Irina Allegrova's life now. “The best singer of Russia of Armenian origin

At sixty-three years old, she is charming and cheerful. She is admired by aspiring pop stars, and her opinion is respected by stage luminaries. The “Empress” of the Russian stage Allegrova, whose biography makes you believe in the predetermination of fate, is full of incredible stories. Let's get to know her in more detail.

Parents of Allegrova Irina

Little Ira was born on January 20, 1952 in the city of Rostov-on-Don in the family of Alexander Sarkisov-Allegrova and his beautiful wife Seraphima. Irina’s father was an operetta actor, and later successfully mastered the craft of directing. In his youth, Alexander was obsessed with the circus, which was quite strange for his patriarchal family. Irina’s grandfather was a respected accountant and wished the same fate for his offspring.

Due to constant disagreements with his father, Alexander repeatedly ran away from home. During his school years, Sashenka still had to return to his father’s house, but after graduating from school, he immediately joined the touring troupe of the local theater. There, by the way, he received the pseudonym “Allegro”, for his irrepressible and lively disposition. The young actor's career developed rapidly. In 1943, he starred in the film “Submarine T-9”. Since 1946 he worked as an operetta artist at the Rostov Theater.

The mother of the future star is Serafima Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya, originally from Tashkent, an opera singer and operetta artist. I met Allegrov in Moscow during an audition at the Operetta Theater.

Childhood and youth of a talented girl

Irina spent her childhood years in the city of Rostov-on-Don. She studied at school, attended a music school where she studied piano. When Irina was nine years old, her parents moved to Baku. Here they lived in a fashionable area of ​​the city overlooking the sea. Parents worked at the Operetta Theater. Irina continued her studies at the Baku Music School.

The actors' house is constantly visited by famous guests - Muslim Magomayev, Aram Khachaturian, Mstislav Rostropovich and many others. Irina’s father begins to direct, staging productions in the theater, which are a mind-blowing success among the audience.

Meanwhile, Ira successfully graduates from music school, attends a ballet club, and is interested in clothing design. Allegrova's mother continues her brilliant career in the theater.

At the same time, her daughter showed remarkable vocal abilities; she took part in the Transcaucasian Jazz Festival, which was held in Baku, and took an honorable second place. The girl dreams of becoming a singer, but her illness interferes with her plans.

She does not enter the conservatory. Her beautiful voice timbre is noticed by the organizers of the Indian Film Festival. Ira is invited to dub films at this event. Six months later, Allegrova, whose biography is oversaturated with events, goes on tour with the Song Theater under the direction of Rashid Behbudov. And next year Irina begins working in the Yerevan Orchestra.

Unhappy love and first marriage

Irina gets married for the first time as an eighteen-year-old girl. Moreover, according to the singer herself, being a temperamental and hot-tempered girl, she decided to get married in revenge on her first boyfriend, who did not have a reciprocal feeling for her. The girl meets basketball player Georgiy Tairov, the couple decides to enter into legal marriage.

The singer's parents arrange a magnificent celebration for the newlyweds, but, unfortunately, this fact does not provide the long-awaited happiness. Irina finds out that she is pregnant, but decides to bear the child in her parents’ house. In 1972, the girl gives birth to her first and only daughter, Lala.

Irina prefers not to meet with the child’s father; the couple files for divorce. Six months after the birth of the baby, the singer decides that it’s time to move on and conquer Moscow.

Go ahead, conquer the capital!

Despite the fact that Allegrova’s husbands did not bring her the long-awaited female happiness, she considers herself the darling of fate. After all, fate gave her a beautiful daughter and loving parents. If not for the selfless support of the latter, Irina would have found it difficult to realize her dream.

Allegrova’s mother, in the prime of her creative career, leaves the Operetta Theater to raise her little granddaughter. Ira leaves for Moscow, here she faces serious trials - lack of money, the search for work and housing not only did not break the singer, but also seriously strengthened her character.

The path to Olympus of the national stage is difficult and thorny. For some time, the young artist worked in Moscow clubs and cabarets. In one of the capital's restaurants she met her second husband.

Irina Allegrova and Vladimir Blekher

The singer's next betrothed noticed her during one of her performances in a Moscow restaurant. Volodya Blekher was the artistic director of the Young Voices ensemble. He invited a pretty and very talented girl to join his team. Ira accepted the invitation without hesitation.

And the new director surrounded the soloist with attention and care, which the young artist so lacked. Vladimir courted beautifully and was a romantic. He proposed to Irina during a boat trip. This time the celebration was modest, it was attended by the closest relatives, it happened in 1978.

This marriage lasted five years. In 1984, Bleher was presented with an article accusing him of currency fraud. Recognition of this fact could have put an end to Irina’s career; she left her husband and broke his heart.

Only when Allegrova turned 61 did she decide to improve relations with her ex-husband. She began Irina Allegrova’s concert dedicated to her birthday by going on stage with Bleher. The diva introduced him to the public as a talented composer who wrote the song “Flood” for her; the “Russian stage hijacker” kept silent about the fact that this was her second husband.

