Nomenclature units. Nomenclature names

14. Tsvetkova E.V. Dialectal vocabulary in Kostroma toponymy (lyad, lyada, lyadina, etc.) // Bulletin of Kostroma State University. H.A. Nekrasova. 2011. No. 1. P. 105-109. * * *

1. Burykin A.A. Ojkonimy Kostromskoj oblasti v kontekste dialektologii // Russian slovo i kostromskoj kraj: sb. st. /otv. red. N.S. Gancovskaja, O.N. Krylova. SPb.: Nestor-Istorija, 2013. S. 388-396.

2. Vasil"eva D.I., Baranova M.N. Prirodnye resursy Samarskoj oblasti. Samara: SMIU, 2007.

3. Dmitriev Je.Ja., Kabytov P.S. Samarskaja oblast" (geografija i istorija, jekonomika i kul"tura). Samara: Samarskij Dom Pechati, 1996.

4. Zvarykina I.S. Nominacii mira prirody Astra-hanskogo kraja v onomasiologicheskom aspekte: avtoref. diss. ... kand. filol. nauk. Volgograd, 2015.

5. Kabytov P.S. Srednjaja Volga i Zavolzh "e v XVI - early XX v.: territorial"nye granicy, prirodno-klimaticheskie uslovija // Vestnik Samarskogo gosu-darstvennogo universiteta. 2012. No. 8.2 (99). S. 21-26.

6. Kuznecova E.V. Semanticheskie i funkcional"-nye osobennosti dialektnoj leksiki regiona na lingvisticheskoj karte // Vestnik VolGU. 2012. No. 1(5). S. 68-74.

7. Neganova G.D. Tipologicheskie cherty kostrom-skogo kul "turnogo landshafta: nazvanija gustogo lesa v kostromskih govorah // Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.A. Nekrasova. 2012. No. 5. S. 79-83.

8. Popov A.I. Sledy vremjon minuvshih: Iz istorii geograficheskih nazvanij Leningradskoj, Pskovskoj i Novgorodskoj oblastej. L.: Science. Leningr. otd-nie, 1981.

9. Pshenichnova N.N. Lingvisticheskaja geografija (po materialam russkih govorov). M.: Azbukovnik, 2008.

10. Sokolova A.A. Landshaft v sisteme tradi-cionnyh predstavlenij: geograficheskaja interpretacija dialektnyh obrazov: monografija. SPb.: LGU im. A.S. Pushkina, 2007.

11. SRNG: Slovar" russkih narodnyh govorov / pod red. F.P. Filina, F.P. Sorokoletova, O.D. Kuznecovoj, S.A. Myznikova. Vyp. 1-47. M.-L., SPb.: Nauka, 1965-2014.

12. Tolstoj N.I. Izbrannye trudy. T. 1. Slavjanskaja leksikologija i semasiologija. M.: Jazz. rus. kul"tury, 1997.

13. Fljagina M.V. Lingvogeograficheskoe is-sledovanie landshaftnoj leksiki donskih govorov: avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. Rostov n/D., 2004.

14. Cvetkova E.V. Dialektnaja leksika v kostrom-skoj toponimii (ljad, ljada, ljadina i etc.) // Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.A. Nekrasova. 2011. No. 1. S. 105-109.

Landscape vocabulary in the dialects and toponymy of the Samara region

There is considered the issue of the regional peculiarities of the lexical and semantic and toponymic systems that nominate the natural realities of the Samara Volga region. For the thematic groups "Forest", "Pond", "Terrain", "Soil" there are determined the general Russian and dialectal lexemes that reflect the main properties and signs of the natural landscape. The dialectal names create the basis for the linguistic landscape of the region and its historical and geographical image.

Key words: dialect, patois, toponym, linguistic landscape, dialectal vocabulary, the Volga region.

(The article was received by the editor on September 18, 2015)

T.N. DANKOVA (Voronezh)

Features of the formation of agricultural nomenclature units of the Russian language

Theoretical issues related to the functioning of nomenclature units in the Russian language are presented. Based on the material of the vocabulary of various thematic groups of the agricultural sphere, the features of the formation of nomen denoting the realities of crop production are analyzed in various periods of the history of Russia and the Russian language: the period of formation of the Russian centralized state (late XIII - early XVI century), XVIII century, XIX century, Soviet and recent periods. The close connection of nomenclature designations with terms in the field of agriculture is emphasized.

Key words: nomenclature units, agricultural sector, varieties and varieties of agricultural crops.

As the studies have shown, in the vocabulary of the modern agricultural sector there is a very significant layer of verbal units, which are the names of individual concepts that were formed in different periods of the history of Russia and the Russian language:

About Dankova T.N., 2015


varieties and varieties of cultivated plants, diseases and pests of agricultural crops, chemical plant protection products, etc. In domestic terminology, such concepts are usually called nomenclatural units, or nomen.

