Presentation on the topic Mikhail Sholokhov. Presentation on the topic Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov: fate and creativity One of the most remarkable characters in the novel, grandfather Shchukar, reverses the one-sided serious meaning of what is happening, first showing

Sections: Literature

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  1. Give an overview of the life and creative path of M.A. Sholokhov; show the significance of his creativity and social activities.
  2. Develop comparative analysis skills and independent judgment of students.
  3. Cultivate interest in the work of M.A. Sholokhov.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Methods and techniques: use of interdisciplinary connections with history (historical situation of the 20-30s); teacher's message about the significance of Sholokhov's personality and works in world culture; student reports on the biography and work of the writer, filling out a chronological table, showing slides.

Form of presentation: slide presentation using new information technologies.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation created in the MS POWER POINT environment on the topic: “M.A. Sholokhov. Life, creativity, personality." Exhibition of illustrative and documentary materials about the life and work of M.A. Sholokhov.

Preparatory stage.

1. Students prepare individual assignments:

  1. A message about the life and work of M.A. Sholokhov.
  2. Learn by heart V. Firsov’s poem “The House in which Sholokhov was born.”
  3. A concise retelling of M.A. Sholokhov’s work “Nakhalyonok”.
  4. Report on M.A. Sholokhov’s collection “Don Stories”.
  5. Report on the novel "Quiet Don".
  6. Learn by heart N. Rylenkov’s poem “There are eternal depths in the Quiet Don.”
  7. Learn by heart A. Safronov’s poem “...You will go to the village...”.
  8. Report on the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned”.
  9. A message about the story “The Fate of Man.”

2. Design of the exhibition “M.A. Sholokhov. Life, creativity, personality."

3. Presentation on the topic: “M.A. Sholokhov. Life, creativity, personality."

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Studying new material.

Introductory speech by the teacher about the goals and objectives of the lesson.

The teacher shows slide No. 1 (lesson topic).

Children write down the date and topic of the lesson in notebooks and draw a chronological table.

The teacher shows slide No. 2 (a portrait of the writer and a list of regalia).

Here is a portrait of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov, an outstanding Soviet writer and public figure. The list of titles and awards of Sholokhov speaks of the significance of the writer’s figure not only in Russian, but also in world culture.

The teacher shows slide number 3 and reads the epigraph for the lesson.

“How else can the life and work of each of us be justified, if not the trust of the people, not the recognition that you are giving all your strength and abilities to the people..., to the Motherland.”

M.A. Sholokhov.

Classical music is playing. Student message.

On May 24, 1905, in the Kruzhilinsky village of the village of Veshenskaya, Don district, a son, Mikhail, was born to Anastasia Danilovna Kuznetsova and Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov.

The teacher shows slide number 4 (the house in which Sholokhov was born).

The student recites V. Firsov’s poem “The House in which Sholokhov was born.”

Among the six continents
In the land where the Don splashes,
Stands at the turn of two centuries
Thatched house.
I bow to him deeply
Without knocking on the window.
Other people in that house
They live a long time ago.
But the same blue in the windows.
And he also remembers the house of the one
Who's the first words
It was a difficult start here.

Student message.

Before the death of Anastasia Danilovna’s first husband in 1913, the parents of the future writer were not married, since the church did not recognize divorces. After the wedding, Misha was “adopted” by his own father.

Sholokhov's mother came from a peasant family, his father came from the Ryazan province, sowed grain on purchased Cossack land, and was a clerk managing a steam mill. In 1910, Alexander Mikhailovich with Anastasia Danilovna and son Misha moved to the Karginsky farm, renting an apartment in the center of the farm.

In 1912, Misha was admitted to the men's school in his second year of study. Due to an eye disease, Alexander Mikhailovich took his son to Moscow, to the famous eye hospital of Dr. Snegirev, where Misha was assigned to a private gymnasium named after G. Shelaputin.

The teacher shows slide No. 5 (photo from a family album) and comments.

Here is a photo from a family album. Alexander Mikhailovich and Anastasia Danilovna with their son Misha, a 1st grade student at the parish school.

