Oleg Zhamsarayevich Yakovlev musician. Oleg Yakovlev Ivanushki passed away: what really happened to him, the real cause of Oleg Yakovlev’s death, where he was buried. Why the lead singer Ivanushki died

Oleg Yakovlev died today, June 29, early in the morning in one of the capital’s clinics. As Life.ru competently reports, the performer had problems with the liver (allegedly cirrhosis) and was in intensive care for several days. The artist’s common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol told why Oleg Yakovlev died.


“The cause of death was double pneumonia, so all this time he was connected to the machine. During this time, he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home by himself. Previously, we did not call an ambulance, you know, coughing and coughing. Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses,” said the artist’s inconsolable lover.

Meanwhile, Life.ru provides slightly different information. According to the publication, the 47-year-old singer died as a result of pulmonary edema. Complications arose against the background of liver cirrhosis.

Earlier, his former colleague in the group “Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev spoke about Yakovlev’s health. “We shot a new video together and recorded a song, and I didn’t know that he had any problems. But I always jokingly told him: “Oleg, smoke less cigarettes.” I was always ready to support him in terms of a healthy lifestyle. More a month and a half ago he was full of strength,” the performer noted.

Journalists learned about the death of Oleg Yakovlev thanks to a message from Alexandra Kutsevol, which she left a sad message on her official page on the social network Instagram. “Today at 7:05, the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness, passed away... How can I live without you now?.. Fly, Oleg! I’m always with you,” the inconsolable woman turned to him after publishing a photo of her lover wife.

Oleg Yakovlev joined the famous trio "Ivanushki International" in 1998 after the death of Igor Sorin. He left the team in 2013, but, according to him, he never regretted his decision. “For the first time in my life, I felt like such a big deal. I stopped dividing life into three parts. This is so cool and interesting! My eyes are burning,” the artist admitted.

During his solo career, Oleg Yakovlev released several videos: “Dance with your eyes closed” (2013), “Call me after three champagnes” (2013) and “The Blue Sea” (2014).

In addition to their musical career, the artists acted in films, playing cameo roles in three films: “One Hundred Days Before the Order” (1990), “1st Ambulance” (2006) and “Election Day” (2007).

Oleg Yakovlev was never officially married. He also had no children.

"Friend Gone"

Members of “Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov expressed their condolences over the death of the former lead singer of the group.

“Today my friend passed away, We lived on tour for 15 whole years, traveled and flew around the entire globe TOGETHER. I grieve /// My dear Olezhka May the Kingdom of Heaven be with you,” wrote Kirill Andreev in Instagram.

On Sputnik radio, he said that he met with Yakovlev two months ago.

“I was in a state of shock yesterday when I found out that he had been in the hospital for a week already. I didn’t even imagine, because we saw each other two months ago, and everything was fine. And a new video came out, and a song. I don’t even have a thought there was a possibility that something serious could happen. My friend left,” said Kirill Andreev.

“How can you say a few words about a person with whom I spent 15 years of creative life. Tours, trains, planes, cold hotels - everything happened. The kingdom of heaven for Olezhka, of course. I want his soul to calm down. It’s a pity that it’s so early,” - noted the lead singer of “Ivanushki”.

Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov also expressed condolences over the death of Yakovlev.

“I’m shocked, my condolences to the friends he had, and to all the fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of the group “Ivanushek International”. This is an absurd death,” he said in an interview

In the entire history of Ivanushki International, only five people have performed in the team. In 1998, Oleg Yakovlev took the place of Igor Sorin. At the moment, both ex-soloists have passed away..

Igor Sorin

The path to fame for Igor Sorin was thorny. As a child, the boy auditioned for the role of Tom Sawyer, but was rejected by director Nikita Mikhalkov. The defeat turned out to be so painful for the young man that he tried to commit suicide by jumping out of the window - fortunately, due to the low altitude, the fall ended without consequences. Later, Igor received an education at a radio-mechanical technical school, worked as a stagehand, and entered Gnesinka. Later he dropped out of school and went on tour with the musical “Metro” at the Warsaw Musical and Drama Theatre. The production failed, but Sorin received an offer to continue his studies in New York. Alas, another failure: the guy had neither money nor connections to live in America, so he had to return home.

Things didn’t work out right away with Ivanushki either: the group led by Igor Matvienko changed its name many times, and had to perform at schools, at graduations, in casinos and clubs. The first video for the song “Universe” did not cause admiration, and the unusual trip-hop style seemed unusual to listeners. The producer was thinking about dissolving the team, but gave Igor Sorin, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreev a second chance by filming a video for the song “Clouds” - it was this video that became the beginning of the popularity of the male trio.

Sorin decided to leave the group a few years later. “Igoreshka realized that he was tired of being “Ivanushka”, tired of this frantic attention and he wanted to perform solo. Red and I tried to persuade him as best we could: “Igor, don’t rush, we have concerts, popularity - everything is fine.” And he said: “I’m tired of singing the same thing every day.” I objected to him: “Well, everyone sings the same thing.” You will also sing, although it’s your own, but it’s the same thing.” He didn’t want to listen to anything,” recalls Kirill Andreev.

In 1998, at the very beginning of his solo career, Igor passed away. The 28-year-old young man worked with musicians from the group “Formation DSM” - the recording of his own record was in full swing. On September 1, Igor fell from the sixth floor studio window. With multiple injuries and fractures, Sorin was taken to the hospital for emergency surgery. The procedure was successful, but the man’s heart could not stand it - on September 4, Igor Sorin died.

