Complex and short riddles. Funny riddles with a trick for children and adults

It is, of course, interesting to solve riddles. But only if it takes some time and effort to solve them. In other words, the riddles should be quite complex. For my age, of course. For example, solving tricky riddles is a difficult task for both children and adults. In this article, we tried to collect riddles that will be quite difficult for children of different ages. And you will have to rack your brains to solve these complex riddles! Well, so that it doesn’t break down at all, every such riddle has an answer. The result was complex riddles, but with answers. That is, almost simple. 🙂 Well, what's the matter? Forward!

Complex riddles with answers

Yesterday I found her in the forest, although I wasn’t looking for her.

And now I’m taking it home because I didn’t get it. (Thorn).

The ankle shakes, it is easy to bow. (Axe).

He toils and toils - he will come home and stretch out. (Axe).

He goes into the forest and looks home; coming from the forest - looking into the forest. (Axe in belt).

She eats quickly, chews finely, does not swallow anything herself and does not give anything to others. (Saw).

I have such strength that in the water, on the shore

I can easily defeat any crocodile. (Anaconda).

The day sleeps, the night watches, in the morning it dies, another one replaces it. (Candle).

Black hog in an iron stable. (Tar in a barrel).

There are a hundred holes in the pit. (Thimble).

A pig from St. Petersburg is lying there, all finely bruised. (Thimble).

I walk around the house, hitting one pole. (Stuffing the hoop).

Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew).

I’ll trample with my foot, I’ll press with my stomach, I’ll snatch with my hand, I’ll stab twice and start again (Weaving).

The titmouse is wearing all the white light. (Needle).

Thin back, steel bristles, linen tail. She walks around the field, dresses everyone, but she herself is naked. (Needle and thread).

The woman's craft is overgrown with brushwood. (Yarn).

I’ll trample with my foot, I’ll press my stomach, I’ll snatch with my hand, I’ll stab you twice and I’ll start all over again. (Weaving).

A blind pig crawls near the tine. (Shuttle). I rub with my belly, I rub with my legs, where it opens, I’ll poke here. (Weaving).

I’m sitting on an aspen tree, looking through the maple tree, shaking the birch tree. (Spinning).

What is the plural of the word "bottom"? (Donya).

Five sheep eat up the hay, five sheep run away. (Spinning).

Five eat up, and five push. (Fingers and yarn).

A blind pig crawls near the tine. (Shuttle).

The animal is about an inch long, and its tail is seven miles long. (Needle).

The horse is steel, the tail is linen. (Needle and thread).

The goby is iron, the tail is towed. (Needle and thread).

The top is iron, the tail is hemp. (Needle and thread).

The tipyak is beating, the roar is roaring, the pipes are cracking, the waters are splashing. (Mill).

It is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed. (Anchor).

Without work - it hangs, during work - it stands, after work - it dries. (Umbrella).

All female names are known to end with the letter "a" or "z", and only one single name ends with another letter. Which? (Love ends with a soft sign).

In a competition, a runner overtook another runner in second position. What position does he occupy now? (Second).

You have passed the last runner. What position are you in now? (Such an event is not possible, because there is no one to overtake the last runner).

What becomes longer if you take it in your hands, pass it across your chest and stick it into a hole? (Car seat belt).

What has a head but no brain? (Cheese, onion, garlic).

Neither sea nor land. And ships don’t float, and you can’t walk. (Swamp).

Even a child could lift it from the ground, but not even a strong man could throw it over a fence. (Pooh).

What stone can't you find in the sea? (Sukhoi).

Who speaks all languages? (Echo).

The woman is standing on the floor, covering the hole with a piece of iron. (Bake).

Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew).

You enter through one door and exit from three. You think you've left, but it turns out you've entered! (Shirt).

To stroke from the front, you need to lick from the back. (Postage stamp).

Kuzma is knotty, you can’t untie him! (Chain).

There is a road along the stomach. There is anxiety between the legs.

And the wedding is going down the hole. (Spinning wheel).

If it is worth it, you can count it on your fingers. But if she lies down, you’ll never count it! (Number 8, if it falls, it will turn into an infinity sign).

There are two tests in one bowl. (Egg).

