Ready-made bodybuilding programs. Bodybuilding exercises

A bodybuilding program for beginners is a set of exercises for developing muscles, building muscle mass, burning fat, and also increasing strength in general.

How to start bodybuilding

The training program for beginners is the starting point for guys and girls who have decided to connect their lives with the wonderful sport of bodybuilding. When developing a program for beginners, it is worth taking into account such important factors as: the age of the athletes, the degree of physical fitness, the constitution and morphology of the body, the tasks that the young athlete sets for himself. We will give you recommendations on developing a bodybuilding training program that will help you achieve a certain level of development in the gym. It’s not always worth listening to instructors who will start loading you up from the very beginning and thereby nullify your progress in the gym.

First, forget about hours of training. Training for a beginner in the gym should be no more than 60 minutes during the first three months, of which 20 minutes is a warm-up.

Secondly, close all bodybuilding magazines and books. A beginner in bodybuilding may be swayed by the glitz of glossy publications that contain many training programs. Don’t even think about doing these programs, they are written for advanced athletes or guys under chemistry.

Third, your bodybuilding training program should consist of as many basic exercises as possible. Because only with basic exercises can you strengthen your still atrophied muscles and joint complexes.

Fourthly, classes should be held no more than twice a week. Until your body gets stronger, twice a week is exactly the training frequency at which your body will have time to recover between workouts.

Fifthly, for the first 6 months, eat as fully as possible. Let me explain, as soon as you start pumping, your body will experience stress (shock) that was previously unknown to it, and this means that the need for macro and microelements will increase significantly. The stage of adaptation to training is very important, since it is during this period that the foundation for the future transformation of the body is laid.

Sixth, pay special attention to rest, especially sleep. This is a truism - the body recovers faster in sleep, and muscles naturally also grow faster in sleep.

Here are a few simple rules that must necessarily precede a normal bodybuilding program for beginners. The time has come to write you the actual program for beginners in bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding program for beginners

So, as we have already said, we conduct classes twice a week, and therefore we will divide the muscles into two blocks, but for the first month you should work all the muscles in each workout, this will give your atrophied muscles time to get used to the new type of load

Bodybuilding exercises for beginners or “where to start”: a set of exercises for the first - third month

  1. Warm-up for 15-20 minutes, involves stretching all the muscles of the body.
  2. Bench press 3x12,12,12
  3. Bent-over barbell row with a wide grip 3x12,12,12
  4. Seated dumbbell press (both together) from shoulders 3x12,12,12
  5. Platform leg press in the Arnold machine 3x12,12,12
  6. Standing calf raise 3x12,12,12
  7. Standing biceps curl 3x12,12,12
  8. Close grip triceps press 3x12,12,12
  9. Press (optional)

As you can see, this training program includes one exercise for each muscle. There is no need to go out of your way, your task is to prepare the muscles for more targeted work - this is one, and secondly, to go through the stage of muscle pain, which will certainly be due to micro-tears of muscle fibers.
After the first three months of trial loads, you can begin the split system itself, that is, break the training program into blocks. As we remember, our training will be twice a week, for example on Tuesday and Thursday.

A set of bodybuilding exercises for beginners after the preparatory stage:

1. Bench press 4x12,12,10,8
2. Wiring at an angle 4x12,12,10,8
1. Wide-grip barbell row to the waist 4x12,12,10,8
2. Pull of the upper block behind the head with a wide grip (mast) 4x12,12,10,8
1. Standing biceps curl 4x12,12,10,8
2. Hammer (lifting dumbbells with a neutral grip) 4x12,12,10,8

Shoulders (deltoids)
1. Dumbbell press while sitting on a bench (both together) 4x12,12,10,8
2. Lifting dumbbells in front of you (alternately) 4x12,12,10,8
3. Bent-over dumbbell lateral raises 4x12,12,10,8
1. Close grip bench press 4x12,12,10,8
2. Row of the handle of the upper block while standing at the expander 4x12,12,10,8
1. Platform press in Arnold machines 4x12,12,10,8
2. Calf raises in the machine (calf) 4x12,12,10,8
1. Leg raises lying on a bench or floor 3x15,15,15
2. Twisting using the upper block 3x15,15,15

Here is such a simple bodybuilding program for beginners of a more advanced type. You can change the exercises at your discretion, the essence is that you perform one basic exercise and one isolating exercise to emphasize the load on the target muscle or one of its parts.

And remember that in order to do a bunch of exercises on one muscle you need two things:

  1. Already pumped up healthy muscle
  2. Sports pharmaceuticals car

Only in this situation will you have results, but to achieve the goal, initially point number one must already be present. And you can create a big muscle only by doing basic exercises and a little isolation.
A training program for beginners is not something unrealistic and scary - you just don’t need to steam your brains with all sorts of nonsense from supposedly famous athletes who are sitting in chemistry and giving everyone advice left and right.

Over time, a more or less experienced bodybuilder forms his own training regimen and systematically adjusts it to his own needs. The path to independently selecting the right exercises lies through a gradual study of your own body and identification of sports needs. A bodybuilding training program depends on the end goal. You need to gain mass, strength, or create relief.

