Pinocchio summary. Review of A.N. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”

For a reader's diary. It allows you to structure information about the book you read, draw up a plan for retelling the content, and provides the basis for an essay. It should be noted that when completing a school assignment, the title of the book should be indicated in full: A. N. Tolstoy: “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino” or: A. N. Tolstoy, “The Adventures of Buratino.” Further, when answering verbally, you can use shorter options.

Pinocchio or Pinocchio?

The book is based on A.N. Tolstoy's tale is Carlo Collodi's fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Story of a Wooden Doll." Everyone's favorite American cartoon was based on Collodi's plot, and children often confuse these two works and the main characters - Pinocchio and Pinocchio. But A.N. Tolstoy only took the idea of ​​a wooden doll coming to life, and then the storylines diverged. The summary of "Pinocchio" for the reader's diary contains information only from the Russian version.

One day, Giuseppe, a carpenter, found a talking log that began to scream when it was cut. Giuseppe was frightened and gave it to the organ grinder Carlo, with whom he had been friends for a long time. Carlo lived in a small closet so poorly that even his fireplace was not real, but painted on a piece of old canvas. An organ grinder carved a wooden doll with a very long nose from a log. She came to life and became a boy, whom Carlo named Pinocchio. The wooden man played a prank, and the talking cricket advised him to come to his senses, obey Papa Carlo, and go to school. Dad Carlo, despite his pranks and pranks, fell in love with Pinocchio and decided to raise him as his own. He sold his warm jacket to buy his son the alphabet, made a jacket and a cap with a tassel from colored paper so that he could go to school.

Puppet theater and meeting Karabas Barabas

On the way to school, Pinocchio saw a poster for a Puppet Theater performance: “The Girl with Blue Hair, or Thirty-Three Slaps.” The boy forgot the talking cricket's advice and decided not to go to school. He sold his beautiful new alphabet book with pictures and used all the proceeds to buy a ticket to the show. The basis of the plot was the slaps on the head that Harlequin very often gave to Pierrot. During the performance, the doll-artists recognized Pinocchio and a commotion began, as a result of which the performance was disrupted. The terrible and cruel Karabas Barabas, director of the theater, author and director of plays, owner of all the dolls playing on stage, became very angry. He even wanted to burn the wooden boy for disturbing order and disrupting the performance. But during the conversation, Buratino accidentally told about the closet under the stairs with a painted fireplace, in which Carlo’s dad lived. Suddenly Karabas Barabas calmed down and even gave Pinocchio five gold coins with one condition - not to leave this closet.

Meeting with the fox Alice and the cat Basilio

On the way home, Pinocchio met the fox Alice and these swindlers, having learned about the coins, invited the boy to go to the Country of Fools. They said that if you bury coins in the Field of Miracles in the evening, in the morning a huge money tree will grow from them.

Pinocchio really wanted to get rich quickly, and he agreed to go with them. On the way, Buratino got lost and was left alone, but at night in the forest he was attacked by terrible robbers who resembled a cat and a fox. He hid the coins in his mouth so that they would not be taken away, and the robbers hung the boy upside down on a tree branch so that he would drop the coins and left him.

Meeting Malvina, going to the Land of Fools

In the morning he was found by Artemon, Malvina's poodle, who escaped from Karabas Barabas' theater. It turned out that he abused his puppet actors. When Malvina, a girl with very good manners, met Pinocchio, she decided to raise him, which ended in punishment - Artemon locked him in a dark, scary closet with spiders.

Having escaped from the closet, the boy again met the cat Basilio and the fox Alice. He did not recognize the “robbers” who attacked him in the forest, and again believed them. Together they set off on their journey. When the swindlers brought Pinocchio to the Land of Fools on the Field of Miracles, it turned out to look like a landfill. But the cat and the fox convinced him to bury the money, and then set police dogs on him, who chased Pinocchio, caught him and threw him into the water.

The appearance of the golden key

The boy made of logs did not drown. It was found by the old turtle Tortila. She told the naive Pinocchio the truth about his “friends” Alice and Basilio. The turtle kept a golden key, which a long time ago an evil man with a long terrible beard dropped into the water. He shouted that the key could open the door to happiness and wealth. Tortila gave the key to Pinocchio.

