First appearance of assol and grey. Meeting of assol and gray

To the question Excerpt “Scarlet Sails” Please write an excerpt: the first meeting of Assol and Gray. POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH Dina Orionova the best answer is
The ship was in the roadstead, not far from the lighthouse, and Captain Gray went out for a walk on the shore and, while walking, saw a beautiful sleeping girl, whose beauty shocked him. Having put an expensive antique ring on her finger, he went to the port to ask about the stranger. And soon in one of the taverns I learned the story of Assol. Arthur Gray was a romantic by nature. He loved everything unusual and beautiful, he loved miracles and often said that miracles should be done with your own hands. A chance meeting with Assol became decisive in his fate. Arthur Gray decided to turn his sailboat “Secret” into Assol’s dream come true, to give her a miracle made with his own hands. Thus a wonderful fairy tale came to life in Kaperna. A white ship with scarlet sails appeared on the horizon. In the boat that separated from the sailing ship stood Arthur Gray, the same fairy-tale prince that Assol imagined him to be. And she, joyful and happy, stepped straight from the waves onto the deck of the sailboat of her dreams. The next day, the ship, together with Assol and Gray, sailed from Kaperna to the sounds of a cello, singing about happiness in an unearthly voice.

Answer from Igor Dutyshev[newbie]
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Excerpt "Scarlet Sails" Please write an excerpt: the first meeting of Assol and Gray. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooofor
Dina Orionova Student (198), Poll question 1 year ago
Natalia Artificial Intelligence (315126) 1 year ago
Arthur Gray was “born with a living soul”, able to feel other people’s pain, prone to dreams and adventures. Arthur Gray "was born a captain, wanted to be a captain, and became one." In the fifteenth year of his life, Arthur Gray secretly left home and hired himself as a cabin boy on a schooner. Thanks to perseverance, perseverance and patience, he became a real sailor and soon bought the three-masted ship “Secret”. Gray sailed across the seas and oceans for four years until fate brought him to Liss.
The ship was in the roadstead, not far from the lighthouse, and Captain Gray went out for a walk on the shore and, while walking, saw a beautiful sleeping girl, whose beauty shocked him. Having put an expensive antique ring on her finger, he went to the port to ask about the stranger. And soon in one of the taverns I learned the story of Assol. Arthur Gray was a romantic by nature. He loved everything unusual and beautiful, he loved miracles and often said that miracles should be done with your own hands. A chance meeting with Assol became decisive in his fate. Arthur Gray decided to turn his sailboat “Secret” into Assol’s dream come true, to give her a miracle made with his own hands. Thus a wonderful fairy tale came to life in Kaperna. A white ship with scarlet sails appeared on the horizon. In the boat that separated from the sailing ship stood Arthur Gray, the same fairy-tale prince that Assol imagined him to be. And she, joyful and happy, stepped straight from the waves onto the deck of the sailboat of her dreams. The next day, the ship, together with Assol and Gray, sailed from Kaperna to the sounds of a cello, singing about happiness in an unearthly voice.

Ecology of consciousness: Why did little stupid Assol wait for her Gray, and even under scarlet sails? But the question is extremely interesting. You say: it’s a fairy tale, and it doesn’t happen like that? Let's try to understand the romantic image created by male fantasy. What does any representative of the stronger sex want, even if he doesn’t admit it?

Why did little stupid Assol wait for her Gray, and even under scarlet sails? But the question is extremely interesting. You say: it’s a fairy tale, and it doesn’t happen like that?

Let's try to understand the romantic image created by male fantasy. On this topic exclusively for psychologist Valery Rozanov reflects.

What does any representative of the stronger sex want, even if he doesn’t admit it? Firstly, to be expected, and at the same time, preferably, for the rest of one’s life. But here you have every right to say that this is definitely too much, and you will be right. Then what's the matter?

Peter Lindbergh

Remember, “stupid” Assol believed in a fairy tale, opened up to her fate and waited for the prophecy to come true. And the key word here is " openness"Most women, being brought up as realists, do not allow themselves to even dream a little. Unless, perhaps, in very early youth.

But even at this time - blossoming, first love, inner spring - a “full-fledged” dream and expectation of a miracle does not work out. After all, we were all brought up among divorces and betrayals, and not necessarily among our closest relatives.

There are enough examples of neighbors, acquaintances, and finally films and books. Heartbreaking stories about unhappy love and the possible betrayal of a loved one sink deep into the subconscious. Parental instructions also go into the same “piggy bank”: look at life realistically, there are no miracles!

This is how female closeness arises, contrary to the natural psychological structure. And let feminists argue with me until the end of their days, but the internal structure of men and women is different! Scientists have long proven that women are more subtle and more emotional. After all, even the “variations” of possible emotions differ several times. According to one such study, about 300 nuances of reactions can be traced in men, and in women their number is close to a thousand.