If it breaks out, new life will appear. And if it is broken inside, for him it is death. What is this? (Egg).

During the day - with legs, and at night - without legs? (Indoor slippers).

This eight only goes forward and forward, without retreating a single step. And behind her is another pack of eight. What is this? (Pawns and other chess pieces).

One person does it, although he himself does not need it. Another person buys it, although he doesn’t use it himself. The third person receives this, although he himself does not know about it. What is it? (Coffin).

Did he quietly come up from behind, stick it in twice and leave? (Indoor slippers).

Does he wear a hat all day? (Nail in a horseshoe).

What do you need to take from the steam locomotive and the whale to make the boat float? (Sail).

You shake her hand every day. What is this? (Door handle).

What kind of people walk while sitting? (Chess, checkers, etc. players).

Without hands, but draws, without teeth, but bites. (Freezing).

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard.

In front is a fork, in the back is a broom. (Cow).

Two people walked and started talking. “Is this red?” "No, it's black." What were we talking about?

(About black currants).

It grows in the forest, it bends in the village,

The horse's is sticking out, the woman's is shaking. (Yoke).

Downhill - crawl, uphill - run. (Snot).

Where should the girl sit so that you can't take her place if she gets up and leaves? (On your lap).

He has a hundred faces. Who is this? (Watchman).

What invention allows you to see through walls? (Window).

Where can you find roads without carriages, forests without trees, cities without houses? (On the map).

I love to sing in the dawn silence. And I'm in love with my song

So that I don’t hear anything unless I start drinking. (Grouse).

Not a twig, not a leaf, but growing on a tree. What is this? (Chaga mushroom).

Underwater she swims forever backwards

He constantly runs away, scares everyone with ink. (Cuttlefish).

What builds castles, tears down mountains, blinds some, helps to see

to others? (Sand).

I love to live in gray seas, I look for food in dark waters.

I throw my tail, like a reliable anchor, wherever I want. (Sea horse).

A shoemaker is not a shoemaker, a tailor is not a tailor;

He holds a bristle in his mouth and scissors in his hands. (Cancer).

I have a mouth - I don’t speak, I have eyes - I don’t blink.

I have wings, but I don’t fly, I don’t have legs, but I walk (Fish).

The sages settled in glassed palaces,

In silence, alone, they reveal secrets to me. (Books).

There is a leg and a cap, but not a mushroom. (Umbrella).

Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel.

Whoever turns his tail will enter. (Lock).

I silently look at everyone, and everyone looks at me.

Happy ones see laughter, sad ones see me cry.

Deep as a river, I'm at home on your wall.

The old man will see the old man, the child will see the child in me. (Mirror).

To see yourself, look at him.

I won't say anything more about him. (Mirror).

Came out like a pancake, came in like a wedge.

They put him on the threshold - he sheds sad tears. (Umbrella).

Bone back, bristles on the back.

She jumped on the fence and kicked out all the trash. (Toothbrush).

He drinks greedily - but does not feel thirsty.

He is white and only bathes once.

He dives blindly into boiling water

To your own misfortune and to the joy of the people. (Sugar).

The fish dives briskly and loses part of its tail as it dives.

As a result, it is no accident that he is left without a tail. (Needle and thread)

There is a hole at the top, a hole at the bottom, and in the middle - fire and water. (Samovar).

Hangs, hangs, dangles. Everyone grabs him. (Towel).

The more tears froze on the white stalk,

The less of the former strength in the blooming light. (Candle).

Wheat caftans, in caftans - wild boars. (Dumplings).

A midge was flying - an aspen leg.

She sat on a stack and ate all the hay. (Matches).

Hard, full of holes, prickly, clumsy.

Whatever they put on her back, she will immediately devour everything. (Grater).

Little Danilka hanged himself in a noose. (Button in loop).

Lumpy, spongy and humpbacked.

And sour, and fresh, and light.

And soft, and black, and white.

And all the people are nice. (Bread).

Meshed, pickled, felted,

Then it was placed on the table. (Bread).

Was free-flowing - became viscous,

It fell into fire and became hard. (Bread).

