Horoscope for Aquarius for October 13th. Health horoscope - Aquarius

In mid-autumn, many of you will go through a process of transformation, because Venus and Mars are in the eighth house of Aquarius. This is a difficult process that will include changes in heart attachments, changes in consciousness, and a reassessment of the current circumstances of your personal life.

You will be attracted to the secrets and mysteries of love, and many things may become clearer in October. If you have a burdensome relationship with no good prospects, then there is an easy way to end it. In addition, you will note the relationship between love and money, and there may be financial consequences of your steps.

On October 14, 2017, the planet of love, Venus, moves into the ninth house of travel and adventure, and the love atmosphere changes. You will feel more lightness and openness in your relationship with your lover. The second half of the month favors romance, long-distance relationships, and travel. Maybe you will meet a new love on the road, or a love affair will begin with a person from afar.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for October 2017

The month foretells achievements at work and in business. On October 10, 2017, the benefic planet Jupiter enters the career house of your sign, where it will remain until November next year. A period begins with high potential for professional growth and career advancement. Moreover, success at work will be accompanied by financial growth. All difficulties become surmountable, and the chances of success are much greater.

Jupiter's influence is especially favorable for travel, research, international cooperation, scientific and cultural activities. All these are fundamental factors and contribute to increasing socio-professional status.

The influence of Saturn in the friendship and social sector of Aquarius suggests that you can count on the support of friends and social organizations. The time is good for finding like-minded people and business partners. Successful work on collective projects within a group or association.

Since October 23, 2017, the Sun has been located in the career house, which will help you strengthen your authority in the team and earn recognition from management. Financial benefits can come through partnerships.

Financially, the period promises to be quite good for Aquarius. Your work will be adequately paid, and there will be opportunities for additional income. However, in the first half of the month you need to be careful with money, because... there is a possibility of losses due to inattention or incorrect assessment of situations.


Mars remains in the eighth house of Aquarius until October 23, 2017, which carries some health risks. During this period, you need to be especially careful, since there is a danger of acute diseases, inflammation, and injuries. Be vigilant and do not delay visiting your doctor if you feel unwell.

Don't take on too many responsibilities! Allow yourself enough time to rest.

On October 13, 2017, nothing scares Aries as much as their own imperfection. It seems to you that fate is ungrateful to such an intelligent and persistent person like you. Maybe you should take a vacation for a while and go to another city? In the evening, Aries will meet with a person who will tell you the right way to solve an internal problem.

The horoscope predicts a great day for Taurus, despite the fact that the date on the calendar is “13”. You are not superstitious, but realistic, so you follow your own path - always and in everything. By the way, such arrogance will have a great impact on your personal life. Taurus is declared in love by someone to whom he himself is not indifferent. Well, it’s not far from the wedding.

On October 13, 2017, Gemini will stumble over their own mistakes and failures. You should have reconsidered your actions long ago so as not to be disappointed in the consequences. A wonderful day for Geminis who have taken up creativity, cooking or teaching. You can not only enrich yourself with knowledge, but also increase your authority in society.

The horoscope promises Cancer a productive day, when you can confidently make deals, make acquaintances and even organize a trip. Your confidence will also be reflected in your performance. The authorities will propose a large project that will bring significant profit. The only enemy of Cancer today is haste in making decisions.

On October 13, 2017, Leo will not have the slightest reason for sadness and despondency. You are so cheerful, cheerful and even solemn that you can even perform in the circus. Everything is in order with finances, so pick up your feet and go shopping. It’s high time for Leo to update his wardrobe and start an external transformation. And don’t even say that you have enough of everything.

The horoscope advises Virgo to use all their available resources to achieve success in their work. Moreover, sophistication and practicality are miraculously combined in you. There will be improvements in the financial sector, but not as significant as we would like. Virgo can receive money from a person whom she forgot to remember.

On October 13, 2017, Libra will be in such a gloomy mood that everyone around them will begin to avoid them. You scream, growl, and sometimes stare blankly at one point. The reason for this condition is your recent separation from your loved one. But even this is not a reason to change your face to a creepy mask. In the evening, Libra should go to bed earlier.

The horoscope predicts two options for the development of events in the personal sphere for Scorpio - a new acquaintance or a continuation of a long-standing romance. Whether you want it or not, you will have to choose something. Make plans for the future more carefully, and don’t let your friends know about them. Scorpio is expected to take off in the creative field, which is already encouraging and inspiring.

