Games to have fun with friends. Competitions for parties and feasts

When guests come to the house, it’s wonderful!

When guests come to your children (for example, for a birthday), it is doubly wonderful, because the house is filled with the noise of children's voices, joyful laughter and smiles.

But now the exchange of impressions is over, the cake is eaten, and the guests begin to get bored. And if a large group of ordinary children begins to get bored, then the consequences of this boredom can, sadly, be quarrels (even fights), scattered toys and a generally turned upside down house.

To prevent this from happening, just after eating the cake, invite the children to play. Fun games for a large company will relieve boredom and save your home from possible destruction!

Musical apple

This game is fun to play with both a large group and a small one. Take an apple and stick fifteen matches or wooden toothpicks into it.

The one who has an apple in his hands must take out one match and sing a song about summer (or about spring).

You can recite a poem or ask a riddle. It is important that the theme matches the time of year you are meeting.

The one who knows the most songs, riddles, and poems wins. Give him a delicious apple as a reward!

Fortune Balls

For this game you will need several balloons. Before inflating the balloons, put notes with funny predictions in them.

Let one of the adults or older children, unnoticed by everyone, wrap a scarf or handkerchief in the form of a turban around his head and take a bunch of balls in his hands, and then solemnly appear before the public with the words that he is the famous predictor AlBabuKabosRabos, who sells magic balls with predictions .

The “payment” for the ball is different for everyone: let one jump on one leg twenty times, and let the other perform an aria from the opera; for the little ones, the “payment” will be a poem, for older children – a tongue twister or guessing a riddle.

After the “fortuneteller” has received the “payment”, he gives everyone a ball with a note-prediction.

Predictions could be:

In the near future you will have a delicious barbecue with friends in nature.

Your dreams will definitely come true.

You will have many friends!

You will soon meet a kind person.

Nightingale the Robber

Absolutely everyone can participate in this game.

To carry it out you will need an empty bottle and a deck of plastic cards. The deck is placed on the neck of the bottle, and the players take turns blowing on the deck. Objective: blow away some cards. Those who blow off the entire deck or do not blow off a single card are awarded penalty points. The sum of these penalty points determines the loser, the “punishment” for which is agreed upon in advance.

The most dexterous

Prepare toys (their number should be one less than the number of participants in the game) and place them on the floor. Choose a driver. The game begins when the driver turns on the music or starts singing. The players disperse around the room and dance. As soon as the driver turns off the music or falls silent himself, you need to have time to pick up the toy.

Those who do not have time leave the game.

Each time we reduce the number of toys by one. The one who remains in the game will be recognized as the most dexterous.


The good thing about the game, despite its menacing name, is that it is guaranteed to avoid bodily harm. You can play in any company.

So, the presenter calls two participants into the “ring” and announces to them that now they will fight tooth and nail for the heart of the beauty. “Boxers” wear gloves (thick mittens are suitable as a substitute; for greater effect, you can stuff something soft into them). The audience applauds and cheers on the fighters as they warm up before the fight. The host announces the start of the competition and gives each participant a piece of candy in a candy wrapper, which must be unwrapped without taking off the gloves. The winner receives a prize, which is discussed in advance.


Everyone has already warmed up a little - it's time to play Kolobok. There should be no fewer participants in the game than characters from a famous fairy tale, plus the host.

The players sit on chairs, each of them is assigned the role of a fairy tale character and each of them is Kolobok. The presenter tells a fairy tale, and the participant, having heard his role, must run around the chair. When you hear the word “bun”, everyone runs around. The tale is told from the heart, with a fair amount of improvisation and frequent repetitions of the names of the roles. For example: “Grandma scratched the bottom of the barrel - a housewife, well done, she’ll bake a bun, wow grandma, grandma has everything...”.

The game ends when all participants are tired.

Thick-cheeked lip slap

Everyone enjoys playing this game: children, adults, even older people. To play you will need a lot of small round caramels. You can play in pairs or in a group.

Participants take turns putting one candy in their mouth and saying the phrase “Fat-cheeked lip slap.” Did it work? Wonderful! The second candy goes into the mouth... the third, etc. The winner is the one who was the last to pronounce the phrase clearly.


