Why is there numbness in the limbs of the hands? Why different parts of the body go numb and how to prevent numbness

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Many people experience numbness in their arms and legs. Sometimes it is accompanied by a slight tingling sensation (pins and needles), decreased sensitivity, and nagging pain. The combination of these signs is called paresthesia. In most cases, these unpleasant phenomena are due to physiological reasons and go away on their own. In some cases, they are manifestations of diseases and require clarification of the cause that caused them, followed by treatment.

Table of contents: 1. Possible causes of numbness in the arms and legs - Pathological causes of numbness 2. How numbness in the arms and legs manifests itself 3. Diagnosis of the causes of numbness in the arms and legs 4. Treatment of numbness in the arms and legs 5. Treatment of numbness at home using traditional medicine methods 6. Diet therapy 7. Prevention of numbness in hands and feet

Possible causes of numbness in arms and legs

First, let's remember the problems that are familiar to each of us. Buying new shoes when wearing them for the first time often results in “chafing” of the feet, which is accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of numbness that goes away when taking off the shoes or changing into worn-out ones. In order to avoid this trouble, you should carefully and slowly select shoes when purchasing. A similar situation can occur when wearing tight and dense clothing.

A situation where a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, standing, sitting, or even in a dream, often ends with numbness of different parts of the body, most often the arms and legs.

The physiological cause of numbness in the hands and feet is often exposure to air or water at low temperatures. In this case, emergency warming of a frozen limb is required.

Pathological causes of numbness

The most common cause of numbness in the arms and legs is diseases of the nervous system.. Inflammatory changes in nerve trunks, pinching and other pathological processes often cause paresthesia.

Numbness occurs when:

  • polyneuropathies – multiple lesions of the trunks of the peripheral nervous system. In this case, numbness is accompanied by atrophy and weakness of the limbs (shrinkage), the development of paresis (partial movement disorders) and even paralysis (complete loss of function). Polyneuropathy occurs in diabetes mellitus, alcoholism and a wide range of other diseases, including infectious (diphtheria), blood diseases (hemoblastosis), hereditary (porphyria), connective tissue diseases (periarteritis nodosa, systemic lupus erythematosus);
  • damage to the nerve plexuses of the spine (cervical, brachial, lumbosacral). In this case, numbness is accompanied by pain. Painful areas appear in the corresponding dermatomes - areas innervated by certain plexuses. A common cause of numbness in the arms and legs is osteochondrosis;
  • strokes (malnutrition of parts of the brain). Especially in ischemic cases with developed paresis. At rest, patients often experience numbness in their arms and legs, tingling sensations and “skin fireworks”;
  • syndrome of damage to the median nerve (pronator teres, carpal tunnel, etc.) Numbness in this pathology is combined with the characteristic sign of the “monkey hand”. Paresthesia affects the palmar surface of 1 finger and the entire surface of 2-4 fingers;
  • pathological lesions of the radial and ulnar nerves (Turner syndrome, etc.);
  • vascular pathology, especially in the case of obliterating endarteriosis - a disease in which blood circulation in the small arteries of the extremities is disrupted as a result of their spasm. Numbness is characteristic of the clinical picture of osteochondrosis;
  • Raynaud's disease is a paroxysmal circulatory disorder mainly in the area of ​​the hands and feet. This pathology can be traced to clear heredity and stress factors;
  • hypovitaminosis. Most often, numbness is characteristic of a deficiency of B vitamins (B1 - thiamine, B12 - cyanocobalamin, B9 - folic acid). Lack of vitamin E also leads to problems with hand numbness;
  • vibration disease. Numbness and poor circulation are common to people who constantly expose their body to vibration with a constant amplitude. Constant microtraumatization and the formation of pathological reflexes cause painful manifestations;
  • herpes zoster;
  • traumatic injuries (fractures of arms and legs, bruises, dislocations) - can cause disruption of the integrity of nerve fibers and endings. These changes give the clinical picture of numbness;
  • taking certain medications. In this case we are talking about the side effects of drugs. These include some types of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents. Therefore, before taking any medicine, you should consult your doctor. It will be useful to read the attached instructions;
  • neuroses.

Please note: neurological processes that cause numbness in the hands often occur in people engaged in specific activities that require constant tension in the hands and scapulohumeral girdle. Professions may be unrelated in nature to each other. Thus, seamstresses, violinists, pianists, people who spend a lot of time at the computer keyboard, etc. suffer from numbness.

How does numbness in the hands and feet manifest?

Numbness in the arms and legs is often accompanied by additional painful symptoms, depending on the cause.

Thus, the most common companions of paresthesia of the extremities are:

  • pain manifestations;
  • rise in body temperature (local and general);
  • redness or paleness of the skin;
  • mental disorders - fear;
  • autonomic disorders - rapid heartbeat and breathing, spasms, sweating, hyperhidrosis, dizziness, fainting, unsteady gait.

Numbness can occur isolated in one limb, or on two on one side. Sometimes the limbs on opposite sides of the body go numb. For example: left arm and right leg. Both arms and legs may become numb. Sometimes this unpleasant sensation occurs in combination with other parts of the body (face, back, stomach, etc.).

Diagnosis of the causes of numbness in the arms and legs

When visiting a doctor, a survey is of great importance. Sometimes a conversation with the patient is enough to understand the origin of the attacks of numbness. But in most cases, diagnosis requires examination of the patient, as well as additional diagnostic methods. Sometimes consulting assistance from narrow specialists is required - a neurologist, endocrinologist, surgeon.

During the examination, the doctor takes into account skin color, its temperature, and checks tendon and skin reflexes.

If necessary, the survey is supplemented with data:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests (urine if necessary);
  • blood pressure measurements;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics;
  • Dopplerography, angiography;
  • X-ray diagnostics and MRI;
  • encephalography and myography.

Treatment of numbness in hands and feet

If the numbness is long-lasting and bothers you often, then without hesitation, you should consult a neurologist about this problem. If the sensation occurs for the first time, or for reasons that are clear to you, you can try to cope with it yourself. Numbness that occurs due to an uncomfortable position can be removed by warming up, just walking and rubbing the numb limbs.

Eliminating numbness in the arms and legs due to diseases consists of treating the main cause of the ailment.

Timely and correct treatment of diabetes mellitus, spinal diseases, neurological pathologies, blood diseases and rheumatic diseases will remove this unpleasant symptom.

Competent therapy and recovery of post-stroke complications relieves most patients of numbness and other associated symptoms.

Treatment can be carried out both in outpatient and inpatient settings. Sometimes you have to resort to surgical methods.

Often used: reflexology, massage, exercise therapy.

Important: for any cause of numbness, you should eliminate the intake of alcoholic beverages, limit, or completely eliminate smoking (especially with obliterating entereriosis).

Treatment of numbness at home using traditional medicine methods

Please note: numbness in any disease should be treated by a doctor. Before using any type of traditional treatment, you should definitely consult with him. Sometimes the doctor will suggest more effective ways of these types of help. It is worth remembering that independent use of any type of therapy is unacceptable.

Traditional medicine recommends using honey, milk and salt (especially sea salt) for numbness in the hands and feet. The medicinal composition is prepared as follows - a liter of milk is mixed with 50 - 100 g of honey and 0.5 kg of sea salt. The thoroughly mixed mixture should be heated over low heat to 60° C. Then, add 1 liter of ordinary water at the same temperature to the solution and pour everything into an enamel basin. Immerse numb hands or feet in the medicinal composition. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. It should not be repeated more than once a day. The course consists of 10 – 15 procedures. After warming up, do not overcool.

Please note: Late pregnant women also often experience numbness in their arms, and especially in their legs. The best way to relieve it is to walk in the fresh air, properly alternating between activity and rest.

Diet therapy

Patients with numbness in the arms and legs are advised to take a protein and fortified diet. Fresh vegetables are very useful - cabbage, carrots, herbs, and salads made from them. You should add legumes to your diet more often.

