Games competitions for an adult company. We follow a certain route while drunk

On vacations and holidays we like to relax or travel with friends. To make your vacation more fun and exciting, learn a few cool games that will help you laugh a lot, exercise your brains once again and learn a lot about each other. They don’t require any special props, so go for it!

1. Hat

All participants come up with ten words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. And then the fun begins: in a limited amount of time, players take turns trying to explain, show or draw the words they come across, and everyone else tries to guess them. The most successful ones receive victory points, honor, glory and a medal around their neck.

2. Associations

Everyone sits in a circle, and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say into the ear of the next one his first association to this word, the second speaks to the third - and so on, along the chain, until the word returns to the first. If you turn an “elephant” into a “stripper”, consider the game a success.

3. Get to know me

Several people sit in a row. The presenter must, blindfolded, recognize by touch the hidden person in those sitting. Moreover, you can guess by different parts of the body - for example, by the arm, legs, hair, depending on how far everyone is ready to go.

4. Crocodile

This is a popular game in which, using gestures, movements and facial expressions, participants show the hidden word, and other players try to guess it. The driver is prohibited from pronouncing any words or making sounds, using or pointing to surrounding objects, or showing letters or parts of a word. The lucky one, who guesses what is being said, in the next round depicts the word himself, but this time it’s different.

5. Cucumber

One leader is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle - literally shoulder to shoulder. Players' hands should be behind them. The essence of the game is to pass a cucumber behind your back without the host noticing and take a bite of it at every opportunity. And the presenter’s task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guesses right, then the player he caught takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten. It's a lot of fun!

6. Contact

The presenter comes up with a word and tells the other players the first letter of this word. For example, the word catastrophe was conceived - the first letter “K”. Each of the other players comes up with a word starting with this letter and tries to explain to the others what exactly he is up to without naming it. If one of the players understands exactly what word was intended by the one who explained, then he says “There is contact!” and both (the one who explained and the one who responded) begin to count out loud to ten, and then each say their own word. If the word matches, then the presenter names the second letter of the word, and the game continues, only now you need to invent and explain a word with the initial letters already given. If the word does not match, then the players continue to try to come up with and explain a new word.

7. Danetki

Good old detective fun. Danetka is a word puzzle, a confusing or strange story, part of which the presenter tells, and the rest must reconstruct the sequence of events. Questions can only be asked that can be answered with “Yes”, “No” or “Irrelevant”, hence the name of the game.

8. I never...

With this game you can get to know people better. The chips of this game are any objects, such as coins, toothpicks, and so on. The game begins like this: the first participant says something that he has never done in his life (“ I have never..."). All other participants in the game who did this must give one chip to this player. The winner is the one who has the most chips in his hands at the end of the game.

9. Secret Keeper

A very exciting and extremely mind-blowing game. The presenter thinks of a phrase, slogan or quote known to all participants. Names the number of words in it. Players then ask the “keeper” any questions they may have. Each answer must contain a word from the hidden phrase. The answer must be contained in one sentence. Analyzing the host's answers, the players give out their version of the “secret”.

10. Fanta

A good old children's game. Players collect one of each item, which is put into a bag. One player is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it. The tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance or walk the iron.

You must choose two adults who are blindfolded. They need to be seated at the table and the rules of the game explained.

The task is to inflate the balloon. As soon as the eyes are blindfolded, replace the ball with a plate of flour. During the game, the participants will definitely be amazed, and when their eyes are untied, they will receive a positive charge.

A cheerful replacement girl will surprise the player

You need to find a beautiful girl. It should lie on a pre-agreed surface. You need to put something edible on the girl. A guy is selected who will have to eat all the food that will be on the girl during the time.

The guy needs to be blindfolded. At this time, another guy takes the girl’s place. The player does not need to talk about this - this secret will be revealed amidst wild laughter. If your company values ​​a sense of humor, it will be indescribably delighted with such a prank.