Today, the energy that being born under the sign of Aries gives you will often be blocked by circumstances. You may be faced with the need to take care of your health or be forced to bear the burden of household chores. At this time, you should not get carried away with entertainment; it is advisable to abandon large-scale new endeavors. If you feel unwell, a short walk or a set of light therapeutic exercises will help restore your tone. One of the best ways to cheer up is to take care of your loved ones.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Taurus

The day is conducive to relaxation. This is not the best time for energy-consuming and dangerous activities. Try getting some sleep or leisurely doing small, enjoyable things. The more familiar the people and surroundings are, the better you will feel. Women's society is preferable to men's for you at this time. The atmosphere of these days has a positive effect on the love experiences of Taurus. Take every opportunity to bring more harmony and order into your romantic relationships.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Gemini

On this day, the stars advise you to visit your parents. If this is not possible, contact them by phone or email. If you are a typical solar Gemini, you will be plagued by minor disappointments throughout the day. This is not the best time to change the design of residential premises. For you, familiarity may be very important. cosiness and a familiar psychological atmosphere. If you invite guests to your home, feed them traditional homemade delicacies.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Cancer

A good day for a visit. It is also suitable for romantic meetings, quiet walks, short trips, and small purchases. You will often find kind, well-mannered people next to you. For parties and get-togethers, choose a comfortable environment. Pleasant communication with others, exchange of small gifts and compliments today will be the best source of positivity. The intuitive understanding of women's problems, characteristic of Cancers, will help you establish understanding with friends, neighbors, and close relatives.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Leo

On this day, thoroughness and meticulousness will save you from many problems. For example, purchases and gifts thought out in advance will turn out to be much more successful than spontaneous acquisitions. In any matter, try to think soberly, do not confuse pettiness with practicality. After listening to outside advice and recommendations, take into account your own intuition. Leos should also show a little more attention to the nuances of situations. Take more seriously the details of the interior, wardrobe, diet, menu.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Virgo

On this day Virgo They become subtle connoisseurs of everything beautiful and will strive for the ideal even in small things. Most likely, you will react painfully to anything that does not coincide with your values. Don't be surprised if some people (like family members or authority figures) don't fully share your sophisticated tastes. In case of a quarrel, take the first step towards reconciliation yourself. They will readily accept your offer if you are sincere and do not show excessive sentimentality or intrusiveness.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Libra

Today you may unconsciously adhere to the role of an eminence grise. Managing events from behind the scenes will be more profitable for you than attracting attention. The natural need for harmony, balance and justice, characteristic of Libra, at this time may be invisible or manifest itself in small things. This is the right time to prevent diseases using gentle, gentle methods. On this day, the ability to keep secrets will come in handy. Do not reveal to the first person you meet the recipe for your beauty, youth or personal happiness.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Scorpio

On this day, your literary abilities and refined communication skills will come in handy. Like all Scorpios, you experience strong feelings, but today they should be expressed gently and unobtrusively. Be more diplomatic, do not turn your proposals into an ultimatum. Dress even critical remarks in a pleasant form of compliment, then you will not lack friends, fans, like-minded people. The day is good for correspondence, walks, peaceful negotiations, declarations of love, and discussion of plans for the future.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Sagittarius

Sagittarius' natural desire for exploits today should take a more civilized form that corresponds to the proposed circumstances. Do not ignore the small requirements of etiquette and rules of good manners. Before you act, look around and understand what others (especially women) expect from you. Avoid excessive temper and inappropriate adventurism. At this time, it won't hurt you to better understand the intricacies of the latest fashion trends, especially if you want to give someone a gift.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Capricorn

Today no one expects you to heroically overcome obstacles. If you need something, choose the easiest and most pleasant path. This is a good time to develop friendships and romantic relationships with representatives of remote areas. Productive communication with people (especially foreigners or those you rarely see) will be facilitated by attractiveness and mutual courtesy. Complement the practicality, seriousness and modesty inherent in many Capricorns with good manners.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Aquarius

Typical Aquarians may face a crisis in love today. If you belong to this category, do not lose sight of the small details of a romantic relationship. By correcting the minor shortcomings of your love script in a timely manner, you will save yourself from more serious troubles. At this time, you should not get carried away with global changes in finance, nutrition, treatment, and recreation. Do not expose yourself to excessive testing, opt for techniques and methods with minimal risk.

