How to lose excess weight at home quickly, without dieting.

Today we will talk about what helps you lose weight.

Among people who dream of a slim figure, there are a large number of theorists who know by heart the calorie content of dozens or even hundreds of foods, including some exotic oysters :), glycemic index tables, who are well versed in the advantages and disadvantages of almost all known diets, but so and those who have not achieved their goal - slimness.

These people are united by a constant desire to accumulate knowledge about the problem of excess weight, buying magazines and books, reading dozens of newsletters on the Internet in search of what helps to lose weight.

There is nothing bad in the pursuit of knowledge; it is bad when real actions for weight loss are replaced by constant collection and accumulation of information, endless waiting for the most opportune moment to finally start losing weight.

The trouble is that many will never start doing anything, continuing to wait... Unfortunately, our life is not a draft, you cannot rewrite it again, no matter how much you would like it. Maybe it makes sense to start acting right now?

In this article, I will talk about what actions helped me personally achieve my goal of losing 22 kilograms of fat.

I do not plan to prove or justify their correctness. I have written enough about the choice of products. The purpose of this article is to show you what helped me personally lose weight and, I have no doubt, will help you lose weight

So, my assistants...

What helps you lose weight? Personal experience

I am deeply convinced that the basis of any changes and results in life are our actions.

This graph was very important to my result:

  • First, I materialized my desire to lose weight
  • Secondly, I clearly saw my results
  • Thirdly, I logged my result every day, which turned into a certain morning ritual.

This helped me stick to the program. Sometimes, when I really wanted fried pies with potatoes and had no strength to walk past the kiosk where they were sold, I remembered my schedule.

The desire to put another point in it tomorrow at a level lower than yesterday was very helpful and sobering :). In the evenings I liked to look at my schedule, I tried to imagine what I would look like and how I would feel when I finally reached the desired point. It lifted my spirits and gave me strength and confidence for the whole next day.

To this day, I keep a weight chart, although now I use a computer program for this.


During my weight loss, I ate small meals.

Now it has already turned into a good habit and I can’t do it any other way, and most importantly, I don’t want to. At first, split meals caused a little discomfort; I didn’t have the necessary skill, and besides, I could only eat at home twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

The rest of the time I was at work. As you know, split meals involve meals at intervals of no more than 4 hours; there should be at least 5 of them per day. That is, I needed to eat properly at least 3 times while away from home.

Food in cafes and canteens was not suitable, it was necessary to control calorie content, and doing this if the food was not prepared by you is very difficult at first. There was only one way out - take food with you.

By the way, this problem (eating out) is relevant for many. I often receive questions about what to do if you are away from home most of the time. I will share my experience, perhaps it will be useful to you.

After a long search, I found the optimal solution for me: disposable food containers.

Compared to regular plastic containers, disposable ones have one undeniable advantage - they do not need to be washed and taken back home. For me, this is just a godsend, I ate it, threw it away, forgot about it :).

In addition, thanks to their use, it is very convenient to dose food. I use two types of containers: 250 and 500 grams. 250 grams is just enough food for me to satisfy my hunger for the next 3-4 hours, and large 500 gram containers are great for vegetables and fruits. Over time, my body got used to the volume of food of 250 - 300 grams, no more is needed.

Of course, it wasn’t always possible to prepare something and take it with you.

In such situations, breads helped perfectly - there are a huge variety of them now: oatmeal, rye, whole grain, wheat.

They are low-calorie, rich in fiber, satiate well and are a great help in situations when you need a quick snack in the office or on the road. Crispbread goes well with green tea, apples, oranges, tomatoes, cottage cheese, and with a little imagination you can always build a tasty and healthy sandwich based on them.

Another lifesaver is functional food products produced by the Russian company Art Life.

I really like this company's soups and cereals. You can always choose something suitable for yourself from their large assortment. To prepare porridge or soup, just pour the contents of one package with 200 grams of hot water and in a few minutes you will have a tasty and satisfying snack with a minimum of calories.