Get to know a girl using your sense of smell and sense of humor

There must be girls in the room. The young men are taken in with their hands and eyes blindfolded. The guys' task is to guess the girls' names without using their hands. To do this, you will have to get used to it and use your head. The participant who guesses the most girls will win.

We follow a certain route while drunk

For this competition you need to take a bottle of vodka or other alcoholic drink and a train schedule. When announcing a certain station, you need to drink a glass of alcoholic beverage. The most persistent ones will reach the last station. Women in this game can be offered weaker alcoholic drinks.

A fun competition for an adult company with a cucumber

Participants should stand in a tight circle and hide their hands behind their backs. A presenter is selected. Participants pass the cucumber behind their backs and, if possible, bite off a piece. The presenter must guess who is holding the cucumber. If he did this, then he stands in a circle, and the player with the cucumber is the new leader.

You need to play until at least a piece of the cucumber remains, so you first need to choose the largest possible vegetable.

Fun competitions for a drunk group of adults

A difficult task in selecting keys for a single lock

A specific time is agreed upon. Two participants are selected and given a bunch of keys. Each participant also receives a padlock.

One of the keys must fit the lock. Whoever can open the lock first wins. You can make the competition even more interesting if you attach a lock to the closet, where a pleasant surprise will be hidden.

Team competition to dress a partner for prizes

You need to first prepare two bags of clothes. Participants are blindfolded. The essence of the competition is to put on your partner in the shortest possible time. After a specified period of time, participants are untied and assessed how correctly they put on their partners.

Pass the sausage-shaped ball or lose

Playing a funny game “Horses” for a group of adults

It is advisable that there are no breakable objects in the room where the game is played. Adults must sit opposite each other and pieces of paper are attached to their backs.

Competition with a straw to pour liquid into a glass

You need to put two glasses with any liquid (you can take an alcoholic drink). The player's task is to pour liquid from one container to another. Several people can participate in this competition and whose glass is full first wins.

When pouring liquid, use a straw. Funny and cool birthday contests require specially prepared prizes. In this case, you can provide an alcoholic drink as a gift.


Entertaining a noisy group with funny quizzes

Endurance game with a full five-liter keg of beer

You will need one five-liter keg of beer. One judge is appointed and invites participants.

Men are asked to hold a keg of beer with one hand from above. Whoever holds it longer wins the prize. The keg of beer can be replaced with another heavy object, which will later become a prize.

We go through the alcohol relay race with humor and positivity

The participants’ task is to drink all the alcohol that will be allocated to their team as quickly as possible. However, not everything is so simple. The first participant must pour a glass of alcohol and run back, the second must drink it, and the third must pour it again.

To make this game more fun and for everyone to drink a glass of drink, you need to choose an odd number of participants.

Reach the finish line first and win a prize

Each participant needs to tie a rope with something heavy, such as a potato, around their waist. You need to take a small box or even a matchbox and, hitting it into the box, be the first to move it to the finish line. The route must be agreed upon in advance. The winner is given an original and funny gift.

Collecting the largest number of kisses from holiday guests

Men must participate in this competition. Within a certain time, they must run around all the guests and collect the largest number of kisses. It’s very good if a trace of lipstick remains after kissing. Whoever collects the most kisses wins.

Guessing the alcoholic drink in a glass based on emotions

Up to ten men can participate in the competition. First you need to put identical glasses of water. One of the glasses should contain vodka. No one should know where the glass of vodka is.

Participants in the competition are asked to drink the contents of a glass without showing any emotions. Guests of the holiday must guess who drank the vodka.

Contests and competitions for guests with a sense of humor

“Sew” your neighbor at speed without a needle and thread

The players need to be divided into two teams. Each of them is given a spoon with a long thread. You need to “seam” all the players to each other as quickly as possible.

You can sew on your team members by the belt or sleeve or other protruding parts of clothing. The thread used in this game should be very strong.