The exact cause of death is still controversial. At the hospital, Sorin insisted that he jumped on his own, but could not name the reason. No traces of alcohol or drugs were found in the young man’s blood. The official version is suicide as a result of depression, evidence of which was the found suicide note. But the relatives refuse to believe this, assuring that their loved one was killed: they twisted his neck and carried him out into the street, staging a suicide (according to the mother, there were really no bruises on the body of the deceased).

In 1998, Igor Sorin was replaced in the Ivanushki International group by Oleg Yakovlev.

Oleg Yakovlev

Oleg was attracted by music and the stage from his youth. In Irkutsk, the guy graduated from a music school, sang in a choir, and received a diploma with honors as a puppet theater actor. But I didn’t want to spend my whole life in the shadows, behind a screen. Yakovlev continued his studies in Moscow: he graduated from GITIS and joined the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. To support himself, the guy had to work a lot: Yakovlev recorded advertisements, worked on the radio and even swept the streets. Working with “Ivanushki International” at first was also just a way to make money: the blonde starred in the “Doll” video as an actor. And he became a full member of the team only in 1998, after the departure of Igor Sorin.

For almost 15 years, Oleg appeared on stage as part of a popular male trio, performing “Poplar Pooh”, “Beznadega.ru”, “A Drop of Light” and other hits, and more than once said that “Ivanushki” was his whole life. And in 2013 he decided to leave the group. There were many versions: some said that Yakovlev was fired for drunkenness, others believed that the soloists had seriously quarreled, and others associated the decision with a midlife crisis. Oleg himself insisted that he simply chose a solo career. “Life has changed dramatically. I became a solo artist. For that, please congratulate me. For the first time in my life I felt so big. I stopped dividing my life into three parts. This is so cool and interesting! My eyes are burning. I have absolutely no regrets. There are a lot of plans,” the artist shared in an interview. Alas, the grandiose plans were not destined to come true. The musician managed to release only a few of his own songs: “Dance with your eyes closed,” “6th floor,” “Mania,” and the recently presented single “Jeans.”

The other day Oleg Yakovlev was hospitalized and was left in serious condition. Doctors diagnosed bilateral pneumonia with complications and connected the patient to a ventilator. It is known that the artist also suffered from cirrhosis of the liver. Doctors fought for his life, but in vain: on June 29 at 7 am, without regaining consciousness, as his girlfriend and producer Alexandra Kutsevol told fans. Relatives assure that Yakovlev was still full of strength and nothing foreshadowed trouble. As it turned out, the man was too inattentive to his health.

“The cause of death was double pneumonia, so he was connected to the machine all this time. During this time he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home himself. We didn't call an ambulance before, you know, coughing and coughing. Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses,” the artist.

Teleprogramma.pro expresses condolences to the artist’s family and friends.

During his solo career, Oleg Yakovlev released several videos: “Dance with your eyes closed” (2013), “Call me after three champagnes” (2013) and “The Blue Sea” (2014).

In addition to their musical career, the artists acted in films, playing cameo roles in three films: “One Hundred Days Before the Order” (1990), “1st Ambulance” (2006) and “Election Day” (2007).

Oleg Yakovlev was never officially married. He also had no children.

"Friend Gone"

Members of “Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov expressed their condolences over the death of the former lead singer of the group.

“Today my friend passed away, We lived on tour for 15 whole years, traveled and flew around the entire globe TOGETHER. I grieve /// My dear Olezhka May the Kingdom of Heaven be with you,” wrote Kirill Andreev in Instagram.

On Sputnik radio, he said that he met with Yakovlev two months ago.

“I was in a state of shock yesterday when I found out that he had been in the hospital for a week already. I didn’t even imagine, because we saw each other two months ago, and everything was fine. And a new video came out, and a song. I don’t even have a thought there was a possibility that something serious could happen. My friend left,” said Kirill Andreev.

“How can you say a few words about a person with whom I spent 15 years of creative life. Tours, trains, planes, cold hotels - everything happened. The kingdom of heaven for Olezhka, of course. I want his soul to calm down. It’s a pity that it’s so early,” - noted the lead singer of “Ivanushki”.

Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov also expressed condolences over the death of Yakovlev.

“I’m shocked, my condolences to the friends he had, and to all the fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of the group “Ivanushek International”. This is an absurd death,” he said in an interview

Today, June 29, at 07:05 Moscow time, the ex-soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died in the capital’s clinic. As Life.ru reports with reference to the Mash Telegram channel, the artist’s last days were spent in intensive care. They say he had cirrhosis of the liver. Pneumonia also caused complications.


The condition of the former “Ivanushka” worsened sharply on Wednesday night. By this time, Yakovlev was already in the hospital with a diagnosis of double pneumonia. On the morning of June 28, it became known that he was transferred to intensive care and connected to a ventilator.

Oleg Yakovlev joined the trio "Ivanushki International" in 1998 after the death of Igor Sorin. He left the team in 2013 and, according to him, never regretted his decision. “For the first time in my life, I felt like such a big deal. I stopped dividing life into three parts. This is so cool and interesting! My eyes are burning,” the singer admitted.

On social networks, fans were seriously worried about the former lead singer of “Ivanushki International”. One fan drew a parallel between Yakovlev and Sorin, who died as a result of a fall from the sixth floor: “An enchanted group - this one goes into free swimming, that one can’t cope...”