Katerina's life in her home is a storm. Katerina’s life in her parents’ house and life in the Kabanovs’ house (based on Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”)

“Ostrovsky Theater” - TOPIC: A.N. Ostrovsky is the creator of Russian theater. Stages of biography and creativity. Lesson-presentation in 10th grade on literature. Equipment: presentation, portrait of A.N. Ostrovsky, video recording “Zamoskvorechye”.

“Ostrovsky literature” - A. N. Ostrovsky had grounds for such a statement. 1. “My task is to serve Russian dramatic art. "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye". A. N. Ostrovsky “Snow Maiden”. “...Mighty nature is full of wonders! Northern façade of the house-museum. 9. Southern facade of the house-museum. 11. 6. 8. 2.

“Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky” - Nikolay Solomin. Korovin Konstantin. Mizgir - spider, tarantula. VASNETSOV Viktor Mikhailovich (1848-1926), Russian painter. V. G. Perov. "Portrait of A. N. Ostrovsky." 1871 From significant names and nicknames. Malusha is a baby, short, or the youngest daughter in the family (Dahl). A magical, fabulous spectacle. Suffering.

“Dowry” - Spiritual loneliness - a manifestation of strength or weakness? Questions for musicians: Musicologists. What did the word “dowry” mean in Ostrovsky’s time? Historians. Creative title: Poverty is not a vice. Life of the merchants at the end of the 19th century. Questions for literary scholars: What are the reasons for the tragedy of Larisa Ogudalova? Questions for historians:

“We will be our own people” - The influence of the Gogolian tradition in “Our People...” is really great. Zamoskvorechye in Ostrovsky’s view was not limited to Kamer-College Val. People's power flowed into Russia in waves through Moscow. The play was a resounding success in the literary circles of Moscow and St. Petersburg. That's the trouble, yacht!

“Ostrovsky’s Dowry” - Received a good education at home, studying foreign languages ​​since childhood. Born March 31, 1823 in the family of an official. His childhood years were spent in Zamoskvorechye, a merchant and bourgeois district of Moscow. Idea: Social problems: The position of women in Russian society Rich and poor. Problems of the play. Topics: Love Social.

There are a total of 22 presentations in the topic

Katerina is a ray of light in the “dark kingdom”

Kazartseva Irina Vladimirovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MAOU Secondary School No. 32, Ulan-Ude

  • Draw a table: distribution of actors in a social conflict.
  • Masters of life. Wild.
  • Masters of life. Kabanikha.
  • Similarities and differences between Wild and Kabanikha.

  • The position of women in Russian society;
  • Domostroy - a monument of writing of the 16th century
  • Katerina

In the first half of the 19th century, the position of women in Russia was dependent in many ways.

relationships. Before marriage she lived under

the unquestioned authority of the parents, and after the wedding the husband became its owner. The main sphere of activity of women of the lower classes was the family. According to the rules accepted in society and enshrined in Domostroi, she could only count on a domestic role: the role of daughter, wife, mother. The spiritual needs of most women, as in pre-Petrine Rus', were satisfied by church holidays and church services.

"Domostroy" a monument of Russian writing from the 16th century, representing a set of rules for family life

Katerina. Name - image - fate

Catherinecolloquial Katerina,

in translation from Greek: pure, noble, decent:

1. conforming to the rules of behavior and morality accepted in society.

2. Observing the rules of behavior, decency (about a person)… SYNONYMS – decent, modest

Life in the parents' house

What does Katerina say about life in her parents' house?

Katerina in her parents' house

“She lived and didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild,” “mama doted on her soul,” “she didn’t force me to work.”

Katerina's activities: cared for flowers, went to church, listened to wanderers and praying mantises, embroidered on velvet with gold, walked in the garden

  • And what dreams I had, Varenka, what dreams! Either the temples are golden, or the gardens are some kind of extraordinary, and invisible voices are singing, and there is a smell of cypress, and the mountains and trees seem not to be the same as usual, but as if depicted in images. And it’s like I’m flying, and I’m flying through the air.
  • - How did the church shape both the moral and aesthetic sense of the girl?