All those gathered for the picnic are divided into two teams. Each one comes up with a funny name for themselves and chooses a captain.

For example, you decided that the teams will be called “Tomato” and “Sausage Lovers”.

One of the teams comes up with a word or phrase denoting a known object.

For example, “Sausage Lovers” think of the word “crocodile.”

The captain of the “Tomato” team approaches the opponents and is told the intended word. He returns to his team and must show the hidden word with gestures so that his teammates understand what is being said. You can ask any questions, but the one who shows the word can only nod or shake his head negatively.

The team gets a point if the word is guessed.

The more expressive the pantomime, the easier it is to guess what is intended. After guessing, the teams change: the team “Sausage Lovers” guesses the word.

The team with the most points is awarded the title “Best Mime”.

Fashion designers

This game will stir up any company and allow people to show themselves in the most unexpected ways. The composition of the company can be any, the main thing is that there is an opportunity to split into pairs. It is more interesting if a girl acts as a “model”, and a boy acts as a “fashion designer”.

All you need is a good supply of toilet paper.

The presenter gives each couple a roll of paper and invites the “fashion designer” to dress his “model” in a dress. One condition - glue, paper clips, clothespins and other fasteners cannot be used.

You can tear paper and tie knots. The winner is determined by general voting.

Shoe the team

It is especially interesting to play in a large company. All participants in the game are divided into two teams, each of which chooses a captain. Then the captains go into the next room.

Participants take off one shoe or shoe at a time and put them in a common pile. The task of the returning captains is to quickly and correctly shoe their team. The winner, naturally, is the one who completes the task first. Tip: to make it more challenging and interesting, the shoes of both teams can be put in one big pile, in which case you are guaranteed a most exciting spectacle - where else can you see a fight over a shoe these days? Let the party host not be greedy and generously throw “strange” shoes into the general pile.


The game will help you not only relax and have fun, but also, who knows, perhaps reveal someone’s hidden talents.

Players must choose one famous character, get used to the character and demonstrate it to others. The winner is the one whose image is the most recognizable.

Flies - does not fly

Choose a driver.

The driver begins to list various objects, animals, plants, in short, names any word that comes to his mind. If it is a flying creature, then all players wave their hands.

If not, stand with your hands down.

The one who makes mistakes loses.

The loser is given the task of crowing or meowing ten times.


Two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, and a rope or jump rope is placed under them. The pieces of rope that stick out from under the chairs should be the same length.

At the leader’s command, two participants begin to walk around the chairs.

At the command “Stop!”, everyone sits on one of the chairs and pulls out the rope from under it.

Whoever managed to pull it out first wins!

The game is played up to three times. Whoever wins twice receives a tasty prize.


A presenter is chosen from all those who wish, the rest will be “parodists”. The players form a semicircle, one of the “parodists” stands in front of them.

Now the presenter can make any movements and gestures that come to mind: raise and lower his hands, squat, stomp, jump, dance or perform any other strange movements, while the “parodist” must repeat them so that everyone finds it funny - but without distorting the actions of the “original” beyond recognition.

If the “parodist” distorts the presenter’s gestures too much, he will have to change him.

The playing time is not limited, you can play until you get bored. The title of “Chief Parodist” is awarded to someone who has never been among the presenters.

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On vacations and holidays we like to relax or travel with friends. To make your vacation more fun and exciting, explore a few cool games that will help you laugh a lot, exercise your brains once again and learn a lot about each other. They don’t require any special props, so go for it!

1. Hat

All participants come up with ten words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. And then the fun begins: players, in a limited amount of time, take turns trying to explain, show or draw the words they come across, and everyone else tries to guess them. The most successful ones receive victory points, honor, glory and a medal around their neck.

2. Associations

Everyone sits in a circle, and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say into the ear of the next one his first association to this word, the second speaks to the third - and so on, along the chain, until the word returns to the first. If you turn an “elephant” into a “stripper,” consider the game a success.

3. Get to know me

Several people sit in a row. The presenter must, blindfolded, recognize by touch the hidden person in those sitting. Moreover, you can guess by different parts of the body - for example, by the arm, legs, hair, depending on how far everyone is ready to go.