This is how Allegrova is always unpredictable, whose biography contains many more non-standard actions. Only sometimes does she lift the veil of secrecy that shrouds the star’s personal life. Allegrova’s husbands, according to the singer herself, were positive heroes, but not one of them overcame the six-year barrier of living together.

The creative rise of a southern beauty

In 1979, Young Voices had already disbanded. Irina was a soloist of the Fakel ensemble, whose leader remained Blecher, and she actively toured the country. But the constant race for a “grateful” viewer exhausted the singer. She even thought about leaving the stage.

But in 1984, her future husband Vladimir Dubovitsky joined the group, she also worked with Igor Krutoy.

Irina continued her rise to the national musical Olympus. Dubovitsky organizes the VIA “Moscow Lights”, Oscar Feltsman becomes the leader of the group. And Irina Alexandrovna becomes his soloist.

In 1985, the entire Union learned about the talented and extraordinary singer Irina Allegrova; she became the winner of “Song-85”. Her star lit up, the next day she woke up as a mega-popular singer.

Third marriage

Not long upset about another divorce, Irina becomes the wife of bass guitarist Vladimir Dubovitsky. At the same time, she transports her family from Baku to the capital and buys an apartment for them. She herself settles with her husband several floors below. Concerts, tours, competitions - life is in full swing.

In 1986, David Tukhmanov created the group “Electroclub”, its soloists are Igor Talkov, Irina Allegrova, Viktor Saltykov. With this ensemble, Irina records her first record. In 1986, the Electroclub-2 group became a leader in listener surveys. But Allegrova, whose biography is full of sharp turns of fate, understands that the narrow rock orientation of the group puts pressure on her.

She wants to perform diverse compositions. She is given this opportunity: her neighbor and longtime acquaintance Igor Nikolaev presents her with two songs - “My affectionate and gentle beast” and “Toy”. They immediately become hits, but the producer of “Electroclub” is against such a repertoire for his soloist. The rock band, like her new husband, inspired Irina for some time, but already in 1990 she went on a solo voyage, leaving behind not only rock, but also Vladimir.

Finest hour

For many stars of Russian show business, the 90s became a turning point - crisis, lack of concerts, lack of money. But these troubles this time did not affect the newly minted solo singer Irina Allegrova.

In 1990, Irina became the most touring star, for which she received nationwide love and popularity. Many fans were perplexed: how old is Allegrova? She is always in one pore - beautiful, fit, fresh. And at that time she was already 48 years old.

It was then that the artist’s finest hour came. Many publications wrote that in the 90s Irina managed to displace the Diva herself on the star Olympus. This is not surprising: almost every song of hers became a finalist for “Song of the Year,” videos were at the top of the charts, albums and records disappeared from store windows instantly.

Compositions such as “Transit”, “An Unfinished Romance”, “The Catcher in the Rye”, “The Hijacker”, “The Empress” and many others will forever go down in the history of pop songs in our country.

In 1998, Irina Allegrova’s concert took place in the USA. And already in 2000, the singer was awarded the Claudia Shulzhenko Prize - “for the development of national song.” In 2002, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, and in 2010 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Igor Kapusta and Irina Allegrova

At the moment, the singer is not married, but her latest passion was the dancer from her group Igor Kapusta. In 1992, as soon as the star began her solo career, she secretly got married to Igor, who was several years younger than her. The lovers moved to live in the star’s country house. Everything seemed to be going well, but, unable to withstand the six-year barrier, this union, like the others, sank into oblivion. A few years later, the singer’s ex-husband was arrested for illegal drug possession.

Although, according to Kapusta himself, their marriage with Ira was destroyed by her daughter Lala, who completely controls her mother and does not give her personal space.

Allegrova family and plans for the future

In 1994, Irina’s father, Alexander Allegrov, dies. The singer is taking a time out from her creative activities.

In 1995, the singer's daughter Lala gives birth to a boy, who is named Alexander, in honor of her grandfather.

In 1998, Irina was single again. In 2012, the singer’s mother, Serafima Sosnovskaya, died.

In the same year, in an interview, the singer announced the cessation of extensive touring activities. Rumors spread in the press that “The Empress” was leaving the stage. Fans immediately frantically began to find out how old Allegrova was; perhaps the end of her career was timed to coincide with the star’s sixtieth birthday? But Irina Alexandrovna denied these speculations.

She, as before, performs, shoots video clips, and gives interviews. Only now the singer wants to spend more and more time with her family.

It is probably difficult to find at least one family that does not know or have not listened to at least a few songs by the popular Soviet singer Irina Allegrova. Fame did not come to her immediately, as it did to many domestic singers, but after 40 years on stage, not everyone can boast of concerts and thousands of fans throughout the post-Soviet space. And today, at 66 years old, Irina Allegrova is still reaping the benefits of her long and successful singing career. Well, all that remains is to wish long life and creative success to this beautiful and talented woman.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Allegrova

For many years, the songs of the popular singer Irina Allegrova remain loved and known throughout the country. Since her youth, she has changed a lot in appearance, becoming even more beautiful and elegant. At one turning point in her career, Allegrova dramatically changed her image. Today, many are wondering what her height is, her age, how old is Irina Allegrova? The singer's height is 172 cm, weight 52 kg. She turned 66 years old in January of this year.

