Syntactic analysis of the sentence. Need to sort out a proposal by composition? Welcome to the world of the Russian language

Middle and high school students regularly face the problem of how to conduct an analysis in the Russian literary language.

Parsing is done in accordance with a certain scheme. This topic in the school course allows identify sentence structure, characterize it, which reduces punctuation illiteracy.

What does parsing show?

There are four main types of parsing: phonetic, morphological, compositional and syntactic. The latter is understood as the analysis or parsing of syntactic units with primary highlighting the grammatical basis. The analysis is carried out according to the approved algorithm of actions: highlight the terms + characterize them + draw a diagram.

Schoolchildren, having studied eleven grades, sometimes do not know what parsing a sentence is. They talk about analysis as analysis by composition. This is incorrect, since only individual lexemes are analyzed according to their composition. As for a bunch of words expressing a complete thought, in elementary school the process is called analysis of proposals by members. However, in middle and high school it takes on a deeper meaning. Based on this, it is necessary to remember once and for all that analysis of sentences by composition is not carried out in Russian language classes.

The answer here is obvious - everyone knows the subject, indicating an object or object, and the predicate - to actions performed first. To make speech clearer and the statement complete, the main members are supplemented by secondary ones, which have a set of features.

The secondary members of the sentence allow us to reveal a holistic picture of the events taking place. Their goal is to explain describe the actions of the main predecessors.

At the next stage, you will have to parse the proposal according to. Here we mean how its members are expressed. Each has several options, you need to choose the right one by asking the question:

  • vile – noun, place;
  • tale - ch., cr. adj., noun;
  • def. – adj., place., number;
  • add. – noun, place;
  • obst. – adverb, noun. with a pretext.

Taking into account the above, a more or less clear idea emerges of what syntactic parsing of a sentence is. In short, it is a complex analysis of related lexemes that express a complete thought.

Characteristics of syntactic units

It is necessary to know the criteria that a lexeme has in order to carry out a detailed description. The characteristics of a sentence in the text presuppose a certain algorithm.

Define the type:

  • according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, motivating);
  • by emotional-expressive coloring (by intonation) - exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

We find the grammatical basis.

We talk sequentially about each member of the sentence and the means of their expression.

We describe the structure of a syntactic unit. For a simple sentence:

  • by composition: one-part (defined-personal, indefinite-personal, generalized-personal, impersonal, nominative) or two-part;
  • by prevalence: widespread or not widespread;
  • by completeness: complete or incomplete.
  • what is complicated: homogeneous members, interjections, address, introductory constructions.

Determine which This type includes a complex sentence:

  • compound sentences (CCS) - they are indicated by simple parts connected by a coordinating conjunction;
  • complex sentences (CSS) - we establish the main word, as well as the subordinate word, based on the question and the peculiarity of construction (what the subordinate word refers to, how the subordinate word is attached), we determine the type of the latter;
  • non-union complex sentence (BCS) - we establish how many simple parts the syntactic unit consists of, determining the meaning of each (simultaneity, sequence, opposition, etc.).

We give the reasoning for why we put these are the punctuation marks.

If the task involves drawing up a diagram, then we do it.

It is more difficult to parse a complex sentence.

There's more here parameters for analysis.

After the complex sentence from the examples has been parsed into simple parts, we proceed to analyze each of them separately.

Following the algorithm, the student will not have problems completing the task number 4.

How to make a diagram

It is not always enough to parse a simple sentence correctly to get an excellent grade. The student must also be able to draw up diagrams of the units being described.

  1. Highlight the subject by underlining it with one line, and the predicate with two lines.
  2. Find the minor members, underlining them according to generally accepted rules.
  3. Sentences with a revolution or participle are highlighted as follows and are indicated in the final diagram. The participial phrase is highlighted on both sides by vertical lines, and a dot/dotted line is emphasized. Participial phrase stands out on both sides with vertical lines, and is emphasized by a wavy line.
  4. The conjunction is not included in the scheme of a complex sentence; it is taken outside the framework of the stem. But complex sentences include it in the subordinate clause. Conjunctions and allied words are enclosed in an oval.

Important! Before you draw up a sentence diagram, you need to learn how to graphically designate homogeneous members. They are enclosed in a circle, and an address that is not a member of a syntactic unit is designated in the diagram by the letter “O” and separated by two vertical lines. Do the same with introductory words.

