How to cook strawberry jam correctly. Strawberry jam with whole berries: recipes

It would seem that there is nothing easier than making strawberry jam. Pour in the berries, mix with sugar and cook for your health. But strawberries are a delicate and capricious berry. If cooked incorrectly, your jam may become porridge-like or “ferment.” Let's first look at some of the subtleties of the process.

How to make strawberry jam correctly.

First you need to select the right berries. They should be of medium size and, if possible, of equal ripeness, without damage. We discard overripe ones.

Place the strawberries in a colander and rinse under cold water several times. Then lay it out in one layer on a towel to dry. If you leave the berries in a colander to drain the water, the lower berries will become watery and wrinkled, we don’t need this. Now you can remove the sepals.

Now about the posada. For cooking we need an enamel basin or pan and a wooden one! stirring spatula. I prepare jars like this, wash them with laundry soap, rinse them well and sterilize them in the microwave. For liter and half liter bottles, 2.5 minutes is enough.

Now everything is ready, now on to the recipes.

Strawberry jam for the winter.

The first recipe is the simplest.

Ingredients: 1 kg strawberries and 1,200 kg sugar.

Place a layer of berries on the bottom of the pan, then a layer of sugar, then again a layer of berries, and again a layer of sugar. Close and place in a cool place for several hours so that the strawberries release juice.

Then put the pan on low heat and cook until tender, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. Let the jam cool and pour into jars, then the berries will not be on top, but evenly distributed in the syrup.

Recipe two, berry after berry.

Ingredients: 1 kg of berries and 1 kg of sugar.

Place the berries in a bowl or pan, add sugar and leave for 5 hours to get juice. Then put on low heat and, stirring thoroughly, bring to a boil. Skim off the foam and remove the pan from the heat. Let it cool for 10 hours.

After complete cooling, repeat the process, bring to a boil, remove the foam, and cool. This needs to be repeated 3 times. It doesn’t matter that it takes a long time, but the berries in the jam turn out strong and not soggy.

Recipe three. The jam is five minutes long and retains all the vitamins.

Ingredients: 2 kg of berries, 3 kg of sugar and 3 glasses of water.

First we cook the syrup, it is better to use a saucepan, then it is more convenient to wrap it up. Bring the syrup to a boil, remove the foam and add the berries. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring while being careful not to damage the berries.

Then you need to immediately wrap the pan in something warm and leave it to cool slowly. Place the cooled jam into prepared jars and close with nylon lids.

In fact, every housewife knows how to make strawberry jam, but each has her own favorite recipe. Try mine, you might like it.

Please look at another recipe.

Remove the spoiled one. If you want to make jam with whole berries, choose beautiful, dense and not overripe fruits. Not too beautiful, bruised berries are suitable for jam with a uniform consistency.

  • You need to wash strawberries very carefully, as they can become wrinkled and become too soft. Some advise not to wash at all, but simply wipe each berry with a damp towel. If the strawberries are too dirty, place them in a container of water and periodically stir them gently with your hands. After 15–20 minutes, sand and dirt will settle to the bottom. After washing, transfer the strawberries to a paper towel to dry.
  • The stalks should be removed only from dry and clean berries. Otherwise, the strawberries will lose some of their juice, and the jam will not be so juicy and tasty.
  • To diversify the taste of the jam, you can add spices to it, such as cinnamon, vanilla or cardamom, as well as aromatic herbs, such as mint or. You can add them at the end or at the beginning of cooking. In the second case, the aroma of spices and herbs will be more pronounced.
  • Prepare jam in stainless steel or copper containers. An enamel container is also suitable, but provided that there are no chips on it. You can use aluminum cookware, but only if the jam is cooked in one step and immediately transferred to another container. If it is cooked in several batches and cools in the same container in which it was cooked, aluminum will not work. It can oxidize and ruin the taste of the jam.
  • Skim off the foam during cooking. If you leave it, the finished jam will be stored less. In addition, without foam it will turn out more transparent, tasty and aromatic.
  • 8 strawberry jam recipes


    The jam is called that because after boiling it really only cooks for five minutes, but in several batches. The syrup turns out liquid, and the berries remain whole and beautiful.


    • 1 kg strawberries;
    • 1 kg sugar.


    Place half the strawberries in a saucepan and add half the sugar. Top with the remaining strawberries and sprinkle with the remaining sugar. Leave for 4-5 hours at room temperature so that the berries release juice.