They hit Yermilka on the back of the head,

He doesn't cry, he just hides his nose. (Nail).

I'm one-legged, but I don't limp

Not before anyone, not before anything

I don't take off my hat. (Nail).

I am a business worker,

I throw myself into work.

Well done to me,

The hat suits me very well. (Nail).

The sharp fingers of the scratcher stand in one row: they pick up armfuls from the ground. (Rake).

There are flags on the pole, swords under the pole. (Gladioli).

I am in lakes and rivers, but I am not in the water,

I am in watermelons and cucumbers, but I am not in melons.

Call me. (Letter "r").

The spinning pike wagged its tail,

All the forests fell and became mountains. (Scythe).

They beat off the Sharp Nose - they sharpened the Sharp Nose,

Sharp Nose did his work and the green cart was taken away. (Scythe).

You can't see, you can't touch. You can't hear, you can't smell.

Lives beyond the stars and under the mountains. Ends life and kills laughter. What is this? (Darkness).

I have a hundred legs, but I cannot stand, a long neck, but no head. I'm taking the maid's life. Who am I? (Broom, mop brush).

Flies under the sun, but does not cast a shadow. (Wind).

In the old days, I used to help people out:

I often replaced the soap with my own bright berries. What is this? (Elder).

I appear once a minute, twice - every moment, but never in a hundred thousand years. What is this? (Letter "n")

What, when rising, opens, and when falling, folds? (Umbrella).

In the green room there is a white room. In the white room there is a red room.

There is a black guy in the red room, This is me, Who am I? – (Watermelon seed)

I’m walking along the road, I see something with four fingers and one thumb separately. This is not meat, not fish, not poultry. What is this? (Gloves).

They will come when it gets dark, even though no one invited them.

And at dawn they are not there at all, as if someone had stolen them. (Stars).

My yesterday is Wednesday's tomorrow. My tomorrow is Sunday's yesterday.

What day of the week am I? (Friday)

It is often placed on the table, but never eaten. What is this? (Cutting board).

There is a house in a straw, a hundred children in it. (Ear).

The green cap is pulled down to the ears. (Acorn).

Few people know, perhaps: having risen above the ground,

I pinch - not with a sting at all, but with rough scales. (Viper).

With his eyes bulging, he sits and speaks French,

Jumps like a flea, swims like a human. (Frog).

You walk on the living - they lie quietly, you walk on the dead - they grumble. What is this? (Leaves).

Shiny like a diamond, loud like thunder, an endless world of wonder. What is this? (Waterfall).

Every morning it can appear at our feet. No matter how fast we walk, it will follow us, but at noon it will almost die. (Shadow).

It allows you to see everything in the house and outside the house. (Window).

What can fill a room but doesn't take up space? (Light).

It always wants to eat. This one always needs food. I am always hungry, I need food all the time; Your finger will turn red if it touches this. What is this? (Fire).

The cloud was my mother. The wind is my father, the cold stream is my son. The fruits of the earth are my children, the rainbow is my bed, the earth is my final resting place. I was part of a person. What is this? (Rain).

I am often placed on the table, but never eaten. What am I? (Cutting board).

It can swallow stones, move mountains, corrode metals, and make a person old. What is this? (Time).

What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner?

(Postage stamp).

What you want, you can’t buy,

What you don't need, you can't sell.

(Youth and old age).

It stands like a pillar, burning with fire, no heat, no steam, no coals. (Candle)

What kind of birds fly seven in each flock?

They fly in a line and don’t turn back.

(Days of the week)

Sweeter than honey, stronger than an elephant, heavier than a helmet. Like a fly buzzing, crawling into a mouse hole, taking grief with it. (Dream).

Four legs, but not a beast. There are feathers, but not a bird. What is this?

(Bed and pillow).

There are no legs, but she does not stand still, there is a bed, but she does not sleep.

It's not a cauldron, but it's seething. It's not a thunderstorm, but it's thundering.

There is no mouth, but she is never silent.

They go for water - they sing sonorous songs,

And when they go back, tears are shed.

The brothers stood on stilts,

They look for food along the way.

Whether I'm running or walking,

They can't get off their stilts.


The whole Universe lives in it,

But it's an ordinary thing.


