The youngest participant in the “Star Factory” is Zina Kupriyanovich. “New Star Factory”: how the participants live, what they complain about and why Viktor Drobysh is going to shave his head Zina Kupriyanovich’s childhood and family

15-year-old Minsk resident Zina Kupriyanovich is one of the contenders for victory in the sensational musical project. The performer is fighting for triumphant status as part of the North 17 trio. At these moments, millions of viewers on their television screens are watching the final concert, at the end of which the name of the winner will be known. He will talk about the life of a young artist in a starry house, her chances of winning and the experiences of her family. Inna Pilevich.

The most significant thing is the victory at the Slavic Bazaar. This is the coolest competition in our country.

Not every adult artist can boast of such a trophy fund. At 15, Zina Kupriyanovich has victories from “Slavianski Bazaar” to the radio project “Young Talents of Belarus”. The vocalist stormed numerous competitions as a family contract.

The young artist’s father took on the role of producer, and her mother took on the role of artistic director and costume stylist. They raised an artist - Zina's videos have millions of views. It was the parents who suggested that their daughter try her hand at the “New Star Factory”. At the time she got into the project, the performer was only 14.

On the way to the star house, she bypassed 3 thousand candidates. The youngest factory owner. In the rating project, the star is Viktor Drobysh. A reputable Russian producer awarded the Belarusian the sonorous pseudonym Zena or “warrior princess” in honor of the main character of the fantasy series. The famous composer also gave the performer a song. The composition “Knock Knock” has already become a hit on the Internet and is in active rotation.

Victor Drobysh, Honored Artist of Russia, composer, producer: “If it weren’t for her, I believe my star factory would not have happened. Because this is one of the most striking characters. Such talented guys create a rating. They make my dreams come true."

More than three months in the star house. Every day - classes in vocals, acting, choreography. Every step is under the gun of 42 television cameras. Weekly reporting concerts. Despite her young age, the Belarusian managed not only to find friends in the project, but also to captivate the audience with her bright performances with Alexander Rybak, Ani Lorak, and Nyusha.

Together with factory owners Daniil Ruvinsky and Evgeny Trofimov, Zina or Zena created the group “North-17”. It was as part of the trio that the Belarusian reached the final.

In total, 6 nominees compete for the title of best manufacturer. Viewers will decide who will go down in history as the triumphant of the new star factory by voting on the Internet.

Regardless of the results of the audience voting, Minsk resident Zina Kupriyanovich is already considered one of the people in Moscow show business. Even before the final of the project, the young performer signed a contract with the producer. And now she is working on an album as part of the group “North 17”.

15-year-old native of Belarus Zinaida Kupriyanovich, aka Zena, is the youngest participant in the “New Star Factory” of the MUZ-TV channel. Despite her age, the aspiring artist has already managed to shine in a number of vocal competitions and made it to the final of the qualifying stage of Junior Eurovision. And not so long ago, Zina was praised by the presenter. “Wonderful voice, great stage presence. I really believe in her,” she told StarHit.

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Xena, hi! Tell us why you decided to become a singer and did you consider other ways to realize yourself?

There was a time in my life when I doubted my choice. Then I went to art school and studied piano at the same time, and the music teacher said that I had talent. A few years later I was faced with a choice - whether I would become an artist or a vocalist. I decided to focus on the first, but at the same time I hesitated for a very long time. Now I continue to draw for myself.

You applied for Junior Eurovision. Tell us about this experience.

I participated in the final of the national selection, in which 10 artists remained, one of them had to go to the competition itself. I applied twice, but I never managed to reach the final stage and represent Belarus. Probably, I just didn’t fit into the Junior Eurovision format. I remember that I prepared very closely back then, practicing vocals and creating an image every day. The hardest time was in the summer - I didn’t rest at all.

You've probably watched adult Eurovision more than once; would you like to take part in it and represent your country?

While I’m only 15, I’m at the “New Star Factory” and don’t look that far. Although, of course, I dream of a great future in the music field.

You are the youngest participant in the project and came to the project a few days before your fifteenth birthday. Do you feel the age difference with other “manufacturers”?

I thought that I wouldn’t be able to make friends with the guys and join the team because I was the youngest. But it so happened that I don’t feel like I’m 15 years old and can calmly communicate with everyone on the same wavelength. Of course, sometimes there were minor conflicts due to the age difference, but they are a thing of the past.

Do older guys show concern for you?

Some participants treat me like a little sister - they love me very much, take care of me, and always help. Others perceive me as a friend, and there are those who consider me a competitor. To summarize, I feel love, support, and sincerity from most of the guys.

The diaries show that you communicate very warmly with Ulyana and Elman. Which other members have you developed friendly relations with?

I communicate well with everyone, but in Elman and Ulyana I found kindred spirits, we have many common interests. We are very creative people and we don’t feel any age difference.

