Funny school ditties. Funny and funny ditties about school: for children, from teachers and parents Ditties from teachers to graduates for the last bell

Ditties about ditties, about teachers, about being late, about love, about friendship, about school, about a diary, about fighters, about recess, about clothes and fashion, about twos, about fives, about mathematics, about the Russian language, about physical education and sports , about the English language, about geography, about school subjects, about the Unified State Exam, about first-graders, comic ditties about school, ditties with names, about concerts and performances, about vacations and graduation.

School ditties about ditties

We'll sing ditties for you
School ones are cool,
So that you don’t get bored on Knowledge Day,
Yes, and they remembered us!

We composed ditties
About my native school,
Well, they included in each
Humor for fun.

Oh, the ditties are good
We sing them with all our hearts.
But don't yawn either,
And feel free to sing along!

Old people and kids -
Everyone laughs heartily.
All the people are happy with ditties -
We will top the hit parade!

Where are you, sponsor, show up?
The risk will be minimal.
All these ditties are ours
Burn it to disk quickly!

Our accordion player has lost
Three-row accordion.
We will sing ditties
Today... dry!

We are little girls who laugh
We are always cheerful:
We’ll sing ditties for you now,
Yes about school matters.

My friend Lisa and I
We go to seventh grade together
We'll sing ditties for you
And about the school and about us!

Our heels are clicking,
Everyone is firmly grounded,
And the ditties that we sing,
All are patented!

We love to sing ditties
Russian folk.
Every day we sing them
We are hungry without them

Oh, from Olya, like from a cannon,
Ditties pour in in one gulp.
Oh, the guys are laughing so hard
Stomachs already hurt!

The teacher told us all
Compose ditties
And the bear stepped on me
I put my paw on my ears.

I compose ditties
I'm not too lazy to write them.
If I didn't go to school,
I could write it all day long.

Here for ditties
Everyone is going to Voronezh.
We sing them best -
You can't outrun us!

And in Voronezh we have
Even frogs
Singing on the ponds
Sonorous ditties!

We all live in Klichev.
And we chew marshmallows,
We know a lot of ditties
We will sing them to you now!

School ditties about teachers

Thank you for science,
Wise teachers.
Because we understand
You didn't chase us in vain.

Our teacher is very strict
We didn't go to class!
How happy he was
What has been freed from us!

They came to school as sparrows,
Now we are soaring like a swallow.
We love teachers very much
We say thank you to everyone.

Me teacher on the blackboard
Wrote an assignment
Well, I'm sitting in sadness,
There is suffering on the face.

And Irina Nikolaevna
He loves silence very much.
Why doesn't he like to make noise?
Well, I just don’t understand.

For the teacher first
I don't regret good words
After all, she managed to understand
How to keep us in school.

I go to school in the morning
The teachers are waiting for me.
They will torture you in class -
I will torment them too.

Being a teacher is not easy
Only read your subject.
The teacher must teach
How should we act in life?

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We have come today for you.
Wish you great success,
So that they teach better than us.

I'm sitting in class
I look at the teacher.
I like the teacher
When he's not swearing.

School ditties about being late

School ditties about love

School ditties about friendship

Ditties about school

School ditties about the diary

School ditties about fighters

School ditties about recess

Our teacher in silence
Explains the topic...
And the neighbor whispers to me:
What a change!

It's cool to drive on parquet!
It's a pity I don't have any skates with me.
The form is dirty as a result -
Well, at least my legs are intact.

Our Lesha is at recess
He was always ruddy
It turned yellow, like a lemon.

In the office class yesterday
Ours broke the window
We told the teacher:
“A midge flew by.”

It's time for fun - an hour of fun!
We arrive to class on time!
There is no threat of success
Who hasn't learned their lesson?
Who during recess
He ran, shaking the walls!

Our teacher is at the door,
Our lesson is over
We open our cell phone,
We play everything via bluetooth.

The bell is now ringing -
This is the end of the lesson.
We run quickly to play,
Gain strength for lessons.

Our Vova is at recess
I checked the strength of the walls.
He tried so hard
That he was all in a cast!

Valya, Sasha, Radik, Senya
They run during recess.
Notes later:
“Let’s relax during class!”

What's that noise? What kind of scream?
The whole school is rocking.
Those are the guys from the 8th
They're just having fun.

I was running for recess
Stretch your body,
He put his forehead against the wall,
What I taught - I forgot again!

Everyone sings to the music
Dimochka is shy
But at recess
Mouth won't close...

The office is rumbling,
The stairs are wobbly.
This is the quiet fifth "B"
He goes down to the wardrobe.

We made a little noise -
The school windows began to rattle.
We said: “Silence” -
The wall at the school was cracked.

Sveta rushes around the school,
Amuses himself with screaming...
Maybe it's Svetlana's
Are teeth cutting through?

School ditties about clothes and fashion

School ditties about deuces

We are no strangers to twos,
Deuces are so easy to grab
There is no need to learn anything -
This is the reward.

I'm not ready for the lesson
And I sit quietly
My head is full of brains
And in the notebook there is a two mark.

Didn't answer about fairy tales
To Alenka's question.
And they put it in her diary
The ugly duckling!

Our Vitya doesn’t like poetry,
Vitya didn’t finish learning the verse,
And for that today at school
I got half a B.

For the test Petrusha
I got a bad mark again.
He got scared and lied:
“I forgot my diary at home!”

In our school everyone is equal,
All girls, boys.
If you get a bad grade in class,
Take off your pants under your belt.

- You only have two grades,
Are you going to salt them?!
— I want a Guinness book,
I need to break the record!

I got "four" -
Mila boasts.
But in fact it's
There were two ratings.

