Characteristics of a speech therapist for certification. The importance of speech therapy

The profession of speech therapist is quite specific and not very common. Specialists in this field correct speech in adults and children, help them learn to pronounce words correctly, and eliminate pronunciation defects.

Writing a resume for the position of speech therapist is quite simple, only if you meet the basic requirements for this activity - you have the appropriate education (higher education in the specialty “Speech Pathologist”), and also have a big, kind heart. Focus on your personal qualities (patience, kindness), the ability to find an approach to the patient, and the ability to choose the most effective treatment. It’s good if you have your own methodology - this will establish you as a good specialist, show that you delve deeply into the essence of problems, and will give you more chances to get a job.

If you want to find a part-time job as a speech therapist, then also indicate the time when you can study and the possibility of visiting your home.

See also other resume examples:

Download a speech therapist resume sample:

Ponomarenko Lyubov Petrovna
(Lubov P. Ponomarenko)

Target: Filling the position of a speech therapist.


September 1990 - June 1996 Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Speech Therapy and Defectology, specialty - Speech Therapy, specialist diploma (part-time department).

Additional education:

August 2007 – Logomassage courses, Moscow.
March 2010 – Advanced training courses, National Medical Institute named after. Dragomanova.
May 2015 – Training “The work of a speech therapist. Psychology and Pedagogy", Moscow.


Speech therapist

June 2003 – May 2008 DNZ “Malyatko”, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
— individual work with children from 3 years old;
- speech production;
— logomassage.

Speech therapist

September 2008 – August 2015 “Rainbow” kindergarten school, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
— work with children from 4 years old
— correction of speech impairment;
— speech therapy massage;
- speech delivery.

Speech therapist (part-time)

September 2010 – present, City Clinic No. 5, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
— holding an appointment in the speech therapist’s office;
— diagnosis and consultation of patients.

Professional skills:

— Individual approach;
— Logomassage;
— Knowledge of speech correction techniques;
— High level of responsibility;
— Languages: Russian — fluent; English - with a dictionary.

Personal qualities:

Kindness, patience, love for children.
Attentiveness, honesty, organization.

Additional information:

Family status: Married.
Do you have children.
Possibility of business trips: no.
Possibility of home visits: yes.

We hope that the sample resume we compiled for the position of speech therapist helped you in creating your resume for work. Return to section..

Description of the results of professional teaching activities

speech therapist teacher

Puzyrevoy Anna Vitalievna

in accordance with the educational program of the municipal

educational institution "Secondary school No. 2"

Sovetsky district of Krasnoyarsk

The goal of my speech therapy activity is the maximum correction of defects in oral and written speech of students, facilitating successful adaptation in educational activities and further socialization of children with speech pathology.

1. Corrective and developmental activities.

I regularly examine students, which helps to timely determine the structure and severity of their developmental disorders. Analysis of diagnostic results determines the directions of speech therapy work.

2013-214 academic year 2014-2015 academic year

The effectiveness of speech therapy work

(Cognitive activity)

Cognitive activity

General awareness

Social and everyday orientation

Visual gnosis

Auditory gnosis

Tactile Gnosis

Spatial Gnosis


Mnestic activity

Mental activity

Speech development

The effectiveness of speech therapy work

(Learning activities)

Motivation for learning activities

General educational skills


Level of development of UUD

In 2014, together with specialists from our institution (teacher, speech therapist, social educator, educational psychologist), adapted educational programs were drawn up. An educational program adapted for teaching children with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these individuals. Adapted educational programs are implemented for the following categories of students with disabilities:

    students with severe speech impairments;

    students with mental retardation;

    students with mental retardation.

I have developed a model for monitoring speech therapy support for children with disabilities in the process of inclusion. This material became the head of the textbook “Comprehensive medical-social and psychological-pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the process of inclusion”, series “Inclusive Education”, ed. O. A. Kozyreva; Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V. P. Astafieva. - Krasnoyarsk, 2015. Information collected during the monitoring process helps assess the success of the speech development program for each child with disabilities.

Thus, as a result of an integrated approach to speech therapy, positive dynamics are observed not only in the correction of sound pronunciation, but also in all aspects of schoolchildren’s speech.