These products are prepared exclusively from natural ingredients and are additionally enriched with vitamins, minerals, and plant-derived antioxidants. In general, they are great for helping you lose weight, unlike soups like Magi or Knor, which cannot be eaten under any circumstances.

Exercise is very important for weight loss. Many people have problems with this, and I had them too. To be honest, I am a completely unsportsmanlike person. All my attempts to start going to the gym invariably ended in complete failure :).

The great news is that in order to lose weight there is no need to exhaust yourself in the gym; not only will this most likely not help, but it can also harm.

Modern research in this area shows that light tonic loads are needed to lose weight. The best solution is to walk at a pace slightly higher than usual.

At the very beginning of losing weight, I tried to walk at least 2 kilometers a day. In order to get into this mode painlessly and not waste additional time on it, I left two stops earlier in the morning and walked to the office, and did the same in the evening when returning home. So I reached the required rate of 2000 steps per day.

Then I got this wonderful simulator.

This is an ellipsoid. For me he became a real find. This simulator creates the load necessary to maintain weight, uses a large number of muscles, and most importantly, does not injure the joints during the training process.

To prevent the exercise machine from turning into a convenient clothes hanger, I did not hide it on the balcony or in the bedroom. I placed it in the living room, where I spend most of my free time. Such a silent reproach and a constant call to action :).

I really like working out on this simulator; you don’t have to go or travel anywhere, and you can always find 15 minutes a day for a toning workout.

What helps you lose weight? To be continued…

“What helps you lose weight” Friends, I planned to fully address this question in this article, but I see that it’s not working. There is still a lot to talk about, so look forward to the continuation in the near future.

Now let's summarize. As you can see, lose weight The simplest things and small everyday tricks help.

You surround yourself with small, comfortable things that make weight loss easier, and perform simple actions that demonstrate and confirm your desire to lose weight. All this gradually becomes part of your life, becomes a habit and, thus, forces you to act in the right direction day after day without much stress.

Friends, as always, I will be glad to see your questions and comments. If you liked the article, share the link to it with your friends on social networks.

To lose weight quickly, you need to move as much as possible. It is best to visit the gym regularly, since the trainer will try to give the optimal load, then the process will go much faster. There is another option - certain exercises for half an hour every day, but often a person is lazy. For this reason, great results cannot be achieved.

You can quickly lose weight with cardio. So, for example, if you run for an hour every day, the extra pounds will melt away. You can lose weight well in a month, but only if you do regular morning jogging. You can purchase a special track, but as practice shows, running in the fresh air burns calories much more efficiently.


A balanced diet will help you lose weight quickly. It is important to review it for the presence of harmful products. Hamburgers, soda, sweets, flour, and fatty foods are prohibited. The diet should consist only of healthy foods. So, the plate should be replete with vegetables. As a result, the food will become low-calorie and very healthy. Due to this, the process will speed up.

Of course, it’s quite difficult to live on fruits and vegetables alone, but you can add boiled meat and cereals to your diet. The body spends more energy on digesting them than they provide. As a result, a person eats and loses weight at the same time. In addition, you should drink more water, since the body often wants to drink, but the person receives signals not of thirst, but of hunger. As a result, he begins to snack and gain excess weight. If you want something sweet or starchy, you need to eat a few nuts or dried fruits. Thus, the body will feel full, and these products will not bring extra calories; on the contrary, consuming them will only produce.


If you need to quickly lose a few kilograms, then you should go on a diet. However, it is necessary to choose one that does not involve fasting. After all, this method of losing weight is fraught with gaining even more kilograms. The so-called mono-diets give good results. Thanks to them, you can lose up to 7 kilograms in a week. This result will please many. However, in order not to gain weight again, you need to eat right in the future. For breakfast you can afford almost anything, lunch should be more modest, and for dinner it is better to eat a vegetable or fruit salad. This will prevent you from gaining weight again.