4. Crocodile

This is a popular game in which, using gestures, movements and facial expressions, participants show the hidden word, and other players try to guess it. The driver is prohibited from pronouncing any words or making sounds, using or pointing to surrounding objects, or showing letters or parts of a word. The lucky one, who guesses what is being said, in the next round depicts the word himself, but this time it’s different.

5. Cucumber

One leader is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle - literally shoulder to shoulder. Players' hands should be behind them. The essence of the game is to pass a cucumber behind your back without the host noticing and take a bite of it at every opportunity. And the presenter’s task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guesses right, then the player he caught takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten. It's a lot of fun!

6. Contact

The presenter comes up with a word and tells the other players the first letter of this word. For example, the word catastrophe was conceived - the first letter “K”. Each of the other players comes up with a word starting with this letter and tries to explain to the others what exactly he is up to without naming it. If one of the players understands exactly what word was intended by the one who explained, then he says “There is contact!” and both (the one who explained and the one who responded) begin to count out loud to ten, and then each say their own word. If the word matches, then the presenter names the second letter of the word, and the game continues, only now you need to invent and explain a word with the initial letters already given. If the word does not match, then the players continue to try to come up with and explain a new word.

7. Danetki

Good old detective fun. Danetka is a word puzzle, a confusing or strange story, part of which the presenter tells, and the rest must reconstruct the sequence of events. Questions can only be asked that can be answered with “Yes”, “No” or “Irrelevant”, hence the name of the game.

8. I never...

With this game you can get to know people better. The chips of this game are any objects, such as coins, toothpicks, and so on. The game begins like this: the first participant says something that he has never done in his life (“ I have never..."). All other participants in the game who did this must give one chip to this player. The winner is the one who has the most chips in his hands at the end of the game.

9. Secret Keeper

A very exciting and extremely mind-blowing game. The presenter thinks of a phrase, slogan or quote known to all participants. Names the number of words in it. Players then ask the “keeper” any questions they may have. Each answer must contain a word from the hidden phrase. The answer must be contained in one sentence. Analyzing the host's answers, the players give out their version of the “secret”.

10. Fanta

A good old children's game. Players collect one of each item, which is put into a bag. One player is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it. The tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance or walk the iron.

Alexandra Savina

In autumn we want to stay at home more and more, and the most common entertainment is home parties and get-togethers with friends. We've collected ten not-so-famous company games (alcohol and otherwise), most of which only require paper and pen. We are sure they will make cold autumn days more fun.


You will need: Paper and pen, timer

How to play: You can buy the board game “Boom”, or you can come up with cards for it yourself. Before starting the game, each player writes the names of famous people on several paper cards (it is better to choose celebrities who are well known to everyone present - it’s easier and more fun). The players are then divided into teams; The team is given a minute to make one move. In the first round, players need to take cards from the deck and explain to the other team members who they are talking about without saying the name of the celebrity - they get as many points as they can guess the names. When all the cards are gone, they are put back into the deck and the second round begins: now the names of the celebrities must be explained in pantomime. In the third round, names must be explained in one word. The advantage of the game is that all players are involved in it: even if it is not your turn, you need to listen carefully, because the cards are repeated.

Winking Killer

You will need: Deck of cards or paper and pen

How to play: At the beginning of the game, you need to distribute the roles and choose who will be the killer - for this you can use several cards according to the number of players (the one who draws the ace of spades becomes the killer) or write the roles on pieces of paper. Players draw a card or piece of paper without showing it to others and sit in a circle. The killer's task is to quietly wink at other players: the one he winks at “dies.” The task of the other players is to catch the killer: at any time in the game they can accuse someone. If the killer's name is called correctly, he loses; if the player makes a mistake and calls the name of an innocent person, he also “dies.” If the killer manages to eliminate all but the last player from the game, he wins (and this is much more difficult than it seems).