Nomen were identified after terms back in the 1930s. . Currently, one of the important issues of terminology is the issue of distinguishing between terminology as a set of special lexical units that serve to name general concepts of a certain field of science, and nomenclature as a set of special verbal designations that serve to nominate individual concepts - specific objects of a certain scientific field. The most justified criterion for this distinction is the so-called functional approach, the essence of which is to differentiate the functions of the specified linguistic units. For the first time such a position was stated by G.O. Vinokur, who believed that in comparison with terminology, nomenclature should be understood as a system of symbols, “the sole purpose of which is to provide the most convenient from a practical point of view means for designating objects, things, without direct relation to the needs of theoretical thought operating with these things ". Similar thoughts were expressed by A.A. Reformatsky, who understood by nomenclature a set of names corresponding to various things, and believed that nomenclature designations provide only information about the differences between elements and their order, but not about the system of concepts, which is associated with terminology. Many modern researchers support the stated points of view. So, for example, S.V. Grinev-Grinevich calls nomen the designations of individual models of machines, equipment, specific types of buildings and structures, structures, brands of materials and products, cf.: “A nomen is not an expression, but a name, a label for a specific object, its content side is ignored. .. the difference between a term and a nomen is the difference between the reflection of a concept and the labeling of an individual specific object.”

In the present study, the distinction between terms and nomen is also based on a functional approach, according to which nomenclature is understood as “a list of names (specialized, carefully

selected, regulated by decisions of the relevant bodies), adopted to name objects that have received their definition in each branch of knowledge, production, and trade. A nomen is neither a proper name nor a common noun, but a special artificial word with a special function”, cf. also: “Nomenclature (lat. nomenclatura - list of names, list, list) - a set of names used in any branch of science, production, etc. to designate objects (as opposed to terminology, which also contains designations of abstract concepts and categories)."

The use of nomenclature designations as specialized, carefully selected names naming objects in the agricultural sector has a long tradition. An analysis of scientific literature has shown that even in the language of the period of formation of the Russian centralized state (late 13th - early 16th centuries), nomenclature names were presented denoting varieties of grain crops (cf.: winter, spring wheat; spring rye, etc.). Obviously, subsequently the lexical units winter and spring became not just names of individual concepts in the agricultural sphere, but moved into the category of stable terminological phrases of this sphere: winter wheat, spring wheat, etc. In connection with the above, the widespread view in domestic terminology is that nomen represent the next stage in the development of terminology, necessary for the easy creation of a large number of names of specific products and individual concepts. It should be noted that the word “nomenclature” is also used in another meaning - ordered terminology with rules for creating new terms.

As an analysis of specialized literature on the issue under consideration has shown, a very significant layer of nomenclature units denoting the realities of crop production appeared in the Russian language in the 18th century, which is associated with the activities of Peter I in the field of agriculture. Materials from special historical research indicate that, by order of the tsar, model gardens were founded in Kyiv, Chuguev, on the Don, Krasny Yar, and Astrakhan. The nomen of this period designated, first of all, varieties and varieties of various agricultural crops, which indicates

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a fairly high level of development of vegetable growing and horticulture in the 18th century. For example, in the Russian language of the time under review, various names for varieties of cucumbers (Dutch, Turkish, early ripening, shaggy, Spanish, snake, etc.), cabbage (early cabbage, savoy cabbage, cauliflower, hot red cabbage, curly cabbage) were widespread cabbage, etc.), apple trees (grushovka, anisimovka, green filling, Sklyanovsky apple, titovka, Kharkovka, chentsovka, etc.), cherries (Vasilievskaya, parental, kulachikha, kislikha, etc.), peaches (nectarine, Venus's breast, French minion, white magdalena, chancellor, etc.), plum (black damask, orleans, myrobolan, white pedigron, large imperial, etc.), pear (bergamot, jargonelle, amadota, windsor, rus selot, etc. ), etc. ; see for more details.

In the 19th century In connection with the intensive development of agronomy as one of the leading scientific directions, the widespread promotion of agricultural knowledge, the organization of agricultural societies and educational institutions in the Russian language, along with terms, a large number of nomenclature designations have appeared not only for varieties and varieties of agricultural crops (cf.: American egg ( Polish wheat), ice (cold wheat) [Ibid., p. 249], arnautka (annual wheat) [Ibid., p. 11], Assyrian rye [Ibid., p. 175], two-row barley [Ibid. , p. 171], buckwheat (common, wingless, winged, Siberian, bordered, Tatar), etc.), but also diseases of agricultural plants (wet rot of potatoes [Ibid., p. 451], warty potato disease [Ibid., p. 915], potato scab [Ibid., p. 349], threadlike potato disease [Ibid., p. 829], rust [Ibid., p. 1136], grape spotting [Ibid., p. 1098]. .), agricultural pests (green-eye bug, bread bug [Ibid., p. 1357], cherry fly [Ibid., p. 135], potato beetle (Colorado beetle) [Ibid., p. 453], wheat mosquito [Ibid., p. 507], meadow moth [Ibid., p. 873], etc.) (for more details, see:). Such a variety of special vocabulary that nominates individual concepts of crop production and is closely related to the terminological units of the analyzed scientific field indicates a fairly high level of development of agricultural knowledge in the 19th century. Very successful attempts to systematize this knowledge have been made in the relevant

lexicographic sources (the first agricultural dictionaries), in which at the time in question, along with agricultural terms, nomenclature designations for the field of crop production were recorded. Such special dictionaries include “Experience of a terminological dictionary of agriculture, manufacturing, crafts and folk life” by V.P. Burnasheva (1843); “Illustrated Agricultural Dictionary. Encyclopedia of Agriculture”, compiled by S.M. Bogdanov (1891), etc.

