How to make a modular painting with your own hands: budget options for wall decor. Exquisite and modern: modular paintings for the living room - what block compositions are made of and which ones are better Modular paintings from photo wallpaper

Every person wants the interior of their apartment to be stylish and unique. Meanwhile, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money to achieve an impressive result - just take a closer look at the trends and creatively approach the solution

Thus, the interior is now decorated with modular paintings, thanks to which the apartment acquires its own unique style.

Modular paintings appeared on the modern decor market seemingly out of nowhere. Not everyone even has a good idea of ​​what it is. Most of the time people think that modular paintings are ordinary paintings, only divided into modules (segments), related to each other by the same theme or idea. This is partly true. The image, printed on high-quality canvas, is cut into fragments and stretched onto a base. It is after these manipulations that the canvas becomes a modular painting, so popular today. Therefore, the second name for such paintings is segmented. But if you look more broadly, the modular picture is a mixture of historical traditions and modern trends.

In the second half of the 20th century, the world learned about such movements as cubism (in painting) and minimalism (in design). Cubism's main goal is to construct a three-dimensional form on a plane using combinations of geometric shapes (cube, cone, circle, etc.). This style is very clearly represented in the works of Pablo Picasso.

Minimalism is the desire to get away from luxury and elegance, to fill the space around you with objects of strict geometric shapes, furniture devoid of any decoration or decoration. The general trend is the desire for simplicity of shapes and colors. The only acceptable interior decor in this style were posters and bright paintings without frames.

It was at this time that designers proposed an original, absolutely unpretentious and simple version of the decor - modular paintings.

From medieval icons to modern times

It must be said that the very idea of ​​modular paintings is not new. If we turn to medieval church painting, we can find compositions consisting of several icons, where the middle part (usually the largest one) is bordered by smaller ones. They are called "diptych", "triptych" or "polyptych". By the way, these names are also found in modern modular paintings, but first things first.

With the variety of modern decor available, buyers and designers have again turned to modular paintings. Why?

The thing is that today there is more free space in residential premises. Walls not covered with carpets and rooms not filled with furniture - they just ask for decoration in the form of some bright spot.

The picture on the stack, no matter how beautiful and bright it may be, looks ordinary and familiar. People want something new, fresh, modern. A modular painting is an original, always non-standard solution for interior decoration. Selected according to the color scheme, it will fit into the decor, complement it and create completeness. Parts (segments) of a modular painting can add dynamics and movement to the painting, make the composition more expressive, and emphasize its originality.

The number of modules in a segmented picture may vary. A standard modular painting is a canvas divided into two. three or five parts - just the same diptych, triptych and polyptych. The illusion is created that the plot moves from one canvas (module) to another. For this reason, modular paintings are not framed or framed. Companies that produce such paintings offer a wide variety of module solutions: different in width, height and shape, symmetrical or asymmetrical, static or dynamic.

Selection secrets

A modular painting can either literally save the most unremarkable interior or ruin the original idea. It is quite simple to predict what effect a particular composition will have: just listen to the advice on choosing.

  • Before you start selecting an image, you should decide where this decorative element will be located. Usually the composition is placed above the sofa or head of the bed - where it will not tire. You should not hang bright modular paintings in the recreation area: they will attract the eye and probably will not allow you to relax.
  • Each room needs its own theme. Bright panels that stimulate the appetite (vegetables, a cheese plate or coffee beans) are suitable for the kitchen. Almost any subject would be appropriate in the living room: animals, flowers, landscapes. Modular paintings in the bedroom interior should convey a note of peace and tranquility.
  • Playing with contrast is an effective design technique. In a room with a restrained design, a bright, eye-catching painting would be appropriate. It will become the highlight of the interior, at the same time it can be replaced with something more discreet if you want peace.
  • Few people know, but modular paintings in the interior are a great way to visually enlarge a room. Large panels depicting realistic landscapes have this effect.

Read also:

Posting rules

  • Horizontal modular paintings look good on the wall above a sofa, table, or in a low room. Vertical modular paintings are suitable for decorating narrow walls, columns, and partitions next to furniture. They can help not only fill an empty space, but also decorate it.
  • In order for modular paintings to look harmonious in the room, it is necessary to comply with the dimensions. For a small room you need to choose paintings that are not too large, otherwise they will make the room visually even smaller. At the same time, a small panel in a spacious living room will simply get lost.
  • An odd number of elements looks more harmonious. Such a composition will always have a semantic accent.
  • Placement height. Any picture is perceived better if it is located at eye level. In a room where most visitors stand, it is recommended to hang the panel at a height of 160-180 cm from the butt. The same scheme should be followed when choosing the height of placement of the composition above the sofa or table.