You will need: Alcohol

How to play: Not the simplest, but very fun drinking game, different versions of the rules of which are detailed in Wikipedia. Players stand in a circle and take turns counting to 21. According to one of the most common variants of the rules, players can count one, two or three numbers. If the player names one number, the game continues in the same direction as before (for example, the person to the right of the player counts further). If he calls two numbers, the game changes direction (in our example, the next number is called by the person to the left of the player). If a person calls three numbers, the game continues in the same direction as before, but the player standing next to the counter misses a turn.

The player who must say the number 21 loses, and must also drink as punishment - and also come up with another additional rule (for example, all numbers that are multiples of three must be pronounced in English, or instead of the number 5, you must wink at one of the players). Anyone who makes mistakes, says the wrong numbers, gets confused by the new rules and is too slow must also drink as punishment. You can continue the game until you come up with your own rule for each number - or until you get tired of drinking.

Insert phrase

You will need: Paper and pen

How to play: A game that can be played throughout the evening. Give each guest a piece of paper with pre-prepared phrases (for example, “I’m thinking about running a marathon,” “Game of Thrones taught me a lot,” “What do you think of the latest Yeezy collection?”) when they come to your house. The players’ task is to, without showing their proposal to others, quietly insert it into a normal conversation. After a player says his phrase, he must wait five minutes so that others have a chance to figure him out. If during this time the person is not caught, then he receives a prize. This game also has an alcohol version: in this case, if someone was able to successfully insert their phrase into the conversation, everyone else drinks. If someone catches you using a pre-prepared phrase, you will have to drink.


You will need: Alcoholic jelly or shots

How to play: Players sit in a circle at a table laden with glasses of alcohol (calculate your strength when choosing a drink!) or glasses of alcoholic jelly. At the beginning of the game, everyone looks down, and then, on the count of three, they look up and look at the other player. If you are looking at someone who is not looking at you, you are lucky; if you make eye contact, you need to shout, “Medusa!” - and drink a shot. And so on until the alcohol runs out - or you just get tired of it.

Sing Song Ping Pong

You will need: Device that plays music (but not required)

How to play: A game that appeared and became popular thanks to the film " Perfect voice" It can be played either in teams or individually. In order to achieve success in the game, you need to be able to improvise well - but it is not at all necessary to be able to sing professionally, the main thing is not to be shy. The player or team making the first move begins to sing any song (you can simply turn on the first song in the player). The remaining participants can at any time interrupt the one who is currently singing and sing another song, starting with the word that appears in the text of the first, and so on. The round continues until one of the players manages to sing his song to the end - in this case he gets a point. The game can continue until someone scores 5-10 points, depending on how long it takes you to complete one round. If desired, the game can be complicated and played in English.


You will need: Paper and pen, alcohol (optional)

How to play: This is a drinking game, but you don't have to drink - you can assign a different penalty instead. Before the game starts, each participant receives a piece of paper on which they must write some task. All pieces of paper are put into a hat or box; Players take turns drawing one at a time, without showing it to the others. After this, the players begin to deal with their tasks one by one. Everyone has a choice: you can complete the task, you can exchange with someone who has not yet completed theirs (at the same time, you cannot discuss what task someone has), or refuse to complete the task and drink - or receive another established fine. If you get your own task, you cannot exchange it with others - you will have to complete it or drink it.

Two truths and one lie

You will need: Paper and pen (but not required)

How to play: Each player needs to come up with three sentences about themselves - two true and one false. Players take turns reading statements about themselves (in any order), and the rest need to determine what is true and what is false. After the others vote, the player tells how everything really is. The success of the game largely depends on how creatively the participants approach it - but it works well in unfamiliar company.


You will need: Hats, paper crowns or party hats

How to play: The good thing about this game is that you can play it discreetly throughout the evening - especially if you are having dinner at the same table. It got its name from the popular Christmas crackers in the UK and some other countries, which contain a small prize and a paper crown. Players put on hats or any other headgear, and the leader announces that all players must take them off after he takes off his. The presenter should not take off his hat immediately, but after some time, when the players are distracted and perhaps forget that the game is still going on. The one who takes off his hat last loses.

