The benefits and harms of qigong for women's health and longevity in general. Qigong - what is it? Health qigong: practice, therapy and reviews

Good afternoon, dear readers! Currently, Chinese health gymnastics qigong has become very popular. And this is no coincidence - since ancient times, the Chinese knew how to prolong a person’s life, how to preserve youth and health. The unique recovery system is designed not only for physical improvement, but also for self-realization. Find out in more detail what problems qigong solves - a complex for self-healing - and whether it is worth spending your time on it.

What is Qigong?

The word "qigong" consists of two Chinese characters: Qi - vital energy, and "Gong" - work, achievements. The qigong gymnastics complex came to us from Eastern practices. It combines many advantages: it has no contraindications, does not require physical training, the result comes relatively quickly and without much effort.

Therapeutic and health-improving gymnastics qigong is, of course, not only gymnastics. First of all, this is a spiritual practice, which includes, in addition to spiritual and physical aspects, also raising vital energy. The concept of Chinese gymnastics focuses on psychophysical self-improvement, a harmonious, happy and healthy life based on deep spiritual content. These are the goals of qigong health gymnastics.

The set of qigong gymnastics exercises is simple, effective and accessible to everyone, without any restrictions, at any age. With the help of this gymnastics, you can achieve excellent results in improving health, normalizing your emotional state, increasing vital energy, and improving the body's immunity.

The technique of this gymnastics is the basis for proper breathing and correct body position. But special attention is paid to consciousness.

It takes years to immerse yourself in the philosophy of Chinese exercises, but to improve your health with the help of a complex of qigong gymnastics, 2-3 months of regular exercises are enough. Find out what else there are from our article.

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Benefits of Qigong

A person who practices Chinese gymnastics knows a unique method of activating vital energy: he knows how to raise his vital energy in a short time and direct it in the right direction, which allows him not only to heal the disease, but also to become more perfect spiritually.

Qigong is very useful therapeutic and health-improving gymnastics for people over 40 years old. People gain good physical shape, resistance to stress, and spiritual harmony.

Women, having mastered these exercises, remain youthful and attractive. And most importantly, they get sick less.

Want to know what else is good for female attractiveness? Read this one.

Gymnastics is based on special exercises aimed at mastering the vital energy qi.

As a result of regular exercise, blood pressure normalizes, blood sugar levels return to normal, and it becomes easier for a person to cope with depression and insomnia.

Qigong exercises relax the body, stretch muscles, and relieve nervous tension. The body becomes plastic, flexible, joints regain their former mobility. Qigong is also a great way to increase vitality and energy.

It is best to study qigong not through books, but with a trainer in special classes or, at least, from video recordings.

You can exercise at any time of the day.

Morning qigong practices give strength and increase energy.

The evening qigong complex helps relieve daytime fatigue, calms the mind, and relaxes tired muscles.

There are more than 50 types of healing exercises, each exercise has its own effect on the human body. Therefore, complexes are being drawn up to eliminate health problems, improve the emotional state, for the elderly and young, and even for pregnant women.

We will focus on exercises that help get rid of depression and stress.

Anti-stress complex of qigong gymnastics

To be in harmony and at peace with yourself, perform these simple exercises daily. It is enough to do them smoothly 10 times.

  1. Starting position – back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands resting freely along the hips
  2. As you inhale, raise your shoulders and arms up; as you exhale, do a half-squat, lowering your arms down.
  3. Inhale again and smoothly raise your arms forward, then up, exhale and lower them through the sides, describing a circle.
  4. Bend your elbows, placing them in front of your chest, clench your fists. Perform turns: to the right - inhale, to the left - exhale.
  5. Hands on the waist, rotate the pelvis in one direction, repeat in the other.
  6. Conducting vital energy qi through internal organs. With bent knees, take quick breaths and exhales with your stomach.
  7. Hands with palms pressed together. Inhale – half squat, arms to the sides, exhale and straighten your legs.
  8. Feet together, hands with folded palms in front of the chest.
  9. Inhale – rise on your toes, with clasped hands, stretch strongly upward. Exhale - inhale - raise your arms, hold your breath, bend to the sides.