It is necessary to refrain from coffee and cocoa. Herbal tea is better, especially with the addition of mint. Lean meats and sea fish are recommended. You should not overuse fried and smoked foods. 2-3 chicken eggs per week is enough. It is advisable to limit cakes and sweet products.

Prevention of numbness in hands and feet

To avoid problems with numbness, you should ensure the correct selection of clothes and shoes, sleep on a comfortable bed without excess pillows and feather beds. The surface of the bed should be moderately smooth and soft.

Timely detection of diseases and their treatment will quickly get rid of the main cause of numbness.

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist

Symptoms of numbness in legs and arms

Symptoms of numbness in the legs and arms are not limited to just tingling and burning. In fact, there are quite a lot of signs. Thus, in many cases, numbness is associated with pain or may be accompanied by sensory disturbances.

Often this phenomenon is accompanied by anxiety, burning sensation, itching, frequent urination and increased numbness during movement. These are not all symptoms. In some cases, lower back pain and muscle spasms cannot be ruled out. There is pain in the neck and other parts of the body. There is also a tingling sensation from the needle, a rash and increased sensitivity to touch.

There are a number of other symptoms that may manifest themselves. But this is due to the presence of serious disorders in the body. Thus, lethargy or short-term loss of consciousness may manifest itself. Difficulty breathing, some difficulty walking and dizziness are possible.

In some cases, there is a complete loss of control over urination and bowel movements. Loss of vision, numbness in the head and neck, speech impairment and general weakness are possible. In this case, numbness in the legs and arms can be caused by a serious illness, so you need to seek help from a specialist.

Numbness of toes and hands

Numbness of the toes and hands is a common phenomenon that does not just happen. Thus, discomfort in the upper extremities is most likely caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Previously, this phenomenon was extremely rare. But when there were more computers and the number of users increased rapidly, the syndrome began to affect many.

Daily work with the keyboard and mouse carries a high risk of developing this phenomenon. But it's not just people who work on a computer who can get carpal tunnel syndrome. This phenomenon can also occur among painters, seamstresses, carpenters, etc. In general, for those people whose work involves constant tension in their hands.

This syndrome occurs due to severe overexertion, which is accompanied by swelling of the tendon. Due to this, compression occurs on the nerves that are responsible for the sensitivity of the palm, as well as the middle, index and thumb. If timely treatment is not started, muscle death may occur. Eventually the person will be unable to bend the thumb.

Numb toes can occur for a number of reasons. This is mainly due to the presence of various disorders that are metabolic in nature. Osteochondrosis of the spine, tuberculosis, vascular disorders and, in some cases, the development of cancer can cause a similar reaction in the body. If you experience numbness in your legs and arms, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

Numbness in left arm and leg

Numbness in the left arm and leg can occur for a number of reasons. In some cases, this indicates the presence of heart problems. A similar phenomenon occurs after severe stress or nervous disorder.

If numbness appears suddenly, it is worth figuring out what could have caused its development. In many cases, this phenomenon occurs against the background of existing health problems. This is mainly due to diseases of the blood vessels, spine and nervous system.

Common osteochondrosis can cause a similar phenomenon. It is characterized by a clear change in the spine. It develops against the background of an inactive lifestyle. As a result, intervertebral nerves in the spinal cord are pinched.

Intervertebral hernia. The core of the disc is displaced and the nerve roots are pinched between the vertebral discs. This is why unpleasant numbness occurs.

Atherosclerosis. This phenomenon occurs in people over 50 years of age. It is characterized by numbness in the legs and the appearance of pain along with cramps.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an infectious disease. It is characterized by the penetration of infection into the joints, which leads to their deformation and pinched nerves. This phenomenon causes numbness in the legs and arms.

Numbness in right leg and arm

Numbness in the right leg and arm can be a result of pinched nerves, both in the spine and in the joint itself. This phenomenon occurs due to the presence of problems in the nervous and vascular systems. In many cases this is due to diseases of the spine.

A stroke can also cause numbness in one part of the body. Therefore, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. After all, simple numbness of one part of the body can go into the stage of complete paralysis. If a person is not given timely assistance, everything can end in death.

Naturally, such cases do not occur so often. Most numbness occurs directly due to a pinched nerve. This phenomenon is caused by the presence of certain diseases. The most common of them are: osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, intervertebral hernia, atherosclerosis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

In many cases, for these diseases, the symptom of numbness alone is not enough. All this is accompanied by severe pain, increased fatigue and weakness. Therefore, contacting a medical institution should be timely. After all, if you start numbness in your legs and arms, you can cause serious problems.

Numbness of the face, legs and arms

Numbness of the face, legs and arms is most likely associated with diseases of the nerves and blood vessels. If this phenomenon occurs exclusively on the face, then this is a problem with blood vessels. If similar symptoms appear simultaneously in other parts of the body, then we are talking about damage to the central nervous system.

If numbness occurs on one side of the face, the development of neuralgia should not be ruled out. This phenomenon is characterized by the appearance of severe pain, as well as twitching of individual muscles.

If the numb area turns red or develops a rash, shingles may develop. In this case, in addition to redness, small bubbles with liquid may appear. This condition is characterized by the appearance of fever, decreased appetite and general weakness.

If numbness begins to appear a few seconds before a severe headache attack, then this is most likely a symptom of a migraine. In this case, nausea and bright red dots before gas may appear. Numbness of the legs and arms can occur both due to ordinary fatigue and due to the development of a serious illness.

Numbness of arms and legs along with dizziness

Numbness of the arms and legs along with dizziness is often associated with neuralgia. These are problems with the nervous system. These symptoms manifest themselves after severe stress or nervous overexcitation.

In this case, it will be easy to get rid of the problem. It is advisable to protect yourself from negative emotions and be less nervous. The problem will go away. But, if nothing helps, then most likely we are talking about the development of a serious disease.

This could be a pinched nerve. It is characterized not only by numbness of the limbs, but also by the appearance of accompanying symptoms. Such as tingling, burning, itching and headache. Severe fatigue and general weakness are common.

In this case, there is no need to delay treatment. There is no particular danger in this, but such a condition can worsen in the future. Then, in addition to dizziness, pain and even short-term loss of consciousness will begin to manifest themselves. Numbness in the legs and arms cannot in all cases be classified as a harmless phenomenon, so there is no point in delaying diagnosis.

Numbness of arms and legs at the same time

Numbness in the arms and legs at the same time may indicate the presence of a serious illness. Basically, this phenomenon is associated with problems of the cardiovascular system, orthopedic and neurological.

So, on the cardiovascular side, these could be disturbances in blood flow to a certain area. This phenomenon can be caused by the following conditions: arteriovenous malformation, Buerger's disease, deep vein thrombosis, frostbite, peripheral artery disease and Raynaud's syndrome.

Numbness can also be caused by orthopedic problems. Even the most minor violations can lead to the development of this phenomenon. Thus, numbness is mainly associated with whiplash injury, bone fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, herniated disc, osteoporosis and pinched nerve compression.

The causes of unpleasant symptoms may be problems with neurology. These include alcoholism, brain tumors, hypothyroidism, myelitis, diabetic neuropathy, encephalitis, stroke, vitamin B12 deficiency, etc. All this indicates that numbness in the legs and arms must be diagnosed and treated in time so as not to aggravate the situation.

Numbness of the hands and feet

Numbness of the hands and feet is a very common phenomenon. This symptom can occur in both the upper and lower extremities. This is mainly due to problems with the spine.

Today, computer technology is very well developed. Many people use the Internet and spend most of their time working with the keyboard. All this leads to overstrain of the hand, which is accompanied by swelling of the tendon.

This phenomenon leads to compression of the nerves that are responsible for the sensitivity of the palm, as well as the middle, index and thumb. If a person does not seek help in time, this can lead to muscle death, as a result of which the mobility of the thumb will be lost.