A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar

You will need: Paper and pen for each player

How to play: Before the game starts, the host must come up with ten categories (for example, “Silent film actresses,” “Alcoholic cocktails,” “Musicians of the 80s”). It is better to play in a large group, and the players should be divided into two teams. The presenter announces each category in turn, and the participants must write the first three words or names that come to mind that fit it. There is no point in trying to be more original than everyone else: points are awarded for words written by several people from the team. For example, a word written by three team members can be awarded three points, a word written by four team members can be awarded four points, and so on. The team with the most points wins.

Competitions are the best pastime when a cheerful company has gathered. To avoid any hiccups, you should prepare in advance. When choosing, consider the location, availability of props and the preferences of the participants.

Outdoor games

VIDEO: Outdoor competitions for adults

Find the pin

The presenter selects 5 people and puts blindfolds on everyone. Afterwards, he randomly attaches pins to the players’ clothes. The music turns on.

Participants begin to look for pins on each other. At the same time, you can’t give any hints. The one who finds the most of them wins.

All pins must have clasps. Only adults can compete.

Big cleaning

For this game you will need the same number of balloons of two colors. You need to draw a large circle on the ground and divide it in half. All those present are divided into two teams.

At each site, a ball is scattered in a random order. Their color corresponds to a specific team. The winners are those participants who throw all their balls into their opponents' territory.


This competition is perfect for starting a picnic. Two teams are armed with matches, cauldrons, the same number of knives and potatoes.

After the signal, each team begins to light a fire, peel potatoes and install a boiler. The winners will be those whose potatoes cook the fastest. The competition can be changed, for example, to the fastest cooking of kebabs.

Siamese twins

Players are divided into twos. Each couple has two arms and two legs tied together. Now they can't be used.

The essence of the game is for the “Siamese twins” to perform some tasks. For example, peel potatoes. The couple who completed the most tasks wins.


In this game, participants are also divided into pairs. Each team is given five balloons. Couples need to burst them in the following positions:

  • back to back;
  • sideways to each other;
  • between the hands;
  • belly to belly;
  • sitting down at the same time.

The competition looks very funny. After all, it’s ridiculous for the participants to move and squeal when the balloon bursts. So the game will appeal to both players and fans.

We ate and drank

For the competition you will need: sausage, a bottle of drink, a plate, a knife, a fork and a glass. Next, you need to select two teams of three people. Everyone moves away from the table at an equal distance.

First, participants are offered something to eat. The first player on the team runs to cut off a piece of sausage. The second one pricks it on a fork. The third one must eat.

Now the teams must drink. Now all participants take turns opening the bottle, pouring it into a glass and drinking. The team that completes the tasks faster wins.

Hungry Beast

To play you will need two volunteers and some food. For example, chopped sausage.

Participants take turns putting food in their mouths and pronouncing the phrase “hungry beast” to their opponent. At the same time, you should not swallow. The player who laughs first is considered the loser.

In search of treasure

For such a competition, preparation is necessary. The presenter needs to hide the treasure in advance - a box of beer.

Catch the ball

Participants are divided into four teams. By drawing lots, two of them become leaders, and the rest become followers. The leading teams are opposite each other, and the slaves are located between them.

Participants from the leading teams take turns throwing the ball. The task of the wingmen is to intercept him. If they succeed, then the teams switch places.

Get me drunk

For such a competition you will need 6 players, 4 glasses and a couple of plastic bottles. You need to make one hole in each of their lids using a nail. The players are divided into two teams.

Captains, without opening the bottle or using their hands, must pour water into two glasses. The rest of the participants quickly drink it. The team that completes the test faster than its opponents wins.


For this game you will need a lot of bags. The presenter leaves the gift at a certain distance from the start. Participants stand with their feet in the bag and begin to jump on command. The one who gets to the gift first will be able to keep it.

Find the bottles

This game will not only help lift your spirits, but also cool your drinks. Perfect for those who are bored while preparing barbecue. The presenter hides a bag of bottles in the river.

Players begin to walk around the pond and look for drinks. The presenter can suggest “hot” or “cold”. The winner is allowed to be the first to choose a kebab stick.

Get dressed and undressed

Participants are divided into two teams and stand on one line. After a certain distance from them, a hat, a T-shirt and pants (preferably large sizes) are left.

After the signal, each player must run to the things, put them on, take them off and pass the baton to the next one. The team whose members complete the test the fastest wins.


