Didactic game “Who lives where? Dear parents! Game “Who works where.

Pictures of kindergarten workers are displayed in front of the children. Children name professions based on pictures.

The speech therapist puts pictures in front of the children, saying phrases corresponding to the image:

- The teacher reads.

- The speech therapist shows a picture.

- The nanny is sweeping.

- The cook is cooking.

- The doctor is treating.

- The music director plays (the piano).

The child called by the speech therapist, after listening to the phrase, selects a picture and repeats the phrase.

Game “Catch” (see p. 81)

Lesson summary

Occupation 4

Tasks: consolidating children's knowledge on the topic;

activation of the dictionary; development of breathing.

Equipment: tablespoons (according to the number of children).

Progress of the lesson

Excursion to the kindergarten kitchen

Conversation about what we saw in the kitchen

- Who works in the kitchen?

- What does a cook do?

- What does a chef need to work?

- What is the chef preparing for us?

Breathing exercise “Hot soup” (see p. 107)

Lesson summary

Class 1

Subject"SPRING. C O R A B L I K »

Tasks: draw children's attention to the cause-and-effect relationships of changes in nature; development of phrasal speech; development of general and fine motor skills.

Equipment: pictures on the topic (sun, melting snow, streams, “children launching boats”, etc.)” picture “Early Spring”.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment.

Finger gymnastics

Sunshine, sunshine, shine on. Raise your hands up.

Rays, sunshine, reach out! Spread your tense fingers to the sides.

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic

The speech therapist displays pictures in front of the children, commenting:

- The sun is warming.

- The snow is melting.

- Streams are flowing.

- Children launch boats.

Didactic game "Tell me"

The speech therapist explains to the children that winter is over and spring has come. Children finish the phrases started by the speech therapist (based on pictures):

- The sun is warming, so... (the snow is melting).

- The snow is melting and therefore... (streams are running).

- Streams are flowing, and children... (launching boats).

Game "Sparrow"

The speech therapist reads the text, and the children imitate the movements of a sparrow and repeat the house of onomatopoeia after the speech therapist:

Sparrow from a birch tree Jump onto the path! No more frost, Tick-tweet! There's a fast stream babbling in the ditch,

And your paws won’t get cold - Skok-skok-skok! The ravines will dry up - Jump-jump-jump! The bugs will come out - Chick-chirp!

Work based on the picture “Early Spring”

Children look at the picture “Early Spring” and remember the name of the season.

Class 2

Tasks: development of visual attention, perception, memory;

repetition of the names of primary colors;

practical use of the possessive pronoun “my”; development of breathing.

Equipment: boats made of colored paper, postcards (seasons).

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment

On the children's tables there are boats made of colored paper. The children stand at their places. The speech therapist gives the children instructions:

- The one with the red boat (blue, green, yellow, white) will sit.

Clarifying vocabulary on the topic

The speech therapist shows the cards to the children, naming the season depicted on each of them (autumn, winter, spring), paying attention to the signs of the named season. Postcards are laid out on the desk.

Didactic game “Choose a picture”

The speech therapist invites one of the children to choose the picture “Spring” and himself names the signs of spring depicted. Then each child answers in turn.

Breathing game “Breeze”

The speech therapist offers the task:

- The breeze blew and our ships sailed. Children blow on the boats (without puffing out their cheeks).

Didactic game “Find your boat”

The speech therapist puts all the boats on his table and lifts each of them, showing the children:

- All the ships have sailed. Let's guess whose boat this is? (- This is my boat.)

Lesson summary

Tasks: exercise in retelling using visual support;

practical mastery of the use of possessive pronouns “my”, “mine”; development of visual perception; development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: drawings by children on the topic (drawn by children with a teacher); supporting pictures (sun, snow, thawed patches, icicles, streams, boats), counting sticks.

Progress of the lesson ~

1. Organizational moment

The speech therapist has children's drawings on a spring theme. The speech therapist tells the children that he really liked their drawings and asks the children:

- Whose drawing is this? (- This is my drawing.)

2. Writing a story about spring

The speech therapist clarifies what the children drew. (-Spring.)

- Now let me draw (show) what happens in the spring.