The pig is running

The back is worn out.


It knocks day and night,

It's like it's a routine.

It will be bad if suddenly

This knocking will stop.

What word starts with three letters "G" and ends with three letters "I"? ("Trigonometry".)

With a tail, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew).

You are sitting on an airplane, in front of you is a horse, behind you is a car. Where are you located?

Answer: (On the carousel)

Hanging sieve

Not made by hand. (Web).

I'll lay down the matting

I'll sow peas

I'll put a roll -

No one can take it. (Sky, stars and moon).

White cat

Climbs through the window. (Dawn).

There is no one stronger in the world,

There is no one in the world more violent than her.

You can't hold her in your hands -

And you can't overtake him on horseback. (River).

Silver threads

They sew the earth with the sky. (Rain).

Beautiful maiden -

Zarya Zaryanica

I walked around the world

She dropped a tear;

I saw the moon

The sun was stolen. (Dew).

The gold one is gone, the silver one is coming. (Sun and month).

Riddles for children are an important part of educational games and activities; they are used in any early development method and develop the mind, logical thinking and intelligence. In this section we have selected for you the best and most interesting riddles for children with answers (2000 in total! children's riddles). And to make it easier to navigate their diversity, we have grouped children's riddles into categories.

Riddles for children. What are their benefits?

Riddles for children are always:

  • training their memory;
  • the good science of concentration;
  • a great opportunity to pacify an active child and make him more diligent;
  • unobtrusive switching of attention;
  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • reason for fun;
  • active stimulation of imaginative thinking;
  • a fun way to get to know the world around you;
  • a great chance to chat with your child for an extra minute, give him your attention, and turn from an always busy parent into a true friend.

The most important thing is to choose the right riddle. If you overestimate a child’s capabilities and choose something that is too complex, it will quickly turn from an interesting pastime into a boring, uninteresting activity for him. As, however, too simple riddles that quickly deprive children of enthusiasm.

The secret of the amazing effect of riddles for children lies in several of its components.

  1. Firstly, in the form of a children's riddle, which so attracts children, turns learning into a fascinating game, an adventure that forces them to think logically, analyze, develop observation skills, and strive to understand the world. Curiosity is the engine of many discoveries.
  2. Secondly, in the content of the riddle, which most successfully reflects various aspects of a person’s life and activity, his life, environment, relationships, etc.
  3. Thirdly, the versatility of riddles: children of all ages can make riddles, and this can be done anywhere (at home, in nature, on the road, at a party, at a party) and at any time. They are always appropriate, especially if selected in accordance with the chosen location and occupation.

When choosing children's riddles, first of all, give preference to those to which the child can not only guess the answer, but also pronounce it.

No more restrictions! Make a wish for any object, animal, fairy-tale character, profession, transport, holiday, number, letter...

Naturally, it is more interesting and easier for a child to find answers among what surrounds him and what he likes, so always try to ask children’s riddles that are relevant at that moment. In the forest, ask riddles about mushrooms, trees, at your grandmother’s in the village - about pets, on the road - about transport, at lunch - about vegetables, fruits, food. It is especially important that the answer be in the field of vision of the little ones, because their logical thinking is still being formed, and therefore needs hints - audio, visual.

Turn any of your child's learning (development) processes into an exciting puzzle game and see how interesting and fun it is to learn together.

Of course, parents don’t always want to bother their precious child and come up with the most complicated riddles for him. Nevertheless, such questions, the answer to which you need to think about, are useful and necessary for children and adults, regardless of age.

Why ask your child complex riddles?

Moms and dads may wonder whether it is worth misleading their child and including difficult tasks in the program. However, having studied the information about how productive the most complex riddles are for children of different ages, parents will immediately change their previous opinion. Logic and trick riddles are needed for the following reasons:

These are just some of the factors that indicate that children are bound to have difficult questions to answer. This will help you develop fully and be literate.

What should riddles be like?