In the 20th century The composition of the agricultural vocabulary of the Russian language has also been significantly expanded due to a large number of nomenclature units. On the one hand, the nomen of the Soviet period enriched the vocabulary of thematic groups formed back in the 19th century, including such as “Diseases of agricultural plants” (cf.: apple rot, black rot (black rot) - “grape disease "[Ibid., p. 1220], black leg of cabbage [Ibid., p. 1220], etc.), "Pests of agricultural crops" (cf.: apple borer [Ibid., p. 1265], apple moth [Ibid. same, p. 1266], cabbage moth, cabbage cutworm [Ibid., p. 385], onion fly [Ibid., p. 582], etc.). On the other hand, the nomenclature designations used in the Russian language in the 20th century were part of fundamentally new thematic groups: “Chemical protection products for agricultural plants” (baigon, thiophos, bromo-phos, granozan, rogor, thymol, etc.), “Models of agricultural machines” (cf.: Don-1500 combines, E516 grain harvesters [Ibid., p. 116], K-700 tractors, MTZ-50 tractors [Ibid., p. 281], etc.). As can be seen from the above examples, nomenclature units are often used together with agricultural terms (tractor, combine, etc.), which once again confirms the point of view already mentioned in this study and very common in domestic terminology that nomen closely related to concepts, relate to them through corresponding terms and represent the next stage in the development of terminology.

As the analysis showed, the further development of the nomenclature vocabulary of the agricultural sphere is characterized by the appearance in its composition of the studied verbal units of fundamentally new lexemes, which are foreign language inclusions (barbarisms). Similar nomen that became part of the agricultural vocabulary in the second


half of the 80s XX - first decade of the XXI century. (in the newest period of the history of Russia and the Russian language), very often designate new models of agricultural machines or their elements: EasyCut (cf.: “EasyCut - professional mowers for large volumes of work”), EasyFlow (“EasyFlow - the world’s first constant pick-up for forage harvesting machines") [Ibid.], Supersteer, Ter-raglide (cf.: “For work in the field, a front axle of the Supersteer type is recommended. For more universal operation of the tractor, a sprung front axle of the Terraglide type is recommended ( Terraglide)") [Ibid., p. 127], Lift-Control-System (“The Lift-Control-System cutting bar balancing system has proven itself well in practice. It allows you to regulate the pressure on the cutting device and ensures good copying of the field topography”) [Ibid., p. 119] and others (for more details, see:).

In addition, through foreign language inclusions in the Russian language of the post-Soviet period, chemical plant protection products brought from abroad are often designated: Brazzos (cf.: “Brazzos, in its action against chamomile and rapeseed carrion, is an ideal preparation for combining with previously introduced herbicides Herold and Malibu"), Pointer (cf.: “Pointer supports the action against carrion of rapeseed, chamomile, self-seeded poppy and cornflower in a mixture with soil herbicides”) [Ibid.], Bacara ) (cf.: “Bakara has the most powerful effect against tenacious bedstraw”) [Ibid., p. 84], Axial (cf.: “Axial appeared on the market back in 2006. Its advantage is that it has ... a very good effect against ryegrass”) [Ibid., p. 83] and others (for more details, see:).

The presence in the modern Russian language of a large number of nomen-barbarisms indicates general trends in the development of the Russian language in the modern period of Russian history, associated, first of all, with a significant expansion of the composition of Russian vocabulary due to foreign borrowings.

In general, as research has shown, in the structure of modern plant growing terminology, nomenclature units are represented by several large thematic groups that formed in the process of historical development of the agricultural sector and the Russian language: “Various

types and varieties of agricultural plants”, “Diseases of agricultural plants”, “Pests of agricultural crops”, “Chemical protection products for agricultural plants”, “Models of agricultural machines”. The nomen included in the listed groupings are located on the periphery of the terminological field “Crop Production”, but they are closely related to the actual terms of the central part of this field. The above fully confirms the existing statement in modern terminology that “nomenclatural units function in a language only due to the existence of terms.”

Thus, nomenclature plays a special role in the lexical composition of the Russian thematic sphere of plant growing, since it provides the most convenient means for designating a large number of specific products and individual concepts.


1. Bogdanov S.M. Illustrated Agricultural Dictionary. Encyclopedia of Agriculture. Kyiv, 1895.

2. Burnashev V.P. Experience of a terminological dictionary of agriculture, manufacturing, crafts and folk life: in 2 volumes. St. Petersburg, 1843-1844. T. 1-2.

3. Vinokur G.O. On some phenomena of word formation in Russian technical terminology // Proceedings of the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature: collection. Art. in linguistics. M., 1939. P. 3-54.

4. Grinev-Grinevich S.V. Terminology: textbook. allowance. M.: Academy, 2008.

5. Dankova T.N. Russian terminology of plant growing: history of formation and current state: monograph / scientific. ed. O.V. Zagorovskaya. Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House. state University, 2010.

6. Kondrashov V.V. On the nature and consistency of units of military nomenclature in English-speaking countries // Current issues of lexicology. Novosibirsk, 1971. pp. 67-69.

7. Kochin G.E. Agriculture in Rus' during the formation of the Russian centralized state: the end of the 13th - beginning of the 16th century. M.; L.: Nauka, 1965.

8. Milov L.V. The Great Russian plowman and the features of the Russian historical process. M.: Polit. encycl. (ROSSPEN), 1998.

9. New agriculture. 2007. No. 1.

10. New agriculture. 2007. No. 5.

11. Reformatsky A.A. Thoughts on terminology // Modern problems of Russian terminology. M.: Nauka, 1986. pp. 163-198.

VSPU news. philological sciences

12. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Handbook of the Russian language. Dictionary of linguistic terms. M.: ONIX 21st century: World and Education, 2003.