Agree, to keep yourself in shape when you are over 60, you need to work hard. This is especially true for Irina Allegrova, who is slightly predisposed to be overweight. But the viewer has never seen an overly rounded singer, and it delights.

Biography of Irina Allegrova

The voluminous and very interesting biography of Irina Allegrova has always attracted the attention of hundreds of thousands of people. Of course, because in fact, she had to go through a lot to achieve great success. But, first things first.

The singer’s homeland is the city of Rostov-on-Don, where she was born and lived for some time. Then, her parents moved to Baku, where she began her gradual development as a creative person. It must be said that Irina Allegrova’s parents were also creative people. The singer’s father is a popular actor and director Alexander Allegrov (real name Sarkisov), and her mother Serafima Sosnovskaya simply loved to sing and had an operatic voice.

According to her parents, artistry awoke in the girl from the cradle. Since father and mother got a job at the Baku musical comedy theater, famous guests in the Allegrovs’ house were not uncommon. One of these guests is the legendary Muslim Magomayev, who instilled in the girl a love of singing and became her first mentor.

While still a third-grader, Irina Allegrova simultaneously studied piano at a music school. In addition to music, the girl was interested in dancing and attended ballet for several years. In her free hours from studying, music and dancing, Irina painted.

Before becoming famous, Irina Allegrova was a member of many musical groups that did not bring her fame. For a long time, the singer performed in restaurants. Back in the early 80s, Irina Allegrova crossed paths with the now famous producer Igor Krutoy.

The first composition that brought fame to Irina Allegrova was “The Voice of a Child,” written especially for her by Oscar Feltsman. Soon, Irina Allegrova becomes a member of the rock group “Electroclub” along with Igor Talkov. According to the singer, during the next concert she lost her voice, damaging her ligaments, after which she began to wheeze slightly. Now this is Allegrova’s signature feature.

The songs “Photography” and “There Was No Sorrow,” which she performed while already a solo singer, brought unprecedented fame to the singer.

The peak of fame and popularity of the singer fell in the 90s. During this period, she recorded and released the largest number of songs, which made her recognizable and beloved by millions of music lovers.

Later, Irina Allegrova met with Igor Krutoy, whose creative union brought the singer a change of image and a lot of popular songs.

In 2002, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2009, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Irina Allegrova

The personal life of Irina Allegrova is a vivid story that deserves special attention. The woman has been married more than once, but in the end, today she is officially single. Like many women, Irina Allegrova was constantly attracted to bad guys who brought her only fleeting happiness.

The beautiful and famous singer won the hearts of many men, but in her old age she remained alone. But Irina Alegrova has her only daughter Lala, who came from her first marriage, and a wonderful grandson Sasha. As the singer herself admitted in one of her interviews, she is ready to move mountains for these two dear ones.

Family of Irina Allegrova

Initially, Irina Allegrova’s family consisted of her parents. As you know, these creative people gave impetus to the development of the future popular singer Irina Allegrova. She always spoke about her family with warmth and a smile. It was her parents who gave her a happy childhood, as well as support in the future, which played a big role in her future career.

Later, Irina Allegrova started her own family, marrying a basketball player and giving birth to her first child, daughter Lala. Unfortunately, the singer will soon understand that this marriage was thoughtless and mistaken, but she will not regret it, since it was in this marriage that her beloved daughter Lala appeared.

Children of Irina Allegrova

Many people are wondering if Irina Allegrova has children? Yes, she has an only daughter, Lala. It must be said that after her first marriage, being married several times, the singer no longer wanted to, because she understood that she would not be able to devote time to them. But she always found time and energy for Lala, no matter where she was and no matter how much she worked.

Irina Allegrova’s path to fame was long and thorny, so she categorically did not want her daughter or grandson to work in show business.

The singer tries to spend all her free time with her daughter and her son, considering family the most important thing in every person’s life.

Daughter of Irina Allegrova - Lala

Irina Allegrova’s only daughter, Lara Allegrova, was born in 1972. Irina Allegrova divorced her daughter’s father 6 months after her birth. Lala spent almost her entire childhood with her grandparents and rarely saw her mother. The singer really missed her daughter, but touring and a busy schedule did not give her the opportunity to take part in her upbringing.

Lala was interested in many things, and therefore, for a long time she could not decide on her future profession. The girl sang for some time, then wanted to get a theater education, and also thought about a career as a journalist. But, in the end, Lala trained as a director. Today she is the director of her mother, as well as the director of her performances. Several times Lala also performed with her mother on stage as a backing vocalist.