Over the centuries, development has taken place, supported by the conditions of survival, physiological characteristics, moral standards of society and education. And is there any point in fighting this “fate”? It is unlikely that anyone will be able to give examples of a successful battle with Mother Nature. But there are countless cases of a wide variety of troubles when a person acted contrary to its laws.

So what to do? No matter how unrealistic it may sound: open up, trust your destiny. And in no way does this mean “bowing” one’s head before men or acting at the expense of spiritual development.Just the opposite: walking along a straight path on the Path to KNOWLEDGE is many times faster than wading through the thorns you planted not far from it.

A man is an active principle, movement, fullness. A woman is passivity and even, to some extent, truly emptiness. Their combination creates a single harmonious whole.

Smart, bright women are likely to resent the “emptiness.” But try to analyze what you are “filled with”. How many meetings that were or seemed like love have you had in your life? Even those that did not happen to you, but left a mark on your soul? And what was left after them?

Now just try for a moment to imagine what you would be like without fears and the dull needle of stuck memories of the pain caused. And, in the end, without the feeling of guilt, which, usually, hides deeper than everyone else, and therefore is least noticed.

There may be a “golden” and “unwonderful” prince nearby. But will a woman who doesn’t trust anyone, and is “head over heels” filled with past experiences, be able to notice Him? And when he finds it, let him come close?

But if you fill the same inner space with the desire for love and happiness, and allow yourself to build castles in the air... After all, what is a dream? – This is a fairly detailed mental formation of an image of what you want so badly. And any desired mental form sooner or later, but always! – brings to life the situation from his fantasies.

And now we can return to Assol again. In this image - the ideal “embodiment” of a dream into existence! Not a shadow of doubt, fear, mental loss and complete openness towards your cherished dream. And this is not the “wait” that begs for alms! Just pure, almost holy confidence that everything will be as she expects.

Moreover, this is a very feminine image. After all, everyone dreams of meeting someone smart, strong, kind and caring. And here several difficulties immediately arise. Firstly, for a man to show his strength, there must be weakness in his beloved.A modern woman is unlikely to dare to afford this.

But what happens: knowingly confident in the impossibility of a miracle of care and protection, we create Him within ourselves! The only one about whom they did not dare to dream. The embodiment of His strength, His confidence, His fighting qualities begins. Since this is, although artificial, our soul mate is quite real, then abandon it... And why?

But here the obvious choice arises between a bird in the hands and a pie in the sky. While your hands are busy, there can be no talk of any crane. And by choosing a “tit”, you get it: in most cases, your inner one and the one in the form of a “little man” slightly complements it. Moreover, exactly as much space remains free!

Peter Lindbergh

It’s scary... It’s very scary to stop being both a man and a woman. But these are the laws of our universe: the less you trust it, the less you get from life. And no one talks about the fact that one day we will be able to immediately throw off all the horrors of the past projected onto the future.

Of course, this is an inside job. But the main thing is to understand, realize your great destiny and release into the world a dream, cleared of all kinds of nightmares.

Start by asking yourself: how would I like a man to treat me? What should it be like? Think carefully, look at it from all sides. And if you succeed, then dream about the “impossible.”

Now ask yourself the following question: what should a woman be like to attract and be close to such a man? What qualities should she have? By the way, when answering it, it will be useful to observe life situations and read books.

This might interest you:

Even, from this point of view, watch some TV series, since from them you can extract information about the generally accepted (changing the worldview of your chosen one is not easy and it is better to know where you are starting from).

Find, collect this knowledge bit by bit to regain your natural feminine magic of charm! Little Assol lives in each one. So let her get out and help you become happy next to Him: your beloved, your only one. published

In the section on the question How did Assol and Gray meet!? given by the author Maria Nevskaya the best answer is Assol only dreamed of a handsome “prince”, and the prince accidentally saw her
sleeping in the forest. The predictions of the wandering storyteller Egle came true.

Answer from Fox Mulder.[guru]
He sailed and grabbed the canvas!

Answer from Olga Illarionova[active]
he is with her in the forest, and she is with him in the boat. She also said: exactly like that!

Answer from ********************************** [newbie]
One day Gray went fishing with his sailor. Gray saw a sleeping girl there. He really liked her. He took the most expensive beautiful ring from his finger and put it on her finger. Then he went with the sailor to a nearby tavern. There he learned about Assol and the prediction. He wanted to fulfill it.

Answer from Konstantin Chekmarev[guru]
And they didn’t even know each other until that moment.
when the boat leaves the ship under scarlet sails
didn't get close to the shore.

