Russian actors who were imprisoned for particularly serious crimes. Why actor Georgy Yumatov was imprisoned

Stars Russian TV series, known throughout the country, who seemed ideal to us, ended up in the dock for very high-profile crimes. Why did popular actors receive long prison sentences?

Actor of the series “The Last of the Magikians”

Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev ended up in the dock and was sentenced to 22 years. The crime he committed is simply horrifying. According to the investigation, from 2012 to 2015, he raped the children of his relatives and acquaintances. In addition to all this, I made video recordings of everything that happened. An entire home archive of such pornographic films was confiscated from Gusengadzhiev. Initially, it became known that the artist seduced a 9-year-old girl of his friend. The video footage found proved this.

Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev refutes the accusations brought against him and claims that everything was set up and the recordings were edited. He also states that they simply want to take away his apartment on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment in Moscow, which is why they came up with everything. But the examinations carried out indicate the actor’s guilt. And who would have thought that good actor And circus performer, who enjoys music and drawing, could be a pedophile.

Actor from the TV series "Brigada"

Dmitry Gumenetsky actor and former officer special forces officer was jailed for drug possession. 280 kg of synthetic concentrate were seized from Gumenetsky. From this amount of potion it was possible to produce 7 tons of spice and gain 16 billion rubles from sales in the Russian Federation.
The recognizable actor from the serial film “Brigada” will spend 8 years in a maximum security colony.

According to Dmitry Gumenetsky, he was not involved in the distribution of drugs, but only stored them. Low income pushed him to do this.

Actor of the series "High Stakes"

Konstantin Kordo-Sysoev brutally killed his wife and was sentenced to 11 years by the court of the Leningrad region and ordered to pay one million rubles to his wife’s relatives.
The murder occurred in April 2016. The couple went by car to visit relatives. In the Sinegeyka gardening area, Kordo-Sysoev beat his wife Natalya with a stick stuck a large number iron nails.

Experts determined that about 70 blows were struck. The girl was completely disfigured, including her face. After the brutal murder, the actor decided to get rid of the corpse and threw it into the nearest pond. At the trial, Konstantin denied his guilt, but it was established by irrefutable facts.

Actor from the TV series “Real Boys”

Alexander Kilin went to jail for 18 years for murder and rape. Alexander met a girl in a bar. After the party I went to see her off. He took her home, said goodbye, but literally taking a few steps after parting, he came back and kicked the girl in the back. Then Kilin dragged the girl into the bushes and raped her, and then hit her on the head with a piece of concrete that came to hand.

On August 31, the Perm Regional Court sentenced Alexander Kilin to 18 years in a maximum security colony and a year of restricted freedom after serving his sentence for rape and murder committed in 2014, TASS reports. The court also decided recover 1.5 million rubles from the 23-year-old actor for causing moral damage.


On August 25, the jury found Kilin guilty of all the acts incriminated against him, noting that he doesn't deserve mercy. The convicted person did not admit guilt and expressed his intention to appeal the verdict in all instances.

As they wrote Days.Ru, according to investigators, on August 30, 2014, the actor met 19-year-old Lisa in one of the Perm cafes, after which he raped her and killed her in the park. The body of an excellent student of the Higher School of Economics was found near the playground. She was struck 12 times on the head with a piece of concrete and strangled. The day after the murder, Kilin came to the cafe where he had been in the evening: he had forgotten his phone charger. There the suspect was detained. Collected Investigative Committee The materials consisted of five volumes.

We managed to find the criminal using recordings from video cameras: they show how Kilin goes out after the girl. There is other evidence pointing to him as the person who committed the crime. During preliminary investigation More than 40 witnesses were interviewed, a number of forensic examinations were carried out.

Journalists, who were not allowed into the closed trial, managed to find out the details of the meeting from Lisa’s mother. According to Zoya Gennadievna, the defense tried in every possible way to delay the process. The day before, Kilin's interests were represented by a fifth lawyer. Each lawyer hired by the actor needed time to familiarize himself with the case. There were two breaks in court for a total duration of more than three weeks due to the introduction of new lawyers into the case.

"He himself asked to be tried by a jury. 12 jurors are participating in the trial - this ordinary people with their lives: they have work, business trips, families. They may go on vacation, they may get sick - all this can lead to the dissolution of the entire board. Immediately after the jury was formed, Killin made a statement asking for the dissolution of the formed jury due to bias. As stated by the defense, gender bias. 11 of 12 jurors are women. According to the defendant and his defense attorney, women cannot be objective in a rape case. However, the judge rejected his request; in our country, men and women have equal rights", said Lisa's mother.

According to her, During the trial, Alexander behaved inappropriately and put on a show. “Back on June 30, Kilin was removed from the courtroom for repeated violation of order. He will not participate in the hearings until last word the defendant. The judge warned him more than once that it was unacceptable to behave this way in court: defiantly and cynically express his opinion about the events in the courtroom, evaluate the actions of other participants trial. At the hearings in which the jury participated, he still restrained himself. And when some legal issues were decided without a jury, he arranged theater show. He shouted, made remarks, and there were always some attacks on his part. And he was constantly gesticulating, grimacing and writhing,” Zoya Gennadievna recalled. – It’s like being on a theater stage. Even if you consider yourself innocent, there must be some standards of decency. If he behaves so sober, could he have restrained his emotions on the evening of the murder, when he was drunk? Absence internal culture compensated by some enormous arrogance."

