How to determine a nation by last name. How to determine nationality by last name

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Using a nationality test, you can identify your belonging to a certain category of people. A person does not always know his personal roots; perhaps, growing up in an orphanage, his parents did not talk about his ancestors. People often suspect that they do not belong to the nationality indicated in their passport, and they do not know how to identify their true roots. You can, of course, take a DNA test or ask friends and elders who can tell you about distant relatives, but this is long and painstaking. Often there is no time or no desire to do this, because we have lived for so many years without any evidence.

But a test for nationality based on appearance, surname, character can be passed quickly, and at the same time receiving a comprehensive result. Sometimes even appearance does not distinguish a person from others, but temperament and violent disposition take their toll. Here we can say that in every country, city, town, there are such people, and their character does not depend on ethnic identity. There is some truth in this, but most still understand why they look different, have curly hair or other features, so they want to find out their true origins.

If you have an unusual appearance, even if it is not much different from those around you, and you suspect that you have a different origin, take a nationality test based on your appearance, it will refute or confirm your guesses.

Often, people’s subconscious is influenced by their mission from a past life, although it sounds like fiction, it happens. Test: What nationality were you in a past life will reveal to you the secret of some of your actions.

To recognize race, there are services that allow you to upload photos, but we suggest taking a nationality test using a photo description, which will reveal your knowledge in this matter. As a result, you will receive an answer whether you have correctly identified a particular nationality.

Each individual has his own characteristics, but there are characteristics inherent to a particular nationality. The nationality character test will identify you to a certain nation based on your qualities.

Standard tests for nationality based on the face require uploading a photo, after which they give the result. We invite you to answer questions based on which you can understand how much you know other nationalities.

People have different attitudes towards representatives of other nationalities; the Are You Racist test will determine your view, and will also reveal the degree of your disdain for a person with a different skin tone than your relatives.

The ability to think, reason, and express oneself is different for everyone. But there are certain signs for each region. So, for example, Russians may not understand the humor of the British and vice versa. Find out what kind of mentality you are; the test will answer this question based on the options you choose.

By taking an online test for nationalism, you will understand how much you love your region, your country. For some, worries about the Motherland are alien, others are concerned about their financial situation, but there are also those who are extremely devoted to their Fatherland.

Nations exhibit peculiarities in appearance and character, and each one is distinguished by the specificity of their surnames. Try to determine your nationality by last name, the online test will help with this, take it and get the result.

The test, How to find out your roots by appearance, will make it possible to determine your true roots using some cumulative marks inherent in a particular nation, ethnic group, or continental zone.

How to determine nationality by last name? Find out nationality?

    This is how I would answer this rather difficult question about nationality based on last name.

    In some cases, of course, you can to some extent try to determine nationality by last name, if you know the ending of this last name.

    For example, the ending of a surname is: shvili or dze - among Georgians, with: yan - among Armenians, with: ko - among Ukrainians, with: ku - among Moldovans, with: ii - among Poles. However, this is all quite relative, of course. You can also find out nationality by some surnames, for example: Tsoi is Korean.

    In general, determining nationality by last name can be very difficult, since many last names are similar. There are many similar surnames, for example, Jews and Germans, Jews and Poles, etc.

    Nationality cannot always be determined by last name. In the modern world, everything is too mixed up. A person may have a Belarusian surname, but only 5% of Belarusian blood. Such a person was born and raised in Kazakhstan, his native language is Kazakh. His appearance is clearly not Slavic, he doesn’t know a word of Belarusian, he’s never been to Belarus itself and has no idea where this country is... Will such a person be considered one of their own in Belarus?))

    What if a person with a Caucasian appearance comes up to you and begins to prove with foam at the mouth that he is Russian? With a strong Caucasian accent? Will you believe him?)) But his passport has a Russian surname, and his birth certificate says Russian.

    And here’s another question: Is Dmitry Pozharsky a Western Ukrainian or a Pole by nationality?))

    Did you know that Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is a Scot?)) What is there really to think about? His family is of Scottish origin

    Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is not Russian, but Tatar!))

    Can assume the nationality or ethnic origin of a person by last name, but cannot be determined in any way. A surname can be inherited from a very distant ancestor, from adoptive parents, it can be modified during the preparation of documents. There are similar surnames that are found among people of completely different nationalities. For example, surnames ending in SKY, SKAYA are found among Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, and Jews.

