Why do we live in three-dimensional space? Why do people live on earth? Why is a person born and lives?

What can a person who has visited 120 countries of the world say about this!

In order to understand why we, people in post-Soviet countries, live so poorly, you need to visit those countries where they live well. Simply put, you need to look at yourself from the outside, because, as they say, you always know better from the outside... But not everyone has such a wonderful opportunity to look at themselves from the outside.

But one person has already managed to do this more than once: he travels very, very much and has already visited more than 500 different cities and towns in more than 120 countries.

During these trips, the difference in the appearance of cities and countries and the mentality of their inhabitants was immediately striking: some were cozy, warm and good, while others were gloomy, cold and bad... Comparing the philosophy and psychology of the inhabitants of different countries and the level development of these countries, one can easily identify the reasons why we live so poorly.

Artemy Lebedev is the founder and artistic director of the largest, most famous and expensive design studio in the entire post-Soviet space, whose services are used mainly by large customers. It’s called “Artemy Lebedev Studio”..

Bad life - stinginess of selfishness

Every person has a so-called “comfort zone”. And this absolutely does not depend on where he is. Even a homeless person has a comfort zone, although it is limited to his refrigerator box. For this reason, Artemy Lebedev believes that the difference in living standards affects the comfort zone of citizens much more than the wealth of the country: for example, Russia is one of the richest countries in the world, but its standard of living, to put it mildly, is very weak.

Let's take Europe. For a person living in Europe, the comfort zone extends much further than just his apartment: it covers his landing, his courtyard, his street, his block. And even the center of his city. Despite this, it is noteworthy that the outskirts of European cities are just as terrible as ours: panel housing is pretty creepy everywhere, so a French mining town is not much different from the dull outskirts of Donetsk.

As for post-Soviet countries, for some reason the comfort zone of most contemporaries ends at their front door. The upholstery they made for their door will still be within the comfort zone, but a centimeter from the threshold will no longer be. Most modern inhabitants don’t care what’s there: terrible oil paint, a bicycle, or some chest from the fifties displayed by neighbors.

Everyone thinks only about their own momentary comfort...

This is probably why we have the same rulers: they only care about themselves and have no idea how the people live. Of course, because for this they need to live together with the people and in the same conditions in which the people live.

Simply put, the comfort zone of the post-Soviet government in most cases is, first of all, their personal interests, for the sake of which, to be honest, hand on heart, they became “representatives of the people”, and only then the people, because there will be the next elections - We have to do at least something for them...

Any government acting without the consent of those
whom it rules - this is the exhaustive formula of slavery!
Jonathan Swift. Aphorisms and quotes

Thus, the indifference of each of us towards others makes us slaves of others! We irresponsibly put ourselves in front of others - an irresponsible government comes... Such cunning karma is the law of justice.

It is very important to understand that we are on one round planet - Earth: we are like one family, where everyone’s happiness depends on everyone’s contribution to this happiness. Therefore, the basis of human life is caring and helping others, only in this case there will be prosperity and happiness. Just remember the second law of thermodynamics - the force of action is equal to the force of reaction.

In relation to our case, it is more clearly stated in Newton’s third law: “The actions of two bodies on each other are equal.” The only thing that is important to understand is that the echo comes some time later. It’s the same in a person’s life: most of his actions boomerang back to him through other people after some time... The earth is round :)

Because we get what we sow...

Therefore, if a person is indifferent and selfish towards others, then such a person will undergo severe trials in life, which will change his attitude towards others and vision of life. It’s a pity that a person will spend part of his already short life on this lesson...

Continuation of the article " Why do we live so badly" in the article "Do you want to live well? "..

based on an article by Artemy Lebedev


5.03.2015, 13:19 [#155154]

Question: Why do we live in this world?

Answer: In childhood, every child asks about this, starting from 5-6 years old until puberty problems begin.

We ask these questions because inside us there is a so-called “reshimo” - a spiritual gene that requires its development, which presses on us from within.

