Detailed biography of Jennifer Lawrence. Jennifer Lawrence: biography of a talented actress

Jennifer Lawrence is an actress who was nominated for an Oscar 4 times, and yet received one statuette. She is also a three-time winner of the Golden Globe award. With her desire to conquer Hollywood, the American actress Jennifer Lawrence caused a lot of trouble for her parents, her father Gary, a builder, and her mother Karen, a children's camp worker, and puzzled the residents of Louisville, who believed that her “rosy” dreams would dissipate and she would choose an ordinary profession.

  • Real name: Jennifer Schrader Lawrence
  • Date of birth: 08/15/1990
  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Height: 175 centimeters
  • Weight: 60 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 66 and 92 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 43 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Blue, chestnut.

However, in the case of our heroine, everything happened differently. A visit to New York allowed her to visit several offices in search of an agent, and to the amazement of her family and friends, the employees of one of them were able to discern talent in her. From that time on, all the girl’s efforts were focused on starting work as soon as possible. For the same reason, Jennifer graduated from school 2 years early, so as not to miss out on precious time and opportunities.

Her career began at the age of less than sixteen in the popular television series “Medium” and “Detective Rush.”

Growing popularity

The attention was paid to the actress after filming the full-length films “The Burning Plain” and “House of Poker.” Despite the fact that they hardly have the right to claim the title of blockbusters, the aspiring actress received her first Oscar nomination for the main role in the film directed by Debra Granik “House of Poker.” Academicians from the film industry were touched by its plot, and this picture, unexpectedly for everyone, became an Oscar contender in 4 categories. For the most part, this was the merit of Jennifer Lawrence, whose personal life instantly attracted the attention of journalists.

Just a year later, the young actress took part in the filming of the cult film “X-Men” in the role of the mutant Mystique. For her, it was a stunning rise - a blockbuster with a budget of only 160 million dollars brought in revenue of 353.6 million. The audience liked the picture, and everyone expected a sequel, which was released in 2014. In it, Jennifer continued to play her heroine Raven the Mystic.

It was at this moment that the actress’s biography was supplemented with another notable project - “The Hunger Games” - where, among a large number of contenders for the main role, she was chosen. Other talented and young actresses were competing to play the role of Jennifer Lawrence's heroine Katniss Everdeen, including Chloë Grace Moretz and Saoirse Ronan, but Suzanne Collins, the author of the novel, was fascinated by the performance of this particular girl. She was paired with a short guy, Josh Hutcherson, who didn't look very impressive next to the tall actress. And although the resulting duet was not the most impressive in the history of cinema, the franchise received enormous success and popularity among viewers. All three films in the series brought in fairly respectable box office receipts.

At the same time, The Hunger Games actress Jennifer Lawrence starred in a film called My Boyfriend Is Crazy, which brought her an Academy Award. The plot of the film, which is based on a love story, attracted the interest of many star artists: Rooney Mara, Kirsten Dunst, Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams. But the roles were given to a couple, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence.

Personal life of the actress

The filming of this film immediately became overgrown with rumors that Jennifer Lawrence, whose personal life was of interest to the ubiquitous journalists, was having an affair with a forty-year-old filming partner. But both the actress herself and Cooper reacted to this with humor, declaring that the age difference was too large. However, they subsequently crossed paths several more times on film sets.

In fact, Jennifer Lawrence, whose personal life was of interest to many, had the warmest feelings for her co-star with whom she participated in the filming of “X-Men.” Nicholas Hoult and our heroine began dating back in 2011, but two years later they announced a break in the relationship, and at the end of 2013 they reunited again.

In 2014, an unpleasant scandal occurred with Hollywood stars, whose photographs were stolen by unknown persons. Spicy pictures were also published where Lawrence was drunk or in revealing lingerie. Besides her, many other artists were also affected: Kaley Cuoco, Kirsten Dunst, Kate Upton, etc.

Jennifer Lawrence, whose personal life in 2015 was diversified by an affair with Chris Martin, the leader of the group Coldplay, stopped dating him at the end of the same year. They were in an open relationship; for this reason, the separation was not painful. Lawrence and her boyfriend Chris Martin were together at the end of the summer of 2015, and already in 2016 she was noticed in the company of Darren Aronofsky, a 47-year-old director who offered her a role in one of his films, the name of which he kept secret. The age difference between this couple is 18 years. On November 23, 2017, it became known that Jennifer and Darren broke up, maintaining friendly relations.