    It is possible to determine nationality by surname with a high probability, but it should be borne in mind that that other person could change his surname. Or he could be replaced by the parents or grandparents of this person. As for in general terms, pay attention to the ending, each country and its citizens have special endings on their surnames, so if in Russia the endings -ov- and -ev- are most often used, then in other countries they are their own.

    Yes, it's possible. Ukrainian surnames have the following endings: -ko, yuk, nik. Examples: Nikitenko, Klimenko, Artmenko, Korotchenko, Linnik, Vinnik, Gnatyuk. There are other Ukrainian surnames. Russian surnames end in -ov, -ev, -iy, -in. Examples: Volkov, Gromov, Popov, Somov, Nikolaev, Grigoriev, Ushansky, Bakin. There are other Russian surnames. The surname Partskhaladze or Pavliashvili indicates that such a person is Georgian. Other Asian surnames are difficult for a Russian person to pronounce. You need to pay attention to famous people from a certain country to determine what nationality a person has. But you can reliably determine nationality from your passport. Although you can ask your interlocutor about this.

Just a few years ago in the Soviet Union, a lot depended on a person’s nationality, for example, getting a job or entering a higher educational institution. Now we live in a democratic country, where a person’s nationality essentially does not play any role, as indeed throughout the world, because, regardless of a person’s place of birth and his “blood,” everyone has equal rights.

However, the question of nationality is quite interesting, because every person is interested in finding out what kind of family this or that person or he himself comes from, so in this article we will try to figure out how to determine nationality, especially since this can be useful, for example, for emigration. There are many ways to determine nationality, let's look at each of them.

How to determine nationality - the first method

Ask your parents if mom and dad are Kazakhs, then you will belong to this nationality, but it often happens that parents of different nationalities are married, for example, the mother is Tatar and the father is Ukrainian. Then you must determine your nationality based on the general rules of a particular nation, for example, in Russia, nationality is determined by the father, while in Israel, nationality is determined by the mother.

How to determine nationality - the second method

It happens that a person does not know his true parents, for example, he was adopted or raised in an orphanage. Then the nationality of this person will depend on his place of residence, following the traditions of this people and perfect knowledge of the language of the country in which this person lives. For example, you live in Germany, but your native language is Hebrew, you also honor the traditions of Israel, observe all Jewish holidays, for example, Hanukkah, then you are a Jew.

How to determine nationality - the third method

You can determine your nationality based on physiological characteristics, although, most likely, this method may be subjective and not objective, because, for example, if you had a distant great-grandfather who was Armenian, and your mother and father are Russian, then you may still experience facial features inherited from a distant relative, such as eye color and nose shape. Below are the most common features of certain nationalities.
First, let's remember school biology courses and consider the existing classifications of people's races, which are determined by place of residence: for example, dark skin contains more melanin, which protects from the sweltering sun.

  • Caucasian race - about half of the planet's population belongs to this type. Distinctive features: fair skin, soft or slightly wavy hair, narrow nose, thin lips, eye color may vary. The Caucasian race includes residents of Europe, Armenians, Tajiks, Ukrainians and others.
  • The Negroid race is most often found in Africa and America. People are distinguished by their dark skin, wide lips and nose, brown eyes (there are exceptions) and dark curly hair.
  • The Mongoloid race makes up about 40 percent of the world's population. It is distinguished by its yellowish skin color, straight forehead, wide nose and narrow eyes. The Mongoloid race includes the inhabitants of China, Japan, Koreans and other Asian peoples.
  • Australoid race - inhabits Australia and the island of New Guinea. It is distinguished by its dark skin color, wide nose, brown eyes and well-developed hair.

But, thanks to the rapid growth of the Earth's population, there has now been a mixture of different races, which makes humans unique. It is enough to read about this or that nationality so that you can identify yourself with it.

In general, it is not only interesting to study your own or someone else’s nationality, it is also quite cool to learn the traditions of certain nationalities, for example, what holidays are celebrated by residents of different countries. As you can see, nationality is sometimes difficult to determine, since in modern life people have a lot of “mixed” blood.

Have you ever wondered about the origin of your last name? In fact, this is very interesting, because the surname makes it possible to find out a person’s nationality and roots. To figure out what nationality a particular surname belongs to, you need to pay attention to suffixes and endings.

