Summer business ideas. Is it worth starting a summer business? Trade in ice cream and soft drinks

Almost every line of business depends on seasonal factors, be it the service sector or trade. The chances of success increase several times if you take into account seasonal characteristics when planning your activities.

Summer– the most fruitful time of the year for entrepreneurial activity. This applies not only to business sharks, but also to newcomers. In the summer season, the business will not only cover the investment, but also bring good profit.

Summer business- This is an idea that is worth thinking about in advance and drawing up an action plan. Let's look at 10 summer business ideas.

First place: selling ice cream

Ice cream trade- a very common summer business. Its popularity is explained by the relatively low rent for the place and the large markup on goods (30-40%). There are a lot of people willing. Already in May, all the refrigerators of wholesale warehouses are emptied and the best places are taken apart. But despite the competition, this seasonal business brings good profits.

Business advantages:

idea with minimal investment;
does not require special knowledge;
There is great demand for the product in the summer.

Disadvantages of business:

Link to weather conditions;
a huge number of competing organizations.

How to organize an ice cream trade? Initially, you need to find a wholesale company from which the goods will be purchased. In addition, you need to rent or buy a refrigerator. You should find a retail space in advance and take care of its equipment: install electricity, install an umbrella and a chair. After or while solving technical issues, register an individual entrepreneur. For such a business, the most optimal taxation system is UTII. If you have no desire or opportunity to sell yourself, then you need to hire a seller. Ice cream sellers' wages usually depend on the quantity of goods sold.

In second place is the business selling kvass and draft beer.

The idea of ​​a summer sales business has its advantages:

Profitability of the business;
a large number of buyers.

Disadvantages of business:

This business requires many special title documents;
is subject to serious control by government agencies;
a huge number of entrepreneurs in this industry;
the likelihood of expenses in addition to business promotion, for example, to resolve difficulties with the administration.

How to create a summer business selling bottled drinks? We rent a place or premises. This should be done first, as difficulties may arise in obtaining permission from the authorities. When the issue with the place of activity is settled, we find a product supplier. It is advisable to contact a direct distributor. Working with wholesale companies is risky; due to high demand, they may not deliver the goods. Next you need to deal with the equipment. If you work with a distributor company, then it will provide its rental, otherwise you will have to buy the equipment. After setting up a retail outlet, it’s time to hire employees and register an individual entrepreneur with the most optimal taxation system -. You need to take care of all the nuances of selling bottled drinks. If you install tables, you will need to organize a dry closet.

Third place: zorbing, water balloons

You can make money in the summer of 2016 by organizing a summer attraction in the form of water balloons. Zorbing came to us from America and Europe several years ago and until now has been very popular and brought good income to the owners. But a lot has changed and interest in this entertainment has faded.

Advantages of Zorbs:

ease of design and creation.


The legal status of these attractions is not obvious, hence the wary attitude towards them on the part of the authorities;
a large number of competitors;
restrictions to the area where the attraction is installed.

This summer business does not require a special approach to organization. You need to buy water balloons or zorbs themselves, a swimming pool and a special slide. After which it is necessary to notify the authorities about the placement of the attraction. An agreement should be made with the district police officer of the district in which the activity will be carried out.

In fourth place is the seasonal business of selling cotton candy and popcorn.

Selling popcorn or is a great idea for a summer business, since its organization does not require large start-up capital.

This summer business provides the following advantages:

It does not have to be regarded as a seasonal business;
minimum starting capital;
weather conditions do not significantly affect the number of buyers.


The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and other control bodies are wary of such business;
high degree of competition.

To bring to life a summer business selling popcorn or cotton candy, you first need to purchase equipment for making these products. After which you need to rent a place by agreeing with the authorities. The next and final stage will be the registration of individual entrepreneurs, and the choice of a favorable taxation system for the entrepreneur - UTII.

Fifth place: organization of a sports facility for shooting - a shooting range

You can earn money in the summer of 2016. There are different options for arranging shooting ranges: crossbow and archery shooting ranges, interactive laser shooting ranges, etc. This seasonal business became one of the most common and successful in 2012 - 2013. But this type of activity also has its advantages and disadvantages.


Minimum starting capital;
high business profitability;
the simplest way to organize.

Disadvantages of opening a shooting range:

Specificity of demand, only for a narrow circle of people;
strict safety regulations that must be followed;
The business operates exclusively during the season.