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Obese people lose weight much faster than thin people. But the problem with overweight people is that they are often embarrassed by their physique and because of this they refuse to go to the gym. In this case, you can start with walking, combined with a diet menu.

Start the process with a low-carb diet. Moreover, carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning, and there are vegetables and proteins. Take coffee or a glass of caffeinated water immediately. After half an hour, go for a walk, which is preferably done at a brisk pace, lasting 1 hour.

After the walk, you need to take a 2-hour break during which you should not eat. Then you need to have breakfast with a slice of grain bread and 2 eggs. Another hour to eat an apple. Next (after 1 hour) add chicken (boiled and without skin) and vegetable salad with 1-2 tbsp to the diet. linseed oil. These 2 dishes can be eaten in any quantity all day long. You should stop eating 2 hours before your evening walk; you can start eating only 2 hours after the end of the walk. In the evening, you can add egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese, and kefir to your diet.

This diet should be followed for 6 days. The seventh day is a fasting day, you can eat whatever you want: candy, ice cream, cookies, etc.

Bread should be excluded. For the third week, eat the same as in the first, i.e. with the addition of bread. And from the fourth and fifth weeks, the best thing is a fasting day, bread, yolks. After the end of week 5, you need to arrange a fasting day.

The basic principles of this diet are split meals, the break between meals should not exceed more than 3 hours. You should definitely change your diet every 2 weeks and have 1 fasting day every 14 days, take walks twice a day and don’t forget about healthy sleep.

To lose weight and get the figure of your dreams, you don’t have to rush headlong to the gym or lock the refrigerator with a barn lock. The path to slimness lies on the border between moderate physical activity, a thoughtful approach to diet and changes in normal lifestyle. You just have to put these components together correctly and the hated kilograms will go away forever.

Diet is perhaps the first thing that comes to mind for those who want to quickly lose excess weight. Why radically change your daily diet for the sake of your waistline, if you can sit on buckwheat porridge and grapefruits for a couple of weeks. The temptation is great, but losing excess weight quickly can only be achieved by making reasonable changes to your daily diet. In other words, the diet will end, and after weeks of gastronomic deprivation, the excess weight will inevitably return. This is due to the fact that high-calorie foods - flour, fatty foods and spices - are returning to the diet. Hence the conclusion - it is not diets that will allow you to lose weight, but changing your diet.

First of all, you need to fill your diet with the following products:

  • lean meat;

  • citrus.

The logic of action is as follows. Meat and onions are foods that require more calories to digest than they contain. Of course, this rule does not apply to fatty pork and lamb. To avoid stomach problems, onions should be eaten mainly boiled. Onion soup with the addition of potatoes, carrots and a large amount of sautéed onions is very effective.

In turn, citrus fruits rich in vitamin C stimulate the burning of excess fat due to the effect of removing moisture.

The most reliable way to lose weight is to eliminate everything harmful from your diet and look for a reasonable alternative.

So, instead of the usual sweets - sweets, pastries and cakes, you should switch to honey-based desserts. This product allows you to normalize your blood sugar levels and, as a result, reduce weight.

It is better to avoid coffee and tea in favor of purified drinking water. And you can pamper yourself with cocoa. If you drink a glass of this aromatic drink an hour before meals, you will eat much less during the meal. This is because cocoa helps to quickly saturate the body.

Video on the topic

Gaining extra weight is not at all difficult, but then losing weight with calories and actively losing weight is another problem. But life is in full swing: family, children, work, everyday life, and sometimes there really isn’t enough time to go to the gym and lose weight, but you don’t want to be awkward at all. Then women start thinking about how to lose weight at home and engage in active weight loss? Fat deposits negatively affect the appearance of its owner. The figure becomes swollen and ugly, and yesterday’s slender lady, who is no longer able to put on clothes several sizes smaller than what was once just right, turns into a prominent, not in the best sense of the word, lady.

