How long to cook condensed milk. Tips for those with a sweet tooth

A favorite delicacy from childhood is boiled condensed milk; not a single mother’s homemade cake recipe can do without it. On store shelves you can now find many different types of boiled condensed milk, of varying quality and manufacturers. To be sure of the naturalness of the product, cook condensed milk at home.

There are two ways to cook condensed milk. The first, easiest one is to buy a can of condensed milk and boil it. Choose a product responsibly; it must be produced in accordance with GOST and contain no vegetable fats or oils. A good condensed milk contains only milk and sugar. Place the closed jar in a suitable saucepan and fill to the top with water. First, cook over high heat, after boiling, reduce the heat and cook for about 2-3 hours over low heat. It is important to constantly maintain the level of boiling water, do not let it boil away. After about 2-3 hours, it is necessary to cool the condensed milk by filling it with cold water. You can open only completely cooled condensed milk. Boiled condensed milk is also prepared in the oven in a water bath. Pour water into a deep bowl, label the jar and cover the top tightly with foil; cooking time is about 2 hours. An even easier way is to cook condensed milk in the microwave. Pour the condensed milk into a deep microwave-safe container. Cook on medium power for about 15 minutes, periodically you need to open the door and gently stir the condensed milk. If you want to cook condensed milk according to a more complex recipe, you can prepare it yourself from milk and sugar. To boil about 1.5 liters. condensed milk, you will need:
  • Milk – 3 liters;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice – 3 tbsp.
Pour sugar into a fairly large saucepan and pour out all the milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. After it has completely dissolved in the milk, wait for it to boil, remove from heat and add soda and lemon juice. Be careful, soda causes active formation of foam on the milk and a hissing sound. Put the milk back on the heat and bring to a boil. After the start of boiling, you need to time it for 3 hours, cook over low heat, the milk foams a little and boils calmly. The stronger the cooking fire, the faster the condensed milk will cook, but the less it will be. Gradually the milk begins to change color, the longer you cook it, the darker and thicker it becomes. To check condensed milk for readiness and consistency, drop a drop onto a plate. If it does not spread, the milk has thickened; if it does, the milk is still liquid. Also remember that it will thicken a bit as it cools. Having achieved the desired consistency, pour the condensed milk into jars.

Boiled condensed milk is used as a filling for many desserts and cakes. It is used to make waffle rolls, pour condensed milk over pancakes, and add it to porridges and puddings. Many varieties of cake cream are prepared using condensed milk. And the tastiest thing is to eat condensed milk from a jar with a spoon. Be sure to try making condensed milk at home, it’s tasty, sweet and natural.

My mother told me when I was a child that there is no need to cook condensed milk in a can. The scale of “destruction” that an ordinary can of condensed milk, unintentionally left without close supervision, can cause to a dorm kitchen is truly impressive. It’s better to take someone’s word for it than to test it in practice. Now she remembers this with a slight nostalgic grin. But then, several decades ago, it was not funny for her to wipe off the sweet-sticky brown stains from things and furniture that were caught in the epicenter of a condensed explosion. It's better to spend a few minutes reading tips for making condensed milk than to spend the whole day stuck with a rag and a bowl of water.

How to cook condensed milk without the jar exploding

Choose a suitable pan. The jar of condensed milk should fit freely there “standing” or “lying down”. It is better to remove the label from the jar immediately. After all, during the cooking process it will definitely fall off and float in boiling water as unappetizing and unnecessary ballast. If you can’t peel it off, soak the glue with a damp cloth or sponge. Place the can of condensed milk in the pan. Or don’t put it down, but put it on its side. Pour water. The jar must be completely covered. Once on the stove, turn the heat to medium. Has the water boiled? Reduce the intensity of the fire.

How long to cook canned condensed milk in a saucepan

The time spent cooking condensed milk directly depends on your culinary goals. For a light caramel color of the delicacy and a liquid, viscous consistency, you need to cook the condensed milk with water constantly boiling lightly for about an hour. This boiled condensed milk is suitable for making Potato cakes, dessert sausages from cookies, for topping pancakes, pancakes and other delicacies.