So, dear reader, we have very briefly talked about this magical gymnastics, which has been practiced by people all over the world for several hundred years. Without a doubt, qigong classes are a unique method of activating vital energy. And where energy pulsates, life rages.

How you perceive this part of Chinese philosophy is up to you. But if you decide to try, here is a video for qigong training for beginners to help

But we also traditionally remind you that before making any innovations in your life, if you have health problems, it is better to consult a specialist.

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I am often asked the question: what are the benefits of qigong? And I decided to answer it on my blog.

Some people think that qigong is some kind of mysterious system. Others believe that it is a kind of physical education. Some people associate qigong with acrobatic stunts, superhuman capabilities, martial arts, etc. Most people consider it simply Chinese gymnastics.

In my understanding, qigong is a method, it is a system of physical, mental and spiritual improvement. The word qigong, loosely translated from Chinese, means “working with air energy,” and practicing qigong means accumulating and transforming this energy.

The age of written sources that describe qigong systems is about 4000 years, but according to other sources, qigong is much older. Modern scientists consider qigong one of the most harmonious systems of human development, along with yoga. Qigong helps you stay fit and avoid stress. Those who regularly practice qigong live much longer than average, rarely get sick, and are less susceptible to poisoning. By practicing qigong, you can find hidden reserves within yourself and learn to use them. Nowadays, qigong classes are becoming more and more popular among visitors to fitness clubs and sports and health centers.

Qigong exercises are fundamentally different from ordinary gymnastics. Gymnastics is a form of movement that focuses only on the muscles of the body. The goal of qigong exercises is not just superficial muscle development. These exercises normalize the functions of the entire body, regulate involuntary processes such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion, waste removal, metabolism, etc., and have a positive effect on the functioning of all endocrine glands and organs, as well as the nervous system and brain. This result is achieved through deep breathing while the body performs various poses. Each of the qigong exercises combines different processes within the body. Therefore, qigong is able to influence a person physically, mentally, morally and spiritually.

Each person comes to qigong classes for different reasons. Someone is looking for health improvement, someone wants to escape from the problems and bustle of everyday life, someone wants to advance to a new level of spiritual development, discover new facets of their personality, cultivate certain qualities and character traits, etc. The list could go on for a long time, but what’s most interesting is that no matter who comes for what, everyone gets exactly that. Everyone gets what they want. After all, qigong is both a path to inner harmony and agreement, a way to get a slim figure, and an opportunity to become a more successful and self-confident person.

The practice of qigong allows us to escape from problems and bustle, relax and bring our mind into a calm state. All this is very important for our mental balance. A feeling of inner harmony allows us to build relationships with people around us more effectively and kindly. Thanks to qigong classes, we become more tolerant of others, we learn to accept ourselves as we are, with all our advantages and disadvantages. Practicing qigong gives you the ability to better understand and feel other people.

Some people start practicing qigong to become stronger and to cultivate inner fortitude. After all, qigong not only strengthens our body, but also instills confidence, makes us more responsible towards ourselves and the people around us.

What are the results from practicing qigong?

Stress Relief: While performing qigong exercises, a person achieves internal relaxation. This normalizes blood pressure and calms the heartbeat, improves digestion and strengthens the immune system. Qigong is the best remedy against fear, depression, overwork and insomnia.

Pain relief: Research by Chinese scientists has shown that regular qigong exercises and meditation can strengthen weakened immunity, get rid of arthritis, back and neck pain, and chronic diseases. Qigong also helps relieve chronic muscle tension.

Healthy breathing: There are several types of breathing in qigong. All of them teach you to breathe slower and deeper, which improves lung function, which in turn stimulates metabolism and stabilizes the nervous system.

More flexibility: Qigong improves muscle and tendon flexibility and joint mobility. Soon your posture, gait and your demeanor in public will improve.

More energy: Qigong exercises move every muscle in your body and will literally help you gain new strength from head to toe.

Weight loss: By reducing the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol, even “quiet” types of qigong can help you lose excess weight. Qigong promotes a healthy diet and enhances your sense of your own body and adds self-confidence.

Improved blood circulation: Qigong improves blood circulation because the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the body's cells becomes more intense. The texture of your skin is noticeably improved.

Strengthening the cardiovascular system: Qigong practice strengthens the cardiovascular system because it calms the heartbeat, increases endurance and improves the ability to absorb oxygen.