This gene, this desire must receive fulfillment, an answer to the question: “Why do we live? Why do we live? What is the meaning of life?” Subsequently, we forget about this issue and in the race of our lives we do not return to it, we do not have time to think about it, we consider it a useless thought.

But we see that this question captivates us all the time, in all sorts of situations in our lives. And in our time, according to the number of people who are in despair, getting divorced, using drugs, taking medications for depression, we see that this issue is still very strong.

This gene is embedded in us, because as a result of our development, our evolution, we must reach a state in which we all ask the question: “Why live? What is the point of this? Is there a need to live?”

You can ask differently: why did nature, so perfect and purposeful, create a person with such great potential and leave him without an answer to the question: “How to build a life? What to achieve in life?”

We see what enormous wisdom lies in every cell, in every organism, in the connection between them. And how many we have not yet revealed! But even from what we uncover through science, we see what amazing wisdom lies in all this rich mechanism.

And we, as the top, as a result of this entire amazing system, do not see the meaning in our lives. How is this possible?! Of course, there is a purpose in our existence, but we do not yet know about it and must discover it.

Therefore, anyone who wonders about the meaning of life ultimately comes to the science of Kabbalah.

From the program on radio station 103FM, 01/18/2015


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Why do we often think about the question of what is the meaning of life? What do we live for? How to live to be happy? What do I need to be happy? What happens when I succeed or fail? What will my parents say if I don’t live up to their expectations? How to find the strength to get up from your knees after another defeat? Why should we experience defeats and trials, what is the point? Why does everyone say to draw conclusions by observing other people's mistakes? And why do we form these conclusions only when we make mistakes ourselves? Why can’t we implement our plans the first time, or even worse, don’t understand what we want? All these weighty and seemingly banal questions arise in the thoughts of every conscious person.

Every day we watch the ups and downs of different people, our family, friends or strangers. Even as children, we ask our parents many strange questions, including: “Mom, what is life? What is its meaning, why does everyone live differently?” And often parents do not explain things clearly to us, perhaps because they themselves made mistakes along their path in life. It is logical that every child is dominated by positive emotions, bright dreams, hopes, smiles and fun.

The older we get, the more such pure, frank, childish optimism moves away from us. At school we begin to encounter the first manifestations of injustice. When children treat each other differently, criticize their parents for their appearance, financial situation, or have dissimilar views on a particular situation. Also, children are always surprised by the attitude of teachers, their preferences and encouragement for this or that child. First, the child’s future worldview is formed in the family environment. Parents, by their attitude towards each other, towards children, towards life and problems on their way, form a certain model-scheme of the future child. Therefore, when children grow up, they often try to imitate their parents, or, on the contrary, not to repeat mistakes.

As adults, when we begin to soberly observe everything and everyone around us, we think about the above-mentioned questions. This childish naivety disappears, uncertainty and confusion appear, because of which we often don’t know what we want to achieve in life and how to make the right choice. Despite the strong-willed people who have already realized themselves in life and made their dreams come true, we wonder where we can get so much patience, willpower and desire to work. After all, it’s no secret that basically the path to success is “covered with thorns,” of course, if your parents are not millionaires and don’t put you up to everything. Rich and smart people break through walls of problems and disappointments on the way to their dreams. Some reach the goal, while others give up and crush their good intentions and projects into powder, not finding inner strength and support from others, focusing on their own fears and prejudices.

So what is the reason for such falls on the path to success?

After successive failures, people begin to analyze every step, looking for a mistake. Sometimes they think that they understand where they made a mistake, and sometimes they shift the blame onto someone else (it’s just as simpler, right?). But why, understanding the reasons for failures, nothing works out again and again?

Often their unbridled impulse to change everything for the better fades away after a month or two or even in a matter of days. The reason could be anything. Starting from uncertainty in choice, "friendly advice", bad luck, uncertainty, lack of motivation or support - ending with complex disappointment in everything and everyone. In fact, scientists have conducted many studies that have found that there is no universal cause of falls.