In the 90s, Yumatov began to be filmed less frequently. One of the reasons was that by that time he had begun to seriously abuse alcohol. And on March 6, 1994, tragedy happened. The actor’s beloved dog Frosya died. The janitor of house No. 5 on Chernyakhovsky Street, where Georgy lived with his wife, actress Muza Krepkogorskaya, helped to bury her.

After the dog’s funeral, the actor invited the janitor, an Azerbaijani by nationality named Madatov, to have a drink together in his apartment. Word for word - a quarrel ensued. Subsequently, Yumatov claimed that 33-year-old Madatov insulted him, saying that it would be better if the Germans had won the war, then they would have been drinking Bavarian beer here.

The former front-line soldier could not bear it. He tore the gun that was hanging there from the wall and fired at point-blank range. The actor was charged with premeditated murder under Article 103 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, which threatened with imprisonment for a term of 3 to 10 years. Yumatov spent two months in “Matrosskaya Tishina”. However, at the trial, lawyer Boris Kuznetsov was able to prove that his client’s actions could be qualified as exceeding the scope of necessary defense, and he achieved that Yumatov was released on his own recognizance. Fortunately, he never returned to prison - he was granted an amnesty for the 50th anniversary of the victory as a front-line soldier. At the end of 1995, the case was dropped.

In fact, no one really knows what happened then. Only Yumatov’s wife, Muza Krepkogorskaya, was present during the murder. There is a version that it was she who became the killer, and Yumatov simply took the blame upon himself. Everyone knew that Muse had big problems with alcohol. But this is just a guess.

On Monday, April 2, the famous Soviet and Russian actor Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev was sent to prison for molesting minors. During searches of the artist, several videos of child porn were found. Two girls testified that he molested them.

In this regard, Mukhtar was sentenced to 22 years in a maximum security colony and forced treatment on charges of pedophilia. The Observer suggests finding out what is known about the convicted actor.


50-year-old Gusengadzhiev is known for many roles in films and TV series, including participation in such creative projects like “The Last of the Magikyans”, “Kulagin and Partners”, “Karpov”, “Dear Masha Berezina”.

This is not the actor’s only achievement - he also practices yoga and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “the most flexible man on the planet.” The man even led seminars where he talked about self-improvement.

By the way, at one of these seminars Mukhtar met the mother of a girl whom he later abused. They quickly developed a close relationship. The woman came to visit the artist more than once, and then completely moved in with him, reports.

On at the moment O personal life Little is known about Gusengadzhiev. He has two children - a boy and a girl, but the actor rarely saw them.

By the way, the trial for pedophilia is not Mukhtar’s first problems with the law. So, in 1986, in the city of Ivanovo, the actor was sentenced to three years in prison, which he served in full. According to the artist, the reason was a fight on the street.

In September 2015, another criminal case was opened against Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev. According to investigators, on September 16, 2015, the actor raped a nine-year-old girl, the daughter of his friend. However, the actor’s entourage claims that he was slandered. Later it turned out that there were other victims in this case, with whom he filmed sex. As a result, on April 2, 2018, Mukhtar was sentenced to 22 years in prison.

On Monday, April 2, the famous Soviet and Russian actor Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev was sent to prison for molesting minors. During searches of the artist, several videos of child porn were found. Two girls testified that he molested them.

In this regard, Mukhtar was sentenced to 22 years in a maximum security colony and compulsory treatment on charges of pedophilia. According to the investigation, the 53-year-old actor committed sexual assault against a ten-year-old girl. The victim is the daughter of the actor’s nephew.

There are other girls whom the flexible Mukhtar forced to have intercourse.

According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, it was proved in court that from 2012 to 2015 Gusengadzhiev showed an unhealthy interest in children. Crimes were committed not only in Moscow, where the artist lives and works, but also in other regions. The man's victims included 6 children.

The actor was detained on September 17, 2015. The child's mother reported the repeated seduction of the girl. Accusations of similar behavior were also made by other girls. During the searches, several videos of child porn were found on Gusengadzhiev. In 2015, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under the article “Violent acts of a sexual nature.”

50-year-old Gusengadzhiev is known for his many roles in films and TV series, including participation in such creative projects as “The Last of the Magikyans,” “Kulagin and Partners,” “Karpov,” and “Dear Masha Berezina.”

This is not the actor’s only achievement - he also practices yoga and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “the most flexible man on the planet.” The man even led seminars where he talked about self-improvement.

By the way, at one of these seminars Mukhtar met the mother of a girl whom he later abused. They quickly developed a close relationship. The woman came to visit the artist more than once, and then completely moved in with him, reports.

Did Gusengadzhiev admit his guilt?

No, I didn’t admit it. He claims that his relative intentionally edited the video, which formed the basis of the accusation, in order to take away his apartment in the center of the capital.

“They want to take away my apartment on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment in Moscow,” Mukhtar said.

At the moment, little is known about Gusengadzhiev’s personal life. He has two children - a boy and a girl, but the actor rarely saw them.

By the way, the trial for pedophilia is not Mukhtar’s first problems with the law. So, in 1986, in the city of Ivanovo, the actor was sentenced to three years in prison, which he served in full. According to the artist, the reason was a fight on the street.

In September 2015, another criminal case was opened against Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev. According to investigators, on September 16, 2015, the actor raped a nine-year-old girl, the daughter of his friend. However, the actor’s entourage claims that he was slandered. Later it turned out that there were other victims in this case, with whom he filmed sex. As a result, on April 2, 2018, Mukhtar was sentenced to 22 years in prison.