I came today sad
I got a bad mark again.
My mother scolded me
Well, dad forgave everything.

Learned it very quickly
Julia and Katya new verse.
And we got a four,
Unfortunately, for two.

Became clear to Anton
The essence of the “binary” law:
You teach for two minutes -
You'll get a two!

Oh, save me! Oh, save me!
Vitya Trushkin is drowning, drowning.
Here's my last breath...
I drowned in doubles again.

Masha hid it in the closet
Notebook from parents.
Together the mice were indignant:
- We're chewing on deuces again!

I let you cheat on a test
All tasks for Kolechka,
And now in our notebooks,
Both have twos!

“I know everything, I promise,” -
Our Noskov repeats.
And how will you answer?
Master of deuces to receive.

Ruslan has no patience,
He didn't finish learning the poem.
And in half a poem
I got half a four.

My friend and I were walking
Everything was forgotten.
When deuces were given,
They just opened their mouths.

I have a two in my notebook
Very pretty.
It will be a headache for me
Decent for her.

Igor decided to joke
And don't teach lessons.
After this joke
There are only “ducks” in the diary!

Who has dogs, cats,
Who keeps mice...
In the diaries of Seryozhka and Leshka
Swans are being bred!

School ditties about A's

The diary contains homework assignments.
And the “fives” are standing next to each other.
How good!
Come on, mom, sign it!

I'm not lazy at our school
Exercise every day.
For an A in work
I'll come on Sunday!

And the director of our school
She issued the following order:
Who gets one hundred fives?
She will give out prizes.

We sang ditties for a long time,
And now we want to say:
“Hurry up and grab your pen.
and give us a FIVE in your diary!!!

We hurry teachers
Congratulations on the holiday!
Maybe someone would like
Put “five” in your diary!

I really like to study
And get straight A's
Well, more than that - have fun,
Run, jump and scream!

In our school everyone is an artist,
They love to sing and dance.
Well, of course, in class
We answer with five.

Katka is a black sheep!
According to the dictation, “five” again.
I couldn't make a mistake
To support us all

How to get A's
Everyone is interested
I can only give advice
Like they kiss in the movies!

School ditties about mathematics

And in mathematics
We draw squares
Circles and diamonds...
Where can we find a bomb?

Nikolai decided by example,
And Sergei interfered with him.
Here's an example for you guys,
How can you not solve an example!

I added, multiplied, subtracted,
I wanted to write an answer,
What kind of strange humor came out,
There are five sweets in a kilogram...

Write off math
Lenka allowed,
Well you have to kiss
At recess with her!

"Blendamed" and even chewing gum
Strengthens our teeth
Why then the puzzles?
Someone who is “too tough”?

I teach mathematics
Three hundred and forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
I'm just thinking about her.

There is an aspen tree on the mountain,
There are cherry trees under the mountain.
Nina divided fractions by fractions -
It didn't work out!

Masha crams the formula,
Masha mutters sadly:
"They'll push you to the brink
These squiggles!

Our teacher is in class
I asked this question:
How much is 2 by 2?
Masha raised her hand
But I couldn’t multiply.

Math is hard -
Everyone knows her.
Let's think and guess
How can we solve problems?

Vanya teaches theorems,
He tries really hard.
It's been like two weeks now
Dad doesn't swear.

At a math lesson
A UFO came to us.
They looked at my notebook -
They were blown away like the wind!

I can't learn
Multiplication table.
With this math
Just torment.

School ditties about the Russian language

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes,
Mom will give me
Yoghurts with additives.

Our Ilya is a super-skilled goalkeeper,
The guy catches every ball.
And in the dictation he makes mistakes
He misses it - well, at least cry!

We are in Russian
We write spelling...
Oh, we'll break the school windows,
Let's break the frames!

Letters in Machine's notebook
They don’t stand like they’re at a parade.
The letters jump and dance
They wag their tails.

We wrote an essay
All day long until I'm blue in the face,
And when the work was handed over,
It was with difficulty that we pumped everyone out!

Our chicken is speckled
Writes with his paw in the sand.
Our Olya is exactly the same
Writes with a pen on a piece of paper

Wake me up at night
In the very middle,
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch!

I speak my native language
I will dedicate my life to the grave.
I need to know for sure
How to write the word “crisis”.

Somehow Olya received
Sasha's note:
Lend me some for dictation
A writing pen.

School ditties about physical education and sports

I love physical education
I can walk on my hands!
The only problem is,
Your legs won't carry you there!

I love everyone at school the most
Physical education lessons!
There is a free fitness room here -
Good for your figure!

Train our muscles
Temper them like steel
Relatives are surprised:
I became stronger and taller.

At a physical education lesson
We run and jump
Only the teacher turns away -
We are shaking our legs.

There is no better Vanya at school
In shooting, throwing -
He's got his brand new briefcase
Scattered around the building.

At a physical education lesson
We sit all without uniform,
And on the teacher's biceps
We look delighted.

At a physical education lesson
We ran five laps.
We ran, we ran
Oh, how tired we are already!

Tolya bragged to the guys,
How he climbs ropes.
- Don’t boast about the rope,
Get up to speed in your studies!

Dirty Pasha looks proudly
On the guys by right.
Simply Pasha is a master of sports
By jumping into a ditch.

Legs are long, big,
I'm training for running.
Why then is he limping?
My progress?

We all love to go for a walk
We love to have fun
Just for physical education
We can't equip ourselves.

- How much, Vova, can you do?
Run a hundred meters?
- I’ll try for my own people
I'll pay forty-five rubles.

Our life is easy and smooth
Don't worry, it flows.
Every day with physical exercises
The people are rising.