On the road from the Country of Fools, Pinocchio met a frightened Pierrot, who had also fled from the cruel Karabas. Pinocchio and Malvina were very happy to see Pierrot. Leaving his friends in Malvina’s house, Pinocchio went to keep an eye on Karabas Barabas. He had to find out which door could be opened with the golden key. By chance, in a tavern, Buratino overheard a conversation between Karabas Barabas and Duremar, a leech merchant. He learned the big secret of the golden key: the door that it opens is located in Papa Carlo’s closet behind the painted hearth.

A door in a closet, a journey up the stairs and a new theater

Karabas Barabas appealed to Buratino with a complaint. He accused the boy of causing the puppet performers to escape because of him, which led to the ruin of the theater. Fleeing from persecution, Pinocchio and his friends came to Papa Carlo's closet. They tore the canvas off the wall, found a door, opened it with a golden key and found an old staircase that led into the unknown. They went down the steps, slamming the door in front of Karabas Barabs and the police dogs. There Buratino again met the talking cricket and apologized to him. The stairs lead to the best theater in the world, with bright lights, loud and joyful music. In this theater, the heroes became masters, Pinocchio began to play on stage with friends, and Papa Carlo began to sell tickets and play the organ. All the artists from the Karabas Barabas Theater left him for a new theater, where good performances were staged on stage, and no one beat anyone.

Karabas Barabas was left alone on the street, in a huge puddle.

Summary of "Pinocchio" for a reader's diary: characteristics of the characters

Pinocchio is a animated wooden doll that Carlo made from a log. He is a curious, naive boy who does not understand the consequences of his actions. As the story progresses, Pinocchio grows up, learns to take responsibility for his behavior, and finds friends whom he tries to help.

Carlo is a poor organ grinder living in poverty, in a cramped closet with a painted fireplace. He is very kind and forgives Pinocchio all his pranks. She loves Pinocchio, like all parents of their children.

Karabas Barabas - theater director, professor of puppet sciences. The evil and cruel owner of the dolls comes up with performances in which they must beat each other, and punishes them with a seven-tailed whip. He has a huge scary beard. He wants to catch Pinocchio. Once upon a time he had a golden key to the door to happiness, but he did not know where the door was and lost the key. Now, having found out where the closet is, he wants to find it.

Malvina is a very beautiful doll with blue hair. She ran away from Karabas Barabas's theater because he treated her badly, and lives in the forest, in a small house with her poodle Artemon. Malvina is sure that everyone should have good manners, and she raises the boys with whom she is friends, teaching them to behave well, read and write. She loves to listen to poems that Piero dedicates to her. Pinocchio and Malvina often quarrel because of his bad behavior.

Artemon is Malvina's poodle, with whom she escaped from Karabas Barabas. Protects her, helps raise boys.

Pierrot is a sad puppet theater artist who always gets slapped on the head by Harlequin based on the scripts of Karabas Barabas. He is in love with Malvina, writes poetry for her, misses her. He eventually goes on a search and, with Pinocchio's help, finds her. Pierrot agrees to learn good manners, literacy - anything, just to be close to her.

Fox Alice and cat Basilio are poor swindlers. Basilio often pretends to be blind to deceive passersby. They are trying to take away from Pinocchio the five gold coins that Karabas Barabas gave him. At first, Alice and Basilio try to lure them out with cunning, promising to grow a Money Tree in the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools. Then, pretending to be robbers, they want to take the coins by force. As a result, they manage to steal coins buried in the Field of Miracles. After the Country of Fools, they help Karabas Barabas catch Pinocchio.

Tortila is a wise old turtle. She saves Pinocchio from the water, teaches him to distinguish bad people from good ones, and gives him a golden key.

Talking cricket - lives in Papa Carlo's closet behind the painted fireplace. Pinocchio gives useful advice at the beginning of the story.

One day, the carpenter Giuseppe came to visit his old friend Carlo and brought him a log as a gift, who immediately announced that he refused to be planed. Carlo is very lonely, so the first thing that comes to his mind is to carve a wooden boy out of a log.

