Job description of a hairdresser, job responsibilities of a hairdresser, sample job description of a hairdresser. Profession hairdresser, salary, responsibilities, requirements

State Autonomous Educational Institution NPO NSO "Vocational Lyceum No. 60"

Rights and responsibilities of hairdressing salon workers

Category: Service sector and society

Group: P-5

Supervisor: Semochkin Y.A.



Job description of a hairdresser

Rights of hair salon workers

Responsibility of hairdressing salon workers




The first document that employees become familiar with when applying for a job is a job description, which defines the responsibilities of both the employee and the employer. Job descriptions are developed not for a specific hired person, but for a specific profession, which is registered in the classifier of existing professions. Therefore, job descriptions, first of all, are normatively considered a legal document that defines the range of responsibilities and rights, the degree of responsibility assigned to the corresponding position, the rules for hiring and dismissal, and replacement. Using job descriptions in organizing the production process allows the employer to clearly and effectively organize the activities of the enterprise, since the participation of each employee is clearly defined. Job descriptions are approved by the employer and signed by the employee. From that moment on, they define the relationship between them. They give the employee a sense of stability and security, and make it easier for the employer to manage personnel. Based on the above, job descriptions must contain the following information - general provisions that define the qualification requirements for this position, what you need to know and be able to do when holding this position. The second is a list of work that the employee performs while in this position. Then there are his rights, which he can defend and demand from the employer. The last point is the responsibility that the employee bears when performing his duties. The use of job descriptions, as you can see, is equally important for both the employee and the employer, helping in solving problems that may arise during work.


1 General provisions:

1. A hairdresser is a worker in a beauty salon (hair salon) and reports directly to the director.

2. The hairdresser must know:

Types of services provided;

Rules for consumer services for the population;

Modern forms and methods of service in hairdressing salons;

Rules, techniques and methods of performing work by type of hairdressing services;

Fashion direction, modern types of model haircuts, hairstyles (women's, men's, children's);

Basics of hair styling;

hairstyle methods;

Technology for manufacturing pastizher products;

Design and rules of operation of equipment, tools, devices;

Types, range of materials used in hairdressing practice, their purpose and application;

Composition and properties of drugs, formulations, special-purpose solutions, perfumes and cosmetics, their effects on skin and hair;

Requirements for the quality of materials and preparations;

Consumption standards for materials, preparations, hairdressing linen;

basic physiology of skin and hair;

Rules of sanitation and hygiene;

Rules for organizing the workplace;

Rules of service and professional ethics;

Guidelines for maintaining a safe workplace;

Methods and techniques for performing work safely;

The procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;

Rules for providing first aid to victims of injury and sudden illness;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

Job responsibilities of a hairdresser:

1. Hairdresser before starting the working day:

Undergoes periodic medical examinations;

Undergoes occupational safety training;

Takes over the workplace;

Prepares equipment, tools, devices for work;

2. During the work, the hairdresser:

Complies with personal hygiene and industrial sanitation requirements;

Complies with service rules and professional ethics;

Immediately notifies the immediate supervisor of any deficiencies discovered during work;

Provides first aid to victims of injury and sudden illness;

Disinfects, cleans and checks instruments;

3. During the working day, the hairdresser:

Determines the appearance, structure, condition of hair and skin by external signs;

Performs head washing and massage;

Performs hair cutting (simple and model);

Performs hair styling in accordance with the direction of modern fashion and the individual characteristics of the face of the customer of hairdressing services;

Curls hair using curlers, curling irons and electrically (permanent);

Perms and dyes hair in various ways with face correction;

Performs a biological test for sensitivity during perm and hair coloring;

Determines the quality of special preparations and materials;

Performs hair bleaching, blonding, and highlighting;

Performs styling with a hairdryer or with curlers, coating hair with varnish;

Develops hairstyle models and participates in demonstrating them at competitions;

Trims beards and mustaches;

Performs shaving taking into account the properties of the skin;

performs facial skin treatment after shaving;

Apply compresses and perform facial massage;

Performs work with hairpieces and wigs;

Designs hairstyles in accordance with fashion trends and individual characteristics of the client using modern perfumery and cosmetics for styling, fixing, etc.;