At the age of 23, Lala gave birth to her son Alexander, she is raising him alone, she was not married. Irina Allegrova helped and supported her daughter in every possible way, especially during the period when she experienced all the hardships of being a single mother. Now, Irina Allegrova’s grandson is her great joy, pride and outlet.

Former husband of Irina Allegrova - Georgy Tairov

Irina Allegrova’s first and ex-husband is Georgy Tairov, a basketball player. Initially, this marriage was a fiction, because 18-year-old Irina decided to marry not for love, but out of resentment towards her previous boyfriend. Then it seemed like a good idea to make the departed guy jealous and bite his elbows. But then a daughter appeared, the marriage broke up, and the aspiring singer became a single mother. The difficult adult life of Irina Allegrova began.

By the way, the first husband, basketball player Georgy Tairov, was sincerely in love, and rejected many chosen ones for the sake of Irina. Despite the birth of the child, the marriage lasted only a year.

Former husband of Irina Allegrova - Vladimir Blakher

The second marriage also cracked within a year. Irina Allegrova’s ex-husband is Vladimir Blakher, composer and author of the famous song “Flood”. Vladimir and Irina collaborated together; he was the artistic director of the Young Voices group, to which Irina was also invited. The beautiful and obstinate singer immediately won Vladimir’s heart, but only after a long courtship did she agree to accept the marriage proposal. Perhaps Irina Allegrova did this for the sake of her career, because, as she admitted later, she did not feel love for her second husband.

However, the marriage broke up due to the arrest of Vladimir Blakher, then he was charged with the article “Financial Fraud”. In order to protect herself from rumors and not harm her biography, Irina Allegrova did not wait for her husband, but filed for divorce.

This was a big blow for Vladimir, because he did not expect such a stab in the back.

Years later, Irina Allegrova and Vladimir Blakher became friends, and the singer performed a song by her ex-husband, written especially for her 30 years ago.

Former husband of Irina Allegrova - Vladimir Dubovitsky

Irina Allegrova’s third ex-husband is Vladimir Dubovitsky, musician, bass guitarist of the Lights of Moscow ensemble. This time Irina Allegrova fell in love for real, without pretense or self-interest. Her heart was won by the desperate and daring Vladimir Dubovitsky. Girls always liked people like him, a kind of hooligan and macho, two in one. The whirlwind romance grew into a wedding, but family life became quiet, measured and bored the singer. And she didn’t have enough time for her husband; it was hard not to see each other for weeks or even months. Then Irina Allegrova decided to file for divorce.

But the singer who had gained popularity did not have to grieve for long; concerts and crazy schedules gave no reason to think about the past. At that moment, Allegrova moved like a tank, moving towards her goal, and did not look back. Perhaps, by sacrificing her personal life, Irina Allegrova was able to achieve such success.

Irina Allegrova's ex-husband - Igor Kapusta

The fourth ex-husband of Irina Allegrova is Igor Kapusta, a dancer. Soon after her second marriage, at the peak of her popularity, the singer falls in love with a member of her dance group, Igor Kapusta. The romance began when the man was in a relationship with his girlfriend, but this did not stop Irina Allegrova from winning his heart.

The young people even got married in church, the union promised to be long and strong. While cohabiting with Igor Kapusta, the woman had to go through a difficult period, because at that moment her father died. My beloved helped Irina Allegrova cope with this grief. But, having lived with a man for more than 5 years, the singer caught Igor with another woman whom he met at her dacha. Irina Allegrova did not tolerate her husband’s infidelity and filed for divorce. The singer’s sorrows did not end there; soon her dearest and closest person, Irina Allegrova’s mother Serafima Mikhailovna, passed away.

It was a difficult time, which Irina Allegrova endured with dignity. Her work even contributed to this in some way.

Today the famous singer is alone, she is not going to get married anymore, perhaps she will still meet a man with whom she will share her old age, but for now, there is no such thing.

Photo of Irina Allegrova before and after plastic surgery

The fact that the singer celebrated her 66th birthday and looks so good haunts many, looking for photos of Irina Allegrova before and after plastic surgery. The singer herself constantly talks about her genetics, and that she resorts to the usual methods that maintain natural beauty - baths, swimming, sleep and rest. On the one hand, this is true, swimming helps keep muscles toned and is useful at any age, and a bathhouse will generally rejuvenate you, and even more so if you use a broom and honey. But everyone understands perfectly well that such a result cannot be achieved without the use of plastic surgery. Irina Allegrova at least resorted to a facelift, because no amount of wrinkles and sagging skin can be saved by a bathhouse. Even if we take into account the amount of makeup that make-up artists apply to the singer’s face every day, it’s still impossible to hide old age under makeup.

The fact that Irina Allegrova consulted a plastic surgeon is obvious, although the singer herself does not admit it. However, this is her business, but there is nothing shameful in this, because she does not have any overdoing with plastic surgery.