Competition with lollipops and friendly name-calling of the opponent

Prepare two containers of caramels in advance. Two players are selected. Each of them must take a candy into his mouth and call his opponent. Candies should not be chewed or swallowed! With each name-calling, there will be more candy in your mouth and it will be more difficult to pronounce the words clearly.

The winner is the one who, with the most candies in his mouth, can pronounce the words clearly.

Intensified fight for the opponent's hat on team

Two people can play this competition. You can have a team competition. You need to draw a circle in which the players are located. Everyone has a hat on their head, and one hand is immobilized.

To win this competition, you need to rip off your opponent's hat and try to keep yours on your head. If the game is played by teams, each cap is equal to a point. Hats with brims are ideal for this competition.

Decipher your opponent while standing on one leg

Any number of people can participate in the competition. Everyone needs to attach a picture with a drawing and a number to their back. All players must stand in a circle. One leg should be tucked and held with your hand.

Standing in this position, the player must look at what is drawn on the back of his opponent and at the same time not show what is on him. You cannot go beyond the outlined circle.

Fun game with water balloons

You need to take several balloons, which are filled one-third with water. After this, you need to inflate the balloons a little. Circles are drawn in the hall, the diameter of which will be at least a meter. The players' task is to push the ball as far as possible and get into the circle. The competition is best held outdoors.

Game with a matchbox for accuracy and clarity

We empty several boxes of matches. Pull the box halfway out and blow into it. The box can fly relatively far.
Hold a competition to see who can hit a certain target or circle with a box, which is pre-defined on the floor.

You can come up with funny and cool competitions at the table for adults’ birthdays yourself, changing the rules of the game. So, instead of a box, you can take a piece of paper.

Cool competition for speed with paper boxes

We prepare two empty boxes. They should not have an inner drawer. Players must pass the boxes using their noses. If the box falls, it is put on the nose and again passed to another person, while receiving a penalty point. Despite its simplicity, winning this competition is not so easy and requires dexterity, resourcefulness and attentiveness.

When preparing to celebrate his birthday, inviting guests to the celebration, the birthday person needs to select funny table competitions in advance so that the holiday is as bright and interesting as possible, and, most importantly, to avoid awkward prolonged pauses or unwanted conversations.

Competitions should be chosen exclusively for table competitions- as a rule, adults have absolutely no desire to get up from the table to participate in outdoor games - therefore an invitation to jump and run is unlikely to be greeted with enthusiasm by guests.

At the same time, the number of competitions should not exceed 5-6, otherwise even the funniest entertainment program will be unreasonably prolonged and will soon become boring.

Necessary props and organizational preparations

Most of the competitions below don't require a host, but some will require a host to be chosen through a public vote—which can be a fun contest in itself.
Or agree in advance that one of your loved ones will take on this role.


For the competition program you need to prepare in advance:

  • tokens or medals;
  • red box;
  • forfeits with tasks;
  • blindfold and mittens (according to the number of guests);
  • cards with drawings in a blue or pink (depending on whose birthday) box:
    – scales for weighing trucks,
    - desert,
    - telescope,
    - moonshine still,
    - tank,
    - police car,
    - lemon tree,
    - propeller.
  • two bags (boxes);
  • cards with questions;
  • answer cards;
  • long nose made of cardboard and elastic;
  • glass of water;
  • ring.

Red box

A “Red Box” with forfeits is being prepared separately for those who lost in competitions or dropped out of the game.
You can make the “Red Box” yourself, from colored paper and tape, or buy a ready-made one.

Forfeit tasks should be as funny as possible, for example:

  • sing a funny song with a serious look, in a false voice, without hitting a single note;
  • dance while sitting (with your arms, shoulders, eyes, head, etc. funny dance);
  • show a trick (and in such a way that it doesn’t work - it’s clear that there are no magicians among the guests);
  • recite a funny poem, ask an unusual riddle, tell a funny story, and so on.

