What does it mean to see a ghost in a cemetery? A resident of Simferopol spoke about encounters with the world of the dead

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A resident of Simferopol, Natalya Shishkina, was vacationing with her friends in the village. There was a graveyard next to the house. One clear sunny day, a woman decided to photograph the irises blooming in her yard. When I returned home and looked at the photo, I was somewhat surprised to see a strange cloud in the corner of the photo. And then Natalya remembered what Sergei, whose family she was visiting, once told... (website)

"Walking" spirits

The man assured that not only he, but his relatives and friends often see such clouds. These, as Sergei believed, were the spirits of people buried in the cemetery “walking.” And then he told Natalya the following story.

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One evening he returned from work later than usual - tired, hungry and, as the narrator especially emphasized, absolutely sober. Sergei's path lay past the cemetery. Approaching the churchyard, he suddenly stopped at the sight of a male silhouette darkening ahead. It seemed that the stranger was hovering above the ground, his movements were so smooth. This picture made Sergei feel creepy, he did not dare to go further...

Suddenly Sergei's mobile phone rang and distracted him for some time. Having answered his wife, the man looked up and saw that the road in front of him was empty, the frightening silhouette had disappeared...

Having crossed himself, Sergei rushed home and only there he finally calmed down and told his wife about his adventure, which, of course, greatly frightened her...

Incident at the city cemetery

Natalya immediately believed this story, because she herself had once encountered something similar. One day she and her daughter went to the cemetery to visit the graves of their relatives. Grandfather and grandmother were buried nearby, and Natalya began to weed out the grass in their fence. The girl first helped her mother, and then she got tired and sat down on a bench to rest.

At that time, not far from them, literally across the row, someone was being buried. Out of the corner of her eye, Natalya saw a crowd of people and heard quiet crying. Then people began to disperse, and soon there was no one left near the fresh grave. Suddenly, at some point, Natalya realized that she had made a mistake: in front of the grave mound, which was covered with wreaths and flowers, stood a man dressed in a dark jacket. “Why didn’t he leave? - Natalya thought, peering into the man’s face. “He probably wants to say goodbye to the deceased in private...” Having decided so, she was ashamed of her curiosity and lowered her head. And when I looked in that direction again, the man was no longer near the grave. Such a quick disappearance also surprised Natalya somewhat, but no more.

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Having finished their work, mother and daughter sat down on a bench and, taking out the food they had brought, gathered to remember their relatives. Suddenly the girl asked if her mother had seen a strange man at the new grave. The strange thing was that this man did not leave, but literally disappeared before her eyes...

Frightened and at the same time intrigued, Natalya decided to examine the fresh grave. Her daughter followed her. Among the wreaths and flowers, they found a photograph of the deceased: looking from it, smiling, was the man whom both of them had seen standing near this very grave! “It’s him, it’s him! - repeated the amazed girl. “He was here, and then immediately disappeared!..”

Dead spirits can serve the living

We have all been familiar with “cemetery horror stories” since childhood, when these gloomy stories are perceived especially vividly and amaze the imagination with an inexplicable and bewitching horror. An adult, as a rule, does not need to think about such phenomena, unless, of course, he encounters them directly, as happened with Sergei and Natalya. But there are people who constantly deal with dead spirits and, moreover, use their help in a variety of matters. These people, of course, are sorcerers. Through magical rituals and secret spells, the master can turn to the spirit with a question and receive a truthful answer to it. He can also express his request or demand - and they will be fulfilled.

Photos from open sources

The spirit of the deceased who is the last to die during the day is considered the strongest. He is the owner of the graveyard until the next - the last for the day - deceased is buried here. This spirit is also called a pogostnik. It is to him that strong masters turn in cases of extreme need - when urgent and effective help is needed.

As for ordinary people who are far from everything magical, that is, most of us, it is necessary and sufficient for us to treat the world of the dead and its mystical manifestations in our reality - the reality of the living with due respect...

Phantom cons and gangsters

For example, in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh there is an ancient Greyfriars Church, and nearby there is an equally ancient cemetery, where many historical films were filmed. The place is quite popular among tourists. It is they who say that during excursions around the cemetery they sometimes hear indignant voices and see ghostly figures. And some even claim that some unknown force gives them pushes and blows...