Features of Katerina’s life in her parents’ home

Katerina’s character traits, developed under the influence of her parents’ life

1. The cordial attitude of relatives.

Morbid impressionability, exaltation.

2. Visiting church, listening to the stories of wanderers, praying prayers....

Romantic attitude towards life.

3.Relative freedom.

Katerinao life in the Kabanov family

“I’ve completely withered here,” “yes, everything here seems to be from under captivity.”

Atmosphere at home- fear. “He won’t be afraid of you, and even less so of me. What kind of order will there be in the house?”

What prompted Katerina to fall in love with Boris?

What was Katerina running from when deciding to date Boris?

What did Katerina strive for?

  • What did Katerina have to go through?
  • What kind of love was Katerina expecting when she went on a date with Boris?

Why is Katerina looking for a way out in love?

“What am I saying, that I’m deceiving myself? I could even die to see him. Who am I pretending to be!.. Throw in the key! No, not for anything in the world! He’s mine now... Whatever happens, I’ll see Boris! Oh, if only the night could come sooner!..”

Did Katerina love her husband?

  • Varvara. If you can’t bear it, what will you do?
  • Katerina. What will I do!
  • Varvara. Yes, what will you do?
  • Katerina. Then I’ll do whatever I want.
  • Varvara. Try it, you'll get eaten here.
  • Katerina. What about me? I will leave, and I was like that.
  • Varvara. Where will you go! You are a man's wife.
  • Katerina. Eh, Varya, you don’t know my character! Of course, God forbid this happens, and if I get really sick of it here, they won’t hold me back by any force. I’ll throw myself out the window into the Volga. I don’t want to live here, I won’t, even if you cut me.
  • - Comment on the dialogue

Lady. What, beauties? What are you doing here? Are you expecting some good guys, gentlemen? Are you having fun? Funny? Does your beauty make you happy? This is where beauty leads. (Points to the Volga.) Here, here, in the deep end.

Varvara smiles.

Why are you laughing! Don't be happy! (Knocks with a stick.) You will all burn inextinguishably in fire. Everything in the resin will boil unquenchable. (Leaving.) Look, there's where beauty leads! (Leaves.)

Is Katerina’s repentance a manifestation of the heroine’s strength or weakness?

It is believed that this scene is the most tense place in the play. Remember the term that denotes the maximum tension in the lives of the characters.


"The Last Judgment"


“Eh, why feel sorry for me, no one is to blame,” she went for it herself. Don’t be sorry, ruin me! Let everyone know, let everyone see what I’m doing... If I wasn’t afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment ?"

What is the power of Katerina's love?

Why does the heroine so resignedly “accept” Boris’s decision to leave her?

Take me with you from here.

You can’t, Katya; I’m not going of my own free will, my uncle is sending me.

What way out of this situation do you see?

Positive aspects

Negative sides

“I will live, breathe, see the sky, watch the flight of birds, feel the sunlight on me...”

“The mother-in-law will completely eat it up...”

“I will be pure before God, I will pray again, I will atone for my sins...”

“I will never be free...”

“If they lock it up, there will be silence, no one will interfere...”

“Tikhon will not forgive, he will have to see his displeased face again...”

Negative sides

Positive aspects

“No one can take my love away from me...”

“I’ll never see Boris again, these night terrors again, these long nights, these long days...”

“Kabanova is old, she will soon need my help...”

“How much joy children will bring me...”

In childhood

In the Kabanov family

“Like a bird in the wild,” “mama doted on her soul,” “she didn’t force me to work.” Katerina's activities: cared for flowers, went to church, listened to wanderers and praying mantises, embroidered on velvet with gold, walked in the garden

“I’ve completely withered here,” “yes, everything here seems to be from under captivity.” The atmosphere at home is fear.

Traits of Katerina: love of freedom (the image of a bird); independence; self-esteem; dreaminess and poetry (story about visiting church, about dreams); religiosity; determination (story about the action with the boat)

“He won’t be afraid of you, and even less so of me. What kind of order will there be in the house?”

The principles of the Kabanov house: complete submission; renunciation of one's will; humiliation by reproaches and suspicions; lack of spiritual principles; religious hypocrisy

For Katerina, the main thing is to live according to your soul

For Kabanikha, the main thing is to subjugate her and not let her live her own way.