Attention: The “Red Box” will remain in the middle of the table throughout the entertainment program. As mentioned above, it is for the losing participants. Therefore, do not forget to “reward” the eliminated contestant with a phantom - and it doesn’t matter if the tasks are repeated - after all, everyone will perform them in their own way!

Competition No. 1 “Find the birthday boy”

Guests are blindfolded.
The leader moves everyone as he wants.

As a result, no one knows who is sitting where now, and who is nearby.

Each guest is given warm mittens. You need to find out by touch who is sitting next to you, touching only your neighbor’s head and face with your hands in mittens.
Firstly, it tickles and inevitably makes you laugh!
And secondly, it’s very interesting to try to guess a person through touch!

Each participant guesses who is on the left.
You can only try to guess once; the ultimate goal is to find the birthday person.

The headbands are removed only when the last participant has guessed or not guessed his neighbor, but if the birthday person is discovered, the game ends earlier.

Whoever fails to guess his neighbor draws a forfeit from the “Red Box” and completes a funny task.

Competition No. 2 “Wishes and funny gifts for the birthday boy”

This is a very funny competition for resourceful guests with a sense of humor.

First, the Presenter says the main congratulations.
It sounds like this: “Dear (our) birthday boy (ca)! We all sincerely love you and wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! May all your dreams come true! Now the rest of the guests will complement my wishes!”

Next, each participant must say the following phrase: , and then pull a picture out of the blue (or pink) box, show it to the birthday boy (or birthday girl), and explain why he gives this particular item to the hero of the occasion? If there is no explanation, the contestant reads out the text on the back of the picture.

The next participant, before taking the picture out of the box, again repeats the beginning of the congratulatory phrase “And I know that this is exactly what you really need, that’s why I’m giving it!” and takes out his funny “gift” with an explanation of why the hero of the occasion really needs it!

So, for example, having pulled out a picture of a desert, the participant first says the main phrase with which everyone who draws pictures begins: “And I know that this is exactly what you really need, that’s why I’m giving it!”, and if you didn’t find your wish, read the phrase written on the picture on the back side: “Let them go there, into the distance, forever, holding hands, and let all your enemies and enemies never be able to return, having captured all your troubles!”

What should be depicted and written in the pictures is indicated in the “Preliminary preparation” section, but let us repeat once again:

  1. The box contains pictures of unusual objects.
  2. On the reverse side, as a hint, wishes are written. First, the guest, looking at the picture pulled out of the box, tries to come up with an original wish for the birthday girl (birthday boy), then looks at the hint written on the back of the picture and adds to his congratulations.
  3. You can add other pictures, in any quantity - the more pictures and wishes, the more interesting the competition.

Minimum required images for the competition:

  • a picture of special scales for weighing loaded KamAZ trucks, on the reverse side it is written: “I wish you so much wealth that it is impossible to count, but only to weigh with such scales!”;
  • image of a telescope, on the back it says: “I wish that all dreams and their fulfillment were much closer than those stars in the sky that are visible through a telescope!”;
  • moonshine still, on the back there is a wish: “Let a considerable percentage of unbridled fun always play in your veins!”;
  • picture of a tank, wish: “So that you always have something to go to the store with!”
  • image of a police car with flashing lights: “So that when you drive, the people make way!”
  • tree with lemons growing, inscription: “So that you have “lemons” and not only fruits growing all year round!”
  • a picture of a desert, on the back it says: “Let all your enemies go there, into the distance, forever, holding hands, and never be able to return, taking all your troubles with you!”
  • image of a propeller from the film “Kid and Carlson”, inscription: “May your life always be Karslson, who lives on the roof and brings many valuable gifts!”

There are two winners in the competition:
First: the one who came up with the funniest congratulations to the birthday boy (birthday girl);
Second: the one who read the inscription on the picture funniest of all.

Competition No. 3 “Tell about yourself: let’s play cards”

Two bags (or two boxes): one contains chaotically mixed cards with questions, the other contains answers.
1. The presenter pulls a card from the bag with questions and reads it out loud.
2. The first participant in the feast draws a card from the bag with answers and an expression.