The speech therapist draws schematically or lays out pictures in front of the children, composing a story:

- The sun is warming. The snow is melting. Thawed patches and icicles appear(the meaning of these words is explained ). Streams are flowing. Children launch boats.

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Page creation date: 2017-04-04

Gil Svetlana Alexandrovna
Kirovsk, Murmansk region

Dear parents!

The game “Who works where?”

Ask your child who works in the store. .., in kindergarten. .., in the hospital. .., at the hairdresser. .. For example: in a kindergarten there are teachers, assistant teachers, cooks, a nurse, and a manager. Make riddles: “I have a lot to do if someone gets sick. I will cure everyone, friends! Guess who I am?”, “Every day I sit in the cab, start the car engine, and drive to distant lands. Guess who I am?”, “Scissors, shampoo, comb, I’ll do everyone’s hair. I cut both adults and children's hair. Guess me quickly!”

Game "Who needs it?"

Show your child different objects (vacuum cleaner, syringe, pan, bucket). Offer to name them and tell them when they are used and for what purpose. For example: this is a ladle, the cook needs it to pour soup and compote. Or: a knife, a board, a pan - the cook needs it to prepare food.

Game "Who does what?"

Ask your child: what does a cook do? .. , doctor. .., assistant teacher. .. , driver. .., hairdresser, etc. Invite your child to show the intended action of a person in any profession, and you, in turn, try to guess. You can compete: who can name the most actions? (cook - cuts, fries, bakes, cooks, cooks, etc.)

Game "Correct the mistakes"

Encourage your child to listen, notice and correct mistakes. For example: a doctor prepares a delicious lunch, a teacher treats people, a cook gives injections. What's wrong? The child corrects and says the correct answer.

Game "Fourth wheel"

Show your child 4 pictures or draw a diagram (pan, syringe, thermometer, phonendoscope). Ask: what item would be extra? Why? The child expresses his assumption, building a logical chain: the pan is superfluous, because the cook needs it, and the doctor needs all the other items. One might ask: why?

We offer you game material to develop children's interest in people of different professions.

Survey of children on the topic: Forming interest among preschoolers in people of different professions

I. Name of profession. Who is this? The child uses the pictures to identify and name a person’s profession.

  1. teacher's assistant;
  2. nurse;
  3. cook;
  4. street cleaner;
  5. driver.

II. Labor actions. What does he do at work?

  1. teacher's assistant;
  2. nurse;
  3. cook;
  4. street cleaner;
  5. driver.

III. Objects and tools. What do you need for work?

  1. assistant teacher;
  2. nurse;
  3. to the cook;
  4. janitor;
  5. to the driver.

IV. The importance and necessity of labor. Why is this kind of work needed?

  1. teacher's assistant;
  2. nurse;
  3. cook;
  4. street cleaner;
  5. driver.

Children's knowledge levels.

High. The child knows people’s professions, names them correctly and correctly explains their purpose. The child identifies the main labor processes and correctly names the objects and tools needed for work. He does not make mistakes, is confident in his knowledge, and demonstrates it easily.

Average. The child names people’s professions and explains their purpose. Names the main labor processes, items necessary for work, but makes some mistakes. He is not always confident in his own answers and experiences certain difficulties.

Short. The child has difficulty naming people’s professions, naming labor processes and tools. He often makes mistakes and cannot explain their purpose. Refuses to answer or does not answer questions.

Dear parents!

We invite you to take part in a survey to find out what role your family plays in shaping children’s interest in people of different professions. Active participation and your sincerity will allow us to more effectively carry out our work on this topic.

Thank you for your help!

  1. Do you think it is necessary to introduce children to people’s professions? Why?
  2. Is your child interested in what you do? What questions does he ask you?
  3. How do you introduce your child to your profession?
  4. What professions does your child play at home? What actions does he take? How do you keep your child interested in this game?

DIDACTIC GAMES(To develop children's interest in people of different professions)

“Who can’t do without them”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about materials, tools, equipment needed by people of different professions.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children the object, and the children name the profession of the person who needs it. It should be borne in mind that the same items are needed by people of different professions.

“What first, what then?”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of work actions.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks to teach the doll to vacuum. Asks what needs to be done first, what next (plug into the socket, then press the button, vacuum, press the switch button, pull the plug out of the socket). Offer children other work processes.