Uses decorative elements (objects) when designing hairstyles: flowers, bows, hairpins, etc.;

Performs combing and styling of garments;

Uses special preparations, solutions, and other materials in accordance with their intended purpose and rules of use;

Performs other related duties;

4. Hairdresser at the end of the working day:

Cleans the workplace;

Rents out a workplace;

Responsibility of the hairdresser:

1. The hairdresser is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with Article ___ of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for:

Poor quality and untimely performance of work and duties listed in these instructions;

Ignorance of the documents and materials listed in these instructions;

Offenses that became the basis for the imposition of fines and other administrative penalties on the salon (hairdresser);

2. The hairdresser bears financial responsibility for ensuring the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him.

3. For committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, a hairdresser bears civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


1. The hairdresser has the right to give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities

2. The hairdresser has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.

3. The hairdresser has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.

4. The hairdresser has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.

5. The hairdresser has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.

6. The hairdresser has the right to submit proposals for the manager’s consideration to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.

7. The hairdresser has the right to submit proposals for consideration by the manager on rewarding distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

8. The hairdresser has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.


1. The hairdresser is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The hairdresser is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.

3. When transferring to another job or dismissal from a position, the Hairdresser is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.

4. The hairdresser is responsible for offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The hairdresser is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. The hairdresser is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.


The first document that employees become familiar with when applying for a job is a job description, which defines the responsibilities of both the employee and the employer. Job descriptions are developed not for a specific hired person, but for a specific profession, which is registered in the classifier of existing professions. Therefore, job descriptions, first of all, are normatively considered a legal document that defines the range of responsibilities and rights, the degree of responsibility assigned to the corresponding position, the rules for hiring and dismissal, and replacement. Using job descriptions in organizing the production process allows the employer to clearly and effectively organize the activities of the enterprise, since the participation of each employee is clearly defined. Job descriptions are approved by the employer and signed by the employee. From that moment on, they define the relationship between them. They give the employee a sense of stability and security, and make it easier for the employer to manage personnel. Based on the above, job descriptions must contain the following information - general provisions that define the qualification requirements for this position, what you need to know and be able to do when holding this position. The second is a list of work that the employee performs while in this position. Then there are his rights, which he can defend and demand from the employer. The last point is the responsibility that the employee bears when performing his duties. The use of job descriptions, as you can see, is equally important for both the employee and the employer, helping in solving problems that may arise during work.


1 General provisions:

1. A hairdresser is a worker in a beauty salon (hair salon) and reports directly to the director.

2. The hairdresser must know:

Types of services provided;

Rules for consumer services for the population;

Modern forms and methods of service in hairdressing salons;

Rules, techniques and methods of performing work by type of hairdressing services;

Fashion direction, modern types of model haircuts, hairstyles (women's, men's, children's);

Basics of hair styling;

hairstyle methods;

Technology for manufacturing pastizher products;

Design and rules of operation of equipment, tools, devices;

Types, range of materials used in hairdressing practice, their purpose and application;

Composition and properties of drugs, formulations, special-purpose solutions, perfumes and cosmetics, their effects on skin and hair;

Requirements for the quality of materials and preparations;

Consumption standards for materials, preparations, hairdressing linen;

basic physiology of skin and hair;

Rules of sanitation and hygiene;

Rules for organizing the workplace;

Rules of service and professional ethics;

Guidelines for maintaining a safe workplace;

Methods and techniques for performing work safely;

The procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;

Rules for providing first aid to victims of injury and sudden illness;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

Job responsibilities of a hairdresser:

1. Hairdresser before starting the working day:

Undergoes periodic medical examinations;

Undergoes occupational safety training;

Takes over the workplace;

Prepares equipment, tools, devices for work;

2. During the work, the hairdresser:

Complies with personal hygiene and industrial sanitation requirements;

Complies with service rules and professional ethics;

Immediately notifies the immediate supervisor of any deficiencies discovered during work;

Provides first aid to victims of injury and sudden illness;

Disinfects, cleans and checks instruments;

3. During the working day, the hairdresser:

Determines the appearance, structure, condition of hair and skin by external signs;

Performs head washing and massage;