If, along with your hands, your legs also become numb, then most likely we are talking about problems with metabolic processes. This reaction of the body can be caused by the presence of osteochondrosis, tuberculosis of the spine and disorders in the blood vessels. In some cases, this occurs due to the development of cancer. That is why numbness in the legs and arms must be diagnosed in time.

Numbness of the legs and arms as a symptom of the disease

Numbness of the legs and arms as a symptom of a disease associated with the nervous and vascular system, as well as problems with the spine. In many cases, unpleasant sensations do not just arise; they are accompanied by certain diseases.

Raynaud's disease. This disease manifests itself in the form of attacks associated with circulatory disorders of the arteries. Most often this occurs in the area of ​​the feet and hands. The problem may arise due to stress and hereditary factors. The most susceptible to the onset of the disease are people who have suffered from hypothermia, an infectious disease, overwork, and young women who spend a lot of time in direct sunlight. During this phenomenon, not only numbness can be felt, but also rapid freezing, as well as the acquisition of a blue tint to the fingers in the cold and with strong excitement. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can affect other areas of the body: ears, nose and chin.

Obliterating endarteritis. This disease affects the arterial vessels, often in the lower extremities. The blood vessels narrow significantly, which leads to poor circulation. All this is accompanied by numbness and cooling of the extremities. If treatment is not started on time, a progressive stage occurs, which is characterized by complete occlusion of the vessels, resulting in gangrene.

Neuropathy. This disease affects the nerves. It is caused by metabolic disorders or intoxication of the body. In addition to numbness, there is itching, tingling, burning and a feeling of tightening of the fingers and toes. Neuropathy occurs in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, etc. It is possible that there is numbness in the legs and arms due to an ischemic stroke.

Numbness in the legs and arms is accompanied by chilliness, tingling, tightness, and burning. Symptoms are typical for osteochondrosis, migraine, intervertebral hernia, diabetes mellitus. Hands and feet go numb due to a deficiency of microelements and vitamins if a person abuses alcohol.

Causes of numbness in the arms and legs

Symptoms are disturbing in case of ischemic heart disease, with impaired blood circulation in the arms and legs. The limbs of the arms and legs may go numb due to tunnel syndrome, in which nerves are compressed in narrow areas.

Numbness occurs when a nerve is affected because the joint becomes deformed. The symptom may be caused by rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or a genetic disease.

People with numbness in their arms and legs often do not know what to do correctly - consult with their doctor or wait until the symptoms disappear on their own. If your arms and legs often go numb, you should not delay this; an urgent examination is necessary. When, in addition to numbness, severe pain and weakness occur, a person loses sensitivity, and coordination of movements is impaired. After this, the patient cannot distinguish cold from warm, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

Why do hands and feet often go numb?

  • When a person sleeps uncomfortably or stays in the same position for a long time. After this, a tingling sensation is felt in the hand, it goes away only if the person changes body position.
  • If a nerve is pinched. Numbness is associated with diseases of the spine. Often the symptom is characteristic of osteochondrosis.
  • For carpal tunnel syndrome. First, numbness is felt in the thumb, then in the index and middle fingers. The hand area is strongly compressed. The symptom develops in those who work at the computer for a long time. If you do not get rid of the symptom in time, severe pain may occur.

When there is not enough vitamin B12 in the body. At first, a person quickly gets tired, after which sensitivity is impaired, the heart rate becomes erratic, and irritability increases.

For Raynaud's disease. Pathology is a consequence of stress and intoxication of the body. Most often it develops subsequently from hypothermia and overwork. Pianists' hands most often go numb. Please note that in addition to the fact that a person is bothered by numbness, his limbs quickly freeze. Raynaud's disease is dangerous because it damages the ears, nose, and chin. Always with Raynaud's syndrome, problems first arise with the hands, and after a while with the hands.

Numbness of the arms and legs due to cardiovascular diseases

  • Endarteritis refers to a vascular disease that most often affects the lower extremities. When they narrow too much, problems with blood circulation arise and numbness is a concern. As the disease progresses, the vessels become completely blocked, which can result in gangrene.
  • Neuropathy occurs subsequently due to intoxication and metabolic disorders. The disease affects the nerve. With neuropathy, severe itching and burning in the extremities are disturbing. The patient feels as if his limbs are becoming stiff. After this, unbearable pain appears. Neuropathy is characteristic of diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.
  • Stroke one of the dangerous diseases that often leads to death. Numbness is one of the main signs of the disease.
  • Bend of bundles of nerves and blood vessels when a person takes an uncomfortable body position. In addition to numbness, sensitivity in the limbs changes, and tingling is felt.

Video: Elena Malysheva explained why her hands go numb. How to deal with this and what is the reason?

If measures are not taken in time, the consequences of numbness can be different. It's not scary when blood circulation is only disrupted. It is dangerous when gangrene develops in the extremities of the legs. Therefore, it is important to prevent complications.

How to reduce numbness in the limbs?

Remember that if numbness bothers you, you need to stop smoking. Nicotine is a deadly poison for blood vessels! You will have to give up coffee, strong tea, and alcohol for a while.

The diet should include as much hot food as possible. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge should be a tasty and healthy dish for you. It is recommended to have sprouted grains for breakfast.

It is important to constantly strengthen the body; one of the best ways is running; in winter, skiing. Sport improves blood circulation in the legs and arms. People with impaired blood circulation in the extremities need to include in their diet food with a large amount of iron and microelements.

Traditional methods of treating numbness in the hands and feet

1. Contrast bath- an effective remedy. First put your feet in cold water, then in hot water. Follow the same steps for the limbs of the arms. After contrast baths, apply turpentine ointment to your limbs and put on warm woolen socks (mittens). The procedure is performed within two weeks.

Video: Health Workshop - Causes of numbness in arms, legs, pain.avi

2.Honey wrap. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. You need to take natural honey and lubricate the areas that are constantly going numb. After this, wrap the limbs with plastic film, then with cotton cloth. The numbness will go away after just a few wraps.

3. Camphor ointment used to relieve numbness. It is necessary to thoroughly rub your hands at night. Wear warm gloves on top. 3 sessions will be enough for the numbness to completely stop.

4. Ledum will help get rid of the unpleasant symptom. To do this, you need to take marsh rosemary - a tablespoon, apple cider vinegar - 3 tablespoons. Leave for a week. The tincture is rubbed three times a day into the affected areas of the legs and arms.

This way, when your limbs are constantly going numb, there is no need to sit and wait for the disease to begin to progress. Many people do not take this symptom seriously. In vain, numbness can be a sign of a serious pathology in the body. Pay attention to all your body's signals to prevent health complications in the future.

Attention, TODAY only!

Numbness of the limbs– characterized by an unpleasant sensation of loss of sensitivity and flexibility of the limb, often accompanied by tingling, burning, chilliness and tightness of the skin.

Numbness of the limbs occurs when there is a disturbance in the passage of nerve impulses from receptors to the brain. Occurs when the body remains in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Sensitivity returns quickly when changing body position. But if after changing the position the discomfort remains, and numbness occurs quite often, this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

When to see a doctor

When faced with numbness, people often doubt whether they should go to the doctor or wait until the symptoms of numbness go away on their own.

In what cases does numbness require a mandatory consultation with a neurologist?

  • Numbness of the limbs occurs frequently and for no apparent reason
  • Numbness causes loss of coordination
  • Sensitivity to different temperatures decreases, and a person cannot distinguish between warm and cold water
  • Numbness accompanied by weakness, pain, or loss of mobility
  • Along with numbness, visual impairment and mental disorders occur

Why do my hands, feet or fingers go numb?

Often, numbness of the limbs can be a sign of the following diseases:

  • Circulatory disorders in the extremities
  • Tunnel syndromes caused by nerve compression in narrow areas: the elbow, wrist, ankles or groin
  • Raynaud's disease, which is characterized by circulatory disorders of the arteries, most often in the extremities
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases that cause nerve damage as a result of joint deformation
  • Transient ischemic attacks
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Deficiency of vitamins (especially vitamin B12) and microelements, as well as excessive alcohol consumption
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Migraine
  • Some hereditary diseases caused by nerve damage

Numbness of the arms and hands

Often occurs when the neurovascular bundle is compressed by connective tissue or muscles. Numbness can turn into pain over time. To determine the place where compression occurs, the doctor conducts diagnostics.