The latest roles of the actress

In 2015, Jennifer played the main role in David O. Russell's film Joy, where Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro again became her partners on the set. The role earned her a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical and an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress, making her the youngest actress ever to receive four Oscar nominations.

In 2016, our heroine took part in the filming of X-Men: Apocalypse, where she also played the role of Raven Darkholme. At the same time, she took part in the filming of a project called “Passengers,” where she participated in a sex scene for the first time.

Jennifer Schrader Lawrence is an American actress who became famous after her role as Katniss Everdeen in the blockbuster The Hunger Games. At the age of 22, she won the Oscar and Golden Globe awards in the Best Actress category.

Jennifer Lawrence's childhood

Jennifer was born in the suburbs of Louisville, Kentucky, in the family of construction company owner Harry Lawrence and teacher Karen Koch. The baby became the third child in the family; her older brothers were Blaine and Ben Lawrence.

Since childhood, Jennifer has been fond of sports: she was a member of the cheerleading team, the school softball and field hockey teams. The girl was interested in design and also participated in amateur theater productions, but she never dreamed of becoming a professional actress, planning to build a career in medicine.

The beginning of Jennifer Lawrence's career

Everything changed in 2004, when 14-year-old Jennifer and her parents came to New York for spring break. When the family was leisurely strolling around the city, a stranger approached them and asked to take a photo of Jennifer. Saying goodbye, he asked for his parents’ phone number, and the next day the girl was already invited to a casting for an advertisement for the clothing brand Abercrombie & Fitch.

The youngest Lawrence had to spend the next summer in New York - the talented little girl was invited to film the thriller “The Devil You Know” with Rosamund Pike in the title role. Jennifer played the heroine Rosamund as a child, but viewers saw her in this role much later - due to lack of funding, the film's premiere was postponed for almost 8 years.

Jennifer was so captivated by the filming process that, after filming was completed, the Lawrence family moved to Los Angeles, closer to the center of world film production, so as not to allow the girl to bury her talent in the ground. Her first steps to fame were provided by episodic roles in the TV series “Detective Detective”, “Medium”, “Detective Rush”, followed by one of the leading roles in the sitcom “The Billy Ingval Show”, which started in 2007.

Work on this comedy series lasted three years; At the same time, Jennifer Lawrence participated in the filming of the feature films “House of Poker” and “Garden Party” together with Charlize Theron and Kim Bessinger.

In 2009, “The Billy Ingval Show” was taken off the air, and Jennifer received an invitation to the main role in the film “Winter’s Bone.” The drama about 15-year-old Rea Dolly, who has to take care of her younger brothers and sisters after their mother goes crazy and their drug-addicted father disappears while hiding from creditors, brought the girl nominations for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. , however, both awards went to Natalie Portman for Black Swan.

The next “transfer point” in Jennifer’s career was the drama “The Beaver” with Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster. Initially, the role of Nora was intended for Kristen Stewart, but the Twilight star was unable to find time in her busy work schedule, and Lawrence accepted the offer. Touching and full of light sadness, the picture differed from the actress’s previous experience, but was liked by her fans.

In 2010, the girl had the opportunity to play the role of the chameleon girl Mystique in the science-fiction action film X-Men: First Class. Jennifer's name appeared in the credits along with such Hollywood masters as Kevin Bacon, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Rose Byrne.

Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. "X-Men" behind the scenes

The heyday of Jennifer Lawrence's career. The Hunger Games

In 2011, director Gary Ross decided to film Suzanne Collins' novel The Hunger Games. The novel tells the story of a brutal tradition in a superstition-ridden post-apocalyptic society: every year, 24 teenagers participate in the Hunger Games, a real battle for survival.

Filming The Hunger Games with Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss

The search for an actress for the main role was painfully long: Gary Ross, together with the writer, looked through dozens of girls, hoping to find “the one” among them. They considered Emma Roberts too “enthusiastic”, Dakota Fanning too familiar, Kaya Scodelario failed to cope with the task, Emily Browning did not even bother to read the novel, and Shailene Woodley was just offered a role in “Divergent”. As a result, the producers settled on Hailee Steinfeld: “It’s not that she’s exactly who we’re looking for, but there’s no fish…”.