Performs hair cutting (simple and model);

Performs hair styling in accordance with the direction of modern fashion and the individual characteristics of the face of the customer of hairdressing services;

Curls hair using curlers, curling irons and electrically (permanent);

Perms and dyes hair in various ways with face correction;

Performs a biological test for sensitivity during perm and hair coloring;

Determines the quality of special preparations and materials;

Performs hair bleaching, blonding, and highlighting;

Performs styling with a hairdryer or with curlers, coating hair with varnish;

Develops hairstyle models and participates in demonstrating them at competitions;

Trims beards and mustaches;

Performs shaving taking into account the properties of the skin;

performs facial skin treatment after shaving;

Apply compresses and perform facial massage;

Performs work with hairpieces and wigs;

Designs hairstyles in accordance with fashion trends and individual characteristics of the client using modern perfumery and cosmetics for styling, fixing, etc.;

Uses decorative elements (objects) when designing hairstyles: flowers, bows, hairpins, etc.;

Performs combing and styling of garments;

Uses special preparations, solutions, and other materials in accordance with their intended purpose and rules of use;

Performs other related duties;

4. Hairdresser at the end of the working day:

Cleans the workplace;

Rents out a workplace;

Responsibility of the hairdresser:

1. The hairdresser is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with Article ___ of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for:

Poor quality and untimely performance of work and duties listed in these instructions;

Ignorance of the documents and materials listed in these instructions;

Offenses that became the basis for the imposition of fines and other administrative penalties on the salon (hairdresser);

2. The hairdresser bears financial responsibility for ensuring the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him.

3. For committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, a hairdresser bears civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Hairdressing is a profession whose services everyone always needs. It is not easy to work with people, being on your feet for several hours, while doing your job, communicating with the client and trying to please his preferences. A hairdresser's place of work can be a prestigious beauty salon, an ordinary hairdressing salon, or even a modeling agency.

Today, hairdressing services are often provided at home upon call from the client.

Functional and job responsibilities of a hairdresser

  • performing haircuts (women's, men's, children's);
  • various types of hair coloring, styling, curling, straightening;
  • performing wedding and evening hairstyles;
  • braiding;
  • carrying out hair treatment procedures;
  • consulting clients on hair care issues;
  • disinfection and cleaning of instruments.

Qualification requirements for a hairdresser

Do you want to become a hairdresser, and in the near future, a great master? Take professional courses. Requirements for a hairdresser: knowledge of the effects of chemicals on the human body, study of the structure of the scalp, hair and their characteristics. Such a person must be distinguished by sociability and stress resistance, patience and creativity, accuracy and tact.

About salary and career of a hairdresser

A hairdresser who has recently begun to learn all the delights of his business should not count on high incomes. The average salary in this field for beginners does not exceed $300. After several years of hard work, you can safely obtain the qualification of a hairdresser-stylist who performs individual stylish hairstyles, creates your own haircuts, and expands your circle of clients. Such a master, in a good situation, can receive up to $800 monthly.

Often hairdressers with some experience take on the task of creating their own business to provide services to the public.

The ratio of supply and demand for a hairdresser position is 1.1 resumes per vacancy. This is a very low figure, indicating an acute shortage of personnel in the industry. This is also evidenced by the growing number of migrants from neighboring countries working in economy-class hair salons.

Currently, you can get a hairdressing profession in at least 15 Moscow colleges. True, this list includes both a construction college and a polytechnic, which raises the inevitable question: why do educational institutions so distant in their profile train hairdressing masters? This is precisely why they prepare them: there is a great demand for them. Unfortunately, employers are not satisfied with the level of training of graduates. How else can one explain the fact that with such a shortage of personnel, three quarters of vacancies are intended only for applicants with work experience?

In addition to government colleges, there are many private courses to learn hairdressing. They do not provide a state diploma or guarantee of employment. However, the employer is more interested in real knowledge and skills than a diploma. Therefore, it is not so important where you study, it is important that you have plenty of practice. And specifically on people, and not on mannequins. The ability to choose a suitable haircut or styling, recommend the optimal colors for coloring, and most importantly, do all this in the best possible way - this is what is important to learn, and then the doors of any salon will open to you.