In some cases, numbness in the hands is associated with dysfunction of the spine. In this case, only a doctor will be able to determine the affected area and eliminate the compression of the vessel or nerve.

Numbness of fingers

Numbness of the fingers is quite common these days. Daily work on a computer keyboard often provokes the development of the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome.

The syndrome occurs when tension causes the tendon to swell and compress the nerve that provides sensation to the fingers (thumb, index, and middle) and palm. The tendons and nerve pass through a common, rather narrow canal. When the tendon is swollen, pressure on the nerve causes tingling, numbness, and throbbing pain in the toes.

If treatment is not started on time, the disease can lead to the death of the muscle responsible for the movements of the thumb. According to statistics, women are more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Numb feet

Numbness in the legs is caused by impaired nerve sensitivity. According to statistics, more than 90% of cases of numbness in the legs are caused by problems with the spine: osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, etc.

Intervertebral hernias compress the nerve roots, causing tissue spasm. As a result, a person may feel pain and numbness in the legs, a feeling of “pins and needles” or “woolly legs.”

Pain and numbness in the legs can also occur due to changes in the lumbar spine. Often, even before signs of numbness appear, the patient begins to feel constant pain in the lumbar region. If you do not seek medical help in time, the disease will progress.

Less commonly, numbness in the legs is explained by other systemic diseases, such as diabetes.

Numb toes

Various metabolic diseases, such as radiculoneuritis, can cause numbness in the toes. Also, the cause may be spinal tuberculosis, osteochondrosis, in which there is a narrowing of the intervertebral spaces, various disorders in the blood vessels, and sometimes the development of a malignant tumor.

Oncological diseases cause numbness in the toes due to tumor growth outside or inside the spinal cord. The tumor creates pressure, which causes numbness.

  1. When there is numbness in the limbs, smoking is a deadly poison, since nicotine causes spasm of the blood vessels. For the same reason, strong tea and coffee, as well as alcohol, are contraindicated for patients with numbness.
  2. You should eat more hot food. The best dish is hot buckwheat or oatmeal porridge. It is good to eat sprouted grains for breakfast.
  3. It is necessary to harden the body: light running, and in winter - skating and skiing, will help normalize the blood supply to the arms and legs. Those who do not have a good blood supply to the extremities need to eat foods rich in microelements, in particular iron.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers recipes to relieve the symptoms of numbness.

  • Contrast baths. An effective remedy for numbness are contrast baths. You need to prepare two containers: with moderately hot and cold water. Alternately lower your hands (or feet) into cold or hot water for 30 seconds. Repeat alternation 5 times. Apply turpentine ointment and put on mittens (or socks). Perform procedures in the morning and evening for 10 days.
  • Honey wrap. Make a honey wrap at night. Apply a thin layer of honey to the areas where numbness is often felt and wrap with a cotton cloth. Numbness stops after 3-4 wraps.
  • Camphor ointment. Rub your hands with camphor ointment until they turn red before going to bed. Wear wool mittens or gloves. It is enough to carry out 2-3 sessions to stop the numbness.
  • Ledum. Infuse wild rosemary in apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:3 for a week. Rub the tincture into your fingers or toes 3 times a day.

Each of us has at least once encountered the situation of not feeling our leg or arm. “I lay down/served my time” - people say, meaning being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Unpleasant sensations in this case are limited to the feeling of “goosebumps” on the skin, tingling and pass quickly enough. What if not?

Reasons and why it is dangerous

There are many reasons for numbness or parasthesia. Numbness is often not considered a symptom too serious to see a doctor right away. But this is a completely wrong opinion! If numbness occurs quite often, or the patient is at risk, then contacting a doctor is mandatory!

At-risk groups:

  1. Those who have joint diseases - osteochondrosis, arthritis.
  2. If you have bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol.
  3. Those with diagnosed diseases – diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Working in one position or performing monotonous movements for a long time.
  5. Patients with joint injuries.

The hands go numb, usually due to tunnel syndrome. This disease is associated with professional activity and manifests itself in those who are forced to type on a computer for a long time. If by the evening at the end of the working day there is a loss of sensitivity in the hands, the fingers go numb, then you already need to start working on the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Numbness can also occur due to being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, for example, while sleeping. But such paresthesia quickly passes. In order for it not to return, it is necessary to adjust the position in which a person sleeps, the mattress should be hard, the pillows should be low. In this case, most of the time is spent on acquiring the habit of the correct posture during sleep.

Much more serious diseases cause numbness of the entire arm:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  • Hypertension.
  • Joint diseases or injuries.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Coronary heart disease.

Particular attention should be paid in cases where numbness occurs in only one arm or leg on a certain side of the body and is accompanied by other signs of a stroke - confusion, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, paresis of the arms and legs.

Numbness in the legs can also be caused by many diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis. The peculiarity in this case is that only the back of the thigh and lower leg are numb. And only in cases where the disease is advanced, is not treated adequately or has complications - complete loss of sensation throughout the entire leg.
  2. If there is numbness in the leg below the kneecap, rheumatoid arthritis can be suspected.
  3. The foot and big toe lose sensation with gout.
  4. Vascular antiopathy, which develops against the background of diabetes mellitus, also leads to loss of sensation in the foot.
  5. Polyneuropathy leads to numbness in both legs at the same time.

Numbness causes a violation of the blood supply to the corresponding limb, which can be both a consequence of problems with blood vessels and with the innervation of the limb.


Numbness begins quite simply - first a person ceases to feel his leg or arm. When you try to move this limb, a burning, tingling, or “goosebumps” sensation occurs. Sometimes the pain is quite severe. If numbness is associated with long-term stay in one position, then such symptoms will quickly pass.

It is much more dangerous when the numbness does not go away or gets worse. It is especially worth paying attention if numbness is accompanied by loss of sensation in the arm or leg, the limb ceases to distinguish between heat and cold - consultation with a neurologist in such cases is mandatory!

Symptoms of numbness vary depending on the reasons that caused it. What you should pay attention to first:

  • Localization of numbness - one limb or both, or some specific part (finger, foot, hand).
  • At what time does it occur - after sleep, long work, in the morning and evening (for example, with gout, many note that shortly before the attack their toes go numb).


To prescribe adequate treatment, if you have numbness in your arms or legs, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will collect a history of the disease and will definitely refer you for additional examinations:

  1. Urinalysis.
  2. X-ray (if osteochondrosis is suspected).
  3. Computed tomography.

If necessary, he will also appoint specialists - a neurologist, a vascular surgeon, a cardiologist.

Pay attention! If an arm and at the same time a leg on the same side of the body go numb, and there is also clouding of consciousness, dark spots before the eyes, you must immediately call an ambulance!

What to do and how to treat

In cases where loss of sensation in a limb or pain is a concern, it is necessary Be sure to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. There are a lot of diseases that cause numbness, so to make a diagnosis it is not enough to focus only on symptoms; you also need to check the blood, to exclude diabetes, the condition of blood vessels, heart, joints and spine.

A specialist will prescribe a detailed treatment regimen and it will depend on the diagnosis. But there are general treatment principles that must be followed for numbness of any nature:

  • Drug therapy. If numbness is associated with joint diseases, then chondroprotectors are prescribed, as well as drugs that relieve pain and inflammation in the joint - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac and others). If the pain syndrome is not particularly pronounced, you can use milder drugs - Pentalgin.
  • Purpose of massages. It is especially effective for numbness caused by cervical osteochondrosis. Massage should only be performed by a professional, especially in such a delicate area as the cervical spine. In addition, you can practice light self-massage if your arms or legs are numb. If possible, you should definitely undergo a course of stone therapy - stone massage, the use of cold stones is especially useful in this case. Cold has a powerful effect on the body, improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation.
  • Therapeutic exercise. Prescribed for numbness caused by various diseases. The goal is to restore blood supply. Exercises should not be painful, and the patient’s condition should not worsen after them. Depending on the disease that caused the numbness, the specialist will select a set of exercises.
  • Physiotherapy. As a rule, this is electrophoresis, magnetic therapy. The course of treatment depended on the severity of the disease and the patient’s overall tolerance to the procedures.