Despite the chatter and protests of the log, a small wooden boy named Pinocchio gradually emerges from it. Papa Carlo buys Pinocchio the alphabet and sends him to school, but on the way there the boy looks into the puppet theater, paying for the entrance ticket with a brand new alphabet.

Hoping to watch a wonderful performance, Buratino is located in the front row, where puppet actors - Pierrot, Harlequin and Malvina - pay attention to him. They are all so confused by the sight of the wooden man that they interrupt the performance, causing considerable damage to the Karabas Barabas Theater, in whose troupe they are traveling.

The angry director of the theater orders to immediately find out the reason why his dolls refused to play. Seeing Buratino filled with regret and curiosity, Karabas Barabas wants to burn the wooden man in the fireplace, but after the frightened Buratino tells him about Papa Carlo and the hearth drawn on old paper, the director softens and promises to give Buratino as many as five gold coins if he shows the house where the organ grinder lives.

Pinocchio manages to escape from the tenacious clutches of the director of the puppet theater, but he does not return home, having met the cat Basilio and the fox Alice along the way. These individuals turn out to be quite nosy and cunning, having learned about the coins, they tell Pinocchio and a certain Country of Fools where there is a place where, by burying the money he has, he can grow a whole money tree, on which gold coins will grow instead of leaves. Pinocchio believes everything that the cat and the fox tell him, he goes to the Land of Fools, hoping to earn money and return his beautiful alphabet.

On the way to the treasured place, the fox and the cat hide from Pinocchio, run ahead, dress up as robbers and try to forcefully take away the boy’s five coins. But Pinocchio bravely endures the torture, deciding not to give up the money for anything in the world. Having lost hope of shaking money out of the wooden man, the robbers leave him tied upside down to a branch, deciding to return a little later. In this position, he was found by Malvina and her faithful companion the dog Artemon.

Malvina worked for Karabas Barabas, but because of his cruel treatment of dolls, she fled and settled in a small house with a beautiful lawn. Malvina called Pinocchio a doctor, and after examining him, he recommended taking castor oil and spending more time in the fresh air.

Malvina decided to take up the upbringing and education of the wooden boy, but it was not to be, Pinocchio did not want to comprehend any science, so Malvina locked him in a small closet, from where Pinocchio soon escaped to go to the Land of Fools himself.

On the way, he again meets Basilio and Alice, who manage to rob the simpleton Pinocchio. To top off all the troubles, Pinocchio ends up with the police, and from there into the swamp with the leeches. In the swamp, he meets the leech collector Duremar and a big old turtle named Tortila, who gives him a special golden key that opens the way to treasures that he cannot even imagine.

Having got out of the swamp, Pinocchio meets Pierrot, hopelessly in love with Malvina. Pierrot fled from Karabas Barabas and now hopes to find shelter in the house of his beloved. Police dogs, hired by Karabas Barabas, are on the trail of Pinocchio and Pierrot to return the rebellious dolls and capture the hated Pinocchio, who has taken possession of the Golden Key.

Artemon, Pinocchio and even Malvina enter into an unequal battle. Kurabas Barabas tries to catch the fast and nimble Pinocchio, but he manages to wrap the evil director’s long beard around a pitch pine tree. Buratino's friends manage to escape, but Buratino himself is most interested in which door the golden key unlocks and what is behind it. Pinocchio goes to the tavern, where at this time Karabas Barabas and his henchmen - the cat Basilio and the fox Alice - are sitting.

Having sneaked into the room unnoticed, Pinocchio learns that the key he owns unlocks the door hidden under the painted fireplace in Papa Carlo's closet. He immediately returns home and manages to open the treasured door just before the police arrive. Behind the door, Pinocchio discovers a huge puppet theater, incomparable in beauty.

Pinocchio and his friends become the owners of this theater, and at the same time its actors. All the actors move from the theater of Karabas Barabas to the theater of Buratino, and the cruel puppeteer is left with nothing, and sobs bitterly, sitting in a puddle in the pouring rain.