For this competition you will need spoons, raw eggs and task sheets. The presenter draws a “corridor” on the ground.

One by one, participants take a spoon in their teeth, place an egg on it and walk through the “corridor.” The rest are trying to distract him, shouting “drop it”, “you won’t make it.” The player who drops the egg must complete the task.

Chocolate temptation

This game is suitable for the warm season. Participants must wear swimsuits and swimming trunks. The presenter ties blindfolds for the men. He breaks the chocolate and places it on the girls.

The guys have to find the sweets with their lips and eat them. When everyone has completed the task, the boys and girls change places.

Only adults who are not in a romantic relationship should participate in such a game. Otherwise, conflicts may arise.

Save the ball

For such a competition you will need a lot of balloons, which should be inflated and tied to one leg of each player. A large circle is drawn on the ground. After everything is ready, the presenter turns on the music.

While the song is playing, the participants, without leaving the circle, begin to pop each other’s balloons. When the music turns off, those who could not keep their ball intact are removed from the circle. The action continues until there is only one winner left.


This game will continue throughout the time the company spends outdoors. Near the feast, he chooses one tree. A scale is attached to it, with 40 degrees written at the bottom and zero at the top.

Throughout the entire feast, each participant undergoes a breathalyzer. To do this, he stands with his back to the tree, bends down and sticks his hand with a pencil between his legs to leave a mark on the piece of paper. Passing the test will be more difficult and funnier each time.

Games at the table

VIDEO: The best table games


TOP 5 fun GAMES for a company at the table

No entry allowed

This kind of fun is great for starting a feast. Before each guest sits down, he must complete some task. It doesn’t have to be complicated, like giving the presenter a compliment.

Drunk couple

For the competition you will need several bottles of drinks and glasses. Those wishing to participate are divided into two. One of the couple takes the bottle, and the second takes the glass.

According to the sign, everyone tries to fill the glasses as carefully as possible. However, it is prohibited to take the bottle with your hands. Victory goes to the couple that copes faster and more conscientiously.


Several teams with a small number of participants are chosen at the table. Everyone raises their right hand, clenched into a fist. After the command of the leading “telepath”, the players unclench an arbitrary number of fingers.

The point of the game is for one of the teams to show the same number. Talking is prohibited. But participants can try to negotiate in a different way, for example, by coughing or knocking.


One of the participants turns his back to everyone. The presenter points to anyone present and asks the question “what should this phantom do?” The tasks should be very funny, for example:

  • raise your hands to the sky and ask the aliens to take you back home;
  • congratulate people passing by on some holiday;
  • drink a glass of highly salted water;
  • print out a photo of the caterpillar and ask everyone you meet if they have seen your runaway pet;
  • sing a whole song at a bus stop.

The most interesting thing is that the person who gives the tasks can randomly choose it for himself. Although the game is already old, it guarantees a festive mood.

We shared an orange

For the next fun you will need oranges, knives and any number of commands. Each group must choose a captain. He is the one who starts the game and ends it.

At the leader’s signal, the group must take turns peeling the orange, dividing it into slices and eating it. The captain needs to start the process and eat the last slice. The fastest team wins.


The presenter plays a song everyone knows. When he raises his hand, everyone sings; when he lowers it, everyone is silent. Participants who make a mistake leave the game.

Victory goes to the most attentive. To make the game more intense, the presenter can move his hand very quickly. He can confuse everyone by continuing to sing when he shouldn't.

The fastest

For such fun you will need alcoholic drinks and glasses. The latter should be fewer than the participants. The presenter pours alcohol and gives a signal, turning on the music.

When everyone sitting hears the song, they dance around the table. As soon as the music stops, the participants take away the glasses. Those who are left with nothing are out of the game.

After the first round, the game continues again. For variety, the strength of the drinks can be gradually increased. The competition ends only when there is one winner left.

During the game, remove unnecessary items from the table. Otherwise, the dishes standing on the edge may be broken.

What will you do if?

The host asks various questions to the players. For example, what would you do if:

  • you were stolen by aliens;
  • you spent your entire salary in three days;
  • you will not be able to use the Internet for a month;
  • you will be locked in the office.