The fact is that in the 17th century. There was a prison on the territory of the cemetery. In 1679, King Charles II imprisoned political criminals here, many of whom were sentenced to death and then buried in the same cemetery. Lord Mackenzie, who passed death sentences on prisoners, was also buried here...

Another “haunted cemetery” is Bachelors Grove near the city of Crestwood (USA). This place is called so because it was once home to single immigrants from Germany who worked on the Illinois-Michigan Canal. The cemetery appeared in 1864. In the 20-30s. of the last century, victims of gangster wars were repeatedly dumped into the cemetery pond. Then the ghosts of murdered gangsters began to be seen here...

The cemetery is very small, and no one has been buried there since 1965. Young people often carry out acts of vandalism: breaking tombstones, dumping the contents of coffins... And in one of the corners of the cemetery, next to the pond, traces of animal sacrifices are found - apparently, some sectarians are operating ...

Roar from the graves

There are many “turbulent” cemeteries in the territory of the former USSR. One of them is located near the village of Semenovskoye, Kursk region. The local population claims that at night the dead come out of their graves and walk around the village. True, there are only three ghosts - two men and a woman. This usually happens from twelve to half past midnight.
The Moscow group of paranormal researchers “Extrana” was involved in the investigation of this phenomenon. Here is the story of its leader V. Kaldin:

“At exactly twenty minutes to twelve we heard some dull noise and a distinct roar coming straight from one of our graves. I turned on a powerful professional soundphone that picks up and records sounds at a distance of up to one hundred meters. Gradually, noises and sounds began to be heard from all three graves. Then the earth began to move on one of them and gradually began to crumble inward. Our employee forgot about his camera and looked at the grave, spellbound. When something shapeless began to rise from this grave, I also froze for a few seconds and only then turned on a powerful army flashlight. There was such a roar that it filled my ears. The dead man did not expect a bright light, or maybe this light still had some effect on him, but one way or another, he collapsed into the grave, and the earth itself began to fall back asleep! I directed the flashlight beam at other graves, and the roar from there also began to come muffled and muffled, and then stopped altogether.

As it turned out later, our photographer still managed to click the camera several times when I aimed the beam at the dead man. But the photographs did not work out; they turned out to be completely overexposed. The soundphone also did not record any sounds, not even a monstrous roar..."

Radiation raises the dead?

In Orel, next to the railway station, there is an abandoned cemetery. The fences of many graves have been knocked down, and the graves themselves are often undermined...

The night watchman of the gypsum plant, located 40 meters from the abandoned churchyard, assures that for several years now ghosts have been looking into his booth... The first time it was a wizened old man, dressed all in black. When the watchman opened the door, he silently shook his bony finger at him. The ghost smelled of rot. The light fell on his face, and empty eye sockets became visible... The watchman slammed the door and then heard the dogs howling until the morning. In the morning it turned out that one of them was missing... After that, the “dead men” knocked on his door more than once, but he no longer opened the door. And always after their visits, one of the animals disappeared... According to the watchman, the dead were disturbed by radiation: ghosts began to appear in May 1986, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Then the radioactive cloud reached Orel...

And the eternal battle...

Several years ago, the Belarusian village of Dubovy Log, in the Dobrush region, experienced an entire invasion of ghosts. At night, on the outskirts, from the side of Lake Vygonovskoye, the crackle of rifles was heard. A resident of the last house, pensioner Maria Dobyshch, later told reporters that, looking out the window, she saw gray shadows crawling and shooting around her garden. When they crawled out into the light of the lantern, the woman realized that they were soldiers in German helmets.

The “German soldiers” were also seen by other village residents. Some even tried to shoot at them with guns, but they didn’t seem to notice the shots...
Valentina Kozyreva encountered a man in a half-decayed military uniform and a rusty helmet in her yard. In his hand he held the same rusty rifle. Instead of a face, the “soldier” had a skull with a grin and empty eye sockets... The woman lost consciousness from fear, and when she woke up, there was no one in the yard.

In the same way, the rest of the living dead disappeared into the darkness without a trace. Later, the natives recalled that about five kilometers from the village there used to be a German cemetery dating back to the First World War. And burial mounds were preserved in the forest... It also turned out that in the summer of 1946 the neighboring village of Persten was attacked several times at night by some gangs who were mistaken for undead fascists hiding in the forest or for policemen. However, in reality they never harmed anyone and, after shooting, disappeared to God knows where...