How to organize? We find a room. It should be spacious so that clients can move freely. We will coordinate future activities with the local district police officer. We purchase or rent equipment for the shooting range. We recruit employees and register individual entrepreneurs. Please note that the contract should be concluded for several years, since operating a shooting range for one season may not pay off.

Option six: trampoline

operates only during the season, but manages to bring good income to its owner. It is difficult to talk about high profits due to the huge number of competitors, but this activity is undoubtedly profitable. Much depends on the passability of the point. A trampoline located in a crowded place can be a good source of income.


Among summer business ideas, it stands out for its ease of creation;
does not require large investments and maintenance costs are minimal;
there are always clients.


High competition;
the costs will be covered only after a couple of years, but the trampoline will last much longer and make a profit in subsequent years;
responsibility for the health of small clients; there is always a chance of injury on a trampoline.

The steps to organize this business are the same as for the above options, but there are nuances that are important to mention:

1. If you hire a ticket seller, then you need to think over a system for monitoring the number of tickets sold, since it is very easy to deceive the owner in this matter;

2. Take seriously the choice of an employee who will monitor order and safety. Jumping on a trampoline is a very dangerous activity.

Option seven: souvenir shop

This summer business idea is a proven and traditional way to make money during the season. People tend to buy souvenirs or magnets “as a keepsake” of the city they visited. And if they bought a magnet this summer, they will definitely buy it next. The markup on souvenirs is 200-300% of the cost, which, of course, is a huge plus for an entrepreneur. Have a hard time believing in numbers? This is easy to check. Pay attention to the cost of souvenirs sold at resorts in your city; the price will be several times lower.

So, the summer business of selling souvenirs and its advantages:



Resorts tend to have a lot of competition;
due to high competition, there is a lack of places for trade;
linking business to weather conditions and the number of tourists.

What do you need to do to organize a business? First you need to think through the details: the range of goods, the design of the souvenir shop, etc. The eye of someone passing by should be caught by an interesting detail, so you should be creative in the design of the outlet. When everything is thought out, we rent a place for a souvenir shop. We register an individual entrepreneur by choosing UTII.

In eighth place are sellers of coffee and fast food.

Today, coffee and fast food outlets are no longer so popular. This summer business is losing momentum and this is due to increasing consumer demands and tightening control by government agencies. It should be borne in mind that starting a business is not easy, since you need to invest money in civilized equipment of the point. Competition is high, and besides, the owners of the “booths” are expanding their business, leaving no chance for the “bushes”. Real profits come from entrepreneurs who have been doing this for a long time. The pros and cons of the “handicraft” trade are the same as for selling souvenirs.

Ninth place: vegetables and fruits

Summer is the season for fresh fruits and vegetables, why not make money on it? But the situation in this area began to resemble the situation with the sale of fast food. If a couple of years ago a fruit stall brought good profits, today this industry is oversaturated. Demand does not keep up with supply, and many traders settle in cities and establish permanent businesses. For example, in 2000, it was possible to purchase goods from wholesalers, come to the metropolis and successfully sell everything. But after five years there was practically no place left on the market. Of course, this summer business idea will bring profit, but to find a good place, you need to try. But everything is in your hands and success depends on the effort and desire to earn money.

Option ten: providing minor services to vacationers

This summer business idea involves providing a variety of small services, such as African-American hair braiding, tattooing, massage, and more. The advantages of this activity include: minimal costs, profitability and ease of creating a business. But it cannot be done without difficulties. You will also have to negotiate with the administration, look for a good location and enter into a lease agreement. In addition, providing such services requires skills, knowledge and craftsmanship. Therefore, develop your skills, improve your skills, and your summer service business will bring you income!

So, the list of summer business ideas has come to an end, I can confidently conclude that each of them can bring you income! The success of the enterprise depends entirely on your desire to earn money. And in conclusion, I would like to remind you: find a good place to trade and the profitability of your business is guaranteed.

Whatever people can come up with to ensure a comfortable existence for themselves. Few people want to spend their whole lives working as laborers for the state or for a private entrepreneur, because they really want to be a free person, independent of anyone, who can independently manage their life.

The surest and easiest way to get rich is to open a seasonal business. Many people immediately think of pasties with coffee in winter and ice cream with beer in summer. In fact, there are a lot of ideas; the easiest way to earn extra money is in the warm season; during this period, businessmen have endless opportunities. If you skillfully organize your activities, you can earn thousands of dollars, and this with a meager start-up capital.

