contents behind his shoulders. - Oh, it’s hard to get here!

“Crow,” the player introduced himself with a smile. - It's good that we arrived safely. A good cook makes us happy.

“Treebreaker,” muttered the second old man, dressed in darker clothes, but of the same style, just as grumpily. And the bald spot is the same, except that the beard is more liquid and patchy. - I am his brother. And the road really is rubbish! It’s as if lame ogres trampled the path!

“Thank you for responding to my call,” Qrow nodded sedately, without leaving the role of a serious owner. “It’s impossible without an experienced carpenter.” Well, please follow me, sit down, I’ll pour you a couple of glasses of beer - it’ll be good for being tired and out of the way!

- Master... maybe I should have a glass too? - Prokhr smiled, who, together with other workers, was carrying sacks and barrels to the main site.

“Everyone,” the dwarf did not argue. - I’ll pour beer for everyone. As soon as you move your purchases, we’ll sit down at the table, fortunately it’s already evening.

“And wear it quickly,” the driver standing next to the heavy-duty horses hoarsely supported, pulling off his dusty cap from the top of his head and knocking it over his knee.

- A glass of beer? – Crow immediately fussed, casting an imperceptible glance at the contents of two more carts.

The small cargo train that arrived at the Gray Peak guard post consisted of four large, durable carts. The cargo of the first two carts was taken by the dwarf Qrow, and two more carts were intended for someone else. And among the other people's luggage there were also as many as four barrels of beer - judging by the emblem, a winking horned elf with his tongue hanging out - from the same suburban brewery "Abl and Gabr".

And an interesting question immediately arose - how to manage to appropriate the kegs, because just recently another fed and watered caravan had left, and now Crow had quite a lot of copper and some silver to buy the desired beer... If the beer was already intended for someone, it was hopeless. But suddenly the transporters themselves are trading on the sly - that’s why the beer kegs aren’t covered with burlap, and that’s why they’re exposed to curious glances. Here, they say, take the beer if you have the money. And if not, then just lick your lips with a dry tongue and try to drill into the oak walls of the barrel with a suffering look...

Hmmm... I really wanted to buy the beer. But everything has its turn.

As soon as the last bag left the cart and ended up on the cleared patch of land, all four workers rushed to the kitchen table with a joyful hubbub and hastily took their place, glancing with greedy eyes at the nearest keg of beer. With dark beer and...

Crowe did not torment the workers, briefly nodding to the dwarf Trut, the most intelligent of the four. He can be trusted to knock out the bottom of a barrel. While the short man was doing this, calling Serg for help, both brothers sat down at the table - the cook and the carpenter.

These guys are a different story - no one usually hires them, as far as the dwarf was able to find out through a conversation with a carpenter team passing through the guard post. It was with this artel that both brothers last worked. And in it they were given a calculation. For several reasons.

First of all, Cashmore and Treebreaker always worked together - inseparable, like Siamese twins. But you don’t always need both a cook and a carpenter in the same place. Secondly, both brothers were constantly frowning, grumpy, and you couldn’t get a smile from them on the nicest day. Well, and most importantly, both brothers were not stars in the sky either in cooking or in carpentry. Woodbreaker's tables and benches were extremely strong, but slightly crooked and unsightly. Cashmere could fry fish or meat, cook soup, and the food would be edible, but clearly not a delicacy. For the reasons listed above, Treebreaker and Cashmore were often free to hire, which the unpretentious Crowe took advantage of - the carpenter and cook were ideal for his needs.

Here he does not need carved furniture and exquisite dishes worthy of kings.

What he really needs is simple, hearty food every day, as well as durable tables and benches! And other simple furniture in peasant style.

A few minutes after the successful unloading of the carts, a hubbub began at the crowded table - workers and transport workers cheerfully discussed some topics of interest to the “locals” of Valdira. However, ALL game guides unanimously advise you to listen to such conversations - this is the most important source of sometimes the most unexpected information. I can’t count how many times in this way the location of a gang of robbers or a dangerous animal was found out, in which provinces there was a pestilence, and where the king sharply tightened trade taxes. Sometimes even completely new, unexplored locations were discovered! Travelers are inquisitive people, and they look around keenly, they see a lot, they notice a lot.

There's a hole darkening in the rock mass - maybe it's the entrance to a cave? Is it an ancient tomb that opened after the last earthquake?

But there’s a strange stone sticking out of the sagging ground, more like the ridge of a roof...

And here is the footprint of an unknown and huge beast - it stepped with its paw just once, and there is no village of a dozen houses, it all flattened into a flat cake.

And there, on the reefs, you can see the skeleton of a crashed ship - what if there were some things or gold left in the holds?

But Qrow had no time to listen to gossip - at least not at the moment. There were, of course, plans for the future for eavesdropping, but where would we be without them, without gossip? But a little later. Sipping beer from a brand new mug, he thoughtfully looked at the unloaded goods and cast rare predatory glances at the kegs of other people's beer.

