Is it possible to drink beer after sports training? Is it possible to drink beer while lifting?

Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink among men. There are many beer lovers among athletes. But as we know, alcohol is very harmful to health and is not allowed in sports. However, many bodybuilding athletes like to drink a glass of beer on Sunday evenings. Is this good or bad? Let's figure it out.

The effect of beer on sports performance

Of course, beer, like any other alcoholic beverages, negatively affects athletic performance. In bodybuilding, this is reflected in a decrease in the rate of muscle mass growth, a decrease in strength indicators and a slowdown in recovery processes. Scientists studied the effect of alcohol on the athlete’s body and came to the following conclusions:

  • Drinking beer once until you feel slightly intoxicated is equivalent to skipping one workout;
  • Severe intoxication significantly reduces strength indicators, and recovery can take 10-15 days;
  • Regular consumption of beer, even in small quantities (a glass every other day), will inevitably lead to a plateau and stagnation, and also reduce muscle growth by 100%.

Different alcoholic drinks have their own negative effects; as for beer, its use in bodybuilding leads to the following consequences:

As you can see, beer has a lot of negative consequences in bodybuilding. What about the positive aspects? That's right, they simply don't exist.

The harm of beer on an athlete’s body can be partially reduced if you buy alcohol-free drinks. But it still remains due to the estrogen content and high calorie content.

Thus, even non-alcoholic beer leads to a decrease in testosterone and an increase in estrogen, and the deposition of excess subcutaneous fat.

As for the quality of non-alcoholic and regular beer, a lot of doubts arise here, because most beer drinks are sold cheaper than a bottle of regular water. This is especially true for domestic beer producers. In European countries or America, food quality control is more stringent, but even high-quality beer is harmful to health and unacceptable for those people who want to achieve serious achievements in sports.

Beer addiction

Don't forget about the narcotic effects of alcohol. Beer addiction is not a made-up term of anti-alcohol activists, but a scientifically proven phenomenon. Therefore, to all the described harmful effects of regular use of beer, you can also add psychological dependence and constant craving for alcohol, which appears first once a month, then every week, and after a year of regular use 3-4 times a week.

Thus, regular drinking of beer does not give you any chance to continue bodybuilding and compete with other non-drinking athletes. But it would be foolish to look only at influence in sports. Alcohol is also a common cause of family and financial problems. Therefore, even on holidays, we recommend concentrating on compotes or other fortified drinks.

Video: are alcohol and bodybuilding compatible?

There is a large group of fans of the foamy low-alcohol drink who regularly visit the gym. After strength training and complete physical exhaustion, there is a desire to relax a little and drink a glass of beer. This may harm the body. But when and under what conditions is a question that covers many aspects. Beer can be consumed after the gym, but in doses and at certain intervals. But is it worth it?

The effect of alcohol on the body

During training, there is an intense load on all systems of the athlete’s body, regardless of whether he is male or female. Even 200 ml of beer immediately after training will nullify all efforts, and in addition to this, it will significantly slow down the muscle recovery process.

According to research, in men, muscle tissue suddenly stops absorbing the hormone testosterone. There is no need to talk about any volumes or beautiful reliefs in this case. The processes of active breakdown of fats also slow down, making it almost impossible to get rid of the subcutaneous layer in this mode.

Even a few sips of “life-giving moisture” have no less destructive effects on the female body. The presence of alcohol in the blood disrupts metabolism and other natural recovery processes. The next morning you will feel chronic fatigue, and sometimes there may be pain in the joints and muscles.

A common myth and its refutation

Many athletes answer the question “is it possible to drink beer after the gym” in the affirmative, and this is their main mistake. There is a myth that beer contains carbohydrates, which have a beneficial effect on the body during the time period when the protein-carbohydrate window is open.

Indeed, there are carbohydrates in beer, but they belong to the complex category. Instead of spending strength and energy on muscle recovery after intense strength training, the body throws away all its reserves to break down the incoming compounds. Often everything accumulates “in reserve”, that is, it turns into fat deposits. In this case, there is no point in talking about the advisability of training; it will not fulfill its intended function, will not help you lose weight and form a beautiful, fit figure.

How to properly combine exercise and alcohol

There is no complete ban on drinking beer for an athlete. Everything should be in reasonable quantities. To minimize the negative impact of alcohol on the body when regularly visiting the gym, you need to adhere to the following rules:

at least 2-3 days should pass after the last lesson - this will allow you to maintain the effect of the workout;

if beer was consumed in unlimited quantities at a gala event, it is better to give the body a rest for 5-7 days - the cardiovascular and muscular systems will have time to return to normal, and the remaining alcohol will be completely eliminated;

Beer lovers should choose an appropriate snack - it should be a protein food (fish, meat or cheese);

The next morning after drinking alcohol, every effort must be made to restore water balance - at least 2 liters of mineral water, it is also advisable to take 500 mg of ascorbic acid.
*all recommendations on the site must be agreed with your doctor.