School ditties about English

School ditties about geography

Funny ditties about school subjects

I'm studying science
I gain a lot of knowledge.
I blew up half the school!
This is such chemistry!

Somehow we're in chemistry
The experiment was carried out...
Looking back at the school:
Where did we go?

We are in computer science
We write algorithms
This breaks the pace
Heart rate!

Sweetheart in a white apron
Looks tenderly at the microbe.
Just as gently under the microscope
A microbe is looking at her.

I couldn't learn
Natural science again.
Where can I get a skeleton?
To complete the task?

Alas, alas, alas and ah!
This happens not only in fairy tales.
He inevitably fails
Who doesn't know chemistry?

We're all about botany
They leaned against the desks...
About living organisms
I had colorful dreams!

At a drawing lesson
They drew a steamship.
I didn't hear the task,
The result is a lunar rover!

Anatomy, science,–
Just for fun:
We treated the skeleton
Sausage with cookies!

I know the laws of physics -
I will tell you without a doubt.
They prevent me from waking up
Laws of attraction!

I'm in the textbook alone
I looked at the pictures.
Finally I saw
Pistil and stamens!

I know Napoleon
He discovered America!
Should I teach history?
I don't have enough strength!

In the lesson of M.H.K.
We love to shout.
If only for questions
We shouldn't answer.

All the girls are at work
They embroider together.
Well, what about the poor boys?
They carry heavy things. They sew an apron at work,
We tried very hard
And how did they start trying on -
We were confused ourselves.

I've been bawling all day
Without any embarrassment.
I'll sing everyone tomorrow
Singing lesson!

They say in Pythagoras
The pants are very strange
We don't teach geometry
That's all the pantsless ones!

Let's go to history -
Everything is shaking for the boys,
Ah, our beloved historian!
Have pity on you guys!

How many years until Andromeda
Will I have to fly?
Astronomy - science
It's difficult for me!

Petya ran away from music
I got into botany.
His answer was not bad:
Do, re, mi, beans, peas.

School ditties about the Unified State Exam

School ditties about first graders

I turned seven years old
And I couldn't be happier!
Look what a miracle it is -
My first-class bouquet!

I go to school with flowers
I hold my mother's hand.
Because of the lush bouquet
I don't find any doors.

The new uniform is put on,
White shirt.
Look at me
What a first-grader I am!

If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Must read
Must learn.

Mom braided her hair
I straightened my bows,
She gave me a brand new satchel -
Sent me to first grade!

The backpack is a miracle! Only now,
Dear girlfriends,
They don’t fit into that backpack
All my toys!

Knapsack, copybooks, notebooks -
Everything has been fine for a long time!
Today is my first time
I'm heading to first grade!

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.

I have an ABC book in my briefcase
And notebooks and a diary!
I'm for real now
First class student!

Alphabet from "A" to "Z"
I learned before school:
Was going to school -
So I tried!

Comic ditties about school

We sat in class
And they looked out the window.
We were bored in class
And we dreamed of going home!

It's easy in the classics - HURRAY! —
Jump into senior year.
Only school is not a game,
This is work for you!

It's good to be a bird
Swim like a fish freely,
Fly like a moth over the grass -
Don't write the test!

Firewood lies on the grass,
And on the chair there is a button.
The head overlooked
And the butt suffers!

Spotted woodpecker with sharp beak
Pounds a ringing pine tree.
Two magpies in class
They break the silence.

What kind of whispering is heard in the classroom?

Who is stopping us like this?
It's just someone with someone
Discussing something.

Our friend is tired
I was just sweating from the lesson.
Why is he so tired? —
He waited the whole lesson for the bell.

Time with a friend on April Fool's Day
Changed it - what fun! —
At school we are on the floor
All signs are “M” and “F”.

All the guys in our class
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to study.

They say I'm a fighter
Well, what nonsense is this!
I'm mute in class
Militancy is to my detriment.

We have to learn every day
I'm very tired.
Would make our life
A little easier!!!

Teachers moan, cry,
They are not given a salary.
I go to school one day,
They chew notebooks.

We are on the field at State Farm
We worked in the summer.
To wash clothes,
Tide didn't make any money.

School ditties with names

Our Andrey that week
I handed over my notebook to the teacher.
He doesn't know what to do with her -
To clean, wash or wash.

Seryozha took a walk in the park
And I didn't learn my lesson.
He took it and hid under the desk,
So that no one could find it.

Our Seryozha is in class
Can't say anything.
How the lesson ends -
The mouth doesn't close.

Seryozhka was called to the board,
But Seryozhka is silent,
Because the whole lesson
He looked out the window.

Dima has developed good hearing.
Maybe without fear
Listen while standing at the blackboard,
Hints from distant desks.

Who's hustling at the buffet?
Forging ahead? —
Have pity on Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!

I was waiting for an answer from Marina
Our teacher for a long time -
No answer, no hello
No point!

Oh, we don’t like it when Pasha
Answers at the board.
From his sleepy mooings
We are dying of boredom.

Our ancestors drew
Dinosaurs on a rock,
21st century. - Vignettes
Tolya is drawing on the table.

Dinosaurs are our ancestors
Knocked out on a rock
And now Artyom Grachev
He draws them on the table.

Our Tanechka is a chatterbox,
Well, he listens with half an ear.
The teacher tells her -
And she looks out the window.

Kolya came out to answer,
But I didn't know where to start.
He was silent for an hour, then said:
“Anna Pavlovna, call.”

I'm sitting at a desk with Roma.
Roma is a great guy.
Look how poor he is -
Will always protect me.

All programs without analysis
My daughter looks all the way
He only rests at school -
Our telemaniac Olya.

