Draw leaves and flowers with a pencil. Autumn leaf drawing

Each sheet has its own main characteristics or features. What is on each sheet?

1. Stem, also known as the main axis.

2. A leaf plate that has a certain shape.

3. Veins.

To draw leaves you need to start with the axes. Below is a simple example of drawing a branch with leaves. To begin, we will draw the lines of the trunk and the lines of the axes of all the leaves. Then we will give the leaves a shape using leaf plates, and the final step will be to add veins. That's all you need for the initial sketch of trees with leaves.

Another example of how to draw leaves using veins.

Drawing an oak leaf

Below is an example of how to draw an oak leaf step by step. Based on this, you can draw another leaf of any tree. Here everything depends on your artistic attentiveness and observation.

As we can see from the following sketches, first we need to draw the central axis and borders of the sheet. Next, draw the veins or wreaths of the leaves. After this, at the third stage we draw the appearance of the sheet - a wavy arc. And the last step is the general appearance and finishing touches - small shadows at the center and at some of the veins, so that the viewer and you can clearly see that the oak leaf is not flat, but has volume and some shapes.

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How to draw a maple leaf

If you still have questions and unresolved problems with drawing this part of any deciduous tree, then here is another example for you. In this example, we will analyze it step by step, how to draw a maple leaf. In principle, drawing a maple leaf is not much different from an oak leaf or other tree, except that the maple leaf has not one central axis, but five, according to the number of leaf petals.

Use dots to mark the lower edges of the petal, where it will merge into the next petal. This is necessary for convenience and creating precise symmetry. If you do not make such marks, the sheet may turn out uneven and asymmetrical.

Next, draw the spine (the spine is an important part of the leaf, especially if the leaf has fallen off the tree). Using careful movements, connecting all the control points and observing the characteristic shapes of the maple leaf, we draw it and as a result we get a neat leaf that can be painted over and get a realistic look.

In this lesson I will clearly show how to draw a maple leaf with a pencil step by step. This is a simple lesson that even a beginner can handle.

Before drawing a complex shape, you must imagine how it works from the inside. For example, a maple leaf is not a simple figure. But if you study its structure, it will become much easier. Here is a maple leaf:

How to draw a maple leaf - simple step by step drawing lesson

First, look at the maple leaf in the picture above. Think about what its basic shape is. Look at the stem. Notice how it continues to the tip of the leaf. Look at the “ribs” of the leaf. Think about the angles where they meet the stem. Now you can draw the main shape. Always try to see the basic shape first and leave the details for later. Follow the step by step instructions below.

  1. Draw a square...then draw a stem going through the center.

2. Look at the edges of the leaves. Imagine the angles where they meet the stem. Note that they fold into a “V” shape at the top and sides of the sheet.

3. Now we draw the outline of the leaf. You can use the square you drew in the first step as a guide.

To make it easier for you, the main lines are highlighted in color step by step below:

3.1 Draw a flattened “W” shape at the bottom of the paper. At the top, draw an upside-down “V” shape.

3.2 Now draw 3 letters “J” (2 upside down).

3.3 Now draw the number “7” on the right and the letter “Z” on the left side of the sheet.

4. Now draw the outer fluted shape of the edges of the leaf.

Autumn leaves drawing lesson

Master class. Autumn leaf image

The topic of the lesson is “The diversity of the color palette of autumn nature and the three main colors of paints. Image of an autumn leaf"

2nd grade, Fine Arts Program edited by B.M. Nemensky, 1st quarter, 1st lesson.

Target. This master class is intended to develop the skills of 2nd grade students, independently or with partial help from the teacher, to create images of any shape of autumn leaves and convey their specific color.

Master class objectives: educational: learn

Rules for depicting some plant forms of the surrounding world that have equal halves;

Master primary painting skills; mix paints to obtain the desired color, using three primary colors and their combinations;

The ability to analyze your work from an aesthetic and moral point of view.

developing: develop

Ideas about the concept of “symmetry”;

Attention and observation in relation to color combinations in nature.

raising: bring up

Mutual respect, love of work;

Patience, accuracy, work discipline.

Basic Concepts: symmetry, wet painting, primary colors, complementary colors, color tone, color palette, diversity, nature.

Interdisciplinary connections: literature, music.


For the teacher: presentation on the topic “Image of an autumn leaf”, chalk, board, pencil, paints, brushes, napkin, water, paper, palette.

For students: paper, pencil, eraser, paints, brushes, napkin, water, palette.