Horoscope for October 13, 2017 Pisces

Your partner’s concepts of love, beauty, harmony, and justice today may differ from your own ideas. The most stressful period promises to be the morning: it is at this time of day that disagreements between you can reach their climax. If you are a Pisces born in March, other people's manners can be especially irritating to you. You will need all your diplomacy not to quarrel over a minor difference in tastes, beliefs or habits.

Lunar calendar for October 13, 2017

-24 lunar day
Waning Moon in Leo
The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. All business started during this period works out as well as possible. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance. Listen to every word spoken. This will help you find out your path, your destiny, and understand your purpose in this life.
Haircut is strictly contraindicated.
Hair coloring is an extremely unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - neutral day.
Facial care - take care of your eyebrows.
Body care is a good day to remove hair from any part of the body.

Name day October 13

Akakios, Gayania (Gaiania), Gregory, Mardonius, Maria, Michael, Hripsimia, Stratonicus.

Folk calendar October 13

On Gregory's day, the peasants renewed their beds, burned the old straw from the mattresses, and filled them with new ones. In the old days, a person’s health was judged by the straw shaken out of a mattress. The straw, they say, spoke of a growing illness in a person and forestalled the disease.
If the snow falls, winter will not come soon.
If the cranes fly away, there will be an early and cold winter.
If you see frost on the windows in the morning, expect guests.

Signs October 13

If a hedgehog locates its lair at the edge of the forest, the winter will be warm.
If, when cooking millet, a lot of vapor is released when stirring it, then this portends bad weather.
The torch burns unclearly - to bad weather.
The bullfinch squeaks - for early winter.

Unexpected difficulties may arise at work. It may seem to you that success is very close, but there will be obstacles along the way that hinder the implementation of your plans. Dissatisfaction and disappointment will appear. This time must be lived through. Everything will be fine soon.

This period will patronize lovers of this sign, and those who want to join these ranks. Don't be shy about speaking openly about your desires. Your partner will not only not judge you, but will even gladly accept the rules of the game. And you can tighten the love knot even more.

The day is favorable for any endeavors. Even if problems arise, you will immediately receive help, and it will come from where you did not expect it. Try to resolve controversial issues without shouting and conflicts. This is a good time to make new acquaintances, which will come in very handy.

Now is a good period for you for professional activities. Therefore, if you are counting on a promotion or salary increase, then you can safely go to your superiors. And if your current position or place of work does not suit you, then you should look for something else. It is possible that the search will be crowned with success.

Don't allow yourself to be lazy. You may have some interesting ideas. And do not hesitate to contact those who can help in their implementation. Be considerate and attentive to your loved one, now he needs it more than ever. You need to seriously analyze your financial capabilities and think about how to avoid losses and maintain stability.

You can achieve great results both professionally and personally. Now you should not avoid discussions; take an active part in them. Your power at this stage lies in the word, and you must use it skillfully. However, try to speak, weighing your words, do not show violent emotions.

This day is quite favorable. The only “but”: you can either get tired quickly or simply lack strength. But this is no reason to worry. Try to rest more and not exhaust yourself with unnecessary physical activity. Don't deny yourself some fun. Positive emotions will not hurt you now.

This period is unfavorable for starting new business. All the bright prospects that will be offered to you on this day will, at best, turn out to be simply unrealistic. Now you should not make drastic changes regarding your appearance.

You can plan changes that you have long wanted to make. Now is a favorable period for changes in the professional field of activity. The only warning: do not step over the people you work with. The day may be promising in matters related to love.

will be filled with various events, most of which will pleasantly surprise and delight you. Now there may be tempting offers related not only to the professional sphere of activity and creativity. Negotiations will go well, and you will easily achieve the desired results. But avoid arguing with management and colleagues.

It is better to postpone the conclusion of new business agreements and contracts to another day. Do what brings you pleasure. The coming day is not very favorable for everything related to love and new romantic hobbies. You need to be outdoors as much as possible.

This day is favorable for bringing your inner world into a harmonious state. You don’t have to spend a lot of energy and time on your professional field of activity. But you can receive compensation when communicating with your loved one.