13. Agricultural dictionary-reference book / ed. A.I. Geister. 2nd ed., add. and corr. M.; L.: Selkhozgiz, 1934.

14. Superanskaya A.V., Podolskaya N.V., Vasilyeva N.V. General terminology: terminological activity. 3rd ed. M.: Publishing house LKI, 2007.

15. ASNTIselkhoz Thesaurus / edited by. ed.

Z.V. Lebedeva. M., 1990.

1. Bogdanov S.M. Illjustrirovannyj sel"sko-hozjajstvennyj slovar". Jenciklopedija sel "skogo hozjajstva. Kiev, 1895.

2. Burnashev V.P. Opyt terminologicheskogo slovarja sel "skogo hozjajstva, fabrichnosti, promyslov i byta narodnogo: v 2 t. Sрb., 1843-1844. T. 1-2.

3. Vinokur G.O. O nekotoryh javlenijah slovo-obrazovanija v russkoj tehnicheskoj terminologii // Trudy Moskovskogo instituía istorii, filosofii i literatury: sb. st. po jazykovedeniju. M., 1939. S. 3-54.

4. Grinev-Grinevich S.V. Terminology: ucheb. posobie. M.: Akademija, 2008.

5. Dan "kova T.N. Russkaja terminologija raste-nievodstva: istorija stanovlenija i sovremennoe sostoja-nie: monografija / nauch. red. O.V. Zagorovskaja. Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezh. gos. un-ta, 2010.

6. Kondrashov V.V. O haraktere i sistemnosti edinic voennoj nomenklatury v stranah anglijskogo jazyka // Aktual"nye voprosy leksikologii. Novosibirsk, 1971. S. 67-69.

7. Kochin G.E. Sel "skoe hozjajstvo na Rusi v period obrazovanija Russkogo centralizovannnogo gosudarstva: konec XIII - beginning XVI v. M.; L.: Nauka, 1965.

8. Milov L.V. Velikorusskij pahar" i osobennosti rossijskogo istoricheskogo processa. M.: Polit. jencikl. (ROSSPJeN), 1998.

11. Reformatskij A.A. Mysli o terminologii // Sov-remennye problemy russkoj terminologii. M.: Nauka, 1986. S. 163-198.

12. Rozental" D.Je., Telenkova M.A. Spravochnik po russkomu jazyku. Slovar" lingvisticheskih terminov. M.: ONIKS 21 century: Mir i Obrazovanie, 2003.

13. Sel "skohozjajstvennyj slovar"-spravochnik / pod red. A.I. Gajstera. 2nd izd., add. i ispr. M.; L.: Sel"hozgiz, 1934.

14. Superanskaja A.V., Podol"skaja N.V., Vasil"-eva N.V. Obshhaja terminologija: terminologicheskaja dejatel "nost". 3rd edition M.: Izd-vo LKI, 2007.

15. Tezaurus ASNTIsel "hoz / pod obshh. red. Z.V. Lebedevoj. M., 1990.

Development features of the agricultural nomenclature units of the Russian language

There are described the theoretical issues of functioning of the nomenclature units of the Russian language. Based on the vocabulary from various thematic groups of the agricultural sphere there are analyzed the peculiarities of nomens formation which denote the realities of plant growing in various periods of the history of Russia and the Russian language: the period of formation of the Russian centralized state ( late XIII - early XVI centuries), XVIII, XIX centuries, Soviet and modern periods. There is emphasized the close connection of the nomenclature denotations and agricultural terms.

Key words: nomenclature units, agricultural sphere, varieties and sorts of agricultural crops.

(The article was received by the editor on 10/02/2015)

T.A. KOROTKIKH (Orekhovo-Zuevo)

linguistic status of catchphrases in relation to the phraseological system

A linguistic analysis of catchphrases as an object of phraseology was carried out. A critical review of the specialized literature is given. The author offers his point of view on debatable issues of the theory of phraseology: he clarifies the scope of phraseology, establishes criteria for phraseologization of catchphrases, applies structural-semantic classification to the material under study, and draws a conclusion about catchphrases as an important source of the phraseological composition of the language.

Key words: scope of phraseology, catchphrases as an object of phraseology, criteria for the phraseology of catchphrases, classification of German phraseology.

The expression “winged words” goes back to the ancient Greek poet Homer (epeapteroenta), in whose poems it appears repeatedly (“He is the winged word of

About Korotkikh T.A., 2015

The directory contains a list of product groups, within the context of which it is expected to conduct integrated planning of purchases, production and sales. Maintaining item groups allows you to aggregate planned indicators.

An item group can include an unlimited number of individual item items, but one item item can only be included in one item group. In this case, for each occurrence of the item, the “weight” of the entry is set, which is subsequently used when distributing planned indicators among individual elements of the item.

The "Item groups" directory in the cost management subsystem is used to store cost accounting analytics objects.

Table 8

Description of the fields of the screen form of the directory “Nomenclature groups”

Field name Filling method Purpose of directory details
Code Automatically
Name Manual entry Used to select an item group from the list.
Basic unit of measurement Link to the reference book “Classifier of units of measurement” The unit of measurement in relation to which all other units of measurement are recalculated for the items of the nomenclature included in this group.
Residue storage unit Link to the reference book “Units of Measurement”
VAT rate Select from a list An attribute whose value will be used in the system as a default value when processing documents.
Tabular part “Composition of the nomenclature group” Link to the reference book "Nomenclature" The composition of this nomenclature group, indicating the weight of the entry.