Misha loved his mother very much. An intelligent, energetic woman, she paid a lot of attention to raising her son.

Student message.

In 1915, Alexander Mikhailovich transferred him to the Bogucharovsky Men's Gymnasium, Voronezh province. In June 1918, German troops approached Boguchar, classes at the gymnasium stopped. Alexander Mikhailovich took his son. In the fall, Misha was sent to the Veshenskaya mixed gymnasium. He studied there for only a few months. In 1919, the Sholokhov family moved again to the village of Karginskaya.

The teacher shows slide number 6 (biography and work of the writer from 1920 to 1923).

Student message.

In mid-1920, Sholokhov worked as a teacher to eliminate illiteracy among the adult population. He worked in the Karginsky village executive committee for almost a year. In 1921, he was enrolled as an assistant accountant at procurement office No. 32.

On February 23, 1922, by order of the Donobl Food Committee, Mikhail Sholokhov, as part of a group of food workers, was sent to Rostov for food courses. Having graduated from them on May 4, 1922, he returned home on May 12 and immediately went to food work in the village of Bukanovskaya.

At the end of 1922, at the age of 17, he came to Moscow, intending to study. I couldn’t enroll in a workers’ school; I work as a laborer, educating myself.

Meets here with poets and writers of the Young Guard group. In 1923, the newspaper Yunosheskaya Pravda published his first feuilleton, “Test.” Next year – the story “Spring”.

The teacher shows slide No. 7 (photo of M. Sholokhov with his wife Maria Gromoslavskaya).

Student message.

At the beginning of 1924, M. Sholokhov returned to the Don, to the village of Bukanovskaya, and married Maria Petrovna Gromoslavskaya, the daughter of the former village ataman, a Bukanovskaya teacher. The newlyweds got married in the Bukanovskaya Church. In 1924, the newlyweds lived in Moscow for some time. Sholokhov visited the editorial offices, offering stories he had written.

The ability to reveal the truth of reality in acute social and everyday conflicts, a heartfelt perception of mental movements, the desire to “link” the world of feelings and reality into a single whole characterize the stories “Nakhalyonok”, “Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic” (1925), “Alien Blood” (1926), "Wormhole (1926).

The teacher shows slide No. 8 (cover of M.A. Sholokhov’s book “Nakhalyonok”) and comments.

Student message. A condensed retelling of the story “Nakhalyonok” sounds.

Student message.

In 1924, Sholokhov’s stories appeared in magazines, later combined into the collections “Don Stories” and “Azure Steppe” (1926). The themes of the early stories are the civil war on the Don, the fierce class struggle, the place of man in the social changes taking place in the village. Stories became a famous phenomenon in Soviet literature in the first half of the 20s.

Student's message about the collection "Don Stories".

Teacher's comments.

Already in “Don Stories”, which prepared “Quiet Don”, the civil war is depicted “anti-romantically”, without embellishment. “The pages of the stories are thickly stained with blood,” wrote Biryukov. Class hatred is stronger than family feelings. A son executes his own father, the father kills his own son in a fight. Sholokhov shows how “ugly simply” people died.

Student message.

In 1925, Sholokhov met with A. Serafimovich, who said “words of approval and recognition.” The writer retained his gratitude to Serafimovich throughout his life, considering him one of his first teachers.

In the same year, the writer’s father, Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov, died. And in February 1926, daughter Svetlana was born.

The teacher shows slide No. 9 (the cover of the novel-newspaper in which the novel “Quiet Don” and the writer’s work from 1926 to 1928 were first published) .

Student message.

At the end of 1926, Sholokhov began writing the novel “Quiet Don” (1928 - 1940), the first book of which was published at the beginning of 1928 and immediately received recognition and enthusiastic reviews from M. Gorky and A. Serafimovich. In 1929, the second book “Quiet Don” was published in separate editions.

The novel brought the writer world fame. This work depicts the Don Cossacks during the First World War and the Civil War, and with exceptional force depicts the fate of the people and individuals in the revolution.