    Place the pan over low heat and bring to a boil. During cooking, the strawberries will release even more juice. Cook the jam for another 5 minutes, then remove from the heat and leave to cool completely. Then bring it to a boil again, boil for 5 minutes and cool. After this, repeat cooking again.

    According to the traditional recipe, five-minute jam needs to be cooked three times. But you can do this a few more times if you want the syrup to become thicker.

    This jam is prepared in one step. In the process, the berries boil and become darker, and the dessert itself turns out more homogeneous.


    • 1 kg strawberries;
    • 1 kg sugar.


    Sprinkle the strawberries with sugar and place over low heat. After about 15 minutes, the berries will release juice. Cook the jam for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally. When hot, the jam will be runny, but after cooling it will thicken.

    This dessert turns out incredibly aromatic, and the sweet banana taste sets off the light strawberry sourness.


    • 500 g strawberries;
    • 3 bananas;
    • 100 ml water;
    • 300 g sugar.


    Cut the strawberries into quarters and into circles. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. Then cook for about 5 minutes until the sugar dissolves.

    Remove the sweet syrup from the heat and stir in the bananas and strawberries. Stir gently and leave to cool. After this, bring the jam to a boil over moderate heat, boil for 5 minutes and cool again.

    Repeat cooking 3-5 more times, depending on the desired thickness of the jam. The more you cook, the thicker the syrup becomes.

    Sweet, but not cloying jam with a spicy taste.


    • 800 g strawberries;
    • 400 g sugar;
    • 2 oranges.


    The berries can be left whole or cut into quarters. Place them in a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat.

    The jam turns out very tasty, and the five-minute cooking method keeps the berries intact.


    • 800 g cherries;
    • 1 kg strawberries;
    • 500 g sugar.


    Remove the pits from the cherries. Place the strawberries and cherries in a saucepan and add sugar. Bring to a boil over moderate heat, simmer for 5 minutes and cool slightly. Then repeat cooking in the same way twice more.

    Apricot and strawberry complement each other well. To prevent apricots from losing their shape, choose fruits with dense pulp.


    • 500 g strawberries;
    • 500 g apricots;
    • 300 ml water;
    • 1 kg sugar.


    Peel the apricots and cut into quarters. Add whole strawberries to them. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. Then cook for a few more minutes until the sugar dissolves.

    Pour the resulting syrup over the apricots and strawberries and leave for several hours. Then bring the jam to a boil over medium heat and cook for 15 minutes.

    This method will save you time and effort, since you do not have to adjust the temperature, as is done when cooking on the stove. Simply put all the ingredients in the slow cooker. The taste of the jam will not differ from the classic one.


    • 1 kg strawberries;
    • 1 kg sugar.


    Strawberries can be left whole or cut into quarters. Place it in a multicooker bowl and cover with sugar. You can mash the berries a little with a masher if you want the jam to be more homogeneous. Set the “Stew” mode and cook with the lid open for 1 hour.

    This jam is called raw. You can eat it immediately or in plastic bags and enjoy almost fresh strawberries in winter.


    • 1 kg strawberries;
    • 700–800 g sugar.


    Add sugar to the berries and mash them with a masher. You can also use a blender for this. It is better not to puree the berries, but leave small pieces. This will make the jam look more interesting. Leave it for several hours until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Fragrant strawberries ripen first among garden berries. It has a delicious taste and unique aroma. Strawberries are good both fresh and in the form of all kinds of desserts, fillings for pies, and pies. And what amazing juices, jams, marmalades and preserves are made from this delicate berry!
    In this recipe we will tell you how to make strawberry jam. It should be noted that in jam prepared in this way, the berries retain their color and wonderful aroma.
    The season for making strawberry jam is the end of May - June.

    Taste Info Jam and marmalade


    • strawberries – 1 kg;
    • granulated sugar – 1.2 kg;
    • citric acid – 1 g;
    • water – 1 glass.

    How to make delicious strawberry jam

    Sort strawberries by size. Place crumpled, rotten, damaged, overripe and unripe berries aside or throw away. Good quality jam is made from intensely colored and small-fruited berries.
    Pour the sorted berries into a colander and wash thoroughly under running cold water to remove dust and soil. Let the water drain.

    Remove the sepals from the strawberries.
    Place the berries in an enamel pan or an enameled (copper) low wide-bottomed basin.

    Boil sugar syrup in a saucepan: add sugar to water and boil over low heat, remembering to stir, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Pour hot syrup, the temperature of which is 75-80°C, into a bowl with the berries and mix gently.

    Soak the strawberries drenched in syrup for 3-4 hours.