Units of measurement.

The “Units of Measurement” directory is intended to maintain a list of all units of measurement defined for a product item (product, material, service, semi-finished product, etc.). The “Units of Measurement” directory is a subordinate directory in relation to the “Nomenclature” directory and is called up to enter and edit information by clicking on the “Go” button and selecting the corresponding menu item.

An item item is characterized by a base unit of measurement. In addition to the base unit of measurement, an item item may have the required number of other units of measurement (packages). For example, cigarettes can have units of measurement: “piece”, “pack”, “block”, “box”. Each unit of measurement (packaging) has its own conversion factor relative to the base unit. Each unit of measurement can have its own barcode and its own weight.

For a unit of measurement, its name (“Name”) is specified and its compliance with the reference book “Classifier of units of measurement” (“Unit by classifier”) is determined.

One of the units of measure is defined in the item form for the item as the storage unit for balances. This unit of measurement stores the balance of goods in the system. The storage unit for balances is used as the default unit of measurement when selecting item items into a document. At the same time, the configuration allows you to write out item items in documents in any unit of measurement from those entered for a given item item. In addition to the unit for storing balances, another unit of measurement can be assigned in which quantitative indicators will be displayed in reports - a unit for reports. Information in reports can be displayed both in the base unit of measurement, in the balance storage unit and in the reporting unit.

Table 9

Description of the fields of the screen form of the “Units of Measurement” directory Directory "Customer declaration numbers"

This directory stores the numbers of all cargo customs declarations under which imported goods have ever been received. In addition to the customs declaration number, this directory contains a comment that can be used to store various types of additional information about the customs declaration. The directory has a one-level structure. Editing and entering new elements is done directly in the form of the directory list. The directory is used when filling out customs declaration numbers in the "Nomenclature" directory and when filling out documents (in particular, issued invoices).

Accounting by customs declaration numbers can be detailed down to the level of different series of items. That is, for each serial number of one item in the nomenclature, you can assign your own customs declaration number. That is, in the general case, for one product item, as many different customs declaration numbers can be specified as there are positions listed in the “Product Series” directory for this product item.

When registering the receipt of goods, when specifying the series of an item, the customs declaration number specific to it is automatically set. If the customs declaration number for the item series is not set, then the number set for the item item in the main form is taken.

Table 10

Description of the fields of the screen form of the reference book “Customer declaration numbers”

Field name Filling method
Number Manual entry

This directory describes all goods and services that each of its own firms deals with. The directory of goods and services is one of the central directories of the system (used in all modules: TMS, CRM, WMS), so great attention should be paid to its formation.

The directory is called from the main menu of the system -Directories > Goods and services > Nomenclature of goods and services.

Among the list of nomenclatures of goods and services, the following types are found: service, product, nomenclature group.

An entry that isNomenclature group, combines the nomenclature items of this directory, which are analogues of each other. The link to the product group in the Nomenclature of goods and services card is in the fieldProduct item. This connection between item cards is widely used when transferring data to 1C, for example: when transferring documents, the name of not the item item itself is transferred, but its analogue from the fieldProduct item.

This directory may be linked to the directoryNomenclature of goods- most often according to the “many to one” scheme - the connection is registered in the Product or service card. In the Nomenclature of Goods and Services, goods are registered with greater detail - for example, one product, but with different articles or models, and in the Nomenclature of Goods directory, all of them will be associated with only one entry - a specific HS code. Based on the record associated with the cargo nomenclature, you can view the Cargo nomenclature card - context menu commandCargo nomenclature card.

Setting up data display

On the left side of the directory window there isExplorer of types of goods and services, on the right side - a list of product units included in the view selected in the explorer. If absent, Explorer can be called from the Command Actions menu Types of goods.

Outdated item units, which are hidden in the directory by default, can be displayed in the list using the commandShow outdatedfrom the Actions menu.

For product items - goods that were used in the WMS module, you can view their placement in the warehouse (commandPlacement in warehousecontext menu and Actions menu). Also, if necessary, a specific filter can be applied to the directory -Hide products with a fold cell.

The directory is replenished using standard methods for adding objects to BP4. >> General techniques for working with objects


The directory controls duplication when saving the item card. If a service with the same full or short name already exists in the directory, the user will be given a warning.

Nomenclature unit



Short name

Short name of the product or service.

Type (group) of goods

Field value Type (group) of goodsselected from the corresponding directory, called up by pressing a button[...] to the right of the field. If, before adding this item, any type was selected in the explorer window, it will be automatically inserted into this field when the window opens, and can be changed if necessary.


The new product item will inherit the characteristics and characteristics described for the type (group) of goods in which it is included.

Full name

The full name of the service/product should be included in the documents.

Service, non-stocked items


Nomenclature group

The description of the use of the nomenclature group is described in the current topic above.

Product group

A nomenclature of goods and services is selected, which is a nomenclature group of similar goods. The description of the use of the product group is described in the current paragraph above.

Refers to cargo type

This field specifies the connection between the current product item (product) and the cargo item (the Cargo Nomenclature directory).

Article (code)

Product/service article used in our companies. If other counterparties, for example, suppliers of a given product, have different article numbers for this product, then, if necessary, they are registered on the Contractors tab.