Indicators of the effectiveness of complex speech development of children with systemic speech underdevelopment:

Indicators of the effectiveness of complex speech development of children with general speech underdevelopment:

Indicators of the effectiveness of complex speech development of children

with severe speech impairments:

Records management:

for each child

    protocol for speech therapy examination with monitoring;

    individual support card;

    individual speech therapy support program with a long-term plan.

are common

    a log of examination of oral and written speech;

    journal for speech therapy consultations;

    log of attendance at speech therapy classes.

2. Professional development activities

I regularly improve my professional skills. I have a professional self-development program.

Self-education topic

A year of work on the topic


on the implementation of the topic

“Effective methods for correcting speech breathing in children with dysarthria.”

2011/12 academic year G.

Studying the breathing exercises technique of A.N. Strelnikova. Studying O.G. exercises Prikhodko on breathing correction for dysarthria.

Development of teaching aids and presentations on the development of speech breathing.

“Game technologies in the work of a speech therapist.”

2012/13 academic year G.

Creation of a methodological folder: “Articulatory gymnastics in pictures”, a collection of fairy tales about the Merry Tongue, a selection of games for automation and differentiation of speech sounds.

“Five-minute speech therapy sessions as a means of correcting pronunciation.”

Development of a methodological manual “Speech therapy five minutes”. Open lesson on the topic.

“The use of modern computer technologies in the work of a speech therapist teacher.”

2015/16 academic year G.

Introduction into the work of a speech therapist of computer programs and presentations aimed at correcting various aspects of speech. Creation of an electronic collection of speech therapy programs, presentations and educational literature on speech therapy.

3. Generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience and skills

Presented her work experience at:

Seminar “Comprehensive medical, social and psychological-pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the process of inclusion” for teachers of the Sovetsky district of Krasnoyarsk, April 2015 (I have gratitude);

Scientific and educational forum “Man, family, society: history, development prospects”, November 2015 (I have a letter of gratitude);

Conducted open classes for teachers of the region as part of advanced training courses “Development of adapted educational programs for children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard,” May 2015 (I have a letter of gratitude);

Took part in the practice-oriented seminar “Organizational and pedagogical conditions for supporting students with mental retardation in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Special Education for students with disabilities,” April 2015 (I have a certificate);

I have a letter of gratitude for assistance in organizing and conducting teaching practice for students of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies of the KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva, April 2015.

I have publications:

Member of the team of authors of the textbook “Comprehensive medical, social and psychological-pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the process of inclusion”, series “Inclusive Education”, ed. O.A. Kozyreva; Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V. P. Astafieva. - Krasnoyarsk, 2015;

I have a monograph “Formation of articulatory motor skills in children of senior preschool age with dysarthria,” co-authored with Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy of the KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva Kozyreva O.A., June 2016;

I have an article “The main manifestations of written language disorders in primary school students” in the journal of international humanitarian studies “The Newman in foreign policy”.

Participated in the All-Russian distance competition of innovative educational programs, projects, ideas “On the Path to Success” October 2016 (I have a 1st degree diploma).

4. Effective social experience

I periodically conduct classes in the field of cultural and educational activities, with the aim of forming a common culture for students. From May 10 to 24, 2014, she held a decade of Russian writing. Goal of the decade : attracting the attention of the younger generation to the history of Christianity, its spiritual values ​​and ascetics. I believe that such events contribute to the formation of a common personal culture, socialization and the development of citizenship. After a number of events, the children became interested in the topic “Cyril and Methodius - the first Slavic teachers,” which served as a stimulus for our children’s active participation in the All-Russian children’s creative competition “The Patron Saints of Rus'” in the nomination “Fine Arts” and “Literary Creativity.”

Took part in:

Regional festival of amateur creativity of educational workers of the Sovetsky district “And there are no limits to the talents of a teacher”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the category “Decorative and Applied Arts”, March 2015, I have a laureate certificate;

I have a letter of gratitude for my active participation in the preparation and holding of festive events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, May 2015;

I have a certificate for participating in the city quest game “My Favorite City”, March 2016;

I provide the following information about myself:

    In 1998 she graduated from Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College No. 1 named after M. Gorky with a degree in “Teaching in primary grades”;

    In 2010, she graduated from the Siberian Federal University with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education and was awarded the qualification of a primary school teacher with a specialization in Organization of Speech Therapy Work;

    In 2016, she underwent professional retraining at the Moscow Psychological and Social University with the qualification: teacher-defectologist, 630 hours.

