Whitney Houston's ex-husband spoke for the first time about the last days of the singer's life. Strange love, wild life

Until the age of twenty-five, Whitney Houston did not have a single serious romance. The relationship with actor Eddie Murphy was perhaps the only attempt to decide on something more. But after a couple of months, it became clear to Whitney that passionate feelings were replaced by boredom, irritation and a great desire to quickly get rid of her “beloved.” By that time, the singer had already realized: she did not need an ideal man, she needed a man who would hold her with a tight rein and not let her take a step without his knowledge. And Houston found him. He became a hooligan and rowdy Bobby Charles Brown.

My ideal... bully
They met on tour. After the concert, Brown burst into her dressing room with a huge bouquet of flowers. "For the best voice in the world!" - he shouted and immediately went in with kisses. Confused by such impudence, the singer asked the guards to escort the obsessive fan out. However, Bobby did not look for easy ways. He came again and again, backing up his confessions with expensive jewelry. When it turned out that most of these gifts were stolen, Whitney... changed her anger to mercy and accepted the offer to have dinner at the restaurant. That evening, Bobby finally won her heart by beating a waiter who accidentally spilled soup on his companion’s dress. And even though he himself was then pretty beaten up by the restaurant security service, Bobby was pleased with himself - Whitney was touched by his “heroic” act!

Whitney couldn't be happier with her boyfriend. A bad reputation, regular binges, countless arrests for hooliganism, and finally, three illegitimate children from different women - oddly enough, this is the kind of man the singer dreamed of all her life. Of course, Bobby had his flaws, but Whitney learned to find strengths in each of them. Does he like to let his hands go? He's a man, damn it! You never know whether Bobby will come home today or not? But you won’t get bored with him! Well, what does it matter if Bobby is not famous and talented like herself? The main thing is that he is doing what he loves! And to all the advice from well-wishers, the star had one answer: “Bobby is good because he cannot have any secret vices.”

Five KICKS for love
Eight hundred guests, ten thousand roses, a three-meter train on the bride’s dress - their wedding in 1992 was called the wedding of the decade. The only thing missing was Whitney's relatives, who were categorically against this union. But she didn’t need their presence, the main thing was that she had Bobby, and she was happy with him.

Her newly-made husband persuaded her to film “The Bodyguard,” which later became her calling card. Only he managed to find the right words: “Why don’t you try? The guys will go crazy that I managed to pick up such a cool girl!”
"The Girl" really turned out to be "cool". The film grossed $400 million, the famous soundtrack I will always love you became the best-selling soundtrack in the history of cinema, and Whitney Houston became a star not only on the stage, but also in cinema.

Professional success did not have the best effect on his personal life. Even during filming, Whitney’s husband regularly staged scenes of jealousy, and when “The Bodyguard” was released, Houston’s life turned into hell. The singer got it for everything: for sex scenes with Kevin Costner, for late returns home, for huge fees, for wild fame. Houston went to the hospital more than once, coming up with new explanations for bruises, cuts, dislocations, and fractures. “We just go crazy with love. When we fight, this is also a manifestation of love. We fight for our love!” - the singer told reporters when they noticed another bruise covered with dark glasses.

The birth of his daughter Christina changed little. Whitney didn't have time to raise a child, let alone have a career. In between fights, showdowns, quarrels and “licking wounds,” Houston did not release a single new album. But the singer forgave everything, just as she forgave the fact that her husband’s beatings ended long-awaited pregnancies three times. “Bobby is a real man. He is kind and affectionate, he constantly takes care of me, with him I feel completely safe. He will give a kick to anyone who dares to touch me,” the star stubbornly insisted. However, sometimes she took off her rose-colored glasses and then realized that Bobby was ruining her life. But attempts to break up with this person led nowhere. As soon as he repented and promised that this would not happen again, she returned to him again.