In the first few months, you should not worry about alternating weights, schemes and exercises. It is important for them to simply get involved, warm up the muscles, and nourish the muscles with glycogen for subsequent work. Only after a few months can you alternate working on different muscle groups.
Muscle growth is provoked by their attempts to adapt to existing loads. If they overworked themselves in the gym, the body begins to accumulate strength and build up material in order to cope more successfully next time. This is how the mass grows and the strength remains. Gradually, the body gets used to a certain level of training and stops growing muscle mass. Therefore, training according to one scheme ultimately leads to a final stable result. To move on, you need to overload the body a little bit or give it new types of exercise. In other words, the body needs to be constantly presented with new challenges so that it does not have time to adapt and constantly strives to develop.

Basic bodybuilding program

Gradually, each athlete draws up his own training plans. However, to begin with, you can use the basic program to prepare yourself for further fine-tuning and feel your body.
This system is scheduled for three days. With a break between classes of 1 day. Every day certain muscles are pumped, others at this time rest from the previous workout and accumulate strength for the next one. This cyclicality allows you to achieve good results.
All exercises are done in three sets of eight repetitions, unless otherwise noted. You should choose the weight yourself. The break between sets is maximum two minutes. So, a basic bodybuilding program.

Day one: work legs and shoulders

  • Leg press.
  • Squats with a barbell.
  • Standing calf raises should be done 12-15 times.
  • Barbell press is performed in a standing position.
  • Raising your arms to the sides with dumbbells in an inclined position, you need to perform 10-12 repetitions.
  • Raising your arms to the sides with dumbbells in a standing position, you need to do 10-12 repetitions.
  • Twisting.

Day two: work triceps and chest

  • The press is done in a lying position.
  • Dumbbell press, performed in a lying position.
  • Dips, if possible with a load.
  • Vertical press on a block machine.
  • French press.

Day three: work the back and biceps

  • Deadlift.
  • Pull-ups.
  • Barbell rows are performed in a bent-over position.
  • Lifting the barbell for biceps, do it in a standing position.
  • Dumbbell row to thigh.
  • Biceps training performed on a Scott bench.
  • Hanging leg raises.

This bodybuilding program can be effective in the first months of training. Afterwards it requires adjustments. This could be replacing exercises, changing the intensity of work on certain muscle groups.

Focus on gaining muscle mass

Features of training for weight gain in alternating loads and intensity of exercise. You should spend no more than an hour in the gym so as not to upset your body. You should not allow yourself to rest for more than two minutes between sets. It is important to regularly adjust the system so that the muscles do not have time to adapt. At the same time, you cannot refuse basic exercises; moreover, you need to start with them.

Emphasis on relief

This is the most difficult type of exercise that bodybuilding knows, the training program and diet in this case are especially intense. “Drying” the body depends both on the load and on numerous characteristics of the body. During the formation of relief, a large amount of muscle mass is lost, this should be taken into account. First, increase the number of repetitions and approaches. It is better to do exercises with less weight, but more technically. In this case, more calories are burned. Aerobic elements are also important: running, walking, exercise bike, which last 40-60 minutes. “Drying” involves a sports diet developed taking into account the characteristics of the athlete.

Emphasis on strength

The main goal of strength training is to increase weight. How does this happen? You need to start with 60% of the working weight for 8 repetitions. Each week, 10% is added to this weight until the maximum level is reached after five weeks. With this system of exercise, the body accumulates energy in order to use it later. Muscle recovery and a balanced diet before and after exercise are also very important.

A bodybuilding program will be truly effective when the athlete learns to feel the body. It comes with time. To begin with, it is better to listen to the advice of experienced trainers. What does your trainer recommend?

If you have set yourself the goal of improving your figure or going in for sports seriously, then the first question you will ask yourself is which bodybuilding training program is right for you. It's difficult to determine the first time. Initially, you need to decide what you will focus on in the exercises and what training goals you want to achieve: work out the relief, build muscle mass or increase strength. For each training goal, a plan is developed individually for each person. We will help you understand all the nuances and come to a conclusion which bodybuilding program will be right for you.

It happens that a person tries one program, then switches to another without achieving any success, then to another one. As a result, it turns out that there is no progress in training as such, and the muscles are only overloaded and tired. Before creating a training program, you should first read scientific articles on the subject and watch videos and courses on bodybuilding, and then choose a specific direction.

You must immediately take into account that there are two main areas of training programs. In the first, all muscles are pumped up at once, but after it the body needs more time to recover. In the second, each muscle group is worked out separately, each muscle group is given a separate day. In this situation, you will need less rest, you will be able to visit the gym more often, but it is very important to correctly calculate the load.

You need to draw up a training schedule and take into account all the criteria and characteristics of your body as a whole in order to achieve good results in a short time and avoid any mistakes. You can, of course, hire a personal trainer, but most of them copy ready-made programs, only slightly adjusting them. After a short period of time, such training loses its effectiveness. They especially often practice this with inexperienced beginners, wanting to earn money without making any effort. A bodybuilding training program must be individual. It should be compiled by an experienced trainer who is truly a professional in his field and is not going to make money off of you.