It is no secret that such a figure is not only a luxury given by nature, but also the result of self-discipline: living according to a regimen, balanced nutrition, training, and proper weight loss. And, of course, it is not a great secret that those women who want to look that way and do everything possible for this look good, and they do not have excess weight, engaging in active weight loss and exercise. Anyone who wants to will certainly find a way to lose excess weight - engage in active weight loss, exercise and choose the right diet, while the rest will continue to complain about how bad everything is around them and how poor and unhappy they are. There is a way out - you can take yourself, your excess, unnecessary weight and your life into your own hands!

Excess weight does not have the best effect on your health - it becomes much harder to move with excess weight, and you only have to reluctantly remember about your former lightness and comfort. Why does it happen that extra weight becomes a life partner? There can be many reasons for excess weight.


The first and most important reason for the deterioration in the quality of life in every sense. This also applies to excess weight: are you tired and too lazy to get up from the couch? Are you friends with fast food - poor nutrition, gaining excess and unnecessary weight? Not doing your exercises? Do you forget to go to bed on time and don’t have the energy to exercise in the morning? Well, get ready – the extra weight is waiting for you with open arms, and the complaint “I’ve gained extra weight again!” will become your topical excuse!

Lack of time for yourself

When a woman independently monitors everything she can, but forgets to keep track of her own shape and weight. Despite the active rhythm of life, poor nutrition, violation of the daily routine and neglect of physical activity can give a very unpleasant surprise to a woman in the form of additional and unnecessary weight - several extra kg.

Genetic predisposition to weight gain

Unfortunately, no one is immune from this and, no matter how wonderful people their parents are, they can also give them such an unpleasant inheritance as excess weight.


We are all not getting any younger, and if at 20 or even 30 years old you can still hope for a good natural metabolism, for natural weight loss and shedding excess fat, then closer to middle age optimism disappears, because in its place come swollen sides, flabby buttocks and belly protruding beyond the chest. Where losing weight is out of the question.

Consequences of childbirth

Pregnancy gives a girl the main miracle in her life - her own child, but even here, sometimes, it cannot be done without negative consequences - a hormonal imbalance often does not the most unpleasant things to her figure, and young mothers, in addition to little happiness, also find big problems - this weight. There is nothing wrong with this; you can lose this excess weight after childbirth by doing physical exercises, go on a diet, lose it, and engage in active weight loss. Exercise will only be beneficial!


Obesity may not be a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle, but simply a manifestation of a disease. As in the case of pregnancy, hormonal levels are disrupted and the body’s metabolism slows down, as a result of which the kilograms come on. Proper weight loss, diet and exercise under the supervision of a doctor are important here.

Important! Among these points, any woman can find her reason for weight. And it’s good if this prompts her to at least think that it’s time to change something. However, it’s not enough to just think about it - if thoughts made you lose weight, all the women in the world would easily be models, and there wouldn’t be any sizes of women’s clothing larger than 46 at all. It’s not enough to think – you have to act!

Correct daily routine

The first rule on how to lose excess and unnecessary weight at home and engage in active weight loss without the help of complex exercise equipment and other fitness paraphernalia is to establish a daily routine that allows you to receive and spend the same amount of energy per day. What does this mean: when a woman is cheerful and full of strength, her head is not filled with negativity, but with the desire to act. Otherwise, what kind of weight loss can we talk about if the only thing you want all day long is to fall into bed and fill your belly with something more satisfying. The correct daily routine includes a lot in order to lose excess weight - proper weight loss.

Early rise on schedule

One of the ways to lose weight is to have a schedule - this means getting up at approximately the same time every day. From the very morning you need to have time to recharge yourself with energy, and not lie around until the last minute, and then trudge along on wobbly legs about errands: to work, study, etc. It's no secret that even the most successful people in the world have the main guarantee of their productivity - getting up earlier in order to have time to do more. This is the right way to lose weight to lose unnecessary weight. This is a great way to shed what you don't need.