Many people make a fatal mistake - they choose salted, smoked or dried fish as a snack. Such products create additional stress on the kidneys; the benefits even for an untrained body will be questionable. It is necessary to reduce salt consumption during this period, focus on fruits and vegetables, light foods.

There are many rumors regarding the effect of alcohol on muscle growth. Some believe that drinking after a workout is beneficial because of the carbohydrates contained in alcohol.

Let's figure out which position is correct and find out what will happen to the muscles if you drink alcohol after training. Let's consider the effect of alcohol using the example of the most popular alcoholic drink - beer.

Alcohol and protein synthesis

A key factor in muscle growth is protein synthesis. Let's figure out what protein synthesis is and how drinking beer affects this important process.

The food you eat after exercise contains a certain amount of protein.

During the digestion process, proteins are broken down into peptides, which, in turn, break down into free amino acids. After this, the process of assimilation of amino acids in the body begins.

This chain of reactions is protein synthesis.

During strength training, you load your muscles, as a result of which they receive microtraumas, which are microscopic tears in muscle fibers.

Amino acids fill microscopic damage, and due to this, muscle tissue grows.

After this physiological process, the muscles increase in volume, become stronger and denser.

Alcohol negatively affects protein synthesis, destroying it and accelerating muscle loss.

Alcohol and hormones

Let's look at the effect alcohol has on hormones that promote muscle growth.


Testosterone is a male sex hormone that promotes the growth of athletic muscles. The female body also produces it, but in much smaller quantities.

Men's sexual health and energy levels are directly related to high testosterone levels.

When the level of this anabolic hormone decreases, muscle growth slows down.

Alcohol in excessive quantities significantly lowers testosterone levels, which negatively affects muscle gain.

2. Somatotropin (growth hormone)

Somatotropin has a powerful anabolic and anti-catabolic effect, enhances protein synthesis and reduces its breakdown. In addition, growth hormone prevents the deposition of subcutaneous fat and enhances the burning of fatty tissue.

Somatotropin also plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, causing an increase in blood glucose levels.

Alcohol, and especially beer, inhibits the production of this hubbub, which is absolutely necessary for the growth of muscle mass.


Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that breaks down proteins and promotes increased body fat and increased blood glucose.

Alcohol increases cortisol levels in the body.

Decide on your goal

First of all, you must decide on your goals. What do you expect from working out at the gym?

If you want to get in shape at an amateur level, you can afford to drink a little, but in moderation.

When trying to compete in a bodybuilding competition, you should seriously consider the issue of alcohol consumption. Are you ready to sacrifice a couple of kilograms for a few cans of beer?

An outside observer will say that there is nothing wrong with this, but the judge will decide otherwise, and your score will be significantly lower than it could be. After all, every gram of muscle is worth its weight in gold! If you cannot live without alcohol, then drink it a few hours after training and always in small quantities.

Alcohol after exercise

The average can of beer contains 14 grams of carbohydrates. This amount of carbohydrates is completely insufficient to restore the energy spent during training.

Thus, beer is not a product that can boast a high protein content, which means that this drink is not able to provide an increase in muscle mass. Alcohol only provokes the accumulation of unwanted mass consisting of fat.

Therefore, drinking alcohol immediately after a workout is pointless, as it does not contain any nutrients.


Consuming small amounts of alcohol will not have an undue negative impact on muscle growth, but it is best to avoid alcohol altogether.

After all, you don’t shed liters of sweat in the gym in order to ruin your potential by idly drinking alcoholic beverages. Regularly spending time together with a can of beer can cost you a lot.

In addition, such weaknesses can develop into an uncontrolled bad habit that can not only get in the way of a beautiful body, but also cause serious harm to your health!

I am glad to welcome everyone! I think you have often wondered - alcohol and bodybuilding, are these activities compatible, how does one affect the other, and in general, is it worth taking on the chest? I myself was interested in such questions, and I decided to collect all possible (and impossible) information and bring it to you.

So, today we will find out what role alcohol has on muscle structures, which alcohol is preferable to drink if you really can’t bear it, and how to reduce its effect on the body as a whole.

Well, take your seats, we're starting.