But you won’t be able to make a thick cream for a sponge cake or a filling for shortbread nuts from such milk. How long should you cook condensed milk in a tin can in this case? To make the sweetness look like toffee and become thick, it needs to be cooked for at least 2.5-3 hours.

And the thickest and darkest condensed milk is obtained after 4 hours of cooking.

And, most importantly, constantly monitor the level of liquid in the pan so that the condensed milk in the can does not explode. And add it as needed. A jar peeking out of the water is a clear hint of the possibility of an explosion. A delicious explosion, but no less unpleasant for that. Moreover, in this case you are unlikely to be able to try the delicacy.

Remove the jar of finished condensed milk from the pan. To avoid getting burned, remove with tongs. Cool and use as intended.

How to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker

As in the first method of cooking condensed milk, it is better to remove the label from the can immediately. Wipe the tin with a damp sponge. Place a clean cloth at the bottom of the multicooker bowl to prevent scratching the non-stick coating. Place the condensed milk in the jar at the bottom. Better yet, lay it on its side. Fill with clean water until the can is completely covered. But not higher than the maximum mark on the bowl. This way, the likelihood of a “sweet bomb” detonating will be significantly less. Although in a multicooker the water practically does not boil away. Especially if your device has the ability to close the steam release valve. Using the “Frying” or “Boiling” mode, bring the water to a boil. Then close the lid of the device. Select the “Stew” or “Multi-cook” mode (temperature – 100-105 degrees). Cooking time is 2-3 hours depending on the desired result.

How to cook open condensed milk in a glass jar

Do you want to cook condensed milk, but opened the jar carelessly? Or did the bungling husband buy condensed milk not in a can, but in a bag? Don't be upset. Boil condensed milk in a glass jar. Moreover, you can cook it this way either in a saucepan or in a slow cooker. But here there are several important nuances that will help you avoid trouble. Be sure to place a clean cloth folded in several layers under the bottom of the jar. Or a special metal stand. This way the heating will be as uniform as possible, and the condensed milk at the bottom of the jar will not burn. The liquid level must be constantly above the level of the condensed milk in the can so that it does not explode. Accordingly, the glass container should not be filled to capacity. Do not close the jar tightly. Cover it with a larger diameter lid. Or simply turn the lid upside down and place it on the neck. Bring the water to a boil. Reduce heat. Boil condensed milk in a glass jar for 2-4 hours. The longer you cook, the thicker and darker the delicacy will become.

Cooking condensed milk in a pressure cooker

I suggest using the pressure cooker to your advantage. The described method does not reduce the preparation time for the delicacy. But you will be completely sure that you will not have to spend the rest of the day washing away sweet stains from the walls, floor, table, dishes, ceiling. The advantages of cooking condensed milk in a pressure cooker are very clear. Let's move on to the procedure itself. Place condensed milk in a jar at the bottom of the appliance. Pour in clean water. Not higher than the maximum division, but not lower than the level of a can of condensed milk. Lower the lid. Start the pressure cooker. Has the water boiled? Cook the condensed milk for 10-15 minutes. Then wait until the water in the appliance cools down with the lid closed. And this is the same 2-3 hours.

How to quickly cook condensed milk (in the microwave)

The fastest way. But it requires constant attention. You cannot cook condensed milk in the microwave directly in a tin can. So open it up and pour it into a microwave safe bowl. Boil the milk at 400 W for half an hour. But every 2-3 minutes, stop the device and stir the treat so that it does not burn.

That's it, the condensed milk is cooked. Go to conquer culinary peaks. Or cozy up in a chair with a cup of hot tea and a spoon.

Sweetest appetite!

Modern housewives are accustomed to buying almost everything in the store, and boiled condensed milk is no longer in short supply. But the quality of the product, even from well-established manufacturers, often leaves much to be desired. Therefore, those who are accustomed to natural products will find useful information on how to cook condensed milk in various ways, and what desserts can be prepared with this ingredient.

How to cook condensed milk at home

There are several ways to get a healthy and aromatic delicacy, the taste of which will be “the same”, natural, from childhood. Choose the most convenient one, set aside a couple of minutes for preparation, a few hours for cooking and get started.