Self-control: Qigong helps you better focus on what is happening here and now, and sensitively feel your body in real time.

Everyone knows the expression: a healthy mind in a healthy body. This is exactly what happens in the case of regular qigong practice: memory improves, your physical and mental health strengthens, coordination of movements and the speed of the body’s reaction to external events increases. And this creates a consistently good mood and joy of life!

By practicing qigong, we seem to awaken from sleep. All the hidden capabilities of a person are revealed. Through qigong exercises he achieves balance and vitality.

Qigong makes your body strong and flexible and your mind calm and balanced. If you feel like starting to practice qigong, don't put it off until later. Plunge into the world of qigong, and you will feel its positive effects on your body and spirit after the first lessons. I invite you!

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In this article we will understand the concept of qigong. What it is? The term is formed by the fusion of two words: Qi (breath, air, energy) and Gong (strength, power, results of work, activity, achievements). The hieroglyphs are combined to describe methods and systems for “cultivating energy,” as well as manipulating the body’s own energy. Sage people (who practiced self-improvement) in China achieved longevity and health by controlling the energy of qi, and they said that the essence of a person is his qi.


The qigong complex is gymnastics in which there are no restrictions on physical condition and age. In any case, this complex helps longevity and health, therefore, it should be included in the list of daily to-dos. A distinctive feature is that by doing this gymnastics for 10 minutes a day, you can maintain flexibility of the spine, mobility of joints, peace of mind and vigor of the body until old age.


Health Qigong is extremely easy to perform. A large area is not required for exercise. You can exercise outdoors and at home. In addition, qigong exercises can be done on the road mentally, when you are traveling on a bus, subway, or train!

It should be noted that correct body position, relaxation and calm breathing in themselves have an excellent healing effect, and also ensure proper circulation of qi energy. Daily exercise relieves fatigue, increases body tone, and eliminates drowsiness. Qigong for beginners helps regulate metabolism. And this leads to rapid weight loss.

The essence of the theory

Calming and relaxing qigong exercises bring the cerebral cortex into a special inhibited, protective state, and also improve the functioning of internal organs.

Thanks to the regulation of breathing, the functions of the nervous system return to normal. In addition, qigong exercises help cure diseases that were caused by disorders of the nervous system, including neurasthenia, ulcers, gastritis, and hypertension. With the help of a system of breathing exercises, it is also possible to reduce cholesterol levels, and this already helps to prevent various heart diseases.

Health effect

The main reason for wanting to study qigong practice is the powerful healing effect of these classes. The main principle - a serene, calm heart and a focused mind - provides the nervous system with the opportunity to completely rest. Thanks to this, coordination of the functions of different organs is significantly improved. Natural and deep breathing, relaxation poses, smooth movements controlled by thought - all this leads to harmony of “internal” and “external”, cleanses the channels through which qi energy moves, as well as lymphatic and blood vessels, improves the condition of the digestive and musculoskeletal system systems

Breathing and physical qigong exercises, together with concentration, are the main content of this entire system. The impact of these exercises on health is based on the connection of will and consciousness with the work of internal organs and muscles, in addition, on the unity of the mental and physical functions of the human body. Exercises are always performed at a smooth and slow pace. The range of movements is selected depending on your individual capabilities. This makes qigong ideal for beginners at any age.

When to practice?

Qigong gymnastics will be effective if the exercises are performed for the first time immediately after waking up. Morning exercises are considered the most useful. The next time the exercises are done in the evening after sunset and right before bed - to clear the mind and relieve accumulated fatigue. It is also useful to do qigong exercises again in the middle of the day to relax the whole body and stimulate brain activity.

Essential Principles

Qigong gymnastics will be effective only if you follow all the principles thoroughly. For the most part, they are extremely simple, therefore, those who practice them forget or do not pay attention to them. But without these principles, qigong simply turns into a simple exercise that does not give the desired result. Therefore, try to follow the rules below.

Qigong (what it is - see the article above) can only be effective with regular exercise for 10 minutes a day or more. Classes work in small portions, while positive changes can be felt already on 2-3 days, but the real effect occurs only after 2-3 months.


If you consistently perform these exercises, you will see the following results:

Now let's look at some of the most popular qigong complexes.