“What does Masha want to do?”

Target: clarify children’s ideas about certain work activities; about materials, tools and equipment needed for work.

Progress of the game: The teacher addresses the children on behalf of the doll Masha:

Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap.

Submits the objects she calls to the doll.

What do you think she will do? (wash). Right. And now Masha asks to give her a saucepan, milk, sugar, salt, millet. What is she going to do? (the doll wants to cook porridge). What is the name of the porridge? (millet).

Other work activities that require appropriate items can be considered in a playful form. These objects are shown to kids; for older children, the teacher uses pictures depicting objects or simply lists these objects without showing illustrations.

"Who needs it"

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about objects and their use in labor processes. Introduce professions.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children various objects, asks them to name them and tell them when they are used and for what purpose (this is a ladle, the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote).

"Guess what I'm doing?"

Target: expand children's understanding of work activities. Develop attention.

Progress of the game: The teacher and children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes to the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:

We don’t know what you’re doing,

Let's take a look and guess.

The child imitates actions not only with movements, but also with sounds. (vacuums the floor, saws, drives a car, does laundry, cooks food). Children guess the actions.

“Who needs what for work?”

Target: teach children to use nouns in speech. h. date case (knife, board, pan, ladle - needed by the cook, etc.).

“Name the item that is missing”

Target: teach children to select objects by analogy.

The janitor - a shovel, the salesman - a cash register, the doctor - a phonendoscope, the cook - a saucepan

"Who's doing what?"

Target: teach children to select as many verbs as possible for the name of the profession.

What is the doctor doing? What is the cook doing? What is the janitor doing? What does a hairdresser do?

“Guess the profession from the description”

Target: teach children to find relevant concepts. (cook - cooks; doctor - medicine, white coat, thermometer)

“Which one, which one?”

Target: expand children's vocabulary, teach them to select words of definition for different types of professions.

What driver? - attentive, strong, focused

What kind of cook? - dexterous, neat, attentive

"Say it the other way around"

Target: teach children to select antonyms for words.

Good - benefit - buy - dirt

Enter - talk - take - mess up

Help - fix - break - early

Hard - fast

“Correct the mistakes in the sentences”

Target: train children in the use of sentences with the meaning of opposition.

The doctor prepares a delicious lunch for the guys. The cook prepares a delicious dinner, and the doctor treats people.

"I'll start, you continue"

Target: train children in using complex sentences.

A doctor treats people to...

A builder builds houses to...

A hairdresser cuts people's hair to...

"Small - Big"

Target: Exercise children in the formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

Shovel - shovel, bucket - bucket

"What comes out of what"

Target: Exercise children in forming words by analogy.

Carrot juice - carrot juice; apple jam - apple

“Name what’s extra”

Target: learn to group objects according to a certain characteristic and highlight an extra object.

Rake, shovel, cart, ladle - ? the ladle is superfluous, because the janitor needs a rake, a shovel and a cart, but he doesn’t need a ladle for his work.

Long-term plan on the topic “Formation of interest in children of the 4th year of life in people of different professions”

Type of activity:

Observations in kindergarten “It’s good in our kindergarten.”

Talk about adult work.

Looking at the illustrations “All professions are important, all professions are needed.”

Observing the work of an assistant teacher.

Conversation "Little Helpers".

Lesson "Work of an assistant teacher."

Modeling "Beautiful apron for our nanny."

Application “Towel for our nanny.”

Drawing “Ladder for Natalya Viktorovna.”

Finger gymnastics “Friends”.

Articulation gymnastics “Clock”, “Washing windows”, “Washing the ceiling”.

Didactic games: “Who will help”, “Everything is ready for the guys”, “Let’s dress the doll for a walk.”

Mimic images: portray our nanny (sad, happy).

Riddles on the topic.

Observing the work of a nurse in the medical office “Visiting Tatyana Prokopyevna.”

Observations: “The doctor examines the children,” “Tatyana Prokopyevna gives a massage.”

Conversation with the kindergarten nurse “So as not to get sick.”

Conversation “Why do children grow bumps on their foreheads”, “How the doll Masha got sick.”

Modeling “Come visit us, I’ll give you vitamins.”

Application “Bag for Aibolit”.