In a town on the Mediterranean coast, carpenter Giuseppe gives his friend the organ grinder Carlo a talking log, which does not want to be cut. In the closet under the stairs, where even the hearth was painted on a piece of old canvas, Carlo cuts out a boy with a long nose from a log and gives him the name Pinocchio. He sells his jacket and buys his wooden son the alphabet so that he can study. On his first day on the way to school, the boy sees a puppet theater and sells his ABC book to buy a ticket. During the performance in the booth, sad Pierrot, perky Harlequin and other dolls recognize Pinocchio. The performance of the comedy “The Girl with Blue Hair, or Thirty-three Slaps on the Head” was disrupted. The theater owner, who is also the playwright and director Karabas Barabas, who looks like a bearded crocodile, wants to burn the wooden troublemaker. Here the simple-minded Pinocchio talks about the painted hearth at Papa Carlo’s, and Karabas, who has suddenly become kinder, gives Pinocchio five gold coins. The main thing, he asks, is not to move anywhere from this closet. On the way back, Pinocchio meets two beggars - the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. Having learned about the coins, they invite Pinocchio to go to the beautiful Country of Fools. From the money buried there on the Field of Miracles, a whole money tree seems to grow by morning. On the way to the Country of Fools, Pinocchio loses his companions, and he is attacked in the night forest by robbers who suspiciously look like a fox and a cat. Pinocchio hides the coins in his mouth, and in order to shake them out, the robbers hang the boy upside down on a tree and leave. In the morning, Malvina discovers him, having escaped from Karabas Barabas with her poodle Artemon. She takes on the task of raising the uncouth boy, which ends with him being placed in a dark closet. A bat takes him out from there, and, having met a fox and a cat, the gullible Pinocchio gets to the Field of Miracles, which looks like a landfill, buries coins and sits down to wait for the harvest, but Alice and Basilio insidiously set local police bulldogs on him, and they throw Pinocchio into the river. But a man made of logs cannot drown. The elderly turtle Tortila opens Pinocchio's eyes to the greed of his friends and gives him a golden key that a man with a long beard once dropped into the river. The key must open some door, and this will bring happiness. Returning from the Country of Fools, Pinocchio saves the frightened Pierrot, who also escaped from Karabas, and brings him to Malvina. While the lover Pierrot unsuccessfully tries to console Malvina with his poems, a terrible battle begins at the edge of the forest. The brave poodle Artemon, together with forest birds, animals and insects, beat the hated police dogs. Trying to grab Pinocchio, Karabas sticks his beard to a resinous pine tree. The enemies are retreating. Pinocchio overhears a conversation between Karabas and the leech merchant Duremar in a tavern and learns a secret: a golden key opens a door hidden behind a painted fireplace in Carlo’s closet. Friends rush home, unlock the door and only manage to slam it her behind her, as the police burst into the closet with Karabas Barabas. An underground passage leads our heroes to a treasure - the theater. This will be a new theater, a theater in which puppets become real actors. Everyone who has not yet escaped from Karabas runs to the Pinocchio Theater, where music plays cheerfully, and hot lamb stew with garlic Doctor of Puppet Science Karabas Barabas remains sitting in a puddle in the rain.

Tolstoy A.N. "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Golden Key" and their characteristics