It often seems that some evil force of bad luck is constantly holding us back, hindering us and criticizing us, no matter what we undertake. The reason for everything lies in a more philosophical and spiritual world, and not in external factors. It’s not for nothing that there is a statement: “All our thoughts materialize.” But what if this is really true? Then in order to achieve our goal and, above all, understand our desires, we need to learn to think in a positive direction, and most importantly, think about what we are thinking about (no matter how absurd it is no matter what it sounds like)! Also, everything depends on even very small steps and decisions that we take hundreds of times every day. It is such small steps that become the foundation and building blocks of our success in life. It is in the sea of ​​such insignificant and simple steps that our secret treasures lie. , hiding hopes, desires and dreams!

In order to go through an ocean of trials on the way to a dream, often there is not enough willpower, motivation, support or moral push (the so-called kick or the phrases: “Gather your willpower into a fist and don’t start snot”). All these factors usually help you move forward, but often not for long. We are afraid of monotony and are afraid of changes, not knowing what they will be. Therefore, our dreams pull us to the bottom if we are not confident in ourselves. Willpower is one of the significant factors on the path to self-development. Very often you can hear the statement that willpower is the ability to force ourselves to do things that we don’t like. This statement is undoubtedly wrong. In fact, the ability to choose your long-awaited activity among many options is willpower.

People have been training their willpower for centuries, exhausting themselves physically and mentally with unnecessary things. Only after such misunderstandings with oneself do they understand the meaning of the concept - willpower. Its meaning is to voluntarily work on oneself and something, without violence. But what should people do if, having chosen the desired lifestyle, they cannot once again realize everything they have planned?

And the question arises: “Why am I not living the way I want?” First of all, this is because we are strongly influenced by external factors: the situation in the country, the economy and lack of money, bad luck with love, disappointment in a person, lack of proper education, or even banal envy of successful people. Because of such things, we have forgotten how to listen to ourselves, to our hearts and minds. And the ability to understand yourself is the most important for any implementation of your plans. It doesn’t matter whether our desires concern the sphere of personal relationships, family, friends, education, work or leisure. All areas are interconnected and without creating the desired model for each of them, we will not feel happy and successful. Therefore, you should always remember the phrase mentioned earlier in this article: “All our thoughts materialize.”

If your dream does not come true after the first, second or tenth attempt, perhaps you should think about it - is it your longed dream or the advice of a friend or brother, because it will be better? If the desire is really yours and it is sincere and strong, you make incredible efforts and daily work to realize it, and not just visualize it in your thoughts, believe me, it will come true!

Often we don’t live the way we want, because we don’t believe in our own strengths and capabilities to achieve success. Many people make mistakes or choose, for example, a profession that is not theirs. But they don't give up. For example, the story of one mathematics teacher, who taught at the university for 15 years, touched his students and became a driving force for them. He taught mathematics to children and students every day for 15 years, which he hated in his heart. He was tired of the constant checking of notebooks, surveys and the University atmosphere. One day he decided to change his profession, as he wanted. He was always interested in the field of information technology and, in his free time, independently studied program testing. Having studied a lot of theory, he submitted his resume to an IT company, where he subsequently successfully passed an interview and changed jobs. He risked his career and the respect of his colleagues and students, but did not change his own desire and succeeded on his own.

So, even the stories of simple and little-known people help us move on. The main thing is to believe in your own strengths, work well, not be afraid of self-development, change for the better and confidently know what we want! Then everyone will live exactly the way they want!

“Success is nothing more than a few simple rules followed daily, and failure is simply a few mistakes repeated daily.” Jim Rohn.

We live in a three-dimensional world: length, width and depth. Some may object: “What about the fourth dimension - time?” Indeed, time is also a dimension. But the question of why space is measured in three dimensions is a mystery to scientists. New research explains why we live in a 3D world.

The question of why space is three-dimensional has tormented scientists and philosophers since ancient times. Indeed, why exactly three dimensions, and not ten or, say, 45?