Cold trade

For those who do not want to reinvent the wheel, selling soft drinks and ice cream is ideal. There are no innovations, but this type of service is in demand and brings significant profits. Start-up capital is needed, but small. At first, you can limit yourself to equipping a retail space with electricity, a chest freezer, and a shelter for equipment. You also need to find a supplier of goods and a seller if you don’t want to stand behind the counter yourself.

Photo with a celebrity

Vacationers can take photos themselves against the backdrop of some landmark, but skilled businessmen will help you transform into James Bond, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie or Cindy Crawford. This is a rather expensive business, requiring about 40,000 rubles in investment, because you need to buy a good computer, photo printer, digital camera, and a set of clipart. But there is no end to those who want to be photographed hugging George Clooney or try on the body of some model. You can earn up to 300,000 rubles per season.

Earning money on attractions

Summer is a carefree time of entertainment; skillful businessmen build a profitable and low-cost summer business on the rest and fun of other people. Ideas for quick seasonal earnings are very easy to implement if a novice businessman lives in a resort town. You can top up your budget by renting jet skis, water slides and skiing. If there is high demand, the cost of equipment will pay for itself within a few weeks.

Arrangement of street catering

Depending on the size of the starting capital, you can open a regular area under umbrellas, a cafe-veranda or a cafe-pavilion in a public place. The cheapest is the first option, the most expensive is the last. This seasonal business requires submitting an application to the district administration in advance. It is allowed to sell soft drinks, beer, nuts, chips, and ice cream in open areas. On the veranda cafes, visitors can order coffee or tea with cakes, and sometimes something stronger.

There are high requirements for kebab shops or cafe pavilions; the owner will have to negotiate with public utilities, sanitary and epidemiological inspection, and architects. The costs here are significant, so such a business should be opened with long-term prospects. For a summer cafe you need to purchase plastic furniture, a tent, a counter or bar counter, a bottling unit, and a refrigerator. In order not to overpay extra money for equipment, you can negotiate with suppliers of beer or soft drinks.

Opening of the shooting gallery

Opening a seasonal business in the summer is as easy as shelling pears; you just need a little desire and entrepreneurial spirit. Children and adults enthusiastically perceive “masculine” entertainment; the former want to appear independent and brave, and the latter want to test their own abilities. You can open a mobile or stationary pneumatic shooting range.

To do this, you must register as an entrepreneur; the type of activity is indicated as “providing sports and training services to the population.” A land lease is issued for relocation, and a premises lease is issued for a hospital. After completing all the documents, the businessman can only purchase equipment, consumables in the form of bullets and start making a profit.

Making money searching for talent

From April to September you can open karaoke near cafes, attractions or the beach. We are a singing country, and after a fun day and good company in the evenings, many people gather to demonstrate their vocal abilities. Sometimes seasonal business ideas amaze you with the ease of implementation. An entrepreneur only needs to choose a crowded place, buy equipment and find a well-singing person who would attract attention to the entertainment. Equipment can be purchased for 15,000 rubles; businessmen earn approximately 140,000 rubles per season.

Earning money from landscaping

Gardening of household plots is today a very profitable seasonal business, which, of course, requires not only certain costs, but also knowledge. Real professionals are paid good money for maintaining city squares, flower beds, and beautiful and unusual design of areas near houses and offices. If you have knowledge of landscape design and desire, then you can safely get down to business.

A team of four people can plant an English lawn in a week; the client pays up to $1,000 for the work alone. If we take into account that the owner buys the planting material, then the only costs will be the worker’s salary and funds for the purchase of the simplest tools - hoes, wheelbarrows, shovels, hoes.


Types of seasonal business are sometimes amazing in their diversity; there is a job for everyone. For example, you can start vermicultivating - growing Californian worms. This kind of income is suitable for rural residents, since it requires the availability of land.

The worm brings three products on which you can make money - offspring, vermicompost and extract. Business costs are minimal, there is practically no preparatory work. The main thing is the presence of a warm and humid place for new settlers, the possibility of regularly feeding the worms with vegetable peelings, spoiled foods, cereals, and searching for points of sale.

Hotel for pets

An ideal seasonal business for veterinarians and animal lovers. Summer is vacation time, but what should owners of cats, dogs, hamsters, parrots and other animals do if they have nowhere to put them? This is where special nurseries or pet hotels come to the rescue.