However, the director was quite happy with 14-year-old Hayley - he wanted his Katniss to be as consistent as possible with the book version, according to which she was barely 16. Therefore, when Jennifer came forward and began to talk about herself, he did not even pay attention to the girl. However, the actress became interested in Suzanne Collins - it was the author of The Hunger Games who inextricably linked the names of Jennifer Lawrence and Katniss Everdeen. Josh Hutcherson was cast as Katniss's partner and lover, and Liam Hemsworth played the role of the girl's best friend.

Kiss from Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson

The first part of the saga was released in March 2012; all tickets for the premiere were sold out a week in advance. There was some criticism from fans of the franchise, who at first were unhappy that the 16-year-old heroine was played by a fully grown actress, but soon even they could not imagine anyone other than Jennifer as Katniss.

In the same year, viewers saw the name Lawrence on the poster of the comedy My Boyfriend Is Crazy. Jennifer played the eccentric girl Tiffany, who captivated the heart of the equally extravagant hero Bradley Cooper. The film received good reviews from critics and proved that Lawrence is a multi-talented actress. The film was nominated for an Oscar in 7 nominations, but the statuette went to only Jennifer, beating Naomi Watts and Jessica Chastain in the race for the title of best actress.

My Boyfriend Is Crazy with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper

In 2013, the long-awaited continuation of the fantastic saga, “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” was released. If Jennifer received “some” half a million dollars for participating in the first part, then the fee for the second increased 20 times.

The final part of the franchise (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay) was divided into two films, which were presented to the public alternately in 2014 and 2015. It is estimated that all parts of the franchise have grossed $2.8 billion. The Hunger Games has become one of Hollywood's most commercially successful projects over the past decade, and in 2015, Forbes named Jennifer Lawrence the highest-paid actress in Hollywood.

In 2015, the actress appeared on screens as single mother Joy, who invented the self-wringing mop. The emotional comedy received mixed reviews, but Lawrence's performance was unanimously praised. The girl was nominated for an Oscar 2016, but this time the statuette for Best Actress went to Brie Larson for her role in the drama “Room.”

In 2016, Jennifer worked on the X-Men: Apocalypse project, retaining the role of the blue-skinned Mystique - Raven Darkholme.

The actress carefully protects her personal life, trying not to let anyone in on her secrets. Despite the fact that Jennifer has long been accustomed to her own popularity, she still feels awkward when she notices that she is being closely watched on the street or in a cafe and does not mince words, driving away annoying paparazzi who are trying to do anything began to find out who Jennifer Lawrence's husband is, whether she has children or who she is having an affair with. In moments of revelation, the actress has repeatedly admitted that her personal life is not very successful, and the reason for this is her busy work schedule. Almost all of her friends have already gotten married, and some have already given birth to children, but Jennifer only has time for short-term romances.

Why didn’t the actress’s personal life work out?

There may be other reasons why the Oscar-winning Hollywood beauty does not have relationships with guys, however, Lawrence says that if a truly worthwhile man appears on her horizon, with whom she wants to have children, then this is a chance she will try not to miss. In the past, she had more or less long-term romances, for example, with her co-star in the film “X-Men: First Class” Nicholas Hoult.

In the photo - Jennifer with Nicholas Hoult

Their whirlwind romance began after working on the film, and they were very close for two whole years, but then announced their separation. However, two years later, Jennifer and Nicholas tried to renew their relationship, and perhaps it was just a PR move to promote their second collaboration, the film X-Men: Days of Future Past, because they soon broke up again, this time the break was final. And former lover Lawrence started a new romance - with his partner in the film “Torn” Kristen Stewart, who played the main role in this film.

Soon after this, another contender for her love appeared in the actress’s life - Gwyneth Paltrow’s ex-husband, leader of the band Coldplay, Chris Martin. His divorce after eleven years of marriage with the actress, who gave birth to two children from him, was not scandalous, although Gwyneth tried with all her might to save the marriage - the couple peacefully decided that they were not on their way, and soon after that Chris decided to have an affair with Jennifer, who is thirteen years younger than him. They gave themselves away at the band's concert when Martin announced that Lawrence was in the audience and blew a kiss in her direction.

Pictured: Lawrence and Chris Martin

The group Coldplay performed the soundtrack to the film “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” which starred Jennifer, and perhaps the collaboration brought her closer to her new lover. Lawrence moved to Los Angeles and settled in Chris's mansion on the ocean coast. However, this relationship did not end in anything serious, and the musician did not become Jennifer Lawrence’s husband, and perhaps this was not part of his plans, and on the set of the sequel to this film, the actress began a new romance with her partner on the set, Liam Hemsworth.