The more ridiculous the questions, the funnier it will be. The winner can be determined by general voting.


To play this game you will need two participants, printed stories from the Internet, juice, paper and a pen. The first player puts a small amount of juice into his mouth, but does not swallow it. He is given a sheet of paper with a story and asked to dictate it.

The second participant tries to write down what he heard. After the competition, everyone listens to the resulting story. Usually this game turns out to be very funny.


One of the guests sitting at the table stands behind them. The rest take the candy and quickly pass it to each other. The driver's task is to catch the one in whose hands the sweet is.


This game should be played when everyone has had enough to drink. The host gets up from the table and warns that in one minute he will identify the drunkest of the guests.

After this, the presenter explains that it is necessary to give the object he named a more affectionate shade. For example, sausage - sausage, tangerine - tangerine. All guests think that sobriety is determined by the speed of the response.

At such a moment, the presenter says the word “water”. Usually at such a moment the answer is “vodka.” The guest who made a mistake is awarded a diploma “having reached the required condition” amid general laughter.


For the competition you will need spoons and two large bowls filled with water. All those present are divided into two teams.

At the signal, each person drinks a spoonful of water and passes the container to the next person. You should not splash water while playing. The first group to scoop out the contents in the bowl wins.

Useful item

The leader gives the person sitting next to him any object. The guest must say how he can use this thing and pass it on to the next one. The one who cannot figure out what benefits this item brings loses.

You don't even have to leave the table to have a great time

Any event held at home must include competitions for a small company. They will help you have a fun and unforgettable time, as well as get to know each other better. But it is better to select them in advance to take into account the composition of the company and the preferences of each person. Fortunately, the choice of games and competitions for a small company is quite large, so this will not be a problem.

"Why are you here?"

At the very beginning of the event, you can hold an interesting competition that does not require special props. To do this, you need to prepare several pieces of paper on which answers to the most important question about why a person attended this holiday will be written. They can be very different:

  • eat for free;
  • I'm afraid to be alone at home;
  • no place to stay";
  • the owner of the house owes me a large sum.

All these pieces of paper are placed in a small bag. Each guest has to take out one of them and loudly voice what is written. Although there are no winners here, this game can definitely lift your spirits.

New Year competitions for a small company, made like this one, will definitely please the participants. Thanks to them, you can cheer everyone up at the very beginning, so that further games take place in a good environment.


Interesting competitions for a small company were invented several decades ago, because just having a conversation is not always interesting, but you want to have some fun. One fun option is a game called Picasso. You need to play it in a not completely sober state, without leaving the table. To play the game, you need to prepare several identical images with unfinished details in advance.

The task for the guests is that they need to finish the drawings the way they want. It would seem that it couldn’t be simpler, but there is a small catch in this game - you need to complete the missing details with the hand with which the person works the least (for right-handers - left, left-handers - right). The winner in this case is determined by popular vote.


Competitions for a small company at home should help people get to know each other better. One of them is “Journalist,” for which you will need to first prepare a box of paper with various questions written on it.

The participants' task is simple - they pass the box around in a circle, each guest takes out one question and gives the most truthful answer to it. The most important thing is not to write too frank questions, so that the participant does not feel uncomfortable. You can ask about a funny incident in life, a New Year's wish, having a pet, an unsuccessful vacation, and so on.

After all the guests have answered, you will have to choose a winner. This is done by voting. Each player will have to point out the story that he liked the most (with the exception of his own). Thus, whoever has the most votes wins.

"Flight of the card"

Fun competitions for a small adult company are practically no different from children's games. A rather interesting and exciting option for entertainment is “Card Flight”. For it you will need to take regular playing cards and some kind of container for papers (basket, hat, box).

Players need to move a couple of meters away from the tank and draw a line there - this will be the start. Each participant is given exactly 5 cards, the names of which are written down by the presenter. Then people stand behind the drawn line and, without crossing it, try to throw all their cards into the box/hat/basket.

First, you need to conduct a practice round so that the participants test their strength. If a player does not maintain balance and takes a step beyond the line, his throw will not be counted. The winner is the person who was able to throw the most cards. If there are several winners (score the same number of points), then another round is held between them.