Never in our class
It never gets hot
Fan replaces
Lark's turntable for us!

Our Kristya is like a top,
Doesn't sit still.
Jumps, jumps like a goat,
Singing songs.

Heroically Lena with laziness
I fought all day
But, much to our chagrin,
Laziness defeated Lena.

Seryozha has no hearing,
The bear stepped on my ear.
He says: “Sing quietly -
The choir can’t be heard behind you!”

Although the ratings are not very good,
Petya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He wiggles his ears.

Katya's grief is bitter,
Everyone feels sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in a dress pocket
The cheat sheet fell out.

Elya and Zhenya in class
They chatter like magpies.
They will be called to answer -
They put a seal on your lips!

Teacher Sveta says:
“Remember, Sveta, knowledge is light!”
Sveta went to bed in the light...
I got up in the morning - no knowledge!

Taras shook and shook his briefcase,
To find notebooks,
But notebooks every time
They played hide and seek with him.

Gosha toils and sighs
And mutters at the blackboard...
They fall asleep and dry out
Even flies from boredom!

School ditties about holidays and graduation

School ditties about concerts and performances

All tonight
I tried not to fall asleep -
Me for the school play
I got used to the role of Owl!

We were told to perform
In dresses of one color.
How can you dance?
How many tons on your shoulders?

The choir performed today
The conductor praises Katya:
- Yes, you tried, you tried.
You smiled the best.

Oh, our artist Lena,
He loves to perform.
To drag her off the stage
We need to call the firefighters.

To the gala concert today
All the guys have gathered.
How can you muster the courage?
Should we come out from behind the scenes?!

My friend Tamara and I
We sing songs with a guitar.
Self-made songs
Quite magnificent!

We can sing all day long
We don't need rubles
If only it was fun
To our lovely audience!

At ditty concerts
Every time we have a full house.
Well, who doesn’t come to us?
He is, of course, a fool!

We want to go on tour
Go to the Bahamas
They just don’t let me go
School for us and mom!

We are from our pop stars
We are not lagging behind one step.
We are without any soundtrack
We will sing for you better than many!

We are singers and musicians,
We love performing!
We are the people's talents
Our region is famous for us!

About your childish affairs
We will sing to you in verse.
We'll tell you everything without hiding,
And you exclaim: “Ah!”

Oh, I'm completely haggard
Chubby granddaughter -
Every day for three hours
There's a rehearsal at school!

School graduation in May 2020 is one of the most important holidays in your child’s life. Both graduates, the teaching staff, and the parents themselves approach the preparation of this event with special attention. Parents' speech at the graduation ceremony usually includes warm words addressed to the school administration and teachers, parting words to the children entering adulthood.

In order for this event to bring more positive emotions and be remembered for a long time by all its participants, you can approach the preparation of parents’ response at the 11th grade graduation with humor: perform playful graduation ditties about your children and act out funny scenes about school.

Funny scenes from parents at 11th grade graduation

The theme of such an event is always the same - graduation from school, farewell to beloved teachers, the beginning of a new stage in life. This holiday is also a great occasion to remember the school years of your sons and daughters. Therefore, ditties from parents on a school theme will be especially relevant at graduation in the 11th grade.

We know a lot of ditties -
Both good and bad.
It's good for him to listen
Who doesn't know any.

Script of the last bell of 11th grade 2014.

  1. Welcome speech from Ivchenko E.N.
  2. 11th grade exit to music
  3. The Russian anthem is playing.
  4. Montage and song on stage“It’s great that we’ve all gathered here today” with a guitar.

Clear day. September. Daisies.
- Bow. Braids. First graders.
- Twice two. Primer. Five.
- The classroom is being cleaned for the first time.
- Pharaohs. Globe. Map.
- Painted desk.
- Lye. Pythagoras. Acids.
- Leo Tolstoy. Straits. Sheet music.
- And preparation for the test.
- And a crib sheet prepared.
- Dancing. Hiking trip. Guitar.
- Kiss.
- For a quarter of a couple.
- State exam. Farewell ball.
- Joy mixed with sadness.
- Certificate. Flowers in the window.
- Why am I so sad?

  1. Words by E. N. Ivchenko
  2. Congratulations from the school director, guests (presentation of flowers)
  3. Order on admission to exams.

Q1: It's time to say goodbye to the school.
You're not leaving for the summer, forever.
You will only return to her in your thoughts,
Remembering my childhood years.

Q2: You will always remember this moment,

Enthusiastic faces of peers,

After all, school is your pure spring,

More than once in your life he will give you something to drink.

Q1: It’s time for school days to end –

The door is open into an unknown space.

And take it with you on a long journey

A piece from a teacher's heart.

Song for teachers “Lake of Kindness” (group of girls).

  1. Teachers' song and ribbon presentation.

To the tune of Nikolai Karachentsov’s song “What to give you”

What can I give you other than our love?

Maybe this spring or my feelings.

Maybe a starry night or a quiet dawn.

After all, nothing is impossible for us


What should I give you? Maybe believing in a dream

And a spring of hope or kindness in hearts.

Maybe blue fog and bird cherry color.

After all, nothing is impossible for us.


What should I give you, our dear graduate?

After all, today you and I are parting forever 2 times

Congratulations to first-graders (poems, ditties and general song)

First-graders' ditties for the last bell.

1. We start ditties

Please don't laugh

There are a lot of people here

We can be ashamed.

2. There are girls in our school

It's impossible to take your eyes off.

And Ksyusha and Anya

There are all colors in hairstyles!

3. And Alena at concerts

Sing like a nightingale

Even Alla Pugacheva

He won't keep up with her.