Autumn leaf tutorial

1. Organizational part.

To determine the topic and assignment of the lesson, I invite students to solve riddles. I accompany the students’ answers by showing slides about autumn, about the different states of nature in autumn bad weather or on fine days, and slides depicting autumn leaves.

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen?


I paint with yellow paint

Field, forest, valleys.

And I love the sound of rain,

Call me!


The trees change their outfit,

The leaves are slowly losing their leaves.

It’s clear to everyone how twice makes two -


(autumn time)

The branches in the park rustle,

They shed their outfit.

He is near the oak and birch trees

Multi-colored, bright, catchy.

(Leaf fall)

Red Egorka

Fell on the lake

I didn't drown myself

And he didn’t stir up the water.

(autumn leaf)

2. Motivation and goal setting.

Having looked through even such a small number of slides, it becomes obvious: why autumn at different times inspired writers, poets, musicians and, of course, artists to create beautiful works that convey the variety of colors of the autumn palette. Nature is good at this time of year: the sky and the forest as a single whole, and the reflection of the forest in the water, and each individual tree is unique and beautiful, and the earth is covered with a carpet of many different leaves, and each leaf from any tree is interesting and good in its own way. I really want to capture this beauty. Let's formulate the first part of the topic.

Nature. In everyday life, the word “nature” is often used to mean natural habitat (everything that is not created by man).

Color palette (color palette) is a fixed set (range) of colors and shades.

Diversity - variety, abundance of something different.

Let's look at individual leaves. We observe differences between leaves in shape and color, but between leaves from different trees, there is something in common. And this commonality is the sameness of the halves of a leaf of any tree relative to an imaginary line dividing the leaf into two parts and running along the petiole-stem. The halves of the sheet are identical and symmetrical. At the moment we are observing the manifestation of symmetry in nature using the example of a tree leaf.

Symmetry, bilateral symmetry means that the right and left sides relative to some plane look the same (axis of symmetry, center line, symmetrical halves).

Each leaf of a tree has a certain shape and, accordingly, structure. Today we will not depict a tree, and if not a tree, what then... Of course, a leaf and... a leaf of a beautiful, not simple shape, filled with different color spots... that's right, it's a maple leaf. The title of the second part of the lesson topic sounds.

Consider a maple leaf. It has a complex shape, but if you follow certain rules in the image, the appearance of a maple leaf will not be difficult to convey. The leaf has a median imaginary line; it runs through the middle of the leaf blade and goes into the petiole. And there is an imaginary point at the end of the leaf blade and the beginning of the petiole, from which the most visible veins emerge, located equally to the right and left of the axis of symmetry of the leaf. Like this.

3. Updating basic knowledge and methods of action.

Let's use this fact in the image of the leaf. And so, the first thing we do is draw a vertical line in the center of the format with a simple pencil, which will be the middle line of the tree sheet. Next, we mark the vanishing point of the veins on a given line and mark the veins located symmetrically relative to the center line. Like this.

Next, around the veins we draw lines in shape resembling a crown, consisting of three pointed elements, smoothly connecting to each other through arcs. The middle element of each of the “crowns” is larger in size than the two side ones. In our case, there are three “crowns” in total (but it could be different). They are depicted around a central vein-axis and two side veins next to the central one and on both sides of it. And near the remaining veins we draw lines like an arrowhead.

Then we gradually connect the crowns and arrows to each other with smooth, deep arcs, add different lines that convey the finished look to the shape of the tree leaf, and in general the sketch for working with paints is ready.


The maple leaf has a very unusual and interesting shape. It should start with an image of a circle, with a triangular part missing at the bottom. Inside the resulting figure you need to draw 5 straight lines directed in different directions. From the junction of these lines downwards you need to draw another line (leaf stalk). Next, around each of the five lines you need to draw figures sticking out in different directions, reminiscent of the outlines of houses. Smooth triangular lines should be drawn around the two lower stripes, connected at the base of the handle. Now the outlines of the maple leaf should be notched, and the veins should be drawn inside the leaf.

The oak leaf also has a very interesting shape. Drawing an oak leaf is not difficult. First you need to draw it on an oval with a slightly elongated lower part. Then wavy lines should show the unusual shape of the oak leaf. At the bottom of the resulting figure you need to draw a short stalk. Next, you need to draw veins on the plate.

Drawing a linden leaf is also not difficult. The base of the linden leaf is a figure resembling. This means, first of all, you should draw just such a figure. Next, you should notch the sheet and add a handle to it. All that remains is to draw thin veins inside the leaf. The linden leaf is ready.