Modular painting or photo wallpaper?

Very often, when planning interior decor, people ask the question: what is better - a modular painting or photo wallpaper? It all depends on the goals you are pursuing.

Beautiful and inexpensive, you can order with any desired images, they are printed quickly - this can be said about modular paintings and photo wallpapers. But the difference between them is quite significant.

We should start with the fact that photo wallpaper is still wallpaper: they usually decorate the entire wall. And modular paintings decorate any fragment of the interior wall. But both types of decor have their advantages.

Advantages of photo wallpaper

  • Variety of choice. A wide selection of images allows you to choose the one that fits perfectly into your interior. The subjects are very diverse: from city landscapes, reproductions of famous paintings to cute pets or abstract futuristic paintings. If you wish, you can order photo wallpapers printed using your own photographs.
  • Paper and image quality. One of the main advantages of modern photo wallpapers is high quality. Pictures are printed on thick paper, vinyl or non-woven fabric, so it is easy to choose a material for any space, including rooms with high humidity levels.
  • Size. Photo wallpaper can be made to order, so the size of the image can be any - the canvas can occupy the entire wall or be used to highlight a specific area.
  • Functionality. Photo wallpaper can visually expand the space or “raise” low ceilings. And photo wallpapers with large patterns will help to zone the room.

However, photo wallpapers also have disadvantages.

First of all, this is the laboriousness of gluing. The wall under the wallpaper must be carefully leveled, the joints must be adjusted to the nearest millimeter. Changing boring wallpaper for the same reason will not be very easy. And photo wallpaper cannot be given as a gift - unlike a modular painting.

Advantages of modular paintings

  • Current trends. Modular paintings are a modern take on the classics. They do not look like ordinary paintings, and this is quite enough to make the interior of your apartment stylish and unique.
  • Unusual shapes. A modular image can consist of two, three or more parts, and the parts can have the same format or differ in size and shape. The arrangement of modules can also be different: horizontally, vertically, ladder, diagram or panorama. Breaking the image into fragments. the designer changes the composition of the painting, due to which even the simplest scenes are transformed.
  • Practicality. The paintings do not fade over time; the paintings are produced using full-color printing on a wide-format printer with high resolution and high-quality color reproduction.
  • Convenience and simplicity. The wall on which you want to place the painting does not need to be specially prepared: just take care of the fastenings. Conveniently, the weight of the picture is distributed between the modules, which means that the need for massive fastenings disappears by itself.


So what affects the price of a modular painting? “Of course. number of modules!” - you will answer. Not only that. The fact is that modular paintings can be printed on completely different surfaces: polyester, natural canvas, and even on a surface that imitates a fresco or strokes of oil painting. For additional protection, products can be coated with a special varnish, which also affects the cost. But first things first.

No matter how tempting the offers to buy modular paintings at ultra-low prices may be, these are often ploys to lure you to their website. By purchasing paintings in specialized stores, you will not only receive a quality product on time, but also a guarantee from the manufacturer.

Of course, the fewer segments, the cheaper the painting will cost. Naturally, provided that the surface type of the paintings being compared is the same.


The minimum number of modules is two. Segments can be either the same in size or different, when one element (usually the semantic center of the composition) is larger than the other.

The most inexpensive modular painting in trusted stores with a guarantee costs 1990 rubles. This amount includes high-quality printing on polyester canvas, a pine stretcher, work on stretching the canvas without folds or creases, as well as fastening elements.

Printing the same painting on a surface that imitates a fresco or oil painting will cost about 1,000 rubles. more expensive. And if you order a painting for the kitchen (where the humidity is quite high) or the nursery (where children will constantly try to touch the painting), you will be offered to additionally coat the canvas with varnish. This is done using special equipment that prevents the appearance of smudges. The cost of coverage is from 300 rubles/mg.

In total, a two-section painting will cost from 1990 to 3500 rubles.


A triptych is a painting made up of three segments. The most popular type of modular paintings. In the center there is the main image, on which the eye falls first, and at the edges there are additional ones.

The price of the triptych in the “basic configuration” is from 3190 rubles. To make an imitation of a fresco or oil painting will be

You can choose the size of the future painting yourself. The same image, divided into the same number of modules, can be printed and turned into a painting measuring 1 x 1 m, 1.5 x 1.5 m or larger. However, the price will increase. cost from 4,500 rubles. Canvas with varnish will cost up to 5,000 rubles.