Answer from Natasha[expert]
"Assol - I'm here! I'm here!"
Gray - Hello, Assol! I'm Arthur Gray. I saw you in a dream and came to take you away. Forever.
Assol - Hello, Arthur Gray... How long have I been waiting for you, my captain!
Gray - How long have I been looking for you, my beautiful Assol!
Assol - Exactly the way I imagined you.
Gray - And you, the same as in dreams, my child. Thank you for waiting.
Assol - Thanks for finding it. (Smiles slyly) Aren’t you going to fight?
Gray - I won't have time for this.
Assol - What will you do?
Gray - Loving you!
Assol - And will you take my Longren to us?
Gray - In our house there is always a place for those who are dear to you! "

The romantic story “Scarlet Sails” became the calling card of its author. The heroine of this work is a girl who lost her mother. She lives with her father, who is honest and kind. Her whole world is fantasies and dreams, once inspired by the prediction of a song collector. Such a romantic image as Assol became the embodiment of a dream that will come true if you just believe in it. The characterization of the heroine is the topic of this article.


Authors of literary works sometimes use various elements of a fairy tale in their work. This technique allows you to reveal the plot, characters, and give the work a lyrical or philosophical meaning. He called his story an extravaganza. In this work, realism is combined with magic, and fantasy with reality. And, perhaps, thanks to the use of such artistic means, the image of a girl named Assol became the most touching and sublime in Russian literature.

The characteristics of this heroine once seemed consonant with the adherents of the socialist idea with their main postulates. That is why Green’s work was widely popular in the Soviet Union. Today the passions for “Scarlet Sails” have subsided. And the image of the main character of this story took its rightful place in literature. But what inspired the author to write such a romantic story?

Creating the image of Assol

The characteristics of this character include traits that were also characteristic of its author. Since childhood, Alexander Grinevsky dreamed of the seas and distant countries. But the romantic personality was increasingly faced with harsh reality. In his dreams he saw beautiful things in reality - a coaster. Grinevsky strove for sublime friendship, but experienced only contempt and ridicule from professional sailors. The desire to defeat rudeness and skepticism arose in the soul of a romantic man, but outwardly reminiscent of the hero of his main book - Longren, Assol's father.

The characteristics of the unlucky sailor, but a talented writer, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, are as follows: a rather gloomy, ugly person, unable to win over his interlocutor at the first meeting. The writer's fate was also unlike a fairy tale. But it is known that it was precisely in the years when he had nowhere to lay his head that he created one of the most famous literary heroines - the girl Assol.

“Scarlet Sails” was written by Green at a time when all the foundations of life were collapsing around him. The writer sometimes even went hungry, since his creativity did not bring him any income. But he carried with him everywhere the manuscript, which later became one of the greatest works in Russian literature. He put all his aspirations and hopes into the plot of this story and believed, like Assol, that Petrograd would one day see “Scarlet Sails.” This was during the period of revolutionary events, but the color of the banner on the treasured ship had nothing to do with the red rebel banner. These were only his “Scarlet Sails”. Assol’s characterization echoed the characteristics of the author’s own mental make-up. And it was extremely difficult to exist with them in the world of ordinary people and skeptics.

Do scarlet sails exist?

The characterization of Assol is used by the author only to the extent necessary. The main theme in the story is hope. The character of the main character is not decisive. It is known that she is a reserved, modest and dreamy girl. She lost her mother very early, and since her father lost his job, the only source of food for their family was the sale of wooden toys.

The girl was lonely, although her father loved her dearly. One day she met the storyteller Egle, who predicted the arrival of a magical ship with sails. There would be a prince on board, and he would certainly take Assol with him.

The girl believed in the fairy tale, but those around her laughed at her and thought she was crazy. And yet the dream came true. One day Assol saw scarlet sails.

Characteristics of the heroine from a romantic fairy tale

There is an artistic movement in literature, which is characterized by the affirmation of spiritual and almost unattainable values. It's called romanticism. The works of this direction contain fairy-tale and mythological motifs. And their heroes are in a constant search for some ideal. German romantics dreamed of a blue flower. Scarlet sails became a similar ideal for Assol. The characterization of Alexander Greene's heroine in this regard includes typical

Arthur Gray image

The prince, whose appearance the storyteller predicted, was an ordinary young man, although from a wealthy family. Since childhood, like the author of the story, he dreamed of becoming a captain. An irresistible desire to comprehend the wisdom of marine science pushed him to leave his home. At first he was a simple sailor, but years later his dream came true. Gray acquired his own ship and became captain. And one day he heard stories about the crazy dreams of a girl who couldn’t wait for a prince on a fairy-tale ship. He was touched by Assol's dream, and he decided to make it come true.