Many popular artists of Irina Allegrova’s age have long corrected their cheekbones, nose, removed bags under their eyes, tightened their facial contours, all with the help of plastic surgery, but, like the current heroine, they do not want to admit it to the public. Well, this is a personal matter for everyone, all the same, a seasoned viewer will notice and understand that at 66 years old it is impossible to look so good without the help of a plastic surgeon. The main thing is that Irina Allegrova uses all this in moderation, without going too far, like many of her other colleagues in the domestic show business.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Allegrova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Irina Allegrova are visited very often. Yes, yes, the 66-year-old singer has her own page on the popular social network Instagram, and why not? And fans of her work are not averse to watching Irina Allegrova’s regular photo reports.

On Wikipedia you can also read a fairly detailed biography of Irina Allegrova. There is insightful information about her career path, listing her awards and achievements.

Although Irina Allegrova has repeatedly said goodbye to the stage, she continues to delight fans with her creativity to this day. Among other things, the singer often participates in various television shows, works as a presenter at singing events, and is also involved in charity work.

It is probably difficult to find at least one family that does not know or have not listened to at least a few songs by the popular Soviet and Russian singer Irina Allegrova. Fame did not come to her immediately, as it did to many domestic singers, but after 40 years on stage, not everyone can boast of concerts and thousands of fans throughout the post-Soviet space. And today, at 66 years old, Irina Allegrova is still reaping the benefits of her long and successful singing career. Well, all that remains is to wish long life and creative success to this beautiful and talented woman.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Allegrova

For many years, the songs of the popular singer Irina Allegrova remain loved and known throughout the country. Since her youth, she has changed a lot in appearance, becoming even more beautiful and elegant. At one turning point in her career, Allegrova dramatically changed her image. Today, many are wondering what her height, weight, age is, how old is Irina Allegrova? The singer's height is 172 cm, weight 52 kg. She turned 66 years old in January of this year.

Agree, to keep yourself in shape when you are over 60, you need to work hard. This is especially true for Irina Allegrova, who is slightly predisposed to be overweight. But the viewer has never seen an overly rounded singer, and it delights.

Biography of Irina Allegrova

The voluminous and very interesting biography of Irina Allegrova has always attracted the attention of hundreds of thousands of people. Of course, because in fact, she had to go through a lot to achieve great success. But, first things first.

The singer’s homeland is the city of Rostov-on-Don, where she was born and lived for some time. Then, her parents moved to Baku, where she began her gradual development as a creative person. It must be said that Irina Allegrova’s parents were also creative people. The singer’s father is a popular actor and director Alexander Allegrov (real name Sarkisov), and her mother Serafima Sosnovskaya simply loved to sing and had an operatic voice.

According to her parents, artistry awoke in the girl from the cradle. Since father and mother got a job at the Baku musical comedy theater, famous guests in the Allegrovs’ house were not uncommon. One of these guests is the legendary Muslim Magomayev, who instilled in the girl a love of singing and became her first mentor.

While still a third-grader, Irina Allegrova simultaneously studied piano at a music school. In addition to music, the girl was interested in dancing and attended ballet for several years. In her free hours from studying, music and dancing, Irina painted.

Before becoming famous, Irina Allegrova was a member of many musical groups that did not bring her fame. For a long time, the singer performed in restaurants. Back in the early 80s, Irina Allegrova crossed paths with the now famous producer Igor Krutoy.

The first composition that brought fame to Irina Allegrova was “The Voice of a Child,” written especially for her by Oscar Feltsman. Soon, Irina Allegrova becomes a member of the rock group “Electroclub” along with Igor Talkov. According to the singer, during the next concert she lost her voice, damaging her ligaments, after which she began to wheeze slightly. Now this is Allegrova’s signature feature.

The songs “Photography” and “There Was No Sorrow,” which she performed while already a solo singer, brought unprecedented fame to the singer.

The peak of fame and popularity of the singer fell in the 90s. During this period, she recorded and released the largest number of songs, which made her recognizable and beloved by millions of music lovers.

Later, Irina Allegrova met with Igor Krutoy, whose creative union brought the singer a change of image and a lot of popular songs.

In 2002, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2009, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Irina Allegrova

The personal life of Irina Allegrova is a vivid story that deserves special attention. The woman has been married more than once, but in the end, today she is officially single. Like many women, Irina Allegrova was constantly attracted to bad guys who brought her only fleeting happiness.

The beautiful and famous singer won the hearts of many men, but in her old age she remained alone. But Irina Alegrova has her only daughter Lala, who came from her first marriage, and a wonderful grandson Sasha. As the singer herself admitted in one of her interviews, she is ready to move mountains for these two dear ones.

Family of Irina Allegrova

Initially, Irina Allegrova’s family consisted of her parents. As you know, these creative people gave impetus to the development of the future popular singer Irina Allegrova. She always spoke about her family with warmth and a smile. It was her parents who gave her a happy childhood, as well as support in the future, which played a big role in her future career.

Later, Irina Allegrova started her own family, marrying a basketball player and giving birth to her first child, daughter Lala. Unfortunately, the singer will soon understand that this marriage was thoughtless and mistaken, but she will not regret it, since it was in this marriage that her beloved daughter Lala appeared.