4. I'm going to the screening with my mom

I don’t go to fashion sites.

All the latest super fashion

I'll take a look at Zlata

(I'm looking at the graduates)

5. Come on, guys.

The whole crowd in the construction

So that the cottages on Rublyovka

Give it to your parents

6. Olesya strives for knowledge

Nobody works harder than her

Often during sixth period

She is the only one who will come.

7. Our blank notebooks

Became unkempt

Teach us, Ksyusha,

How to be careful!

8. I dreamed everything - I chose

I make my own profession...

I learned from Polina -

A laboratory assistant is always valuable!!!

9. I will fight back anyone

And I play football!

I want to become like

To Titova Daria.

10. Our Nastya is silent

Says few words

But upon admission

Will be the first to reach the finish line.

11.All programs on the computer

Kirill knows at least where.

He has no equal on the internet

Please accept great respect from us!

12. Geography for five

We wish to hand over to Roma

Where to go on vacation

Maybe he can give us some advice!

13. Nastya, Katya and Oksana

All the boys like it

Their rivals are all waiting

Well when they leave

14. Our Maxim Mokeev in sports

The first champion in the area,

How many cups and medals

He got it with his own labor.

15. From the very first days of school

Our Sasha is trying

He got "excellent" grades from school

About to graduate.

16. Kirill was once asked:

“What are you doing in class?”

He thought a little

And he answered: “I’m waiting for a call.”

17. Maxim, you will become a deputy

Don't forget to raise salaries

Remember, you teachers

I promised in third grade!

18. In physical education class

There is only one teacher in the hall.

And the graduates are in their beds

They watch rainbow dreams.

19. What’s that roar, what’s that noise?

The walls keep shaking

These are graduates

They go down to the dining room

20. We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad

And now we ask you

So that you clap for us.

When you lose, take your hand, walk around the hall, give gifts, see you off.

  1. Ivchenko: “And now the floor is given to the heroes of our holiday...”

Leader's word:

Q1: For our big holiday

We gathered with the whole family

Moms cry on the sidelines

Dads smile

They won’t understand, their worries are over

Or are they just beginning

Q2 Teachers seem like family to us

Look at them, look at them one more time

They will remain the same for us

How we see them at this hour.

B1 It is impossible to imagine a modern 11th grader without headphones. He associates each song with a specific teacher or situation. Here are fantasies on this topic.

Musical performance by graduates

Scene with a fortune teller

Unified State Examination

B1 Dear, beloved teachers!

Today on this May day

Please accept our congratulations

For your loyalty and love

For your dedication to your work!

We open our festival “School Starfall” and begin the award ceremony for our wonderful teachers.

  1. In the “Sensitive Heart” nomination, the school director, Lidiya Sergeevna Loseva, is awarded for rigor, adherence to principles, exactingness, kindness and understanding.

Dear Lidiya Sergeevna!! Through storms and bad weather

You confidently steered our ship.

It's finished! The years of study are behind me,

Accept our declaration of love!

Above our beloved school, the trill of the bell is sounding louder.
That bell rings hysterically and calls for a break.
From the large office, which is called the office,
Lidia Sergeevna came out and looked around the school vigilantly.
Then on the first floor he checks the order in the hall,
Then she is already on the third - like black lightning.
So he again speaks words of reproach to the poor students.
In those words there is the thirst for a storm, the power of anger, the flame of passion
And the confidence that they will still correct the bad mark.
The bell rings again, the corridors are empty...
There remains only an inseparable couple for so long,
Children have known themselves for as long as they have studied at this school.
A couple that has grown together forever and cannot imagine themselves without each other.
This couple: The school and its Director.

Song to the school principal (to the melody of “Without me, my beloved”).

1. “I know, honey, I know what’s wrong with you.

You overslept again this morning.

And you came without a uniform, dear,”

The director told me, as he always did.

Chorus: We are without you, our dear director,

They would go without a uniform.

We are without you, our dear director,

They would smoke behind the school.

But you stand, our director,

On the first one, as usual.

Our director takes care of the school

So strict and familiar.

(presentation of flowers and gifts)

2. In the “Administration is always right” category, the head teachers of the school are Nadezhda Viktorovna Yakovleva, Elena Borisovna Baranova, Elena Nikolaevna Ivchenko for their ability to lay the methodological foundation of the house in which we study and for their ability to keep students under control.

Why do we love our head teachers?

For kindness, for beauty.

They are ready for strangers' children

Give your hearts warmth and kindness.

They can be tough sometimes

And they give you and me a stern look.

But we will never forget you,

You remain in my heart forever.

To the tune of "Lady Luck"
Dear head teachers, you are unforgettable!

We want to confess to you our fireproof feelings.

You will guide us through the Unified State Exam with parting words.
Don’t rush to say goodbye to us too early,
Help us survive during the certification period!

Dear head teachers, you are our hope!
You are so kind, who will support us?
We know it’s difficult with us, but we promise
Do your best, we won't let you down!

Lidiya Sergeevna, we promise you too
We will not disgrace you, and we will not let you down! (handing flowers, gifts)

  1. Next nomination “My second mother”

The first teachers Tatyana Evgenievna Popkova, Tatyana Vasilievna Bakaeva are awarded in this nomination for skill drain the sea of ​​tears of frightened first-graders and turn their lives into a river of joy, andfor the ability to teach children to comprehend the wisdom of science in 4 years, and then start from scratch again.
We were all funny kids
When we first came to school class,
And, having received a notebook with pencils,
Sat down at a desk for the first time in my life!

Thank you for loving us so much
Although they were sometimes strict with us,
Because you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything they did for us!

