Tata's mother from home 2. Biography

The Dom-2 project has been broadcasting on the TNT channel for more than ten years. During this time, the television production of all Rus' saw thousands of different participants, most of whom they probably no longer remember. But this story is not about Tattoo Abramson. She is one of the few participants of House-2 who managed to prove herself and gain an enviable army of fans in a matter of months. The future star of the TNT channel was born in Georgia. She lived there with her parents until she was twelve years old, and then the whole family emigrated to China. As Tata herself has repeatedly said, they received their higher education in the Middle Kingdom.

Name: Tata Abramson (Zukhbaya)

Place of birth: Georgia

Anthropometric data: height 169 cm, weight 60 kg

Occupation: participant in the television project Dom-2 (never worked anywhere before)

Marital status: engaged to Valery Blumenkrants (expecting a child)

Brief biography

There she tried her hand at acting and modeling, but, probably, the girl was not successful in China and returned to Russia immediately for the Dom-2 project. It is also worth noting that Abramson speaks five languages, including English and Chinese, which she has repeatedly demonstrated on the show.

The girl loves to talk about her Jewish roots and often jokes about this topic. Although neither Tata herself nor her mother, Maria Tristanovna, could ever explain where their notorious Jewish roots came from.

Tata Abramson at Dom-2

Tata Abramson's arrival at Dom-2 was different from many other arrivals of new participants. The girl who came with Tata started an affair on the project on the very first day, and the young man asked the entire team to vote for her. Despite the fact that most of the male half of House-2 still liked Tata more, she had to go out of the gate. But on the same day, Gleb “Strawberry” Zhemchugov encouraged the guys to collectively ask the presenters to return the spectacular Tattoo to the project, and the guys did not regret it.

Tata Abramson is distinguished by the violent temperament of a true Georgian. She can chalk up a good half of the scandals of which she was the provocateur. The girl provokes not only girls, but also boys into quarrels. Partly because of this, at first the girl’s personal life on the project did not work out, and she was a loner for more than six months, except for short-term romances.

Appearing within the walls of the countries' main television production, Tata Abramson loudly declared her sympathy for Fedor Strelkov. She tried to look after the young man, showed him various signs of attention, but Fedor at that moment was already in love with another participant - Kristina Lyaskovets. Then her ex-boyfriend came to Tata for the project, but the relationship did not work out here either.

A few weeks later, Tata Abramson announced herself as a couple with Semyon Frol. Despite the fact that the guys dated for about a month, their romance went unnoticed by TV viewers and gradually faded away.

Tata Abramson found her happiness with Valery Blumenkrants, who once again returned to the television project precisely for her sake. Despite the temperamental nature of both partners, they still remained together for several months. And at the most critical moment for the couple Tata and Valery, the couple suddenly learned that they would soon become parents. Many participants believe that if it weren’t for their common child, Abramson and Blumenkrantz would hardly be together, but despite all the spiteful critics, the couple continues to post romantic photos together, dismantling love and care for each other.

Today, Tata Abramson has almost 230 thousand subscribers on Instagram. Not a bad result for a novice media person. Judging by the photographs, various brands often turn to her for advertising, and one must think that this brings her a good income.

One of the most popular photos of Tata on Instagram is a photo of an engagement ring from Valery Blumenkrants. According to various sources, its cost is 150-300 thousand rubles. Subscribers showered the gift with flattering comments, and Tata herself forgave Valery for such luxury for his correspondence with other girls.

At the moment, the pregnant girl left the television project Dom-2 along with her future husband Valery Blumenkrants and her mother Marina Tristanovna, who lived on the project for just over a month and took care of her daughter. Tata's last photos after leaving the project are saturated with warmth and comfort. Tata, with a rounded belly, publishes her photos and photos of her house with Valery. Fans in the comments wish the couple mutual understanding and love, which they lacked in House-2. Tata Abramson’s Instagram loudly declares to all ill-wishers that after the project, the life of the future spouses has just begun.

Tata Abramson has a unique, if not exotic, appearance that no one remains indifferent to. Some consider her a rare beauty that no man can resist, others find the girl mediocre and believe that plastic surgery only ruined her appearance. But the fact remains that Tata looks impressive and that’s exactly what she was striving for.

Tata had 2 plastic surgeries. The first thing she did was increase and change the volume of her lips. Nature gifted the girl with already plump lips, but the girl dreamed of more seductive forms. The result is obvious, and Abramson is quite pleased with it.