In addition, you must adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle:

  1. It is imperative to normalize physical activity, especially if the work involves staying in one position for a long time or monotonously performing the same movements.
  2. Take complex vitamins. If there is numbness in the extremities, the emphasis should be on B vitamins (for example, the Neuromultivit complex), as well as complexes containing iron, potassium, calcium and zinc.
  3. If possible, give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol - the main risk factors in the development of numbness of the limbs.

During the recovery period, and in consultation with your doctor, you can use rubs, ointments, compresses and baths, which are recommended by traditional medicine.

The key to treating numbness is patience and persistence. An integrated approach and regular compliance with the doctor’s instructions will help eliminate pain and alleviate the patient’s condition!

Numbness of the limbs is a fairly common problem among residents of megacities. The main reason for this phenomenon is physical inactivity and lack of adequate physical activity, which is required for muscle tone. And what do muscles have to do with it, if sensitivity is directly related to nerve endings, we will tell you a little further. In the meantime, let us give a case from medical practice.
A young man came to see a therapist with complaints that he felt partial or complete numbness in his limbs at different times of the day. Moreover, this condition bothered him more often before going to bed and after waking up in the morning. He literally described his condition in such a way that he could not get out of bed in the morning due to the fact that he could not feel his legs and arms.

We conducted a detailed examination, took x-rays of the lumbar and sacral spine, and scanned the blood vessels. No pathological abnormalities were identified. Symptomatic treatment, sedatives and vitamin preparations were prescribed. After some time, the patient came with repeated complaints. The condition has not improved. During a consultation with a neurologist, the circumstances of his usual night's rest were clarified. It turned out that the young man prefers to sleep on the sofa, and before going to bed he watches TV for a long time and falls asleep in an unnatural position, with his head held high. Recommendations were given for organizing the sleeping area. A follow-up appointment with a neurologist was scheduled in 2 weeks. At his next visit to the doctor, the young man made no more complaints.

Here is a real story from a doctor’s practice. Do you want to know what was the reason for this painful condition? In the weakness of the muscular system, which was unable to regulate the blood circulation of the young body under load in the form of an unnatural body position. Those. this person will have to create special conditions for night sleep throughout his life so as to never experience such problems again.

How to avoid problems with numbness

In order for such symptoms to go away and you never think about them, try to slightly change your usual rhythm of life. Be sure to find time every day in the morning and evening to do basic morning exercises. In this case, you will never have numb hands or feet either at night or in the morning.

The second important element is walking or light jogging once a day. It is better to do this in the afternoon, when the blood viscosity index is at its lowest value. A walk in the park will replace all your antidepressants and help you take your mind off the past working day.

Watch your diet. Try to eat foods that contain as few artificial preservatives and colors as possible. All of them have a negative effect on blood vessels, blood viscosity and the condition of nerve fibers.

What to do if you already have problems with sensitivity of the limbs

If you already complain that your legs and arms periodically go numb, you should immediately undergo a full medical examination. We recommend that you include in your examination program:

  • visiting a therapist and undergoing general and biochemical blood tests;
  • visiting a vascular surgeon and performing a duplex scan of the main blood vessels;
  • a visit to a neurologist and examination of the spinal column for scoliosis, osteochondrosis, pinched nerve endings, herniated disc.

If no specific health problems are identified, then it is recommended to change your daily routine and reduce emotional and mental stress. You can also recommend systematically taking courses of B vitamin preparations. You can conduct a course of injections, alternating injections of vitamin B6 and B1 every other day. The course of treatment is 20 days. To this you can add injections or tablets of nicotinic acid. This drug perfectly restores blood supply to small vessels and improves the condition of nerve endings.

In addition, you can use massage, contrast dousing with cold and hot water, and physical exercise.

When you can't live without a doctor?

In most cases, you can cope with the problem of numbness in your hands and feet on your own. But an examination is still necessary. The mask of this symptom can hide quite serious health problems. In particular, if you feel numbness in your left arm, this may indicate that you have heart problems. Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner in this case can lead to myocardial infarction and death.

It is also a dangerous condition when both limbs on one side of the body go numb. Here you can suspect a cerebrovascular accident. In the future, this may result in complete or partial paralysis and disability.

Similarly, you should be wary if both arms or both legs are numb. Especially if this happens at night. Please check out the following materials on our website:

Why do my fingers and toes go numb?

For what reason do the arm and leg on the right side go numb?

Numbness is a condition when the limbs become numb, and the fingers of the numb limbs tingle.

This condition is familiar to any person, both children and adults. This is an unpleasant sensation when a tingling sensation occurs due to numbness in parts of the body.

If such a condition is caused by staying in one body position for a long period of time, then it does not pose a danger.

If numbness of body parts is a secondary pathology of the disease, then this condition occurs along with the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness;
  • Pain in the head;
  • Heart pain;
  • Constriction in the chest;
  • Weakness of the whole body;
  • Fatigue;
  • Painful sensations in the back area.

If compression of nerve fibers occurs, as well as due to a disturbance in the blood flow system, then this pathology is classified as a vascular type disease, or a neurological type pathology.

It is necessary to treat such a secondary disease by treating the root cause, and the numbness will go away on its own, as one of the symptoms of the underlying pathology.

Causes of physiological numbness of the limbs

The reasons why limbs go numb and there is a temporary loss of sensitivity and tingling sensations in the fingers are associated with the behavior of the person himself:

  • When standing in one place for a long period of time— this happens in crowded public transport. The person feels numbness in the tips of the fingers and toes, as well as from having to reach for the handrail to support the body when moving. This situation is often observed when the face and hands become numb when talking on the phone for a long time without changing the position of the body; the upper limbs also become numb when raising the arms above the heart area when trying to hang curtains on the windows. When you raise your arm high, both arms become numb at the same time;
  • When standing in front of a computer monitor for a long time, the muscles on the side of the face and neck become numb. What happens is that the eyelids and the lower part of the face become numb. When working with a computer mouse for a long time, pain and cramps in the fingers of the right hand. This occurs due to poor circulation in the fingers when they are in one position. Also, from prolonged interruption at the computer in one position, numbness of the back muscles occurs - in the cervicothoracic region of the back and in its lumbar region. Due to the fact that the lower back becomes numb, the legs become numb and a slight tingling sensation is felt in them;
  • Climatic conditions that affect blood circulation and lead to numbness in the extremities (arms and legs). This condition occurs during the frosty season, when in order for the limbs to move away, they simply need to be warmed up. Numb areas of the skin in the cold must be immediately warmed up, otherwise freezing of the skin on the face or areas exposed to clothing may occur;
  • Numbness of the upper limbs during sleep. This condition occurs due to sound sleep, when a person is in one body position for a long period of time. What happens in a dream is that not only the arm (leg), but also part of the face goes numb, and quite often the neck goes numb. When you wake up, you just need to massage the numb part a little and everything will go away. Numbness during sleep occurs due to tight clothing, which compresses the blood vessels and the required amount of blood does not flow to the site of numbness. In order to improve blood flow to a stiff part of the body, you simply need to remove the cause of this situation - remove tight clothes.
Loss of sensation

How to avoid the physiological type of numbness?

A person cannot predict every time the moment when numbness occurs in the limbs, or in other parts of the body, but if this occurs due to improper functioning of the nervous and vascular systems.

If a person does not suffer from such deviations, then you can take all actions in order to protect yourself from numbness of body parts:

  • In frosty weather, you need to wear warm clothes and gloves;
  • When standing in front of a computer monitor for a long time, get up at least after 15-20 minutes and stretch your body a little;
  • If you need to stand on your feet for a long time, you can do a simple foot massage by rolling from heels to toes and then from your toes back to your heels;
  • To prevent numbness during sleep, it is necessary to select comfortable bedding and comfortable and loose-fitting sleepwear;
  • It’s a little more difficult for people who have to do monotonous and same-type work, which leads to numbness in body parts. They also need to periodically do gymnastic exercises for only 2 to 3 minutes during breaks between work.

Symptoms of numbness that makes you wary

With pathology in the body, numbness occurs in various parts of the muscles of the body, which can lead to disruption in the body's blood flow system.

Symptoms of pathologies in which you need to be wary and see a doctor:

  • Spinal pathology osteochondrosis. Deformation of the discs between the vertebrae occurs;
  • Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include compression of nerve fibers in the spinal canal;
  • Infringement of the nerve bundle, as well as muscle fibers;
  • Atherosclerosis of blood vessels, which leads to disruption of the blood flow system, causing numbness of body parts;
  • Poor microcirculation of blood flow in the blood flow system in the cerebral vessels.

You should also consult a doctor if the following signs of the development of vascular pathologies exist:

  • Numbness in which the tips of the fingers or toes do not restore sensitivity;
  • Before or during numbness, dizziness, double vision, pain in the head occurs, and motor coordination is impaired;
  • An involuntary process of urination occurs;
  • Difficulty with speech, tongue turns poorly;
  • Numbness that accompanies injury to the brain and spine.

Such symptoms may be signs of the development of a serious pathology in the body:

  • Insufficiency of cerebral vessels;
  • Brain hypoxia;
  • Ischemia of cerebral vessels;
  • Cerebral vascular infarction;
  • Bleeding in the brain - stroke.

A tumor in the brain that causes numbness

During the period of growth, malignant neoplasms occupy an increasingly larger area and put pressure on the brain tissue, blocking the access of blood to them, as a result of which they cease to function properly.

During attacks of loss of sensitivity, sensations occur not only in the fact that the arms or legs are numb, but also that the face is numb.

An attack of numbness is accompanied by the following pathology:

Numbness during transient ischemic attack

Cerebral ischemia, or disruption of the blood supply to the cerebral vessels with biological fluid (blood) occurs, as a complicated form of such pathologies of nerve fibers, as well as the blood vessel system:

  • Arterial hypertension— for a long period of time, hypertension developed in the bloodstream system with very high blood pressure numbers;
  • Increase in cholesterol plaques on brain vessels what causes the disease cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • IHD (ischemic heart disease). With this pathology, there is a lack of full volume of blood in the circulatory system, which leads to hypoxia of the circulatory system, and also provokes a lack of oxygen in the brain cells and blood vessels.

With the development of TIA, the following symptoms of numbness occur:

  • Severe dizziness;
  • Part of the face and lips goes numb;
  • The left arm and leg are numb;
  • Or sensation in the right hand and right leg has disappeared.

Various numbness of body parts occurs on the right or left sides, depending on the location of the pathology in the structure of the brain.

With such symptoms, it is necessary to quickly call an ambulance, because there is a risk of developing a stroke.

With strokes, especially the ischemic type, paresis occurs with numbness of the arms and legs, and the sensitivity of half the body completely disappears, which leads to paralysis of this part of the body.

First, tingling occurs in the limbs, and after that the strength of numbness increases, which leads to loss of sensitivity.

Multiple sclerosis leads to numbness

In multiple sclerosis, localized foci of sclerotic plaques (demyelination) appear in the cells of the brain tissue, as well as in the tissue cells of the spinal cord.

The development of this pathology affects the condition of the entire organism, because when there is a disturbance in the spinal cord and brain, a malfunction occurs in all the vital organs of the body.

The brain and spinal cord are responsible not only for the functionality of internal organs, but also for the performance of all systems. Including the nervous system and the circulatory system of the entire body.

With multiple sclerosis, the following organs malfunction:

  • Deviations in the functioning of the visual organ - vision is impaired;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the speech apparatus - unclear speech;
  • Violation of the functionality of the vestibular apparatus - tremor of the arms and legs;
  • Deviation in the musculoskeletal system - an unsteady gait and the inability to move without a cane.

One of the main symptoms of multiple sclerosis pathology is numbness in various parts of the body.

The cause of numbness is polyneuropathy

Numbness of body parts also occurs with neuropathy. This pathology is characterized by damage to the peripheral nerve fibers.

With this disease, numbness is caused by atrophy of nerve fibers and muscle tissue, which occurs when the upper and lower extremities dry out, or occurs due to cuts that cause partial impairment of motor function.

Paresis can lead to complete paralysis of the limbs, or part of the body of a patient with polyneuropathy.

Polyneuropathy develops with the following pathologies in the body:

  • For diabetes mellitus;
  • In people who drink large quantities of alcohol;
  • For infectious diseases - diphtheria pathology;
  • For blood diseases - pathology hemoblastosis;
  • Has a hereditary genetic etiology - the disease porphyria;
  • Pathology of periarteritis of the nodular type of connective tissue cells;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.

Polyneuropathy develops in diabetes mellitus

Other pathologies that cause numbness

What is numbness know to people suffering from such diseases in the body:

  • Damage to the glomerular plexus of nerve fibers in the spine. This applies to the spine - in the neck, shoulder area, and also in the lower back. In this pathology, during and before numbness, strong pain occurs, which the patient feels in the affected areas. Quite often, the etiology of this lesion is osteochondrosis of the affected area in the spine;
  • A syndrome in which abnormalities occur in the median nerve. With this disease, the palm is affected, as well as one finger, or the surface of several fingers - from two to four;
  • Turner syndrome. Nerve fibers are damaged in the radial joint, as well as in the ulnar part of the arm joint;
  • In pathology, endarteritis. With this type of disease, a disturbance occurs in the blood flow system and the capillaries do not receive the necessary nutrition from the blood flow. For this reason, spasm occurs in the limbs, which is accompanied by numbness. This symptomatology is typical for osteochondrosis of this pathology;
  • - impaired blood flow in the hands and feet. Raynaud's syndrome is manifested by attacks in which numbness of the tips of the toes and numbness of the fingers on the hands occurs with a change in the color of the skin (from white to purple). Raynaud's syndrome often has a hereditary genetic etiology, and can also be triggered by a stressful situation;
  • Vitamin deficiency in the body. Hypovitaminosis occurs from an insufficient amount of B vitamins in the body: B1, B12, B9, as well as vitamin E, which leads to limb cramps and goosebumps in the left hand and less often in the right;
  • Vibration pathology. This disease occurs in people who constantly encounter vibrations in their activities. With prolonged vibration, the limbs receive microtrauma to the nerve fibers, as well as the membranes of blood vessels, which leads to disruption of proper blood supply and the person experiences numbness of the limbs with painful sensations;
  • In cases of shingles type disease;
  • In case of limb injury- fractures, bruises, as well as dislocations and sprains;
  • For side effects of medications, which include a group of antibacterial drugs, chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of oncological tumors;
  • For mental disorders and neuroses.

Symptoms of numbness in limbs

Numbness of the extremities is also accompanied by other signs of damage to the arms and legs and depends on the etiology of the root cause of the numbness:

  • Headache occurs with numbness in the hands;
  • Painful sensations in the limbs;
  • Increased temperature of the whole body;
  • Redness on the skin in the affected area;
  • Discoloration and pallor of the skin at the site of numbness;
  • Manifestation of fear;
  • Dizziness is sometimes severe, which can lead to fainting;
  • Fainting;
  • Increased sweat production by the body;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Spasms in organs;
  • Hyperhidrosis disease;
  • Impaired movement - unsteadiness in gait.

One limb may become numb, or symmetry may occur and two limbs may experience loss of sensation.

Some areas of the body may go numb along with the arms or legs - the front part of the body, the back, and the stomach may also go numb.

Any part of the head loses sensitivity due to impaired blood flow to the brain organs, as well as damage to the cerebral blood vessel system. The head can become numb from a violation of the integrity of the nerve fibers and from convulsions of the muscle tissue of this organ.

The localization of the focus of numbness can be in any part of the head, both in the front part and in the occipital and temples. The head may become numb on the left side, as well as on the right side, or move from one side to the other, covering its entire area.

Many patients come to the doctor with complaints about numbness in only one specific part of the head, and often with complaints of numbness in parts of the face - lips, tongue.

Numbness in the head is accompanied by symptoms of diseases that are the root cause of the pathology:

  • Pain in the head, sometimes severe, which can provoke vomiting, as well as convulsive spasms, and twitching of nerve fibers on the face and scalp indicate the development of damage to the ternary nerve with neuralgia;
  • With vegetative-vascular dystonia, numbness of the tongue or its tip occurs, dryness in the oral cavity;
  • Dysfunction of an autonomic nature manifests itself in pain in the head, numbness in various parts of it, but most often the back of the head and face. Dysfunction also causes numbness in the fingers, hand tremors, and increased body temperature. With such symptoms, a person experiences a panic attack, and disorders of the autonomic apparatus occur;
  • Migraine pain also causes numbness and darkening of the eyes;
  • With osteochondrosis in the neck, head pain, its heaviness and the inability to move the skull are manifested. Signs of this pathology are dizziness, nagging pain in the back of the head, numbness of the chin and back of the head. The same symptoms also appear with insufficiency in the vertebrobasilar arteries;
  • The cause of numbness in parts of the head may be anemia with vitamin B12 deficiency. Signs of such anemia are a shiny tongue, as well as pale skin;
  • With the herpes virus in the oral cavity, numbness occurs in the upper or lower lip. Also, symptoms of herpes can be high body temperature, general weakness and soreness of the skin on the face;
  • Injury to the facial muscles, as well as injuries to the masticatory muscles on the face. Numbness of the facial part can occur after a fracture or dislocation of the jaw, after unsuccessful tooth extraction, after undergoing facial plastic surgery.

If multiple symptoms of numbness of the head and severe pain appear, and these symptoms include numbness of the limbs and parts of the body, then it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, because this is a sign of a cerebral stroke.


When there is numbness, the first thing the doctor does is take an anamnesis and, based on the patient’s stories, quite often a preliminary diagnosis can be made. If the root cause is unknown, consultation with a neurologist, phlebologist, vascular surgeon and endocrinologist is required.

Quite often, when identifying the etiology of numbness and establishing a diagnosis, a consultation with a cardiologist is required.

The patient's reflexes are checked, and a pathology study is prescribed using clinical laboratory tests, as well as using instrumental research techniques.

Laboratory research:

  • The blood pressure index is measured;
  • Clinical laboratory analysis of blood composition;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Biochemical study of blood composition;
  • Analysis - blood for glucose index;
  • Analysis of cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Coagulogram of blood plasma composition;
  • Blood to detect vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • Hemoglobin level analysis.

Instrumental studies of numbness:

  • Ultrasound of the brain;
  • Ultrasound of the cardiac organ;
  • Dopplerography technique;
  • The method of study is angiography;
  • X-ray of the spine;
  • Rheovasography of peripheral vessels;
  • MRI of the head (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • Electrocardiography (ECG);
  • CT of the blood flow system (computed tomography);
  • Myography technique;
  • ENMG (electroneuromyography).

Treatment of numbness

Once the cause is identified, treatment is tailored according to the etiology of the numbness.

Treatment of each case of numbness is carried out individually, but the principle of therapy is based on:

  • Drug therapy with drugs that are aimed at treating the root cause of numbness, as well as relieving unpleasant and painful symptoms and concomitant pathologies;
  • Physiotherapeutic techniques;
  • The use of folk remedies and herbal remedies;
  • Use in diet therapy;
  • Treatment by surgical intervention.

Table of medications for the treatment of numbness:

name of drugsproperties of the drug
medicine Milgammaused to influence nerve fibers and contains B vitamins. Used for:
· neuroses
vitamin preparation Neuromultivitcontains B vitamins - B1, B12, and B6. Improves the condition of the fibers of the nervous system. Used for:
· anemia;
for disorders of the cerebral vessels
drug Nifedipinea vasodilator drug aimed at peripheral capillaries and coronary arteries. Prescribed for:
· Raynaud's syndrome;
· IHD;
· with coronary insufficiency;
varicose veins and thrombosis
medication Trentalimproves circulation in the blood flow system, as well as microcirculation of cerebral vessels, prevents the development of hypoxia of the blood flow system and organ tissue cells. Trental is prescribed:
with Raynaud's syndrome;
· with ischemia;
· share of improved cerebral circulation
drug Pentalginrelieves pain from intervertebral hernias and osteochondrosis

A group of drugs that relieve painful symptoms and help improve the functioning of the vascular system:

group of drugsName
drug group NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)To relieve pain and stop an attack, the following are used:
· Ibuprofen;
group of antiplatelet agentsto prevent blockage of blood vessels and to thin the blood:
· Aspirin;
· Chime
medicines to improve microcirculationto improve brain activity and brain cell function:

Surgical treatment is used only in extreme cases, when drug therapy does not bring the desired result, except in cases where the operation saves a person’s life - in case of stroke, neoplasms in organs, intervertebral hernia, as well as atherosclerosis.


Physiotherapy for numbness pathology is a quick and painless therapy for relieving the symptoms of numbness and restoring sensitivity of the skin and body parts.

Physiotherapeutic procedures do not cause allergies and are intended both for preventive purposes and during the treatment and rehabilitation period of a complicated form of numbness in the form of heart attacks and strokes.

The cold and heat method has anticonvulsant effects, relieves swelling in the limbs, relaxes muscle tissue, and relieves spasms. With this technique, all body systems are activated.

After several procedures, the person regains the sensitivity of the affected organs.

The laser therapy method stimulates the self-regeneration of tissue cells, the cells are restored.

The body begins the process of self-regulation of all organs and systems. Painful and other symptoms of numbness pathology are relieved.

Magnetotherapy - this technique is capable of restoring all systems in the body, which relieves unpleasant and painful symptoms during the period of loss of organ sensitivity. Muscle tone increases, well-being improves, and the person becomes able to work.

The therapeutic massage technique restores damaged organ cells due to numbness. With the help of massage, you can trigger the body’s self-healing of the functionality of non-sensitive or insensitive areas of the body. Painful symptoms are relieved.

Electrophoresis for numbness is an activator of muscle tissue, as well as nerve fibers. Relieves the symptoms of numbness, improves the functioning of the body's blood flow system.

Diet and traditional medicine for numbness

The diet in the treatment of numbness is aimed at treating the root cause of the disease. If the numbness is due to diabetes, then a diabetic diet will reduce the index of glucose in the blood, as well as constantly monitor it, which will help relieve the symptoms of insensitivity of organs due to pathology.

When the limbs go numb, and the root cause is atherosclerosis, then for treatment it is necessary to use an anti-cholesterol diet, which contains a minimum amount of foods, which increases the cholesterol index.

If there is a deficiency of B vitamins due to anemia, it is necessary to introduce legumes, grains, nuts, meat, and dairy products into your diet.

When treating numbness at home with folk recipes, you must remember that self-medication for numbness is not allowed. Traditional medicine can only be used as an additional technique to the main drug treatment, which is aimed at making the patient feel better.