It is clear that complex riddles are somewhat different from simple logical questions. You should think through a program of developmental classes with such tasks in advance so that the process goes smoothly and without hitches. The most difficult riddles should be:

  • With a catch.
  • Ambiguous.
  • Those that are worth thinking about the answer to.
  • Complex riddles should be selected according to the child’s age. This will help boys and girls find answers according to their level of knowledge. It follows that children should not ask very complex riddles; for the little ones it is better to choose trick questions. For older children, you can choose the same questions as for adults.

It is worth considering the above factors when choosing logical questions for your child.

Logic riddles for little ones

For preschool children, you can take into account the following riddles:

There were three apples on the birch tree, and five pears on the poplar tree. How many fruits are there in total on these trees?

(None, fruits do not grow on birch and poplar)

How can you find a black cat in a dark room?

(Turn on the lights)

What will a red handkerchief with white embroidery become if it is lowered into the Black Sea?

What can't you eat for lunch?

(Breakfast and dinner)

What will happen next year to a dog that is five years old?

(She will be six years old)

Whose hair won't get wet in the pouring rain?

(Bald man)

Which is more correct to say: I can’t see the white yolk or I don’t see the white yolk?

(No way, the yolk is never white)

A duck standing on one leg weighs three kilograms, how much will the same duck weigh if it stands on two legs.

(3 kilograms)

Two eggs take 4 minutes to cook, how long will it take ten eggs to cook?

(4 minutes)

A cat is resting near the bench. The tail, the eyes, and the whiskers are all like a cat’s, but it’s not a cat. Who's resting near the bench?

Guess what goes missing when you eat a bagel?

How can you light a match when you are underwater?

(You can if you are in a submarine)

30 candles were lit in the hall. A man entered the room and extinguished 15 of them. How many candles are left in the hall?

(30 candles left, extinguished candles are still in the room)

The house has an uneven roof. One side is lowered more, the other less. The rooster sat on the top of the roof and laid an egg, which way will it roll?

(It won't go anywhere, the rooster doesn't lay eggs)

What tree does a fox hide under when it rains?

(Under the wet)

In which fields does not a single plant grow?

(On the brim of the hat)

Such complex logic riddles for little ones will cause a whirlpool of emotions and interest. The most important thing is to give your child hints so that he can find the correct answer.

Complex riddles with a trick for schoolchildren

School-age children may find it even more difficult to select questions. Very complex ones can be as follows:

You're at a running competition. When you overtook the last one running, what did you become?

(This cannot happen, because the last runner cannot be overtaken, because he is the last and there cannot be anyone else behind him)

Three car owners had a brother, Alyosha. But Alyosha didn’t have a single brother, how is this possible?

(Possibly if Alyosha had sisters)

What would your score be if you overtook the second runner in line?

(Many people will answer first, but this is wrong, because having overtaken the second runner, the person will become second)

Schoolchildren will certainly enjoy such complex riddles with a trick. After thinking about the answer, it will not be difficult to voice it.

Adult riddles with a trick

Sometimes adults are like children. Therefore, they will also like very complex riddles. People over school age can be asked the following logical questions:

A tram with five passengers is traveling. At the first stop, two passengers got off and four got on. At the next stop, no one got off; ten passengers got on. At another station, five passengers entered and one exited. On the next one, seven people came out and eight people entered. When there was another stop, five people got off and no one got on. How many stops did the tram have?

(The answer to this riddle is not so important. The point is that all participants will most likely count the number of passengers and it is unlikely that anyone will decide to count the stops)

The doorbell rings. You know that your relatives are behind her. There is champagne, cold water and juice in your refrigerator. What will you open first?

(Door, because guests must first be allowed into the apartment)

A healthy person who is not sick, does not have a disability, and whose legs are fine, is carried out of the hospital in his arms. Who is this?

(Newborn baby)

You entered the room. It contains five cats, four dogs, three parrots, two guinea pigs and a giraffe. How many feet are there on the floor in the room?

(There are two legs on the floor. Animals have paws, only humans have legs)

Three prisoners unknowingly planned to escape from prison. The prison was surrounded by a river. When the first prisoner escaped, a shark attacked him and ate him. Thus the first of those escaping died. When the second prisoner attempted a disaster, the guards noticed him and dragged him by the hair into the prison territory, where he was shot. The third prisoner escaped normally and was never seen again. What's wrong with this story?