  1. Pinocchio, a log boy with a long nose. Very cheerful and loves to play pranks. He cannot sit in one place, he always wants adventure. He is kind and sympathetic.
  2. Papa Carlo, an old organ grinder, kind and reliable, is ready to forgive his son everything
  3. Karbas Barabas, a bearded villain, director of a puppet theater, is evil and cruel.
  4. Duremar, the leech seller, is stupid and cowardly.
  5. Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox, swindlers who pretended to be Buratino's friends, but in reality wanted to rob him of his money.
  6. Malvina, a girl with blue hair, is very beautiful and smart, she tries to do everything according to the rules.
  7. Pierrot, always a sad doll, in love with Malvina.
  8. Artemon, Malvina's poodle, is fearless and efficient.
  9. Tortila, a wise turtle who suffers from memory loss.
  10. Giuseppe Gray Nose, drunkard and carpenter.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Golden Key"
  1. Giuseppe and the talking log
  2. Papa Carlo makes Pinocchio
  3. Pinocchio and the puppet theater
  4. Meeting with the fox Alice and the cat Basilio
  5. Robbers in the forest
  6. Upside down
  7. Lessons from Malvina
  8. Escape and the Land of Fools
  9. Pinocchio in Tortila Pond
  10. Golden key
  11. Pierrot and the mystery of the golden key
  12. Fight between dolls and Karabas
  13. In the tavern "Three minnows"
  14. Friends kidnapped
  15. Salvation
  16. What was behind the old canvas
  17. Death of Shushara
  18. Magic show
  19. Theater "Molniya"
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “The Golden Key” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. Papa Carlo makes Pinocchio from logs and he sells his alphabet.
  2. Pinocchio goes to the land of fools and is hung upside down from a tree.
  3. Pinocchio meets Malvina, runs away from her and lands his gold coins in the Field of Miracles
  4. Pinocchio is thrown into a pond and he receives a golden key
  5. Pinocchio fights Karabas and learns the secret of the golden key.
  6. Pinocchio and his friends find a puppet theater and put Karabas in a puddle.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Golden Key"
Even for a wooden boy, the most important thing in life is to learn, so as not to do stupid things and avoid terrible adventures.

What does the fairy tale "The Golden Key" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us that all boys and girls should study, should not listen to suspicious and unfamiliar individuals, should be able to make friends and never lose their presence of mind.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "The Golden Key"

  1. The magical land in which the fairy tale takes place
  2. Magical creatures - animated dolls, talking animals
  3. Magic items - golden key
  4. Victory of good over evil
Review of the fairy tale "The Golden Key"
I really liked the fairy tale "The Golden Key". After all, its main character Pinocchio is such a cheerful and kind boy who at the beginning of the fairy tale acts badly, but then corrects himself and, with the help of his friends, becomes an exemplary and obedient boy. There are a lot of adventures in this fairy tale, there are a lot of poems in it and the characters are very funny. This fairy tale is read in one breath.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Golden Key"
Learning is light, ignorance is darkness.
An obedient son is not burdened by his father's decree.
All's well that ends well.

Summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "The Golden Key" chapter by chapter
The author talks about an old Italian book, which he retold in a new way.
Chapter 1.
Carpenter Giuseppe finds a log and begins to cut it. He is stopped by a thin voice that says that he is in pain. Giuseppe realizes that the voice is coming from the log.
Chapter 2.
The organ grinder Carlo comes to see Giuseppe. Giuseppe suggests cutting a doll out of a log. The log hits Carlo on the head and the old men begin to fight. The old people make up and Carlo goes home with the log.
Chapter 3.
Carlo decides to name the doll Pinocchio. He begins to carve the doll and its nose grows. Carlo tries to shorten his nose, but it doesn’t work. Carlo finishes Pinocchio and he runs out into the street. Carlo catches Pinocchio, but he falls and pretends to be dead. The policeman takes Carlo to prison.
Chapter 4.
Pinocchio returns to the closet and meets Cricket. Pinocchio chases away the cricket, and it advises him to go to school. Pinocchio throws a hammer at Cricket.
Chapter 5.
Pinocchio wants to eat and sticks his nose into the old canvas. Through the crack he sees an old door. Pinocchio finds an egg and breaks it. The chicken thanks Pinocchio and runs away. The rat Shushara appears and Pinocchio grabs it by the tail. The rat grabs Pinocchio, but Carlo comes and drives the rat away. Carlo feeds Pinocchio onions and sews clothes for him. Then Carlo sells the jacket and brings the ABC.
Chapter 6.
Pinocchio runs to school, but hears music and turns in that direction. He sees a puppet theater. Buratino sells the ABC for four soldi.
Chapter 7.
The dolls give a performance and recognize Pinocchio. Karabas grabs Pinocchio and hangs him on a nail. He wants to throw Pinocchio into the fire.
Chapter 8.
Karabas sneezes, and Pinocchio tries to appease him. Pinocchio talks about the painted hearth. Karbas gives Pinocchio 5 gold pieces and lets him go.
Chapter 9
On the way home, Pinocchio meets the cat Basilio and the fox Alice. The scammers tell Pinocchio about the Country of Fools.
Chapter 10.
The travelers enter the tavern and Buratino orders three crusts of bread. The fox and the cat order a lot of food. Pinocchio falls asleep, and the fox and cat leave. The owner of the tavern demands gold from Buratino and Buratino gives the coin.
Chapter 11.
In the night forest, Buratino is caught by robbers and demands money. Pinocchio hides coins in his mouth. Pinocchio breaks free and, with the help of a swan, flies across the lake.
Chapter 12.
Pinocchio sees a beautiful house and knocks on the door. The girl wants to sleep. The robbers catch Pinocchio and hang him on a tree.
Chapter 13.
Morning comes. Malvina wakes up in the house. She sees Pinocchio and tells Artemon to take it off. Artemon sends ants and they chew the rope. Doctors examine Buratino. Pinocchio comes to his senses and drinks castor oil.
Chapter 14.
Malvina and Pinocchio are having breakfast, and Malvina is going to start raising the boy. Malvina teaches mathematics and calligraphy with Buratino, and Buratino makes an inkblot. Malvina orders Pinocchio to be taken to the closet.
Chapter 15.
The bat shows Pinocchio the way out and leads him to the land of Fools. Pinocchio meets the Fox and the Cat again, and they lead him to the field of miracles. Pinocchio buries the money.
Chapter 16.