The owners place their four-legged friend in the hands of a professional, and they themselves go on vacation with peace of mind. A business can be organized in an ordinary apartment, but it is better to purchase a house with a walk and enclosures. The owners pay for the food, and the businessman receives a salary for the services of a “nanny.”

Earning money from the gifts of nature

Opening a profitable business in the summer is not a problem; lovers of outdoor activities and nature can also supplement their budget. In rural areas, in forests, plantings, steppes, ravines, you can collect medicinal herbs, berries, mushrooms; in the spring, in a birch grove, it will not be difficult to organize the collection of birch sap.

Of course, it is necessary to understand plants, to know the various nuances of their collection and storage. This is mainly an export-oriented business, since they pay more for such goods abroad, and the domestic industry is not able to provide high-quality processing of raw materials.

Here are just 10 seasonal business ideas. As you can see, they are all different and require certain knowledge, skills and desires. In fact, there are a huge number of ways to earn money; you just need to use your imagination and really assess your strengths and capabilities.

A lot of successful people started small, no one reacted to their ideas, but, as time shows, luck smiles on the patient, hardworking and resourceful. You just need to believe in yourself - and everything will work out.

Do you want to make extra money in the summer, but don't know where to start? We present 50 great ideas on how to earn extra income in the summer.

Picnic baskets

In good weather, many people go outdoors - couples, friends, families with children. They all take sandwiches and drinks with them to eat in the fresh air. You can offer vacationers comfortable picnic baskets.

Growing and selling watermelons

Juicy and sweet watermelons are in great demand in the summer. Be sure to sell them in a place that is clearly visible from afar.

Pool maintenance

Cleaning pools during the season is an easy way to earn money without additional investment. Advertise your services and you will have a job.


This business can bring good money because tourists love to take pictures as souvenirs. The main thing is to skillfully handle the camera so that the photos turn out well in bright sun, on a cloudy day and at dusk.

Bouquets of fresh flowers

Build relationships with local florists, arrange fresh flower arrangements and sell them. Your clients can be ordinary passers-by or offices and companies.

Maintenance of lawns, flower beds and gardens

Most people don't have time to take care of their lawns and flower beds. You can do this.

Many areas of business are subject to seasonality, which affects the financial performance of the enterprise. Whether it is trade, manufacturing or the service sector, no one is immune from its influence.

Along with the shortcomings, seasonality hides huge potential and a lot of opportunities. Great prospects open up for beginning entrepreneurs, allowing them to quickly and with minimal investment start their own profitable business.

Statistics show that the best time for a quick start is the summer season. By properly organizing your business at this time, you can not only quickly recoup your initial costs, but also make good money.

Available options will allow not only experienced businessmen, but also novice entrepreneurs to expand.

Features of seasonal projects

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of “activity” for the summer It’s worth describing the concept of “summer” business in more detail.

Today there are more than 500 variations of this business. The most popular are: sale of goods and services of high demand.

Successful examples could be: selling soft (refreshing) drinks, selling summer clothes and selling ice cream.

Let's sort it out business features for the summer season that will help us when choosing a direction of activity, they are as follows:

  • Assumes a quick start.
  • Only a small initial investment is required.
  • A short period of activity. Such a business can be effectively carried out only during the appropriate season.
  • A large markup on a product or a large fee for a service.
  • Maximum demand for goods during the season and high business profitability.

Which direction to choose?

Based on the above criteria, several areas of activity were selected, which will be detailed below.

Sale of soft ice cream

Business has taken root in our country a long time ago. Despite the great competition, entrepreneurs receive large profits from the sale of soft ice cream.

To start a business, an entrepreneur must:

  • Buy a chest freezer(can be used) where the products will be stored.
    If you can reach an agreement with the supplier, you can receive refrigeration equipment for free.
  • Rent a place(electricity is required).
    It is better to rent a site in places with large crowds of people.
  • Find a good supplier, offering a variety of but high-quality goods.

The start-up capital required to start a business will be negligible. With minimum sales of 2000 rubles per day and net profit of 35% of turnover (518 rubles).

Per month from one point net profit will be 15,540 rubles.

Sale of soft drinks or cotton candy (popcorn)

The soft-serve ice cream business can be expanded with two other seasonal business ideas in the summer, which, it is worth noting, are quite cost-effective and can be considered separately, regardless of each other.