Plot-role-playing games: “Hospital”, “Katya the doll got sick”, “Come to us for treatment”.

Didactic game “The doll got sick.”

Reading fiction: “The Adventures of STO-Beda”, K. Chukovsky “Aibolit” A. Kardashov “Our Doctor” (excerpts), V. Berestov “Fox - Nurse”, Y. Tuvim “Letter to all children on one very important matter”, I. Drach “Doctor”, E. Moshkovskaya “Ears”, V. Berestov “Sick Doll”, P. Obraztsov “I’M TREATING A DOLL”, B. Zakhoder “The Bookbinder”, riddles on the topic.

Observation "Visiting our chefs."

Conversation "Who feeds us."

Conversation “How dad cured a sick saucepan.”

Modeling "Barankas and braids".

Application “Flowers as a gift for Olga Sergeevna - the kindergarten cook”,

"Preparations for the winter."

Drawing “Beautiful plates”, “Cup and saucer”

Didactic game “Test the taste”, “Wonderful bag”, “Vegetables - fruits”.

Exercise "Cooks".

The game is a re-enactment of “Let’s make soup from vegetables”, “We’ll learn to brew tea.”

Game "Cooks"

Reading fiction: B. Iovlev “At the Porch”, “The Cook” by V. Stepanov, riddles on the topic.

Finger gymnastics “Helpers”, “Mouse is a cook”

Articulation gymnastics “Cup”, “Let’s bake pancakes and pies”

Miraculous transformations: depict a boiling kettle; bucket with lid; broken cup.

Observation “Valery Ivanovich clears the snow.”

Lesson "The work of a janitor."

Conversations “How we cleaned our site”

"Who rises with the sun"

“Why does Valery Ivanovich have golden hands.”

Modeling "We are little helpers."

Application "Trolley - a gift for Valery Ivanovich."

Drawing “Let’s help Valery Ivanovich.”

Finger gymnastics “Rake”.

Reading fiction: G. Ladonshchikov “Helpers of Spring”, V. Shonina “Janitor Snow with a Big Shovel”, “Janitor” V. Stepanov, riddles on the topic.

Mimic images: portray a good-natured, stern, angry janitor, a guilty child.

Children’s work on the site: clear the sidewalk or area of ​​the site from snow, collect removed material.

Articulation gymnastics “Spatula”.

Monitoring the grocery machine.

Teacher's story about means of transportation. Looking at the painting “Riding on the Bus.”

Lesson "Profession - driver."

Drawing “Road for a car”, “Let’s help the driver fix the car.”

Application “The car carries food for the kindergarten.”

Construction of “Garage”, “Bridge”, “Our Street”.

Exercise “Let's build a car from sticks and geometric shapes.”

Reading fiction by A. Barto “About the car”, “The driver” by B. Zakhoder, “I am the machine” by E. Moshkovskaya, riddles on the topic.

Outdoor game “We are drivers.”

Municipal budgetpreschooleducationalestablishment

children'sgardencombined type 36" Sparkle» citiesYelabuga

Card index of didactic games.

“All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Compiled by:

MBDOU kindergarten teacher

combined type No. 36 “Sparkle”

Mardanova O.V.

Elabuga, 2015

Profession "Doctor"

Doctors are very smart and kind people, they know a lot about every disease, about every medicine. They help people who are sick.Then let's start our tour and get to know those who work at the clinic.

White robe,
studying look:
- Are there any complaints?
Come in a row!

Profession "Cook"

A star sparkles in the sky,

The mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,

Only the cook can’t sleep -

The cook gets up after dark.

The porridge gurgles lightly,

And the scrambled eggs sizzle,

And to the delicious noise and hubbub

Appetite enters the bedrooms.

We'll sit together in the dining room,

Like a huge family.

I'll be a cook in the dining room -

That's what I decided myself!

Profession "Firefighter"

Any of us can put out a fire or even a towel on fire in the kitchen. But when trouble happens - a real fire, who will help? Of course, firefighters. Only they can put out the fire quickly and correctly! Do you remember which phone number to call in case of fire? That's right, 01!

In fire and smoke
He walks in the heat
Saving people
And houses from fire!

Didactic games.