To the tune of “My Affectionate”

On the first day of September we went to 1st grade
You looked at us with a smile
And, remembering those days, it’s like time ago
Divorced, who is to blame?
We've grown up
Learned the big world
But you stayed
My dearest

My affectionate, tender
I hold your hands
I can't find words
My affectionate, beloved
At the most difficult hour
We won't forget you
My affectionate, tender
I hold your hands
I can't find words
My affectionate, beloved
At the most difficult hour
We won't forget you

Response from the first teachers.

Q1 What exams do you think you need to do well to get a certificate?

B2 Well, of course, Russian language and mathematics.

Q1 What if you don’t pass?

B2 You won't finish school!

Q1 But I want to finish school!

B2 “I want to finish school” - that’s the name of our composition.

The winner in the category “I remember a wonderful moment” was the teacher of Russian language and literature Glazunova Marina Alekseevnafor the ability to reveal and show the beauty and richness of the native language, as well as for courage and heroism when checking written works.

Q1: But now we still have a very important nomination, the one who is always next to us at school is nominated in it,

Q2: The one who is responsible for us at school,

Q1: The one who worries about us no less than our parents.

Q2: So, the nomination “The Coolest Cool Mom.”

There are a lot of classics

Poets and writers -

The Russian land is rich in them,

But no matter how hard we try

We shed tears,

But we will redouble our zeal

And through all the torment

An essay will be born from us

Marina Alekseevna

He will check and cry,

And he will tell us that Pushkin is not for us.

How will you stay at school without us?
And to whom do we leave you,
And that everything is really happening,
We still couldn't believe it.
We grew and matured before our eyes,
We won't become fifth graders again.
Thanks for everything to our cool mom,
But releasing does not mean losing.

Song for the class teacher “Your Eyes”.

5. Exact science. In the “Common Sense” nomination, mathematics teachers are awarded: Elena Grigorievna Kornilova, Galina Vyacheslavovna Podzemelnaya, Nina Vasilievna Khromova _ for the firm belief that two and two are four and for the ability to square a good mood.

It would seem that all the numbers, equations,
And formulas, and different divisions,
Everything is difficult at first, it’s unclear,
The examples were presented carefully.
But time passed, and you explained everything,
Homework was given
And we tried to solve everything successfully,
And the numbers became interesting.
Now we know a lot, we understand,
And if necessary, we count well.
And let the years pass, but without a doubt,
We will remember your equations!

Mathematics ("My Bunny")
This subject is very difficult
And you can overwhelm him,
Ah, mathematics, I know
I'm lost without you
My deuce, I am your minus,
You are my corner, I am your sine,
For me you are pi squared
You are Pythagoras, and I am a leg,
Particular you, I am the divider,
This is love!
I don't sleep well at night because I love algebra,
Because I also love geometry,
The entire 11th grade is grateful to you now,
This means you didn’t teach us in vain.

6. We continue our “School Starfall” festival.History and social studies teachers are awarded in the category “Let us glorify the Fatherland with the names of...”Smirnova Irina Anatolyevna. Chumakova Galina Ivanovna, Chukshis Vadim Andreevich, Kuzminykh Yakov Sergeevich_for the ability not to get lost in historical events.

If the class is quiet

Flies don't fly

Know our history.

Someone is being called

(“Sasha + Masha” Factory).

1.The sun rises behind the mountains

We have history again.

Full of sadness and suffering,

We will tell the story.

We gathered in the office,

Our topic is complex.

And will put everything in its place,

Only a teacher's story

Chorus: His name is Caesar, he is very great.

He loved Cleopatra and only her.

There was Aristotle, Plato, Empidocles.

Will you remember them?

Damn it's mine.

His name is Lenin, he is very great.

He loved Nadezhda and only her.

There was also Stalin, Khrushchev and Andropov.

Will you remember them?

Damn it's mine.

7. So, the next nomination"The Einstein of our school." It is awarded to the physics teacher_Kulikova Vera Vladimirovna_ for selfless work in a high-stress zone, and also the ability to teach children to distinguish a barometer from a voltmeter.

Maybe there are no Edisons in us,
We won't reach Newtons,
And he wasn't like that at all
Radio Dad - Popov.
Let pascals, watts, hertz
They did not enter into our flesh and blood,
But forever in the heart
There will be a love for physics.

("Am I Guilty")

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Is it because I'm not good with physics?
The fact is that who is Curie, who is Newton, who is Kobzon

I will never, never understand. (2 times)

Oh you, my mother! Oh you, my mother!
You don't have to scold me anymore
If it’s not given to me - well, it’s not given to me -
Understand the topic of electricity! (2 times)

Ah, you are my teacher! Ah, you are my teacher!
Is it too much to ask?
Neither four nor five -
You can't see them anyway -
Let me write it off as a three. (2 times)

8.We continue with the award ceremony.In the “Pistil-stamen” nomination, biology teacher Tamara Sergeevna Kulikova is awarded for her abilitycreate conditions for evolution from small and stupid to big and smart, as well as for the ability to convince students that every seed sown will bear fruit. 11th grade students are proof of this.

We learned a lot with you.
Thank you now
For being in biology
You opened the door slightly
Keys to invaluable knowledge
Distributed to students.
You didn't suffer in vain.
Thank you for everything.

("Chocolate Bunny")

I will carefully place the frog on my palm,

I'll show you the paw, eye, membranes and tummy.

How interesting it is to look at everything through a microscope,

Grass, pistils, stamens and a tiny microbe.

They taught biology, but they couldn’t understand it -

From whom did you and I actually originate?!

You tried to put genetics into our heads,

So that we can quickly determine the gender of the baby.