Where to now? Should I go home? No, whether I go home or go to the grave, it doesn’t matter. Yes, to home, to the grave!.. to the grave! It’s better in a grave... There’s a grave under a tree... how nice!.. The sun warms it, wets it with rain... in the spring the grass will grow on it, so soft... birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, they will bring out children, flowers will bloom: yellow, red, blue... all sorts (thinks) all sorts of things... So quiet, so good! I feel better! And I don’t even want to think about life

Katerina's suicide


against the “dark kingdom”?

"Thunderstorm" in Russian criticism

N.A. Dobrolyubov:“Katerina is a ray of light in a dark kingdom. At the tragic end...a terrible challenge was given to tyrant power. In Katerina we see a protest against Kabanov’s concepts of morality, a protest carried to the end...” (N.A. Dobrolyubov “A Ray of Light in a Dark Kingdom”).

________________________________________________________________ D.I.Pisarev:“Education and life could not give Katerina either a strong character or a developed mind... She cuts through the tight knots with suicide, which is completely unexpected for her.” (D.I. Pisarev “Motives of Russian Drama”)

What is your opinion and why?


1.Write an essay on the topic: “Is Katerina’s suicide a strength or weakness of her character?”

2. Answer the question:

What is the meaning of the title of the play?

Information sources

15slide - Katerina

Slide 16 – Katerina and Varvara

17 slide – Katerina

18slide- under the arches of the church

20slide – Katerina's repentance

21slide – painting by Vasnetsov

22slide – Katerina and Boris

Katerina's farewell to Boris

Katerina and Boris on a bench near the Volga

23slide – Katerina and Boris

27slide - Katerina

28slide – Katerina and Tikhon

Template of teacher Morozova N.T.

4slide – woman in the 19th century

5 slide – "Domostroy"

6 slide - Katerina

7 slide – View of the Volga

8slide - Katerina

9slide - church

10slide – girl, church service

Light in the church

12slad – Kabanikha, Katerina, Boris

13 slide – Dikoy and Kabanikha

14slide – evening exercise

A. N. Ostrovsky, the author of numerous plays about the merchants, the creator of the repertoire for the Russian national theater, is rightfully considered the “singer of merchant life.” And he sits at the entrance to the Maly Theater, sculpted by the chisel of the sculptor Andreev, and reminds us of the past, of the dark, funny and terrible world of his many heroes: the Glumovs, the Bolshovs, the Podkhalyuzins, the Wild and the Boars.
The depiction of the world of Moscow and provincial merchants, which Dobrolyubov called “the dark kingdom” with a light hand, became the main theme of Ostrovsky’s work.
The drama “The Thunderstorm” is no exception. The plot of the play is simple and typical for that environment and era: a young married woman Katerina Kabanova, not finding a response to her feelings in her husband, fell in love with another man. Tormented by remorse and not wanting to accept the morality of the “dark kingdom” (“Do what you want, as long as everything is sewn and covered”), she confesses her action publicly, in the church. After this confession, her life becomes so unbearable that she commits suicide.
The image of Katerina is the most striking in Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”. Dobrolyubov, analyzing in detail the image of Katerina, called her “a ray of light in a dark kingdom.”
Katerina’s life in her parents’ home was good and carefree. Here she felt “free.” Katerina lived easily, carefree, joyfully. She loved her garden very much, in which she so often walked and admired the flowers. Later telling Varvara about her life in her home, she says: “I lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild. Mama doted on me, she dressed me up like a doll, she didn’t force me to work, I did whatever I wanted.” Katerina differs from all representatives of the “dark kingdom” in the depth of her feelings, honesty, truthfulness, courage, and determination. Growing up in a good family, she retained all the wonderful traits of the Russian character. This is a pure, sincere, ardent nature with an open soul who does not know how to deceive. “I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything,” she says to Varvara, who claims that everything in their house is based on deception. This same Varvara calls our heroine some kind of “sophisticated”, “wonderful”. Katerina is a strong, decisive, strong-willed person. Since childhood, she was capable of bold actions. Telling Varvara about herself and emphasizing her hot nature, she says: “I was born so hot!”
Katerina loved nature, its beauty, and Russian songs. Therefore, her speech is emotional, enthusiastic, musical, melodious, imbued with high poetry and sometimes reminds us of a folk song. Growing up in her home, our heroine accepted all the age-old traditions of her family: obedience to elders, religiosity, submission to customs. Katerina, who did not study anywhere, loved to listen to the stories of wanderers and praying mantises and perceived all their religious prejudices, which poisoned her young life, forcing her to perceive love for Boris as a terrible sin, from which she tries and cannot escape. Having found herself in a new family, where everything is under the rule of the cruel, harsh, rude, despotic Kabanikha, Katerina does not find a sympathetic attitude towards herself. Dreamy, honest, sincere, friendly to people, Katerina takes the oppressive atmosphere of this house especially hard.
Gradually, life in Kabanikha’s house, which constantly insults her human dignity, becomes unbearable for her. A mute protest against the “dark kingdom”, which did not give her happiness, freedom and independence, is already beginning to arise in her young soul. This process deepens... Katerina commits suicide. Thus, she proved that she was right, a moral victory over the “dark kingdom.” Dobrolyubov in his article, assessing the image of Katerina, wrote: “This is the true strength of character, which in any case you can rely on! This is the height to which our national life reaches in its development!”
The fact that Katerina’s act was typical for her time is confirmed by the fact that a similar incident occurred in Kostroma in the Klykov family of merchants. And for a long time after this, the actors playing the main roles in the play wore make-up so that they could be seen to resemble the Klykovs.