Classic cooking method

Despite the prohibitions of condensed milk manufacturers, the classic way to prepare boiled condensed milk has become its cooking in a tin can. How long to cook condensed milk in a can, and how to prevent general cleaning in the kitchen with washing the sweet milk-caramel mass from the walls and ceiling are not idle questions.

Therefore, do not deviate from the algorithm below:

  1. Place a can of condensed milk in a large saucepan and fill it with water to the maximum possible level, so as not to frequently add water during the cooking process. Place the pan on the stove and wait for the water to actively gurgle.
  2. After boiling, cook the condensed milk for a couple of hours if you plan to use it in the future to prepare creams for cakes or pastries. To get a thicker and darker composition (for example, to fill “nuts”), you need to cook the condensed milk about an hour longer.
  3. During the cooking process, you need to make sure that the jar is not “exposed” and, if necessary, add hot water to the pan. After finishing the heat treatment, the jar should be left to cool in the water in which it was boiled. Fulfilling these two conditions will help avoid an epic explosion.

When choosing condensed milk for cooking, you need to carefully study its composition on the label. A quality product should not include anything other than dairy and sugar. Condensed milk with palm oil in its composition should better remain on the store shelf.

Homemade boiled condensed milk

You can make boiled condensed milk not only from a store-bought product. It is quite possible to make it from sugar and whole cow’s milk, while spending not much more time than with the classic method.

For one and a half liters of homemade boiled condensed milk you should take:

  • 3000 ml of whole cow's milk (preferably homemade, not store-bought);
  • 1000 g granulated sugar;
  • 45 ml lemon juice;
  • 5 g soda.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the milk and sugar in a saucepan of suitable capacity on the fire and heat, stirring continuously, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. When the mixture boils, remove the pan from the stove, add lemon juice and soda to its contents. The milk will begin to foam actively. Now it should be stirred vigorously and returned to the heat.
  3. From the moment it boils again, note the time and boil the condensed milk over medium heat for three hours. During this time, the milk will darken and thicken.
  4. During the cooking process, it is necessary not only to periodically stir the composition, but also to take a test for readiness. If a drop of milk does not spread on a cold saucer, the boiled condensed milk is ready. The finished product should be poured into half-liter jars for further storage.

Cooking in the oven

Condensed milk, which is sold not in cans, but in tetrapacks, cannot be cooked in a saucepan using the classic method. For such a product, cooking in the oven is more suitable.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Pour the condensed milk into a metal or glass heat-resistant container and cover the top of the container with a sheet of food foil.
  2. Place the container of milk in another container of water so that the liquid level reaches the middle of the height of the condensed milk in the mold.
  3. Next, put the condensed milk in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 2–3 hours. If necessary, add boiled water during cooking. Remove the cooked condensed milk from the oven, remove it from the foil and use it for its intended purpose.

The easiest way is in the microwave

Owners of microwave ovens should know how to cook condensed milk using this device. Moreover, the whole process will take no more than 8 minutes.

The cooking algorithm in a microwave oven is as follows:

  1. Pour condensed milk into a ceramic or glass bowl and place it in the microwave for 2 minutes. The device power should be set at 700 W.
  2. After the beep, stir the condensed milk and put it in the microwave again for 2 minutes. It is important to ensure that the milk does not run away and warms up evenly, so it must be stirred. Repeat this periodic heating no more than 4 times.

Having brought the product to the desired consistency and color, it can be used for its intended culinary purpose.

Baking recipes with boiled condensed milk

Of course, eating natural boiled condensed milk just with a spoon is a pleasure that cannot be achieved even with the help of a “heavenly” Bounty bar. However, baked goods with condensed milk can be an even more delicious treat. Cakes, pastries, and cookies with this ingredient are simply fabulously delicious.

Cream made from boiled condensed milk and butter

This cream is suitable as a filling for various homemade cakes made from sponge, honey, puff or waffle cakes, as well as all kinds of cakes and cookies.

Proportions of ingredients for its preparation:

  • 380 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 200 g softened butter;
  • 20 – 40 g powdered sugar;
  • 5 ml liqueur (or other alcohol for flavor).