(There are no sharks in the river; they couldn’t drag the prisoner by the hair because they shave his head)

Adult participants of the event will enjoy such riddles.

How to motivate a child to participate in educational activities

It is clear that children definitely need motivation in order for their participation in the game to be exciting and desirable. It is enough to simply promise the child some kind of gift and, of course, hand it over at the end of the game.

The ability to solve mysteries has always been considered a confirmation of a person's wisdom and intelligence. Therefore, since ancient times, riddles have been a very popular type of folk art. They help to think about various topics and events, develop logic and intelligence.

Ancient riddles are a source of folk wisdom, and modern riddles are more fun and entertaining. Guessing riddles is a very interesting activity that is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Everyone is happy to find the correct answer and guess for themselves what the riddle is about.

Everyone knows very well about the benefits of riddles, especially for young children. After all, they train memory and help develop imagination.

What is the difference between simple funny riddles and funny riddles with a trick? In order to solve a simple riddle, it is often enough to use your wits and draw an analogy.

However, to give the correct answer to a riddle with a trick, you should think carefully and take your time, since basically the answer contains a certain trick. And it is quite possible that the answer will differ significantly from the first answer that comes to mind.

Children's funny riddles with answers (examples)

Elementary but funny riddles will help the child get acquainted with the world and phenomena around him, and teach him simple everyday truths. Finding the correct answer to a riddle is much more interesting than reading a textbook or boring advice from adults.

Often, riddles make children want to read books, communicate more, and generally explore the world. Therefore, funny riddles on various topics will arouse great interest in the child.

Examples of funny riddles:

Children's funny riddles with a trick (examples with answers)

Children love riddles with a trick because the answers make everyone laugh. After all, the answer to such a riddle is usually very unexpected. Funny and playful riddles with a funny twist will be good entertainment at children's parties.

Examples of funny riddles with a trick:

Funny riddles for children with answers

Children really like riddles in the form of rhymes. The clue in such riddles is at the end of the rhyme in the form of a rhyme.

The child says the answer without even delving into the essence of the riddle. However, the solution turns out to be different, not rhymed. After realizing their mistake, children usually laugh and have fun, still trying to guess the correct answer.

Examples of trick riddles for children:

Adult funny riddles with a trick and vulgar with answers

While relaxing with friends, you can laugh and ask each other witty riddles. This will help make the meeting fun and not boring. After all, funny riddles contain not only a funny question, but also an interesting and extraordinary answer.

Examples of funny riddles with a trick for adults:

Examples of vulgar riddles for adults:

Complex logic riddles with answers

To train your brain for attentiveness and intelligence, you should solve logical riddles.

Examples of logic riddles:

  • what is at rest all the time, even when going up or down a mountain? (road);
  • Who can light a match underwater without much effort? (sailor in a submarine);
  • What do the numbers 69 and 88 have in common? (if you turn them over they will look the same);
  • Is it possible to get a coin that a person dropped into tea without getting your fingers wet? (possible if the tea is not brewed);
  • Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (broken).

The process of asking riddles is an entertaining and not boring pastime. Riddles help children learn about everything around them, develop imagination and creativity. And adults really like to find answers to original and tricky questions. Therefore, riddles always arouse interest among both children and adults.

And there are some more interesting riddles in the next video.

Riddles are expressions in which one object is depicted through another. To understand what kind of object this is, a person should show not only intelligence, but also ingenuity. Some riddles are considered simple; they are aimed at developing the intelligence of preschool and school-age children. Others are beyond the power of even an adult. The most difficult riddles in the world will be discussed below.

Top 10 most difficult riddles with logic and a trick for adults (with answers)

10. Pasha put a coin in the bottle and plugged the bottle with a cork. He then took out the coin without removing the cap or breaking the bottle. Guess how he did it.

Answer: He pushed the cork inside the bottle.

9. They bought Vitya and Seryozha a box of chocolates. Each box contains 12 candies. Vitya ate several pieces from his box, and Seryozha ate as much from his as was left in Vitya’s box. Guess how many sweets Vitya and Seryozha have left between them.

8. A person receives this three times during his lifetime: two times absolutely free, the third time he has to pay for it. Guess what we are talking about.