News edited Agatha Black - 4-12-2012, 20:09

The 10 most famous cemeteries with ghosts, described in this article, do not in any way claim to be exclusive and unique, because surely any cemetery has its own terrible stories and legends that have been discussed for more than one generation. However, some of them are of particular interest to modern ghost hunters.

1. Père Lachaise Cemetery

This is an ancient Parisian cemetery that became the final resting place for Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison and Marcel Marceau. It is rumored that Holocaust victims slowly move through its territory at night in search of peace. Who knows how many other restless spirits might reside there?

2. St. Louis Cemetery

The St. Louis City Cemetery in New Orleans contains the remains of the infamous Marie Laveau, a 19th century voodoo queen. Local residents are confident that Marie, even from the grave, still fulfills the requests and appeals of visitors. In addition, they say that clearly audible crying is periodically heard from a number of crypts.

3. Highgate Cemetery

In the 1960s, rumors began to actively spread in London about a vampire walking around the Highgate Cemetery. By the way, this is where Karl Marx and Charles Dickens lie. There was also talk that bloodless bodies of animals were being discovered in the cemetery. As a result, the townspeople launched a real hunt for the vampire, including opening suspicious graves and driving in aspen stakes. The vampire, of course, was not caught. Perhaps the wanderer in black clothes and with a deathly white face still wanders among the graves at night. Would you dare explore Highgate Cemetery after dark?

4. Greenwood Cemetery

The most famous ghost of Greenwood Cemetery in Decatur, Illinois, is a frightened and angry boy whom locals call Michael. He throws stones at visitors and even tries to hit or knock them down. Besides the boy, visitors may occasionally notice a sad girl waving at them as they leave this now closed and abandoned cemetery.

5. Stull Cemetery

It is believed that in the Stull Cemetery in Kansas on Highway 40, also called the “cemetery of the damned,” the body of Satan’s son from an earthly woman is buried. Rumors of strange rituals and unexplained night lights only add an even more frightening aura to this mystery. The place is so creepy that it is considered the gateway to hell.

6. Resurrection Cemetery

Chicago's Resurrection Cemetery is the resting place of the not-so-quiet Bloody Mary, a famous urban legend that states that Mary was killed just outside the cemetery as she walked out of its gates. Now Mary systematically appears on the road and asks to be taken to the cemetery gates, at which she instantly disappears.

7. Garden of Hope Cemetery

In the city of Gautier (Mississippi) there is a cemetery “Garden of Hope”, where a brutally murdered family of seven people, including five children, is buried. After their burial, visitors often see ghosts of children running around the cemetery, laughing and playing happily. And here lives a ghost thief who takes wreaths from other people’s graves to his own grave. And, of course, Bloody Sarah - a young lady with red hair and a red robe, who gets out of the fence and scares drivers on the road.

8. Bachelor's Grove Cemetery

Another mystical cemetery in Chicago, closed for more than half a century. Researchers say that it is simply teeming with spirits and other paranormal entities. Visitors witness a white pillared house that quickly appears and quickly disappears, and in the early 1990s a photograph was taken of a mysterious translucent lady in white sitting on a grave.

9. Bonaventure Cemetery

This picturesque cemetery in Savannah, Georgia, became the setting for the film Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. It is all overgrown with Spanish moss and looks like the perfect home for otherworldly creatures. Local residents tell tourists the story of the girl Gracie Watson, whose statue sometimes really cries when someone steals her gifts that visitors carefully leave for her.

10. Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires

The Recoleta cemetery is called the city of the rich but the dead. The legendary Eva Peron found her peace here, but people say that she is unhappy with her last “apartment”. In addition, there is a legend about a night watchman who committed suicide at his workplace, and therefore visitors still hear the jingle of his keys or see his figure wandering around the premises.

Cemeteries, which already evoke thoughts of various mystical events, have enjoyed a bad reputation since ancient times. Chilling legends and traditions are associated with them. It is not for nothing that every nation has its own burial canons, which have been strictly observed for several centuries. All this is done so that the souls of dead people find peace and do not disturb the living. It is no coincidence that ghosts appear in the cemetery much more often than in other places, and many are sure that this is due to special energy.