The next stage of “tuning” was rhinoplasty. This operation has become incredibly popular in recent years, and Tata is a girl who always keeps up with the times. Tata Abramson's nose has become thinner and sharper, so to speak. This does not prevent the Dom-2 participant from making it even thinner through make-up.

Anyone who closely followed the broadcasts could hear that Tata wanted to have surgery on her ears, press them down and make them a little smaller. But Abramson’s fans dissuade her from this idea and call her ears “very cute.”

Like any other girl on the Dom-2 television project, Tata dreams of breast enlargement, but has not yet decided to undergo this operation. In addition, plans had to change due to the girl’s current interesting situation. In addition, the girl gets Botox injections every four months and plans to continue doing them.

Tata Abramson has repeatedly stated that she considers plastic surgery to be real saviors for girls who have complexes about this or that part. And by her example, she proves that plastic surgery helps you change for the better without fear for your health.

The television project “Dom-2” was loved by viewers because of the intrigues and strife that take place within the perimeter. Guys and girls are under the gun of television cameras 24 hours a day, and many of them actually fulfill the main purpose of the television show: building their love. Participants in the show get married and have children, living full lives.

A young girl with the unusual name Tata Abramson (they say that her real name is Tata Zubhaya) managed to find her own happiness. This blonde instantly won the love of the audience, and her page in "Instagram" is gaining popularity among reality TV fans.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the television project was born on February 27, 1993. According to her zodiac sign, Tata turned out to be Pisces. The girl's parents divorced when she was still a child. Mother Marina Tristanovna went to China with her children in 2005 to develop a business selling shoes. In the capital of the country, a woman worked tirelessly to feed her son and little daughter. On television, Tata repeatedly said that the mother was busy with her own career rather than with the children, so the girl spent most of her time with the nanny.

Tata did not tell journalists about her father for a long time, but the girls periodically appear on Instagram with photos of him with his new family and second wife Nadezhda.

In Beijing, the future reality star entered a school at the Russian embassy, ​​and after receiving a certificate of secondary education, the girl applied to an economics university. Tata grew up as a smart and quick-witted child with a good memory. As a student, Abramson could speak 5 foreign languages: Georgian, English, Chinese, French and Mingrelian.

In the Asian country, the girl showed not only mental, but also creative abilities: the Georgian more than once participated in the filming of advertising and extras.


An interesting turn in the girl’s biography occurred on March 25, 2015, when she appeared on a television set. Tata had been watching “Dom-2” for a long time, so getting to the casting of the program became a dream for her. The blonde, 169 cm tall and weighing 60 kg, immediately impressed the lion's share of the male audience with her appearance and artistry; she confidently answered questions asked, and also participated in creative skits - such tasks were given to the new participants by the “old men” of the project.

Tata Abramson at the Dom-2 project

Tata immediately announced the purpose of appearing within the perimeter - it was the lonely Fedor Strelkov. Abramson stated that she likes young and athletic guys, and Fedya just fit these parameters. However, the presenter of the execution decided to dispel the situation and joked about Strelkov’s mental abilities, and Tata supported the general enthusiasm. Abramson said that in a couple the guy doesn’t have to think, and she will be the head of the family. Fedya did not like such jokes from the beauty, so he did not court her.

Tata Abramson with and without makeup

On the first day of her arrival, Tata behaved openly, was not embarrassed by the cameras and tried to make friends with the guys.

Later, repeated reality participant Semyon Frolov tried to win the heart of the Georgian woman. The accordion player showed signs of attention, but the blond girl did not care about them. But before voting for departure, Abramson still decided to move into the house with Semyon. The couple did not last long, as Tata was not delighted with Frolov’s humor, who at one party decided to perform in women’s attire.

On the project, Tatu was noticed in a slight intrigue with a teacher at an acting school. The young people were learning the “correct kiss on camera”, but got too carried away, which led to rumors and suspicions that soon dissipated.

Soon, big changes occurred in Abramson's personal life. Tata managed to meet her chosen one, who became him, with Jewish and Azerbaijani roots. The young man, being a fan of the project, looked closely at the blond participant for a long time, after which he appeared in the clearing with a proposal to create a couple. At first, the young people gave the impression of an ideal union. They tried to spend all their free time together, reading fiction and poetry. Once Tata and Valery even danced to the Jewish hit “Hava Nagila.”

It cannot be said that throughout the entire time the relationship between Valera and Tata was ideal: the lovers began to quarrel and develop conflict situations over trifles. Pregnancy also affected the girl’s temperament: Abramson provoked scandals with the project participants.