Modifications field value are selected from the directory of modification sets: a list of variations for a given service or product. For example : for the St. Petersburg-Moscow air transportation service, a modifier with the following values ​​can be configured: printed materials, live animals, flowers, food. >> Sets of modifications of goods and services

Modification groups

This field is filled in automatically if a modifier has been configured for the type (group) of goods that this product item belongs to. When working with a product item, you can use both a type modifier and modifiers of the product item itself (selected in the Modifications).


This tab displays all the properties assigned to the Nomenclature of goods and services card:

Properties linked to an accounting objectRange of goods and services. >> Setting properties of system objects

Inherited Properties (tab Settings

A set of properties directly linked to the current Nomenclature of goods and services card (tab Settings cards Nomenclature of goods and services).


Each nomenclature unit can have several units of measurement. One of them is recognized as the basic one, the rest are introduced as alternative units.

Basic unit

Specify the basic unit of the product/service that will be inserted by default into documents.

Control the multiplicity when entering quantity

If you do not need to control the multiple of the base unit, then the value 0 is left in the field, otherwise the value is indicated to which the quantity should be a multiple when entering, for example: with a value of 2, the available quantity will be 2,4,6,8, etc.

Unit of measurement (Alternate dimensions)

If necessary, you can specify additional units of measurement, for example, pieces, boxes, kilograms, etc.

Type of packaging (Alternate dimensions)

If the selected alternative unit has packaging, you can indicate which one in this field.

Quantity (Alternate dimensions)

This field is the conversion factor of the alternative unit to the base unit. For example, the product Pears has a base unit of kg, and pieces are selected as an alternative, then in the Quantity field the value will be 0.25, since there are approximately 4 pears in 1 kg.

Multiplicity (Alternate dimensions)

If it is necessary to control the multiplicity of the alternative unit, then enter the value, otherwise leave it empty or 0.

Weight (Alternate dimensions)

Volume (Alternate dimensions)

This is a reference: the weight of the current alternative unit.


On the Accounting tab, each product item is assigned a tax group of goods (what taxes are imposed on this service/product) and the start time of its validity, and analytical items of income and expense are also indicated. Linking a product item to accounting items allows you to combine expenses and income for further financial analysis.

Adding a tax group of goods is carried out using the context menu command Add a group.

Tax group of goods

Whether this service/product is subject to taxes (VAT) is indicated in this field. The value is selected from the directory Tax groups of goods >> Tax groups of goods.

From date

This refers to the date from which the tax group of goods should be taken into account in the system.

Expense item

Budget of expenses and income > Expenses). >> Analytical accounting items

Income item

The selection is made from the Analytical Accounting Items directory (only articles with a scope of application are available for selectionBudget of expenses and income > Income).


This mark transfers the item to Obsolete status. Outdated nomenclature units are hidden in the directory.


On the first subtabRelationship to this productinformation is recorded about counterparties that are in one way or another connected with a given product item: manufacturers, suppliers, etc. This information is synchronized with the tab Products and services Counterparty cards. The information specified on the tab can later be used in various program objects, for example: when adding an expense quote, you can quickly select and substitute the supplier of this service. >> Quote card

You can add a new counterparty by commandAdd a counterpartyfrom the context menu (delete by commandDelete counterparty).

On the subtab Alternative codes (items)You can register additional articles under which this product is sold with different suppliers/manufacturers.


Counterparty who provide, consume, produce, etc. this service/product.

Relationship type

For each added counterparty, you must indicate the relationship of this counterparty to the product/service:Buyer, Manufacturer, Supplier, etc.. The counterparty's roles in relation to the product can be replenished.


Optional field. Can be used to store price information. In addition to filling out this field, if necessary, you can use the quantity scale located on the collapsed tab on the right for a more detailed description of the price.


The prices indicated here are for reference only and are not used when creating other accounting objects, for example, documents. To substitute prices into document specifications and quotes, use price lists. >> Price lists


Currency for the Price field.

Article (Alternate codes)

Alternative article (the main article is indicated in the field Article on the first tab) of the current item, used by other contractors.

Counterparty (Alternate codes)

The counterparty that uses an alternative article for the current product item.


The tab contains the storage characteristics of the product. This information is relevant in a situation where a WMS warehouse program is used.

On the first subtabWMS data > Turnover sheetdisplays, grouped by date, warehouse documents with the help of which the movement of goods and operations in the warehouse were carried out. >> Warehouse documents

On the subtab WMS Data > Chartsthe movement of goods in the warehouse is presented in graphical form.

WMS Data > Settings containsparameters for storing goods in a warehouse.

Shelf life in hours

The permissible shelf life of the product in the warehouse is indicated.

Is a warehouse container

The product may be a warehouse container.

DO NOT keep records of individual batches in the warehouse

When this flag is installed in the warehouse, batch records will not be maintained for this product. Used for goods for which it is not possible to physically distinguish goods received from different invoices from each other (for example, bulk cargo - potatoes). For such goods, when such an item is received into the warehouse for the first time, the system will assign it a unique barcode, and the same barcode will be substituted for further receipts of this item.

Store in a designated warehouse area

You can specify the exact warehouse area in which the goods will be stored.

Control the quantity of goods in warehouse cells

In this table, you can add cells that will be intended for storing this product, and you can also specify the minimum and maximum quantity of the product for storage.

Select from loose ones

When you select a cell, cells that are not assigned to any product will be shown.


Setting up a set of additional properties for goods of this cargo nomenclature.

On the tab you can specify a set of extras. properties assigned to the current item. There is also information about inherited sets of properties: from the type of product and from the type of cargo.