Didactic game "Flammable objects".
Target: teach children to find among dangerous objects those that very often cause a fire. Develop logical thinking. Explain why you chose these particular items. Correctly arrange the cards into two groups.
Preparation: It is necessary to select pictures depicting flammable and ordinary objects, or print the proposed ones.
1 game option: cards are divided between players, cards must be divided into two groups: flammable items and items that do not pose a fire threat.
Game option 2: The teacher lays out several cards in front of the players, among which the bulk of flammable (or, conversely, non-hazardous) items. The players' task is to find the extra item.

Didactic game “What is useful in case of fire.”

Target: teach children to find an object that can be useful to a firefighter when putting out a fire. Explain your choice. Develop logical thinking.
Preparation: It is necessary to prepare pictures depicting items that may be useful in a fire and items that are not needed in a fire, or print out the suggested ones. Prepare playing fields on which players will place cards.
1 game option: "Loto". The leader and 2 players play.
Game option 2: played by 2 players. The cards are divided equally between the players, each player chooses suitable ones from their cards (for example, those that will be useful in a fire). Cards that do not suit the player must be exchanged with the second player. You can exchange them in the following way: explain why this or that item is needed (or why it is not needed) in case of a fire.

Role-playing game “We are firefighters”

Tasks: Introduce children to fire safety rules; promote the development of prudence and caution; develop communication skills in the game, form concrete ideas about construction; cultivate a desire to help others.
Roles: firefighters, dispatcher, doctors, nurses, doctors, victims of the fire.
Game actions: the fire department receives a call about a fire, there are victims, and medical help is needed. The dispatcher reports the call to firefighters, calls the ambulance station and reports victims in the fire.
Firefighters put on special clothing (helmets, badges, etc.), go to the fire, take out the victims, take out a hose and put out the fire.
An ambulance arrives at the scene of the fire. Doctors and nurses are examining the victims, some are being taken to the hospital.

Profession "hairdresser"

Give me scissors, a comb,
He will do your hair.
Hairdresser for sure
Will give you a modern haircut.

Didactic games and exercises

Let's show the doll how a hairdresser works


    Clarify knowledge about the work of a hairdresser;

    Continue to formulate the idea of ​​​​the need to maintain a clean body and a neat appearance.

Equipment: 2 dolls, attributes for playing hairdresser.

Contents of the game.

The teacher brings a large doll, which says that it came from another kindergarten, where the children do not know how to play hairdresser. The teacher asks to help the doll, tell and show how to play this game.

The teacher clarifies with the children what items are needed, how to prepare the place for the game, and offers to explain and show the actions of the hairdresser. The scope of actions depends on the children’s corresponding ideas.

Let's make beautiful hairstyles for the dolls


    Strengthen hair care skills;

    Specify the names of the items required for this;

    Form the concept of “neat appearance.”

Equipment: dolls with hair of different lengths, hair care items.

Contents of the exercise.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the unkempt appearance of the dolls (they are without socks and shoes, their hair is not combed, etc.), asks them to tidy them up and do their hair. She clarifies what items are needed for this, draws attention to the fact that the dolls’ hair is of different lengths, so their hairstyles should be different. The teacher suggests remembering what hairstyles can be made from long and short hair and shows some techniques; The children continue to work.

Choose a bow by color


    Practice tying a bow;

    Reinforce knowledge of primary colors;

    Continue to form an idea of ​​neatness and neatness.

Equipment: dolls in dresses of different colors, bows of different colors.

Contents of the game.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that the dolls have an unkempt appearance and suggests tying bows for them, but matching them to the color of their dresses.

Profession "Teacher"

The bell rang loudly

Lesson started in class

The student and the parent know

Will teach a lesson.

(teacher) .

Didactic games

« Determine the profession by subject ».

Goal: To consolidate an understanding of the purpose and functions of objects of labor, the ability to group them by method of use.

Procedure: Children take turns taking out objects from the bag (ladle, cotton wool, coins, comb, paint, threads, syringe, etc., which are necessary for one or another professional activity. Task: for the object, name the profession in which it is used.

“Who works where? »

Target : to clarify children’s ideas about where people of different professions work, what their workplace is called.