Versions of the appearance of ghosts

Researchers investigating the causes of phantoms believe that this is associated with death, which is accompanied by physical and emotional pain. A dying person wants only one thing - the end of torment, and his soul leaves the body before death itself and remains in the world of the living.

Many believe that the restless souls that wander and frighten the living are a consequence of burying people not according to established canons. Disembodied visions can even point to the place of their death, and then the found remains are buried according to all church rules, and grateful souls go to another world and no longer bother people.

There is another version according to which entities appear due to the fact that the dead have unfinished business.

Ghosts and Ghosts: What's the Difference?

By the way, many people often confuse the terms “ghost” and “ghost”. Experts say that ghosts are phantoms of the dead, strongly attached to a specific place. And ghosts, which are human souls that have appeared in the world of the living, can appear in different parts, so not every ghost can be called a ghost, but any ghost is a ghost. In our article we are talking about entities that are found in a certain place (cemetery), so the meaning of the concepts in this case is the same. However, this does not mean that the phantoms of the dead necessarily look like people.

All researchers are convinced that souls remain in our world if something strongly holds them here. It could be love, resentment, hatred, revenge or duty.

Phantom of Vysotsky?

In 2015, all newspapers were full of shocking headlines that fans of V. Vysotsky, who came to honor the memory of their favorite artist, saw his ghost at the grave. A certain cloud separated from the tombstone, which later hovered over the brought flowers. The incredible phenomenon was captured on phone cameras, and upon closer examination one can see the figure of a man, but experts are not sure that it was Vysotsky who appeared before admirers of his talent.

Apparitions at a Chicago cemetery

Of course, each eternal resting place has its own terrible stories that are passed down from generation to generation. Let's look at several famous mystical places where real ghosts have appeared.

Resurrection Cemetery (Chicago) gained worldwide fame after a girl, who had quarreled with her boyfriend and ran away from a party in a light outfit and ballroom shoes, was hit by a truck at night. At the end of the 20s of the last century, the beauty was buried in the cemetery of the Resurrection, and since then, on winter evenings, the disembodied image of blond Mary appears, voting on the road next to the necropolis. Drivers say that a lady in a light dress suddenly appears under the wheels of cars and even walks through a pile of metal.

Ghosts at Garden of Hope Cemetery

In the small town of Gautier (Mississippi), there is a tiny necropolis called Gardens of Hope, where a family of seven is buried. The brutal murder of his wife and five children was committed by the head of the family, who suddenly lost his job. A man who screamed that he was forced to commit a terrible crime was hit by a car, and he rests in the same grave with those from whom he took the lives. Since then, children's voices have been heard at the Garden of Hope Cemetery, and in the evenings those who come to visit their relatives see ghosts dressed in old clothes appearing. The phantom of a gravedigger, who was hit by a car many years ago, also lives in the cemetery. As eyewitnesses say, he greets all visitors with a smile.

Mysterious churchyard

In the American city of Decatur, at Greenwood Cemetery, things happen that defy reasonable explanation. Experts assure that the whole point is in the land on which an ancient burial ground was located many centuries ago. The Indians who lived here knew that burials should be arranged in places associated with the other world, since this helps the souls of the dead to get to another world.

And when the first colonists appeared, they disturbed the ancient graveyard, where real ghosts are so often found. In a cemetery recognized as a zone, voices and mysterious whispers are heard, funeral processions unexpectedly appear and disappear, the dead crawl out of their graves at night, and then those who are late are in trouble.

The most mystical cemetery

Perhaps the most mystical necropolis in the world is Bachelors Grove Cemetery in Chicago, where various entities live. The abandoned cemetery is adored by paranormal investigators, who record everything that happens here on camera. Thus, in 1991, a unique photograph appeared showing the translucent figure of a woman sitting on a tombstone. Many people watch mysterious ghosts wandering among the graves, disappearing into the air. Not only people appear at the cemetery at night, but also cars rushing at great speed, dissolving before the eyes of eyewitnesses.