It's the random combinations of questions and answers that will be funny..

For example, Leader: “Have you ever been stopped by a traffic police officer?”
The answer might be: "It's so nice".

You can only draw one card per question.
The game ends when all the cards are announced and all guests have read the answers to the questions.

Question cards:

1) Do you like to drink?
2) Do you like women?
3) Do you like men?
4) Do you eat at night?
5) Do you change your socks every day?
6) Do you watch TV?
7) Do you want to cut your hair bald?
8) Admit that you like to count other people's money?
9) Do you like to gossip?
10) Do you often play pranks on others?
11) Do you know how to use a cell phone?
12) Now at the festive table, did you look at who ate what and how much?
13) Have you ever driven drunk?
14) Have you ever come to a birthday party without a gift?
15) Have you ever howled at the moon?
16) Have you calculated how much the set table costs today?
17) Have you ever given something that was given to you that you didn’t need?
18) Do you hide food under your pillow?
19) Do you show obscene signs to other drivers?
20) Can you not open the door for guests?
21) Do you often miss work?

Answer cards:

1) Only at night, in the dark.
2) Perhaps, someday, while drunk.
3) I can’t live without this!
4) When no one sees.
5) No, it's not mine.
6) I only dream about this!
7) This is my secret dream.
8) I tried it once.
9) Of course yes!
10) Definitely not!
11) In childhood - yes.
12) Rarely, I want more often!
13) I was taught this since childhood.
14) This is very nice.
15) Definitely and without fail!
16) This doesn’t interest me at all.
17) Almost always!
18) Yes. The doctor prescribed this for me.
19) This is all I do.
20) Once a day.
21) No, I'm afraid.

Competition No. 4 “Intuition”

Each player is given a hoop with a specific shape on his head. It could be a fruit, a vegetable, a character, a famous person.

The players’ task is to guess who he is using clarifying questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.”

Instead of hoops, you can make cardboard masks, then the game will turn out not only interesting, but also very funny.

Competition No. 5 “Long Nose”

Everyone puts on pre-prepared noses.

At the Leader’s command, you need to pass a small ring from nose to nose, and at the same time a glass of water from hand to hand, trying not to spill a drop.

The game is considered over when both the ring and the glass of water return to the “first” participant.
Anyone who drops a ring or spills water receives a forfeit.

Competition No. 6 “Find something in common”

Players are divided into teams.
The presenter shows three pictures that have something in common.
To motivate and cheer up the teams, the condition may be as follows: the team that did not guess the answer drinks penalty glasses.

For example, one picture shows a jacuzzi, the second shows the Eiffel Tower, and the third shows the periodic table. What unites them is the surname, because each image is an object named after its creator.

Competition No. 7 “Hat for the birthday boy”

In a deep hat you need to put a lot of folded pieces of paper with laudatory descriptions of the birthday boy (birthday girl), For example:
- smart (smart),
- beautiful (handsome),
- slender (slender),
- talented (talented)
- economic (economic), and so on.

Guests are divided into pairs. One partner takes out a piece of paper, reads the word to himself and explains to his partner using gestures what it means.
If the answer is not found, you can suggest one in words, but not by naming the word itself, but by describing its essence.
The team that gets the most correct answers wins.

You don't have to split into pairs. One person takes out a piece of paper and gestures at the word, while the others guess.
For each correct answer the player receives one point.
The player with the most points wins.

Competition No. 8 “Getting to the bottom of the truth”

An object, for example a carrot, needs to be wrapped in several layers of foil.
Each layer is accompanied by a riddle or task.

If the guest guesses the correct answer or completes the task, he expands the first layer. If not, he passes the baton to his neighbor and receives a forfeit.

The one who removes the last layer wins a prize.