Eh... three convoys are expected today, all overnight. The beer will go away in no time! Especially fresh! And cold! Magic runes are visible on the tightly fitted boards of the barrels, and, judging by the square “signature”, or rather, the mark, a runologist player worked on the barrels. Apparently, he improved his skills and reputation. Which is already very good, since he was entrusted with work by the famous brewery “Abl and Gabr”, managed by two dwarf brothers, after whose names the enterprise was named.

All the beer they produced gave by default +3 to stamina, and if you drink from the brewery’s signature stone mug, then immediately +5 to stamina. For an hour - and during this period a lot of things can be done. Especially for novice players running in nubo locations. Then you have to wait an hour, and again you can take a liter orally. And so on ad infinitum.

It was from such a special branded mug, worth five silver coins, that Crow was now drinking his dark beer. The mug is massive, heavy, made of stone, with a round emblem of the brewery in the form of two gloomy and bearded dwarf faces and with the inscription “Abl and Gabr” under them. And from now on he will drink beer from it every day. Before going on a close raid. + 5 to stamina, they don’t lie on the road, and the beer is delicious! In addition, Crowe sought to obtain both special achievements, given only if certain conditions were met.

Crow. Harsh lands Dem Mikhailov

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Title: Crow. Harsh lands

About the book “Crowe. Harsh lands" Dem Mikhailov

Novel “Crowe. Harsh Lands is the second book in the Crow series. Dem Mikhailov wrote an amazing epic, choosing a non-trivial image as the main character - a hardworking gnome. This work will be interesting to read for all fans of LitRPG books with a dynamic plot and elements of exciting action.

Dwarf Crow is a bright and colorful character. His life and work in the game World of Valdira is a real kaleidoscope of metamorphoses and fascinating adventures. The main character works diligently and modestly at the remote Gray Peak guard post, but his reliability creates a series of incredible adventures. Trying to help his friends find the woodcutters who mysteriously disappeared in the dense forest, Crow makes an incredible number of enemies. In addition, Vurrius, a stern guard centurion who harbors hatred for foreign players, came to his post. And if we add to this unfavorable natural conditions (for example, prickly snow in the literal sense of the word), it becomes clear that the life of a gnome is sheer bad luck.

Dem Mikhailov created an amazing story according to all the laws of the gaming genre. In the book, the reader will encounter elements of strategy, a multi-level quest, numerous artifacts that provide superpowers, and military feats. Starting to read the work, you immediately feel sympathy for the main character - conscientious, brave, purposeful, you worry about his every step and feel the depth of his emotions.

To get a more complete picture of the dwarf Crow, you should read the first book in this series, which presents the economic strategy for the development of the main character. In the work “Crow Harsh Lands” the dwarf is no longer trying to survive, but is building a new strategy - a combat one. It is interesting to watch not only his battles, but also the relationship with his girlfriend and comrades. The tangle of intrigue and adventure begins to twist more and more, and in the final part a new round of Crowe’s investigations appears, which will be fully revealed in the next work of the series. The protagonist's hidden mission and thirst for entertainment pushes him to take adventurous actions, and few people around the gnome suspect that he can create intersections of spaces.

The atmosphere of the novel is impressive - the mysterious and outlandish Valdira is described in every detail. This is the skill of the writer of the LitRPG genre - to transfer the reader from reality to virtual space, creating the illusion of his participation in the game. The further you delve into the plot, the more references you see to other works that describe the world of Valdira. Dem Mikhailov created an ornate pattern of multi-colored threads leading to different facets of virtual reality.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Crowe. Harsh Lands" by Dem Mikhailov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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Continuation of Crow's adventures in the game World of Valdira!

Hard work and the desire to achieve a goal are the finest qualities for a businesslike gnome who has settled at the godforsaken guard post of Gray Peak.

Dwarf Crow doesn't bother anyone, he works quietly and helps his friends. But it’s as if they’re deliberately putting a spoke in his wheels – a mysterious and overly stern guard centurion Vurrius appears at the guard post, who fiercely hates foreign players. And then suddenly a sharp cold snap begins, and prickly snow falls from the sky. Crowe is unable to sort out his own problems, and then his friends ask for help in finding the woodcutters who have disappeared without a trace in the dense forest. Before the trouble-free dwarf had time to consider their request, fiery arrows streaked across the sky. A new strong enemy has arrived at the peaceful guard post...

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Continuation of Crow's adventures in the game World of Valdira!

Hard work and the desire to achieve a goal are the finest qualities for a businesslike gnome who has settled at the godforsaken guard post of Gray Peak.

Dwarf Crow doesn't bother anyone, he works quietly and helps his friends. But it’s as if they’re deliberately putting a spoke in his wheels – a mysterious and overly stern guard centurion Vurrius appears at the guard post, who fiercely hates foreign players. And then suddenly a sharp cold snap begins, and prickly snow falls from the sky. Crowe is unable to sort out his own problems, and then his friends ask for help in finding the woodcutters who have disappeared without a trace in the dense forest. Before the trouble-free dwarf had time to consider their request, fiery arrows streaked across the sky. A new strong enemy has arrived at the peaceful guard post...

The work was published in 2016 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the "LitRPG" series. On our website you can download the book "Crowe. Harsh Lands" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.75 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner’s online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.