So, the most common suffix Ukrainian surnames- “-enko” (Bondarenko, Petrenko, Timoshenko, Ostapenko). Another group of suffixes is “-eiko”, “-ko”, “-ochka” (Belebeyko, Bobreiko, Grishko). The third suffix is ​​“-ovsky” (Berezovsky, Mogilevsky). Often among Ukrainian surnames you can find those that come from the names of professions (Koval, Gonchar), as well as from combinations of two words (Sinegub, Belogor).

Among Russians surnames The following suffixes are common: “-an”, “-yn”, -“in”, “-skikh”, “-ov”, “-ev”, “-skoy”, “-tskoy”, “-ikh”, “ -s.” It is easy to guess that the following can be considered examples of such surnames: Smirnov, Nikolaev, Donskoy, Sedykh.

Polish surnames most often they have the suffixes “-sk” and “-tsk”, as well as the endings “-iy”, “-aya” (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Vishnevsky). You can often find Poles with surnames with an unchangeable form (Sienkiewicz, Wozniak, Mickiewicz).

English surnames often come from the name of the area where a person lives (Scott, Wales), from the names of professions (Smith - blacksmith), from characteristics (Armstrong - strong, Sweet - sweet).

In front of many French surnames there is an insertion “Le”, “Mon” or “De” (Le Germain, Le Pen).

German surnames most often formed from names (Peters, Jacobi, Wernet), from characteristics (Klein - small), from the type of activity (Schmidt - blacksmith, Müller - miller).

Tatar surnames come from Tatar words and the following suffixes: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in” (Yuldashin, Safin).

Italian surnames are formed using the following suffixes: “-ini”, “-ino”, “-ello”, “-illo”, “-etti”, “-etto”, “-ito” (Moretti, Benedetto).

Majority Spanish and Portuguese surnames come from characteristics (Alegre - joyful, Bravo - brave). Among the endings, the most common are: “-ez”, “-es”, “-az” (Gomez, Lopez).

Norwegian surnames are formed using the suffix “en” (Larsen, Hansen). Surnames without a suffix at all are also popular (Per, Morgen). Surnames are often formed from the names of natural phenomena or animals (Blizzard - blizzard, Svane - swan).

Swedish surnames most often end in “-sson”, “-berg”, “-stead”, “-strom” (Forsberg, Bosstrom).

U Estonians by last name you cannot understand whether a person is masculine or feminine (Simson, Nahk).

U Jewish surnames There are two common roots - Levi and Cohen. Most surnames are formed from male names (Solomon, Samuel). There are also surnames that are formed using suffixes (Abramson, Jacobson).

Belarusian surnames end in “-ich”, “-chik”, “-ka”, “-ko”, “-onak”, “-yonak”, “-uk”, “-ik”, “-ski” (Radkevich, Kuharchik ).

Turkish surnames have the ending “-oglu”, “-ji”, “-zade” (Mustafaoglu, Ekinci).

Almost everything Bulgarian surnames formed from names using the suffixes “-ov”, “-ev” (Konstantinov, Georgiev).

Men's Latvian surnames end with “-s”, “-is”, and female ones end with “-e”, “-a” (Shurins - Shurin).

And men's Lithuanian surnames end in “-onis”, “-unas”, “-utis”, “-aytis”, “-ena” (Norvidaitis). Women's endings in “-en”, “-yuven”, “-uven” (Grinyuvene). The surnames of unmarried girls contain a part of the father’s surname and the suffixes “-ut”, “-polut”, “-ayt”, as well as the ending “-e” (Orbakas - Orbakaite).

Majority Armenian surnames end with the suffix “-yan”, “-yants”, “-uni” (Hakopyan, Galustyan).

Georgian surnames end in “-shvili”, “-dze”, “-uri”, “-ava”, “-a”, “-ua”, “-ia”, “-ni” (Mikadze, Gvishiane).

Greek surnames The endings “-idis”, “-kos”, -“poulos” are inherent (Angelopoulos, Nikolaidis).

Chinese and Korean surnames consist of one, sometimes two syllables (Tang Liu, Qiao, Mao).

Japanese surnames are formed using one or two words (Kitamura - north and village).

Feature of women's Czech surnames is the obligatory ending “-ova” (Valdrova, Andersonova).

It's amazing how many differences there are between the names of different nationalities and peoples!

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