  • Drinks
    Selling cold drinks is an integral aspect of the summer business. You can sell kvass, juices, beer, mineral water and various cocktails.
    The business will be profitable, however the profit received from one point is very low.
    There are many different outlets selling drinks on the street. We can conclude that there is already a lot of competition in this market and it is difficult for new entrepreneurs to decide to open their own business. However, the business is very profitable, since drinks are in high demand at this time of year.
  • Cotton candy (popcorn)
    This is a highly profitable business idea that requires minimal investment to open. Unlike the following example, the idea for selling cotton candy is less susceptible to seasonality factors.
    By starting sales in the spring, you will fully recoup your investment by summer. Autumn will be the period of “harvesting” maximum profits.

How much you can earn in a day by selling cotton candy, watch the video:

A more attractive idea would be the mass production and sale of cotton candy (popcorn) through existing points of sale of seasonal goods (ice cream or drinks).

If you decide to start acting in this direction, then you should start from several points, organizing a mini implementation network.

Summer attractions

Among the many options for entertainment venues available today, it is very difficult to single out any one. In the summer, both stationary and portable attractions are very popular.

Let's list the most common and popular varieties on which you can earn your first capital.

  • Trampoline- a type of stationary attraction.
    Very popular among children and young couples. It is most profitable to place trampolines in parks and places where young people hang out.
  • Water balls(zorbs) that came to us from Europe and America.
  • Shooting Range- one of the oldest, but nevertheless popular, form of entertainment.
  • Darts, which has become very common due to its mobility.
  • Game rides(ATVs, horses, etc.).

This line of business is based on satisfying the excitement of youth and adults.

The advantage of opening attractions is that costs will only be required at the stage of organizing a business.

What seasonal projects can be implemented in the village?

The vast majority of agricultural activities are seasonal. Subsidiary farms require large expenses throughout most of the year, and all the labor invested in the enterprise pays off only during the sales season.

However, in the village there are several areas for business ideas for the summer, which can give maximum return during the season. Moreover, such a project can be started in just a few weeks.


An interesting line of business, very profitable and low-cost, gaining recent years significant popularity. Most people try to escape the confines of the city in the summer. The village can become a haven of silence and solitude for them.

There will also be costs associated with renting village houses and summer cottages.

Agritourism business can be conducted in the following areas:

  • Organization of tours to the countryside on weekends.
    You need to take care of the entertainment program, which will depend on the bounty of nature in your chosen area. The program may include: hunting, fishing, a trip to the forest for a themed walk, a bathhouse, imitation of village life, etc.
  • Camping organization in wildlife with hiking, mushroom and berry picking.
  • Organization of sports tournaments in the village (knight fights, paintball competitions, etc.)
  • Organization of farm tours.

Picking berries and mushrooms

If you have a lot of free time, you can do organizing buying points in small towns countries.

By buying the berries and mushrooms they collect from the population, you can subsequently resell the products to larger buyers or export them.

The niche in this market has not yet been filled, and competition is minimal.

The number of existing purchase points is not able to cover the supply available in the regions in the summer. You can start implementing this business idea today with minimal investment and ongoing costs - financial costs will be directed towards the purchase of goods and transportation costs.

In this article we will show with financial calculations.

We will talk in the next section about how to keep a book of all income and expenses of an entrepreneur under the general taxation system. Types of reporting.

Here we will discuss where to start drawing up a business plan and how to open a hostel with good profitability indicators.

How to minimize investments?

The first, and often decisive, problem when starting your own business is the need for an initial contribution.

Most entrepreneurs dream of an activity that would allow them to earn large incomes, but would not require significant initial costs.

We will consider several business ideas for the summer without investment, with zero capital at the start.

  • Event organization
    This direction will require organizational skills and communication skills. The essence of the business is to organize children's matinees, hikes, tourist excursions and entertainment events. If you speak English (or another foreign) language, you can provide the “Tourist Guide” service.
    All you need to do is arm yourself with a wealth of knowledge about the sights and historical facts.