When training, you need to take a diary and still water with you. In the training diary you will record all your results, adjust training exercises and create a plan for the week.

Making the right lesson plan

If you have collected enough information, watched training videos on the topic and decided what to focus on (relief or mass), then we will tell you about the basic plan from which to build:

  • To gain mass, do 4 sets of 7-8 repetitions, between sets you need a break of one minute. Rest time must be selected individually, based on the beginner’s training, the complexity of the exercises and other indicators. You should not take too long breaks, as efficiency may be lost. We also recommend that you study the issue in more detail.
  • If your goal is relief, you should exercise much more intensely. Repetitions can be increased to 13-15 and the break between them reduced to thirty seconds. It will not be possible to draw up a single plan for everyone. Exercises can be intervals or performed using other methods.

In bodybuilding, the training program must be written so that all muscles are trained evenly. Our body consists of large and small muscles that are closely connected. Initially, we focus on the large and most significant ones, and the small ones are pumped up later. Do not forget that when doing bodybuilding, when you work out the main muscles, the secondary ones also pump up in proportion to the rest. Also, the harder you swing, the more rest you need to recover. For beginners, the amount of load is increased, and experienced bodybuilders are given a long rest between workouts.


If your program is dominated by general pumping of all muscle groups, then you should exercise much less frequently, because the entire body recovers from the load. After training, there should be a day of rest, because the main increase in muscle mass occurs not during the training itself, but at the time when we come to our senses and experience slight fatigue during sleep and rest.

If the emphasis is on certain muscles, then you should exercise a little more often, alternating loads. It will take you much less time to recover, and your work will be more efficient. However, such exercises are only possible after you have been focusing on all muscle groups for some time. There is also one that is considered the most effective.

You should start pumping up individual parts of the body gradually. Divide all groups by day of the week, taking a break of 2 or 3 days. Initially they pump up the legs, then move to the back and lastly pump up the chest and biceps. You should not change the sequence of actions, this may lead to incorrect consequences.


You need to properly distribute your core muscle training throughout the week and follow a certain sequence. You should not put your legs and back on the same day. This is a burden not only on the body, but also on the heart. On the contrary, it is not prohibited to combine your arms with your back in exercises, since these muscles are very close to each other and will not bring much overload to the body.

Muscle groups that it is advisable to train together:

  • back and chest;
  • back and biceps;
  • quadriceps and biceps femoris;
  • biceps and triceps.

It must be remembered that the first six months of bodybuilding classes do not require any effort or a strict plan. You need to initially pump up your body, focusing on the main and largest muscles.

Before each lesson, you need to warm up and perform simple stretching exercises. It is necessary to prepare the muscles and cardiovascular system for the load.

For advanced

If after six months you decide to change your bodybuilding training program, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is how effectively the previous one affected your body. If progress was noticeable and you were gaining weight well, then you should not change it, but only slightly adjust it. This applies to any level of training. If no results are found, then it is worth reviewing the entire plan and changing the mode and rate of loads.

Try a new program in which you will pump up all your muscles in a week. Set aside three days for this and distribute them according to plan. On the first day it should be the back with deltoids, the next session the goal is the chest with arms, and lastly we move on to the legs. Since this is the main muscle, you should set aside a whole day especially for it. This program should be followed until progress in bodybuilding is visible.

If you decide that your choice is bodybuilding at home, then you can watch a video with exercises at home. We can offer a basic program.

Leg exercises:

  • squats 4x9;
  • standing calf raises 3x9;
  • lying leg press 4x9;
  • leg extensions in a sitting position 4 and to the limit.

Exercises for arms and chest:

  • barbell press 4x7-8;
  • parallel bars classes 5x7-11;
  • barbell lift for biceps 3x7-11.

Exercises for deltoids and back:

  • abduction of dumbbells with arms to the sides 4x7-11;
  • pull-ups 3x7-11;
  • military press 3x7-11.

You can independently adjust the plan depending on your wishes and find other exercises that will work more effectively on your weak points.


After each lesson, a cool-down for the body is necessary, which consists of calming exercises that bring breathing and heartbeat to normal, and lower body temperature. This is necessary so that the body does not suffer from overload, there is no stagnation of blood in the muscles and to get rid of pain that occurs after training. You can simply lie still for a few minutes.

After training, you need to eat protein or carbohydrate foods, because it is after such an unloading that they are absorbed best. It could be a chocolate bar, a banana, a cookie, or an egg. Please note that you can eat heavily after exercise no earlier than an hour later, until the body has completely recovered from the workout.

You learned about the basics of bodybuilding, preferences and features of this hobby. Of course, before you start your first training, you need to read the forums and communicate with like-minded people who will help you choose your occupation. First of all, you need to decide on the main goal and select an individual lesson plan. Don't forget to watch the video.