Student's message about the novel "Quiet Don".

The teacher shows slide No. 10 (stills from the film “Quiet Flows the Don” and a painting by the artist Vereisky “The Wedding Scene of Grigory and Natalya”).


On this slide you see footage from the film “Quiet Don,” which was filmed in 1957 by director Gerasimov. It was a 3-part color feature film that earned nationwide recognition.

Grigory Melekhov was played by Pyotr Glebov; Aksinya - Elina Bystritskaya.

In the lower left corner is a painting by the artist Vereisky “The Wedding Scene of Grigory and Natalya.”

Poems sound.

Nikolay Rylenkov.

There are eternal depths in "Quiet Don"
What our people call their conscience.
The thunderstorm is thundering, or the sky is clear,
We again and again, forgetting the roads,
Like the first time, he will come to him, and behold...
Everything small is gone. The soul is bottomless.
The holy thirst for action burns the palms,
The holy thirst for truth burns the heart.

Anatoly Sofronov.

... You go to the village - it’s on the mountain,
Cossack women in short shawls hurry to the general store.
Everyone is a stranger, and it’s a shame...
I wish I could find out the names of passers-by.
I would like to immediately guess:
In a burgundy jacket or a blue jacket
Aksinya flashed behind the left,
And how old can she be given now?
The sky brightens by noon and becomes clearer
The village is all elevated on a hill,
And the blue courtyard in the greenery
It was as if a dove had flown over her.

The teacher shows slide No. 11 (cover of the book by M.A. Sholokhov “Virgin Soil Upturned” and footage from the film adaptation of this novel).

Student message.

Work on completing the third book is interrupted, as Sholokhov begins work on the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned” (original title “With sweat and blood”), published in 1932 and which became an event in the literary life of the country.

“Quiet Don” covered the most important decade of Russian life (1912 – 1922); “Virgin Soil Upturned” (1932 – 1960) tells the story of 1930, a revolutionary turning point in the life of the village: dispossession and collectivization are reflected in the novel.

Teacher's comments.

“Virgin Soil Upturned” was filmed twice: in 1940 by director Yu. Raizman, in 1960 by director Ivanov.

Student's message about the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned.”

The teacher shows slide No. 12 (photo of Sholokhov at the front and biography of the writer from 1941 to 1944).

Student message.

In March 1941, the novel “Quiet Don” was awarded the State

(Stalin) Prize 1st degree.

During the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov was a war correspondent for Pravda and Red Star, and often went to the front. His essays “On the Don”, “On the Smolensk Direction”, and the story “The Science of Hate” were published in various publications and were very popular, inspiring soldiers to feats of arms.

During the war, he began publishing chapters from the new novel “They Fought for the Motherland” (a revised version was published in 1969).

The feat of the people in the Patriotic War determined the plot-compositional and emotional-style structure of the unfinished novel “They Fought for the Motherland.”

Contrasting alternations of pictures of a peaceful, although already disturbed, working life with images of short soldiers’ respites and suddenly breaking out battles allow the writer to recreate a single image of a warring people.

The teacher shows slide No. 13 (the cover of the book “The Fate of Man” and the years of publication of this story).

Student message.

The story “The Fate of a Man” (1956 – 1957) has become a famous phenomenon in literature. The tragic life story is taken in its connection with the events of the war - historical trials in the life of the people, the state and the individual. From the life of Andrei Sokolov, the author selects only that which makes it possible to comprehend human fate in connection with tragic events. This allows the writer to show Man and War, the incompatibility of peace and fascism.

The teacher shows slide number 14 ( stills from the film "The Fate of Man"). Comments.

Here are stills from the film “The Fate of Man,” which was filmed by director Sergei Bondarchuk in 1959. The main role of Andrei Sokolov was played by Sergei Bondarchuk himself. Vanyusha - Leonid Boriskin.

The filmmakers were awarded the Lenin Prize.

Student's message about the story “The Fate of a Man.”

The teacher shows slide No. 15 (presenting the Nobel Prize to M.A. Sholokhov).