Children of Irina Allegrova

Many people are wondering if Irina Allegrova has children? Yes, she has an only daughter, Lala. It must be said that after her first marriage, having been married several times, the singer no longer wanted children, since she understood that she would not be able to devote time to them. But she always found time and energy for Lala, no matter where she was and no matter how much she worked.

Irina Allegrova’s path to fame was long and thorny, so she categorically did not want her daughter or grandson to work in show business.

The singer tries to spend all her free time with her daughter and her son, considering family the most important thing in every person’s life.

Daughter of Irina Allegrova - Lala

Irina Allegrova’s only daughter, Lara Allegrova, was born in 1972. Irina Allegrova divorced her daughter’s father 6 months after her birth. Lala spent almost her entire childhood with her grandparents and rarely saw her mother. The singer really missed her daughter, but touring and a busy schedule did not give her the opportunity to take part in her upbringing.

Lala was interested in many things, and therefore, for a long time she could not decide on her future profession. The girl sang for some time, then wanted to get a theater education, and also thought about a career as a journalist. But, in the end, Lala trained as a director. Today she is the director of her mother, as well as the director of her performances. Several times Lala also performed with her mother on stage as a backing vocalist.

At the age of 23, Lala gave birth to her son Alexander, she is raising him alone, she was not married. Irina Allegrova helped and supported her daughter in every possible way, especially during the period when she experienced all the hardships of being a single mother. Now, Irina Allegrova’s grandson is her great joy, pride and outlet.

Former husband of Irina Allegrova - Georgy Tairov

Irina Allegrova’s first and ex-husband is Georgy Tairov, a basketball player. Initially, this marriage was a fiction, because 18-year-old Irina decided to marry not for love, but out of resentment towards her previous boyfriend. Then it seemed like a good idea to make the departed guy jealous and bite his elbows. But then a daughter appeared, the marriage broke up, and the aspiring singer became a single mother. The difficult adult life of Irina Allegrova began.

By the way, the first husband, basketball player Georgy Tairov, was sincerely in love, and rejected many chosen ones for the sake of Irina. Despite the birth of the child, the marriage lasted only a year.

Former husband of Irina Allegrova - Vladimir Blakher

The second marriage also cracked within a year. Irina Allegrova’s ex-husband is Vladimir Blakher, composer and author of the famous song “Flood”. Vladimir and Irina collaborated together; he was the artistic director of the Young Voices group, to which Irina was also invited. The beautiful and obstinate singer immediately won Vladimir’s heart, but only after a long courtship did she agree to accept the marriage proposal. Perhaps Irina Allegrova did this for the sake of her career, because, as she admitted later, she did not feel love for her second husband.

However, the marriage broke up due to the arrest of Vladimir Blakher, then he was charged with the article “Financial Fraud”. In order to protect herself from rumors and not harm her biography, Irina Allegrova did not wait for her husband, but filed for divorce.

This was a big blow for Vladimir, because he did not expect such a stab in the back.

Years later, Irina Allegrova and Vladimir Blakher became friends, and the singer performed a song by her ex-husband, written especially for her 30 years ago.

Former husband of Irina Allegrova - Vladimir Dubovitsky

Irina Allegrova’s third ex-husband is Vladimir Dubovitsky, musician, bass guitarist of the Lights of Moscow ensemble. This time Irina Allegrova fell in love for real, without pretense or self-interest. Her heart was won by the desperate and daring Vladimir Dubovitsky. Girls always liked people like him, a kind of hooligan and macho, two in one. The whirlwind romance grew into a wedding, but family life became quiet, measured and bored the singer. And she didn’t have enough time for her husband; it was hard not to see each other for weeks or even months. Then Irina Allegrova decided to file for divorce.

But the singer who had gained popularity did not have to grieve for long; concerts and crazy schedules gave no reason to think about the past. At that moment, Allegrova moved like a tank, moving towards her goal, and did not look back. Perhaps, by sacrificing her personal life, Irina Allegrova was able to achieve such success.

Irina Allegrova's ex-husband - Igor Kapusta

The fourth ex-husband of Irina Allegrova is Igor Kapusta, a dancer. Soon after her second marriage, at the peak of her popularity, the singer falls in love with a member of her dance group, Igor Kapusta. The romance began when the man was in a relationship with his girlfriend, but this did not stop Irina Allegrova from winning his heart.

The young people even got married in church, the union promised to be long and strong. While cohabiting with Igor Kapusta, the woman had to go through a difficult period, because at that moment her father died. My beloved helped Irina Allegrova cope with this grief. But, having lived with a man for more than 5 years, the singer caught Igor with another woman whom he met at her dacha. Irina Allegrova did not tolerate her husband’s infidelity and filed for divorce. The singer’s sorrows did not end there; soon her dearest and closest person, Irina Allegrova’s mother Serafima Mikhailovna, passed away.

It was a difficult time, which Irina Allegrova endured with dignity. Her work even contributed to this in some way.