To build muscle and become stronger, you need to train effectively, so we continue to introduce you to ways to structure training for different tasks. This time we will consider two options for a mass training program, designed for 3 times a week.


Before you start lifting, you need to understand the basics of gaining mass. You can exercise at least twice a day every day, do every exercise until you drop, and in the end you will not gain a single kilogram in addition to what you had.

And all because weight gain is a whole science. And let’s make a reservation again, if you gain weight on a pharmacological course, every week you will gain significant muscle gains. The results will be visible in the mirror. But the course has several bad sides:

  • The muscles last the course, as soon as you stop delivering the “pharma” to the body, a rapid regression will begin.
  • Negative impact on sexual function in men (over time it weakens, since the body stops producing its own testosterone) and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics of the male type in women (deepening of the voice, etc.).

Pharmacology works on the principle “I want it here and now.” It's like a loan: you get what you want quickly, and then it takes a long time to pay it off. Not with money, but with health and quality of life. A competent course is long-term, periodic, including rehabilitation measures for the gonads. If you are planning to show off your muscles just once, it is better not to try. If your priority is health and harmonious development of the body, even more so.

So, you set out to build muscles. To do this you will need:

  1. Organize your diet correctly.
  2. Follow a training regimen - 3 days a week.
  3. Actually, create a competent training program.
  4. Plan a complex of sleep, rest, wakefulness.
  5. Pay attention to your health and take into account contraindications.


You need to figure out what body type you are. For each of the three types (ecto-, endo- and mesomorphs), the daily calorie content will be different. Ectomorphs have the hardest time gaining weight. Therefore, they will need to eat more intensively.

For endomorphs, it is enough to add a little more carbohydrates to their diet than they should for a slim figure, and their weight will go up.

In any case, no matter what type you are, you need to eat a lot of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Do not forget to take vitamins, chondroprotectors, creatinine and some amino acids in parallel.

Number of meals – 4–6 times a day.

Training mode

The three-day training program is a classic bodybuilding scheme for gaining muscle mass. You can train 2 days a week. The frequency of training will depend on your body's ability to recover.

If you take enough substances your body needs, your muscles will recover faster. Thanks to this, you can study every other day. With poor nutrition, recovery can take much longer, which greatly reduces the number of possible sessions per week.

In bodybuilding, it is important to give your muscles a critical load so that they grow. Powerlifting places more emphasis on strength rather than muscle shape. Nevertheless, gaining mass in bodybuilding is a mandatory thing, and in powerlifting it is natural. As strength increases, body weight also increases.

A three-day training program will be the best option in bodybuilding, because in 3 workouts you can pump up all key muscle groups.

Option A

A gym workout program should work all muscles. The emphasis is on basic exercises. Minimum isolated, maximum basic elements.

The training regime in the gym for girls will be exactly the same, despite gender differences. But their weight does not grow so noticeably (we are talking about muscles, not fat, because it is usually easier for girls to gain weight than for guys). In general, it is better for girls not to focus solely on gaining muscle mass and to fall in love with regular fitness.

A training program for gaining muscle mass might look like this.

First day: legs and shoulders

  1. Cardio and warm-up.
  2. Barbell squats: 5 sets of 5-6 reps.
  3. Leg press: 3 sets of 8–10 reps with maximum weights.
  4. Lunges with dumbbells or: 3 sets of 10 reps.
  5. Bench press sitting behind the head: 4 sets of 6-8 repetitions.
  6. Abdominal work: hanging leg raises with weights, 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions (you can hold a dumbbell between your feet, bend your knees slightly).

Day two: back and biceps

  1. Cardio and warm-up.
  2. Hyperextension: 3 to 15 without weight with a straight back.
  3. Deadlift: 5 x 5-6 with maximum weights.
  4. Upper pulley to chest: 3 to 8.
  5. Bent-over rows of a T-bar or dumbbell to the belt: 4 to 8.
  6. Barbell for biceps: 4 to 6.
  7. Hammer: 2 to 10.

Day Three: Chest and Triceps

  1. Cardio and warm-up.
  2. Bench press: 4–5, 5–6 repetitions.
  3. Bench press on a bench with an incline of 30 degrees: 3 x 8 times.
  4. Bringing your arms together in a crossover to the bottom of your chest: 2 x 10 times.
  5. Arm extension in block: 3 to 10.
  6. Abs: Roman chair crunches: 4 x 10 times with weight.

You need to rest for 1-2 minutes between sets. If you are not rested enough, you will not be able to fully complete the set.

Weights should be maximum, no pumping, no cheating, pay close attention to your technique.

Those with back problems should eliminate the deadlifts and squats. The latter can be replaced with Smith squats, a HAKK machine, or just a leg press.

What exercise you do depends on the severity of your back condition. If acute pain or discomfort appears when bending over, it is better not to tempt fate. Either you were doing squats and deadlifts incorrectly, or you simply shouldn't be doing them (at least not in the near future).

Option B

And another 3-day training program. The second option is more designed to develop strength qualities.