Student message.

In 1960, the second book of Virgin Soil Upturned was published. Sholokhov was awarded the Lenin Prize, which he donated to the construction of a school in the village of Karginskaya.

In 1965, M.A. Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize for the novel “Quiet Don”.

Sholokhov was born in
1905 in a farmstead
village of Vyoshenskaya
Donetsk district in
working family.


Father - Alexander
Sholokhov with his parents (1912)
Mikhailovich Sholokhov
was a clerk
steam manager
mills. Mother -
Anastasia Danilovna
Chernikova - daughter
who came to the Don from
Chernihiv region.

November 15, 1923

studies in
Sholokhov studied
first in
school, and then until 1918
at the gymnasium. Due to
the beginning of the First
World, and then
civil war,
got only four
education class. At 15
years old signed up
volunteer for the ranks
Red Army.
November 15, 1923

M. Sholokhov is 20 years old

Since 1920 he served and hung around
on the Don land. To
worked to feed myself
loader, laborer,
mason Been there for a long time
production worker. Was chasing
gangs. So future
the writer experienced life
participating in the people's struggle,
accumulating a huge reserve
observations, generously
enriched him
M. Sholokhov is 20 years old

Western Front, 1941

During the Great
Sholokhov wars -
participant in the struggle
Soviet people
against fascist
Western Front, 1941

Sholokhov is a war correspondent for Pravda. 1941

All Great
the writer was a war writer
He saw the destruction
fascists under
Sholokhov military
Pravda correspondent. 1941

By then he
married and began to live in
his father-in-law's family,
regional editor
newspapers. There from 1926 to
He has 1938
eldest daughter was born
Svetlana, eldest son
Alexander, son Mikhail
and daughter Maria.

Mikhail Alexandrovich and Maria Petrovna

Sholokhov with grandchildren

Social life

Sholokhov and
district committee of the CPSU
N.A. Bulavin
fellow countrymen
The writer is a frequent guest of grain growers

Sholokhov - writer

The beginning of a creative journey.

The writer's literary activity began in 1923.
from the publication of feuilletons in newspapers Since 1924 in
Sholokhov's stories appear in magazines, combined
subsequently in the collections “Don Stories” and “Azure
steppe" (1926). Themes of early stories - civil war
on the Don, fierce class struggle, man's place in
social changes taking place in the village. First
stories “Nakhalyonok”, “Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council
Republic" (1925), "Alien Blood" (1926), "Wormhole"
(1926). After the war, Sholokhov published a series
journalistic works: “The Word about the Motherland”,
"The Fight Continues" (1948), "Light and Darkness" (1949),
The heroes of Sholokhov's works are ordinary workers
People. Their thoughts, sorrows and joys, their desire for happiness
and justice, their struggle for a new life is invariably
interested in the artist. The writer wrote a lot
wonderful works.

The story “The Fate of Man.”

In the story “The Fate of Man” (1956) it was first raised
Theme of prisoners of war in the Great Patriotic War.
The through-and-through life-affirming motive of the story is faith in
kind, humane, socially progressive,
confirmation of the feat. The story was written to
remind us of the horrors that should no longer
repeat. In a small work
the life of the hero passes before the readers, incorporating
take over the fate of the country

The image of the main character.

Andrey Sokolov - Soviet
man, peaceful worker,
hating the war that took away
his whole family, happiness, hope
for the best. Left alone
Sokolov has not lost his humanity,
he was able to see and warm up about
yourself as a homeless boy.
The writer finishes the story
confidence that about
Andrei Sokolov's shoulder will rise
a new person ready to overcome
any tests of fate.
Sholokhov's creativity is assessed by

Novel “They Fought for the Motherland.”

In 1943 Sholokhov began
work on the novel “They
fought for the Motherland."
The work tells about
difficult days of retreat
under the pressure of a powerful
German military machine,
about a fight to the death
turned the whole course
war. Sholokhov set
the purpose of depicting a feat
people in the Patriotic

“... all front-line life is a feat.”