One of the ways to lose weight is a set of basic physical exercises. Exercise will help you cheer up and prepare for the active day ahead. Again, any complex mechanisms for exercises that can be seen in expensive gyms are not required here - all the exercises can be done independently: exercises such as swinging arms and legs, jumping and squats, push-ups, stretching. You don’t have to sweat for hours either - just spend 15-20 minutes on morning exercise. This is the right way to lose weight to lose unnecessary weight.

Light breakfast

One of the ways to lose weight is proper nutrition and diet - many women losing weight make the mistake of thinking that by not eating in the morning or in the evening, after 18 hours, they are thus blocking the intake of calories and think that they will not gain additional weight . This opinion is wrong, because nutrition is, first of all, a source of vitamins and an irreplaceable energy source. And then, without eating in the morning, you can easily, being exhausted by the feeling of hunger, overeat at lunch and gain excess and additional weight. This is the right way to lose weight to lose unnecessary weight.

Eating food in the right quantities and at the allotted time

One of the ways to reset is to again focus on the schedule and proper nutrition - every day you need to eat at approximately the same time, so that the body gets used to the fact that it will always receive its portion of goodies and nutrients in the same way. This will help avoid sudden hunger and, as a result, overeating due to it. It's about eating right and losing weight to lose what you don't need.

More time

One of the ways to reset is to want to be on your feet in order to remove additional weight. Yes, many are accustomed to the fact that they can travel in a more comfortable way: by public transport or in their own car, but they are so accustomed that they are too lazy to go to the store located in the house next door on their own. But even just walking, there is already very good physical activity on the legs, back, abdominal muscles - the most problematic areas in obesity with excess and unnecessary weight. This is the right way to lose weight to lose unnecessary weight.

Sleep and daytime rest

How to lose a lot of weight at home? One of the ways to lose weight is to actively lose weight, also according to a schedule. I went to bed earlier - I’m less drawn to the refrigerator, but I want to eat most in the evening and at night, when the metabolism in the body accelerates. If the body is resting at this time, being in a dream, all the excess fats received during the day are broken down, but if, being a night owl, you allow yourself a second or third dinner instead of rest, and sleep only a few hours a day - is it then any wonder that fats simply have no time to leave the body. The optimal time for rest is 7 hours. This is the right way to lose weight to lose unnecessary weight.


To lose weight, you need training and exercise. These, again, are not kilometer marathons or supersets with a hundred-kilogram barbell. This is simply an activity of the body, aimed mainly at burning calories and maintaining the muscular system in tone. No matter what anyone says about how minute-by-minute his day is, finding half an hour for yourself if you want is always possible to lose extra weight through exercise. This is the right way to lose weight to lose unnecessary weight. Yes, the routine may be hampered by working night or irregular shifts, having a small child in your arms, or other unforeseen circumstances. However, an exception does not mean the norm, but the daily routine should become the norm, not the exception. It can be adjusted to any work schedule, combined with household chores, light exercises and much more, thereby engaging in active weight loss and losing unnecessary weight.

Balanced diet

Proper nutrition, diet and weight loss are another key to how to quickly lose excess weight for a woman. For some reason, many representatives of the fair sex have developed classic and fundamentally incorrect stereotypes about weight loss, weight loss, diet and proper nutrition:

  • "You can't eat after 6"
  • “When you’re losing weight, you can’t eat sweets,”
  • “diet is only vegetables and fruits”,
  • “The fewer times a day you eat, the better,”
  • much more.

These stupid speculations about weight loss and diet will be dispelled by the following facts about weight loss.


It is not recommended to eat 2 hours before bedtime, or an hour before unnecessary exercise and active physical activity. The rest of the time you can eat and such nutrition will not have any negative effect on your figure, if, at the same time, the appropriate regime is observed.