In total, a three-section painting will cost from 3190 to 5000 rubles.


Paintings that consist of more than three modules combined into one group are ordered less frequently. Therefore, the price for them is not much higher than for three-section ones. A standard modular painting of four segments will cost an average of 3,800 rubles, a polyptych - from 4,300 rubles.

The greater the number of modules used in a painting, the higher its cost will be. Generally, the maximum number of segments available for purchase without a custom order is seven. The price of such a painting is from 8,000 rubles.

In total, sleds with four or more segments will cost from 3,800 to 8,000 rubles.

Paintings according to individual preferences

Here the customer can only be limited by his imagination and the thickness of his wallet. Manufacturing companies offer to produce similar paintings from any number of modules, any size, on a wide variety of materials. But the main thing is that you can print absolutely any image from your photo album!

You can make your home interior attractive using different methods; you can add some zest if you decorate the house with your own hands.

This article will talk about how to make modular paintings yourself and for free. This kind of home decoration belongs to the minimalist look. The geometry of the shapes is simple, there are no frames, there is no glass, there are no other details either, so it’s easy to make modular paintings with your own hands.

What are modular paintings?

Modular paintings consist of several canvases, and if you assemble them, you get a complete and beautiful picture. There are several locations of modular paintings:

  1. Symmetrical horizontally.
  2. You can hang it with offset and asymmetry, both horizontally and vertically.
  3. Mixed look when paintings are hung vertically and horizontally.

More often, the wall of the house is decorated with modular paintings that are hung asymmetrically and offset. Thus, the bedroom, living room or children's rooms become visually larger.

Important! Surprisingly, the modular image allows you to visually increase the area, which is important in small apartments and houses. Modular paintings consist of several parts and the minimum number is 2 elements.

Such paintings are called diptychs. Often 3 parts are used, called a triptych. Modular paintings in which there are 3 or more parts - polyptych. When decorating rooms using modular paintings, there are no rules that must be strictly followed. The work can be done by one person independently, the main condition is to prepare materials and tools.

Types of modular paintings

Those who don’t know how to make a modular painting themselves should understand the types, or rather, the materials from which the canvas can be assembled. Types of materials for paintings:

  1. Textile.
  2. Wallpaper, possibly photo wallpaper.
  3. Photo.
  4. Colored paper.

The canvases look good if you draw them with your own hands, using canvas and gouache, but this requires a good master, which a class can demonstrate. Without artistic skills, the product cannot be made. Making a modular painting is not difficult, so anyone can make a similar decoration for their home, even without creative inclinations.

The main component when working with finished paintings is accuracy in work. The object can be placed diagonally, along certain lines, or abstractly. The module and its shape will create a certain effect. They are divided into:

  1. Square.
  2. Round.
  3. Arbitrary.

Of course, the easiest way to create a segment is the correct geometric shape, namely rectangular.

DIY modular painting (video)

Required materials and tools

The production of the main part of modular drawings is carried out using various materials. The workpiece is created on paper that has gone through the printer and received the design in parts. The picture is obtained through an ordinary home printer, which is obtained cheaply, and then it is divided into parts. They use paper sheets with drawings from a printing house.

For a modular system, wallpaper with images is used; patterns can be printed on fabric and other materials. Having chosen the image of the front side, you must then select a stretcher and raw materials for it. For fabric material it is recommended to use wood or plywood. Wallpaper is glued to a frame made of plasterboard, foam plastic, paper - to a fiberboard base. To build a three-part painting for your home you need:

  1. Print the sketch.
  2. Wooden slats, other materials.
  3. Glue.
  4. Stapler.

Canvas paintings in three parts

You can make modeling fragments of a painting yourself by printing at home, you can order a digital sketch from an artist, use embroidery or use an embroidered ornament. After this, you need to start creating a painting, a modular drawing, step by step. Step-by-step instructions for a do-it-yourself modular painting:

Creation stages: Description:
Creating a frame: Take strips of suitable size. If necessary, high slats are cut down. The ends of the slats need to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees; this scheme allows you to make the picture beautiful, not tasteless.
Frame gluing: The baguette gluing technology is being carried out. The cut parts must be smeared with glue and the parts must be pressed tightly to hold the planks together. Leave them for a couple of hours for a strong fixation. To prevent the divided fragments from peeling off, the corners are fastened with a stapler.
Preparing the drawing: The material needs to be divided, leaving a couple of centimeters at the edges so that you can stretch the canvas onto the tree. The stretched material is attached to the frame from the reverse side. It is recommended to ensure that all sides of the modular pattern are correct and do not move to the sides.