These are static exercises (standing upright), one of the main methods of qigong training. By taking one of these positions, focusing your consciousness on breathing, a bodily process or image, you can harmonize the work of internal organs and the activity of the nervous system, improve posture, and significantly increase the duration and depth of breathing. The 5 pillar method is actively used. It consists of 5 positions in which a certain position of the hands is used, affecting a specific part of the spine.

"I Jin Jing"

This complex was created by Da Mo, a traveling teacher of Buddhism who came from India to China. Having started living in the Shaolin Monastery, he paid special attention to the physical weakness of the monks, and this upset him so much that he went into seclusion for 9 years, where he developed this complex. The exercises are designed to promote health and improve the circulation of qi, as well as to build strength by focusing the qi in specific muscles.


The main content of the Baduanjin system is considered to be breathing and physical exercises combined with concentration. The therapeutic effect of these exercises is based on the unification of the mental and physical functions of the human body, on the connection of consciousness with the work of internal organs and muscles. The pace of execution is smooth and slow, the amplitude of movements varies depending on the capabilities of the practitioner. This allows people of different age ranges with a low level of training to practice.

Qigong gymnastics for weight loss is one of the oldest Chinese methods of psychophysical exercises that promote health and proper functioning of the body. If the body works correctly, then it will not be overweight.

From the point of view of Chinese medicine, a person is considered as a complex system capable of self-regulation and being in balance with the environment. Qigong theory identifies 12 main systems and 8 subsystems in the functioning of the human body. In order for systems to work without failure, qigong practice must influence them correctly.

All about qigong gymnastics for weight loss

Qigong is an ancient Chinese system aimed at improving the health of the body and mind. Regular qigong classes improve the quality of life, and a special diet and breathing exercises improve your figure. Qigong gymnastics for weight loss implies the mandatory fulfillment of these two conditions - diet and breathing. Let's look at the first and second in more detail.

Proper nutrition according to qigong is the harmony of five tastes: sweet, bitter, salty, sour and spicy. Qigong practitioners also recommend giving up meat in favor of soy and eating sensibly without overeating. You need to have dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

According to those who practice qigong, there is no need to adhere to any more restrictions. Over time, your appetite will decrease on its own - if, of course, you regularly do this exercise. Tempting?

However, it is extremely important to do gymnastics regularly. Otherwise, there will be no effect from qigong: if you promised yourself to practice every day, then you need to practice every day; If you decide for yourself that classes need to be done 3 times a week, then do so. And although at first it will be very difficult to discipline yourself, you just need not to give up - and after a month it will turn out that practicing qigong is not only easy, but also pleasant. And the “turned on” internal discipline will begin to work in everyday life, which turns into a more conscious and orderly one.

There are a great variety of qigong exercises, but you don’t need to chase them all at once. When practicing at home, it is important to practice each movement well, and only then take on a new one. After all, qigong is not fitness, and this system will begin to work when you make your own efforts to comprehend the secrets of gymnastics.

One of the basic qigong techniques is Yi Jin Jing. Exercises from this complex improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles, and help increase tissue elasticity. As a result, the body becomes strong, healthy, slim.

When starting classes, it is important to understand that qigong is not just breathing exercises, but work with energy. Its free flow makes the body healthy - this is the basic principle of Chinese discipline.

This breathing exercise (qigong) for weight loss is performed in the morning or evening. It can be done every day, or every other day.

What are the benefits of qigong for weight loss?

Enriches the blood with oxygen. Which leads to a clear mind and decreased appetite;

Dissolves stress and tension. We often overeat due to nerves. Also, all blocks and clamps drain energy from us. Just imagine that you are walking without bags, but in fact your whole body is tense, your entire muscular frame is tense. Eliminates irrational waste of energy;

Helps increase stress resistance levels. Subsequently, you will be able to realize and monitor tension and neutralize it at the “input”;

Speeds up metabolism. Almost every breathing technique is similar to a massage of the internal organs. Qigong for weight loss greatly affects blood supply, work and the speed of metabolic processes;

Cures various diseases that can cause obesity.

In addition to the above effects, qigong for weight loss can be structured in such a way as to get rid of many diseases. The basis of this teaching is the belief in the life energy of Qi. There is a widespread theory that a person is the source of his own strength and energy. The ability to distribute it and eliminate deficiency is the key to recovery.

Advantages of the method

The benefits of effective Chinese Qigong gymnastics for weight loss are as follows:

  • effective removal of excess fat;
  • improved health and well-being;
  • creating an attractive and slim figure;
  • increased vitality;
  • gaining self-confidence.

And all this without heavy exercise, large financial expenditures, grueling diets and in just half an hour a day! Qigong - the simple secrets of a beautiful body

Diet and lifestyle during qigong training

You should not start exercising immediately after eating or on an empty stomach.

It is not advisable to smoke, eat ice cream, cold fruits and water before and after classes. Any chilled liquid or food takes energy away from the stomach and, accordingly, nullifies the effect of exercise.

It is best to perform exercises in the morning, after sleep or in the evening, before bed. You should not conduct a lesson if you are very tired, very nervous or have not had enough sleep. Only a calm state of mind will allow you to get the maximum effect from the exercises.

Now let's summarize the above. To practice qigong gymnastics, you need loose clothing, some free space in a well-ventilated room or outdoors in good weather, and some free time. This is all you need to start mastering the qigong gymnastics complex.

Qigong gymnastics complexes are divided into static exercises, balance and coordination exercises, and dynamic exercises.

Qigong exercises to normalize weight - video

Exercise "Frog"

Reduces hunger. You need to sit on a chair. The legs should be shoulder-width apart at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body. Women need to make a fist with their left hand and squeeze it with their right. For men it's the opposite.

Then you should bend over so that your elbows rest on your knees. Place your head on your clenched hands and try to relax the abdominal muscles as much as possible. Breathe deeply and slowly, while your stomach should inflate, round, like a balloon, filling with air.

Exercise "Wave"

Helps fight increased appetite. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, while placing your feet firmly on the floor. One hand should be placed on the chest, the other on the stomach. While inhaling, you should inflate your chest and draw in your stomach. This is quite difficult at first and takes practice. The exercise must be repeated at least 20 times.

Exercise "Lotus"

Accelerates metabolism in the body. You need to sit in the lotus position, close your eyes, concentrate on your breathing, and immerse yourself in it. You should inhale and exhale deeply for at least 5 minutes until you feel drowsy and falling asleep. Gradually the duration of the exercise is increased to 15 minutes.

According to Chinese doctors, qigong breathing exercises for weight loss allow you to control weight without experiencing a constant feeling of hunger and fatigue from heavy exercise.

Contraindications to qigong practice


  • the general severity of the condition, when no action is practically possible, since it only leads to deterioration;
  • mental disorders;
  • borderline mental states;
  • organic heart lesions - uncompensated defects; paroxysmal tachycardia; atrial fibrillation; aortic aneurysm, myocardial dystrophy;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • severe traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries with unsatisfactory compensation;
  • neuroinfections;
  • severe disturbances in the body diagram.

It should be noted that even in the cases listed here, the practice of qigong can bring positive effects, but only under the guidance and consent of the Master. Enrollment in the course in these cases is possible only based on the results of a preliminary individual interview.


  • systematically taking a large number of medications;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • postoperative period;
  • severe physical fatigue;
  • overheating and hypothermia;
  • body temperature is above 37 and below 36.2 degrees;
  • hard physical work;
  • professional or fairly large-scale sports activities;
  • full stomach;
  • staying in a steam room or sauna is permissible no earlier than six to eight hours after classes, or four hours before them.

Statistics on the effectiveness of qigong therapy

Since qigong therapy for weight loss is just beginning to develop here (in Russia), we will present data on such treatment from an article by a Chinese doctor.

At any age, it is important to maintain health, weight and body tone. Not everyone can afford yoga classes, fitness classes, aerobics classes or a gym. A high-quality replacement in the form of a simple morning warm-up is necessary in order to get a boost of energy for the whole day. Habitual bending, squats and lunges often get boring. There is a useful alternative - Chinese breathing exercises Qigong, which has existed for about 7 thousand years.

Breathing exercises Qigong: what are the benefits?

Qigong is completely different from traditional physical exercises. Ancient Chinese gymnastics implies healing by achieving harmony between the masculine and feminine principles in a person, united by the vital energy Qi - the foundation of everything worldly. Qigong literally means “working with internal energy” in Chinese.