Sweet foods are a source of energy for the body. To exclude such food from the diet completely means simply denying yourself pleasure. This would be reasonable if sweets were the only source of extra calories, but consuming them in moderation does not harm your figure at all. The same goes for baking. But you also need to know the limits - you shouldn’t turn a light midday snack of a small chocolate into a meal of all kinds of sweets, from such excess you will gain excess and additional weight - it is also noted that this is the wrong way to lose weight and you won’t be able to lose weight.


These are not only vegetables and not only fruits, although these foods contain the most essential nutrients. Diet is the body’s norm for obtaining proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats and their timely processing. When dieting, for complete balance, the diet should include meat products, fish, cereals, potatoes, and herbs. Of course, when dieting, preference should be given to products with a lower percentage of fat. When dieting, it is also worth avoiding store shelves with artificially obtained mixtures and additives - it is not without reason that they say that all the best is given to us by nature, products are no exception. Therefore, additional weight is guaranteed - this is the wrong weight loss and loss of unnecessary weight.

Number of meals

It must also be balanced: the body must have time to both receive and digest food. The optimal number of times you need to eat per day, recommended by experts, is 5-6. Yes, you shouldn't be surprised. The fact is that you need to eat many times, but in very small portions. Since you need to eat often, the break between meals will be short and hunger will simply have no time to make itself felt. Another important point in losing weight is that this number of times is due to the fact that in this way you can add as many healthy foods as possible to your daily diet. At the same time, small portions prevent you from overeating and gaining extra weight.

Pay attention! For those who just want to lose the extra calories they have gained, in other words, a lot of weight, it will be enough to simply not push themselves: get up and go to bed when needed, eat the right food and do not be lazy to do a couple of extra movements during the day. It sounds simple, but it is precisely by forgetting about these elementary truths that people begin to get fat and then suffer.

And, perhaps, the most important thing is about weight, nutrition and weight loss. In matters of weight loss, you don’t need to be guided by the advice of friends who say one thing, but they themselves don’t look presentable, or listen to experts on the pages of glossy magazines and on TV screens who broadcast about some kind of harm of certain products, but they themselves are not able to fit into a chair.

You need to listen only to those people who have already achieved success in this field, like losing weight - losing excess weight. Agree, the advice of a nutritionist with unnecessary weight, with an enormous waist, or a fitness instructor with extra weight and bulging sides is not very inspiring. Yes, it’s no secret that a slender female figure always attracts much more attention than additional and excess weight. The elementary methods described in the article for shedding unnecessary things are already aimed at active weight loss for the female audience. After all, taking care of yourself does not always mean plowing like a horse, but using proper weight loss is a sure way to shed unnecessary things, although this is necessary for impeccable shape. It is unlikely that those who have already thoroughly neglected themselves will be able to lose weight easily and quickly, but by adhering to the necessary weight loss guidelines, you can gradually achieve the desired reflection in the mirror and a happy sparkle in the eyes. Remember that your own health and appearance should remain one of the main priorities in life!

If you are overweight and want to lose weight, you may need to lose 12-25 kilograms or even more. To lose that much weight, you need to set a firm goal, make a plan, and stick to it for a long time. Depending on how much weight you want to lose, you will need 6 - 12 months or even more. To lose significant weight, stick to your diet plan, exercise, and stay motivated.


Part 1

Setting a goal

    Think about how much weight you would like to lose. If you feel that you are overweight, determine how much you are above normal weight and how many pounds you need to lose.

    Plan for slow and gradual weight loss. Even if you need to lose many kilograms, you should not resort to risky diets and try to lose excess weight quickly. Lose weight gradually and slowly: this way you will not harm your health, and the results of losing weight will be long-lasting.

    Set a specific goal for yourself. Knowing how many kilograms you need to lose and in what time frame will help you develop a specific weight loss plan.