Today the famous singer is alone, she is not going to get married anymore, perhaps she will still meet a man with whom she will share her old age, but for now, there is no such thing.

Photo of Irina Allegrova before and after plastic surgery

The fact that the singer celebrated her 66th birthday and looks so good haunts many, looking for photos of Irina Allegrova before and after plastic surgery. The singer herself constantly talks about her genetics, and that she resorts to the usual methods that maintain natural beauty - baths, swimming, sleep and rest. On the one hand, this is true, swimming helps keep muscles toned and is useful at any age, and a bathhouse will generally rejuvenate you, and even more so if you use a broom and honey. But everyone understands perfectly well that such a result cannot be achieved without the use of plastic surgery. Irina Allegrova at least resorted to a facelift, because no amount of wrinkles and sagging skin can be saved by a bathhouse. Even if we take into account the amount of makeup that make-up artists apply to the singer’s face every day, it’s still impossible to hide old age under makeup.

The fact that Irina Allegrova consulted a plastic surgeon is obvious, although the singer herself does not admit it. However, this is her business, but there is nothing shameful in this, because she does not have any overdoing with plastic surgery.

Many popular artists of Irina Allegrova’s age have long corrected their cheekbones, nose, removed bags under their eyes, tightened their facial contours, all with the help of plastic surgery, but, like the current heroine, they do not want to admit it to the public. Well, this is a personal matter for everyone, all the same, a seasoned viewer will notice and understand that at 66 years old it is impossible to look so good without the help of a plastic surgeon. The main thing is that Irina Allegrova uses all this in moderation, without going too far, like many of her other colleagues in the domestic show business.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Allegrova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Irina Allegrova are visited very often. Yes, yes, the 66-year-old singer has her own page on the popular social network Instagram, and why not? And fans of her work are not averse to watching Irina Allegrova’s regular photo reports.

On Wikipedia you can also read a fairly detailed biography of Irina Allegrova. There is insightful information about her career path, listing her awards and achievements.

Although Irina Allegrova has repeatedly said goodbye to the stage, she continues to delight fans with her creativity to this day. Among other things, the singer often participates in various television shows, works as a presenter at singing events, and is also involved in charity work.

Born on January 20, 1952 in Rostov-on-Don. Her father is an actor and director, an honored artist, and her mother is an opera singer. When the singer’s father worked in the circus as a 17-year-old, he was called “Allegris,” therefore, having become an operetta artist, he took the pseudonym Alexander Allegrov, and his daughter Irina received this surname at birth.

Irina Allegrova set off to conquer Moscow in 1975. At first, she worked for several years in Leonid Utesov’s orchestra. Then her career took a course towards the stage: Allegrova in 1986 became the soloist of the Electroclub group, from which came another pop figure - Viktor Saltykov. In the same year, the singer took part in the Golden Tuning Fork competition and took silver.

Irina Allegrova began her solo career in 1990 and was very successful. A year later, readers of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper recognized her as “the best singer of the year.” This opinion was held by many, and many were completely opposite, since Allegrova immediately showed herself as a bright woman, close to the definitions of “bitch” and “vamp”: bright makeup, desperately blond chemistry, leggings, short or long, but heavily “cut” skirts , bare shoulders and sensual songs. The most famous are “Junior Lieutenant”, “Photograph 9 by 12”. Irina had no fewer enthusiastic male fans than Soviet women who were angry at such a “depraved appearance.”

The title of People's Artist was given to Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova very difficult. Her path to fame was long and thorny, but in the end she achieved what she wanted, despite all the difficulties. Now Allegrova is a famous actress and pop singer. “Crazy Empress” is how you can describe this amazing woman. In Irina Alexandrovna’s personal life, not everything is going smoothly either, but she does not lose heart and moves forward, as before, with her head held high.

Allegrova's relatives are mostly artistic. The singer's parents are very creative individuals. Alexander Allegrov was an Honored Artist of Russia and the Azerbaijan SSR; in the world of art, this man established himself as a talented actor and director. Being of Armenian origin, Alexander Grigorievich in his youth had the surname Sarkisov, but along with the fame of the actor, he came up with the idea to change it to the surname Allegrove.

Irina’s mother was no less talented and famous. Serafima Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya’s career couldn’t have worked out better. She had an operatic voice, sang and acted beautifully on stage. It is clear that their daughter has inherited acting and vocal talent.

Continuing to list eminent ancestors, one cannot help but recall Grigory Minaevich Sarkisov, his grandfather on his father’s side. At one time he was a famous musician in Baku, and even managed to work as an accountant. His wife Maria Ivanovna was a heroine mother, she gave birth to seven children. She had nothing to do with music; her job was to raise heirs. Grandfather and grandmother on my mother’s side were simpler people. Mikhail Yakovlevich Kalinin was famous throughout Tashkent for his talent as a shoemaker. His wife Anna Yakovlevna worked in a hairdressing salon.