“... all front-line life -
In the novel They Fought for
Motherland" deeply revealed Russian
national character, bright
manifested itself in difficult days
tests. Russian heroism
people in the novel are devoid of appearance
brilliant manifestation and
appears before us in military
everyday life tragically, and sometimes
comically. Such an image
war leads the reader to
conclusion that the heroic is not
individual exploits of Soviet
soldier, what about life at the front?
- feat.

Novel "Virgin Soil Upturned".

The novel is dedicated to the great
fracture, which
happened in the village in the years
collectivization of agriculture.
The basis of the novel is
process image
ideological reworking and
education of workers in
spirit of socialism
Communist Party.

First book of the novel (1932)

Pathos sounded in full force here
social transformations,
collapse of old forms
property, difficult
formation of new public
relationships. Typical images
communists Davydov,
Razmetnova and Nagulnova, their
bright, deep
characters helped to reveal
the meaning of the most important historical
events, participants and creators
which are the heroes of the novel,
realized the purpose of their life in
serving the great people

Second book of the novel (1959)

In it with exciting
"poetry" sounds lyrical
feelings." Hence the originality
plot decisions: external
slow action, abundance
characters' stories about themselves,
lengthy conversations,
increased attention to
relationships in which
intimate things are revealed
feelings. The ability to see in life
and vividly recreate in art
not only tragic, but also
funny is one of
the most precious traits of talent

One of the most remarkable characters in the novel, Grandfather Shchukar, reverses the one-sided serious meaning of what is happening, first showing

One of the most remarkable characters in the novel, Grandfather Shchukar,
reverses the one-sided serious meaning of what is happening,
first showing the funny sides of a terrible struggle, but at the same time
Sholokhov's time shows the hero's experiences.

Epic novel "Quiet Don".

Russian and world
House in Veshenskaya,
where Sholokhov worked
over the Quiet Don
Sholokhov's fame
brought the novel “Quiet”
Don" (vols. 1-3, 1927-
1928, vol. 4 1940) o
Don Cossacks in
First World War and
Civil wars.
The hero of the novel was

Image of Grigory Melekhov.

Gregory – central
personality in the family
Melekhovs, and his tragedy
fate intertwined with
the tragedy of his loved ones,
relatives. In war he sees
blood, violence, cruelty.
Permanent political
tossing, mental anguish and
love trials
wounded the hero's soul.

The image of Aksinya Astakhova.

Aksinya carried
love for Gregory
through all my
distorted life.
Life without Gregory, without
love was for
Aksinya is unbearable.
Bright, impetuous,
Aksinya remains
long in memory

During World War II
"Quiet Don" was translated into
European languages ​​and acquired
popularity in the West, and after the war
translated into oriental languages ​​and found
wide readership also in the east, in
including in Japan.

Merits of M.A. Sholokhov.

Sholokhov - Deputy of the Supreme
Soviet of the USSR 1st-9th convocations. WITH
1934 he is a member of the board of the joint venture
USSR. Member of the World Council
Mira. Honorary Doctor
philological sciences
Rostov and Leipzig
universities, honorary doctor
rights of St. Andrews
university. Awarded 4
Orders of Lenin, 2 others
orders and medals,
foreign order. Laureate
Nobel Prize (1965).

Based on
Sholokhov filmed
movies. For the first and
second book
"Virgin Soil Upturned"
was a writer
awarded in
Lenin Prize.

In 1965 in
Stockholm to Mikhail
Sholokhov was
Nobel Prize awarded
novel award
"Quiet Don"

Monument to Michael
Sholokhov on
river embankment
Don in the city

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov

Presentation for the lesson

literature in 11th grade.

Compiled by: teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "Ust-Mayskaya Secondary School" Krasnoshtanova O.V.

“How else can the life and work of each of us be justified, if not the trust of the people, not the recognition that you are giving all your strength and abilities to the people..., to the Motherland.”

M.A. Sholokhov

From a family album

Alexander Mikhailovich and Anastasia Danilovna with their son Misha at the men's school.