    Consult your doctor. If you are going to lose weight, especially a lot, you should definitely consult a doctor so as not to harm your health.

    • Your doctor will help you determine the most effective and safe way to lose weight. Typically, if you have a lot of excess weight, losing weight can significantly improve your overall health.
    • Overweight and obesity are often accompanied by chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. These diseases can complicate the process of losing weight.
    • Talk to your doctor about appetite suppressants. Such drugs are recommended for people who are very overweight. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe you appropriate medications.

    Part 2

    Diet for weight loss
    1. Make an appointment with a professional nutritionist. This consultation is extremely useful if you are planning to lose weight. A professional nutritionist will help you create a weight loss program and explain how to keep a food diary.

      • Ask your doctor to recommend a nutritionist that's right for you, or find one online. Book a consultation to discuss your weight loss plans.
      • Ask a nutritionist to recommend a diet that suits your abilities and lifestyle. A nutritionist will recommend specific calorie intake guidelines and discuss appropriate diets and other issues with you.
      • You can visit a nutritionist regularly (once a week or month) so that he can monitor your progress and adjust your plans if necessary.
    2. Calculate your calorie intake. If you are creating your own diet, you should limit the number of calories you consume in order to lose weight. Calorie tracking is the cornerstone of any weight loss program.

      Eat a high protein diet. Many studies have shown that a high-protein diet is good for weight loss. This diet is especially good if you are planning to lose a lot of weight.

      Consume moderate amounts of carbohydrate-rich foods. In addition to high-protein foods, eat some carbohydrates.

      Add plenty of fruits and vegetables to your diet. When following a low-calorie diet, you often feel like you're not eating enough food and aren't feeling full. You can get rid of hunger if you eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

      Curb your appetite with water. In addition to food, you can use water to successfully lose weight and stick to your diet.

    Part 3

    Sports activities

      Lead an active lifestyle. If you want to lose significant weight, b O More physical activity will help you achieve your goal.

      Include moderate cardio exercise in your weight loss program. In addition to maintaining a more active lifestyle, you should also engage in aerobic or cardio exercises. Such exercises will help burn extra calories, which will have a beneficial effect on your weight.

      Start strength training. Another type of exercise is strength training, or resistance or weight training. Unlike cardio training, strength training allows you to build muscle mass and speed up your metabolism.

    1. Consult a personal trainer. It is recommended to consult a personal trainer or other exercise specialist. This is especially important if you have never done strength training before.

      • If you have never done strength training before or are trying to resume it after a long break, you should consult with a specialist. Tell him about your plans to lose weight and ask him how strength training can help you achieve this.
      • A personal trainer will create an exercise plan that will help you lose weight. He will also show you how to properly use the equipment and perform the exercises to avoid injury or injury.
      • Many gyms have personal trainers. When you sign up for training, you will be offered the services of a personal trainer and will create a training schedule that is convenient for you.

Tells nutritionist and psychotherapist Mikhail Gavrilov, author of a unique method for correcting eating behavior and weight loss, member of the Institute of Functional Medicine (USA), author of the bestsellers “You Just Don’t Know How to Lose Weight,” “Slim Destiny,” “How to Lose Weight and Stay Slim.”

“About Health”, Lydia Yudina: Mikhail, your patients lose weight very quickly - by 15-20 kg per month. The most impressive result your patient achieved was minus 90 kg in a year. This contradicts the traditional advice of nutritionists: lose weight slowly and gradually.

Mikhail Gavrilov: Usually patients with initially large body weight (150-170 kg) lose weight sharply (by 15-18 kg per month). If body weight is not so critical, then the rate of weight loss is different: men lose 5-9 kg in the first month, women - 4-7.

Gradual weight loss is really preferable. Dramatic weight loss can be compared to radical surgery, in which all organs are operated on simultaneously. Due to sudden weight loss, thickening of the blood occurs, atrophy of the capillaries that served the fat mass, so you can only suddenly get rid of extra pounds in a clinic under the supervision of doctors.