Scheme of proposal It’s easy to make direct speech. Here it is important to separate one part from the other, i.e. the author's words from direct speech, placing appropriate punctuation marks between them.

Example of parsing a simple sentence

Let's write down an example and start analyzing.

I have not seen a lake more magnificent than Baikal.

Stage I: analysis of the proposal by members:

  • “I” – vile, expressed personal. places;
  • “Didn’t see” – simple ch. tale, expressed verb. will express it in the form. incl. past vr.;

Stage II: Let's find out which members of the sentence form the grammatical basis. Here it will be “I didn’t see”, so we are dealing with a simple sentence.

In a specific example, all minor members joined the predicate:

  • didn’t see (what?) the lake – additional, expressed noun. in R.P.;
  • lake (which one?) is more magnificent – ​​disagree, def, expressed adj. in compare degrees;
  • more magnificent than (what?) Baikal – additional, expressed noun. in R.P.

Stage III: at the end of the process they give general characteristics of a simple sentence in Russian:

  • by structure - two-part, widespread, complete;
  • according to the purpose of the statement - narrative;
  • intonation - non-exclamatory, therefore, at the end there is a punctuation mark - a period.

Stage IV: syntactic analysis a simple sentence presupposes the scheme [- =].

More problems are caused by the syntactic parsing of sentences with participles. See his examples below.

Sample: Behind the swamp, blazing with birches, a grove was visible.

Characteristics: narrative, unspoken, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by a separate dep. about.

Scheme: [, I adverbial phrase I, = — ].

Syntactic units complicated by homogeneous members and phrases are parsed in a similar way.

Simple sentences with participles should receive an objective assessment. They indicate which member the entire turn is, then its parts are parsed into words.

Sample: The moon had just emerged from behind a hill and was illuminating the translucent, small, low clouds.

Characteristics: narrative, non-narrative, homogeneous tales. connected by a non-repeating conjunction “and”, therefore a comma is not placed between them, but commas must be placed between definitions, they have a non-union connection, simple, two-part, common, complicated by homogeneous tales. and def.

Scheme: [- = and = O, O, O].

Analysis of complex sentences

Home exercises in Russian regularly contain a mandatory task under the number 4. There are various examples here: SSP, SPP, BSP.

Always, when parsing a complex sentence, you need to start it with finding the grammatical basis.

Complex sentences need to be analyzed based on the definition of the main and subordinate clauses.

The analysis of syntactic units with several subordinate clauses is carried out according to the general plan, as it would be done analysis of the proposal by composition, but indicating the type of subordination and the combination of these types. Below are examples of complex sentences with examples, with diagrams, visually demonstrating analysis.

Sample SPP with sequential obedience: The kids reported that they picked those daisies that their grandmother loved.

Characteristics: narrative, non-vocal, complex, conjunction, its parts are connected by a subordination with sequential subordination, consists of two simple ones.

Scheme: [- =], (which = (which = -).

Sample BSC: Life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully.

Characteristics: narrative, non-vocal, complex sentence, has two grammatical stems, conjunctive, complex. The conjunction “and” expresses simultaneity. The 2nd simple sentence is complicated by homogeneous objects. condition.

Scheme: [- =], and [=].

BSP sample: The wind howls, thunder rumbles.

Characteristics: narrative, non-narrative, complex non-union.

Scheme: [- =], [- =].

Parsing a simple sentence

How to parse


If you have sentences and examples with diagrams in front of your eyes, then visual memory is automatically triggered. This helps well on control dictations and independent ones. This way you can learn automatically and parse accurately proposals (if the examples are chosen correctly) cover all the criteria necessary for the analysis.

Analysis of a sentence by composition is called syntactic. It is one of the first to be studied in school. At first, the process can be difficult, however, after just two analyses, many people quickly find all the components. Knowledge of parts of speech, rules about the basis and secondary members of a sentence, and an understanding of the connection of words in a phrase will help in analysis. This is completed by the end of primary school, so 5th grade students complete the analysis without difficulty.