Writer's creativity

  • In mid-1920, Sholokhov worked as a teacher to eliminate illiteracy among the adult population.
  • At the end of 1922 he came to study in Moscow.
  • In 1923, his first feuilleton, “Test,” was published in the newspaper “Youthful Truth.” The following year, the story “Birthmark.”

  • 1926 - work began on the novel “The Wild Don”.
  • 1928 – the first publication of “Quiet Don”.
  • 1930 - the first feature film based on the novel “Quiet Don”.

  • 1941 The novel “Quiet Don” was awarded the State Prize of the 1st degree.
  • 1941 Sholokhov the correspondent was sent to the active army.
  • 1943-1944 Chapters of the novel “They Fought for the Motherland” are published.

  • February 21, 1984 M.A. Sholokhov died in the village of Veshenskaya.
  • The State Museum-Reserve has been opened in the writer’s homeland.

"Great merit

M. Sholokhov in the courage that is inherent in his works. He never avoided the inherent contradictions of life. His books show struggle in its entirety, past and present.”

Biography Biography Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich (), prose writer. Born on May 11 (24 n.s.) on the Kruzhilinsky farm in the village of Veshenskaya into a peasant family. His father was a non-resident from the village of Veshenskaya, his mother was a Cossack. He studied at a parochial school, then at a gymnasium, graduating from four classes. The outbreak of the revolution and the Civil War prevented him from continuing his education. Sholokhov served in the village revolutionary committee and volunteered to join the food detachment. Civil War Civil War

During the Patriotic War, Sholokhov was a war correspondent for Pravda and Red Star, and often went to the front.

In 1965, Sholokhov received the Nobel Prize for his novel Quiet Don. In 1965, Sholokhov received the Nobel Prize for his novel Quiet Don. For his novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" Sholokhov was awarded the Lenin Prize.

The main dates of the work of M. A. Sholokhov In 1923, the first feuilleton “Test” was published. The following year, his first story, “The Birthmark,” was published. The collections “Don Stories” and “Azure Steppe” (1926) appeared.

At the end of 1926 he began to write the novel "Quiet Don". In 1929 the second book of "Quiet Don" was published. In the 1930s, he continued to work on the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned” and completed the third and fourth books of “Quiet Don”

During the war, he began publishing chapters from the new novel “They Fought for the Motherland.” In the 1950s, he worked on a continuation of the novel “They Fought for the Motherland” and published the story “The Fate of a Man.” In 1960, the second book of Virgin Soil Upturned was published.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

2 slide

Slide description:

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov (1905-1984) Russian writer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1967, 1980), laureate of the Stalin (1941), Lenin (1960) and Nobel Prizes (1965)

3 slide

Slide description:

Childhood Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov was born on May 11, 1905 in the Kruzhilin village of the village of Vyoshenskaya, Donetsk district, into a working family “I was born on the Don, grew up there, studied, was formed as a person and a writer, and I am a patriot of my great powerful Motherland.” (From autobiography)

4 slide

Slide description:

According to another version, M.A. Sholokhov was born in 1903, but while working in the food detachment, having been put on trial “for abuse of power,” he reduced his age by two years, and his mother obtained a new birth certificate from the priest. This gave him the opportunity to avoid too severe punishment as a minor. Numerous legends were spread about Sholokhov’s youth during his lifetime, which were not confirmed by anything, contradicted historical facts and elementary logic, but the writer himself never refuted them.

5 slide

Slide description:

Parents Father - Alexander Mikhailovich - was a clerk, manager of a steam mill. Mother - Anastasia Danilovna - the daughter of a serf peasant who came to the Don from the Chernigov region. Sholokhov’s mother was at that time married to Kuznetsov, already an elderly Cossack, but lived in the house of Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov, whom she married after her husband’s death in 1912. At the same time, Mikhail was adopted by his father and received the surname Sholokhov.