    Next, prepare strawberry jam in 3 stages.
    The first cooking lasts 15 minutes after boiling. Boil strawberry jam over low heat. When cooking in a basin, be sure to ensure that the fire does not heat the walls of the basin. Otherwise, sugar may burn, which will reduce the taste and color of the jam. During the cooking process, foam appears on the surface, which must be carefully collected with a spoon.

    After 2 hours, re-boil the strawberry jam for 15 minutes.

    Then stand for another 2 hours, then cook until done. Before the last cooking, do not forget to add citric acid.
    The readiness of jam can be very easily determined by the following signs:
    1. a drop of syrup, poured onto a porcelain plate and completely cooled, should not spread;
    2. in the finished jam, the berries do not float to the surface, but are evenly distributed in the syrup;
    3. Strawberries should become transparent.
    Immediately pour the finished jam while hot into heated dry jars (pre-pasteurized), cover with lids washed in a baking soda solution and sterilized and seal. Be sure to check the quality of the closure by turning the jars over onto their lids and leaving them in this state until completely cooled.
    There is a second way to pack jam. Pour hot jam into dry, heated jars, immediately cover with lids and seal loosely.
    Carefully place jars of strawberry jam in a saucepan with water preheated to 70°C and pasteurize at a water temperature of 90°C: 1 liter jars - 15 minutes, and 0.5 liter jars - at least 10 minutes.
    When pasteurizing, cover the pan with a lid. Be sure to make sure that the water level in it is approximately 3 cm below the top of the necks of the jars. After this, finally seal the jars with strawberry jam and check the quality of the sealing by turning them upside down (as indicated in the first method). Cool the strawberry jam naturally and turn the jars over.
    Strawberry jam is ready, bon appetit!

    Advice. In the same way, you can prepare incredibly tasty fragrant jam from garden or forest strawberries.

    Fragrant strawberry jam is rightfully considered one of the most popular homemade preparations among young and adult sweet tooths.

    A red, appetizing berry, strawberries boast a huge number of fans of all age categories. Almost all of our compatriots are looking forward to the end of spring - the beginning of summer, when the strawberry season begins and there will be an opportunity to thoroughly enjoy juicy ripe strawberries. But the ripening season of this berry is very short, so its admirers try to have time to prepare strawberries for future use. The best option, which most housewives use, is to make strawberry jam. The recipe for this dish will allow you to learn how to cook this healthy delicacy and, without making much effort, provide your household with an excellent berry dessert for the winter.

    Some believe that the taste of the berry, if boiled with sugar, acquires even more advantages and is significantly superior to fresh strawberries.

    Those with a sweet tooth are recommended to try making jam from sour varieties of strawberries, which during the cooking process are saturated with sugar and turn into an unsurpassed aromatic delicacy. Small berries, especially wild berries, are certainly good in their pure form. However, if you need to preserve a large amount of strawberries for a long time, making jam will be a wonderful solution to this issue.

    7 strawberry jam recipes

    Recipe 1. Strawberry jam Pyatiminutka

    Ingredients: 960 g strawberries, 460 g sugar.

    Wash the strawberries, separate the stems, and rinse again. Dry on a paper towel to remove moisture. Transfer the clean berries to an enamel coated cooking container. Add sugar. Keep in the cold for about 5 hours until the strawberries release their juice. Place the container on the fire. Heat slowly until boiling. Remove the formed foam. Boil for about 5 minutes. Pour jam into pre-sterilized and dried jars. We seal it hermetically.

    Recipe 2. Wild strawberry jam

    Ingredients: 1100 g wild strawberries, 1 g citric acid, 830 g sugar, 110 ml water.

    We sort through the wild strawberries, clearing them of debris and, if desired, sepals. The latter do not need to be removed, but it is necessary to very carefully wash the sand from under the leaves. Wash the sorted berries under running cool water. In a large enamel container, mix sugar, citric acid, and water. Heat until a clear syrup is obtained. We transfer the prepared wild strawberries into it. Let it sit until it boils, then remove the resulting foam. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring. Remove the container with strawberries in sugar syrup from the heat. Set aside, uncovered, for 10 hours. Then heat and simmer for about 25 minutes with regular stirring. We pack the finished jam into sterilized containers. We seal it hermetically.

    Recipe 3. Strawberry jam with cherries

    Ingredients: 650 g cherries, 970 g sugar, 550 g small strawberries, 2 g citric acid.