All properties from all sets are displayed on the subtab Properties tabs Basic data of the Item card. The same properties are used in the cargo specification when selecting goods and in the documents of the BP4 WMS module.

See also

Item number

Page 1

The item number (code) and unit of measurement of each material must be the same for all departments and workshops of the plant, as well as in all types of technical, planning and accounting documentation used at the plant.  

The item number (10 digits) and price (5 digits) are entered from the keyboard.  

Nomenclature number - assigned to a specific type (or part of a type) of material. It is designed to contain the necessary information about the material. Using the item number, it is easy to find the desired material among the entire material mass. Under one nomenclature number, many materials with a certain identical set of parameters can be taken into account. With single accounting, as a special case, each material corresponds to one (unique) item number.  

Product numbers are constructed differently based on specific production conditions.  

Nomenclature numbers are assigned by Soyuzreaktiv to each name and each qualification of the reagent when approving the wholesale selling price for it. The nomenclature number is indicated in all applications, invoices, invoices and other material and financial documentation along with the name of the reagent or drug. As practice has shown, this makes it possible to identify possible errors when writing complex chemical names and contributes to more accurate order fulfillment.  

The item numbers of the parts and the number of their occurrences in the combine are arranged in the form of a matrix of 20 x 2 in size, which must be entered from punched cards.  

If nomenclature numbers are not used in the organization, then a dash is placed in this column.  

The distribution of item numbers among the columns of the card must correspond to the sequence of the right character of the item number, namely: the item number ending with the number O must be placed on the card only in the first pair of columns; those ending with the number 1 - in the second pair of columns and so on until the number 9, nomenclature the number of which is located in the tenth pair of columns. Thus, each card contains a precisely fixed group of nomenclature numbers, starting within the lowest digits from zero to nine inclusive.  

The values ​​of item number, quantity and price are zero, therefore, instead of each of these details you can type O.


We copy the debit account, enter the credit account and reversal value again.  

The structure of item numbers, which have nine characters, is as follows: the first two characters form the balance account number, the third - the sub-account number, the fourth - the number of the inventory group, the fifth and sixth - the subgroup number in each group, the last three - the serial number of materials in the subgroup.  

For each item number, a quantitative accounting card of form No. 73 is opened, in which data on the receipt and consumption of valuables is recorded. At some enterprises, the accounting of issued workwear and safety footwear is organized according to the period of wear and, therefore, according to the timing of the issuance of new workwear and safety footwear to replace worn-out ones.  

Nomenclatures and item numbers are developed by a higher-ranking organization or by the enterprises themselves. In the latter case, the nomenclature is approved by the head of the enterprise. The range of materials is reproduced in the required number of copies and transferred to economic services and financially responsible persons of the enterprise.  

In the Nomenclature number column the nomenclature number of the transferred material assets is indicated according to warehouse accounting data. If item numbers are not used in accounting, then a dash is placed in this column.  

In the Nomenclature number column, the corresponding nomenclature number assigned to these materials is indicated in accordance with the nomenclature numbering developed in the organization.  

A separate card is opened for each item number. Therefore, warehouse accounting is called varietal accounting and is carried out only in kind.  

Pages:      1    2    3    4

Each type of material is assigned a nomenclature number (Appendix No. 1), developed by the organization in the context of their names and/or homogeneous groups (types), which is a unit of accounting for materials and is a short numerical designation assigned to each name, grade, size, brand of materials .

Analytical accounting of materials is organized in strict accordance with the construction of the nomenclature reference book, and the assigned nomenclature number is necessarily affixed to all documents related to the registration of receipt and issue of relevant materials.

Item number and inventory number difference

Debit 68 subaccount "Calculations for VAT" Credit 19 - accepted for deduction of VAT on expenses associated with the purchase of materials.

- at average cost;

The method of assessing materials at the cost of each unit is based on an individual assessment of material reserves, which represents the cost of purchasing a specific item. First of all, this applies to materials used by the company in a special manner and materials that cannot replace each other.

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Item number- a permanent digital, alphabetic or alphanumeric designation assigned to each name of material, product, product under which they are included in the nomenclature list.

Nomenclature refers to a systematic list of names of inventory items (TMV) indicating their distinctive features (units of measurement, articles, varieties, brands, standard sizes, etc.). If the item contains accounting prices, it is usually called a price tag item.

The item number of inventory items may have the following structure:

  • the first and second digits are the synthetic account number;
  • third – subaccount number;
  • fourth – group of values;
  • fifth – subgroup;
  • the remaining numbers are the characteristics of the goods and materials (grade, brand, standard size, etc.).

Each document on the movement of goods and materials indicates not only the names of valuables, but also their item numbers, which makes it possible to reduce the number of errors both in warehouse and accounting.

Nomenclature-price tag - a nomenclature register containing a list of names of materials used at the enterprise, their nomenclature number depending on the type, grade, brand or size, in addition, the nomenclature-price tag must indicate:

  1. name according to GOST;
  2. characteristics (brand, grade, size, unit of measurement);
  3. accounting price of the material.

The nomenclature number is assigned to a specific type (or part of a type) of material. It is designed to contain the necessary information about the material. Using the item number, it is easy to find the desired material among the entire material mass. Under one nomenclature number, many materials with a certain identical set of parameters can be taken into account. With single accounting, as a special case, each material corresponds to one (unique) item number.