The strawberry leaf consists of three small leaves. In order to draw it, first, you need to draw 2 intersecting perpendicular lines (a cross) on paper. The three upper segments should be identical, and the lower one should be slightly longer than the rest. Next, you should draw three ovals connected to each other. The three initially drawn segments should become their midlines. Now the three resulting ones should be memorized using triangular lines. Then you need to finish drawing the stem and veins on the leaf.

The rowan leaf, like the strawberry leaf, consists of several leaves. First you need to draw the main long line. From it you should draw pairs of medium-length segments directed in opposite directions. Now you need to draw oblong leaves with small ones along the edge. The segments coming from the main stem should serve as midlines to the leaves. The lower part of the main line should be turned into a leaf stalk. The final stage of drawing a rowan leaf is to depict the veins on it.

Video on the topic

Please note

Useful advice

Now you will learn how to draw a maple leaf. Step 1. To make it easier for us to draw the leaf, let's make a sketch of three lines. Step 2. Let's put four points, which will later help in drawing the sheet. The sheet is ready, it should look something like this. Watch the video below and you will learn how to draw leaves on a branch.


  • how to draw oak leaves

Each tree differs from another species in silhouette, bark structure, and leaf shape. Great variety trees distributed throughout the world. Therefore, the variety of shapes of their leaves is also great. In order to learn to draw leaves trees, take a simple birch or linden leaf without any complications. How do you learn to draw like this? leaves, you can take their most complex forms.

You will need

  • sheet of paper, pencil


Prepare the necessary materials for drawing leaves trees. Start drawing a birch leaf in the form of a teardrop-shaped figure. Jagged its edges using triangular lines. The leaf needs thin and small veins. Don't forget to add the stalk.

Draw a linden leaf. This won't cause any difficulties either. Its leaf resembles . Thus, on paper you need to indicate this shape of the figure. Notch the leaf, draw the veins inside and add a stem to it. The result is a linden leaf.

Draw a maple leaf. It has an interesting and unusual shape. Start it with a circle shape without missing the triangular part at the bottom. From this figure, draw five straight lines that are directed in different directions. From the center of connecting these lines, draw another line - this will be a maple cutting. Then around each of these lines you need to draw figures sticking out in different directions. They resemble the shapes of houses. Around the 2 bottom stripes you need to draw triangular lines that connect at the base of the maple stem. All that remains is to notch the sheet and draw thin veins.

Learn to draw an oak leaf. It's not difficult. Draw on paper an oval-shaped figure with a slightly elongated part at the bottom. Use wavy lines to show the beautiful shape of the oak leaf. And at the bottom of this figure, draw a stalk. Don't forget to draw the veins on the leaf.

Try drawing a leaf. It consists of three small leaves. Draw two perpendicular intersecting lines on paper. The three segments at the top should be the same length, and the bottom segment should be slightly longer than the rest. Then draw 3 ovals. They must be connected to each other. It turned out to be three. Memorize them using triangular lines. Add veins and stems to the leaf.

Useful advice

To draw tree leaves, use a simple pencil. This is the most common drawing tool; you don’t need to look for it for long.


  • How to learn to draw leaves, branches and other parts of a tree

There are a great variety of trees. They all have a certain appearance and differ from each other in the shape of the trunk, the structure and color of the crown and have different sizes and shapes of leaves. You can draw a single leaf from life or using a stencil.

You will need

  • - a sheet of paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - brush;
  • - watercolor paints.


Draw a birch or linden leaf. To do this, mark an oval with a thin line. Draw a vein in the middle and draw both halves. Make teeth around the edges. Draw the leaf more clearly.

To make the leaf look more natural, outline it with the thin tip of a brush. Use smooth strokes to paint the entire sheet. The veins should have a lighter tone. To do this, use a brush dipped in water to paint a light stripe. To keep the lines thin, hold the brush vertically. Blot the design with a clean, soft cloth. The paper will absorb paint from areas moistened with water. Light stripes form on the leaf.

Draw an oak leaf. To do this, also draw an oval and narrow it at the end. Draw the main vein in the middle. It will smoothly transition into the cutting. Mark small stripes from it in different directions. Draw the right and left sides of the leaf symmetrically. Make the edge of the sheet wavy.

Draw a strawberry or strawberry leaf. To do this, visually determine the ratio of the width of the sheet to its height. Using a thin line, draw a horizontal strip of the sheet and mark its width. Draw leaves, make the edges jagged.