General manager
Last name I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. A hairdresser belongs to the category of working specialists.
1.2. Appointment to the position of a hairdresser and dismissal from it are made by order of the general director of the organization upon the recommendation of the HR manager.
1.3. The hairdresser reports directly to the general director of the organization.
1.4. During the absence of the hairdresser, his duties are performed by another specialist appointed by order of the general director of the organization, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. A person who has a secondary education and has completed the relevant courses is appointed to the position of a hairdresser, without any work experience requirements.
1.6. The hairdresser should know:
- types of services provided;
- rules of consumer services for the population;
- modern forms and methods of service in hairdressing salons;
- rules, techniques and methods of performing work by type of hairdressing services;
- fashion trends, modern types of model haircuts, hairstyles (women's, men's, children's);
- basics of hair styling;
- ways to style a hairstyle;
- technology for manufacturing post-made products;
- design and operating rules of equipment, tools, devices;
- types, range of materials used in hairdressing practice, their purpose and application;
- composition and properties of drugs, formulations, special-purpose solutions, perfumes and cosmetics, their effects on skin and hair;
- requirements for the quality of materials and preparations;
- consumption standards for materials, preparations, hairdressing linen;
- basic physiology of skin and hair;
- rules of sanitation and hygiene;
- rules for organizing the workplace;
- rules of service and professional ethics;
- instructions for the safe maintenance of the workplace;
- methods and techniques for performing work safely;
- the procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;
- rules for providing first aid to victims of injury and sudden illness;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety.
1.7. The hairdresser is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the organization’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the organization;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of a hairdresser

The hairdresser performs the following duties:

2.1. Determines the appearance, structure, condition of hair and skin by external signs.
2.2. Performs head washing and massage.
2.3. Performs hair cutting (simple and model).
2.4. Performs hair styling in accordance with modern fashion trends and the individual characteristics of the customer’s face.
2.5. Curls hair using curlers, curling irons and electrically (permanent).
2.6. Perms and colors hair in a variety of ways with facial adjustments.
2.7. Performs a biological test for sensitivity during perm and hair coloring.
2.8. Determines the quality of special preparations and materials.
2.9. Performs hair bleaching, blonding, and highlighting.
2.10. Performs hair styling with a hairdryer or curlers, and coats hair with varnish.
2.11. Develops hairstyle models and participates in demonstrating them at competitions.
2.12. Trims beards and mustaches.
2.13. Shaving takes into account the properties of the skin.
2.14. Performs facial skin treatment after shaving.
2.15. Apply compresses and perform facial massage.
2.16. Performs work with hairpieces and wigs.
2.17. Designs hairstyles in accordance with fashion trends and individual characteristics of the client using modern perfumery and cosmetics for styling, fixing, etc.
2.18. Uses decorative elements (objects) when designing a hairstyle: flowers, bows, hairpins, etc.
2.19. Performs combing and styling of garments.
2.20. Uses special preparations, solutions, and other materials in accordance with their intended purpose and rules of use.
2.21. Performs other related duties.

3. Hairdresser's rights

The hairdresser has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the enterprise relating to his activities.
3.2. Make suggestions to improve the company's operations and customer service.
3.3. Require the head of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties.
3.4. For all social guarantees provided for by law.
3.5. To receive special work clothes.
3.6. Interact with all services of the organization on issues of their professional activities.
3.7. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the process of activity and make proposals for their elimination.
3.8. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, and workplace that comply with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations.
3.9. Improve your professional qualifications.

4. Responsibility of the hairdresser

The hairdresser is responsible for:

4.1. Poor quality and untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by the job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation

Hairdressers are considered to be specialists who deal with various procedures aimed at modeling hairstyles, as well as comprehensive care for the scalp and hair. This is a fairly in-demand profession in the labor market. The salary of workers depends on the prestige of the establishment, the complexity of the work performed and the qualifications of the master himself. People of all social statuses take care of their hair, which is why the variety of salons and hairdressing salons is very large.

More detailed information about what a specialist should do is contained in the job description of a hairdresser. It is worth noting that in different places of employment it may contain other data, but they cannot go beyond the scope of current legislation.