Ghosts in Toowoomba

Recently, the small Australian town of Toowoomba has been frequented by ghost hunters, trying to capture the paranormal activity on film. They come to a local churchyard, where unexplained supernatural phenomena have been observed over the past few years. Photos of ghosts in a cemetery literally blew up the Internet in 2015. Mysterious entities walk among the graves not only at night, but also during the day, getting into the frame. For example, a female figure in a red outfit, surrounded by a clot of air, amazed visitors by quickly moving around the territory.

Another frightening photo of a phantom with a white face and flowing hair was taken during daylight hours. As the author said, the woman gliding through the air did not pay any attention to him until he photographed her. When the figure turned sharply towards the sound, the tourist was seized with real horror, but the sunlight helped him overcome his fear. As especially impressionable people admit, they even feel the touch of strange entities.

There are hundreds of similar stories when ghosts suddenly appear in a cemetery, but official science does not comment on such facts. She does not explain the phenomenon of mystical forces, but she cannot dismiss it either.

Where else can ghosts live, if not in a cemetery? But it turns out that not all cemeteries are equally terrible. Some of them are especially outstanding and terrify the local population. So, welcome to haunted cemeteries.

Highgate Cemetery (London, UK)

The cemetery is famous for the burial places of Charles Dickens, Karl Marx and other famous people. And also because it is supposedly home to the Highgate Vampire, a ghostly 2.5-meter creature that has been attacking people since the late 1960s. In the 1970s, they really believed in this and even organized a massive hunt for the poor vampire several times, choosing nights falling on Friday the 13th.

Western Burial Ground (Baltimore, USA)

Edgar Poe is buried in this cemetery, as well as the "Skull of Cambridge". It is believed that the skull belonged to a certain priest, with whom something was clearly wrong, because some kind of screams were constantly heard from his grave. The skull was filled with cement to muffle the screams, but many say the screams can still be heard occasionally even today. And some of them come from the stone head.

Valley of the Kings (Luxor, Egypt)

The famous valley with the tombs of ancient Egyptian rulers boasts the presence of ghosts of several pharaohs, including Tutankhamun himself. It is believed that when archaeologists dig up another tomb, in most cases they release a new ghost into the wild. Observers have repeatedly observed all sorts of paranormal activity in the valley, including the ghost of Akhenaten, as well as the pharaoh on a ghostly chariot drawn by black horses.

Cemetery Hill (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA)

After the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, there was simply no escape from ghosts in the area. Many visitors to the cemetery claim to have seen, heard and even smelled ghosts. The most talkative of the latter begged the living to leave before it was too late.

Vagankovskoe Cemetery (Moscow, Russia)

Like many famous haunted cemeteries, the Vagankovskoye Cemetery is considered a mystical place where strange, sometimes unimaginable things happen. Interesting things are happening at the grave of the famous actor Alexander Abdulov. At night, a strange cloud appears over the grave and sways, causing a photograph of the famous actor to come to life. This is especially clearly visible in infrared light. The first time this phenomenon was noticed was shortly after the burial, on the ninth day. Warmth seems to emanate from the grave. Stray dogs come here in winter to keep warm. This phenomenon is explained in different ways. Some say that candles burning on a grave heat the air, which rises; others say that this happens on all fresh graves, so corpse gases come to the surface. There is another version: after death, a person’s aura does not disappear. A strong glow over the grave means that during life the person was distinguished by powerful energy. The Vagankovskoe cemetery also has its own ghost, which inspires real horror. The cemetery is full of mass graves. In one place, a man in a soldier’s uniform suddenly runs up to visitors who have climbed here in search of thrills. His mouth is wide open, he waves his arms and says something, but no words can be heard. The soldier's uniform is unusual. The uniform belongs to a soldier of the French army, which fought here in 1812. It is believed that the spirit of a soldier buried in a foreign land asks to be returned to his homeland or at least to say hello to his relatives. However, no one has yet been able to understand French speech by mouth movements.

Boot Hill (Tombstone, Arizona)

This haunted cemetery is interesting because a photograph was taken of it in which a very small man wearing a wide-brimmed hat and holding a knife appeared, and the photographer claimed that there was no man present at the time the photograph was taken.

Glasnevin Cemetery (Dublin, Ireland)

Several ghosts live in this cemetery, but the most interesting of them is the ghost of a dog, which from time to time visits its owner’s grave. They say that this dog died of hunger at the grave of its owner, who suddenly died and left the dog alone.