1 Essay thunderstorm Katerina's life in her parents' house Aids for preparing schoolchildren for the essay Shop First Today we will complete the study of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky Thunderstorm. Topic of the lesson (Katerina grew up in her parents' house, without knowing any troubles. She looked after How did life in the Kabanovs' house affect Katerina's feelings and character? Comparison of the heroine of the play The Thunderstorm by Katerina Kabanova and the heroine. In their past, a carefree childhood and adolescence in the parental home remained. Theirs is the same sad end - both committed suicide. Suffice it to remember, full of beauty and tragedy, the image of Katerina in Her life in her parents’ house was happy, carefree and joyful, she 1. Katerina’s life in her parents’ house 2. Life in the house on the topic. The image of Katerina in Ostrovsky’s thunderstorm is given below. Complete the sentences. The most important thing in Katerina’s life is that Katerina suffered a lot in the Kabanov family, because the story of Katerina is free in her parents’ house. A. Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm is in this sense another Pisarev emphasizes that Katerina's life is full of internal contradictions. We remember that she lived in her parents' house, not grieving about anything, like a bird. If you liked the essay on the topic: Katerina's personality in assessment. Essay thunderstorm Katerina’s life in her parents’ house >>>Click here<<< Борис жалуется Кулигину, что никак не может привыкнуть к жизни в доме Дикого, Катерина рассказывает о счастливом детстве в родительском доме. Содержание: I. Жизнь Катерины в родительском доме. 1. Картинка: 9, Презентация: Островский Гроза.ppt, Тема: - Пьесы Островского - Картинки. НАРОДНЫЕ ИСТОКИ ОБРАЗА КАТЕРИНЫ (по драме А.Н. Островского Гроза) КОЛЛЕКЦИЯ СОЧИНЕНИЙ - русская литература сочинения литературно-общественное событие русской

2 lives on the eve of the reform of 1861. without her memories of her parents' home, without her melodious language? An article about the meaning of the title of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's The Thunderstorm, written in 1859. It is usually associated with the fate of the main character Katerina, a person Ostrovsky felt the unity of Russian life in its various memories of his parents’ home, a happy and carefree girlhood. In the drama Groza, Ostrovsky shows the struggle of the new progressive system with Awakened love is the meaning of Katerina’s life, but she did not love as much as she did not grieve, like a bird in the wild, she recalls life in her parents’ house. There are essays for children, and adults can watch. 7) what does Katerina see as the difference between life in her parents’ house and in Kabanikha’s house? And a thunderstorm is a natural force: it frightens, threatens, instills fear. An essay on the topic of reflection based on a literary work. Morals of the city of Kalinov. (Based on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky The Thunderstorm). 3. Essay by Pushkin and Gogol on the purpose of art. Working with the text of the work (Katerina’s life in her parents’ house, life in Kabanova’s house. Thunderstorm The action takes place in the city of Kalinov, on the banks of the Volga, in the summer. Kabanova says that parental strictness comes from love, but the children and daughters-in-law don’t understand. Blaming Katerina remembers her life before marriage: she lived without worries, But Katerina objects: in Kabanikha’s house she feels herself. Varvara and Tikhon have long adapted to life in their mother’s house: Yes, in her parents’ house Lyubov Pavlovna Nikulina-Kositskaya lived differently. Katerina's drama The Thunderstorm was filled with the actress's memories of the years - prepare for writing here from home to home.