The employee hired for this position is a working specialist. The process of getting a job depends on the HR manager, who presents the applicant's resume to the CEO for approval. In small organizations, employees deal directly with the salon director. The employee is directly subordinate to the main manager.

As stated in the job description of a hairdresser, to obtain this job, a secondary education and a certificate of completion of relevant courses are sufficient. In general, employers do not require length of service. In his work, he must be guided by legislative acts, the company's charter, orders from his superiors and other materials.


The job description of a hairdresser suggests that the employee, before starting his duties, must study the types of services offered by the organization where he is employed. In addition, his knowledge should include the rules of service, techniques used to provide high-quality services in hairdressing salons.

An employee must be constantly aware of fashion trends, know what hairstyles and haircuts are current and popular among the population. He must know the basics of modeling hairstyles, how to design them, what technology is used to make them. His knowledge should include the rules and design of equipment, tools and devices used in the work, what materials are used, why and how they should be used.

Other knowledge

The job description assumes that he is familiar with the composition and properties of drugs, solutions, cosmetics, perfumes and other products used in his professional activities, and knows how they affect hair and skin. Can determine the quality and compliance with the standards of these products, knows how to standardize them and use them for their intended purpose.

The employee must know the physiological characteristics of hair and skin. In addition, he is required to know the rules of sanitation, safe maintenance of the workplace, professional ethics, safe performance of duties, work procedures, first aid and labor protection.


The main function of a specialist, according to the job description of a hairdresser, is to determine the type, structure and condition of hair and skin according to their external signs. He must wash and massage the client’s head, do simple and fashionable haircuts, and also do hair styling based on modern fashion trends and the individual characteristics of the visitor’s face shape.

In addition, its functions include curling hair using curlers, curling irons and permanents. He may also be tasked with perming and coloring hair using various techniques. In this case, the master is obliged to check for skin sensitivity and check the materials used for compliance with quality standards.


The job description of a salon hairdresser suggests that he must bleach, blonde and highlight clients’ hair, style it using a hair dryer and other special devices, and coat the hair with hairspray. A hairdresser develops hairstyle models and presents them at various competitions.

Other functions

The job description of a universal hairdresser assumes that he also deals with beards, performs shaving, taking into account the properties of the skin, treats it with special solutions after completion of the procedure, applies compresses and performs facial massage. His responsibilities may also include working with hairpieces and wigs.

He must apply, if necessary, decorative elements, including bows, flowers, hairpins, etc., comb and style trimmed hair, as well as perform other related duties, depending on the orders of management, the direction of the organization’s activities and the individual wishes of the client.


The job description of a hairdresser presupposes that he has the right to get acquainted with the decisions of managers if they directly affect his activities, to propose methods for increasing the efficiency of his work and to demand assistance from his superiors in the performance of his functions, if there is such a need. The employee also has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by current labor legislation, including receiving work clothes and equipment. A hairdresser has the right to improve his skills and improve his qualifications.


An employee may be held accountable if he performs his duties poorly or does it untimely or incompletely. He is responsible for violations of the Administrative, Criminal and Labor Codes in the course of his activities. He is also responsible if, due to his mistake, the company incurred material expenses. But everything is within the limits of the current legislation and cannot go beyond it.


Before starting to perform his functions, the employee must agree with management on the job description of the hairdresser. This sample document contains the most basic information, but it may vary depending on the needs of the company. All instructions must be drawn up in accordance with the laws of the country.

Only after reading this document the employee has the right to begin his professional activity in the company. In general, this profession is very popular in the labor market; now many companies provide similar services and, accordingly, need quality specialists. Learning this profession is not difficult, and it takes little time. But its peculiarity is that it is not enough to gain general knowledge, you need to constantly develop, follow fashion trends and trends.

This is the only way to fully master this creative profession and become a famous artist with regular clients. A person’s appearance is very important in society, and in our time it is no longer possible to do the same hairstyles for years, because the criteria for image quality are constantly changing. Therefore, if you decide to take this job, be prepared to constantly learn something new. Plus, this is constant work with clients, so it’s worth having good stress tolerance and being able to communicate competently and ethically even with the most unpleasant people.