The finished item can be hung in living rooms, mounted in the kitchen, and the hallway is also suitable for decoration. Separated canvases are not difficult to make; assembly can be completed in just a few hours if you print the sketch in advance. Modular paintings of three parts, which depict a city, a city, an orchid, shells, roses or a garden, look good. If the tone of the room is beige, then it will suit the style of sakura, which has a bright and voluminous color. Homemade painting on the wall from several parts photo:

The most common way is to use photo wallpaper for modular designs. The design may be small, even small, but the colors are richer. Idea creation process:

  1. Drywall is taken and needs to be divided into parts according to the selected modular design.
  2. Separate parts are marked on the material and cut out.
  3. The wallpaper is divided, leaving a couple of centimeters of overlap.
  4. The broken pieces are glued to the material and smoothed with a soft object.

A modern design allows you to inexpensively decorate your home rooms; if you wish, you can add a clock to the modular canvases, or write letters or numbers on the canvases. It all depends on style and imagination. If you don’t want to work yourself, you can order a modular design from any material. For clarity, it is recommended to watch the video master class on creating canvases:

Photo gallery of finished works

A modular painting is a painting consisting of several separate parts that together make up a single work of decorative and applied art. The integrity of the perception of the image is achieved due to a single plot and general color scheme of the picture, as well as due to the absence of frames in the fragments. The depth of the composition is given by the presence of “air” - gaps between the edges of the modules.

Depending on the number of parts into which the artist decided to divide the canvas, diptychs, triptychs and polyptychs are distinguished.

The word diptych comes from Greek and means “folded in half.” In Ancient Greece, this word was used to describe folding tablets for writing. Nowadays, a diptych is a painting of two modules that can add coziness to the interior of a small room.

Triptychs are well known to experts in the history of Orthodox icon painting. Paintings where the central canvas dominates, and the side modules complement the plot, can be found in churches and museums. Three harmonious paintings have long become a classic solution for decorating a living or work space. If there are more than three parts to the picture, then you have a polyptych.

Fashion trends allow you to split the design into many separate pieces and arrange them in a variety of ways. Most often, the fragments are rectangular in shape, but this is not a dogma. Placing a painting from several large fragments requires a large area of ​​the wall and a considerable space in front of it - so that you can see the entire work of art.

  • The standard method involves mounting the modules next to each other at the same height.
  • An option has become popular in which the size of the fragments decreases from the center to the edges, and the central parts are on the same horizontal line.
  • In the case of a diagonal arrangement, the central parts are on the same slope relative to the floor.
  • Placing it on a “ladder” gives even more opportunities to move the modules on the wall to achieve maximum expressiveness of the composition.
  • A geometric arrangement (sometimes called a puzzle) assembles the pieces into a single symmetrical shape: square, circle, polygon.

This list cannot be complete, because each designer can come up with his own version of the module layout, guided by his own sense of style and imagination. Composite paintings can not only decorate the space in a room, but fundamentally change its perception.

  • Vertical compositions make the room visually taller.
  • Horizontal ones are wider.
  • Large bright details of the picture visually make the room smaller.
  • Landscapes expand the space and fill it with “air”.
  • A full-color canvas enlivens a monotonous interior.
  • The monochrome pattern is calming.
  • Abstract compositions with unexpected combinations of colors invigorate and tone.

Our consultants know that the subject of a painting is no less important than its proportions and color scheme, and will help you choose the best option for each specific case.

  • Still lifes with fruit would be appropriate in a cafe, restaurant or home kitchen.
  • Posters with fairy tale and cartoon characters will entertain a small child.
  • Collages with your favorite musical groups will delight your teenager.
  • Cityscapes and views of nature will decorate the spacious living room.
  • The delicate outlines of flowers and bouquets will harmoniously fit into the bedroom interior.

The basis of a modular picture can also be an ordinary photograph. Using personal photos allows you to create a unique work of art, make an original gift to a loved one, and preserve the memory of the wonderful moments of your life.

All this is easily possible with the online store “KatinuMne!”

Modular paintings and images are becoming increasingly popular. The peculiarity of such products lies in the variety of options and structural features of the paintings themselves.

With their help, you can visually enlarge the room, make it deeper, higher, and give the room a sort of 3D effect.

What are modular paintings and where are they used?