Experience in teaching (specialty) 13 years, in this position for 9 years; in this institution for 2 years.

I have a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for many years of fruitful work and great contribution to the development of the education system in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, September 2015.

Information about advanced training:

    “Current technologies for the correction of speech disorders (“Speech therapy massage”, “Logopsychotherapy”, “Psycholinguistics”)” KSAOU DPO (PK)S, from 10.22.2012 to 11.07.2012 (120 hours)

    "Development of adapted educational programs for children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the conditions of inclusive education" Krasnoyarsk, KSPU named after V.P. Astafieva, from 05/25/2015 to 06/05/2015 (72 hours).

I am a member of the First of September Pedagogical Club, club card No. 101-122-434. I am a member of the Logoburg speech therapists club.

I have an active life position.

  1. To what extent does the goal of the professional activity of a speech therapist correspond to the goals of the educational institution?

The objectives of the priority national project “Education” include ensuring accessibility and improving the quality of education, equalizing the starting opportunities of children when entering school. This was reflected in defining the goal of the institution, which is to organize work on the comprehensive development of children through the creation of a unified educational space, the implementation of an integrated approach in the pedagogical process.

Preschool educational institutions educate a large number of children with speech development disorders of various etiologies. This group needs speech therapy, the main focus of which is speech development, correction and prevention of speech disorders.

The goals of the professional activity of a speech therapist teacher are to provide the organizational, content, and methodological components of the speech therapy segment in a single educational space of the institution, to unite the interacting, mutually influencing efforts of adults to maximize the development of children’s capabilities, eliminate their existing speech pathology, and prevent secondary disorders. This contributes to achieving the goals set by the educational institution and solving pressing problems of education at the present stage of its development.

  1. What important problems have been solved since the last certification?

In the period since the last certification, work was carried out in the following areas:

Improving the quality of education of graduates of preschool speech therapy groups in terms of overcoming speech development deficiencies (the dynamics of the performance of a speech therapist teacher are presented in paragraph 9 of this self-analysis);

optimization of integrative interaction between specialists of an educational institution in the correction of speech disorders in children based on active communication, complementarity, cooperation and co-creation.

Expanding business and creative contacts with colleagues, summarizing and disseminating the results of work, speeches, publications and other forms of activity.

The quantitative growth of children with speech pathology, the complication of speech diagnoses, the decrease in the quality of knowledge in humanities subjects in children with speech disorders, the violation of the psychological profile, the decrease in the level of social adaptation in micro and macro societies made it possible to position the above-mentioned problems and formulate the goal of the speech therapist teacher for the specified period - searching for optimal ways to increase the level of corrected speech indicators, identifying and eliminating speech problems.

An analysis of the forms, methods and techniques used at the beginning of work to solve these problems showed reserve possibilities for interaction between specialists of an educational institution, which should not only be declared, but also actually implemented. The study of theoretical literature, diagnostic methods and techniques, analysis of data obtained as a result of diagnostics, made it possible to build a scheme of integrative interaction, establish a measure of personal responsibility of all participants, determine organizational connections between them, and create an atmosphere of interest in the results of work.

The results of work on the above issues should be considered:

    regular holding of open events for students of advanced training courses in various fields;

    speaking to speech therapists;

    conducting consultations for parents;

    publication of the article.

  1. What is the role of a speech therapist in the implementation of the development program of an educational institution (indicate the status of the institution where the speech therapist works)?

The development program of a municipal educational institution for children of preschool age involves solving problems of creating a unified educational space “Elementary school - kindergarten”, strengthening and developing physical and mental health, creating the foundations for correctional and developmental interaction “Adult - child” for the purpose of development mechanism for compensating for violations in each child. My participation, as a teacher-speech therapist, was expressed in the development and implementation of the correctional and developmental direction of the development program: drawing up individually oriented educational routes for children with speech disorders of various etiologies; organizing the work of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support; creating video materials.

  1. How are the educational needs of students taken into account in their professional activities?

Correctional and speech therapy work with a child is based on his educational needs, individual and age characteristics, which are determined primarily as a result of a comprehensive examination conducted in the first half of September. Its results are entered into a speech card of the established sample, which allows you to build a route for individual speech therapy work, build a certain forecast, divide into subgroups depending on the structure and complexity of the speech defect, and monitor the dynamics of the speech process.