Alice tells the police that Pinocchio is a dangerous thief. The detectives grab Pinocchio, and the cat and fox divide the money. Bulldog orders Pinocchio to be drowned in the pond.
Chapter 17.
Pinocchio swims in the pond and meets Tortila the turtle. Tortila decides to help Pinocchio and gives him a golden key.
Chapter 18.
Pinocchio sees a hare being chased by police bulldogs. Pierrot falls from the hare's back. Pinocchio questions Pierrot.
Chapter 19.
Pierrot tells how Duremar came to Karabas. Duremar talks about the secret that Tortila the turtle told him. Karabas decides to go to the turtle and beg him to give him the key. Then Karabas discovers Pierrot and he runs away on a hare. Pinocchio shows Pierrot the key.
Chapter 20.
Pinocchio takes Pierrot to Malvina and the girl makes the boys wash themselves. Pierrot reads poetry, a toad appears and says that Karabas is coming here. The dolls run away, but run into Karabas.
Chapter 21.
Karabas brings down the bulldogs. Artemon is preparing to fight. Pinocchio calls animals and birds for help. Artemon's fight with dogs. The tip of Karabas's beard is glued to the pine tree. Pinocchio jumps off and runs around the pine tree. Karabas is caught.
Chapter 22.
Malvina and Pierrot are sitting in the reeds. Buratino and Artemon return. The dolls reach the cave and treat Artemon. Malvina wants to continue the dictation. Karabas and Duremar pass by the cave.
Chapter 23.
Pinocchio decides to follow, and instructs Piero to protect Malvina. Karabas and Duremar go to the tavern. Pinocchio hides under the rooster and enters the tavern. Pinocchio climbs into the jug.
Chapter 24.
Dice are thrown into the jug with Pinocchio. Pinocchio howls from a jug. Frightened Karabas reveals the secret. The fox Alice and the cat Basilio appear and betray Pinocchio. The jug breaks. Pinocchio runs away with the rooster.
Chapter 25.
An empty cave and traces of battle. Governor Fox caught Malvina and Pierrot. Buratino climbs the hill. Pinschers run after him. Pinocchio jumps into the pond, but the wind blows him onto Governor Fox's head. The cart overturns and the captive friends fall into the grass. Governor Fox is hiding in a hole. The detectives flee back to the city of Fools. Karabas, Duremar, Alice and Basilio appear. They want to grab the dolls, but Carlo appears and saves Pinocchio and his friends.
Chapter 26.
Carlo takes the dolls and goes home. Karabas trails behind him. Carlo brings the dolls home and decides what to do next. Pinocchio tells him to tear off the old canvas and behind it there is a door. Pinocchio gives Carlo the key and he opens the door.
Chapter 27.
Karabas complains about Carlo to the city chief and he sends policemen to arrest Carlo. The police break into the closet, but Carlo and the dolls have already left.
Chapter 28.
Carlo and the dolls go down the stairs. Artemon strangles the rat Shushara. The puppets find a beautiful puppet theater. Carlo starts the theater with the key. The magical performance begins. The dolls decide to both study and play in the new theater.
Chapter 29.
Karabas is sitting by the fire. Nobody came to his theater. Karbas goes outside and sees a new puppet theater. People flock to the show. Karabas wants to make his dolls work, but they have all gone to the new theater. Karabas manages to grab only one dog, but Artemon snatches it away, and Karabas is left sitting in a puddle.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "The Golden Key"