Cocaine and alcohol helped Houston “cope” with her problems. In the drug and alcohol intoxication, all the troubles seemed so insignificant. True, it was impossible to work in such a state. An hour and a half delays to rehearsals began, filming was disrupted, concerts were canceled under the pretext of sudden illness, huge penalties and voice problems began. Houston could no longer normally sing more than one song, and instead of the famous five octaves, she could barely manage two. Her concerts were often saved only by backing vocals. The career was rapidly collapsing, and the family... the family collapsed even earlier.

In 2006, Whitney's patience ran out - she filed for divorce. Brown tried to appeal, demanded custody of the child, and made threats. But this time the singer decided to go to the end. She no longer believed Bobby's false promises, she no longer wanted to live in fear for herself, her daughter, her career. Now Houston is trying to rebuild his life. She returned to the stage, organized a tour, and recorded new compositions. And let evil tongues gossip that the singer has become terribly fat, and her voice sounds completely different from what it did twenty years ago, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that she found the strength to break the vicious circle and start from scratch!

48-year-old Whitney Houston died on February 11, 2012 in a room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. The singer choked to death in the bathtub due to atherosclerotic heart disease and a cocaine overdose.

It is known that in recent years before her death, Whitney repeatedly consulted doctors in an attempt to recover from drug addiction. In 2010, she canceled her world tour due to health reasons.

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For the first time, her ex-husband, 49-year-old musician Bobby Brown, decided to openly talk about the singer’s death. In an interview with Rolling Stone, the man said that Whitney did not die from drugs.

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“She tried very hard to control herself and be in a sober mind. She was undergoing treatment. Whitney was a wonderful, great woman! Yes, she used drugs, but this did not happen in the last days of her life. She worked hard to stay sober. I think the reason for her death was that she was broken spiritually. She was heartbroken,” Brown said.

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Whitney and Bobby divorced in 2007 after 15 years of marriage. The singer constantly got into trouble because of her husband's behavior. In 2003, Brown was charged with domestic violence and was jailed for assault.

The only daughter of singers Whitney Houston And Bobby Brown. Her parents were one of the most commercially successful and most scandalous couples in modern show business. It is not surprising that Christina’s name appeared in the tabloids every now and then, and her whole life was a series of noisy stories. However, no one could have thought that the “star child” would die so early: the girl was only 22 years old.

Scandalous parents

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown got married in 1992. Even then, the musician had disagreements with the law and had three children from different women. It seemed that everything would be different with Whitney, because they were perfect for each other. But, alas, they failed to create a happy large family. The famous singer had several miscarriages; Whitney became a mother only once: on March 4, 1993, she gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown.

However, with the birth of a child, the star family did not become calmer. Bobby continued to have problems with the law, including fights, drunk driving and even sexual assault. When the baby was not even 10 years old, rumors began around her star parents about their drug addiction. And in 2003, after a report that Bobby hit his wife during an argument, her father was arrested.

After a long history of scandals, adultery, drug and alcohol abuse, arrests and family problems, Houston filed for divorce. 14-year-old Christina remained to live with her mother. At first, the unfortunate father wanted to achieve division of custody of the child, but did not appear in court at the appointed time. The representative of the law had no choice but to cancel Bobby's appeal, especially since by this time he was left without a lawyer: lawyers refused to work with the scandalous musician.

Bobbi Kristina Brown and Whitney Houston, 2009. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

An apple from an apple tree...

Whitney's acquaintances unanimously insisted that Christina inherited her father's character: the girl did not get along with her mother, and in general was a difficult child. Already at the age of 14, she took a stand and refused to live with her mother. The girl moved in with a friend, wanting to become independent.

Such changes in the star family became an excellent reason for unkind articles in the tabloid press. Newspapers wrote that Whitney was a real tyrant, she beat her daughter and was never a good mother. And one of the girl’s ex-boyfriends shared information with American publications that Christina, like her mother, had problems with alcohol and drugs from a young age. The guy said that at all the parties they went to together, the girl became uncontrollable, and blamed Whitney for all the troubles, who always set a bad example for her daughter.