Teacher - in kindergarten;

teacher - at school;

doctor - in a hospital, clinic, kindergarten, school;

cook - in the kitchen, dining room, restaurant, cafe... etc.

"Correct the mistake"

Target : teach children to find and correct mistakes in the actions of people of various professions.

The cook treats, and the doctor cooks.

The janitor sells, and the seller sweeps.

The teacher cuts the hair and the hairdresser checks the notebooks.

The musical director does the laundry, and the laundress sings songs with the children... etc.

“Who needs what for work? »

Target : expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objects of the surrounding world (materials, tools, equipment, etc., necessary for work by people of different professions.

The teacher - a pointer, a textbook, chalk, a blackboard...

For the cook - a saucepan, a frying pan, a knife, a vegetable cutter, an electric oven...

The driver - a car, a spare tire, gasoline, tools...

Art teacher - brushes, easel, clay, paints. etc.

Educator. One day an evil wizard mixed up the names of the streets of the city - he took and changed the signs. Residents of the city woke up in the morning and saw that instead of street names there were drawings. Residents left the house and could not find the street where their work is located. Hairdresser Olya worked on Vishneva Street. Doctor Zina worked on Sireneva Street. Policeman Kolya is on Teatralnaya Street. The bear cubs were looking for Lesnaya Street, the bunnies were looking for Morkovnaya Street, and the ducklings were looking for Rechnaya Street. Help residents find their streets and get to their place of work.

Children find the desired street on the playing field (city plan) using signs cut out of cardboard with street names (Cherry Street - "Cherry" sign, Lilac Street - "Lilac" sign, Teatralnaya Street - "Theater" sign, Lesnaya Street - "" sign Forest", Carrot Street - sign "Carrot", Rechnaya Street - sign "River").

Children place appropriate signs on the required streets: Cherry street is identified on the plan by the cherries growing on it; Lilac - along the bushes of blooming lilac; Theater - by the theater building; Lesnaya - for forest plantings; Carrot - in beds with carrots; River - along the river flowing nearby.

Having identified the streets and laid out signs on them, the children take figurines of animals and dolls and place them on the appropriate streets: the doll Olya is placed on Cherry Street; doll Zina - to Lilac; policeman Kolya - to Teatralnaya; cubs - to Lesnaya; rabbits - to Morkovnaya; ducklings - to Rechnaya.

Then the teacher can conduct a dramatization game.

Game "Let's get acquainted."

1st child.

We live in a new house,
At the pharmacy, around the corner.

2nd child.

House on Otvazhnaya Street,
Block house, multi-storey.

3rd child.

There are a hundred apartments in it or two hundred,
The lights in the entrance are shining.

4th child.

New settlers are arriving
Housewarming is celebrated.

5th child.

We want to meet you
We ring doorbells all day long:

6th child.

We are neighbors, we are waiting for a visit
The whole family, four of us!

7th child. I am Ivan.

8th child. And I am Sergei.

9th child. I am Kuzma.

10th child. And I am Andrey.

11th child.

Come visit us
We will be glad to have guests!

The teacher can conduct didactic game “What is needed for repair?”, in which he invites children to help Dunno choose everything they need to renovate their apartment - select pictures depicting the necessary items (wallpaper, glue, paints, boards).

Then you can go to excursion to an area of ​​new buildings, to a furniture store, to a store that sells wallpaper (or ask parents to take their children to such places). During the excursion, observe the operation of the crane, the state of the construction site, and speculate about what has already been built, what needs to be completed, what could happen as a result, and for whom the object is being built. In a furniture store, you can show children samples of furniture, ask around what this or that furniture is for, and how to choose it correctly.

To create a more complete picture of the residents moving into a new house, the teacher can supplement the children’s impressions with a story he has invented, which he can tell after the excursion.

A selection of didactic games for preschoolers 5-7 years old to consolidate knowledge on the topic “Professions”

Description: I use this set of tasks in classes with preschoolers aged 5-7 years (with mental retardation) to consolidate and enrich knowledge on the topic “Professions”. A selection of games and exercises will contribute to the development of active and passive vocabulary, the formation of counting concepts, and will help develop thinking and attention. The material may be useful to educators, speech therapists, speech pathologists, and parents
- to activate, consolidate and generalize students’ knowledge on the topic “Professions”
- promote the development of coherent speech
-develop auditory attention, ability to answer questions
- to cultivate patience, diligence, accuracy in work, the ability to complete the work started.