How did your parents react to your decision to participate in the “New Star Factory”? Still, at such a young age, moving to another country and falling out of your usual life for four months is a lot of stress even for an adult...

My parents took my decision very easily and calmly. I think that “Factory” is a cool and necessary project for me now to develop spiritually and creatively.

It turns out you don't go to school. Do your loved ones mind?

They always support me. And the fact that I miss school is not a problem. When I arrive in Minsk, they will help me with my studies. We have already decided that we will turn to tutors to catch up, and I will finally finish 9th grade. We warned the teachers at the end of the summer, after the final casting on MUZ-TV. Teachers and classmates cheer for me and watch the broadcasts. By the way, during the project I read a lot of fiction, I try to keep up with the program.

Are you an excellent student?

I once wanted to study straight A's, but I quickly realized that this was not the most important thing for me. Now I'm a good girl.

What other subjects do you like besides music?

I love mathematics, but only in those moments when I manage to do it. I really like English, and in general I try to pay attention to languages.

In two months at the “New Star Factory” you have already managed to sing with Valeria and the group “City 312”. Were you very nervous before working with the stars?

In fact, every performance on stage with an artist is very exciting. If I am confident in the performer and our duet, then I feel calmer.

What do you think of the duet with Alexander Rybak? At first you reacted negatively to this duet and even cried, but in the end it turned out to be such a powerful and beautiful number.

Yes, this image of a cat girl from an anime seemed very strange and unusual to me. I felt out of place, and it seemed to me that people would look askance. But as it turned out, the audience reacted calmly to my character, and in the end everything turned out well. It didn’t even hurt that I had never performed such songs before.

Can you say that you were pleased with yourself after this performance?

Certainly! Everything that doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I believe that an artist should be able to take on different characters.

Who else would you like to perform with? Do you have any favorite performers?

Of our artists, I would like to sing with

) each occupied their own niche on the musical horizon, becoming popular, sought-after performers.

In the fall of 2017, the “New Star Factory” started on the Muz-TV channel. The television project once again provided young, ambitious artists with the opportunity, with the help of mentors, to sharpen their talent, making it shine with a new, hitherto unprecedented strength. One of the participants in the program was the finalist of the national selection of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2015 and Junior Eurovision 2016, Belarusian singer Zina Kupriyanovich.


Zinaida Aleksandrovna Kupriyanovich was born on September 17, 2002 in the capital of Belarus, Minsk. The singer's father, Alexander Igorevich, is the director of the Super Duper production center, and her mother, Nelly Nikolaevna, is a family psychologist. The head of the family had a tremendous influence on the formation of his daughter’s artistic personality. Since childhood, the man instilled in the heiress a love of art.

This is how the girl’s future was predetermined when the head of the family first brought his beloved child to his Super Duper production center, where Zina heard her peers singing. Since then, Kupriyanovich has become a voluntary captive of the illusory world of sounds.

As a child, the performer of the song “Cosmos” was an easily captivated person, so it is not surprising that in addition to her passion for music, she was also interested in painting, sports, and dancing. As a child, Zina attended many classes and at different times dreamed of careers as a ballerina, artist and actress.

It is known that during her school years, the future participant of the “New Star Factory” went to drawing lessons, studied the basics of playing the piano, and in her free time skateboarded and roller-skated.

It is also worth noting that, despite being busy, the young singer never had problems with her studies. The teachers supported the young talent in every possible way, and if she fell behind the program due to her performances, they stayed with her after class, explaining this or that material.

Zina also developed warm relationships with her classmates. On the air of the Calendar program, the performer told the presenters that in life she tries not to turn up her nose and act friendly. This position allows the artist to win over even those who initially think about her in a negative way. According to Kupriyanovich, her parents did everything possible to ensure that, against the backdrop of success, she did not develop star fever.


Kupriyanovich’s piano teacher was the first to notice the musical qualities and memorable timbre of Kupriyanovich’s voice. It was she who advised the mother to send her daughter to a vocal class, which the parent did with great pleasure. As a result, in 2008, six-year-old Zina, out of competition, was enrolled in the Zaranak ensemble of the Vladimir Georgievich Mulyavin National Center for Musical Art.

In 2010, the singer left the Zaranak ensemble and entered the choral department at Minsk children's music school No. 8 named after Grigory Romanovich Shirma. In the period from 2011 to 2012, Zinaida participated in music competitions, taking only prizes in them.

In 2013, Zina reached the finals of the “Children's New Wave” competition. After a successful performance, the composer invited the young talent to join the choir performing under his leadership. As part of the ensemble, the artist appeared on stage with, and. In December of the same year, she performed with the group “5sta family”, performing their hit “I’ll be with you” on the stage of the Olimpiysky sports complex.