    Wash the berries well. Separate the sepals from the strawberries. We peel the cherries from pits with a special device or with a safety pin. Place the berries in layers in an enamel pan, sprinkling them with sugar. Set aside the container for 12 hours to release the berry juice. Warm up slowly, skimming off the foam and stirring as you go. Cook after boiling for about 5 minutes. Afterwards we leave it for about 5 hours without heating. Then we repeat the procedure of boiling the berries for 6 minutes with constant stirring. Remove from heat and leave again for 5.5 hours. We carry out the third stage of cooking until thickened - 15-20 minutes. Then add citric acid and boil slowly for 5 minutes. Let the jam cool and pour into sterile jars. We cork it.

    Recipe 4. Frozen strawberry jam

    Ingredients: 1100 g frozen strawberries, 760 g sugar, 55 g lemon.

    Place frozen strawberries in a deep container. Let stand for about half an hour. Add sugar. Mix carefully without damaging the berries. In a cool place, leave the strawberries in sugar overnight so that the berries defrost and release their juice. Transfer the contents of the container to a copper basin or enamel pan. Heat up slowly. Squeeze lemon juice onto strawberries. Boil the berries for 25 minutes over low heat, stirring very gently from time to time. Then leave the strawberry jam to brew for half an hour without heating. Cook for another half hour until done. At the end of cooking, check the thickness by dropping strawberry jam onto a flat plate. If the drop retains its shape, pack it in a sterile container. Cover with polyethylene lids. Store refrigerated or seal airtight for long-term storage.

    Recipe 5. Strawberry and raspberry jam

    Ingredients: 550 g strawberries, 550 g raspberries, 1100 g sugar, 450 ml water.

    We sort through the berries, removing the stems in the process. Carefully and carefully, so as not to damage the delicate raspberries and strawberries, wash under running water. Place on paper napkins, where we leave the berries until the water drains from their surface. Place the berries in parts in an enamel-coated pan, sprinkling them with sugar. Let them stand for 15 minutes, then fill them with cool water. We heat it up. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes, removing the foam. Cool. After cooling, spread into pre-sterilized jars and store in the cold, covered with plastic lids.

    Recipe 6. Strawberry jam in French

    Ingredients: 940 g large strawberries, 680 g sugar, 110 g lemon.

    We remove the sepals from the strawberries and wash them. Place in a wide, deep container, for example, in an enamel basin, preferably in one layer. Sprinkle sugar on top. We stand for 12 hours. Rinse the lemon. Squeeze lemon juice into the resulting strawberry syrup. Bring the mixture to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, reducing heat. Then cool the contents of the container to 50 degrees. Pour the syrup into a separate pan, cook it for 40 minutes, removing the foam. Transfer the berries to the thickened syrup and boil for about 5 minutes. Pour into small sterile containers. Roll up or cover with polyethylene lids. Store in the cold.

    Recipe 7. Strawberry jam with vanilla and rhubarb

    Ingredients: 1050 g large strawberries, 450 g rhubarb, 90 ml water, 500 g gelling sugar (2:1), ½ vanilla pod.

    We remove the stems from the strawberries and wash them. Cut each berry into quarters. Pour water into a thick-bottomed pan and place strawberries. Add gelling sugar. Stir carefully. Let stand for 3 hours. Cleaning the rhubarb. Chop finely. Cook the rhubarb in a small amount of boiling water for 6 minutes. Then take it out, cool it slightly and transfer it to the candied strawberries. Heat the mass to 50 degrees, turn it into a puree with a blender. Add vanilla, heat to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook over high heat for 4 minutes, stirring. Take out the vanilla. We pack the jam in clean, sterile jars. We cork it. Turn it upside down and keep it in this position until it cools.

    To make the right strawberry jam, it is best to choose fresh berries of the same size. Before cooking, strawberries should not be stored for long, even in the refrigerator. It is better to immediately cover the berries with sugar so that all the strawberry juice remains in the jam. If there is a large difference in the size of the strawberries, cut large berries in half. The usual ratio between the strawberry part and sugar is 100 g of berries to 60-110 g of sugar, and the more sour the strawberry variety, the more sugar should be used. For variety, various natural additives or additional ingredients are used. The most common combination of strawberries and lemon is a simple recipe that is very popular among modern housewives.

    Strawberry jam preserves all the flavor notes, aroma and beneficial substances of these delicate berries. Strawberries are a well-known record holder for the content of folic acid, antioxidants, vitamins, and organic acids. It is good for the eyes, brain and digestive system. Thanks to its delicate texture, making strawberry jam is absolutely not troublesome and does not require much time. A ready-made dessert made from aromatic berries will become a real highlight of homemade preparations.