Dream interpretation of giving birth to twins. Unusual interpretations of dreams involving twins

The dream book claims that twins in a dream are one of the most ambiguous symbols. Gemini may be a harbinger of good luck, a joyful meeting, unexpected support, or it may indicate the sleeper’s indecisiveness. When interpreting why twins are dreamed of, one should take into account the gender and age of the dreamer, as well as his priorities.

Same and different sexes

Why twin children dream will be determined by your attitude towards children in general. If they appear, first of all, as a burden, difficulties in business await. When children evoke tenderness and sympathy, the image foreshadows a meeting that will play an important role in fate.

Unfamiliar twins, a boy and a girl, often personify the self-sufficiency of the sleeper. He does not suffer from loneliness or helplessness. If circumstances require it, he applies both male and female character traits with equal success, and is not afraid of reproaches for childishness.

This is not the only explanation for why a boy and a girl are exactly similar in dreams. The Muslim dream book promises that if you are lucky enough to see opposite-sex twins in a dream, your cherished dream will come true in double volume.

Twins, a boy and a girl, in the womb personify universal harmony, the necessary balance of good and evil. From an esoteric point of view, this is a very favorable image.

In adulthood

Adults often see their own doubles in dreams, despite the fact that they were the only heirs in the family. In such cases, the dream book takes into account the personality of the dreamer.

Doubles that do not exist in real life appear to men in dreams when they need to decide on a responsible step, for example, quitting a dead-end job and opening their own business or starting a family.

When an adult woman dreams of her own exact copy, what she sees in the dream foreshadows a long-awaited pregnancy.

It has been noticed that if an elderly person dreams of his double, he wakes up surprisingly cheerful, in good health and spirits, and does not complain of boredom and loneliness for a long time.

If abstract twins were dreamed of by someone who in reality is one of the twins himself, the dream book promises a long period of well-being and prosperity.

There is another version of why adult twins dream. What you see in a dream reflects the real doubts of the sleeper. Miller's dream book believes that in reality he will have to make a difficult choice, taking full responsibility for the result. If the twins are men, this only confirms the meaning of the dream.

Twin girls often appear to men to help them realize their erotic fantasies in their dreams. The meaning of such night dreams is neutral, it just reflects secret desires.

The smallest

Pregnancy with twins and newborn babies of twins are interpreted by most dream books as a favorable symbol, a harbinger of incredible luck, which can safely be called fateful. As a result of a happy accident, life can radically change for the better.

Most dream books symbolize childbirth with health and femininity. Women who saw this image in a dream will find harmony and mutual understanding with their chosen one. Diseases will disappear, vital energy and incentive for new achievements will appear. Often, after such dreams, single women soon found their soul mates.

When interpreting this dream, it is very important what characteristics the dreamer has. Young married girls can see this on the eve of the news that she is pregnant. For more mature or single ladies, giving birth to twins in a dream promises prosperity in business, the emergence of additional financial sources, as well as improved well-being.

How the birth took place is of great importance. A difficult process and severe pain indicate that in the girl’s life on the path to happiness and love there will be a difficult test, after which she will be rewarded. Screaming loudly during childbirth means judgment or gossip. If everything went smoothly and without complications, then expect: your life will improve significantly, any undertaking will be crowned with success, love and mutual understanding will reign in the family. Seeing blood during childbirth means a quick meeting with distant relatives or friends who have not been seen for a long time.

It would be useful to remember the conditions in which you gave birth to your children. At home or in the hospital? Seeing home walls in a dream symbolizes help and moral support from family and friends. Government premises are a sign of an imminent move, a long separation from family and friends.

Dream of twins being born: what was the gender of the children?

Little boys in a dream are clear harbingers that very pleasant news awaits you soon. Most likely, positive changes will concern the financial or labor sphere. If you have a loved one, expect from him a gift that you have long wanted.

If we compare the interpretations of most dream books, then giving birth to a boy and a girl means plunging headlong into a new passion or hobby. It may well be that you will meet a like-minded person and spend most of your time with him.

The birth of girls symbolizes the transformation of the dreamer, a revision of her life values. Often, after such dreams, women become more affectionate, caring, they are more interested in creating home comfort than in their own career fulfillment.

As you can see, the dream of having twins in most cases symbolizes something good and positive. This can only be dreamed of by a girl whose mind is filled with good thoughts and love for loved ones. So draw conclusions and welcome pleasant changes!

Dream Interpretation Gemini

Seeing twins in a dream is considered a harbinger of changes in the financial and love spheres of life. In addition, interpreters place emphasis on your situation in real life. If you are a twin in reality, dream books will describe your relationships with people.

I dream about twins, what does this mean?

If you dreamed about twins

It’s not uncommon for dream books to indicate that a person dreams of something like this and should be more tolerant of himself. Perhaps you set the bar too high and get angry when you can't reach it.