A modular painting is an image printed on canvas. The painting is divided into different parts, resulting in several canvases - pieces. By combining them as you like, you will get an interesting effect that will suit any room in the interior.

It is a mistaken belief that this design option is used only in living rooms, because an appetizing modular picture in the kitchen will only whet the appetite, and a fresh composition in the bathroom will give a feeling of relaxation and calm, depth and height to the room.

Moreover, such a picture will become a bright accent in any room. With its help, you can divert the attention of guests from minor repair defects or uneven walls. This is a wonderful color accent, especially if the room is made in soft pastel shades.

How to choose the right color and composition of a modular painting in the interior?

The color and design of a modular painting depends entirely on its location. It's worth taking a look at each room of the house in turn to explore the best interior design ideas:

  1. Bedroom. To decorate a bedroom, it is better to choose calm colors that do not excite the brain. For example, beige, green or deep blue. These colors will set you up for relaxation and tranquility. With the choice of ornament, the situation will be more complicated, since among all the modern abundance it is very difficult to choose something specific.

    Advice from the editor: Keep in mind that a modular painting is an accessory that will be used for a long time and may become boring. Choose non-caustic drawings that will be interesting to look at and study.

    For the bedroom, abstract images are best suited; they make you think, at the same time relax and distract you from the hectic everyday problems.

    You can also use floral series or landscapes, depending on the owner of the house.

  2. Children's room. Placing a modular picture in a nursery is a very good solution, because the space will be occupied and the child will be interested in looking at the image.

    It is better to choose bright colors, but not neon. Rainbow colors will do. For example, an abstract painting made using them.

    You can also purchase a bright painting depicting your child’s favorite characters.

    So, the child will be more willing to sit down for lessons if such a “bonus” is located above his desk.

  3. Bathroom. Of course, the best colors suitable for a bathroom are white, beige, brown and all shades of gray. But this is not at all necessary! So, if the bathroom is in light pastel colors, can you add red or purple? Why not?

    Take note: to visually expand the bathroom area, select the size of the painting in proportion to the size of the wall. Take into account the material of the painting, because water can get on it.

    The design can be anything, be it flowers or animals, down to drops of dew or the sea.

  4. Guest room. This room is the most significant, because this is where all visitors to your home gather. Considering the overall design of the room, focus on the modular picture.

    It can be bright or in calm colors with different inscriptions, whatever you like.

How to properly place a modular picture in a room?

The right choice of modular painting will help you “model” any room as you wish. You can adjust its size, dilute a boring color, and more.

For example, using images of distant horizons (sea, mountains, forests) you can create a 3-D effect and the room will visually appear larger.

Also, in order to avoid incidents, before purchasing a painting, you need to “try on” the size of the future modular painting to the wall on which it will be placed. So, if the wall is large and empty, then an appropriate accent is needed.

Do you agree that hanging a small picture will look ridiculous? The same thing can be observed if a large picture clings to a small wall, which steals the area at least twice.

No less important is the size of the furniture located in the room. If there is a large, weighty cabinet in it, then a small picture in the same room on the opposite wall will look dubious. Remember the main principle: the picture should in no case exceed 75% in width of the furniture installed in the room.

Worth considering: When buying a modular painting, think about its combination with the interior. Abstraction and surrealism are best suited to modern room design, while something homey and cozy is best suited to formal room design.

What is the best way to place a modular painting in the interior?

Modular paintings are:

  • vertical
  • horizontal
  • diagonal.

The first option will help make the room taller, the second - wider. Diagonal modular paintings are ideal for sloping walls. For example, for arranging an attic or placing such a picture along a flight of stairs.

Considering the style and design of your interior, think it over so that even after a few years the picture does not seem boring and faded to you. Here it is important to pay attention to the quality of the material. Paper paintings lose color faster.

Where can I order a modular painting?

The popularity of this product is growing rapidly, so sales points are expanding every day. Modular paintings are presented in various shopping galleries, construction arcades, home accessories stores and others.

You can buy a modular painting, the price of which will be the most pleasant, in the online store. As a rule, such stores offer a very wide selection of goods, so you can order any option you like.

The price is indicated directly on the website, but you can find out how much a particular product costs from the managers. You can select a painting according to size, design, color and wallet.

A modular painting is an accessory that will help brighten up even the most boring and austere interior, lift your spirits or, on the contrary, calm you down. By choosing the right option, you can achieve an original effect through texture, color and ornament.

See interesting things video about modular paintings in a modern interior: