Fortune telling the power of love (online), Fortune telling on the power of love.

Finding out what awaits a person in the future is one of the most common desires of all times. Man has always dreamed of looking ahead in order to be prepared for what is destined for him, or in order to use his knowledge to improve his life. Interpretation of dreams, use of omens, fortune telling - there are a huge number of methods to discover the secret of the future.

However, laying out the deck is considered one of the most effective. Manipulating certain objects allows you to get an answer to the moment of interest at almost any time. What could be better?

Love rituals

The most popular rituals were and are those aimed at learning about the feelings of the right person. You can guess the power of love at any time of the day, any day.

It is only important to follow the basic rules:

  1. fortune telling involves the use of a separate deck, which is intended only for magical rituals. A playing deck will not work.
  2. In order for the result of the event to be accurate, you must not give it to anyone else or lend your deck. Cards should only know one owner.
  3. You can’t guess again if you don’t like the answer or the result. As a rule, the number of repetitions of a magic ritual for the power of love is not limited. However, in no case should you, if you don’t like the answer, re-read it again in order to get the desired answer.

Following these simple rules, the fortune telling will turn out to be truthful, and the answer will exactly correspond to reality.


To perform a ritual for the power of love, you need to use a fortune telling deck.

The deck is shuffled exactly nine times, after which you need to choose three cards, where cards numbered 1 and 3 are the top and bottom of the deck, and card 2 is a random one chosen by you.

When shuffling the cards, you need to ask a question that will become the center of everything. It is on this that all fortune telling will be based.

Now you can see the value:

  • worms - sincerity, loyalty, mutual love;
  • clubs - lies, trouble, problems, deception;
  • diamonds - honesty, loyalty, friendship;
  • peaks - illness, pain, betrayal, betrayal.
  • six – road, travel;
  • seven – actions, actions, results;
  • eight - acquaintance, meeting;
  • nine – news, news, expectations;
  • ten - troubles, problems;
  • jack - reciprocity, love;
  • lady - secrecy, mystery;
  • king - imminent changes, events;
  • ace – meeting, date, happiness.

A magical ritual for the power of love involves the interpretation of all three cards together. This fortune telling, when used correctly, will give an accurate and correct answer to the intended question. You can use it an unlimited number of times a day, asking a question each time.

It would seem that what’s easier than finding out the answer to the question “What is the power of love?” at your sweetheart.

You ask directly, assess the reaction. But we don’t always believe words and facial expressions. Sometimes it’s easier for us to trust the now widespread online fortune telling.

But this is not our method! Let's turn to the oracles for help. Once in our hands, they will feel everything and help you figure out how strong the connection between lovers is.


Fortune telling for love in general is the most common, probably because this is the foggiest area of ​​relationships. We want certainty so much.

The simplest fortune-telling that cannot be done online is to watch the bouquet given by your loved one. Did the flowers wither on the same day as the gift? Well, you can’t praise the power of his love to your girlfriends. Well, or the flowers were just old.

The longer the bouquet retains its beautiful appearance, the stronger the young man’s feelings. Tested by time.

It will be lucky if your significant other gives you a houseplant:

  • If it is full of “health”, grows and blooms wildly – ​​don’t doubt it! Love exists!
  • If the flower begins to hurt and wither, then take care of it. And behind him, and behind the feelings.


Again we have a playing deck - 36 cards. We will take a very simple fortune telling. Shuffle thoroughly, remove three images: the topmost, the bottommost and the card from the middle.

Let's evaluate the colors. All three red cards fell out - great! Everything is great, it’s only better when three pictures of hearts appear at once.

Reds predominate - not bad, but it's time to take action. Only one card of a warm suit - if you want to save the relationship, then make every effort to do so.

We think you already understand everything about the meaning of black suits; luck was not on your side. Fortune telling, however, is not a reason to be upset, but a reason to evaluate the reason indicated by the dropped cards and fight it.