If today you dreamed of charming twins, then look in the dream book

The interpretation of certain symbols is quite difficult to find in dream books. After all, they were created quite a long time ago, but progress does not stand still, and we may dream of things that never happened in ancient times. But ancient people also saw twins in their dreams, and dream books will readily give an interpretation of such a vision.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about twins? For Miller, it means complete confidence in the future and in current affairs.

Miller also says that such a vision promises peace in your home.

Dream book of the 21st century

This source cannot give a definite answer as to why twins are dreamed of. On the one hand, it is believed that such things are dreamed of by those people who have complete order with their affairs, and they can be confident in the stability of the situation.

On the other hand, if the dreamer is faced with a certain choice, he becomes bifurcated. He becomes slow and indecisive, cannot make the right choice, which negatively affects the state of his affairs. Today he decides one way, and tomorrow he thinks differently.

For a man, especially a single man, this is a dream he has before he meets true love.

Also, such a vision predicts strong friendship, peace and harmony with your family.

Siamese twins, oddly enough, promise happiness and success.

Dream book for the whole family

Why do people dream about the birth of twins from a psychological point of view?

If you dreamed of cute twins, but in reality you were born as a single copy, it means that you began to think about the structure of the universe. About how good and evil get along with each other, how to balance these two concepts.

Small newborns or adult twins can also signify the duality of your nature. You hesitate for a long time before making a decision, then you doubt for a long time whether you did the right thing. It’s worth being at least a little bolder and more confident in yourself.

Why might you dream of being pregnant with twins?

What do Siamese twins mean?

Today it is believed that Siamese twins can promise you a disaster that is inexorably heading towards you.

In addition, newborn Siamese twins can also be interpreted as a union of your destiny with the person you love very much today. Your marriage will be happy and long.

Also, the birth of such babies may mean that newborn children in your family will have disabilities.

Were the babies girls or boys?

Baby boys usually dream of running a successful business. But the girls promise changes in the family circle. Remember their behavior: they are calm and cheerful, which means everything will be fine in the family. Girls cry, then expect conflicts and quarrels.

For a young girl, giving birth to female twins in a dream promises a real addition to the family.

They play with dolls, it’s worth reconsidering your partner’s behavior; apparently, he is cheating on you.

The children are sleeping quietly in their cribs - then you will have a nice evening among your family and friends.

The fact of having twins in a dream is an auspicious sign associated with good luck, happiness, joy and strong relationships with friends and family members. But every dream also has the opposite meaning - a dream foreshadows not only double joys, but also double worries and troubles. Next, let’s look at why you dream about giving birth to twins according to different dream books.

Birth of twins promises the dreamer success and prosperity in all areas of activity. In some cases, such a dream is prophetic for pregnant women.

The birth of a boy and a girl in a dream indicates harmony in the dreamer's life, on the balance between different areas of activity. In addition, this dream foretells profit, success in the professional field, and getting rid of worries and doubts.

Give birth in a dream to two large, already adult children indicates unresolved problems and difficult choices between two equal options. It is possible that the dreamer will have to reconsider his life guidelines under the influence of circumstances.

The birth of sick twins indicates imminent disappointment and illness. Problems in family and marital relationships are possible. Seeing babies united indicates a happy, strong marriage that will withstand any adversity.

Women have a similar dream indicates an addition to the family, an imminent pregnancy. For women who already have children, the vision suggests that soon their own child will pleasantly surprise their mother. For unmarried girls, the dream indicates the imminent appearance of a betrothed and a successful marriage with a good person.

For men, the dream promises unexpected and large profits. The dream also suggests that a hopeless case will be resolved in the most unexpected way without the slightest effort on the part of the dreamer.

Birth of twins portends making a profit, doubling your income. For pregnant women, the dream warns of the possibility of miscarriage or the birth of a premature baby.

Another interpretation of the dream is a repetition of a situation already experienced in the past, the revival of past romantic relationships, the return of old friends and relationships to the dreamer’s life.

The birth of two beautiful children symbolizes mutual understanding and prosperity in the family. If a woman breastfeeds her children in a dream, this indicates a doubling of income, receiving an unexpected amount of money, and success in business. For a young girl, such a dream means that all the difficulties and worries that take up a lot of her time will soon end and the situation will improve again.

The birth of ugly, sick twins indicates an increase in troubles and problems in the life of the sleeping person. If twins are capricious and don’t want to eat and scream loudly, this indicates the need to make a decision immediately, because it is no longer possible to delay the choice.

If newborn twins behave strangely, atypical for babies, this portends unforeseen difficulties, even hardships that will be very difficult for the dreamer to cope with.

If the dreamer sees himself in the role of one of the newborn twins, and in real life he has neither a brother nor a sister, this indicates wounds that have not healed from childhood, unforgotten grievances that do not allow a person to move on and succeed in life. The dream also speaks of the dreamer’s nurturing of fantastic, impracticable plans that are not destined to come true.