Prepare as follows:

  1. Beat soft butter together with powdered sugar until white and fluffy. Separately, do the same with boiled condensed milk.
  2. Next, combine both masses, stirring them with a silicone spatula.
  3. At the end of cooking, add a little liqueur for flavor. The cream is ready.

Classic cookies "Nuts"

Unsightly condensed milk boiled in a can in a saucepan can be an excellent filling for homemade nut cookies.

To bake it, you need to prepare:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 8 g vanilla sugar;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 5 g slaked soda;
  • 320 g flour;
  • 380 g boiled condensed milk;
  • kernels of any nut at the rate of one kernel per “nut”.

A step-by-step recipe for baking the sweetest, highest-calorie and most amazingly delicious “nuts” in the world:

  1. Before kneading the dough, melt the butter and leave it to cool slightly, but still be liquid.
  2. Beat the eggs with sugar and salt with a hand whisk until smooth. Then pour in liquid oil, stir, add slaked soda and flour.
  3. Place the finished shortbread dough in the refrigerator for an hour to make it easier to work with later.
  4. Grease the baking dish for “nuts” (hazelnut) with vegetable oil. Roll the dough into balls the diameter of cherries and place them in the recesses of the mold. You should not make larger pieces, otherwise the dough will definitely try to escape during the baking process.
  5. Bake the “nuts” over low heat for one to two minutes on each side. Remove the finished portions very carefully and cool.
  6. Next, all that remains is to assemble the “shells”, filling them with boiled condensed milk and hiding a nut kernel inside each.

Very tasty cupcakes

The thick consistency of boiled condensed milk allows it to be used as a filling for muffins. Both adults and children will enjoy these baked goods with a delicious milk surprise.

The proportions of the products included in its composition are as follows:

  • 1 egg;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil;
  • 3.5 g vanillin;
  • 2.5 g salt;
  • 7 g baking powder;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 190 g boiled condensed milk.

Sequence of culinary processes:

  1. Beat the egg with a whisk together with the sugar, pour in the milk and vegetable oil, and whisk everything again.
  2. Then add bulk ingredients (flour, vanillin, salt and baking powder). The finished dough should be thick, like sour cream.
  3. Place a tablespoon of dough into greased silicone molds, and top it with a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk. We hide the delicious filling under the second portion of dough.
  4. Cook the muffins in the oven at 180°C for approximately 30 - 40 minutes. Cooled cupcakes can be decorated with powdered sugar.

Waffle cake with boiled condensed milk

Having a package of ready-made wafer cakes and a can of boiled condensed milk on hand, you can prepare a delicious cake in just a couple of minutes.

For one such dessert you will need:

  • 6 – 8 waffle cakes;
  • 380 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 100 g soft butter;
  • 100 g chopped roasted peanuts;
  • 50 – 70 g chocolate.

Work progress:

  1. Beat condensed milk with softened butter until fluffy.
  2. Assemble the cake from the prepared cake layers, sandwiching them with the mixture obtained in the previous step.
  3. Spread cream on top of the dessert and sprinkle with crushed peanuts.
  4. Melt the chocolate and use a cornet to apply a chaotic pattern of sticky sweet threads over the nuts.
  5. Allow the cake to soak for about an hour or you can serve it immediately, cutting it into portions.

Bagels with “varenka”

For fluffy bagels made with yeast dough and filled with boiled condensed milk, you should prepare:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 150 g sugar (of which 50 g - in the dough);
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 50 g yeast;
  • 630 g flour;
  • 370 g boiled condensed milk.

Baking method:

  1. Dissolve sugar and yeast in milk. Pour in the beaten egg and melted butter. Add flour in small portions and knead the dough.
  2. Let the mixture stand in a warm place until it doubles in volume. Then knead it well, divide it into three parts, each of which roll into a circle. Cut the workpieces into segments of a convenient size.
  3. Place condensed milk filling on the edge of each portion, roll everything into a roll, roll in granulated sugar and bake until golden brown in an oven preheated to 180 - 190 degrees.

Baking with boiled condensed milk can be quite varied and always tasty. But when starting to prepare it, it is worth remembering that the result will largely depend on the quality of the starting products. In this regard, it is worth spending a little time and preparing the “varenka” yourself, because now you know enough about how to do it!