They had long felt deep sympathy for each other, but before that their hearts were occupied by others, and after the actress broke up with Martin, Liam did not miss the chance to try his luck with Lawrence. But these relationships also turned out to be fleeting in the personal life of Jennifer, who is already ready to get married and have children, but for this she needs to meet the one and only with whom she wants to live her whole life.

With hope for happiness

Most likely, she saw just such a man in director Darren Aronofsky, who invited the actress to film in his new project. Jennifer later admitted that she had long dreamed of working with Darren, so she accepted the invitation immediately, without even looking at the script. From the very first moments of working together, they felt an undisguised sympathy for each other, and this was the beginning of their office romance, which, however, the actress’s parents are not delighted with, because the new chosen one of their twenty-six-year-old daughter has already reached her fifth decade, and this, in their opinion , not a good option for Jennifer.

Pictured: Darren Aronofsky

However, Lawrence herself, who is at that stage of a romantic relationship when everything seems rosy and wonderful, does not agree with her parents and enjoys happiness. At first, Jennifer and Darren hid their romance, including from the parents of the actress, whose father is practically the same age as Aronofsky, but now their romance has become known to others, and Lawrence herself is waiting for a marriage proposal from her new chosen one. Perhaps this will happen, and Darren will become Jennifer Lawrence's husband, if nothing interferes with their love, and this may well happen. The actress is worried that her lover may switch his attention to another, because directors often fall in love with those they star in their projects.

Jennifer is seriously alarmed that Darren may become interested in Charlize Theron, for whom he previously had deep sympathy. Theron is now starring in Aronofsky's next film, and Lawrence is very worried about this, because her romance began on the set, and the same thing could happen to another actress. Before meeting Jennifer, Darren Aronofsky had a serious relationship with English actress Rachel Weisz, who gave birth to his son. After a civil marriage with Weiss, which lasted almost nine years, they announced their separation, but remained on good terms and the director takes an active part in raising his son.

Jennifer Schrader Lawrence is an American-born Hollywood actress who gained worldwide popularity after playing the role of Mystique in the films of the X-Men franchise. Winner of the Oscar, BAFTA, and three Golden Globe awards. Performer of the leading role in the film adaptation of The Hunger Games.

Jennifer was born on August 15, 1990 in the family of construction company owner Gary Lawrence and kindergarten manager Karen Lawrence in Louisville, Kentucky. The girl became the third child in the family after two older brothers, Blaine and Ben. Jennifer's parents' ancestors were Scottish, Irish, German and English.

As a child, Jennifer was an active child: the girl participated in cheerleading performances and even in field hockey competitions. Jenn was interested in design and medicine. Sister and brothers Lawrence constantly spent time together, inventing various games and home performances.

The family had a very mediocre attitude towards cinema - at the level of spectators. But already at the age of fourteen, Jenny knew for sure that she would become an actress. The girl asked her parents to travel to New York to look for an agent. It didn’t take long to persuade mom and dad. In addition, her first visit to the metropolis immediately brought success: Jennifer was invited to shoot an advertisement for the Abercrombie & Fitch brand.

After that, Jenn auditioned for several agencies - they all appreciated the girl’s talent, although Lawrence had no acting education or experience. The girl showed considerable persistence on the way to her goal: for the sake of her dream, she had to graduate from school as an external student, two years earlier than her peers.

A successful audition with agencies inspired Jenn and finally convinced her that she had made the right choice. Two years later, the girl made her film debut.


Jennifer Lawrence's cinematic biography began with a role in the film "City Company." Then there were several episodes in the series “Detective Rush”, “Defective Detective” and “Medium”.

In 2007, Lawrence received roles in the films “No Child's Prom” and “Garden Party,” and her first big work was the series “The Bill Engvall Show.” In the film, the actress played schoolgirl Lauren, who saw conspiracies everywhere. The series ran for three seasons, but then the producers decided to cancel the project.

Jennifer Lawrence's popularity came from the film House of Poker. The premiere screening of the film took place as part of the annual film festival in Los Angeles, and the young actress received the prize for best actress. At the festival, screenwriter Inarittu Guillermo drew attention to Jennifer and offered her a role in the film “The Burning Plain.” The actress's partners in the film were. For this work, Lawrence received a prize.