Giving birth to twins in a dream indicates peaceful coexistence with other people, a calm atmosphere in the family, and good luck in love and business. Feeding twins in a dream predicts resounding success in your field of activity. The birth of Siamese twins speaks of finding a soul mate, happy love and a strong marriage.

If a young woman dreamed that in a dream she gave birth to twins, then this indicates pleasant troubles before an important event that she had been waiting for a long time. Single people the dream speaks of the need to create your own family, birth of children.

The birth of sick, frail twins foreshadows the loss of a loved one, his death or relocation.

Dream about the birth of twins indicates the appearance of unexpected obstacles, loss of support and support. The dreamer will be left alone to deal with his problems, which will hit with double force. But, in contrast to this, the activity on which the dreamer worked hard will result in double benefit and profit for him.

If a man dreams that he is giving birth to twins, then this indicates that he has taken on too many responsibilities and that he cannot cope with everything. This also indicates the desire to get everything at once, to bite off the biggest piece of the pie, but such a strategy will not be successful.

Birth of twins in a dream portends double success and luck in all areas of life. The dreamer can count on the support of his loved ones, hope for good luck and that all his efforts will be rewarded. For creative people, the dream foretells great inspiration, and for lovers - the blessing of their union.

Birth of a boy and a girl prophesies outdoor recreation surrounded by friends and family. It is possible that such a pastime will be accompanied by active games. The birth of two boys indicates the achievement of a comfortable life, prosperity and prosperity.

The birth of two twin girls promises great joy and at least two good news. Seeing how a boy and a girl were born portends an increase in the social status of the family, an addition to the family.

The birth of twin children in a dream symbolizes a stable, calm life in which the dreamer can exist comfortably and not worry about your future. For a woman, such a dream means that she can give birth to several more children without fear for their well-being and well-being.

For single people, this indicates the need to find a life partner. Perhaps you don’t need to go far to do this, but just take a close look at the people around you.

Childbirth in a dream, when twins are born, means that in reality a person experiences confusion, doubt about the decision made. For men, seeing a wife give birth to twins in a dream foretells failure in business and total bad luck. Such a dream also tells a man that he is torn by feelings for his wife and for his mistress, and he cannot understand which woman is more dear to him.

For a pregnant woman, such a dream foreshadows an easy, successful birth and the birth of a healthy baby. For unmarried girls, the dream indicates that the dreamer’s romantic feelings are mutual.

Birth of twin boys predicts unprecedented luck and fulfillment of cherished desires. But in order for everything to come true as planned, the dreamer must make some effort. If newborn boys scream and cry a lot, this indicates that the dreamer devotes too little time and care to his loved ones.

Birth two twin girls portends the realization of a dream into life, literally a fabulous miracle in this gray world. The dream suggests that the joy of life can be overshadowed by minor troubles - a kind of bittersweet happiness.

Also, the birth of girls foreshadows the receipt of news - if children in a dream are clean and not capricious, then the news will certainly be pleasant, if they are stained with blood and screaming, then you should expect sad news.

The birth of opposite-sex twins indicates a person’s unstable position, that his life is in limbo and that he cannot finally make a choice. If the birth of these twins was accompanied by joy and wild delight, then this indicates the discovery of new talents, resources and abilities.

If twins are born with hair, then their color also affects the interpretation of the dream: white hair portends great surprise, an unexpected turn of events, black hair speaks of achieving a goal, red hair speaks of the dreamer’s cunning and resourcefulness, multi-colored hair predicts luck and participation in an interesting enterprise . The bald heads of newborns indicate that you should not give up and give in to difficulties.

The birth of triplets is a considerable test for the psyche, even in a dream. Such a vision foreshadows the implementation of long-cherished plans into reality, a large amount of work that will have to be done to achieve your goal.

Birth of triplets is a harbinger of pleasant, joyful events receiving good news and fun surprises. It is possible that the dreamer will be invited to a noisy party, where he will have a great time.

The birth of triplets foreshadows exhausting troubles and worries, which, although it will be difficult to endure, the dreamer will be more than rewarded for this. Different-sex triplets dream of adventure, unusual events in life, travel and solving fascinating mysteries.

If a woman dreams of the birth of triplets, then this indicates the resolution of all her problems, an easy way out of a difficult situation. Fate will give the dreamer another chance to fix everything and regain her happiness.

Men dream about the birth of triplets as an opportunity to show their best side, increase their authority, and attract the attention of higher-ups and superiors.

If in a dream you seem to have a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If a boy was born to someone else, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of selfish interest in your relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression on his face is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of benefits. If your boy got sick in a dream, it means that in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reasons to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts an ambivalent situation for you, when to others you will seem better than you really are, but this will not be to your advantage.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who has offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that your imaginary friends are preparing for you. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning in reality to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

To see a boy hit by a car in a dream means that in reality you will experience fear, fright or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from