Day 1

  1. Cardio and warm-up.
  2. Hyperextension: 2 to 15.
  3. Deadlift: 5 sets of 5 reps and a sixth set of 60% of the working weight for 15 reps.
  4. Bench press: 5 x 5 with heavy weight, but not maximal.
  5. Biceps hammer: 2 x 10.
  6. Abs: 2 x 2 hanging leg raises with weights and 2 x 10 Roman chair crunches with a dumbbell.

Day 2

  1. Cardio and warm-up.
  2. Bench press: 3 x 5 and 2 x 3 with maximum weights.
  3. from chest: 3 to 8–10 with maximum weights.
  4. Crossover raises, dumbbell raises lying on a horizontal bench with supersets: 2 x 10 and 2 x 10 (alternate 1 set of raises with 1 set of raises).
  5. Extension of arms on a block: 3 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 6, 1 x 4 - we make a “ladder” with increasing weights. You must push yourself to the limit for the last 2 reps of each set using proper technique.
  6. Abs: Roman chair crunches 3 x 10 with weight.

Day 3

  1. Cardio and warm-up.
  2. Barbell squats: 5 to 5.
  3. Leg press: 3 x 8–10.
  4. Lat pulldowns or pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip: 4 to 8 with weights.
  5. Pullover: 2 to 10.
  6. Cardio: 15 minutes with 1 interval.

You can remove the deadlift and replace it with the leg press. It all depends on your physical capabilities.

Isolated exercises should be eliminated. You can change various auxiliary elements every 2 weeks, for example, bringing your arms together in a crossover to pressing dumbbells upside down, or lunges with dumbbells to straightening and bending your legs in a machine.

A two-day mass training program will be very different from the ones above, because the whole body needs to be worked out in 2 days. At the same time, you should not excessively delay the duration of classes.

The training program for girls, if they also want to gain weight, will look about the same.

Both training programs are aimed at developing muscle mass and strength.

Sleep and health

No matter how ideal your training programs are, without proper sleep and good health, you will not be able to build muscle.

Firstly, if you often get colds, you will take breaks from your classes. A week's break already rolls your results back.

Secondly, if you have weak connective tissue (a congenital diagnosis), you will be more likely than usual to pull the ligaments when reaching heavy weights. One careless movement or one bad warm-up is enough.

Thirdly, insufficient sleep greatly slows down anabolic processes in the body.

Therefore, you need to sleep well and toughen up. Building muscle requires stability and monotonous long-term work on your body, iron will and a healthy stomach.

In a competent program, it is important to indicate the correct working weight. It is selected experimentally. The effectiveness of each individual program depends on the correctness of its choice.

Friends, hello everyone. In this article, I have compiled bodybuilding training programs based on the principles and articles of this resource. I guarantee that by adhering to these regimens, you will finally be able to quickly build muscle mass.

In my opinion, building muscles is an intellectual work rather than a physical one. It is important to think through and plan everything clearly. And the better you do this, the better results you will achieve.

That’s why I prepared this lesson so carefully, in which I will tell and show absolutely everything.


  1. Training diary + pen or fitness app for bodybuilding AtletiQ
  2. Water (regular without gas 1-1.5 liters, at your discretion)


The essence of the diary: control muscle growth. Growing muscle mass is a constantly progressive load. In order for there to be a progressive load, you need to control your working weights, repetitions, approaches, write everything down in a diary and see what and how!

In this scheme we will use the following load progression (see below for explanations):

1st METHOD. Let's say on Monday you do incline bench press 50 kg for 6 reps, this means that the next workout (next Monday) you are required to do 50 kg for 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 reps (depending on your strength) . In any case, if you did one or two or three repetitions more than the previous one, then your task is completed.

CONCLUSION: That week it was 50 kg for 6 times, this week it’s already 7 times or 8 or 10 (depending on how much you got) = progression of load = muscle growth.

2nd METHOD. Okay, we're up to 12 reps on the incline press. That is 50 kg for 12 times. The next progression will be to increase the working weight, not the repetitions. That is: 52 kg for 6-12 repetitions you see is no longer 50, already 52 = progression of weights (so, let’s say it turned out to be 52 kg for 8 repetitions, we again use the 1st method of progression - repetitions) we do 52 kg not for 8, and already at 12, then again we use the 2nd method and increase the weight = 54 kg by 6-12 (etc.). I think you get the ESSENCE. We did less than 12 repetitions (let’s say there are 10, we use the 1st method, increase the repetitions), as soon as we reach 12 repetitions, we increase the weight (2nd method). Oh, and one more thing, you should use progressive loads (both methods) in all exercises, not just the bench press (this is just an example for you).

CONCLUSION: In order to manage the progression of the load (muscle growth) YOU NEED TO HAVE A TRAINING DIARY.

2)WATER - is simply necessary during training, because dry mouth will not bring you anything good. On the contrary, it can only cause harm (dizziness, nausea), don’t be afraid, water is not high in calories, you can drink it as much as you like (of course, if it’s plain water, not Coca Cola, etc. otherwise it will already be high in calories) + water during training , enveloping joints and penetrating soft tissues, protects them from injury.