A long time ago, in a certain town on the Mediterranean coast, the carpenter Giuseppe gives his friend the organ grinder Carlo a talking log, which, you see, does not want to be cut. In a poor closet under the stairs, where even the hearth was painted on a piece of old canvas, Carlo cuts out a boy with a long nose from a log and gives him the name Pinocchio. He sells his jacket and buys his wooden son the alphabet so that he can study. But on the very first day, on the way to school, the boy sees a puppet theater and sells the alphabet to buy a ticket. During a performance in a booth, sad Pierrot, perky Harlequin and other dolls suddenly recognize Pinocchio. The performance of the comedy “The Girl with Blue Hair, or Thirty-three Slaps on the Head” was disrupted. The theater owner, who is also the playwright and director Karabas Barabas, who looks like a bearded crocodile, wants to burn the wooden troublemaker. Here, the simple-minded Pinocchio, by chance, tells about the painted hearth at Papa Carlo’s, and Karabas, who has suddenly come to his senses, gives Pinocchio five gold coins. The main thing, he asks, is not to move anywhere from this closet.

On the way back, Pinocchio meets two beggars - the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. Having learned about the coins, they invite Pinocchio to go to the beautiful Country of Fools. From the money buried there on the Field of Miracles, a whole money tree seems to grow by morning. On the way to the Country of Fools, Pinocchio loses his companions, and he is attacked in the night forest by robbers who suspiciously look like a fox and a cat. Pinocchio hides the coins in his mouth, and in order to shake them out, the robbers hang the boy upside down on a tree and leave. In the morning, he is discovered by Malvina, a girl with blue hair, who, together with her poodle Artemon, escaped from Karabas Barabas, who was oppressing poor puppet actors. With purely girlish enthusiasm, she takes on raising the uncouth boy, which ends with his placement in a dark closet. A bat takes him out from there, and, having met a fox and a cat, the gullible Pinocchio finally gets to the Field of Miracles, which for some reason looks like a landfill, buries the coins and sits down to wait for the harvest, but Alice and Basilio insidiously set local police bulldogs on him, and they throw the brainless wooden boy into the river. But a man made of logs cannot drown. The elderly turtle Tortila opens Pinocchio's eyes to the greed of his friends and gives him a golden key that a man with a long beard once dropped into the river. The key must open some door, and this will bring happiness.

Returning from the Country of Fools, Pinocchio saves the frightened Pierrot, who also escaped from Karabas, and brings him to Malvina. While the lover Pierrot unsuccessfully tries to console Malvina with his poems, a terrible battle begins at the edge of the forest. The brave poodle Artemon, together with forest birds, animals and insects, beat the hated police dogs. Trying to grab Pinocchio, Karabas sticks his beard to a resinous pine tree. The enemies are retreating. Pinocchio overhears Karabas's conversation with the leech merchant Duremar in a tavern and learns a great secret: a golden key opens a door hidden behind a painted fireplace in Carlo's closet. The friends rush home, unlock the door and just manage to slam it behind them when the police with Karabas Barabas burst into the closet. An underground passage leads our heroes to a treasure - this is an amazingly beautiful... theater. This will be a new theater, without a director with a seven-tailed whip, a theater in which puppets become real actors. Everyone who has not yet escaped from Karabas runs to the Pinocchio Theater, where music plays cheerfully, and hot lamb stew with garlic awaits the hungry artists behind the scenes. Doctor of Puppet Science Karabas Barabas remains sitting in a puddle in the rain.

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