6 slide

Slide description:

Years of study Sholokhov studied first at a parish school, and then until 1918 at a gymnasium, but did not complete his education. Due to the outbreak of the First World War, and then the Civil War, he received only four classes of education. At the age of 15 he volunteered for the Red Army. Years of study at the gymnasium

7 slide

Slide description:

20s “Since 1920, he served and roamed around the Don land. I was a production worker for a long time. Chasing gangs. I had to be in different bindings. He participated in the population census and worked as a teacher to eliminate illiteracy among adults. To support himself, he worked as a loader, a laborer, a mason...” (From his autobiography) This is how the future writer learned about life, participating in the struggle of the people, accumulating a huge stock of observations that generously enriched his work.

8 slide

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First attempt at writing In 1923, Sholokhov published feuilletons, and from the end of 1923 - stories in which he immediately switched from feuilleton comedy to sharp drama, reaching the point of tragedy. At the same time, the stories were not without elements of melodrama. Most of these works were collected in the collections “Don Stories” (1925) and “Azure Steppe” (1926).

Slide 9

Slide description:

Don Stories Many of the characters in “Don Stories” have real prototypes, but Sholokhov sharpens and exaggerates almost everything: death, blood, torture, hunger pangs are deliberately naturalistic. The young writer’s favorite plot, starting with the story “The Birthmark” (1923), is a deadly clash between close relatives: father and son, siblings. Illustration for “Don Stories”

10 slide

Slide description:

The appearance of “Quiet Don” In 1925, Sholokhov began a work about the Cossacks during the Kornilov rebellion of 1917 called “Quiet Don”. However, this plan was abandoned, but a year later the writer took up “Quiet Don” again, widely unfolding pictures of the pre-war life of the Cossacks and the events of the First World War. The first two books of the epic novel were published in 1928 in the magazine Krasnaya Nov.

11 slide

Slide description:

Virgin Soil Upturned The events of collectivization (and those preceding it) delayed work on the epic novel “Virgin Soil Upturned.” In letters, including to I.V. Stalin, Sholokhov tried to open his eyes to the true state of things in the countryside: the complete collapse of the economy, lawlessness, torture applied to collective farmers. However, he accepted the very idea of ​​collectivization and in a softened form, with undeniable sympathy for the main communist characters, showed it using the example of the Gremyachiy Log farm in the first book of the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned” (1932). Virgin Soil Upturned" was declared a perfect example of the literature of socialist realism.

12 slide

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During the Great Patriotic War During the Great Patriotic War, the writer served as a war correspondent for the newspapers Pravda and Krasnaya Zvezda, and witnessed the defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad Writers (second row from left to right) M. Sholokhov, A. Fadeev, E. Petrov, commander of the Western front Lieutenant General I.S. Konev (far left), 1941

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After the war After the war, Sholokhov the publicist paid a generous tribute to the official state ideology, but he celebrated the “thaw” with a work of rather high merit - the story “The Fate of a Man” (1956). An ordinary person, a typical Sholokhov hero, appeared in genuine moral greatness that he himself did not realize.

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Social activities was a member of the Soviet Peace Committee.; was a deputy of the Supreme Council, was an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences; was a member of the Presidium of the USSR Writers' Union; films were made based on Sholokhov’s works; in 1960 the writer was awarded the Lenin Prize;

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in 1965, in Stockholm, Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize; took part in the work of the World Congress of Scientific and Cultural Workers in Defense of Peace

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The last years of his life In the last years of his life, Mikhail Sholokhov worked on the novel “They Fought for the Motherland,” which he began during the Great Patriotic War (remained unfinished). In the novel “They Fought for the Motherland,” the Russian national character was deeply revealed, clearly manifested in the difficult days tests. The heroism of the Russian people in the novel is devoid of outwardly brilliant manifestation and appears before us in everyday military life tragically, and sometimes comically. This depiction of the war leads the reader to the conclusion that the heroic is not in the individual exploits of Soviet soldiers, but that the whole front-line life is a feat.

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Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov passed away on February 21, 1984 in the village of Vyoshenskaya, on the steep bank of the quiet Don

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Monument to Mikhail Sholokhov in Moscow “The enormous merit of Mikhail Sholokhov is the courage that is inherent in his works. He never avoided the contradictions inherent in life... His books show the struggle in its entirety, past and present...” Konstantin Fedin.