Brother and sister

Bobbi Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Christina was only 18 years old when her mother died. Whitney was found unconscious in a hotel room bathroom in February 2012. Immediately after the death of the popular American singer, journalists became even more interested in her daughter. Due to pressure from the press, the girl even ended up in the hospital with a mental disorder.

Christina's half-brother helped her survive the death of her loved one Nick Gordon. The young people spent almost their entire adult lives together. Whitney took Nick into her care when he was 12 years old (after his father went to prison and his mother was unable to care for the child).

However, the public was soon shocked by how the guy consoled his sister: in the photo that Christina posted on Instagram, the young people were clinging too tenderly to each other. Rumors began to be actively circulated in the world media that real passion had flared up between relatives. This turned out to be true. Christina and Nick never officially married, but they lived together and called each other husband and wife.

Both relatives and journalists condemned the lovers, calling their relationship “incestuous.” But the “newlyweds” never paid attention to the gossip of their ill-wishers - they were happy together.

Waiting to die

Christina’s fabulous life did not last long: not everything was smooth in the relationship between the “spouses”. However, the most terrible test was yet to be endured - . The girl spent several minutes under water - doctors diagnosed her with irreversible brain damage.

The daughter of a popular singer did not come out of a coma for six months. She was transported from hospital to hospital, but the doctors just shrugged their shoulders. On the night of July 27, Christina died. This didn't come as a surprise. A month ago, the girl’s relatives decided to stop treatment after the doctors admitted their powerlessness.

All this time, relatives and friends were next to Christina. Everyone except her beloved brother and husband, who was forbidden to visit the girl in the hospital.

Police have still not determined what happened on January 31. The main versions of what happened are considered an accident, a suicide attempt and attempted murder. However, Christina’s guardian is sure that on the fateful day a scandal broke out between the couple: Nick beat his wife to get the money she inherited from her mother, and while the girl was in a coma, the man stole more than $11 thousand from her bank account.

It is obvious that Christina’s name will appear in the tabloids more than once, and her close relationship with her brother-husband will be condemned again and again. But the girl won’t see this anymore. As her family said, “She finally found peace in the hands of the Lord.”

Bobbi Kristina Brown is an American famous media person (singer, actress, TV presenter, etc.), daughter of famous singers Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. In the eyes of the public, her popularity was maintained due to the fame of her parents, but this is not entirely true. The girl had an excellent soulful singing voice, moved well and looked decent as an actress.

When the girl was 14, her parents divorced. Conservatorship was awarded to Whitney Elizabeth Houston. When Whitney died (in the winter of 2012), Christina was named sole heir to her mother's estate.

Bobbi Kristina Brown died due to a serious illness on July 26, 2015. The press reports that the girl spent the last six months in a state of clinical death.


Born in 1993 in Livingston (New Jersey, United States of America). Her childhood has always been characterized in the media as difficult and unhappy. This opinion was formed on the basis that her parents were drug addicts. In addition, in addition to constant paparazzi surveillance, the girl often witnessed domestic violence.

Bobbi Kristina Brown was first introduced to the public in 1994 when her mother, Whitney Houston, won the American Music Award and walked on stage to receive the award with her daughter. In 1998, the girl sang for the first time for her mother’s song “My Love is Your Love” from the album of the same name. In Whitney Houston's next few albums, Bobbi Kristina Brown's voice can be heard in some songs.

Multi-million dollar inheritance

A month after Whitney Houston's death, Brown told one publication that she felt her mother's spirit. After this, Brown expressed her intention to continue her mother's legacy and become a world famous singer. In parallel with her singing career, the girl also appeared as an actress and dancer.

After the death of her mother, the entire inheritance was transferred to the rights of Bobby Chris Brown. The total amount of W. E. Houston's legacy was over $200 million.