  • Cleaning and washing at home
    The idea is very banal, which can scare away a novice entrepreneur. However, with the increase in the standard of living of the population, many citizens began to resort to cleaning services. This direction can also include an idea for washing cars at home.
    The main emphasis should be on advertising and promoting the service through the Internet, advertisements and forums.
  • Breeding worms and maggots for the purpose of their further sale to fishermen.
    This idea is suitable for residents of a suburb or small city. The cultivation technology is very primitive, so it is accessible to anyone.
    The product is very popular in the summer and autumn seasons. You can promote products through fishing forums on the Internet, magazines for fishermen and near fishing spots.


Whatever direction of summer business you choose, you must:

  • conduct a preliminary analysis of the idea,
  • determine the specifics,
  • identify risks and minimize them.

Having collected all the necessary information, you need to draw up a detailed business plan for the project and only after that begin to implement your plans.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about what small business ideas for the summer will be relevant in 2019 (and possibly in all subsequent years as well).

Summer is one of the most popular times of the year and this is not surprising, because it is during these three months that people go on vacation to soak up the beaches under the scorching sun. In addition, do not forget about the holidays for schoolchildren and students - three months, during which you can earn a lot of money.

There are a huge number of profitable businesses that can make you money during the summer months. Most of them will not require you to invest a significant amount of money. Below I will tell you about some ideas that you can implement right now.

Small business ideas for summer

1. Pool maintenance

At first glance, it may seem that this business will not be relevant in our time of crisis. But, nevertheless, in every country and in every major city there are people who have swimming pools. Of course, I mean the oligarchs.
Do not forget that swimming pools are also relevant in the hotel business, in sanatoriums or dispensaries, in water parks, etc. There will definitely be work if, of course, you decide to implement this business idea.

The technical aspects of pool maintenance need to be dealt with very carefully and, unfortunately, I cannot help you in this matter. I can only recommend effective tools for finding clients - Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords.

Pool owners are unlikely to look for service companies through newspapers or look at advertisements in stops and poles. The first thing they will do is go online and your advertisement should appear in the search results for the corresponding request. And besides, the competition in this niche is not as great as it might seem at first glance.

2. Hotel for animals

Do you think this is another crazy idea? No matter how it is. As I mentioned above in the article, summer is vacation time, which means that people try not to stay at home, but go on vacation to the sea. And this is where problems arise.

If you can and even need to take a child with you on a summer vacation, then pets are an anchor. You won’t take your pet to Sochi, Turkey, the Maldives, etc. Most often, animals are left to relatives to look after and feed the animal. But there won’t always be a person nearby who will want to care for your pet.

It is for such situations that a pet hotel is suitable. This is an incredibly profitable idea that will be relevant not only in summer, but also in winter. It is very difficult to assess its profitability, since there are practically no similar hotels. A preliminary assessment can be obtained by doing a short survey among friends, relatives, neighbors, or just passers-by.

You will need to spend a lot of money in this business to gently bring the premises into the appropriate shape, as well as purchase some consumables: toys, food, scratching posts, bowls, cages (aviaries), etc.

3. Cold drinks and food

It is impossible to imagine a person who would not like to drink cold juice or eat ice cream on a hot summer day. And you can earn very large sums of money by satisfying people's desires.

So, for example, you can open a small stall that sells not only soft drinks, but also different types of ice cream. By the way, it is best that you sell the latter by weight, placing the order in a waffle cup - this is not only more profitable from a financial point of view, but also more attractive to buyers.

Among drinks, in addition to juices, you can make money on kvass in the summer - one of the TOP “liquid coolers” in the summer heat. It is better to place the tent with food in the most accessible places or in a park.

4. Housing for rent

I think that with this option everything is clear: if you live in resort towns, then having housing you can earn additional money by renting it out. This is truly one of the most profitable options for making money in the summer.

However, its implementation is extremely difficult, since real estate in resort towns is very expensive, and therefore you will definitely need a huge investment.

5. Drawing portraits (caricature)

A caricature is a reproduction of a person’s appearance in an exaggerated or simplified form. Caricature is usually done using sketches, pencil strokes, or any other artistic technique. As an entrepreneur, you could succeed in this business if you went to one of the resort towns and provided your services in the summer.

Believe me, artists make a lot of money from tourists. This can be seen by how many of them are located along the embankments in the evening. But to succeed in this business, it is not enough to have “artistic” skills; you also need uniqueness - that’s what people will be willing to pay you money for.

6. Tomatoes, cucumbers and watermelons

Growing and selling vegetables is one of the most promising areas for making money in the summer. If the demand for potatoes is almost the same at any time of the year, then cucumbers and tomatoes are exclusively summer food products.