Dreams Come True…

The captain ordered the scarlet sails to be raised. The ship entered the port, and a girl was waiting for him on the shore. Everything happened exactly as good Egle prophesied. And it doesn’t matter that Assol Gray learned about the dream in advance. The main thing is faith and hope. After all, they can save a person even in the most difficult times. The characterization of Assol and Gray was compiled by the author based on his personal worldview and life experience. The main feature of these characters is the ability to believe in a dream. And this is precisely what, perhaps, saved the writer when he was in exile. A. Green's life was quite difficult, but he always found a place for miracles in his heart. Even when those around him did not understand and condemned him.

The appearance of the heroine

The appearance and character of the girl with the beautiful name Assol are not of paramount importance in the story. The characterization of the heroine, as already mentioned, is less significant than her ability to believe in a dream. But still, a little should be said about the appearance of this character.

Assol is presented in the story as the owner of a thick head of hair, tied up in a headscarf. Her smile was gentle, and her gaze seemed to contain some sad question. The figure of the heroine is depicted by A. Green as fragile and thin. The girl worked diligently, helping her father create miniature ships from wood.

Assol is the personification of gentle beauty, spiritual meekness and hard work. And this is not surprising, because this is precisely the typical heroine of many well-known romantic fairy tales, who spends a long time waiting for a handsome prince. As it should be according to the laws of the genre, at the end of the magical story all Assol’s dreams come true.

“Scarlet Sails” by A. Green is a lyrical fairy tale about the love of life, faith in people and the all-conquering power of hope, which can work amazing miracles.

Assol and Arthur Gray, the main characters of the fairy tale “Scarlet Sails,” turn a beautiful dream into reality. Assol's childhood was difficult and joyless. Soon after the girl was born, her mother caught a cold and died, and her father, the sailor Longren, was forced to leave service and devote himself entirely to his daughter. He made his living by making toy models of boats, sailboats, and speedboats. The income was small, but it was enough for him and his daughter. However, Longren's relations with neighbors and other residents of Kaperna were complex. They didn’t just dislike him, they hated him, shunned him, despised him, and this attitude passed on to Assol. The residents of Kaperna could not understand and forgive Longern, who did not want to help the distressed shopkeeper Menners, who was responsible for the death of his wife. The residents of Kaperna, “who did not know how to love,” could not understand Longren. Hating the father, they began to hate the daughter. Assol grew up alone, without girlfriends or friends. Her real joy was communicating with her father. She loved to talk to him for a long time, helped him in everything. By nature, Assol was a calm, balanced, slightly romantic girl. Once, when she was delivering toys to the shopkeeper in the city, Assol met the storyteller Egl, who told her a wonderful fairy tale about a white ship with scarlet sails, a handsome, brave prince would sail on this ship and take her to his fairy-tale country. The kind, naive girl believed the storyteller and her father, who did not. to convince her of the opposite: “in the future she will have to see a lot of not scarlet, but dirty and predatory sails from afar - elegant and white, close up - torn and arrogant.”

So Assol grew up, believing in miracles, until one day she actually saw on the horizon a large white ship with wonderful scarlet sails. The ship was led by Arthur Gray, a handsome prince from a fairy tale told by the kind storyteller Egle.

Arthur Gray was “born with a living soul”, able to feel other people’s pain, prone to dreams and adventures. Arthur Gray "was born a captain, wanted to be a captain, and became one." In the fifteenth year of his life, Arthur Gray secretly left home and hired himself as a cabin boy on a schooner. Thanks to perseverance, perseverance and patience, he became a real sailor and soon bought the three-masted ship “Secret”. Gray sailed across the seas and oceans for four years until fate brought him to Liss.

The ship was in a roadstead, not far from the lighthouse, and Captain Gray went out for a walk ashore and, while walking, saw a beautiful sleeping girl, whose beauty shocked him. Having put an expensive antique ring on her finger, he went to the port to ask about the stranger. And soon in one of the taverns I learned the story of Assol. Arthur Gray was a romantic by nature. He loved everything unusual and beautiful, he loved miracles and often said that miracles should be done with your own hands. A chance meeting with Assol became decisive in his fate. Arthur Gray decided to turn his sailboat “Secret” into Assol’s dream come true, to give her a miracle made with his own hands. Thus a wonderful fairy tale came to life in Kaperna. A white ship with scarlet sails appeared on the horizon. In the boat that separated from the sailing ship stood Arthur Gray, the same fairy-tale prince that Assol imagined him to be. And she, joyful and happy, stepped straight from the waves onto the deck of the sailboat of her dreams. The next day, the ship, together with Assol and Gray, sailed from Kaperna to the sounds of a cello, singing about happiness in an unearthly voice.