Alcohol and bodybuilding: theory

We are all human and live according to the laws of the society that surrounds us. For Russia, these laws are as follows: every day is a holiday (let’s take at least the month of May with its long weekends), and every holiday there are noisy festivities and feasts. Well, where there is a feast, there is his faithful friend and comrade - general alcohol. Of course, over time, professional athletes have developed a kind of immunity to this green serpent, although sometimes they, no, no, and give themselves some slack. What can we say about mere mortals :). Conduct a small experiment on yourself, answer the question: “when was the last time I took an intoxicating drink?” I think the answer will be a time interval of the order of 2-3 a month, no more.

This brings me to the point that if you do not live on a desert island, then no matter what regime you adhere to, no matter what willpower you have, you are, to one degree or another, susceptible to the influence of “bad things,” including alcohol. It’s a paradox - but as soon as you make a vow to yourself that at least within 2-3 For months you can’t touch alcohol, weddings, name days, christenings and other various events begin immediately. What to do in this situation? Of course, the first thing you need to do is “know the enemy by sight” and draw the appropriate conclusions. This is exactly what we will do now.

So, by alcohol we mean any internal solution that contains ethyl alcohol. Ethanol is a psychotropic substance and, despite its lower toxicity (compared to other alcohols), has a significant psychoactive effect that depresses the human central nervous system. However, this is not the only negative effect it has on the body, in particular on bodybuilding results. (muscle growth, strength indicators) alcohol also has a negative effect.

The athlete must always remember that:

  1. degree of mild intoxication (1-2 glasses of wine) corresponds to missing one workout in the gym;
  2. degree of moderate intoxication (1-2 bottles of beer) with matches the pass 1-2 weeks of training;
  3. Constant consumption of alcohol (every other day) in small quantities (a glass of beer) leads to stagnation 80% athletes and a significant decrease;
  4. the body needs 48 hours to withdraw every 30 gr. alcohol;
  5. vodka contains “empty calories” that are slowly absorbed (on average at a speed of 10 g/hour). 200 ml will be processed only for 8 hours!
  6. 30 grams of alcohol is contained in 0,5-1 liter of any beer, the latter contains phytoestrogens (female sex hormones), which easily turn into fat;
  7. Ethyl alcohol is very quickly absorbed from the small intestine ( 80% ) and stomach ( 20% ) before other nutrients have a chance to be digested.

Alcohol and bodybuilding: effects on muscles

If we consider the physiological processes of the effects of alcohol on muscles, then it:

  • Reduces growth hormone levels.

After drinking alcohol for the next two days on 40% hormone secretion decreases IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) And ;

  • Inhibits muscle protein synthesis.

Alcohol, due to the release of a catabolic (destruction) hormone, slows down 20% the process of muscle protein synthesis;

  • Reduces (by 25% ) the level of the male sex hormone - and increases the level of female estrogen. Alcohol also causes the rapid conversion of androgens into estrogens;
  • It has a toxic effect on fast (white) muscle fibers, which produce the greatest increase in muscle mass.
  • Reduces glycogen reserves, the main energy source of muscles.
  • Destroys the body's aerobic capacity and negatively affects endurance.
  • Causes dehydration.

Water is bound due to intense fluid secretion by the kidneys. Thus, a water deficit forms in the body, muscle growth stops, and the speed of their recovery decreases;

  • Starts fat formation processes.

Besides the fact that alcohol is a high-calorie compound (1 g contains 7 calories), it also disrupts the Krebs cycle - the process of fat oxidation. It has been proven that 24 alcohol reduce lipolysis of fats by 70% . This means that it is so difficult for the body to absorb alcohol that it simply forgets about the processes of fat burning;

  • Increases appetite, everything flies without being chewed.
  • Leads to depletion of nutrients such as minerals.

There is a deficiency of calcium, zinc, iron, as well as vitamins such as A, C, B, which play a key role in the processes of muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as their growth;

  • Disturbs sleep functions.

A disorder of the fast and slow phases of sleep occurs, as a result of which its restorative effect on the muscles is reduced. It turns out that after taking “fire water” the body will direct all its resources to neutralize toxins, and only then (what remains) to restoration processes.

So, from all this we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: bodybuilding and alcohol are two opposites that should not only attract, but even come into contact. It's like white and black, like yin and yang. Why sweat at the gym if all the results are after a little Saturday revelry with friends? (and a couple of glasses of alcohol) will be reduced to nothing, and we can start all over again?

Alcohol and bodybuilding for non-professional athletes

All this, of course, is true, but again - it is worth understanding that if you are not a competitive athlete, then you are unlikely to adhere to a total “prohibition”. Therefore, in ordinary life, if you just regularly go to the gym, eat right and generally look after your physique, then small alcohol indulgences have a place for you. The key word here is “small”, for example, a glass of wine a month is small, a bottle of beer ( 0,5 k) once every two weeks is already too much.