Game number 1. “Name it correctly”
Target: consolidation and enrichment of knowledge on the topic “Professions”, development of active and passive vocabulary, development of auditory attention
This game can be used both at the stage of acquaintance with new professions for children, and to consolidate and generalize knowledge. For work we use these cards (we laminate, cut, select occupations that are suitable for the topic - the pictures were found by me on the foreign Internet and some professions may not be so popular in our country - for example, private detective, rescuer). Here is a list of all professions that can be used in classes with children 5-7 years old
1-cook, 2-traffic controller, 3-trainer, 4-dentist, 5-astronaut, 6-builder, 7-farmer, 8-janitor, 9-doctor, 10-private detective, detective, 11-firefighter, 12-gardener ,13-painter,14-nurse,15-military,16-librarian,17-postman,18-rescue worker,19-teacher,20-garbage collector,21-journalist,22-mechanic,23-policeman,24-veterinarian

Task options: One by one, we show the students the cards and ask who is this? What does he do? (for example, this is a cook, he prepares food, this is a fireman, he puts out a fire, etc.)
You can also choose riddles based on the topic. We put 3 or 4 cards on the desk, ask the children to listen carefully to the riddle and find a suitable picture with the answer
Game number 2. “What you need for work”
Target: development of active and passive vocabulary, development of thinking, attention
We also use this game at the stage of consolidating knowledge about professions.
Progress of the game: We put 2 cards with windows and 12 suitable pictures mixed on the desk. We ask the children to put pictures in the appropriate boxes and tell why this item is needed for work.

Children of primary preschool age can be given another game task (it is very convenient to work in pairs) - we distribute roles: for example, Vasya will be a fireman, and Petya will be a policeman. Find all the items that will be useful to you in your work. When all the pictures are collected, ask the children to tell about their profession. For example, in my picture there is a fireman, he puts out a fire, which means he needs a fire extinguisher and a hose, a fire truck and special boots, etc.

Game number 3. “Count, name and color”
Equipment: printout with the task, colored pencils, felt-tip pens
Target: consolidation of the names of various professions in speech, development of counting skills, development of imagination
Progress of the game: We show the children a sheet of tasks, ask them to count how many people of different professions are in the picture, and write the appropriate numbers in order in the boxes. We remember and pronounce the names of all professions, ask you to color the pictures

Game number 4. “Bingo”
Equipment: individual cards for the game, a set of cards for the teacher, a set of numbers 1-9 for each player
Target: development of attention, consolidation of graphic images of numbers 1-9

Progress of the game: Preschoolers are very fond of various competitions, and to consolidate knowledge on the topic of professions, you can arrange a comic competition like this. We distribute individual cards with drawings of professions and numbers to students. The teacher has a set of similar pictures with professions, but without numbers. We explain to the children the conditions of the game: I will show you these big pictures one by one, and you must name the profession correctly and hide the same small picture under a suitable number. The winner is the one who hides all the little people under the numbers the fastest.
Next, we show pictures of professions one by one, in random order, taking pauses between rounds so that everyone has time to find the appropriate number.

The “catch” of this game is that on the cards the children have the same sets of pictures under different numbers, which means that all the little people will be hidden at the same time - so that friendship wins the competition))
Game number 5. “Help the postman”
Target: development of attention, consolidation of counting skills and graphic images of numbers within 12
Equipment: printouts with the task, felt-tip pen or pencil
Progress of the game: We ask the children to help and guide the postman (mechanic, teacher) along the path of numbers from 1 to 12

Game number 6. “True or false”
Target: development of attention, development of thinking, consolidation of knowledge about various professions
Equipment: a set of pictures of people of various professions, a red and green card for each player

Progress of the game: We distribute red and green cards to the children, announce the conditions of the game - Now I will show you pictures and name the profession of this person. If I call correctly, you must show me the green card. If I call incorrectly, I'm deceiving you - you show me a red card.
Next, we show the cards one by one, alternate correct and incorrect judgments, ask the children to correct your mistakes, for example - Is this a cook? (we show a picture with a policeman, the children correct - no, this is a policeman)