For those who have amino acids in soluble (powdered) form, they can be mixed together with water and absorbed during exercise for maximum effectiveness. (optional)

CONCLUSION: Take at least 1-1.5 liters of plain still water with you.

It’s good to have it with you during training and why we’ve already discussed it. Now I present to you the preparation of a training complex, day by day and week by week.

I identified 4 training programs that I based on :

  1. For beginners (3-4 or 2 workouts per week)
  2. for intermediate level (Split 3 days a week)
  3. for intermediate level and more experienced (Split both 3 and 5 days a week)
  4. for experienced athletes (Split 5 days a week)

For beginners (3-4 or 2 workouts per week)

Once you start bodybuilding using this training program in the gym, stick to it for at least 6 months. After which you can move on to the next training program.

We break the body into two workouts using Split. Split-translated from English. split. This means that we will split muscle groups on different days. Namely:


  1. Day 1 - Legs, back.
  2. Day 2 - Chest, shoulders, arms.

After each such workout in the gym, we rest the next day. If you are not young or have a very stressful job, you can safely take two days of rest instead of one. Therefore, in a week we will have either 3-4 or 2 workouts in the gym.


  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - Chest, shoulders, arms
  • Day 4. Thursday - Rest
  • Day 5. Friday – Legs, back
  • Day 6. Saturday - rest
  • Day 7. Sunday - Chest, shoulders, arms

Etc. Did you get the point? For those who have a nervous job, constant stressful situations, poor nutrition, if you are already aged, etc. etc. feel free to add one day of rest instead two.

It will look like this:

  • Day 1. Monday - Legs, back
  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - rest
  • Day 4. Thursday – Chest, shoulders, arms
  • Etc.


  1. Seated leg extension 4xMAX (to warm up the knee joints)
  2. Squats 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working sets)
  3. Leg press 1-2x8-10 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working)
  4. Pull-ups (if you can) or chin pull-downs 4x8-12
  5. Bent-over barbell row 4X8-12


  1. Bench press on an incline bench 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working)
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press 4x8-12
  3. Barbell press, standing from the chest 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working)
  4. Lifting the barbell for biceps 1x10-15 (warm-up) + 4x8-12 (working)
  5. Bars 4x6-12

For intermediate level (Split 3 days a week)

First of all, decide whether the first training program continues to work or not? If you continue to gain strength and muscle mass, then nothing needs to be changed. This rule applies to any training scheme. As long as the set of physical exercises in the gym works, do not change it. If progress is not visible, move to the next level.

The essence of this training program is as follows: We pump up the whole body in three workouts. We train the back together with the deltoids, and the chest with the arms. We have specially allocated a separate day for legs (this will allow for better training of the largest muscle group). We adjust training days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) to suit ourselves. Stick to this program as long as you make progress, it is a very effective training system that will give you guaranteed results!

It will look something like this:

  • Day 1. Monday - Legs
  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - Back-Deltas
  • Day 4. Thursday - Rest
  • Day 5. Friday - Chest, Arms
  • Day 6-7. Saturday-Sunday - rest

This is what a training SPLIT looks like :

  • Delta's back
  • Chest Hands

Program and selection of exercises


  1. Squats 4x8-10
  2. Bench leg press 3x8-10
  3. Seated leg extension 3xMAX (finishing exercise)
  4. Calf raises, standing 3x8-10


  1. Pull-ups or block rows to the chest 4x6-12
  2. Bent-over barbell row 4x6-12
  3. Horizontal thrust 3x6-12
  4. Barbell press, standing behind the head 3x6-12
  5. Pulling (barbell row to the chin, medium grip) 3x6-12
  6. Abduction of arms with dumbbells to the side 3x6-12


  1. Bench press lying on an incline bench 4x6-10
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press 3x6-10
  3. Bars 4x6-12
  4. French bench press, lying 3x6-10

For intermediate level and more experienced (Split 3 or 5 days a week is suitable)

The essence of this training program is as follows: We train one muscle group during training, the intensity of the training increases, because we have more strength, and we can fully work on a specific target muscle more thoroughly.

This is what a training SPLIT looks like :

  • Mon. BREAST
  • Tue BACK
  • Wed. LEGS
  • Thurs. SHOULDERS
  • Fri. HANDS

Program and selection of exercises



  1. Lever row 4x6-12 reps


  1. Leg press 4x6-12
  2. Seated leg extension 4x6-12
  3. Lying leg curl 4x6-12


  1. Swings, standing (3 approaches of a drop set, first heavy, medium, light all for 6-15 repetitions, rest 20 seconds)


  1. Barbell curl for biceps 4x6-12
  2. Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12

Features of these training schemes (see explanation of the programs)

  1. Split 2,3,5 days a week
  2. Macroperiodization is mandatory in all schemes
  3. There is a progression of load (required in all schemes)
  5. Basic exercises in all schemes
  6. Work in 4 sets of 6-12 reps
  7. Last rep failed