Condensed milk is a delicious delicacy, an appetizing dessert familiar to many from childhood, which is an integral ingredient in the preparation of many confectionery products and dishes.

You can use condensed milk to fill pancakes, pancakes, buns and donuts, use it to create sweet dishes such as cakes, rolls, pastries in the form of creamy bases, or simply taste this sweetness, which is an excellent addition to tea or coffee.

Of course, you can buy milk in the store, which, it would seem, would be much easier to do than thinking about how to cook condensed milk at home yourself. But it’s far from so simple – it doesn’t mean it’s delicious!

Why cook condensed milk at home?

There are several reasons why it is best to cook condensed milk at home:

To produce condensed milk on a large scale in industrial production, it is possible to use various thickeners, aromatic and flavoring additives, components that are contraindicated for small children, and simply people who care about their health.

In addition, at home, products for making condensed milk are selected, the freshest and highest quality, with the possible addition of additional ingredients, for example, chocolate, cocoa, vanilla and other components.

So condensed milk prepared at home is not only a delicious dessert, but also a very nutritious and healthy food.

There are plenty of arguments in favor of making condensed milk at home; all that remains is to learn how to cook and cook it tasty and quickly according to the selected recipes.

How to cook condensed milk at home: general principles

Making condensed milk at home is quite easy; the appetite-inducing delicacy is in no way comparable to the store-bought product.

The ingredients needed to make condensed milk at home are natural, such as milk, granulated sugar, and butter. Since condensed milk sold in stores is an expensive product and does not always have good taste and quality, it is very advisable to make it at home.

General principles for preparing condensed treats:

The preparation time for condensed milk does not take much time, from 10 to 20 minutes. Depending on the purpose of preparing condensed milk, the time is adjusted. For example, condensed milk for cream on a cake needs to be cooked a little longer to obtain greater thickness of the product, and in the future it will be easier to lubricate the cakes of the future confectionery product.

It is better to take a high saucepan for making condensed milk - this must be done to facilitate the process of mixing the components and to prevent them from splashing.

Also, when preparing condensed milk, it is better to add not sugar, but powder made from it.

If, during the preparation of this delicacy, grains of added sugar in the existing consistency do not completely dissolve, then the mass can be brought to a homogeneous state using a blender.

When the cooked condensed milk has subsided, it must be put in the refrigerator to acquire the desired consistency.

How to cook condensed milk at home in a slow cooker

Homemade condensed milk prepared in a slow cooker can be of different consistencies and have a variety of shades from bright white, cream color to caramel. Probably, the color of condensed milk depends on the time of its preparation or the components included in the delicacy.


Milk (whole, full fat) – 200 ml.

Powdered milk (whole) – 200 gr.

Granulated sugar – 200 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour granulated sugar and milk powder into the multicooker bowl. Next you need to mix both components thoroughly. Then you need to add milk to the existing ingredients and mix everything again using a whisk or blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

While the mixture is boiling and after, it must be constantly stirred to avoid burning.

After the condensed milk boils, the multicooker needs to be reset to baking mode. The preparation time for condensed milk directly depends on the desired consistency of the milk. The longer condensed milk is cooked, the thicker it becomes.

On average, you need to cook condensed milk for no more and no less than 15 minutes. At the same time, it is important not to forget to stir the treat to avoid further spoilage of the product.

Afterwards, you need to cool the condensed milk, pour it into a glass of blender and beat well.

Condensed milk turns out to be very tasty, tender and quite high in calories, which means it is nutritious.

How to cook condensed milk at home and recipes using it

There are many ways and recipes for cooking condensed milk at home, which do not take up much time for lovers of cooking and sweets.

Recipe 1. How to cook condensed milk at home - “Classic” cooking method


Milk – 300 ml.

Powdered sugar – 300 gr.

Butter – 30 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a saucepan and add powdered sugar and butter. Next, you need to mix all the ingredients using a blender and set the pan with the existing ingredients on the fire.

Constantly stirring the resulting mass, continue cooking it for another 10-15 minutes until a slightly viscous consistency is obtained. The resulting condensed milk should be cooled and served for tea.