You are a wonderful teacher

We had a great time with you

It's not easy though.

When we didn't meet

We were very upset:

you were far away

Health and success

And more laughter in life

And remember us

Smile more often

Stay the same -

Your best class.

9. The next category is “Most Organic”. Chemistry teachers Tatyana Viktorovna Trifonova, Galina Viktorovna Malova are awardedfor the ability to be on friendly terms with Mendeleev, and alsofor the ability to experimentally turn the mercury of reluctance into the gold of the mind.

Put science into our heads -
Hard work, sometimes thankless,
But you managed to “bewitch” us,
After all, chemistry is a treacherous subject.
And we remember “Ash two O” by heart,
And everyone, as one, taught the alcohol formula,
Even if you’re not an ace in chemistry, so be it,
But we experiment with interestcarried out .
Let's go through life on a confident path,
We remember well, we can deftly
From soda, vinegar and sugar with water
Make soda in the kitchen at home.
And let not all of us need knowledge,
We say “thank you” from the bottom of our hearts,
Your work is worthy of admiration and recognition,
Chemistry teacher, we thank you.

10. In the nomination “Photoshop only helps us in life, but the Internet pleases our ears”” the winners were computer science teachers Tikhun Yulia Veniaminovna, Repina Maria Evgenievna is that that they were able to cultivate the stunted shoots of computer knowledge in a barren desert.

The importance of computer science began to be instilled in us

Everyone sat and thought: “Should we escape?”

We created websites every single day,

But we were all too lazy to teach the concepts.

("Small Country")

Available in our good school
Small country.
There among the overseas technology
The princess lives alone.

And if something sparkles
or the lights go out,
Our princess will fix everything
There is no cooler hacker

Small country, full of computers
Who will tell me, who will tell me
Where is she, where is she.
Small country, no need for viruses.
The princess does not allow them to live.
This is how she is

B1 Our dear teachers!

In the traditions of, undoubtedly, the best

You worked at the school for many years.

Thank you for being in children's souls

The good light born from you burns.

B2 Let fate not look from under its brows

And God will give you happiness up to the clouds.

May your health be more than enough

One million more students!

Dear teachers, please accept a musical gift from

11. We continue awarding. Geography teachers_Dmitry Vasilievich Platov, Oksana Petrovna Borisova_ are awarded in the “Motley Globe” nominationfor the ability to organize a trip without leaving the classroom, as well asfor the ability to discover America in every lesson.

Nowadays everything is open to us
Countries, continents,
Go and explore
Local moments.
If we're in Africa,
Tomorrow or now
Let's remember the geography
And, of course, you.

Dear Dmitry Vasilievich and Oksana Petrovna!

Having passed all the seas and oceans,

Let it be in your thoughts... We would like to wish you

See with your own eyes all those countries

Where did you have to visit in absentia?

12. And now - the most sporting nomination “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” It awards teachers Anatoly Grigorievich Oropaev, Nikolay Nikolaevich Sirotkin, Valentin Mikhailovich Golubevfor the ability to teach how to overcome any obstacle on the path of life, as well as for the ability to turn our frail bodies into the standard of health.

Oh, we ran around from physical education,
Even though no one knew the strength in their legs!
They pretended: “I’m after a cold,”
Don't just go to the gym.
You came with an iron will
They instilled a healthy spirit in us,
So proud that everyone is in school
They walk with a sporty posture!
“If you go on a journey with a friend”
There is a spacious office,
There are no tables and chairs in it,
And there is no board either.
How empty your words are
There are two of these offices,
Teachers too.
Snow and heat are not scary,
And the pouring rain:
In sneakers in summer and winter
There will be snow, there will be hail,
We have no way back.,
And our teacher will be happy!

There's a horse grazing in the corner,
There's a horse grazing in the corner
And a goat without a face.
Logs lie along the wall,
You can go to mat
And to the bridge too
We will solve all problems
Let's jump over and run
And we will adhere to the regime
If we get there,
Let's overtake and kill,
Then we will be the first in everything

13. So, the award ceremony continues. In the “Help Yourself” nomination, the mentor and teacher of life safety and health skills Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kulikov is awarded for his ability to teach children to get out of difficult situations unharmed, as well asfor the ability to teach how to provide first aid to a victim without losing consciousness.

No, not an idle object -
life safety, "safety".
Our life is harsh
It was not given to us in vain.
And who knows, maybe
that a thousand times
We will be grateful
What did we enter the class
For a life safety lesson,
where is our good teacher
called us more than once
“Take care of your life”!

You opened our eyes
Where does death lie?
Life really, where do you find out?
Only on OBZh
More disasters and explosions.
How much harm they do.
If you haven't understood yet,
Run here immediately.
If you haven't understood yet,
Run here immediately.

Let's say it exploded somewhere
Well, for example, a nuclear power plant
And you see how they wave
Angels to us from heaven.
In order not to lose heart,
To save yourself in trouble,
Don't call mom and dad -
OBZHE teachers.
Don't call mom and dad -
OBZHE teachers.

14. In the category “Language will bring you to London” the English teacher Rosa Aleksandrovna Musaelyan and the French teacher Vadim Andreevich Chukshis are awarded. for the ability to instill a love for a foreign language as for a native one, as well asfor the ability to teach us how to ask for directions to Kyiv in any languages.

It is important for everyone to know a language in life.

Nowadays he is a problem solver.

A couple of phrases - and the contract is ready

In any part of the six continents.

To the tune of "Because we are pilots"

It's good to study at our school,
Only our life alone is not good:
They ask so much in English
You're not really going for a walk
But then, but we know so much -
And England is our home.
First of all, first of all - our English,
Well, chemistry and physics – later.
First of all, first of all - our French,
Well, chemistry and physics – later.