Explanations for all training programs

  1. We use smart 2, 3, 5 day SPLITs that do not cause conflicts in the recovery process.
  2. We use macro-overloading (gradually increasing the weights at each workout and working in the planned number of repetitions without disrupting the schedule - we do not take heavier weights than planned).
  3. We keep a TRAINING DIARY, thanks to which we use BOTH METHODS OF LOAD PROGRESSION (1st METHOD repetition, 2nd METHOD increasing weights).
  4. We use basic exercises (these are exercises that involve several muscles or muscle groups; in short, these are heavy exercises that are performed with free weights). WHY? The more muscles involved in the work, the better for the overall development of muscle mass.
  5. We use the golden mean, namely 3-4 working approaches, after 2 warm-up approaches (these approaches include a warm-up + a leading approach, where the warm-up is an empty bar, then add weight (50-60% of the working weight) in the range of 12-15 repetitions. Then we add more weight and do the approach approach (already 70-80% of the working one) for 8-10 repetitions, and only then do the working approaches (100%).
  6. Each exercise performs 6-12 repetitions. The only exception is the calf muscles (shin) where we perform 15-20 repetitions. WHY? The fact is that muscle failure should occur within 10-30 seconds. During this time interval you will have time to perform no more than 6-12 repetitions. BUT in the case of the calf muscles (shin) because there the amplitude is very short, then where we managed to do 6-12 repetitions during this time, THEN HERE we will have time to do 15-20 repetitions during this time. That's the whole secret to increasing the number of repetitions for the lower leg.
  7. If we use FAILURE (that is, the last repetition is a failure), you are no longer able to complete the last repetition of the exercise with the correct technique. IMPORTANT: failure should occur within 10-30 seconds (6-12 repetitions).

Your actions before TRAINING

1) Open your training diary and see previous results for that week. After whichwrite down:

  1. Day of the week (for example, Monday)
  2. Muscle group (for example, CHEST)
  3. Number (for example, 07/1/2013)
  4. Working weight, sets, repetitions (for example, 50 kg X 10 times X 4 APPROACHES).

In the last paragraph IMPORTANT progress (look at the previous results for that week in order to know how much to increase the load NOW. All this is done in order to control the progression of the load thanks to the diary (see below how to keep it).


I think this method is the most convenient and understandable, but you can use other methods that are convenient for you (the main thing is that you understand the essence).

On the first Monday, I wrote out all the exercises, weights, repetitions, approaches. So that you understand, below is a clear example of how easy it is to do it (but I also added - here we use the 1st method, there is no need to write this, this is for you to understand).

Monday: CHEST (07/1/2013)

  1. Incline Bench Press 50kg x 6 reps x 4 sets
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press 16kg x 6 reps x 4 sets
  3. Barbell bench press 50kg x 6 reps x 4 sets

Next Monday: CHEST (07/8/2013) - here we use the 1st progression method

  1. 50kg x 10 x 4
  2. 16kg x 10 x 4
  3. 50kg x 10 x 4

Next Monday: CHEST (07/15/2013) - here we use the 1st progression method

  1. 50 kg x 12 x 4
  2. 16 kg x 12 x 4
  3. 50 kg x 12 x 4

Next Monday: CHEST (07/22/2013) - here we are already using the 2nd progression method

  1. 53 kg x 6 x 4
  2. 18 kg x 6 x 4
  3. 53 kg x 6 x 4

2) Do a good warm-up . Warm up without weights. For 5 minutes, until your forehead is covered with sweat. Rotate your body, swing your arms up and down, left and right, jump rope... here your imagination works more. The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the body, muscles, ligaments and joints and prepare the body for strength work.

Then proceed to the exercise, for example, bench press, perform with light weights (50-60% of the working weight) in the range of 12-15 repetitions. Then add more weight and do a lead-up approach (already 70-80% of the working set) for 8-10 reps. And only then perform working approaches (100%). All these warm-up and lead-up approaches are done in order to warm up and prepare the muscles for heavy strength work. In the following exercises, the warm-up is no longer so important, you need to look at how you feel (for the psyche, you can also do a warm-up).

3) After each workout, it is important to cool down . Cool down - performed at the end of the workout. It consists of calming exercises to calm the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of blood stagnation in the muscles, prevent the appearance of muscle pain, return contracted muscles to their normal state, lower body temperature to normal, etc. You can just lie down and relax.

4) Immediately after training after you enter the locker room, it is IMPORTANT to eat simple carbohydrates + fast proteins.

At this time, the protein-carbohydrate window opens, and nutrients are absorbed many times better and faster. BUT remember, you can eat a full meal only after 30-40 minutes after training, so we eat fast carbohydrates + fast proteins.

For example:

  • Simple carbohydrates (any sweet: chocolate, Snickers, gingerbread, banana, sweet juice)
  • Fast proteins (Whey protein or amino acids, gainer, or regular boiled eggs).

Combined with proper nutrition, this training regimen will help you achieve fantastic results, believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

Okay, for now, I gave youTHREEtraining complexes(2,3 and 5 day splits) , told about the features and explanations of all the diagrams, and gave step-by-step actions.