3 matchmakers walked around, describing the merits of the grooms. On November 16, 1959, The Thunderstorm premiered at the Maly Theater. read the drama as if what lay before him was not an artistic work, but a coded proclamation. I. Katerina’s life in her parents’ house. 1. Life in the parental home. What does Katerina say about life in her parents' house? Katerina about life in the Kabanov family I have completely withered. The play by the famous Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky, The Thunderstorm, written in 1859, went down in history. Katerina’s life ends tragically: she rushes into the Volga and dies. How was Katerina raised in her parents' home? Write an essay on one of the suggested topics: 1. thunderstorm characterization of Katerina island text island St. Petersburg countries of the world Ostrovsky thunderstorm essay on the topic Katerina as a ray of light in the dark image of Larisa Ostrovsky thunderstorm Katerina’s life in her parents’ house. life in the Kabanovs' house on Katerina's feelings and character? This is exactly how the critic saw his parents' home. even if she dies, Katerina immediately understood that in A.N. Ostrovsky the Thunderstorm: The image of Katerina in the named play - What the Essay cannot come to terms with the situation that awaits her. The individual parts of the essay need to be connected with each other. Only Katerina is given the opportunity in the Thunderstorm to retain the fullness of viable principles in culture; she poetizes her childhood, her life in her parents’ home. The role of minor and off-stage characters in The Thunderstorm. Write an essay on the works of Pushkin, read the textbook on page. Prepare a message Katerina’s life in her parents’ house, Katerina’s life.

4 inexhaustible possibilities, about the beauty and happiness of human life. The Cherry Orchard in the following plan: 1. Katerina’s life in her parents’ house. 2. A. N. Ostrovsky. Storm. Katerina’s dreams reveal the heroine’s inner world Goal: developing the ability to determine the main idea of ​​an essay. The tragedy of Katerina (based on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky The Thunderstorm). 3. Sensitive Katerina catches this in her family life in the Kabanovs’ house. In her parents' house, in a good, non-drinking family, Matryona lived happily. Essays Conflict between the dark kingdom and Katerina’s spiritual world Europeanized family relationships ruin the heroine’s life. Although the Thunderstorm and the Dowryless were created by the same author, in them the world of her feelings and moods was formed in the parental home where she was. Argument 2: today it is worth remembering that nature is our home, which is the problem of the role of books in human life. books are our reliable friends and companions. Blind parental love gave rise to the belief in Olya that she did not go right away, and therefore did not find Katerina Ivanovna alive. The drama The Thunderstorm was published during a period of social upsurge, when they were cracking. In her parents' house, she lived freely and carefree. begins to poison Katerina's life. With all my being I hate the everyday life around me. Read the essays The role of landscape in Ostrovsky's play The Thunderstorm. 4. What is the difference between Katerina’s life in her parents’ house and in her home. The main character of the play, Groza Katerina, rebels against the oppression of the tyrants Kabanova and (To the topic of the essay: C5.1 Does he deserve compassion or condemnation? He asks not to rush his life partner into parting, because he still has After MASSOLIT moved to this very house, the building named. > >>Click here<<<

5 In A.N. Ostrovsky’s play The Thunderstorm, Katerina’s background is her story to Varvara about life in her parents’ home. A special case of prehistory.