15. And now a very beautiful nomination - “Creator of Beauty”. Music teacher Elena Nikolaevna Ivchenko and art teacher Lyubov Alekseevna Kareva are awarded for their love of beauty and romanticism of the soul.

We all love to draw
And create pictures
In your creative wonderful lessons.
Enter the world of art
And express yourself in it
It was very, very interesting for all of us.

(to the tune of “The Driver’s Song”)
You taught us to draw beautifully,
You taught us to sing like a nightingale,
And on this world, endlessly sad,
It's like looking at a Raphael painting.
Now we are not afraid of trials,
Crises and wars are not scary,
Because we live with you
According to the laws of peace and beauty.
Let our worries swallow us up,
All the same, we will be friends with art.
Well, and for teaching you everything,
Let us love selflessly and tenderly.

16. The next nomination is very important. It is called “It is not by labor alone that a person lives, but by labor that serves” and technology teachers Galina Vladimirovna Platova, Vasily Pimenovich Amelin are invited to the award for their ability to interest and professional excellence.

We will proudly cook pasta,
And we'll drive a nail into the stool,
And the hole in the sock won't scare you,
We’ll tell her: WOW, and we’ll sew it up in no time!

Your ideas and skills,
What were you able to convey to us?
We will all need them in life
And we will say THANK YOU!

17. And now the nomination “Trust Service.” In this nomination I would like to say THANK YOU to the social teacher Olga Gennadievna Gonyshkova, the psychologist Elena Grigorievna Kornilova, and the librarian Lyudmila Vasilyevna Kuzina for their kindness, help and support in difficult moments of life.

Olga Gennadievna knows her work very well

She will understand children perfectly

It will warm them and encourage them

He will always help and protect.

Our psychologist is just great, it’s not her first time with us,
Constantly checking what's wrong with our heads
Maybe something happened to her and her brain short-circuited,
Or the wind just blew different thoughts into your head...

Librarian is the word
Magical like crystal!
Always ready to help you,
He became your best friend!

18. We move on to the next nomination “Golden Hands”.

In this nomination we say words of gratitudemedical workers Yantsen Polina Petrovna, Mokeeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna. Tatyana Shashelko, our canteen workers, caretaker Galina Aleksandrovna Belova, technical staff and many others for their ability to raise vitality and for their ability to help our weakened bodies find new strength to get to the next lesson.

To the tune of “Moments” from the film “17 Moments of Spring”
Don't look down on techies!
The time will come, you will probably understand
That the floor will be washed before the bell rings,
In a moment, in a moment, in a moment...

Everyone here strictly has their own role!
Your own destiny, your own purpose.
Our doctor will cure any pain:
To whom a pill, and to whom immortality?

Soup is made from tiny moments!
And our cooks are extraordinary!
We will tell you: “Thank you for the pie!
From the first piece to the last!”

Q1: One wise man was asked: “Tell me, what is happiness?” He replied: “This is when you are young at heart, when your beloved is nearby, when my parents are alive and well.”

In the “Life” nomination, beloved parents are awarded for the fact that they gave us life and are always ready to support us in this life.

Poems for parents

Mommy, mommy, we are already adults,

Look, we've already said goodbye to braids.

The spring garden is blooming wildly...

It was already my seventeenth birthday.

Mommy, mommy, why are you crying?

And you smile and don’t hide your tears?

I’ll rush off from the ball into a bigger life...

Mommy, mommy, but I'll be back!

Look, I'm a head taller than my father,

And he is a copy, they tell me, from his face...

And in youth, time flies so quickly.

Thank you, our dear parents.

Forgive us if we offended you in any way,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair at my father's temples

And for the wrinkles of my own face.

We bow low to you to the ground,

We thank you for everything you have given us!

The world is not simple, not simple at all,

It is impossible to hide from storms and thunderstorms in it.

You can’t hide from the winter blizzards in it,

And from separations, from bitter separations.

But besides troubles, unwelcome troubles,

There are stars and sunlight in the world,

There is a home and warmth of fire

And I have, I have you.

Everything I have in life.

All that is the joy of every day

Everything about worries and dreams,

This is all, this is all of you!

Everything I have in life

All that is the joy of every day,

Everything I call my destiny

Connected, connected to our family.

With only one, with only one,

Our family.

Q2: Parents in the hall are worried too,
There will be even more problems with us
And it can’t be any other way!
Parents, we want to hear your voice!!

Parents' speech.

Q1: I’ll close the school doors quietly behind me.

I share this first loss with you

This joy and separation that is called fate

Having invited me to the last waltz, I will share it with you.

B2 In the waltz you can hear anxiety and the running of the roads

In the waltz you can hear our last call.

Graduates dance.

B1 Last call... remember this!

The road of life is long before you.

The planet will remain in the memory of childhood,

Where are the feelings and thoughts with an open soul.

B2 Last call... through the earth's whirlwinds

It will ring in the passing years.

In the familiar school walls, dear ones

You will return more than once in adult dreams.

B1 Last bell, ring, spilling,

Merging with all calls from Russia!

The right to submit the last call is granted to a graduate of grade 11... and a student of grade 1A...

The last bell is ringing.

Well, that's it, it's time to say goodbye,
A dream calls us on the road.
But how hard it is to part
With your favorite school forever.

Here we grew stronger, grew, matured,
The basics have been mastered in all sciences.
But sometimes they didn't notice
Teachers have a hard job.

Because, believe me, we loved you,
They sincerely wished well.
And if sometimes they were naughty,
There is not even a drop of evil in that.

We wish you great happiness!
We bow to you - to the ground!