7. Dima and Lesha played at home in a dirty attic without light. Then they went down to the room. Dima’s whole face was smeared with dirt, but Lesha’s face miraculously remained clean. True, only Lesha went to the bathroom to wash. Guess why he did this.

Answer: Lesha looked at Dima’s dirty face and decided that he was just as dirty, so he went to wash himself. But Dima did not suspect anything, because he saw Lesha’s clean face in front of him.

6. In what case, looking at the number 2, does a person say “ten”?

Answer: When the digital clock says 22:00.

5. The man was driving his truck. The headlights were not turned on. The moon didn't shine. In front of the truck, a woman dressed in black was crossing the road. Guess how the person saw her.

Answer: The woman was clearly visible because it was during the day and not at night.

4. The man hung up his hat and, having counted 100 meters, walked away to this distance with his eyes closed. Then he turned around and fired one shot into his hat with the pistol, still without opening his eyes. And he got it. Guess how he did it.

Answer: He hung his hat on the barrel of the gun.

3. One boy liked to boast that he could hold his breath underwater for 3 minutes. His friend said that he could spend 10 minutes underwater without special equipment. The first boy did not believe it and offered him a bet. The second boy agreed and won the argument. Explain how he won.

Answer: The boy filled a glass with water, placed it on his head and held it for 10 minutes.

2. The day before yesterday Ilya was 17 years old. Next year he will be 20 years old. Guess how this is possible.

Answer: If today is January 1, and Ilya’s birthday is December 31. In this case, the day before yesterday (that is, December 30) he was still 17 years old, yesterday (that is, December 31) he turned 18 years old, this year he will turn 19 years old, and next year he will turn 20 years old.

1. A man is found dead in his office. The body of the deceased is tilted over the work table, a pistol is clutched in his hand, and a voice recorder is lying on the table. The police turn on this voice recorder and immediately hear the message recorded on tape: “I don’t want to continue living. This no longer makes any sense...” After this, a deafening shot is heard. How did the police immediately realize that this was a murder and not a suicide?

Answer: The deceased himself could not rewind the tape of the recorder.

If you didn't find these riddles too difficult, try finding the solution to the most difficult unanswered riddle.

One day a sage was asked a question:

"One dog was given a clear command to wag its tail only if it sees another dog that is not wagging its tail; and conversely, not to wag its tail if it sees a dog that is wagging its tail."

The question is: what will she do to avoid breaking commands if a mirror is placed in front of her?

Puzzled children of both preschool and school age with riddles is extremely important and useful. They perceive solving puzzles as a game, and at the same time they develop non-standard thinking, broaden their horizons and perception of the world.

Today there are a huge number of riddles for children. They are divided into categories: joke riddles with ambiguous words, joke riddles with numbers, deception riddles, YES-NO, riddles for the smartest, etc.

Here are some examples:

1. Guess which is better to stir tea: with your left or right hand?

Answer: It is better to stir with a spoon.

2. Guess what makes the duck swim?

Answer: From the shore.

3. Milena loves animals. She has 5 cats, 6 dogs, 3 rabbits and 2 hamsters. Guess how many feet are in the room when Milena and her pets get together.

Answer: Only 2 legs, because animals have paws, not legs.

4. For Russia this is in first place, but for Germany it is in third.

Answer: The letter "r".

Here are some of the most difficult riddles for children:

1. How can a person stay awake for 8 days?

Answer: Sleep at night.

2. You are sitting on an airplane, you see a horse in front and a car behind. Where are you?

Answer: On the carousel.

3. What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6?

Do not forget that the child himself must want to solve more complex riddles. This should not become a difficult mandatory test for him. Motivate your child, praise him, and in this case he will be happy to try to solve all the problems on his own.

It is known that when admitting a child to 1st grade, psychologists also conduct tests using riddles and puzzles. Therefore, train your child’s memory, intelligence and intelligence by guiding him in search of the correct answer, so that this does not become a serious problem for him in the future.

Moreover, most large companies arrange aptitude tests for applicants when applying for a job. Part of the test consists of logic riddles similar to those listed above. Therefore, understanding the principle and learning to guess them is useful at any age.