Of course, if you live in a city, you won’t be able to grow vegetables on a large scale. In this case, it is better to engage in resale - buy cucumbers and tomatoes in a nearby village and resell them on the city market or hand them over to wholesale warehouses.

All that will be needed to organize this business is start-up capital for the purchase of products and a vehicle for transporting vegetables.

Along with vegetables, watermelons are an equally popular food product. These sweet, juicy berries quench your thirst well, especially if you eat them cold (after putting the watermelon in the refrigerator for several hours).

And, of course, we can’t help but mention watermelon juice - fresh natural juice can only be purchased in restaurants. So why don't you start selling it along with other cold drinks and food items on the street.

7. Floristry and landscape design

Freshly cut flowers can serve not only as a gift for a person, but also as a decoration for office space, as well as for restaurants. Creating and selling floral arrangements is a large market in which even a small entrepreneur can succeed. A flower business can provide you with a steady stream of income.

The key factor in the flower business is whether you plan to sell only certain types of flowers or whether you want to create flower arrangements.

With landscape design the situation is a little similar, since here you also have to deal with plants. But the word design means “a creative approach to creating something,” and landscape – well, you yourself understand what it is. Accordingly, your task is to create something extraordinary from plants and flowers.

This is in demand not only on private plots of country houses, but also on the territory of restaurants, hotels, entertainment complexes, etc. This niche is practically free, but you won’t be able to occupy it without having the appropriate education and skills.

8. Carpet cleaning

People say that it is best to clean carpets in winter, when the ground is covered with a heavy layer of snow. But who wants to leave the house in the cold, and even bother with the carpet. Therefore, floor coverings are cleaned in the summer (at least 80% of the population of our countries).

Carpet cleaning is a good and profitable business with minimal investment. All you need are cleaning supplies, a source of water and brushes. The clientele can be educated through advertising, which will be especially relevant to place in the residential areas of your city. And if you also organize the removal and delivery of cleaned carpets, there will simply be no end to customers, and besides, this will add mobility to your business.

9. Sale of beach accessories

Before heading to the beach, a vacationer needs to collect some things that he may need for a comfortable stay and a fun time. And there really are plenty of such things: a towel, a change of underwear, fins, sunglasses, sunscreen or cream, a hat, an inflatable ring or mattress, a ball, etc. This list can also be supplemented with food containers and cold drink containers.

Usually, to purchase all of the above, you need to visit at least three stores. So why don't you make people's lives easier and make money from it? It is enough to open a small kiosk where tourists could acquire all the goods they need during their vacation.

In addition to the kiosk, you can also create an online store, which will significantly increase the size of your customer base.

10. Digital printing on T-shirts

T-shirts are a particularly popular type of clothing in the summer, and printing various cool images and inscriptions on clothes to order is a business that is relevant in the summer.

Before going on vacation, or simply with the onset of warm days, people begin to update their wardrobe. Fortunately, in the twenty-first century it is possible not only to be content with the list of clothes that are sold in markets and stores, but also to “make” clothes to order.

Of course, no one will sew T-shirts, but putting some interesting print on them is very important. And this is where you should make money.

If you don’t have any start-up capital to open this business, it doesn’t matter. You have the opportunity to earn money by selling T-shirts with designs and inscriptions using the affiliate program from the PrintBar website. After registration, you will be able to receive various tools (links, banners, etc.) with which you can bring clients to this service.

If a client places an order on PrintBar, you will receive a percentage of the transaction. This is a good option for beginners. You can read more about how to make money on affiliate programs without investments.

11. Air conditioner maintenance

This business idea is almost the same as the one I told you about at the beginning of this article. Air conditioners, like swimming pools, are especially important in the summer, and both the former and the latter require maintenance.

In particular, this includes cleaning, replacing freon, etc. The work, in fact, lasts for a maximum of 2 hours, and 4-5 such orders can be completed per day. It would be better, of course, if you had a team of workers under your command, which would allow you to work simultaneously on several objects.

To attract customers, you will definitely need advertising, both online and outdoor. As a last resort, to save budget, you can place advertisements about the services provided “locally” (in places not so distant from the premises where the tools for repairing and servicing air conditioners are located).

In conclusion, I would like to note that business in the summer is the best option for making money, since even the smallest business in the summer can bring in consistently high income. The most important thing is that you focus and develop your endeavors.