In 2010, the actress played Ree Dolly in the film Winter's Bone, for which she was nominated for two prestigious awards - an Oscar and a Golden Globe. The next year became fruitful: the actress starred in the films “The Beaver”, “X-Men: First Class”, “Like Crazy”, as well as in “The Hunger Games”.

Viewers saw the film “The Hunger Games” in March 2012, after which Jennifer Lawrence gained long-awaited popularity. The film was a success at the box office and earned positive reviews - critics praised Lawrence's performance and the character as a whole.

The actress received several awards for her role as Katnis Everdeen: MTV Movie Awards in the categories “Best Fight” and “Best Actress”, “Teen Choice Awards” in the categories “Best Kiss” and “Actress in a Science Fiction or Fantasy Film”. The Hunger Games was nominated for a Golden Globe.

In addition to positive reviews from filmmakers, the film was released brilliantly, increasing profits many times over. Thanks to this fact, The Hunger Games film became one of the highest-grossing films in the history of Hollywood.

The most flattering statements about the actress came from the writer Suzanne Collins, the author of the novel on which the film was based. The novelist’s delight knew no bounds: this is exactly how the writer saw the heroine Katniss Everdeen, at the same time vulnerable and purposeful.

The same year, Jennifer starred in the film “My Boyfriend Is Crazy” with. The actress got the role of Tiffany, a young woman who was widowed early and drowned out the pain of loss with sex. For this work, Lawrence received an Oscar and a Golden Globe.

Soon, the actress’s filmography was replenished with another film by Crowe, “American Hustle,” based on real events. The girl had to transform herself into a mentally unbalanced woman, and Jenn coped with the task brilliantly. After filming this film, Jennifer Lawrence became an Oscar nominee for the third time and received a second Golden Globe.

In 2014-2015, the actress continued to star in The Hunger Games and X-Men.

Now Jennifer Lawrence is planning to create her own film, in which she will be the director. The project is conceived in the comedy genre: the setting is a mental hospital in the 60s, where LSD experiments are carried out, but at some point something went wrong. Jenn has dreamed of directing since she was 16 years old. Now I realized that I was ready.

Possessing an enviable figure (Jennifer’s height is 171 cm and her weight is less than 60 kg) and being a recognized Hollywood star with one of the highest income levels, the actress has been recognized many times as one of the most worthy and sexy ladies in the world. In 2013, Jennifer was included in the top ten most beautiful people in the world according to People magazine. Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl was offered to become the face of the Miss Dior line in an advertising campaign for bags in 2013, to which Jennifer happily agreed.

In 2015, the actress completed work on the main role in the drama “Joy” directed by David O. Russell, which was about the transformation of a young girl into a powerful businesswoman, the head of a family corporation. The filmmakers gathered Hollywood stars on one stage - Bradley Cooper and. The film grossed $100 million at the international box office, doubling its budget. The actress's fee was $15 million.

Hacker attack

The actress, despite the fact that she often appears in extremely candid photo shoots, has never appeared completely naked before the audience. The only exception is the film “X-Men.” First class,” in which Jennifer had to play naked, but with a thick layer of makeup applied to her entire body.

However, on the night of September 1, 2014, it occurred from icloud cloud storage. The list of victims of hackers, in addition to eight other Hollywood stars, also included the charming Jennifer Lawrence.

At first, stolen photos of a rather discreet nature began to appear on the Internet. But after several days, the leaking of piquant images reached a peak, which seriously alarmed the management of Apple, which began negotiations with computer hooligans.

Personal life

In 2011-2013, Jennifer dated. The actors met on the set of the film “X-Men. First class". For some time there was talk that the young people were engaged due to Jennifer's pregnancy; photos of the engagement ring were even distributed on the Internet. But the rumors turned out to be just rumors, as were suspicions about the young actress’s pregnancy. Two years later the couple separated.

The reason for the breakup, as Lawrence says, was the artist’s high fees. The boyfriend could not come to terms with the fact that Jenn is the highest paid Hollywood actress. According to American tabloids, Lawrence has been ranked second in annual income for several years now.

“Nobody asks me out, my Saturdays are spent alone, guys are afraid of me,” the actress said in an interview with Vogue magazine.

Jen believes that men are used to dominating in relationships, which the girl does not accept.

When the film My Boyfriend Is Crazy was released, speculation arose about Lawrence's relationship with Bradley Cooper. But Bradley denied these rumors, saying that he was old enough to be Jennifer’s father.