I take into account the educational needs of children in the following areas:

  • work on developing speech understanding;
  • creating motivation for the development of speech communications;
  • formation of spatial concepts and sensorimotor skills;
  • correction of defective sound pronunciation;
  • development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;
  • clarification and expansion of vocabulary;
  • mastering grammatical categories;
  • development of the psychological basis of speech;
  • fostering conscious and active motivation for learning;
  • preparation for school.

All work is carried out based on intact analyzers, taking into account the child’s compensatory capabilities, his creative abilities and sensitive periods of development.

  1. What is being done to effectively use children's time and your own time in and outside of class? What technologies and teaching methods are used in teaching activities?

The efficient use of children's time and their own in and outside of class is achieved primarily through clear planning of the entire volume of work, forms, methods and techniques of its organization. Planning, in turn, is determined by the goals and objectives set for the current academic year, as well as monitoring studies and the individual and age characteristics of children. In group, subgroup and individual lessons I use:

  • certain organizational and methodological tools, gaming technologies (taking into account the fact that classes are conducted with preschool children and the leading activity in this period is play);
  • technology “Pedagogy of cooperation”, based on a humane and personal approach to the child. The name of the technology was given by a group of innovative teachers, whose generalized experience combined the best traditions of the Soviet school (N.K. Krupskaya, S.T. Shatsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko), achievements of Russian (K. D. Ushinsky, N. I. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy) and foreign (J. -J. Rousseau, J. Korczak, K. Rogers, E. Berne) psychological and pedagogical practice and science;
  • technology of level differentiation, individualization of training;
  • information Technology (O.I. Kukushkina, PL. Goncharova, etc.)
  • developmental education (I. G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, K. D. Ushinsky, L. S. Vygotsky, L. V. Zankov, D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov, N. A. Menchinskaya);
  • adaptive pedagogy (E. A. Yamburg, B. A. Broide, etc.).

Regularly, throughout the year, outside of classes, I organize individual and group consultations for parents and teachers, workshops, speeches at methodological associations and pedagogical meetings, and arrange various teaching materials on stands in accordance with the annual work plan.

  1. How is interaction with children organized in and outside of class?

Interaction with children in the classroom is systematic and constructive in nature, implemented through various organizational forms: classes (individual, subgroup, group), games (educational, generalizing, cognitive, developmental, productive, communicative, creative, subject, plot, role-playing, verbal, mobile, etc.), integrated classes in collaboration with other specialists. The criteria by which a group of children is formed may be different, for example, based on age, the level of development of certain skills, the uniformity of the correction task in connection with the automation of the same group of sounds. As part of the lesson, I use a variety of activities, methods and techniques, and I also make sure to pay attention to the development of children’s skills to work in macro- and micro-groups, in pairs, to be able to listen and hear a friend, to conduct assessments and self-assessment. When organizing interaction with children in and outside of classes, a triune task is necessarily solved: educational, educational, correctional, which is a factor in the success of learning and socialization of children.

  1. How is the level of cognitive interest of students assessed in the classroom? What is being done to develop interest in classes?

The level of children's cognitive interest in all forms of classes is almost always consistently high. However, this does not mean that every single child perceives the proposed material with a high degree of readiness. There are children with a low level of motivation for educational activities. And we have to work a lot on this, first finding out the reasons for this phenomenon, which may be associated with disorders of a different kind than speech. The collection of anamnestic data, dynamic observation, the use of various diagnostic techniques, consideration of the issue at the psychological-medical-pedagogical council of the institution allows us to develop an individual educational route, carry out its adjustment if necessary and, ultimately, draw conclusions about the reasons for the lower level of cognitive interest of certain children.

Children from speech therapy groups take part in all drawing competitions held at the institution level.

  1. How are the educational needs of individual students with differing abilities or aptitudes met?

I would like to answer this question taking into account several positions. Manifested tendencies and (or) ability to do any type of activity (figurative, constructive, etc.) must be used with maximum efficiency to solve correctional and developmental problems. For example, a child’s inclination or ability to sculpt allows him to solve the problems of developing motor praxis, finely differentiated hand movements and, accordingly, preparing them for writing, sensory skills, replenishment and enrichment of vocabulary, the ability to construct sentences to demonstrate actions, practicing grammatical categories, automating sound pronunciation, development of coherent speech.