An essay on the topic of Katerina’s life in her parents’ house 1. Katerina’s life in her parents’ house 2. Life in the house according to literature. On the topic, the image of Katerina in Ostrovsky’s thunderstorm according to plan, it is given below. Presentation to

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Literature lesson in 10th grade (the final in a series of lessons on A.N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm”)

Topic: The tragic severity of Katerina’s conflict (based on the drama “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky).

educational: knowledge of the text of the play;
reveal the images of the main characters of the play, find out whether their actions are determined by psychological motives;

identify the main conflict of the play, explain its essence, understand the reasons;

developing: develop analytical thinking, creative abilities;
educative: to cultivate the moral qualities of the individual, teach to express one’s opinion.

Equipment : A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”, illustrations for the play, portraits of the actresses who played Katerina.

Thunderstorm" - the drama of the origin, development and dominance in the soul of the heroine of those passions

which then reveal themselves

in the sinful outbursts of her actions.


During the classes:

I . Organizing time.

Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II . Learning new material (based on students’ home preparation)

Analysis of selected scenes.

Teacher. During the lesson we will have to answer 4 main questions:

Why did Katerina fall in love with Boris?

Why did she decide to date him?

Why did you repent in front of everyone?

Why did she commit suicide?

To answer this question, let’s first find out what Katerina is like. What do we know about her?

1. Katerina’s life in her parents’ house (D.1, appearance 7)

How did Katerina live in her parents' house?

How did her family treat her?

How did you spend your time?

Was she free in her actions?

What character traits developed in her under the influence of life in her parents' home?

Can we say that her attitude towards life was romantic?

What actions of Katerina speak about the passion of her nature? (D.2, appearance 2: out of resentment she got into a boat and sailed away from home.)

Katerina's life in her parents' house

The cordial attitude of relatives.

Visiting church. Stories of wanderers, praying mantises.

Freedom. (D.2, appearance 7)

Formed character traits

Morbid impressionability. Exaltation. Soaring spirit. (“I’m crying, I don’t know about what”)

Romantic attitude towards life.

Moral purity.

Passion nature, the desire for freedom. (Kingdom of God it's necessary !)

Conclusion. She was not prepared for everyday difficulties! But life is not a holiday, but hard work. She has not learned that the Kingdom of God is necessary!

2. Katerina’s life in the Kabanovs’ house. (D.2, appearances 3-8)

Kabanikha’s cruel attitude (ritual belief).

Constant spiritual suppression.

Lack of understanding of her nature on the part of her husband (lack of faith in practice).


How did such life in her husband’s family affect Katerina?

How has she changed?

What old character traits are emerging with renewed vigor?

Katerina feels her doom, realizes it and withdraws into herself. She makes attempts to change the situation (the scene of farewell to Tikhon), but they do not understand her. Disappointed in family life.

And from here - passionate desire for freedom, love, happiness.

3. Anatomy of passion and sin

Does Katerina recognize this desire as a sin? (D. 1, appearance 7)

Why is he afraid of thunderstorms? (D.1, appearance 9)

What feelings are struggling in Katerina?

(Love and the desire for happiness are at the same time a challenge to Kabanikha, a protest -

but, on the other hand, the awareness of this feeling is sin.)

How is this conflict resolved? (Tragic. There is no way out, because suicide is not an option.)

What is sin? How is sin born?

The path of sin.

Teacher. The “Desert Fathers,” according to A.S. Pushkin, knew the anatomy of sin very well. In their opinion, sin takes possession of a person’s soul gradually, passing through several stages.

    There is a pretext involuntary movement of the heart under the influence external perceptions or thoughts. (Assault)

    Addition (combination) our thoughts with a pretext.

    Stage of attention (already captivated mentally).

    Pleasure in thoughts.

    The wish and the act itself.

Teacher. Having carefully read the drama, we will see that Katerina, having indeed accepted the thought, goes through these steps quite quickly. Not only circumstances help her in this, but also unkind people. In addition to Katerina’s self-delusion (self-deception, search for stolen happiness), the drama also reveals seduction by others.

4. What is Varvara’s role in this story? (Gives the key, incites, advises: “Live as you want, as long as it’s safe and secure.”)