Competition No. 9 “Gossip Girl”

This funny competition is more suitable for a small company, because headphones will be needed for all participants. Or several volunteers may participate and others will observe the process.
Players put on headphones and listen to music loudly so that no extraneous sounds can be heard.
Only the one who says the first phrase remains without headphones. This must be some kind of secret about the birthday girl (birthday boy).
He says it loudly, but in such a way that it is impossible to hear all the words clearly.

The second player passes on the phrase he supposedly heard to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on.
Guests who have already shared “gossip about the birthday girl” can take off their headphones and observe what other participants end up sharing.
The last player voices the phrase he heard, and the first player says the original.

Competition No. 10 “Second Half”

Guests will have to use all their acting skills.
Each player chooses a piece of paper on which is written the role that he will play.
The roles are paired: the goal is to find your partner as quickly as possible.

For example, Romeo and Juliet: Juliet can sing the text: “I’m standing on the balcony and waiting for my love” and so on.

Competition No. 11 “Common Efforts”

The presenter suggests writing a fairy tale about the birthday girl (birthday boy).

Everyone comes up with their own plot, but each player will write only one sentence on a common sheet.

The fairy tale begins with the sentence “One fine day (name) was born.”
The sheet is passed around in a circle.

The first person writes a continuation based on the first sentence.
The second person reads the first person's sentence, adds his own, and folds the piece of paper so that the third guest can only see the sentence that the person in front of him wrote.

In this way, the fairy tale is written until the piece of paper returns to the guest who first started writing it.

Together, we will get a very funny story about the hero of the occasion, which is then read out loud.

Competition No. 12 “Honest answer”

You need to prepare cards with questions and answers.
One guest takes a card from the deck with questions, and the one to whom the question is addressed - from the deck of answers.
The game continues in a circle.
The number of questions and answers should at least correspond to the number of players, and it is better to be two to three times more.

Approximate options


1. Do you often walk around your apartment naked?
2. Do you envy rich people?
3. Do you have colorful dreams?
4. Do you sing in the shower?
5. Do you often lose your temper?
6. Have you ever declared your love to a monument?
7. Do you sometimes feel like you were created for some great mission?
8. Do you like to peek?
9. Do you often try on lace lingerie?
10. Do you often read other people's letters?


1. No, only when I drink.
2. As an exception.
3. Oh yes. This sounds so much like me.
4. You might think this is a crime.
5. Only on holidays.
6. No, such nonsense is not for me.
7. Such thoughts visit me constantly.
8. This is my meaning in life.
9. Only when no one is looking.
10. Only when they pay.

Competition No. 13 “By ear”

All participants are blindfolded.
The presenter taps a pencil or fork on some object.
The one who guesses the item first will receive one point (you can use stickers and stick it on clothes).
Whoever has the most at the end of the game wins.

Competition No. 14 “Inarticulate Hamster”

All guests fill their mouths with marshmallows.
The first participant reads the phrase that is written on the sheet, but does not show it to the others.
He says it to his neighbor, but due to his full mouth, the words will be very illegible.

A phrase is a task that the one who ends up last will have to complete, for example, “You must dance the lezginka.”
The participant will have to perform the action that he heard.

Competition No. 15 “Top Secret”

Competition No. 16 “Sobriety test”

A game for a large company.
The first team is on one side of the table, the second team is on the other.
From the first player to the last you will need to pass various objects, holding them with matches.
The winner is the team that quickly transfers all the objects from one end of the table to the other in this way.

Competition No. 17 “Musical crocodile”

The first contestant takes out a piece of paper on which the name of the song and, possibly, the lyrics are written.
The task is to explain to others what song it is.
You can't explain it with words from the song itself.
For example, “When the apple trees bloom...” you cannot say “The apple trees bloomed in the garden.” You can say “In one place there is a tree, fruits appear on it” and something like that.

Competition No. 18 “Find your match”

To play the game you need to prepare cards with the names of various animals. There are two cards for each animal.
Participants pull out cards and then show each other their animal (meowing, crowing, etc.).
The game will be over only after all the pairs have been found.