Strange love, wild life

In October 2012, Brown publicly announced her intention to become Nick Gordon's wife. The surprising thing is that she chose her half-brother (the adopted son of W. E. Houston) as her chosen one. A flurry of emotions and a storm of criticism fell on Christina Brown. Despite public censure, the loving couple finally got married in early 2015.

Apparently, the death of her mother had a very strong impact on her daughter’s psyche, and she decided to take the path of strange love. In addition, the 22-year-old girl was famous for her addiction to drugs. From the outside it looked wild and incomprehensible, but since childhood Chris had not seen another life. Her mother also loved drugs, as well as smoking and drinking alcohol. By the way, Whitney Elizabeth Houston acquired these habits from her husband, who, as you know, loved to “relax” by using illegal substances, and could even raise a hand against his wife. Unfortunately, this picture was the reality of Christina Brown’s childhood, who years later repeated the “dirty” fate of her parents.

Death of Bobbi Kristina Brown

On January 31, 2015, 22-year-old Christina Brown was found unconscious in her home, lying in a full bathtub. Doctors, in an attempt to save the girl, put her into a state of artificial coma (a more precise definition is “long-term analgesia and sedation”). At the end of April of the same year, Brown opened her eyes, and many believed that she had returned to life. However, doctors dispelled hopes, arguing that an eye open for a few seconds is not evidence of recovery from a coma. Prognosis for survival was minimal.

The cause of Bobbi Kristina Brown's death is still unknown and unclear. There are several main versions, each of which is quite similar to the truth. Many believe that the girl died after suicide or was the victim of an accident. On June 27, 2015, the girl died.

In his black family, Bob was the only child, petted to such an extent that when he turned 16, he never wanted to work. His father got him a job at an auto repair shop, where he worked himself, but the guy would happily run away from work every afternoon and go get drunk with his friends. He was kicked out of work several times, but after a day or two he appeared there again thanks to his father. This continued until, in front of the auto repair shop where Bobby worked, the limousine of the nice guys from the rap team “Kris Kross” stalled.

The group was then at the height of its fame, and their leader Chris was thinking about producing. He liked the rude black guy. Of course, the plastic surgery was not so great, but the look! Oh, it was the look of a real sun of a bitch, a notorious scoundrel, a look on which one could make a name and money. He was offered to try, he agreed...

So “Brown” Bobby became a little black star in the rap sky. His first video with the eloquent title Bobby "s gonna kill you got on MTV, and Brown immediately gained fame, small, but his own. Along with it came money, not so much, but noticeable. Bobby walks right and left, not forgetting to appear in the studio every two months to record a new song. In a word, he likes this kind of life. In addition, he starred in several third-rate Hollywood films. He is a very mediocre singer and actor. he would probably have bloodied his face, nevertheless, this is so. In order to become the first, he lacked talent and will. The only asset left was his bad character, the character of an animal, the character of a beast. Oh, this character was in demand at all times. And he didn't let him down. Bobby meets Whitney...

They met on tour. Everything looked too classic for such an occasion: he burst into the dressing room with a huge bouquet of flowers. “For the best voice in the world!” – he shouted and immediately went to kiss. Beside herself with indignation, Whitney sent him away. However, he came again. She sent him again. He made a circle and came again, this time presenting a diamond ring - the money for this gift, as it turned out later, he simply stole. Men, this is how to woo, at least a woman like Whitney Houston. That evening they had dinner at a restaurant. And then Bobby distinguished himself for the first time. The waiter, who was serving the next dish, awkwardly stepped on the long tablecloth, and the hodgepodge, which was standing on the edge of the table, fell into Whitney’s lap. The waiter immediately grabbed a napkin and began brushing the salt off the woman’s dress. Brown could not stand this. He stood up and in front of everyone began to make a cutlet out of the waiter. Oddly enough, Bobby's prank pleased Whitney. And although Bobby himself was severely beaten by the guards, he completed his task - the heart of the black singer was won.