Childhood of Irina Allegrova

“The Empress” was born in Rostov-on-Don in 1952 on January 20. In the same city, Ira went to school until she was nine years old. Then the entire Allegrov family moved to Azeybarjan. In Baku, the father and mother of the future star conquered the stage of the local musical comedy theater, their daughter tried to keep up with them, trying to become the same famous artist. Moreover, they always had a large number of eminent guests in their house such as Magomayev, Khachaturyan, Shmyga and many others.

The first thing the girl did upon arrival in Baku was to enter the music school at the conservatory. Ira was so talented that she was immediately enrolled in 3rd grade. At the entrance exam, she amazed the committee with a perfect performance of one of Bach's works.

In addition to music, Allegrova was seriously involved in ballet, participated in various festivals and competitions, taking first places. In a word, the schoolgirl’s life was in full swing!

The choice that determined the future of life

Naturally, after the high school graduation, the girl went to enroll in the local conservatory. All her close people were sure that Irina would easily pass the entrance exams and begin her studies. Unfortunately, the plans were disrupted by illness, due to which Allegrova was unable to come to the exam. Despite the obstacles, she did not deviate from her choice, but for now she got a job doing voice-overs for films.

The hard path to fame of Irina Allegrova

The vocal abilities of the young singer were appreciated by Rashid Behbudov. Being the head of the song theater, he enrolled Ira in his team. Then her first tour and work in the Yerevan orchestra awaited her. Tours have become an integral part of Irina’s life.

Although Allegrova was already in the musical world, the thought of studying could not get out of her head. She really wanted to enter Moscow GITIS, but she did not succeed. Still, fate had mercy on her and “introduced” her to Igor Krutoy. At that time, the talented composer was a pianist at the Fakel VIA, where Irina also worked.

Producer Vladimir Dubovitsky helped Allegrova take a significant step on the path to fame. It was he who convinced the famous Feltsman to write a wonderful musical creation, “The Child’s Song,” especially for his protégé. This allowed the young singer to perform at “Song of the Year-85”.


Next, Irina had to take another step up to popularity. She is taken into the group “Electroclub”, which is led by David Tukhmanov and which was considered an already well-known ensemble. In addition to Allegrova, the soloist of the Electroclub was Igor Talkov.

After a little time, the singer, having left the band, began performing solo. His place was given to Viktor Saltykov. This change brought the group stunning success. “Electroclub” brings together full halls and stadiums at its concerts. With the beginning of the nineties, Allegrova makes the difficult decision to leave the group and pursue a solo career. As it turned out later, the decision was correct.

Long-awaited popularity

During this difficult time for the singer, she was lucky enough to enter into a collaboration with Igor Nikolaev. The composer writes the song “The Wanderer” for Irina, which instantly becomes a hit. To ensure that the fire of long-awaited popularity does not subside, a whole series of hit works appear that are still successful. This glorious list includes the following songs: “Womanizer”, “Transit”, “Photography”, etc.

Then her longtime friend Igor Krutoy joins Allegrova’s career. His songs take the singer to the top of Olympus. It is worth noting the following mega hits: “The Hijacker”, “The Empress”, “An Unfinished Novel”, “My Wanderer”, etc. In addition to concerts and tours, Irina appears in music videos, which makes her even more popular. What Allegrova had been striving for all her life had finally come. She was at the top of the musical Olympus!

The swing of life - up and down!

It's time to talk about the personal life of the famous singer. A beautiful, talented, successful woman tried more than once to build her family nest and become a beloved wife. Let's try to break it all down now:

  • Allegrova lived with her first husband for only a year, but during this time she managed to give birth to his daughter Lala. Georgy Tairov was a handsome man, a basketball player, but the singer believes that marrying him was a mistake. She married to spite another man. Now George is no longer alive.
  • For the second time, the pop star went down the aisle with the director of “Jolly Fellows.” Vladimir Blekher was her husband for 6 years, then the marriage broke up. Vladimir was convicted of currency transactions; in the seventies this was considered a serious crime.
  • From 1985 to 1990, Allegrova lived with Vladimir Dubovitsky. He significantly contributed to the artist’s advancement to fame. Together the couple looked great, but in 1990 the singer filed for divorce and left her husband.
  • Having decided to live with a man under the same roof for the fourth time, Irina flatly refuses to walk down the aisle with her chosen one. She was only in a civil marriage with Igor Kapusta. The relationship lasted from 1994 to 1999. The guy was very handsome, worked as a dancer in Allegrova’s group and knew how to look after beautifully. After breaking up with Irina, fate was not kind to him. In 2012, he was caught selling drugs.

The singer did not want to experiment anymore with family happiness. According to her, life in terms of love threw her, now up, now down, like on a swing.

A daughter and grandson are the meaning of life!

Allegrova never considered herself lonely. She has a wonderful daughter and beloved grandson Sasha. Lala works as a director of variety and mass shows, her husband Artem Artemyev is a co-owner of the Artemyev Wrestling School. He himself is an excellent athlete - a judoka and sambist. Irina was lucky with her son-in-law, as well as with her daughter and grandson. His career was also successful. What else is needed for happiness?