Psychotherapy to help

- Weight correction is usually carried out by nutritionists. You are a psychotherapist.

A diet always has a beginning and an end. You can lose weight on diets. After a person thinks about what he eats, he always begins to eat less. But, if a person is not ready to follow a diet all his life, it is better for him not to start: the faster the weight goes away, the sooner it will return. Low-calorie diets, pills and cocktails for weight loss cannot change the main thing that prevents a person from losing weight - his eating behavior. In some cases, in order for the patient to lose extra pounds, it is necessary to get rid of the habit of “stress eating” (that is, to break the connection between food and stress), in others, to teach him to enjoy not only food, but also in some other way .

Behind “food alcoholism,” that is, gluttony, a person is always hiding from something. I remember one of the most unusual cases in my practice. No diet helped a patient weighing 120 kg. In a conversation with a psychotherapist, it quickly became clear that she was afraid of marriage. And it protects itself from it with the help of excess weight. It has been tested many times: when you are overweight, the protective mechanisms of the psyche are triggered when a person finds many arguments why he cannot lose weight. Heredity, age, and illness come into play. When you solve the main psychological problem, the weight quickly goes away.

- Don’t genes and illnesses prevent you from losing weight?

Genetic completeness exists, but there are only a few people with serious genetic damage or endocrine disorders. Contrary to popular belief, they can lose weight, but it will take more time. The only age when weight gain is physiologically determined is the period of menopause (45-53 years), when the hormones necessary for slimness in the female body decrease and adipose tissue takes on the function of a “sexual” hormonal organ. At this age, in order not to gain weight, a woman needs to seriously reduce the amount of food she consumes.

Weight gain during pregnancy is not caused by hormonal changes, as is commonly believed, but by the persistent belief that during this period a woman should eat for two. A dangerous age is the period of puberty, when hormonal changes begin in a child’s body. Although, long before puberty, looking at a child, you can predict whether he will face the problem of excess weight. If a child has incorrectly formed eating habits, if walking is replaced by a computer, he will definitely become overweight.

11 steps to help you lose weight forever

Don't let yourself go hungry

Fasting slows down metabolic processes and subsequently provokes weight gain. In order for the speed of metabolic processes to be high, you need to eat often and in small portions - eat at least 4 times a day, breaks between meals should be no more than 4.5 hours, a night break between the last dinner and the first breakfast - 10-12 hours.

Eat everything

Do not impose bans on the consumption of any products. Otherwise, you may encounter a neurotic need for forbidden fruits. Your goal is to avoid a negative attitude towards the weight loss process. Therefore, indulgences when losing weight (for example, in the form of cakes) are necessary.

Set a goal

The goal for which you are losing weight should be positive, simple and contain a clear explanation of what good you will get from losing weight. You need to have at least 7 goals for which you need a normal weight.

Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep slows down metabolic processes, worsens mood and provokes overeating.

Limit your caloric intake

To lose weight, you need to create a deficit of energy coming from food. To do this, you need to know the energy value of each product - don’t be lazy to write it down.

Look for new pleasures

After a person goes on a diet, a place in the “circle of pleasures” is freed up. It must be immediately filled with new hobbies and interests, otherwise the space vacated by overeating may be filled with anger and anger.

Don't eat cheap food

You need to choose high-quality natural food with high nutritional value: this way you will get maximum benefit with a minimum amount.

Don't forget about physical activity

Drink water

Consumption of 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water is beneficial. But drink with caution if you have hypertension and kidney disease.

Avoid alcohol

Any alcohol is high in calories, dehydrates the body, a person under the influence of alcohol loses control over the situation and begins to overeat, ethanol disrupts the functioning of the liver, which processes fats.

Eat small meals

At least 4 times a day, and for some diseases - 5-6 times. Then you won't pounce on food and eat more than you need.