Chinese qigong gymnastics is one of the oldest healing techniques aimed at restoring human health.

Mastering the technique of proper breathing while performing exercises and simultaneously concentrating on the process gives a wide range of positive effects:

  • getting rid of negative emotions and thoughts, irritability;
  • improvement of memory, reaction and thinking;
  • adjusting sleep rhythm;
  • stabilization of the circulatory system and heart function;
  • clear vision;
  • prevention of shortness of breath;
  • appearance of appetite;
  • proper functioning of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • strong immunity;
  • preventing an increase in cholesterol in the blood;
  • increase in reproductive capacity;
  • reducing the risk of prostate diseases in men;
  • increased activity of joints and muscles of the body;
  • strengthening bones and tendons;
  • posture correction;
  • obstruction of spinal curvature;
  • improved coordination of movements.

In the human body, Qi moves along the so-called meridians and accumulates in the tantans - the energy centers of the body

There are 22 common truths that absolutely cannot be neglected during gymnastics:

As for practice, beginners just need to master the preparatory exercise to activate energy, and then follow simple instructions.

The preparation is as follows: you need to take a vertical position and look forward, then relax, cover your mouth and touch your tongue to the upper palate, while your elbows are lowered, your shoulders are not tense, your back is straight. Breathing is even, measured, the body is relaxed, attention is concentrated in the lower abdomen.

Now you have a base. There are a considerable number of exercises aimed at different parts of the body and having different levels of difficulty.

Qigong gymnastics exercises revive a person’s vitality and also slow down the aging process of the body

Qigong gymnastics for weight loss

Chinese gymnastics has an unusual but beneficial effect on the digestive system in the process of losing weight. It consists of the following: smooth movements and even breathing relax a person’s thoughts and, at the same time, are anti-stress.

In a state of calm, fats leave the body faster, without delay, which contributes to the balance of these substances in the body without oversaturating it. Qigong exercises not only help speed up metabolism, but also reduce cravings for junk food.

Excess weight is the main indicator of disharmony in the body. You can eliminate it using 10 basic complex steps, designed for 10–15 quiet repetitions:

Qigong gymnastics for the spine

To strengthen the muscles of the back and spine, there is a simple set of 4 exercises. It lasts on average 10–15 minutes. You need to do gymnastics in the morning. It is important to abstract yourself from problems and remember to breathe correctly to achieve effective results.

The Chinese qigong gymnastics complex consists of special exercises that work with the spine and the energy zones located in it

  1. "The Dragon Rocking the Cradle" Feet shoulder-width apart, make a test movement - roll from heel to toe and from side to side, without bending your knees. Do the exercise slowly to get a feel for the movements. Number of repetitions 5 times.
  2. "Dancing Dragon" From the squat (it may be difficult at first, so a half-squat is allowed) rise up and straighten your knees as if you were trying to bend them in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise 10 times, then bend your knees again and move them in a circle.
  3. "Dancing Snake" Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head and clasped, elbows apart as much as possible. In this position, rotate your hips first in one direction, then in the other. Perform one approach 5 times on each side.
  1. "Flying Snake" Stand straight with your feet still shoulder-width apart. Try to first bring your shoulders forward as far as the stretch allows you, then lift them and move them back. The number of repetitions should not exceed 10 times.

Contraindications to Qigong gymnastics

There are no strict indications for practicing Chinese gymnastics, since the goal of the exercises is to improve the general state of health in a gentle way, but with caution, under the supervision of a qualified instructor and according to the recommendations of a doctor, people should perform the exercises:

  • with abnormal vertebral mobility;
  • with severe curvature of the spine in combination with deformation of the chest and deformation (displacement) of internal organs;
  • with injury or after surgery on the spine;
  • without physical training, with an undeveloped muscular system or with reduced muscle tone;
  • in childhood and old age;
  • in the process of recovery after surgery to replace damaged joint structures with an artificial prosthesis, as well as in the process of restoring ligaments after a sprain.

With the correct individual selection of exercises, even with serious health problems, you can get the maximum positive effect not only on the body, but also on the mental state of a person, which is important in the rehabilitation process.