Marina Tristanovna was invited to the perimeter to calm Tata’s ardor, but daily conflicts occurred between mother and daughter. “Bubochek” (as fans of the TV show call the couple Valery and Tata) were even kicked out of the project for a while for inappropriate behavior and emotional breakdowns by Abramson. Because of this, the show participants had to abandon the “Million Dollar Wedding” competition, in which the lovers were in the lead.

Fans remembered Tata for her oriental appearance; the girl claimed that her nationality was determined by two bloods: Georgian and Jewish. However, there is an alternative opinion among fans of the TV show. Some are sure that the story of Jewish origin is just a beautiful fairy tale, but in fact the girl was born in the Caucasus and is a purebred Georgian. On the project, the blonde is famous for her “hot” temperament and excessive emotionality.

There is also an opinion that Tata initially came to the TV show not for a love relationship, but to make money, since Marina Tristanovna’s shoe business in China began to make losses.

Abramson is used to keeping up with the times, as evidenced by her plastic surgery. As you know, the Dom-2 participant enlarged her lips and had rhinoplasty: her nose became sharper and thinner.

The opinions of fans of the TV show who compare “before” and “after” photos of plastic surgery are opposite: some believe that the girl began to look much better, others are sure that the surgical intervention made the participant’s appearance mediocre.

There are rumors that the blonde wants to correct the shape of her ears and undergo breast augmentation surgery.

On April 26, 2017, the wedding of Tata Abramson and Valery Blumenkrants was celebrated at “House 2”. They became the 15th couple in the history of the project who decided to start a family. For the wedding ceremony, Tata chose a beige dress with a train and a tiara, which some fans of the TV show compared to the decoration on the head of the American Statue of Liberty. The newlyweds tried to follow traditions, so the groom came to pick up the bride at the hotel room where Abramson had moved in advance of the wedding.

The lovers celebrated the celebration among the reality participants the day after the painting in the registry office. The toastmaster at the evening was the toastmaster, and the cake was provided by the famous pastry chef.

At the time of the wedding, Tata was pregnant and by the summer the “Bubochek” family was expecting a child. In due time, Beatrice was born, who became a real favorite not only of her mother and father, but also of the rest of the large family and the participants of “House-2”. The girl’s parents decided to stay on the perimeter after the birth of their daughter. Together with the newlyweds, Tata’s mother, Marina Tristanovna, also returned to the project after a short break. This time the couple lasted on the reality show until March 2018.

Tata Abramson now

Now the relationship between Valery and Tata is on the verge of divorce. The TV presenters of “Dom-2” decided to give the couple a second chance and invited the family to a television production.

In the summer of 2018, the couple Abramson and Blumenkranz flew to “Love Island,” but in the new place, conflict situations between them became more frequent. Already in the fall, both began talking about irreconcilable differences that cast doubt on their future life together. According to Valery, he no longer intends to tolerate his wife’s intolerable character and is waiting for her to leave the project. He assumes that he will be able to establish a personal life with another participant in the reality show.

However, in search of a new chosen one, Tata tried to get ahead of her husband. Even before leaving for Love Island, she had a fan, a 22-year-old young man named Alexander, whom the girl met at a karaoke bar. The young people continued to communicate on social networks and occasionally correspond. They are in no hurry to move on to a more serious relationship.

In September it became known that Valery cheated on his wife with Mariana Petrea. Having learned about this, Tata left the perimeter with her daughter, having previously beaten her rival.

    Tata is Jewish by nationality, her family comes from Georgia, and she herself was born in the capital of China!

    She is surprisingly young (looks older) - she is 23 years old now.

    She worked as an actress. She started with roles in crowd scenes in China, then participated in advertising and even in TV series (they love foreigners there; I’m surprised she hasn’t participated in a dance show yet).

    On the Dom-2 project, Tata tried to build a relationship with Strelkov, and then with Frolov, but it didn’t work out.

    Now Tata is already 11 weeks pregnant (her father is Valera Blumenkranz).

    Tata Abramson is currently one of the participants in such a television project as Dom2. Tata was born in the winter of 1993, namely on the twenty-seventh of February.

    Tata is Jewish. Her parents separated when Tata was still twelve years old and she remained to live with her mother. But unfortunately, her mother was very busy with work and Tata grew up quite aggressive because she lacked maternal warmth.

    So she was born in Georgia, and from the age of twelve she went with her mother to live in China, where she took part in the filming of advertising and even in some TV series.

    Possesses knowledge of five languages.