  • The queen of clubs is a sign that there is a strong rival, the queen of spades is a sign of resentment and anger.
  • King of Clubs - loss of interest in you is caused by rumors spread by a person who has great influence on your loved one; King of Spades - there are too many troubles, now he has no time for love.
  • Ace of Clubs - your chosen one is very worried about some problems related to a government agency; Ace of Spades - he has problems with alcohol.
  • Jack - if the card comes up with clubs: your loved one is having troubles with money, which is probably why he has lost interest in you a little; peak - he tried to surround you with care, but your behavior indicated some kind of neglect, so he decided to stop wasting time.
  • Tens - clubs say that now his interest in finance is higher than in love; spades - that he is interested in some other girl.
  • Nines - spades - serious betrayal; clubs - he had a chance to get married very profitably.
  • Eights - clubs indicate that someone accused you of self-interest towards your loved one, spades - someone revealed to him some of your secrets.
  • Sevens - peak - your tears scared him away; clubs - his last date disappointed him.
  • Six - peak - he has a long journey ahead of him alone; clubs - some late meeting of yours worked against you.

Now you know the reason why the power of love suddenly began to wane. This means you can work to remove all obstacles on the path to happiness. Online would not show you such results. Author: Maria Serova

The first card is the basis of your relationship, everything begins with it:
6 hearts The 6 hearts symbol is a flight of stairs that the Client must overcome on the path to happiness. This flight of stairs is only part of a complex labyrinth leading to success, to the fulfillment of ambitious plans or to love. 6 hearts means achievement, progress towards the intended goal, but not immediate implementation. Therefore, the Client may experience disappointment due to the partial fulfillment of his desires. In this case, you cannot show impatience or irritation and not be upset about the imaginary collapse of plans. Be patient, otherwise it may be a complete failure.

The second card is the development of your relationship, what awaits you:
7 clubs This card speaks of illusory success, an unsuccessful attempt or plans that may burst at the last moment due to carelessness, indifference, and premature complacency regarding the results. If 7 t is located between the worms, then this is a hint of a preference for pleasure over business. If it is located between diamonds, then the Client’s peace of mind may be disturbed by monetary litigation or the consequences of envy. The client should be advised not to disclose his secrets to everyone indiscriminately, and most importantly, not to make hasty statements about their successful implementation. The client can easily convince himself that success is guaranteed. His self-confidence can end in an unfortunate failure and aggravate the blows in fate. One must be convinced that the 7 of clubs is a warning of danger that can be circumvented, and not a sign of inevitable grief.

The third card is the result of what everything will come to:
King of Diamonds a man in your environment, under 30 years old (can be either an enemy or a friend). The second option could be a boss or a man connected with money in your life.

How strong are the feelings of the person you love? Will he/she be able to appreciate the depth of your feelings and reciprocate? Card online fortune telling for the power of love will help you find out the answers to these questions, reveal the whole truth about the person’s attitude towards you, and tell you what is going on in your partner’s soul.

In that online fortune telling with playing cards Only sixes, jacks, queens, kings and aces are used. The cards are assigned points: “sixes” - 0, “jacks” - 2. “Aces” are valued at 1 point, “kings” - at 4 points, and “queens” - at 3. The sum of the points of the cards drawn in fortune telling will become assessing the strength of love of the person you are interested in.

Enter the name of the person you will guess about

«0» Now you shouldn’t guess, or the cards simply don’t want to give a truthful answer. Try your fortune later.

"1" The intended person does not love you, because at the moment he is in a relationship where love and mutual understanding reign, and he is not going to change anything yet. Therefore, it is better for you to forget about him and build your life. Moreover, there are a lot of admirers of your beauty, intelligence and cheerful disposition around you. Open up to them, perhaps among them there is someone with whom you will be happy.

"2" There is no need to talk about love in your situation, since you are pushing this person away with your behavior. To attract his attention, you need to change yourself - reconsider your views on life, your behavior, your manner of communication. Just before you do it, think, is it worth it? Maybe it’s better to remain yourself and find someone who will love you, and not a model tailored to another person’s criteria!

"4" This person is now all thinking about something else - about work, study, a shaky financial situation, problems with family or friends, but not about you. He just doesn’t notice anyone now, since a rather difficult period in his life has come for him. All his strength and thoughts are aimed at combating the current circumstances. All you have to do is wait out this stage and, perhaps, very soon you will be able to achieve mutual sympathy.