By adhering to a certain sequence, you can quickly make an analysis. To do this, you will need to pay attention to the following steps:

  1. Determine what type of phrase it is: narrative, interrogative or incentive.
  2. Exclamatory and non-exclamatory sentences are distinguished by their emotional color.
  3. Then they move on to the grammatical basis. You need to find it, indicate the method of expression, indicate whether the sentence is simple or complex.
  4. Determine the one-part and two-part nature of what is written.
  5. Find additional members of the sentence. They will show whether it is common or not.
  6. Using certain types of lines, highlight each minor member of the sentence. At the same time, above the word it is indicated which member of the sentence it is.
  7. Indicate whether there are missing members of the sentence in the proposed phrase, which will allow you to determine whether the statement is complete or incomplete.
  8. Are there any complications?
  9. Describe what you wrote.
  10. Make a diagram.

In order to correctly and quickly parse, you need to know what the base and minor members are.


Every stem has a subject and a predicate. When parsing, the first word is underlined with one line, the second - with two. For example, " Night has fallen" Here the grammatical basis is the complete phrase. The subject word is “night”. The subject cannot be in any case other than the nominative.

Next door is the predicate “came”, which describes the action performed with the subject. (Dawn has come. Autumn has come.) Depending on whether the sentence is simple or complex, one or two bases are distinguished. The statement “Yellow leaves are falling from the trees” has the same grammatical basis. And here are two basics: “The moon hid - morning came.”

Before parsing phrases, you need to find additional members of the sentence:

  1. Most often the object is a noun or pronoun. Prepositions can be added to the second member of the sentence. It answers all case questions. This does not include the nominative case, since only the subject can have it. Look (where?) at the sky. Let's discuss (what?) the question. In semantic meaning, they are on the same level as a noun.
  2. The definition performs a descriptive function, answering the question “Which one?” Whose?". It is often difficult to identify a member of a sentence due to the fact that it comes in two types. Concordant, when two words are in the same person, gender, number and case. Inconsistent acts as a phrase with control and adjacency. For example: “There is a bookshelf hanging on the wall. There is a shelf for books hanging on the wall.". In both cases, you can ask the question: which one? However, the difference is the consistency and inconsistency of the definition.
  3. The circumstance describes the manner of action, the time. It is considered the most extensive member of the sentence. We met (where?) in a store. (When?) Yesterday we went to the cinema. I (how?) can do the exercise easily. This leads to the fact that adverbial is often confused with an addition. Here it is important to correctly pose the question from the main word to the dependent one.

Relationships when writing

It is important to say that all minor members are necessarily associated with one of the main words. The definition is part of the subject, so questions are asked specifically from this member of the sentence. But the addition and circumstance are connected with the predicate.

During parsing, the letter should indicate the minor members. If the subject and predicate are underlined with one and two lines, respectively, then the complement is highlighted with a dotted line, the definition with a wavy line, and the circumstance with a dot and a dash. When parsing, it is imperative to indicate in a graphical form what each word is.

Practical lesson

Consider a simple sentence:

In winter, tourists go to the ski resort.

Start with the basics. Here it is represented by the phrase “tourists are leaving.” That is, the subject is tourists, the predicate is going. This is the only basis, which means that what is written is a simple statement. Since there are additional members, it is common.

Now you can start looking for add-ons. It was not used here when writing. It is followed by the definition: to (what?) ski resort. And you can highlight the circumstances. They go (where?) to the resort, they go (when?) in winter.

This is what the sentence looks like when analyzed by composition: In winter (obv.) tourists (mean) go (fable) to the ski (def.) resort (add.).

Example of a complex sentence:

The sun set behind a cloud, and light rain began to fall from the sky.

First we look for the basis. The sentence talks about sun and rain. This means that there are two bases in the sentence: the sun went down and it started to rain. Now we need to find additional members of the sentence in each base. It has gone (where?) behind the cloud; went (what?) little one, went (from where?) from the sky.

This is how you need to parse common sentences by composition:

The boy sat on the roof of the house and looked at the starry sky, attracting his gaze.

(Declarative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, common, complete, complicated by homogeneous predicates and a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase).

Here the basis is that the boy sat and watched, so there are two predicates. Finding the minor members of the sentence. I was sitting (where?) on the roof of (what?) the house. I looked (where?) at the sky, (what?) starry. The sky (what?), attracting the eye.

That is, after finding all the components of the statement, it will look like this:

The boy (mean) sat (fable) on the roof (obv.) of the house (add.) and looked (fairy) at the starry (def.) sky (obv.), attracting the eye (def.).

Parsing a sentence is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the steps, starting with finding the main members of the sentence. They are the basis. Then they move on to the minor ones. At the end of the analysis, each of them is underlined with a certain line.