Recipe 2. How to cook condensed milk at home - “Long-lasting product”

Condensed milk prepared this way can be stored for quite a long time without spoiling.


Milk (fresh) – 1.5 l.

Granulated sugar 0.5 kg.

Soda – 1/3 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and add the required amount of soda.

Then all the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and put on low heat for further cooking.

During the cooking process, the existing mass must be constantly stirred. The condensed milk will first be white, and then when it darkens and acquires a brown tint, the bowl with the delicacy will need to be removed from the heat and the prepared product should be allowed to subside.

Afterwards, the condensed milk needs to be poured into jars and rolled up.

Important! In this case, soda will make the existing mass homogeneous and suitable for rolling.

You can prepare a lot of the most incredible and delicious dishes from homemade condensed milk, here are just a few of them:

Cake cream made from homemade condensed milk


Butter (butter) – 180 gr.

Condensed milk – 180 gr.

Nuts (walnuts) - a glass.

Cocoa – 30 gr.


Cooking method:

Pour condensed milk into the softened butter and use a blender to beat thoroughly until smooth and fluffy. Then you need to add cocoa to the existing components and beat everything together again until smooth.

Then you need to add crushed nuts to the resulting cream and mix all the ingredients together again.

Grease the finished cake with condensed milk cream, put the product in the refrigerator for a while, and then start drinking tea with a bite of the prepared homemade masterpiece.

Cake cooked in a mug with homemade condensed milk


Condensed milk – 200 ml.

Egg – 1 pc.

Flour – 120 gr.

Sugar – 100 gr.

Butter (butter + vegetable).

Cocoa – 30 gr.

Cooking method:

In a large mug you need to put sifted flour, cocoa, granulated sugar, egg - beat all ingredients until smooth.

Then you need to add milk to the mug, add both types of butter and once again mix all the ingredients thoroughly and beat.

Then you need to remove the mug from the microwave and bake a miniature cake at high power for several minutes.

The finished cake should be doused with homemade condensed milk and served.

By creating condensed milk at home, you can not only save money, but also protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful components that make up this product sold on the shelves of stores and supermarkets.

Every housewife has had to cook condensed milk at home at least once in her life, but not everyone has the desire to re-cook this sweetness. The reason may be either an explosion of the jar or failure to obtain the desired consistency of the product. Problems arise due to the purchase of poor quality condensed milk and ignorance of the cooking time. In this article we will tell you how to properly cook and prepare condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk correctly?

How to cook condensed milk and what are the nuances?

1. Remove the label from the glass jar and rinse the jar under water.

2. Choose a container suitable for cooking. It is best to take a large saucepan, as the water will boil away, and you are unlikely to want to constantly stand at the stove.

3. Place a towel on the bottom of the pan.

4. Place the cans of condensed milk at the bottom of the pan and fill it with water to the maximum.

5. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and note the time.

  • Condensed milk should be boiled for 1.5 to 4 hours.
  • The cooking time depends on the purpose: you need cream for a cake or a filling for nuts with condensed milk.

6. Check the water level in the pan every 20-30 minutes. Jars should always be completely submerged in water.

  • You can only add hot water, as with a sudden change in temperature, the jars may burst.
  • If there is not enough water in the pan, the jar may explode, which is dangerous due to the risk of getting a burn. And it’s quite difficult to remove the scattered remnants of condensed milk.

7. When you finish cooking the product, be sure to cool it, but do not put it in cold water, otherwise the jar will burst. Wait for the pan with its contents to cool naturally.

You can cook condensed milk in any way convenient for you. Now we will look at 3 options for preparing the product: in a jar on the stove, in a slow cooker and in the microwave.

How to cook condensed milk in a can on the stove?

This method is considered the most common; all housewives know it. How to cook condensed milk on the stove?

1. Place a towel on the bottom of the pan.

2. Take a can of condensed milk, place it in a pan or place it on its side.

3. The pan is filled with cold water so that the jars are closed completely and with a reserve.

4. After the water boils, the gas is reduced and from this moment the time until the product is completely ready is noted.