Now let's look at how you can still reduce the negative effects of alcohol on the body if there is no other way out, and you understand that you'll get a little screwed tonight :).

Alcohol and bodybuilding: reducing the harmful effects

In order to protect your muscles from the consequences of drinking alcohol, remember the following rules:

  • drink plenty of water before the banquet;
  • take a double dose of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), near 500 mg;
  • eat something protein-rich before bed (egg white, cottage cheese);
  • forget about training 2 days from the moment after drinking alcohol;
  • immediately after “skipping” a glass, lean on the snack (lean meat, cheese, poultry);
  • after the banquet (next morning), drink a glass of orange juice and 2 glasses of mineral water;
  • take before breakfast 5-10 g glutamine to prevent muscle catabolism;
  • breakfast should consist of foods rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron - buckwheat porridge with milk, a banana and a plate of cottage cheese - this is the best option.

In general, if we consider the mechanism of alcohol’s effect on the body, it is quite primitive. After drinking, alcohol is quickly absorbed from the small intestine, enters the bloodstream and easily passes the blood-brain barrier. Further, alcohol has an intoxicating effect on the cerebral cortex, resulting in clouded rational thinking. It then reaches the limbic system with its “primitive” parts of the brain, and it takes over the functions of rational thinking. Thus, it turns out that a person begins to think not with his head, but with “emotions.”

Calorie content of main alcoholic drinks

For the most part, alcoholic drinks also contain calories from other sources that add to the total caloric intake. Almost all canned cocktails contain fat; wine and beer are high in “empty” carbohydrates. Beer contains more carbohydrates and a lower percentage of ethyl alcohol than wine. Due to its high energy component, beer promotes more active accumulation of excess weight.

Long gone are the days when alcoholic drinks were a curiosity; now in any store you can see only one beer of several dozen varieties. Therefore, if you have already decided to “sin” and venerate the green serpent, then it will be useful to know the percentage of alcohol, calorie content, etc. in various strong drinks.

So let's start with...

Beer (ethanol content 5%) (see table)

Wines (ethanol content from 6 to 12%) (see table)

Strong alcohol (see table)

From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn. If you still decide to “treat yourself”, then:

  • It is better to drink alcohol with a low calorie content and a high percentage of alcohol (i.e. wine is preferable to beer);
  • It is better to avoid high-calorie liqueurs that taste good;
  • When drinking, always keep a snack on hand;
  • Drink plain water between drinks.

Uff-f, well, that's all, our topic - alcohol and bodybuilding - has come to its logical conclusion.


The lecture on how alcohol and bodybuilding combine is over. To drink or not to drink is up to you to choose. But remember that attractive (in the eyes of the opposite sex) What makes you beautiful is a beautiful body and a high level of male hormone, not excess weight and constant shortness of breath. Conclusion - if you want to get drunk on fun, try to get it from sources alternative to alcohol. In the most extreme cases, you can organize a “warm-up” for yourself, but please, work this innocent prank to the fullest in the hall :).

All the best, dear comrades, see you in touch!

PS. Don't forget about comments, it's always nice to hear from you.

The question of the effect of alcohol on the body has been raised more than once. And many have proven its negative effects on the body, especially with frequent use. But those who need to think more deeply about the effects of alcohol are athletes and those who work in the gym in the hope of acquiring the desired muscle definition. In search of an answer to the question: how does alcohol affect muscles, the article covers all the main points related to the effects of alcohol on the body.

Alcoholic drinks affect sleep. The sequence of fast and slow phases is disrupted. The REM sleep phase becomes shorter, because of this, sleep becomes more sensitive and anxious, and the body’s vital forces do not have time to recover. As a result, the muscles do not receive complete relaxation and rest.

Alcohol can cause insomnia. Even if we take into account the fact that it helps you fall asleep faster, waking up later will be very fast.

The production of growth hormone, which is formed in the initial phase of sleep, also decreases. Such a violation is fraught with a decrease in the effectiveness of training and inhibition of muscle growth.

Effects on testosterone

The hormone, which helps men quickly build muscle mass and give their bodies greater definition, begins to decrease under the influence of alcohol. This occurs as a result of more testosterone binding proteins being produced. The process of converting the hormone into estrogen takes place. Substances that form after the breakdown of alcohol can stimulate estrogen receptors.

Beer, for example, already contains estrogen-like substances, so individuals who abuse this drink may experience female-type obesity.

