Alexandra Artemova's birthday. Alexandra Artemova and her pages on social networks

Alexandra Artemova appeared unplanned on the House 2 project in September 2014. A nineteen-year-old girl came from the Ukrainian city of Lugansk, where she seriously studied music. A graduate of a music college, Sasha plays the violin excellently. Before joining the program, she managed to take part in several competitions of all-Ukrainian and international scale.

During the casting, Alexandra revealed that she was terribly tired of being a mother’s daughter and feeling constant parental protection. It's time to learn the lessons of adult life. The girl considers her former life very boring and too diligent. Constant employment did not allow her to enjoy the usual entertainment of modern youth - the girl only went to nightclubs a couple of times. The impeccable upbringing received in an intelligent family became an obstacle to attending fashionable parties.

Outside the show, Artemova met with a young musician. However, he was soon offered a lucrative contract in China, and the couple had to separate.

Alexandra said that she came to the program because. The young man had just broken up with his former love (Tatyana Kirilyuk) and was completely ready for a new relationship.

Ilya greeted Alexandra's arrival on the show with genuine joy - their warm communication continued all day. They even had a romantic date, at which an effigy was burned. In this symbolic way, the young people tried to drive the red-haired beast out of their relationship. However, in the evening, it became clear to Sasha that Ilya’s feelings for Tanya were still strong and he was simply not ready for new love adventures. In addition, she was not used to fighting for the attention of guys, and Ilya was counting on exactly this.

As a result, on the very first day, Sasha announced at the front that she was disappointed in the young man, but for now she was not going to refuse to communicate with him - perhaps over time Ilyusha will change for the better. Later, in the women's bedroom, she told the girls that she was not yet attracted to any of the other guys and that she could leave the idea with Ilya only when the situation turned out to be one hundred percent hopeless...

However, Alexandra Artemova did not keep her “vow of celibacy” for long and already on September 15 she spent a romantic evening with Nikita Laptinsky. To pleasantly surprise the girl, the guy himself prepared a sweet treat for her.

Currently, Alexandra Artemova is building a relationship with the “old-timer” of House 2, Nikita Kuznetsov. More recently, the lovers began living in a city apartment. Whether their love will be strong and lasting will be shown on the air of the program.

The stars of “Dom-2” Evgeny Kuzin and Alexandra Artemova are preparing for a new addition to the family.

23-year-old former participant in the shocking project “Dom-2” Sasha Artemova and 33-year-old Evgeny Kuzin will soon become parents.

Her lover Evgeniy reported on Alexandra’s interesting situation on his Instagram microblog.

“The heart is in us,” Kuzin succinctly captioned the photo.

Unlike her chosen one, Sasha did not say a word about her pregnancy, however, judging by the pictures on her profile, everything is clear.

Sasha Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin

Netizens actively congratulate the star couple on the future addition to the family.

“This has been clear for a long time. Judging by the fact that Sashulya wears very loose clothes and has gained a little weight. Great!”, “This is wonderful, congratulations!”, “Health to you and the baby!”, “Easy pregnancy and childbirth Sashul!”, - followers commented.

The portal site recalls that Alexandra Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin began their relationship on the scandalous reality show “Dom-2”. After some time, the lovers left the project and continued to develop their romance outside the perimeter.

It is also worth noting that Evgeny Kuzin already has a child from a previous relationship with Margarita Agibalova.

Sasha Artemova, Evgeny Kuzin and his son Mitya

Artemova quickly managed to establish friendly relations with the son of her chosen one, Mitya. In her interviews, Sasha never tires of talking about how lucky she was, because she was able to meet the ideal man. Also, the ex-participant of “Dom-2” changed her Ukrainian citizenship to Russian for the sake of her other half. Now the couple is actively developing their business.

Fans of the scandalous personality, talented violinist and part-time former participant in the Dom-2 project Alexandra Artemova are still interested in the girl’s life and biography, despite her departure from the project.

The girl was born in Orenburg on March 7, 1995 into a simple family with no income or connections in show business. Artemova’s father left his wife and two little girls (Sasha and Nastya), giving preference to another woman. Soon, Alexandra’s mother left her hometown with the children for Lugansk (Ukraine) for permanent residence, where she met a man who replaced the kids’ dad. Artemova’s stepfather turned out to be a worthy man. The man cared, raised his sisters, gave gifts, treated his wife’s children as if they were his own.

Sasha had a love for music as a child, and her parents helped in this direction by enrolling their daughter in a music school. Here young Artemova learned to play the violin and practiced vocals, receiving praise from teachers for her efforts and behavior.

Sasha participated in numerous musical events and became a laureate of collective competitions. In an interview with journalists, Alexandra admitted that during her childhood she listened to her mother’s opinion, tried to please her parents, and was considered smart and a favorite in the family. Having left her hometown, the girl broke free from her parental care and began to build a new life according to her own principles and desires.

Personal life

The dreams of the young violinist were no different from the plans of most of her peers: a prince, clothes, eternal love. In Lugansk, the pretty Sasha was courted by one guy who managed to melt the heart of an unapproachable girl, despite having an average financial status.

The couple enthusiastically planned a joint life “route”, and, without waiting for Artemova’s 18th birthday, they decided to get into a civil marriage. Alexandra’s lover was also a musician, he often disappeared on trips, and then moved to China, where he was offered to work. Love could not stand such a test. Sasha was burning with jealousy and was incredibly bored. As a result, the young people separated.

Project "Dom-2"

In 2014, a miniature participant Artemova appeared on the screens of the famous television project “Dom-2”. The path to the popularity of the now famous Alexandra turned out to be thorny and unexpected for her.

Having said goodbye to her first love, Sasha decided to radically change her life. The first thing she did was buy a ticket to the capital of Russia, where her sister Anastasia lived after graduating from university and having a successful marriage.

Alexandra Artemova in the project "Dom-2"

The scandalous project, where young people find love and popularity, interested Sasha, and the girl decided to become a participant by submitting an application. On September 13, 2014, Alexandra Artemova made her debut in a reality show on the TNT channel.

Initially, the girl showed sympathy for one of the prominent representatives of the male half of the project - Ilya Grigorenko, but did not receive mutual favor. This guy tried to build a relationship with the scandalous heroine of “Dom-2” -. Later Sasha had a conflict with her.

Alexandra was in single status for a whole month, which threatened her with elimination from the show. At one of the votes among girls, he saved Artemova by explaining his feelings. Sasha was not taken aback and admitted to the presenter that she had also been eyeing the young man for a long time. The couple had the opportunity to build a relationship here, and soon the guys were given an apartment to live together.

The “domestic” love of Alexandra and Nikita was reminiscent of Italian cinema: quarrels, reconciliations and disagreements again. When Sasha received a call from Moscow for a session, she had to leave her television lover for a while, which he took advantage of by cheating on his friend with another participant.

Artemova could not forgive the betrayal; the relationship was destroyed. The girl continued filming with difficulty, watching her ex-beau build a new love.

Soon, another person appeared on Alexandra’s “amorous” horizon - . The guy turned out to be serious towards the lonely Sasha. They began an affair, and a few months later Artemova even met Zhenya’s parents.

Alexandra Artemova now

Sasha and Evgeniy are still together. According to the latest news from Dom-2, the couple won a competition called “Wedding for a Million.” This money should be spent by the newlyweds on organizing the wedding ceremony. In the near future, the lovers are even planning to buy their own home.

The guys said that they wanted to leave the project and continue their relationship outside the cameras, which left viewers of the reality show in bewilderment. Artemova and Kuzin have a unique chance to win the main prize of the program at the final competition - a whole house. But the couple has their own plans. Potential newlyweds have already looked at an apartment to buy in one of the districts of Moscow, but according to information posted on Artemova’s personal pages on social networks (

Fans of the talented violinist and part-time former participant in the Dom-2 project, Alexandra Artyomova, are still interested in the girl’s life and biography, despite her departure from the project. On the website 24media Her detailed biography is given. Let's use this information.

So, Alexandra was born in Novotroitsk, and not in Orenburg, as stated on the website. She herself spoke about this in an interview. But that's not the point. as young people like to express themselves these days

The girl was born on March 7, 1995 in a simple family with no income or connections in show business. Artemova’s father left his wife and two little girls (Sasha and Nastya), giving preference to another woman. Soon, Alexandra’s mother left her hometown with the children for Lugansk (Ukraine) for permanent residence, where she met a man who replaced the kids’ dad. Artemova’s stepfather turned out to be a worthy man. The man cared, raised his sisters, gave gifts, treated his wife’s children as if they were his own.

Sasha had a love for music as a child, and her parents helped in this direction by enrolling their daughter in a music school. Here young Artemova learned to play the violin and practiced vocals, receiving praise from teachers for her efforts and behavior.

Sasha participated in numerous musical events and became a laureate of collective competitions. In an interview with journalists, Alexandra admitted that during her childhood she listened to her mother’s opinion, tried to please her parents, and was considered smart and a favorite in the family. Having left her hometown, the girl broke free from her parental care and began to build a new life according to her own principles and desires.


The dreams of the young violinist were no different from the plans of most of her peers: a prince, clothes, eternal love. In Lugansk, the pretty Sasha was courted by one guy who managed to melt the heart of an unapproachable girl, despite having an average financial status.

The couple enthusiastically planned a joint life “route”, and, without waiting for Artemova’s 18th birthday, they decided to get into a civil marriage. Alexandra’s lover was also a musician, he often disappeared on trips, and then moved to China, where he was offered to work. Love could not stand such a test. Sasha was burning with jealousy and was incredibly bored. As a result, the young people separated.


In 2014, a miniature participant Artemova appeared on the screens of the famous television project “Dom-2”. The path to the popularity of the now famous Alexandra turned out to be thorny and unexpected for her. Having said goodbye to her first love, Sasha decided to radically change her life. The first thing she did was buy a ticket to the capital of Russia, where her sister Anastasia lived after graduating from university and having a successful marriage.

The scandalous project, where young people find love and popularity, interested Sasha, and the girl decided to become a participant by submitting an application. On September 13, 2014, Alexandra Artemova made her debut in a reality show on the TNT channel.

Initially, the girl showed sympathy for one of the prominent representatives of the male half of the project - Ilya Grigorenko, but did not receive mutual favor. This guy tried to build a relationship with the scandalous heroine of “Dom-2” - Tatyana Kirilyuk. Later Sasha had a conflict with her.

Alexandra was in single status for a whole month, which threatened her with elimination from the show. At one of the votes among the girls, Artemova was saved by Nikita Kuznetsov, who explained his feelings. Sasha was not taken aback and admitted to the presenter that she had also been eyeing the young man for a long time. The couple had the opportunity to build a relationship here, and soon the guys were given an apartment to live together.

The “domestic” love of Alexandra and Nikita was reminiscent of Italian cinema: quarrels, reconciliations and disagreements again. When Sasha received a call from Moscow for a session, she had to leave her television lover for a while, which he took advantage of by cheating on his friend with another participant.

Artemova could not forgive the betrayal; the relationship was destroyed. The girl continued filming with difficulty, watching her ex-beau build a new love.

Soon, another person appeared on Alexandra’s “amorous” horizon - Evgeny Kuzin. The guy turned out to be serious towards the lonely Sasha. They began an affair, and a few months later Artemova even met Zhenya’s parents.


Sasha and Evgeniy are still together. According to the latest news from Dom-2, the couple won a competition called “Wedding for a Million.” This money should be spent by the newlyweds on organizing the wedding ceremony. In the near future, the lovers are even planning to buy their own home.

The guys said that they wanted to leave the project and continue their relationship outside the cameras, which left viewers of the reality show in bewilderment. Artemova and Kuzin have a unique chance to win the main prize of the program at the final competition - a whole house. But the couple has their own plans. Potential newlyweds have already looked at an apartment to buy in one of the districts of Moscow, but according to information posted on Artemova’s personal pages on social networks (Vkontakte, Instagram), the deal has been temporarily suspended due to the impressive rise in price of the selected property.

There are also rumors that Alexandra Artemova is pregnant. Recently, a girl visited a solarium and, for unknown reasons, lost consciousness there, which caused the press to think about her “interesting situation.” It is possible that the couple will return to the project, because here they have excellent prospects for receiving valuable prizes, their own home and, most importantly, a stable income.