During the filming of three parts of the film “The Hunger Games,” Jennifer Lawrence became close to another leading actor, who is two years younger than the girl. During the period of work on the franchise, the actors immediately found a common language; it seemed that the artists understood each other perfectly. Those around them began to suspect that the young people were connected by something more than just a joint project.

In fact, these were just speculations. Jennifer and Josh feel like brother and sister, bound by close friendship, a great sense of mutual assistance and the same sense of humor. Thus, on the stage, young artists were so carried away by communicating with each other that they often could not switch to acting in serious love scenes; the shots were constantly disrupted due to laughter and jokes.

IN " Instagram“There is an official page of the actress, where Jennifer appears to followers in various images.

Jennifer Lawrence now

In 2016, filming of the next part of the film version of Marvel comics, Bryan Singer’s fantastic action film X-Men, ended. Apocalypse”, where Jenny played the role of the heroine Mystic, beloved by the audience.

In the same year, Jennifer played in the science-fiction film “Passengers,” in which the actress’s work partner was a Hollywood artist who had been gaining popularity in recent years. After completing the work, as part of the project to promote “Passengers,” the actors attended significant premieres of this film in different parts of the world. For her participation in the film, Jenny received a fee of $20 million.

The couple radiating happiness gave the impression of being in love. The artists’ tender attitude towards each other provided food for the not-so-clean paparazzi. But, according to Chris and Jen, the artists are connected only by friendship.

In the winter of 2016, Jennifer was approved by one of the famous directors of our time, the author of “Black Swan,” for the main role in a new project with the working title “The Untitled Project of Darren Aronofsky.” The details of the new film were kept secret.

Apparently, on the set during the creative process, the couple became so close that they carried their communication into life. And only now, almost a year later, the lovers have stopped hiding their feelings from others and are already openly, without intrigue, appearing in public together.

According to the actress’s relatives, even despite the twenty-year difference, Darren and Jennifer are sincerely passionate about each other: the director is impressed by Jenn’s cheerfulness and youth, and the actress is attracted by Darren’s charisma and intelligence.

On September 5, 2017, the long-awaited premiere of Darren Aronofsky’s thriller film took place at the Venice Film Festival. The film was about the relationship between two spouses (Jennifer Lawrence), whose friends (and) came to visit. Critics spoke positively about the film, pointing out that the genre of the film evokes mixed feelings, since scenes of intense content are periodically replaced by comedic moments.

Now the actress has signed contracts to participate in films whose premieres are scheduled for the near future. Jennifer began work on the leading role of Russian spy Dominika Egorova in the thriller Red Sparrow. The girl seeks to expose CIA agent Nathaniel Nash (), but instead goes over to Washington's side.

The Hollywood actress liked the role. Jennifer is known for her political views, which she does not hesitate to promote in the media. During the election race, the actress spoke out against the presidential candidate. After a series of environmental disasters that occurred during the year in the United States, Jennifer said that nature is taking revenge on the people of America for the wrong choice.

Lawrence openly opposes Russian policies; in the fall of 2017, she refused to communicate with Russian correspondents during the pre-premiere presentation of the film “Mama!”

Jennifer Lawrence continues to work on the X-Men film. The fourth part, Dark Phoenix, is scheduled to be released at the end of 2018. The actress is also expected to participate in the projects “Feud,” “East of Eden,” “Funeral Rites” and “The Rosie Project.”


  • 2006 – “City Company”
  • 2007 – “Medium”
  • 2008 – “The Burning Plain”
  • 2011 – “X-Men. First class"
  • 2012 – “The Hunger Games”
  • 2012 – “My boyfriend is crazy”
  • 2012 – “The House at the End of the Street”
  • 2012 – “The Devil You Know”
  • 2013 – “American Hustle”
  • 2014 – “Serena”
  • 2015 – “Joy”
  • 2016 – “Passengers”
  • 2017 – “Mom!”

Jennifer Lawrence, height: 171. Jennifer Lawrence, weight: 60 kg. In 1990, on August 15, a third child was born into a prosperous Lawrence family: Jennifer. After two brothers, the birth of a daughter brought joy to the house. Jennifer Lawrence as a child was active and an active girl, she was fond of:

  • sports;
  • design;
  • medicine;
  • home performances that they came up with with their brothers.