Alcohol and growth hormone

Due to the toxic effect, the body’s production of growth hormone is inhibited by 70%. This, in turn, affects muscle growth. In this case, the effectiveness of subsequent training drops sharply.


An alcoholic drink causes an increase in appetite. Because of this, a person begins to eat more food and gain a lot of excess weight.

Alcohol itself is a high-calorie substance. 1 gram contains more than 7 calories. In the Krebs cycle, disturbances also occur, and it takes on the function of a fat burner. Therefore, all the energy generated, together with alcohol, will be processed into fats.

Alcohol and cardio training

Alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. And during such training, this influence doubles. Therefore, you may feel bad. Blood pressure may rise, dizziness or even loss of consciousness may occur. It is advisable to refrain from such activities for 48 hours.

Effects on vitamins and minerals

When consuming even small doses of alcohol, important compounds are washed out of the body: vitamins A, C, group B, calcium, zinc, phosphates. The muscles feel an acute shortage of these substances and stop growing. Hormones that depend on these vitamins and microelements are also affected. This is already a double blow to muscle growth.

Effect on proteins

Alcohol stimulates the release of cortisol, a hormone that breaks down proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body. It also inhibits protein synthesis. All this happens in a stressful situation, when the body lacks energy and then it begins to look for it by breaking down muscles into amino acids and glucose.

But on the other hand, the lack of this hormone also does not bode well. After strength training, the hormone helps muscles relax. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

We can say that by following the regime and not overdoing it, you can keep the hormone under control. The optimal training time for the body is 45-50 minutes. If you continue it, mechanisms will begin to be launched that stimulate a greater release of cortisol and destruction of muscle fibers.

The body spends all its energy on removing toxins, rather than on proper rest and muscle recovery. This will negatively affect the results in the future.


Water plays an important role in the muscle growth process. With a lack of fluid, muscle fibers stop developing and even begin to break down if the deficiency is severe.

This is due to the fact that alcohol provokes the removal of water from the body by the kidneys. Even drinks with low alcohol content can lead to dehydration.

Effect on glycogen

Glycogen is the body's energy reserve, which is formed from carbohydrates. When the need for energy arises, it begins to break down and produce the required amount of glucose. This provides greater muscle performance.

Alcoholic drinks interfere with the synthesis of this substance. Since the body puts all its efforts into removing toxins. There will be no results from training after taking such a drink.

The effect of alcohol depending on the degree of intoxication

A slight degree of alcohol intoxication is equal to missing one workout. If you allow yourself to become very intoxicated, then you can assume that you have missed about 2 weeks of sports. If you become addicted to drinking alcoholic beverages, you may notice a sharp decrease in muscle growth, and training will no longer be effective.

How to reduce the negative effects of alcohol on muscles

If sports do not completely cover a person’s life and he is not involved in bodybuilding professionally, then it is not necessary to abstain one hundred percent from alcohol. At the same time, you can significantly reduce the risks of its negative effects on the body.

It is important to adhere to several rules:

  • When drinking alcoholic beverages, you need to try to simultaneously
  • eat foods rich in proteins. This will reduce the destructive effects of alcohol on muscle fibers.
  • To prevent dehydration, you need to drink plenty of water. Both while drinking alcohol and the day after. This will help the body better remove toxins.
  • To minimize the harm from alcohol, it should be consumed only 2-3 days after training.
  • You shouldn't drink alcohol after training either, it can ruin all your efforts.
  • The next day, after drinking alcohol, it is important to saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals. To restore those substances that were washed away by alcohol. You need to eat foods rich in protein, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
  • After drinking alcohol, the body needs vitamin C, so you can safely consume foods rich in it.
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks.
  • Try not to eat fatty foods.
  • Cysteine ​​helps reduce the toxic effects of alcohol on the body.
  • To suppress oxidative processes in the body, the next day after drinking alcohol, you can take 500 mg of ascorbic acid and 3 tablets of succinic acid.

The enzyme that processes alcohol in the body is located in the liver. Alcohol dehydrogenase is produced independently of the consumption of alcoholic beverages; it is the result of evolution. Since in the distant past, people ate fermented fruits. This has nothing to do with the alcohol that is meant now.

There is also a dependence on the content of this enzyme and a person’s nationality. So, the further south you go, the more this enzyme is in your body, the better it is broken down and the less harmful it is to your health.

But northern peoples are more susceptible to intoxication, even when drinking small doses of alcohol, and their hangover is more painful and lasts longer.

The same can be said about sexual difference. It is known that in the male body alcohol dehydrogenase is produced in larger quantities than in the female body. Therefore, in the latter, intoxication will occur faster and last longer.