    Tata Ambromson, after she seems to have recently become pregnant, is perhaps attracting more attention than anyone else. Of course, unfortunately, this happens due to her nervousness and grumpiness.

    The girl is in constant negativity and for her and the health of her unborn child, it’s really alarming.

    Her relationship with her mother is not going well, and her boyfriend Valery, whom she seemed to love so much until recently, now practically despises.

    Tata was born on February 27, 1993 in sunny Georgia, although she lived in China and seems to know this complex language quite well.

    Her mother seems to be quite wealthy, but it’s the money that she completely lacks.

    Tata Abramson is a very beautiful girl, the new star of House 2.

    However, it is possible that she made completely new sponges for herself.

    She looks like Svetlana Loboda, she has reshaped herself quite well.

    Originally from Georgia, there are Jewish roots.

    Born February 27, 1993. Although it is known that project participants often underestimate their age...

    Stunning beauty Tata Abramson is a new participant in the infamous TV project Dom-2 throughout the country. And indeed, despite the fact that she appeared relatively recently on the project, she is already very, very popular. Tata is 23 years old today. She was born beauty February 27, 1993. The girl lived in China with her parents from the age of 12. She is a real polyglot, she can easily communicate in 5 languages, without any problems. She received her higher education in China. The nationality of this beautiful girl is considered to be Georgia. We For our part, we promise to support her in every possible way and closely monitor her successes on the Dom-2 television project. We wish you happiness and good luck Tata!

    A relatively new (since March 25, 2016) participant in the Dom-2 project is Tata Abramson, a Georgian Jew by origin who has lived in Beijing from the age of 12 to this day. She has already acted in TV series in China. She is now 23 years old (date of birth - February 27, 1993).

    Participant in the show since 03/25/16.

    Born 02/27/1993

    Now Tata is pregnant, the father of Tata’s unborn baby is Valery Blumenkranz.

    The couple is not yet in an official relationship; they are planning a wedding for the end of 2017, after the birth of the baby.

    Abramson is a participant in the television project Dom2; she lived half her life in Beijing, China, but was born in Georgia. Abramson is Jewish, which initially brought her closer to Valery Blumenkrants, but in mid-August 2016 the couple broke up, and now Tata Abramson is not dating anyone.

    The girl is 23 years old, she is very smart, knows 5 languages ​​and is in constant personal growth.

    Tata Abramson communicates with fans on her Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/_tatia_tatia_/

    Tata Abramson- participant of the television project Dom-2 on TNT.

    Tata is a Georgian Jew.

    Since the age of 12 he has lived in Beijing (China).

    Tata Abramson speaks 5 languages.

    Currently receiving higher education.

"on the TNT channel.

Tata Abramson. Biography

Real name Tata Abramson - Zukhbaya, the girl has Georgian-Jewish roots. Tata was born (as she herself points out in various sources) in Moscow, but as a child, at the age of 12, she left with her mother for China. Came to Russia from Beijing. In the Celestial Empire, Tata starred in extras, TV series and advertising. Speaks five languages: Chinese, English, French, Georgian and Mingrelian.

After Tata’s mother’s shoe business collapsed in China, the girl decided to go to Russia to earn money.

Tata Abramson at the Dom 2 project

In July 2016, Abramson got rid of her single status after Valery Blumenkranz appeared on the project. It turned out that the couple communicated on the Internet, and the meeting with Tata in real life made such an indelible impression on Valery that he decided to again become a participant in the reality show. Blumenkranz and Abramson became one of the most scandalous couples of “House-2”: almost every day the team discussed the next conflict between the temperamental Tata and Valera. It often came to the point of assault.

In October 2016, Tata Abramson announced that she was expecting a child with Blumenkranz. Valera, seeing the two stripes, was delighted, promised never to leave Tattoo and confessed his love to her.

At the end of April 2017, Tata changed her last name to her husband’s last name, officially becoming the wife of Valery Blumenkranz. The wedding of Tata and Valera was the 15th in a row that the participants played as part of the project.

The solemn ceremony of registering the marriage of Tata Abramson and Valery Blumenkrants took place in the Gagarin branch of the registry office in Moscow, and a magnificent celebration took place the next day in “city apartments.”

On July 8, 2017, Tata Abramson gave birth to a girl at the capital’s Center for Family Planning and Reproduction. Valery Blumenkranz was present at the birth and, as soon as the girl was born, he was able to take her in his arms.