Distinctive abilities and inclinations may be due to various reasons. Thus, children with special educational needs were integrated into our institution, (their speech impairment is explained by sensorineural hearing loss). Other work was carried out with them. Their inclinations, abilities, diagnostic results, and reliance on intact analyzers are necessarily taken into account when selecting tasks, organizing work, and creating an appropriate adaptive environment.

  1. What is the dynamics of performance in the subject taught?

The data is presented according to the minutes of meetings of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

  1. What methods of assessing student performance are used? How do they meet their goals? How is the information obtained from the assessment used? What is the participation of students in the assessment of their learning activities?

Assessments are used during specially organized classes and outside of them:

  • in the form of an emotional relationship;
  • value judgment (verbal encouragement, etc.);
  • mark-symbol (“sun”, “cloud”, etc.).

The information obtained as a result of the assessment must perform a stimulating function and be comprehensive. Involving students in participating in the assessment of their educational activities has a positive educational effect: certain knowledge is clarified, the analytical activity of the brain develops, criticality, and meaningfulness in mastering the material.

The assessment must be objective, fair, clear and understandable for the child, and contain information about his progress.

  1. How do you assess the level of psychological atmosphere in a group of children? What measures are being taken to create an environment of mutual trust, respect, and openness?

The level of psychological atmosphere in the group is comfortable, the vast majority of children have a cheerful, cheerful mood. When carrying out any events related to competitive moments, cohesion and a sense of empathy for the result are noted. The data was confirmed by sociometric research and survey results. With children who have any peculiarities of mood or behavior, individual correctional psychological work, various leisure activities are carried out, and joint activities are organized in any subject.

  1. Forms of interaction with parents: how is information about educational achievements communicated? How are parents’ opinions and requests regarding the child’s academic performance and development taken into account?

Constructive interaction with parents is one of the cornerstones of the successful work of a speech therapist teacher. I use a variety of forms: conversations, individual and group counseling, parent meetings, conferences and clubs, organizing joint events, using various visual aids, exhibitions, jointly filling out individual diaries. The opinion of parents and their requests regarding the child’s academic performance and progress are necessarily taken into account, various joint forms of activity between parents and children are organized, although we have to admit the existence of facts when parents are indifferent to both the presence of a speech disorder and their results of work to overcome it.

  1. How do you rate your relationships with colleagues?

Like partnership, constructive, trusting. Many colleagues ask for help, which I do not refuse.

  1. How do you improve your professional skills? What place does self-education play?

I regularly improve the level of professional skills both at specially organized advanced training courses and through participation in seminars at various levels and methodological associations.

I was engaged in self-education during the period. .. By. .. year. Worked

Description of the results of professional teaching activities

teacher-speech therapist Yanchi Victoria Yurievna

in accordance with the educational program of the municipal

educational institution MKOU "Kodinskaya secondary school No. 2"

Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kezhemsky District of the city of Kodinsk.

The goal of pedagogical activity is the correction of defects in oral and written speech of students, promoting successful adaptation in educational activities and further socialization of children.

I carry out activities in accordance with the conclusion and recommendations of the TMPK

Developed a work program based on an instructional and methodological letter edited by A.V. Yastrebova, T.P. Bessonova using regional author's programs E.V. Mazanova, S.P. Tsukanova “Correction of written and oral speech of junior schoolchildren”, which received a positive assessment from the methodological council of the educational institution. A special place in this program is given to the diagnostic stage of correctional and speech therapy activities. Studying a child’s personality allows us to identify the causes of violations. Since May of each school year, together with elementary school teachers, I have been included in the program of psychological monitoring of junior schoolchildren “Readiness of future first-graders for school.” In the 2017-2018 academic year. 25% of students had a low level of readiness for school.

Over three years, 62 students with speech impairments were identified for individual and group lessons: 32 children with ODD, 23 children with SDD, 7 with ODD.

There is a stable dynamics of results of work with children with speech disorders: 2015-2016. - average and high level of speech development of children - 56%, 2016-2017 - 73%, 2017-2018. - 94% of children.

Indicators of the development of cognitive activity of students in grades 1-4 with speech impairment.