From the video you will learn how to correctly parse a sentence.

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Parsing a sentence is a common school task. It is also called parsing the proposal by members. Unfortunately, machine intelligence cannot yet parse all sentences correctly. Therefore in the article:

  • Let's take a step-by-step look at how to do it manually.
  • Let's compare online services that have been found. I will say in advance that they're doing the wrong thing.
  • You can ask a question here in the comments at the bottom of the page - they will answer you.
Great online parsing exercises!
Cheat sheet with examples
Cheat sheet without examples
Many examples
Dry certificate
An interesting text quality analysis service
ForumsAsk on the forum,
Ask directly on this page in the comments below

Rules for parsing sentences

  1. Determine the type of sentence based on the purpose of the statement:
  2. Determine the type of sentence by intonation: exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

    For example, the following sentence, although motivating, is not exclamatory.

    You should go home, Nastya.

    And the next exclamation:

    Nastya, urgently or go home!

  3. Simple or complex

If the sentence is simple

  1. One-piece or two-piece.
  2. Is the sentence complicated by homogeneous members, introductory words, or address?
  3. Underline the parts of the sentence and indicate the parts of speech. You can identify parts of speech using .

Example of parsing a simple sentence

Nastya and Petya are going home.

  1. narrative
  2. non-exclamatory
  3. simple
  4. two-part; grammatical basis - Nastya and Petya are walking
  5. common
  6. complicated by homogeneous members Nastya and Petya

If the sentence is complex

  1. Indicate what kind of connection is in the sentence: union or non-union.
  2. Indicate the means of communication in the sentence: coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction, or intonation.
  3. Based on the previous two points, draw a conclusion about what kind of sentence it is: compound, compound or non-conjunctive. Obviously, if there is no union, then the relationship is non-union. If the conjunction is coordinating, then it is compound. And if subordinate, then complex.
  4. Underline the parts of the sentence and indicate the parts of speech.

An example of parsing a complex sentence

It got dark, and Nastya went home.

  1. narrative
  2. non-exclamatory
  3. complex
  4. allied communication
  5. coordinating conjunction And
  6. compound sentence

First simple sentence: It got dark. One-part, grammatical basis - it got dark. Undistributed. Not complicated.

Second simple sentence: Nastya went home. Two-part, grammatical basis - Nastya went. Common. Not complicated.

Services for parsing sentences

School Assistant


The same syntactic parsing scheme, the construction of a sentence diagram is described in detail, but there are no examples. This cheat sheet is located.


The same parsing scheme, a lot of examples with underlined parts of the sentence. There are especially many emphatically simple sentences. There is a cheat sheet.


And this is a dry reference on syntactic analysis without examples.


There is no syntactic analysis of the sentence according to the school scheme. But there is a text quality check with syntax analysis. So the service finds and highlights low-quality designs in blue, and also suggests changing them. He can highlight an indefinitely personal sentence, participle, voice, and point out overly complex syntax. Much the same as the Word editor does, highlighting syntax errors in green. Only here more constructions are captured, and the emphasis is not on correct punctuation, but on the structure of the sentence itself.

This service is needed by journalists, editors and all those who monitor the quality of written text.

To use the service:

  1. Open the website
  2. Paste the text into the empty field.
  3. Go to the "Syntax" tab.
  4. Poor quality places in the text will be highlighted in color.
  5. If you click on them, an explanation will appear on the right.

Parsing text in Glavred

Parsing a sentence is the most frequently asked task from school, which some people fail to do. Today I will tell you how to outwit your teacher and do everything right.

Today I will give you the TOP 5 services that will help you analyze a sentence into parts of speech.

All of them can perform some kind of parsing of sentences or words. Each of them has some pros and cons.

These services will be specialized for both Russian and English languages.

And let me tell you, they don't work great per se, but they will help you get most of your job done.


In the tables above, I have listed the best of the best services that can help you with your sentence parsing assignments.

If you have read the table, I propose to start analyzing each of the services and we will start from the very last line of our list and gradually reach the leader of our TOP.

Service name Service language Word/sentence Link
GoldLit Russian Offer Russian Word
Morphology online Russian Word
Delph-in English Offer
Lexis Res English Offer

№5 Lexis Res

Using this link you can get to this service and evaluate its work yourself:

What kind of site is this? For people who study English, this is just a treasure. This page allows you to analyze English text. It can be used by a person with any level of knowledge.