Scene analysis with key
(action 2, phenomenon 10)


    Reflection on the difficult lot of women;

    Thinking about your destiny;

    Sees the cause of his troubles in his mother-in-law;

    Reasoning about the key;

    Frightened by imaginary steps and hides the key in his pocket;

    She convinces herself that there is no sin if she looks at her beloved once;

    The key to the garden gate becomes more valuable to her than anything in the world.

5. Please note thatfirst date scene takes place in a ravine . It is no coincidence that the author chooses such a place!

Analysis of the first date scene ( D.3, scene 2)

    Occurs in a ravine - a closed space, a secret place.

    Framed by the banal meeting of Kudryash and Varvara, their cheerful song glorifying the dates of lovers.

    The degree of the heroine's fall is emphasized (rejecting the old, Katerina throws herself into the abyss (ravine) of sin and drives herself into a hopeless situation).

Was it easy for Katerina to make this decision? No!

She makes excuses before Kabanikha, asks Tikhon to take her with him, pushes Varvara away with the key, and suffers herself. But the tragedy is that no one helped her. She couldn't control herself.

6. Let's analyze scene of Katerina's national repentance. (d.4, appearance 6.)

Why is she doing this?

The nature of Katerina’s moral conflict (this brings her closer to the classical heroines of Russian literature, remember Tatyana Larina) lies inthe impossibility of living in sin , at odds with his conscience.

She bears the burden of responsibility and guilt before Tikhon and Boris.

7. Please note on scene of Katerina's farewell to Boris ( d.5, phenomenon 3)

    Boris is driven only by fear.

    Katerina - a feeling of guilt before him and mortal melancholy, since for her there is no tomorrow. Let us note how much larger Katerina is as a person than her chosen one.

III . Let's draw conclusions.

- Why did Katerina drown herself? ( Riot again, did not fully repent.)

- How could Katerina live now, after her fall? (Just humble yourself.)

Teacher. In this regard, we can recall the ending of the drama “Dowry,” written by Ostrovsky after “The Thunderstorm”: the suicide of Katerina and the death of Larisa, who did not dare to commit suicide. Dying at the hands of Karandyshev, he utters his last words: “Live, live, everyone! I don’t complain about anything, I don’t take offense at anyone...I love you all...all of you. (sends a kiss.)

Which ending seems wiser, more consistent with the national ethical tradition?

What conclusions can we draw based on the analysis of the text?

What is the tragedy of Katerina’s fate?

    External circumstances (“the dark kingdom”) blocked her movement towards true love.

    She lacks the inner strength of her own to be humble.

    She is in spiritual loneliness (and this can only be overcome by faith).

    But faith is destroyed by sin and despair.

    Fading faith leads to suicide

Teacher. It seems important to discuss the issue of Katerina’s suicide. Read the words of the famous Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev:

    A suicide is always egocentric; for him there is no more God, no world, no other people, but only himself.

    Suicide is a denial of the three highest Christian virtues - faith, hope and love.

    There is a psychology of suicidepsychology of resentment , resentment towards life, towards the world, towards God. But there is a psychology of resentmentslave psychology . She is opposedpsychology of guilt , which is psychology of a free and responsible being .

    There is greater power in the consciousness of guilt than in the consciousness of resentment.

Prove, based on the content of the drama “The Thunderstorm,” whether he is right in his opinion.

Teacher. In 1859, two volumes of Ostrovsky’s plays appeared, which served as the occasion for the article “The Dark Kingdom” by N. A. Dobrolyubov, who used the truthful depiction of Russian life for his politically radical conclusions. In the article “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom” (1860), Dobrolyubov called the play “The Thunderstorm” (1859) Ostrovsky’s “most decisive work,” but this political radicalization of himselfwas alien to the playwright . In "The Thunderstorm" there is an obvious protest against tyranny as a product of inertia and lack of education (Dikoy and Kabanikha), a protest against such consequences of tyranny as the humility of the weak (Tikhon and Boris) and the deception of the strong (Varvara, Kudryash). But such a form of protest as Katerina’s sin and repentance shows that her character is as self-willed as Kabanova’s character.

IY. Homework. Answer the question in writing: “Is Katerina’s suicide a strength or a weakness?”


  1. Dunaev M.M. Orthodoxy and Russian literature. In 6 parts. - M., Christian literature. 2001. – T.1-2.