In 2014, Zina took first place in the children's competition “Slavic Bazaar” with the songs “Smile” and “Novy Zen”. Also, Kupriyanovich’s collection of musical tandems was replenished with a duet with the group “IOWA”. The young vocalist performed the song “Simple Song” with the members of the group. Zina’s debut video “Towards the Wind” was also released this year.

In 2015, the singer became a finalist in the national selection of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Peace”. In 2016, the premieres of 4 original songs by Zina took place: “Space”, “Everything will work out”, “Peace” (remix) and “We are the new generation”. In August, as part of the “Children's New Wave”, Zina performed on the same stage in a duet with (single “Bit Bombit”) and (as part of the “New Wave” choir).

Also this year, representatives of the Disney company, who studied the vocalist’s work from the age of 6, invited Kupriyanovich to voice the main character of the animated film “Moana”. The artist also sang the title track of the film - the song “What awaits me” (second title “My Heart”). It is known that in addition to Zinaida, the leader of the Mumiy Troll group, an actor, artists and others participated in the dubbing.

In 2017, the management of the Muz-TV channel revived the popular show “Star Factory” and announced the recruitment of new contestants. In the summer, young singers sent their applications to the organizers and participated in qualifying auditions. By the beginning of autumn, large-scale castings were completed, and the jury selected 16 talented artists, among whom was Zina. The vocalist, along with other performers, settled in a specially equipped cottage in the Moscow region, coming under 24-hour surveillance by video cameras.

To become a professional singer, Kupriyanovich will have to hone her stage skills for a couple of months under the supervision of star mentors. During her time on the project, the vocalist has already managed to sing a duet with, and. The audience also noted the song “Winter Garden” performed in tandem with the singer.

Personal life

Despite her rather young age, the press is already attributing Zina to a relationship with the winner of the international competition “Hali-Halo” in 2012, aspiring singer Arseny Akopyan.

Rumors that the guys are connected not only by friendship appeared after the young people began posting joint pictures on their social networks. In the “Question and Answer” video blog, the aspiring artists denied this information, saying that there was nothing between them other than friendly sympathy.

Zina Kupriyanovich now

In 2017, Zina skillfully combines participation in the “Star Factory” with the release of new singles. In July-September, on her YouTube channel, the singer published videos for the compositions “Everything will work out,” “Golden Brick” and “Mint.” Kupriyanovich is an active user of social networks. IN "Instagram" the performer of the song “Towards the Wind” regularly posts photographs from her personal archive and backstage footage from performances.

Also on its oxbow in

Participant name: Zina Kupriyanovich

Age (birthday): 17.09.2002

City: Minsk

Job: singer

Family: single

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Read with this article:

The youngest participant in the New Star Factory was Zinaida Kupriyanovich. The girl was born on September 17, 2002 in the capital of Belarus. Zina's father is the director of a production center, and her mother is a family psychologist. At all castings, the young factory owner was supported by her father.

Since childhood, Zina has been active, and therefore her parents decided to channel her energy into useful work, so she was enrolled in creative and sports clubs.

All the teachers agreed that Zina was a very talented child, seeing a good future for her as a ballerina, artist or gymnast.

Only the first piano teacher noticed that her 4-year-old student had excellent musical abilities.

Already at the age of 6, Zina became a member of the Zaranak ensemble.
, without even going through the selection process.

In 2010, she left the group and went to study in the choir department at a music school.

Over the next two years, she actively took part in a lot of competitions and concerts.

In 2013, she became one of the artists of the Super Duper Production Center, whose director is her father. Since 2013, she has been receiving invitations from I. Krutoy himself, having successfully presented herself at the finals of the “Children’s New Wave” competition in Jurmala.

Zinaida is a member of the New Wave choir. She has joint duets with Ani Lorak, L. Leshchenko and even such artists as I. Kobzon, L. Fabian.

In 2014, she won the children's Slavic Bazaar. In the same year, her debut video “Towards the Wind” was released. A year later she became a finalist in the national selection for Junior Eurovision. Her song became the anthem for the Legends Race.

In 2016, she took part in the tour of A. Lanskaya and A. Tikhanovich, released 4 original songs, sang at the “Children’s New Wave” together with Dominic Joker, A. Rosenbaum, became a finalist in the national selection “Junior Eurovision - 2016”, received a Grand Prix In the radio competition “Young Talents of Belarus”.

At the first concert of the New Star Factory, she sang the song “She’s Not Yours” in a trio together with S. Piekha and one of the manufacturers, as well as Valeria.

In March 2019, Kupriyanovich won the national selection for the adult Eurovision Song Contest. Zina will go to Tel Aviv under the pseudonym ZENA, where she will represent Belarus.

Photo by Zina

The girl has about 100 thousand subscribers on Instagram.