Cognitive activity

General awareness

Visual gnosis

Social and everyday orientation

Auditory gnosis

Tactile Gnosis


Spatial Gnosis

Mnestic activity

Mental activity

Speech development

The basis of speech therapy classes is an activity-based and person-oriented approach. During classes in the system, I use the programs “Games of Baba Yaga”, “Games for Tiger”, “Computer workshop for conducting speech therapy classes in elementary school”, “Home speech therapist”, which individualize the child’s activities in the lesson. I ensure the preservation of the physical and psychological health of students through health-saving technologies: E.A. Dyakova speech therapy massage; A.L. Sirotyuk kinesiological exercises; E.A. Alyabyeva logorhythmic exercises, elements of developmental education - project activities; technology of a problem situation. In 2016, together with specialists from an educational institution (speech therapist, social pedagogue, educational psychologist, teacher), adapted educational programs were developed for the following categories of students with disabilities: students with mental retardation, students with severe speech impairments, students with mental retardation taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development and individual capabilities.

I have systematized the data and compiled individual student development maps, with the help of which you can constantly monitor the progress of the program and track the dynamics of development. A speech therapy examination protocol is kept for each child, and an individual speech therapy support program is developed.

Positive dynamics as a result of an integrated approach to speech therapy are observed not only in the correction of sound pronunciation, but also in all aspects of schoolchildren’s speech.

Indicators of the effectiveness of speech development of children with systemic speech underdevelopment studying in an adapted basic educational program for children with mental retardation, grade 2.


2016-2017 (1st grade)

2017-2018 (2nd grade)

Grammatical structure

Impressive speech

Reading skill

Language Analysis Skills

Connected speech

Word formation

Phonemic awareness

Expressive speech

According to the data presented in the table, the improvement in the speech of students attending individual and group classes is monitored.

Indicators of the effectiveness of speech development of children with general speech underdevelopment studying in an adapted basic general education program for children with mental retardation, grade 2.


2016-2017(1st grade)

2017-2018 (2nd grade)

Grammatical structure

Impressive speech

Reading skill

Language Analysis Skills

Connected speech

Word formation

Phonemic awareness

Expressive speech

By the end of the 2017-2018 school year, the state of children's sound pronunciation improved. While completing the tasks, the children no longer had difficulty distinguishing and differentiating similar sounds by ear and pronunciation, and began to reproduce syllable chains just as well. Most of the sounds were staged and introduced into speech; some sounds were at the stage of automation.

The current results generally indicate the effectiveness of correctional interventions on the development of phonemic awareness in primary school students.

Indicators of the effectiveness of complex speech development of children

students with severe speech impairments in special individual development programs, grades 3-4.


2016-2017 (1st grade)

2017-2018 (2nd grade)

Grammatical structure

Impressive speech

Reading skill

Language Analysis Skills

Connected speech

Word formation

Phonemic awareness

Expressive speech

As a result, purposeful conduct of classes with schoolchildren with severe speech impairments, taking into account the structure of the speech defect, the level of formation of the psychological basis of speech, sound pronunciation, syllable structure, lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech, significantly contributes to the correction of existing speech disorders and comprehensive psycho-speech development.

I regularly improve the level of professional skills through training in advanced training courses, participation in the work of school and district methodological associations of speech therapists and speech pathologists.

The topics of self-education were: “Features of aggressive behavior of children of primary school age with intellectual disabilities”, “Formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children with intellectual disabilities”

I present the accumulated experience and results of activities to the teaching community of the educational institution and the legal representatives of students.

A personal website has been created on the educational pedagogical portal Multilesson https://site/logopedistviktoriayurievna/files, where I publish methodological material developed and summarized by me.

2017 - speeches at the Russian School of Education by speech therapists and speech pathologists on the topics: “Innovative methods and techniques in teaching children with disabilities” 2018. “Comprehensive support for students with ASD.”

Together with parents and class teachers, I prepare the necessary documentation for the TPMPC, and conduct individual consultations with parents in the system.

I actively work with parents. I regularly speak at parent meetings on the following topics: “Results of examination of first-graders,” “Dysgraphia,” “Organization of speech therapy work at school.” These topics are interesting for parents and raise many questions. To optimize work with parents, I annually design and replenish the “For You, Parents” stand. Conducted open classes for parents on correcting problems with sound pronunciation: “To school with fairy-tale characters”, “Magic tongue”, “Repeat after me, do as I do”.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, she took part in an international competition with the support of the Naked Heart Foundation for Children and won in the “Playing with Meaning” category. As a result, two inclusive children’s playgrounds with a total cost of 1 million 800 thousand were built on the territory of the educational institution MKOU “KSOSH No. 2”; it was possible to create a space for communication between peers with intact development and with disabilities.