This is a service that allows you to parse a sentence entirely in English. Sentences can be simple, complex, compound or complex.

In addition to the fact that the site does this analysis of any type of sentence, it also explains each word by meaning. That is, if you do not know the exact meaning of a word, then this resource is perfect for you.

You just need to write the text you need in the field or click the “Random sentences” button, and then click the “Analyze” button, and then you will receive a detailed analysis of each word in the sentence: an explanation of the meaning of the word, part of speech.

What advantages does this site have over others? First of all, the service is very easy to use; you won’t need to spend a lot of time to understand what’s what.

Secondly, the site has a huge database that allows you to parse text of any complexity and topic.

In addition, the site has enormous functionality; it will be useful in many other ways for people who are studying English.

  • easy to use website;
  • There are practically no advertisements that would distract;
  • simple site interface;
  • huge functionality;
  • very good parsing.


  • If you do not have a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language, it will be a little difficult to read all the explanations on the site;
  • words during parsing are not underlined by parts of speech lines;
  • there is no adaptation of the site to the Russian language.

As you can see, the ratio of pros and cons allows us to call this site good, but not great, which is why it is in fifth place.

№4 Delph-in

In fourth place is a service called “Delph-in".

You can try it out using this link: This site is a real monster for people who are learning English. This service allows you to have online access to LinGO English Resource Grammar (ERG).

The grammar development platform Linguistic Knowledge Builder is used here.

This interface allows you to enter a single sentence using the ERG system and visualize the results of the analysis in various forms.

I will say right away that the site is suitable for those who are quite experienced in the English language, but this site is simply magnificent and necessary for such people.

What advantages does this service have? First of all, this site has a better degree of analysis of the proposal according to the method that is used at the University of Oslo, and to be precise, the Language Technology Group.

The European sentence parsing system is used here. In addition to using this method, this site shows different ways to parse a sentence, which makes parsing more flexible and convenient.

Now we will look at both the pros and cons of this service.


  • very flexible sentence parsing system;
  • you can write proposals on a variety of topics;
  • an unlimited number of characters can be used in a sentence.


  • the first of them is that the service is quite complex for people with low and intermediate levels of English to use;
  • To understand how the service works and disassemble it in order to understand what’s what, you need to devote several hours to the site.

We have familiarized ourselves with the fourth position and now we will move on to the third place of our TOP.

№3 MorphologyOnline

This site is ideal for those who need to qualitatively parse a sentence step by step, word by word, so as not to make mistakes and correctly select each part of speech for each word in the sentence being analyzed.

The service is also useful because it has a very broad description of each searched word.

What advantages does this service have? Let's look at them.

The first thing is that it is very easy to use. Its interface does not have any distracting elements, which will allow you to fully concentrate on the written information.

In addition to the fact that the service indicates the part of speech of a word, it also describes a morphological analysis, which makes the analysis of the word deeper and more thorough.

This will help you never make a mistake in parsing your sentence. Also, if you want to familiarize yourself with the parts of speech in detail, you can find information on this site, which is very conveniently and clearly explained.

Now let’s look at the service from both sides and see both the pros and cons. Let's start with the positive side.


  • very simple - even the youngest user can handle it;
  • there are no annoying advertisements, which makes using the service comfortable;
  • deep analysis;
  • huge amount information for independent parsing of sentences.


  • this service can only analyze one word at a time, which makes the whole process slow;
  • this site is more focused on morphological analysis of words, but it also does syntactic analysis well;
  • There are no other tools available, which makes the site narrow for use in different areas.

It is because of these pros and cons that the service takes only third place. Now it's time for second place.

No. 2 ""

Why is this service in 4th place? This site allows you to analyze one word at a time across all Russian dictionaries, which not only indicate the part of speech, but also explain the meaning of the searched word, synonyms, antonyms, and various forms.

Here you can even find the correct stress for any Russian word.

In addition to this service for a complete analysis of the word, there is a lot of materials on learning the Russian language, for example: a wide variety of dictionaries, magazines, alphabet books, books, tutors, and various useful links.

Therefore, if you want to fully analyze a word or increase your level of knowledge of the Russian language, you can safely use this resource.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages of the site. First of all, there is a very nice interface, everything is clear, you don’t need to search for anything. Everything you need can be immediately seen on the monitor display. The site itself has no advertising.