In the warehouse accounting books, a personal account is opened for each item number. Personal accounts are numbered in the same order as cards. For each personal account, a page (sheet) or the required number of sheets is allocated. In each personal account, the details specified in the warehouse accounting cards are provided and filled in.

Great Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas

Inventory number

The inventory number in fixed asset accounting has the same meaning as the item number in materials accounting.

The inventory number assigned to an item is retained for the entire period of its stay in the credit institution.

Inventory numbers are not assigned to items of uniform (special) clothing.

The inventory number assigned to the publication remains with it for the entire period of its presence in the Central Library collection. The numbers of publications that have left the Central Library Fund should not be assigned to other newly arriving publications.

An inventory number is not assigned to the card and the material being taken into account. If there are significant receipts and they are sent to the structural divisions of the Central Bank, they are taken into account in the same way as books.

The inventory number assigned to an object of fixed assets is retained by it for the entire period of its presence in this organization.

Inventory numbers of fixed assets written off from accounting are not assigned to objects newly accepted for accounting within five years after the end of the year of write-off.

The inventory number assigned to an object of fixed assets is retained by it for the entire period of its presence in this organization.

Inventory numbers of fixed assets written off from accounting are not assigned to objects newly accepted for accounting within five years after the end of the year of write-off.

The inventory number assigned to an object of fixed assets is retained by it for the entire period of its presence in this organization.

Inventory numbers of fixed assets written off from accounting are not assigned to objects newly accepted for accounting within five years after the end of the year of write-off.

41. Inventory, item number.

Each non-obligatory act, except for linen, bedding, clothing, shoes, library funds, low-value non-material assets is assigned inventory number, which has 8 characters. The first 3 characters of the item number subaccount, 4th subgroup and the last 4 characters are the serial number of items in the subgroup.

Example. Inv. No. 10510016 item subaccount 105, subgroup 1, order No. 0016.

42.Accounting entry for non-accounting

In case of post-payment and payment of the required act in a used reflector Dt101-122, Kt364.675

Created or increased funds required for assets Dt801,811 Kt 401

Accounting for necessary assets, excluding biblical funds, linen, clothing, shoes, is carried out in full hryvnias without kopecks pertaining to the establishment's districts.

1) transfer to prepayment to supplier Dt364 Kt323,321

2) the required documents Dt101-122 Kt364 were received

3) at the same time, a record is made of the creation of the fund in the required ak-x Dt801,811 Kt401

4) assigned to district #931; VAT Dt801,811 Kt364

5) payment for transportation services Dt364 Kt323,321 was transferred

6) written off for the station of transport services Dt801,811 Kt364

43. Depreciation of necessary assets

In the budget established for non-essential assets, there is no depreciation deduction, but a depreciation charge, which is carried out on the last working day of the year. Moreover, wear and tear began for a full calendar year, regardless of the date of receipt or construction of the new asset.

1) for land plots and capital funds for land improvement

2) equipment, exhibits in offices and laboratories, which are used for accounting and scientific purposes

3) buildings and structures are monuments of architecture and art

4) standard design documentation

6) museum and artistic values

For accrual wear, the required act is divided into 3 groups:

1.those assets that are studying at = subaccounts 103 and 106 (subgroup 4) #931; wear 5%

2. those assets that are studied in subaccount 104 (except for subgroups 1,2), 105 “Transport equipment”, 106 (except for subgroup 4), 117 “Inventory containers” Depreciation 25%

3.those assets that are accounted for in subaccount 104 (except for subgroup 1,2) 105,107,121,122. Wear rate 15%.

Concept, classification, assessment of inventories and tasks of their accounting.

With the introduction of PBU 5/011, when accounting for inventories, it is allowed to use not only the item number, but also a batch of goods, a homogeneous group, etc. as an accounting unit for inventories.

The choice of accounting unit for inventories is carried out depending on the nature of inventories, the procedure for their acquisition and use.

The accounting unit for inventories is selected by the organization independently in such a way as to ensure the formation of complete and reliable information about these inventories, as well as proper control over their availability and movement.

Finished products are part of the inventories intended for sale.

Goods2 are part of inventory purchased or received from other legal entities and individuals and intended for sale.

An enlarged classification of inventories according to their purpose and method of use in the production process is presented in Fig. 1. (Appendix 2).

Their evaluation is important in organizing the accounting of materials. In accordance with the Law “On Accounting”3, materials in accounting and reporting must be reflected at the actual cost of their acquisition or procurement.

The actual cost of materials written off for production, according to current regulatory documents, can be determined by one of four methods of inventory valuation recommended for enterprises4:

- at the cost of each unit;

Acceptance of materials for accounting at the actual cost of each unit is documented by the following transactions:

Debit 10 Credit 60 - reflects the purchase cost of materials; Debit 10 Credit 76 - transport costs for the purchase of materials are reflected;

Debit 10 Credit 76 - expenses for payment of services to an intermediary when purchasing materials are reflected;

Debit 19 Credit 60 (76) - VAT on capitalized materials (transport costs, intermediary fees) is taken into account based on invoices;

Debit 60 (76) Credit 51 - expenses for materials and related services were paid;

Debit 68 subaccount VAT calculations Credit 19 - accepted for deduction of VAT on expenses associated with the purchase of materials.

- at average cost;

- at the cost of the first purchases - FIFO1;

- at the cost of the most recent purchases - LIFO2.

It must be borne in mind that during the entire reporting year, a manufacturing enterprise can use only one of the methods listed above, which is recorded in its accounting policies.