"The Umbrella Game"

The best competitions for a small company include a game designed for only two players. For it you need to stock up on the following props:

  • a pair of sticks;
  • two glasses;
  • wide tape.

You need to attach a glass to one end of the stick with tape and fill it with water. Then two participants stand opposite each other, take the opposite end of the sticks and put their hands behind their backs. One opponent asks the second a question, to which he answers and takes three steps forward, and then the same number back, trying not to spill water. In total, each participant must ask three questions. After this, the game ends and the winner is determined by the amount of water remaining in the glass.

"Jam Jars"

Fun competitions for a small group include games of dexterity and tests of patience. For this entertainment you will need to take 6 tennis balls and jam jars. Only two players take part in it.

The competition is held as follows:

  1. Glass containers are placed on the floor close to each other.
  2. Each player is given three balls.
  3. Participants move three meters away from the cans and take turns throwing their balls at them.

In this case, there can be only one ball in one jar. At first glance, everything seems extremely simple, but do not forget that such balls are quite bouncy, so it is unlikely that you will be able to throw them without a certain concentration and attention. The winner, of course, is the one who can send the most balls into the containers.

"Collect an article"

New Year's competitions for a small company are especially interesting, because the beginning of the year should be remembered for a long time. In a game called “Collect an Article,” you need to find a funny article from the Internet, print it in several copies (depending on the number of players) and prepare the same number of regular envelopes.

The presenter will have to cut each sheet into several strips (line by line) and fold them into envelopes. They are then distributed to the players, who must collect the text as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who puts the strips in the correct order the fastest.


The list of competitions for a small company should include a great game that every person knows about. For her, all the players sit in a circle and take turns saying “I”. If someone laughs, the presenter comes up with an additional word for him, which the person will have to pronounce after his “I”. Those participants who can no longer remember or pronounce their phrase without laughing will gradually drop out of the game. Whoever stays is the one who wins.

"Blind Lunch"

Everyone, without exception, likes competitions for a small group at a table, because in order to entertain yourself, you don’t need to leave the table at all. At any celebration you can hold a “Blind Lunch”. For this game you will need to bring blindfolds for all participants.

Players sit down at a regular holiday table with various dishes, but without cutlery (the only thing that can be placed in the center of the table is skewers). The presenter blindfolds them all and gives the command “start”. After it, the participants will need to feed themselves and their neighbor by any means. The winner is the player who remains cleaner than the rest.

"Blow Me Off"

The two-player competition is great for both adults and children. For the race you will need to take a couple of pipettes, the same number of feathers and tissue paper circles with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm. The last props need to be rolled into cones.

Each participant is given a pen and pipette. The task is to propel your pen a certain distance using only the air coming from the pipette. At the same time, it is forbidden to wave your arms and blow in order to achieve the goal faster. Of course, the fastest participant wins.

"Agility on your feet"

Another game for a couple of participants helps test coordination and endurance. For it you need to stock up on chalk and a couple of ropes. Using this prop, you need to draw and fix circles, the diameter of which should accommodate the player’s two feet. Both participants stand on their right foot, keep their balance, and with their left they try to push their opponent beyond the boundaries of his circle. The loser is the person who touches the ground with his left foot or goes beyond his boundaries.

"Writing on the Go"

This competition can be held in any company. For this, each participant will need to be given one sheet of paper and a pen or pencil. After this, the players will need to line up in one line and, in a standing position, write the phrase that the presenter asked them. The one who completes the task faster and more beautifully wins.

"Free your friend"

The list ends with a game that is recommended for children over 12 years old. It can be played both at home and on a picnic or in some other place. The most important thing is that more than two people take part in it. Required equipment: blindfolds, rope.

You need to sit one person on a chair and tie his hands and feet. The second participant will act as a security guard who sits next to him blindfolded. The rest of the people are a couple of meters away from them. At a certain point, they must quietly approach the tied participant and release him. At the same time, the guard must determine by ear who is approaching and prevent release. The person who manages to untie his “friend” takes the place of the blindfolded player in the next game, and the one whom the guard touched is eliminated.