I took away the last set of exercises from these three, because it is radically different from those training programs. Why, you will find out by STUDYING IT!

Fascia- this is a connective tissue membrane that covers organs, blood vessels, nerves and forms cases for muscles in vertebrates and humans; performs supporting and trophic functions.

When training fascia, our main goal is : delivery of as many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oxygen, etc. as possible. into the muscle, as well as stretching the fascia that surrounds it - this allows you to achieve maximum muscle growth. Fascia is a limiting factor in muscle growth, because the muscle grows only as long as there is free space. By training them in 7 sets in a style, we can stretch the fascia and thereby make room for muscle growth.

There are 3 types of fascia in the human body, but bodybuilders should pay attention to only one of them - the deep fascia. It is dense fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels of the body. The high density of this collagen fiber provides the deep fascia with its strength and integrity. Its expandability and elasticity are determined by the number of fibers. In other words, some of us have fascia that is thicker and more rigid than others.

Genetically gifted bodybuilders have thin fascia, so their muscles look larger and more puffy, classic examples being Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath - these are people with thin fascia. Their muscles expand more easily.

But, for example, Jay Cutler has thick fascia. But as you can see, this did not stop him from gaining more muscle mass, but his muscles look kind of round.

How to train fascia?

You should train with heavy weights using, in general, as usual within 6-12 repetitions, when you have completed the planned number of exercises for a specific target muscle group, you must at the end of the workout perform the last exercise (usually in simulators where the load is isolating) in 7 sets of 12-15 repetitions, rest between sets is minimal (no more than 30 seconds, this is the only way we will get the maximum possible pump. (This will be fascia training).

The last exercise in 7 approaches is performed at the end of the workout with the same weight; as a rule, we reduce the weight by 30%.

For example, if you perform 70 kg on the bench press, then 70 * 30:100 = 21 kg. This means that the last exercise (fascia training in 7 sets will be performed with 21 kg).

It is vital to drink as much water as possible during training. At least 1.5 liters, depending on your personal characteristics (sweating), season and your weight. In summer you need more water.

What exercises are best for the 7 sets of fascia training?

Basic compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats, etc. - a bad choice for two reasons:

  1. They involve other muscles and prevent them from giving full load to the target muscle
  2. Good technique and balance are required, which deteriorate when you try to complete a large number of sets in a short time.

The best choice is on simulators (because there is an insulating load), which is what interests us.

An example of a compiled training program along with fascia training

I have compiled a specific example of a training program, SPLIT 5 days a week (the program is suitable for experienced athletes) for beginners, there is no point in training with it. The usual training scheme, but at the end there is a final exercise, training the fascia, this is what we discussed today.


  1. Seated leg extension 4xMAX (as a warm-up, the exercise can be ignored altogether)
  2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4x6-12
  3. Leg press 4x6-12
  4. Lying leg curl 4x6-12
  5. Calves, standing in the simulator 4x15-20
  6. Calves sitting in the 4x15-20 machine
  7. FASCIA: sitting leg extension 7x10-15


  1. Bench press on an incline bench (30 degrees no more) 4x6-12 reps
  2. Incline dumbbell press (30 degrees) 4x6-12 reps
  3. Bench press on a horizontal bench 4x6-12 reps
  4. FASCIA: bench press of a barbell or dumbbells on an incline bench in a Smith machine 7x10-15


  1. Chest Pull-Ups or Chest Pull-Ups (for those who cannot do pull-ups) 4x6-12 reps
  2. Bent-over barbell rows 4x6-12 reps
  3. Bent-over dumbbell row 1 arm 4x6-12
  4. Horizontal block row 4x6-12 reps
  5. FASCIA: horizontal block pull 7x10-15


  1. Barbell row to the chin with a medium grip (broach) 4x6-12
  2. Barbell press, standing from the chest 4x6-12
  3. Dumbbell raises to the side (swings) 4x10-15
  4. FASCIA: Swings, standing (3 sets of drop sets, first heavy, medium, light all for 6-15 repetitions, rest 20 seconds)

Drop sets are sets where you drop weight. For example, take 12 kg for 6-15 reps, immediately take 10 kg for 6-15 reps, immediately do 8 kg for 6-15 reps, and do 3 such sets with a rest of 20 seconds.


  1. Barbell curl for biceps 4x6-12
  2. Bars (emphasis on triceps) 4x6-12
  3. Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12
  4. Close grip barbell press 4x6-12
  5. FASCIA: Barbell curl for biceps + Arm extension at the block) superset 7x10-15.

Superset is weight training in which a bodybuilder combines two different exercises designed to work the same muscle group, performing it without rest. In our case, we did a barbell curl for the biceps and immediately did an extension of the arms at the block without rest!

I tried to touch on and show you everything, I can’t imagine what else I could add. I assure you, other resources will never share anything worthwhile, at least for free. Therefore, I hope for your positive feedback.

Request: Dear bodybuilding gurus, if you are copying information from this site, then at least insert a link to the original source, be human!

Best regards, administrator.