  • As we said above, condensed milk is cooked for 1.5 to 4 hours.
  • It is important to ensure that the jars in the pan are always filled to the brim with water, and you can only add boiling water from a boiling kettle.

5. If you want to get a liquid, viscous consistency of a light color (caramel), cook the condensed milk for 1.5-2 hours at a constant light boil. As a rule, such condensed milk is ideal for making sausages from cookies, Potato cakes and for topping pancakes or pancakes.

6. To obtain a thickness at which the condensed milk becomes like toffee, it must be cooked for 2.5-3 hours. To achieve maximum thickness and dark color of condensed milk, you need to cook it for 4 hours.

Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

1. With this cooking method, as with cooking on the stove, the label is removed.

2. Wipe the jar with a damp sponge.

3. To prevent scratches on the non-stick coating of the multicooker, place a cloth napkin on the bottom of the bowl.

4. Condensed milk in a can is placed on the bottom of the multicooker (or sideways).

5. The jars are completely covered with clean water up to the maximum level. This will help prevent the jar from exploding.

  • In a multicooker, water practically does not boil away. However, it is better to be on the safe side, especially if your appliance does not close the steam release valve.

6. In the “Boiling” or “Frying” mode, the water is brought to a boil, after which the multicooker lid is closed.

7. Select a mode with a temperature of 100 degrees (“Multi-cook” or “Stew”), and the condensed milk is cooked for 2-3 hours. The time is set depending on the result you want to achieve.

You can make your own condensed milk in a slow cooker. To do this you need:

1. Take 200 gr. The product contains the following components: 250 gr. sugar, 250 gr. milk powder and 250 gr. milk.

2. A glass of sugar is poured into a container and mixed with dry milk.

3. Then milk is slowly poured in.

4. The resulting mixture must be whisked (you can use a blender) until the sugar is completely dissolved in the milk.

5. The whipped mixture is poured into the multicooker bowl, which is set for 1 hour in the “Stew” mode.

6. The milk will begin to boil in 15 minutes; you urgently need to open the lid and mix the contents.

  • While preparing milk, stir it periodically.
  • To get the real creamy taste of condensed milk, use natural milk powder; a substitute will not work here. If for some reason it is not possible to prepare condensed milk with natural milk powder, use infant formula or dry cream. To prevent milk from curdling during cooking, add 1/3 tsp. soda and mix the mixture thoroughly. In this amount, the soda will not be felt, and the milk will not curdle.

7. When the condensed milk is ready, leave it in the multicooker bowl until it cools completely. Only after this can the contents be poured into a glass container and tightly closed with a lid.

8. Place the cooled condensed milk in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave?

This method of preparing condensed milk is the fastest and easiest. For this method, use containers made of glass or ceramics; plastic dishes will not work here.

1. The container with the contents is sent into the microwave oven chamber for 2 minutes, the power is set to 700 W.

2. Remove the container from the microwave, mix the milk thoroughly and place it in the oven again for 2 minutes at the same power. This is done to prevent condensed milk from escaping from the microwave.

3. When cooking, it is important to stir the contents of the container every 2 minutes. Only 4 sets of 2 minutes are done, for a total of 8 minutes.

Condensed milk can be cooked in an oven at medium power. How to do it:

1. The container is removed for the first time after 40 seconds, the contents are mixed and returned to the device.

2. Condensed milk should be taken out and stirred every 45-60 seconds (only during the first 10 minutes).

  • Stir vigorously to prevent the milk from curdling.

3. When the contents of the container thicken, you need to stir more often - every 20-30 seconds.

In general, the cooking process is 15-25 minutes (cooking time depends on the desired result).

In a microwave oven, like in a slow cooker or on the stove, you can achieve the required consistency and color of condensed milk. The cooking time at maximum power is 8-15 minutes, and we must not forget to stir the milk every 2 minutes. Some housewives prefer to boil milk at a power of 400 W for 30 minutes and consider this method of preparing condensed milk to be the best. The advantage of cooking in the microwave is the speed of the process. The disadvantages include: 1 - frequency of stopping the device for stirring milk; 2 - not everyone will be able to cook condensed milk in a microwave oven.

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