"5" It is impossible to say that this person is indifferent to you. He often remembers you when he needs some help, for example, writing notes for him, submitting a report, covering his absence from an important meeting, and more. If you are satisfied with this attitude, then continue in the same spirit, maybe after a while he will understand that he simply cannot do without you and will ask you to always be there.

"6" This person does not have warm feelings for you, but it cannot be said that he does not think about you. It happens that he will remember the words you said in a conversation, an interesting story you told during friendly get-togethers, or laughter after a joke. But for him it’s just a pleasant memory of a pleasant person and nothing more!

"7" When he sees you, this person’s soul becomes warmer, he rejoices at your smile, laughter and caught gaze. But it’s too early to talk about feelings - they can either develop, or they will remain at this stage - winks and friendly greetings. However, you should not show pressure, as it can only do harm in your relationship. Surrender to the will of fate.

"8" This person thinks about you, but not as often as you would like, because he has not yet figured out his feelings - friendship, sympathy or romance. Over time, everything will fall into place. Now you need to be patient and remind yourself as often as possible - mutual acquaintances, parties, walks with a group, and more. Very soon he will understand that you are not just a friend for him, but the person of his whole life.

"9" This person has feelings for you, but it is definitely not love. The maximum is sympathy. He is interested in communicating with you, spending time together, discussing books read or films watched together, but there is no point in seeing romance in all this. And it’s not about you - it’s just that this person is not yet ready for a serious step - to love and be loved! But you understand that it is very difficult to control feelings?!

"10" The intended person has feelings for you, but you yourself push him away from you, since you often reduce your communication only to physical pleasures. Let the manifestations of your feelings become an aspect that “cements” your relationship, but not a factor that frightens and repels him. Then you can achieve your desired goal - to be together! Otherwise, your relationship will come to naught.

"eleven" You are made for each other - you, your friends and colleagues, acquaintances and neighbors see this, but not he himself, considering your meetings to be simple friendly get-togethers. Maybe you should take matters into your own hands and talk to him, confessing your feelings? Rest assured, you will be reciprocated. You will make a wonderful couple, in whose relationship mutual understanding and mutual assistance will reign!

"12" This person has not been breathing smoothly towards you for a long time, but for some reason you constantly push him away from you. Have you realized that you won’t find anyone better than him? That's right, you and him are an ideal couple, because you understand each other perfectly, you have well studied the shortcomings and advantages, both he is yours and you and his, and, nevertheless, you still think about each other. As they say, it's fate!

"13" The intended person considers your relationship quite promising, so he often mentally makes plans for a future together, but is only afraid to admit it, because he is not sure that it is mutual. If you also have feelings for this person, do not hide them. It depends on this how your future relationship will develop and whether it will be long-lasting.

"14" The person thinks about you, but tries not to show his feelings, for fear of ruining everything. After all, you behave with him as if you are not interested in him. You need to become friendlier with those who are so curious to you, then your relationship will move to a new level - mutual trust and passion, growing into great and pure love!

"15" Your feelings are mutual! All that remains is to admit them to each other. Arrange a romantic date in a cafe or restaurant that will be “yours” for life, let “your” music play and “your” dishes be served. After all, you will probably visit this place every year, remembering your first date, or listening to the music that marked the beginning of your love.

"16" You are loved and appreciated, and cannot imagine their future without you. Your couple can be called one of the happiest, since rarely anyone is lucky enough to find their true love - when they love to the point of unconsciousness, forgiving everything in the world and not seeing any shortcomings in their partner. Congratulations - you are happy people, two halves of one big whole!

Personal relationships between a man and a woman are so complex and unpredictable that sometimes only fortune telling on 36 playing cards can help predict the development of events. How your chosen one treats you, what his true intentions are, whether your couple has a future, a deck of classic cards lifts the curtain on these and other secrets. Several different layouts will help every woman deal with difficult situations with her loved one.

Most people in the world want to find love or get married. With the help of this prophetic action on 52 cards, you can learn the secret of your marriage destiny - whether you will get married and how soon this will happen. You can lay out cards for love in fortune telling only once a year at Christmas or at any other time. It is no longer possible to make such predictions again until the current year changes.

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