Since 2014 I have been a class teacher. I involve parents in the educational process through the following forms of activity: extracurricular educational and sports activities (Autumn video - 2nd place, 1st place - “Lean Harvest”, 2nd place - School song and formation show dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, 2nd place - "Russia, my destiny").

Recently, the most popular educational technology is the project method, which explains the relevance of social projects being developed together with children of high school age to support and organize an educational space for children with disabilities. In 2018, we took part in the “Social Projects” competition at the Children's Creativity Center, taking 2nd place.

An indicator of the effectiveness of my work with parents is their interest in class and school events and their desire to participate in them (attendance is 90 - 95%).

I provide the following information about myself:

2009 - graduated from Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College No. 2 with a degree in “Teacher of preschool children with intact and deviant developmental behavior” (diploma with honors)

2013 - completed her studies at the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V.P. Astafieva" (correspondence course) with a degree in Speech Therapy, Specialization "Correctional and pedagogical work with children with developmental problems"

9 years of teaching experience, 7 years in this position; in this institution for 7 years.

Information about advanced training:

2015 - training under the program “Organizational, managerial and methodological aspects of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education for students with disabilities and students with mental retardation” in the amount of 24 training (KKIPKiPPRO)

2015 - training under the program “Modernization of the content of education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Federal state educational standard of basic general education. Contents and implementation mechanisms" in the amount of 108 hours ("Center for Advanced Training" for an additional professional program")

2015 - training under the program “Current issues of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment)” for 72 hours (KKIPKiPPRO)

Awards and achievements:

2018 Letter of gratitude from the Kezhemsky District Council of Deputies

2016 Certificate of Education Department of the Kezhemsky District Administration

2015, 2016, 2017 - Certificate for high-quality and highly professional work.

I have an active life position and annually participate in the regional sports competition for educators in the Kezhemsky district.

"Employee Characteristics"

During the period of work at the preschool educational institution... teacher-speech therapist full name has established herself as a highly professional, erudite, methodologically competent and proactive specialist. Works teacher-speech therapist full name with preschool children with mental retardation.

Speech therapist teacher Full name are distinguished by high professional qualities, such as: the ability to analyze teaching activities, identify the most significant problems and find effective ways to solve them. She is a tolerant, tactful teacher who uses the latest techniques in her work. Thanks to her qualities, she was able to achieve high results in teaching and raising children with speech disorders in children with mental retardation in a compensatory kindergarten.

Professionalism Speech therapist teacher Full name characterized by her communicative competence, i.e. the ability to communicate with a child at the level of a partner. She is able to provide the necessary support to children experiencing failure, to involve a distracted child in the overall work, and to find the right approach to children with higher rates of development.

Fundamental knowledge in the field of correctional pedagogy and psychology, the use of innovation and modern technologies allow her to well prepare preschool children for school. All graduates are assigned to schools. The main contingent of preschoolers (70–80%) go to public schools, where they study successfully. Several graduates study at a public school under the 2100 Program. Graduates with more complex diagnoses are assigned to correctional classes.

Within the framework of the MBDOU, he participates in the work of the creative group. She has repeatedly worked as part of an expert group for diagnosing the subject-development environment.

From 2006 to 2009, she led the section “Progressive practice of educators” within the district methodological association for educators with severe speech impairment. Every year she takes part in the design of visual material for the district department of public education.

Since 2012, he has been leading the “Creative Potential” section as part of the RME for speech therapist teachers.

She also took an active part in the professional training of students at the Institute of Pedagogy.

He shares many years of experience in advanced training courses at the Institute of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus.

Speech therapist teacher Full name Confidently introduces new modern forms of working with parents into her practical activities: she posts information for parents on the kindergarten’s website and uses Internet technologies.

teacher-speech therapist full name enjoys well-deserved authority among the teaching staff because she has not only professional knowledge, but also such moral qualities as discipline, composure and a high sense of responsibility for the upbringing of the younger generation.