A young girl with the unusual name Tata Abramson (they say that her real name is Tata Zubhaya) managed to find her own happiness. This blonde instantly won the love of the audience, and her Instagram page has more than 350 thousand subscribers, and this number is growing every day.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the television project was born on February 27, 1993. The girl’s mother, Marina Tristanovna, went to China with her children in 2005 to develop a business selling shoes. In the capital of the Celestial Empire, a woman worked tirelessly to feed her son and little daughter. On television, Tata repeatedly said that the mother was busy with her own career rather than with the children, so the girl spent most of her time with the nanny.

Unfortunately, nothing is known about the father of the participant in the television project: Tata did not tell journalists about him.

In Beijing, the future reality star entered a school at the Russian embassy, ​​and after graduation, the girl applied to an economics university.

Tata grew up as a smart and quick-witted child with a good memory. As a student, Abramson could speak five foreign languages: Georgian, English, Chinese, French and Mingrelian.

In the Asian country, the girl showed not only mental, but also creative abilities: the white-skinned Georgian more than once participated in the filming of advertising and extras.


Best of the day

An interesting turn in the girl’s biography occurred on March 25, 2015, when she appeared on a television set. Tata had been watching “Dom-2” for a long time, so getting to the casting of the program became a dream for her. The petite blonde, 169 cm tall and weighing 60 kg, immediately impressed the lion's share of the male audience with her appearance and artistry; she confidently answered questions asked, and also participated in creative skits - such tasks were given to the new participants by the “old men” of the project.

Tata immediately announced the purpose of appearing within the perimeter - it was the lonely Fedor Strelkov. Abramson stated that she likes young and athletic guys, and Fedya exactly fit these parameters. However, the presenter of the frontal place, Vlad Kadoni, decided to dispel the situation and joked about Strelkov’s mental abilities, and Tata supported the general enthusiasm. Abramson said that in a couple the guy doesn’t have to think, and she will be the head of the family. Fedya did not like such jokes from the beauty, so he did not court the blonde.

On the first day of her arrival, Tata behaved openly, was not embarrassed by the cameras and tried to make friends with the guys.

Later, repeated reality participant Semyon Frolov tried to win the heart of the obstinate Georgian woman. The accordion player showed signs of attention, but the blond girl did not care about them. But before voting for departure, Abramson still decided to move into the house with Semyon. The couple did not last long, as Tata was not delighted with Frolov’s humor, who at one party decided to perform in women’s attire.

On the project, Tatu was noticed in a slight intrigue with acting school teacher Alexei Sekirin. The young people were learning the “correct kiss on camera”, but got very carried away, which caused rumors and suspicions that soon dissipated.

As a result, Tata managed to meet her chosen one, he was Valery Blumenkranz, a Jew and Azerbaijani by birth. It cannot be said that throughout the entire time the relationship between Valera and Tata was ideal: the lovers often quarreled and developed conflict situations even over trifles. Pregnancy also affected the girl’s temperament: Abramson provoked scandals with the project participants.

Marina Tristanovna was invited to the perimeter to calm Tata’s ardor, but daily conflicts occurred between mother and daughter. “Bubochek” (as fans of the TV show call the couple Valery and Tata) were even kicked out of the project for a while for inappropriate behavior and emotional breakdowns by Abramson. Because of this, the show participants had to abandon the “Million Dollar Wedding” competition, in which the lovers were in the lead.

Many fans remembered Tata for her unusual oriental appearance; the girl claimed that her nationality was determined by two bloods: Georgian and Jewish. However, there is an alternative opinion among fans of the TV show. Some are sure that the story of Jewish origin is just a beautiful fairy tale, but in fact the girl was born in the Caucasus and is a purebred Georgian. On the project, the girl is famous for her “hot” temperament and excessive emotionality.

There is also an opinion that Tata initially came to the TV show not for a love relationship, but to make money, since Marina Tristanovna’s shoe business in China went into a loss.

Plastic surgery

Abramson is used to keeping up with the times, as evidenced by the girl’s plastic surgeries. As you know, the Dom-2 participant enlarged her lips and had rhinoplasty: her nose became sharper and thinner. The opinions of fans of the TV show who compare “before” and “after” photos of plastic surgery are opposite: some believe that the girl began to look much better, others are sure that the surgical intervention made the participant’s appearance mediocre.

There are rumors that the blonde wants to correct the shape of her ears and undergo breast augmentation surgery.

Tata Abramson now

On April 26, 2017, the wedding of Tata Abramson and Valery Blumenkrants was celebrated at Dom 2.

The lovers celebrated the celebration among the reality participants the day after the painting at the registry office. Tata is pregnant, still pregnant, and the “Bubochek” family is expecting a baby by summer.