Draw a branch with leaves. On a piece of paper, mentally outline the location of the branch and sketch it. Look how many leaves there will be? Will the leaves be the same size or different? Keep in mind that some of the leaves cover others. Look carefully at the shape of the leaves and their color. Draw some leaves darker and others lighter.

Try drawing maple leaves. They can be green, yellow and red. Look carefully at the sheet. It has a complex polygon shape. Unlike the leaves of other trees, the maple leaf has five veins. The strips diverge from the base in different directions. Draw a separate leaf around each line. Draw sharp teeth in the shape of a crown.

For artists, depicting a maple leaf is very difficult, so draw a leaf from life. Take a sample, dry it, or make a stencil from it on a thick sheet or cardboard. Take a blank sheet of paper and place it in the center. Using a pencil or marker, place dots at a short distance along the contour of the maple leaf. Remove the piece of paper and carefully trace the dots along the contour.

Video on the topic

Please note

When drawing leaves, note that their vein always turns into a stalk.

Useful advice

When drawing leaves, look carefully at the fact that if some leaves are folded in half along the middle strip,
then both halves will be the same.


  • http://ceolte.com/view/631

Leaves of different tree species are ideal models for learning to draw. Their shape, on the one hand, is clear and symmetrical, and on the other hand, it is not too simple, consisting of several elementary forms. Drawing leaves allows you to hone not only the skills of constructing figures and their proportions, but also the ability to select and mix colors, convey the texture of a material, and many others. Oak leaves have an interesting, recognizable shape that fits into a simple oval.

You will need

  • - drawing paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - paints, brush/colored pencils/pastel.


Focusing on the drawn axis of symmetry, draw an oval elongated and narrowed at one end. To do this, mark approximately equal distances on both sides of the center line, corresponding to half the width of the oak leaf. On the axis itself, mark the length of the leaf, proportional to its width. Connect the found points with smooth lines forming an oval, one end of which should be narrower.

More specifically, draw the central vein inside the oval, turning at its narrow end into the “tail” of the leaf. From this vein, draw lateral, thinner ones - they are directed at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the central one.

Now draw the characteristic wavy edges of the oak leaf. To do this, draw a small semi-oval above each side vein, and smoothly combine the spaces between them with small curves.

Carefully erase the auxiliary lines of the outer oval. Add even smaller lines on the side veins. Make the middle vein and the “tail” into which it goes thicker by drawing a duplicating line next to it.

You can paint an oak leaf with different materials, but the principle will be approximately the same in any case. First, set the main, relatively light and light tone of the leaf: leafy green in the summer, or yellow-orange, ocher-brown in the autumn.

Today we will learn how to draw leaves. This master class is suitable for everyone, starting with young children.

Each has its own personality - leaves. They come in different shapes, sizes, colors. There are also those that have no leaves at all. These include coniferous trees.

To draw leaves of a simple shape, you will first need to draw a simple sketch. He will determine the appearance of each leaf, their sizes and small details in them. Of course, each leaf is unique and does not have complete similarities with others from its tree. Therefore, if you cannot accurately depict each leaf, then do not worry. After all, this will bring them even closer to the natural and natural look, as nature intended.

Required materials:

  • colored pencils of yellow, orange, green, brown tones;
  • a simple pencil;
  • black marker;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw a large circle on a piece of paper.

2. To it in the lower part of the left side we will add the tip of the sheet in the form of a triangle.

3. But on the right side in the upper part we will draw a tail of a leaf to the circle.

4. Add a center line in the middle of the sheet.

5. From the central line, which runs from the tail to the tip of the leaf, draw small veins to the sides. There may be several of them.

6. Thus, on the left side we will draw a small leaf. It will exactly resemble the right leaf, but it will be smaller and look like a mirror image.

7. We begin to outline the outline of each sheet, along with small details, with a black marker or felt-tip pen.

8. Apply a different color to each leaf. A large leaf will be green and fresh, but a small leaf will be autumnal and already yellowed. Therefore, we use a light green pencil for the right sheet of paper, and a yellow one for the left one.

9. For the brightness and volume of the drawing, we additionally use other shades for each leaf: for a large one - a dark green pencil, and for a small one - an orange tone.

10. Draw the tails of each leaf with a brown pencil. This pencil can also be used additionally to color an autumn leaf.

Now the drawing is ready, and our lesson has come to an end. Having learned how to depict leaves on your paper sheet, you can later use your acquired skills to create an autumn landscape or still life painting.

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