In general, space-time is four-dimensional (or 3+1-dimensional): three dimensions form space, the fourth dimension is time. There are also philosophical and scientific theories about the multidimensionality of time, which suggest that there are actually more dimensions of time than it seems: the familiar arrow of time, directed from the past to the future through the present, is just one of the possible axes. This makes possible various science fiction projects, such as time travel, and also creates a new, multivariate cosmology that allows for the existence of parallel universes. However, the existence of additional time dimensions has not yet been scientifically proven.

Let's return to our 3+1-dimensional dimension. We are well aware that the measurement of time is related to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that in a closed system - such as our Universe - entropy (the measure of chaos) always increases. The universal disorder cannot decrease. Therefore, time is always directed forward - and nothing else.

In a new paper published in EPL, researchers have suggested that the second law of thermodynamics may also explain why space is three-dimensional.

“A number of researchers in the field of science and philosophy have addressed the problem of the (3 + 1)-dimensional nature of space-time, justifying the choice of this particular number due to its stability and ability to support life,” said study co-author Julian Gonzalez-Ayala from the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico and the University of Salamanca in Spain to the Phys.org portal. “The value of our work lies in the fact that we present reasoning based on a physical model of the dimension of the Universe with a suitable and reasonable space-time scenario. We are the first to state that the number “three” in the dimension of space arises as an optimization of a physical quantity.”

Previously, scientists paid attention to the dimension of the Universe in connection with the so-called atropic principle: “We see the Universe like this, because only in such a Universe could an observer, a person, arise.” The three-dimensionality of space was explained by the possibility of maintaining the Universe in the form in which we observe it. If the Universe had many dimensions, according to Newton's law of gravity, stable orbits of planets and even the atomic structure of matter would not be possible: electrons would fall onto nuclei.

In this study, scientists took a different route. They proposed that space is three-dimensional due to a thermodynamic quantity, the Helmholtz free energy density. In a Universe filled with radiation, this density can be thought of as pressure in space. Pressure depends on the temperature of the Universe and on the number of spatial dimensions.

Researchers have shown what might have happened in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang, called the Planck Epoch. At the moment when the Universe began to cool, the Helmholtz density reached its first maximum. Then the age of the Universe was a fraction of a second, and there were exactly three spatial dimensions. The key idea of ​​the study is that three-dimensional space was “frozen” as soon as the Helmholtz density reached its maximum value, which prohibits the transition to other dimensions.

The picture below shows how this happened. Left - free energy densityHelmholtz (e) reaches its maximum value at temperature T = 0.93, which occurs when space was three-dimensional (n = 3). S and U represent entropy densities and internal energy densities, respectively. The right shows that the transition to multidimensionality does not occur at temperatures below 0.93, which corresponds to three dimensions.

This happened due to the second law of thermodynamics, which allows transitions to higher dimensions only when the temperature is above a critical value - not a degree less. The Universe is continuously expanding, and elementary particles, photons, are losing energy - so our world is gradually cooling: Now the temperature of the Universe is much lower than the level that implies a transition from the 3D world to multidimensional space.

The researchers explain that spatial dimensions are similar to states of matter, and the transition from one dimension to another resembles a phase transition, such as the melting of ice, which is possible only at very high temperatures.

“During the cooling of the early Universe and after reaching the first critical temperature, the principle of entropy increment for closed systems could prohibit certain changes in dimensionality,” the researchers comment.

This assumption still leaves room for higher dimensions that existed during the Planck era, when the Universe was even hotter than it was at its critical temperature.

Extra dimensions are present in many cosmological models—most notably, string theory. This research may help explain why, in some of these models, extra dimensions have disappeared or remained as tiny as they were in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang, while 3D space continues to grow throughout the observable Universe.

In the future, the researchers plan to improve their model to include additional quantum effects that may have occurred in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. In addition, the results of the augmented model can also provide guidance for researchers working on other cosmological models such as quantum gravity.