The entire design of the site is made in simple colors, that is, your eyes will not get so tired from reading this site for a long time.

Absolutely anyone can use this service: from first class to the elderly.

Since I have described all the possible advantages in great detail, you can now make a whole short list and also add negative aspects to see the full picture.

Why did this service take first place in our TOP? First of all, the site can parse a sentence, regardless of the number of characters and words.

The analysis on the site is very convenient. The service was created specifically for parsing sentences.

This site has a number of advantages. As mentioned, the site can analyze entire sentences, and not just words.

Syntactic analysis is carried out very conveniently: first, the initial forms of the word are written, then the parts of speech, then comes the grammatical analysis, and then the declension by case.

Of all the TOP, this service has the most convenient and eye-pleasing interface.

In addition to these advantages, the site also has sections with various literature from different periods, various poetry, both Russian and foreign. The site has information about many poets, many conveniently written biographies. All this will also help you study various literature if you need it.

But despite all these advantages, the site also has some disadvantages. We will talk about them after we have identified all the advantages.


  • performs a complete analysis of the sentence, regardless of the topic, number of words and characters;
  • a minimal amount of advertising, but even this does not interfere with the use of the site;
  • very easy to learn;
  • a lot of information on the literature;
  • great interface and good colors.


  • absolute lack of materials on the Russian language;
  • the site is geared more towards literature, but still has a tool for parsing sentences.

Bottom line

Let's sum it up. After analyzing the entire TOP, you can understand that if you need a site for parsing sentences in Russian, I recommend you use the “Goldlit” resource.

The simplicity of the site, excellent analysis of the offer, a lot of interesting materials - these are the key factors that influenced the site’s placement in our top.

It is the absolute leader in our TOP and the best online service for parsing sentences in Russian on Russian Internet networks.

This is a resource that will help you not only complete your homework, but also familiarize yourself with various literature. Use the Goldlit service.

Schoolchildren, students of philological faculties, and people with other related goals are often interested in the analysis of verbal structures. Today we’ll talk about how to parse a sentence online and what services can handle it. In fact, there are many sites on the Internet that offer similar services, but the resource is not always effective and convenient. We will get acquainted with the most popular and functional products.

On this website Easily complete even the most complex tasks online. Moreover, in the process of analysis you gain additional knowledge and can understand even more about the topic than when reading dry theory. In order to take advantage of the service, you will have to register. A real school virtual assistant with which you can learn 5th grade easily and quickly. There is nothing superfluous or distracting, so it deservedly comes first.

Excellent, clear crib. Clear schemes for analyzing sentences of different levels of complexity in the form of a table are proposed, and excellent examples are provided. The resource was created specifically to help with studying, so it can be used as a basis not only for learning the Russian language, but also mathematics.

It is worth noting that the site has essays for grades 3, 5, 6, 7 and much more.

Another special service worthy of special attention. Here it is possible to parse a sentence online, regardless of the number of words and characters. Working with it is easy and convenient, mainly due to the fact that the platform was created specifically for parsing.

As noted, the tool is capable of parsing entire sentence structures of any complexity for free, not to mention individual words. The analysis algorithm is simple:

  • the original dictionary forms are indicated;
  • grammar analysis;
  • cases.

The design is pleasant and comfortable to read. In addition, on the site you will find subsections with various literature, both Russian and foreign. You can find biographies of poets and writers - this content is often needed in the school curriculum. The tool will definitely come in handy if you are tired of numerous advertisements; there is practically none here and will not interfere. It's easy to get used to and has a lot of useful information.

The only downside is that there are no other materials on the Russian language, the content is mainly created on the basis of literature, but at the same time you can use the analysis at any time.

Online parsing of sentences using

One of the most popular special resources in this area. The developers claim that it is easily capable of performing online not only syntactic but also morphological analysis, after which the user receives complete informative statistics about a specific text.

Working with such an assistant is easy:

  • go to the main page;
  • paste the copied text into an empty field;
  • enter the verification number located below;
  • click “Analyze”.

If necessary, you can seek help from specialized forums, where threads are divided by topic. For example, many recommend Lingvoforum or section of the TurboText website - Certificate. Just open a new topic or add a question to an existing one, and wait.

As you can see, parsing complex sentences online is not difficult. In addition, not only a theoretical basis is offered, but also in real time it is possible to analyze the desired vocabulary structure.