And despite her varied interests, from the age of 14 Jenny already knew for sure that she wanted to become an actress and connect her life with theater or cinema.

Jennifer Lawrence was very self-confident as a child, and therefore her parents did not resist her desire to move and took her to New York to find an agent there.

And from the very first trip, Jenny received an invitation to appear in advertising. Despite her young age and lack of acting education, all agencies were surprised at her talent, and this once again convinced her of the correctness of her choice.

Career and films of the actress

Since my teenage years purposeful Jenny got into the frame and almost immediately captivated her viewer. The actress's career began with small episodes in various films and TV series. In general, the film career of this talented and young actress is very versatile: she had roles in films and TV series, but the film “House of Poker” brought her real success and publicity.

But that’s not all, since at the screening of the film the famous screenwriter Inarittu Guillermo became interested in her, who offered to play in the film “The Burning Plain”. Subsequently, this film also brought the actress a prize.

And in 2010, after playing in the film Winter's Bone, Jennifer Lawrence was nominated at the Oscars and Golden Globes.

The young and beautiful actress always has a lot of work and projects. However, it seems that this miracle girl does not get tired, manages to do everything and gets used to all roles so well that the viewer can only be surprised and admire her performance.

And although Lawrence has many films, the film “The Hunger Games” brought real popularity and good fees. This film became a real box office hit, being released and increasing the actress’s income many times over.

And the actress received the long-awaited Oscar and first Golden Globe for the film My Boyfriend Is Crazy. Another prize was won by the film “American Hustle.”

Jennifer Lawrence, images from films with her participation always amaze the viewer with richness internal world: easily turns from a vulnerable girl into a free woman, then into an unbalanced drunkard or into a girl with easy behavior. This is what makes her talent recognized.

After so many roles and awards, the actress has a new goal: to work on her own film. According to the actress, she has had this dream since she was sixteen years old.

She still has new projects, the details of which the actress stubbornly remains silent about.

The face of the company

Jennifer's career does not consist only of filming films or TV series. In addition to the actress, Lawrence is also face Miss Dior line since 2013

It all happened when the actress’s photo shoot captivated the whole world, and People magazine recognized the actress as the most beautiful. After that, offers from various magazines and projects began to come to her. But in the end, the famous actress chose offers from Dior, becoming the face of the companies.

True, this did not surprise anyone, because Jennifer Lawrence, whose parameters one can only admire, has always shone from the covers of magazines and from screens. So we can say with confidence: she will still have many interesting offers outside the cinema. After all, a photo shoot is Jennifer’s favorite pastime, therefore, the actress’s pretty face will shine in various magazines for a long time.

A little about the important things or the personal life of the actress

Jennifer Lawrence, whose personal life interests many, is not a special secret.

Despite the fact that she has beautiful a figure that can be considered ideal with parameters: height - 172 cm and weight - 60 kg - was still lonely for a long time and, as she herself admitted, she spent almost all her weekends alone.

She had a relationship with Nicholas Hoult for two years. And when many were whispering about the approaching wedding, the couple broke up in 2013. According to the actress, the problem was her large income and unwillingness to accept male dominance in a relationship.

And although after each new project rumors spread that the actress has a new romance with one or another actor, these are still just rumors.

When looking at a photo of a young and talented actress, the first thing that catches your eye is her cheerfulness and beauty. Jennifer's appearance captivates at first sight, and this is no accident, because she has English, German, Irish and Scottish roots. And Jennifer herself attract in a man:

  • charisma;
  • intelligence;
  • a broad outlook on life.

Jennifer Lawrence, whose personal life is always under close attention, is actually completely different in life: she is very hospitable and loves to arrange meetings with friends, of course, if there is time for it. So Jennifer Lawrence, whose house is always full of friends, is simple and friendly.

Jennifer Lawrence today

Despite widespread rumors, Lawrence children has not and is currently unmarried. But there are rumors that since October 2016, young Jennifer began dating director Darren Aronofsky, who offered her the main role in his new film.

Their relatives are no longer silent about their romance, and they are confident that, despite the age difference between the lovers (Darren is 20 years older), their feelings are still sincere and deep. And they explained their attraction by the fact that Darren is attracted by the beauty, youth and cheerfulness of Jennifer Lawrence, and she is attracted by Darren’s experience, intelligence and charisma.

One can only guess how long their romance will last and what will come of it, however, be that as it may, she has a talent that will bring her success and new projects for many years to come.