Traditional recipes:

  • 300.0 milliliters of flaxseed oil and 1000.0 milliliters of water. Boil for at least 120 minutes. After cooling, filter and drink 60 - 70 milliliters in the morning and 30 minutes before meals in the evening. The treatment course is 21 days;
  • Combine 50.0 milliliters of ammonia and 10.0 milliliters of camphor oil and add 30.0 grams of sea salt. Lubricate your limbs with this product. The course of such therapy will be prompted by the body itself - until the symptoms of numbness completely disappear;
  • 1000.0 milliliters of milk, 100.0 grams of natural honey and half a kilogram of sea salt. Everything is mixed and heated to a temperature of no more than 60 degrees. After this, add 1000.0 milliliters of water at the same temperature and carry out procedures for immersing the limbs in this mixture. The time spent in this mixture of hands and feet is no more than 10 minutes. Treatment course: 15 procedures every day.

Preventive measures

To prevent numbness:

  • Wear comfortable clothes;
  • Keep extremities warm;
  • Do not drink alcohol;
  • Quit nicotine addiction;
  • Constantly monitor blood cholesterol and glucose index;
  • Take the required amount of vitamins;
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • Timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are the root cause of the pathology;
  • Avoid stressful situations and overstrain of the nervous and vascular systems;
  • Relax more in the fresh air.

Life forecast

The prognosis for life with numbness of body parts depends on the root cause of the disease. But quite often this is a favorable prognosis with timely treatment of the pathology that provokes numbness of the organs.

There are also pathologies for which the prognosis is unfavorable - these are polyneuropathy, ischemic stroke, neoplasms in the brain and spinal cord, as well as metastasis of cancer cells into the brain cells of the head and into the spinal cord cells.

Numbness is an abnormal sensation that can occur in any part of the body, but is most often felt in the arms and legs. The symptom of numbness is often accompanied by tingling, and can be quite harmless, for example, in the hands when cooling, to a sign of a serious, life-threatening condition. Numbness is a fairly common symptom. Numbness of the limbs is often accompanied by an emotional context with a feeling of detachment and decreased emotional coloring, which is usually a sign of depression. In a physical context, numbness is typically the result of damage, poor circulation, or pathological changes to certain nerves.

In addition, there may be periodic attacks of numbness and tingling due to the presence of certain health problems, such as neuroses or a migraine attack. Also, episodes of numbness can occur during attacks of fear caused by the anticipation of life-threatening events, and in such cases the numbness is caused by shallow breathing and most often affects the fingers and the mouth area.

Numb hands manifested by a feeling of loss of sensitivity in the hands; patients often call this condition “asleep” hands. Numbness may be accompanied by a tingling sensation from the needle. Often such numbness occurs after sleeping with your hands under your head. Numbness of the hands usually caused by the presence of carpal tunnel syndrome, which causes compression of the median nerve. Most often, carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of the nerve in the carpal tunnel. Besides, numbness of hands may be caused by injuries, hypothermia, or systemic diseases such as diabetes. If numbness of the hands is accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea, and palpitations, then this may be a sign of acute, life-threatening conditions and requires emergency medical attention.

Numbness in the legs is a loss of sensation or feeling in the legs, resulting from a disruption in communication between the peripheral nerves and the central nervous system. Typically, numbness in the legs is associated with poor circulation in the lower extremities. This numbness most often occurs when sitting cross-legged for a long period of time. In such cases, getting up and walking can relieve the numbness after a while. But numbness in legs It may also be a sign of serious damage to nerve fibers due to mechanical factors (disc herniation, radiculopathy) or nerve damage due to somatic diseases.


Numbness can be a sign of a wide range of diseases or conditions that involve restricted blood flow or nerve damage.

Temporary numbness can be caused by any activity that puts prolonged pressure on the nerve(s), such as sitting cross-legged or cycling long distances. Numbness can also occur due to moderate to severe orthopedic or vascular pathology, as well as conditions and diseases that lead to damage to the nervous system. In some cases, numbness is a symptom of a life-threatening condition that requires emergency medical attention.

Cardiovascular causes of numbness

Numbness can be caused by a lack of blood flow to a certain area due to conditions such as:

  • Arteriovenous malformations
  • Buerger's disease
  • Deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot in the legs can break off, which can lead to pulmonary embolism in the lungs, heart attack, stroke)
  • Frostbite
  • Diseases of peripheral arteries (vascular atherosclerosis, in which narrowing of the arterial bed occurs).
  • Raynaud's syndrome, in which persistent spasm of peripheral vessels occurs and blood circulation in the distal extremities is impaired. Vasospasm is usually triggered by cold or sometimes stress.

Orthopedic causes of numbness

Numbness may also occur due to minor or serious orthopedic conditions that cause nerve damage:

  • Whiplash neck injury
  • Bone fractures
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Degenerative diseases of the intervertebral disc
  • Compression pinched nerve

Neurological causes of numbness

Numbness due to nerve compression or nerve damage may be due to conditions such as:

  • Alcoholism
  • Brain tumors
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Encephalitis
  • Heavy metal poisoning such as lead poisoning
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Spinal cord injury or tumor
  • Stroke
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Myelitis
  • Myelopathy
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency

Numbness during pregnancy

Pregnant women face many changes in the body, and numbness is one of them. Some pregnant women develop carpal tunnel syndrome and it is believed to be due to water retention in the body during pregnancy.

As the fetus develops, fluid accumulates in the body, tissues swell, including in the wrist area, compression of the median nerve occurs and carpal tunnel syndrome develops. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are more pronounced in the morning hours, as fluid accumulates in the body at night. As a rule, carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnant women heals on its own after delivery.

Numbness in children

There are many reasons why children may experience numbness in different parts of the body. Eating disorders, lack of vitamins and minerals can cause numbness in the lower extremities, this is especially typical for a deficiency of B vitamins. Sports injuries can also cause numbness. Therefore, in childhood, parents need to pay attention to children’s complaints of numbness, which lasts more than a few minutes and may be a sign of damage to ligaments, tendons or bone fractures. Often, anxiety in childhood can be a source of numbness in the lips and face.


Numbness usually occurs due to poor circulation in a particular area or nerve damage. Sensory disturbances (numbness) can also be the result of infection, inflammation, trauma and other pathological processes. In most cases, numbness is due to non-life-threatening illnesses, but it can also be a sign of a stroke or tumor.

Numbness in the limbs often associated with painful symptoms or may be accompanied by other sensory disturbances such as burning, tingling. Strokes also cause motor and speech disorders. Depending on the cause, the numbness may disappear quickly, e.g. numbness in hand, which occurs when a person sleeps with his head on his hand, disappears after several movements of the hand. Chronic numbness in the leg or arm over a long period of time usually indicates some level of nerve damage, such as from diabetes or multiple sclerosis. Chronic numbness in the fingers may be due to a pinched nerve, as is the case with carpal tunnel syndrome. In any case, numbness that lasts more than a few minutes deserves attention and medical attention. And if a person experiences numbness in the groin area and impaired bladder and bowel function, or there are signs of paralysis, confusion, speech impairment, then in such cases it is necessary to seek emergency medical help.

Symptoms that may accompany numbness:

  • Anxiety
  • Burning feeling
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased numbness or tingling while walking
  • Muscle spasms
  • Pain in other parts of the body
  • Pins and needles sensation
  • Increased sensitivity to touch

A number of symptoms accompanying numbness may be a sign of serious conditions and this must be taken into account by the doctor, since emergency medical care and necessary medical procedures are often required.

These are the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy or momentary loss of consciousness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty walking
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of control over voluntary urination or bowel movements
  • Visual impairment
  • Numbness in the head, neck, back
  • Paralysis
  • Speech disorders (dysarthria)
  • Weakness

Diagnosis and treatment

Based on the medical history, study of symptoms and physical examination, the doctor prescribes an examination plan, which includes both instrumental and laboratory examination methods.

To treat numbness, first of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of this symptom. If numbness is associated with circulatory disorders, diabetes or multiple sclerosis, the underlying disease is treated, both with the help of conservative treatment methods and surgical methods (for example, for vascular diseases). For orthopedic problems, such as disc herniation, osteochondrosis, treatment can also be either conservative or surgical (for example, when it is necessary to decompress the nerve root).