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Memories of the writer In 2008, the writer’s eldest daughter Svetlana Mikhailovna Sholokhova donated to the funds of the M.A. Museum-Reserve. Sholokhov photo reproduction on fabric of the Leningrad artist I. Narovlyansky “Scarlet Sails”, where M.A.’s wish is printed. Sholokhov to Leningrad graduates of 1973.

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This is what Sholokhov wrote, addressing the boys and girls of Leningrad: “In his youth, every person sails on a brigantine. However, the real man is under the scarlet revolutionary sails. The sailor inevitably ends up in the “roaring forties latitudes.” And here severe tests await the quality of the equipment, the will, and the skill of the leader of the brigantine. It is important that both the sails and those sailing under them survive under all circumstances! M. Sholokhov."

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Mikhail Sholokhov was loved by the authorities, but he never accepted “handouts” from them: he never exchanged his house in Veshenskaya for a luxurious dacha in the Moscow region. - ONE day dad laughed at the last name of his friend Vasily Kudashov, saying: “Well, what kind of last name, where were you going?” To which he answered: “And you walked and groaned.” But in life, my father never groaned and endured everything steadfastly,” says the writer’s daughter Svetlana.

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Mom was three years older than dad. But when he got married and his mother asked: “How old are you?” - he replied: “You and I are the same age.” She found out that he had deceived her when there were children in the family. My parents were always together. Dad even took Mom with him on hunting and fishing trips and told her: “Let’s go hunting.” She tried to make an excuse: “I don’t have time.” But he insisted and, already in the car, jokingly scolded her: “What a good-for-nothing woman my wife is: she should sit at home, darn her husband’s socks, but no, she’s off to hunt.” But he himself could not be anywhere without her. For him, it was neither hunting nor fishing, if she was not nearby. By the way, she shot no worse than him, and as a fisherman she was much more patient

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It was not customary for the Sholokhov family to give expensive gifts, but on the occasion of receiving the Nobel Prize, the writer took his entire family abroad. — In 1941, my dad gave the Stalin Prize to the Defense Fund, the Lenin Prize to the restoration of the school where he once studied, and he kept the Nobel Prize for himself. He spent it showing us children Europe and Japan. There were restrictions for us only in terms of communication: abroad we lived in an embassy, ​​so dad could not meet those with whom he would have wanted. In terms of movement, no one created any obstacles for us. By car we traveled the length and breadth of England, France, and Italy

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Sholokhov, as his daughter Svetlana says, really never complained or groaned about anything. Even when he was diagnosed with terminal throat cancer, he refused painkillers so he could talk to his loved ones. He was afraid that he would be buried in Moscow. He knew he didn't have much time left. And we flew to Veshenskaya. On February 21, 1984, dad passed away.

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“Sholokhov Spring” Every year in the village of Veshenskaya the “Sholokhov Spring” is held - an All-Russian literary and folklore festival dedicated to the birthday of M.A. Sholokhov. Every year more than 100 thousand people from all over the world come to the “Sholokhov Spring”, everyone who is passionate about the work of the great writer, who is interested in the life, culture, way of life of the Don Cossacks, loves true folk art

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Literature: Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. - 3 CD-ROM, 2007. Materials for exhibition in school and children's library. Moscow. "Children's Literature". 1980. Photos taken from the site Photos taken from the site Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. Photos from different years. Lesson developments on Russian literature of the 20th century, 11th grade, 2nd half of the year. N.V. Egorova, I.V. Zolotareva. 2nd edition, corrected and expanded. Moscow “VAKO”, 2003. Shchetinkina N.E. Literature in 11th grade: lesson plans for the textbook “Russian Literature of the 20th Century,” ed. Zhuravleva V.P. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009 Fadeeva T.M. Thematic and lesson planning in literature for the textbook “Russian Literature of the 20th Century”, ed. Zhuravleva V.P. - Moscow: Exam, 2005