Our competitions are designed for the most modest costs, both financial and organizational. If you take into account the age of the guests and their preferences, competitions can be very funny and mischievous.
This birthday celebration is sure to be remembered for a long time!
We wish you a noisy, cheerful feast!

Watch the video with a very funny competition (watching time 4.5 minutes):

During the holidays, you can also use active games of a sporting nature (for example, “Bag Run” and many others). Such games develop endurance and physical qualities in a person. At every party there are reckless people who can't wait to channel their energy somewhere. The games below are quite suitable for this. But they will require a lot of free space. The optimal condition for such games is fresh air.

"Sack Run"

The game involves teams with the same number of players. To play the game you will need two bags. Participants must climb into bags and jump a predetermined distance into them and back. The team that completes the task faster wins.


This is a Georgian national game, the name of which is translated as “field”. The players' task is to run with the ball to the opponent's side, located on the other side of the field. Two teams take part in the game. The number of players can reach up to 15 people. At the beginning of the game, the teams stand in a circle, and then the ball is thrown up and the game begins. One of the players catches the ball and begins to move towards the opponent. The opponent can take the ball by any means except downright rude ones.


Two teams take part in the game. The playing area is divided into two halves, which belong to the teams. One of the players comes to the side of his opponent and stands behind the whole team. He has to throw balls to his team, but he can't kick them himself. The team's task is to use the ball to knock as many of their opponents off the court as possible. The team that eliminates all its opponents wins.


Participants form a circle and, by drawing lots, determine who will be the defender and who will be the main one. The main one and his defender stand in the middle of the formed circle. The participants begin to throw the ball to each other and try to knock out the main one. The defender’s task is to protect the main player from getting hit by the ball. If this happens, the participant takes the place of the main one and can choose his own defense or leave the previous defender. And the game continues.


For this game, you need to choose a leader who will monitor the correct completion of tasks. Players are divided into several teams. Each team is given five envelopes in which tasks are written. For example: 1st task - sit down 50 times; 2nd task - recite a poem about birds, etc. In addition, the teams need to find the remaining five envelopes. To do this, you need to complete the tasks correctly. The team that completes all tasks before others is the winner. The winner will receive a prize in the form of a cake.

"Let's jump!"

Teams take part in the game. Each participant needs to jump on one leg to the pole and back. Whoever completes the task faster wins. To make the task more difficult, you can arrange it next to a small slide. Then the participants will need to jump uphill and downhill.

“Break through the wall!”

The game is played in winter, when there is a lot of snow outside. A wall that is small in height and thickness is erected from snow. Participants will also need a stick approximately 0.5 m long. Each participant must throw their stick so that it breaks right through the snowdrift.

"Tennis Balls and Tray"

The leader forms two teams, each consisting of three participants, and everyone is given one tennis ball. The first players (starters) are also given a tray. On command, the first players place the ball on the tray and quickly walk to the flag and back. Pass the tray to the next participant. He covers the same distance, but with two balls, therefore, the third player with three. The team that completed this task faster wins.


To play the game you will need two chairs placed at some distance from each other. A large round stick is placed on them, capable of supporting the weight of a person. On different sides of the chairs, apples are laid out on low stands in the shape of a triangle. The participant sits in the middle of the stick and holds another stick in his hands to maintain balance. The participant's task is to knock the apples off the stands. If a participant loses his balance, he can put a stick on the floor and support him. The participant who knocks down all the apples and stays on the stick wins. If a participant knocks down all the apples but fails to hold on, the result is not counted.

"Hide and Seek"

The participant who will drive is selected by drawing lots. They close his eyes, put him facing the wall (playing place), and he begins to count to 50. The remaining participants hide at this moment. After the driver has opened his eyes, the participants do not have to wait until they are found. Everyone’s task is to reach the playing place faster than the driver. Whoever fails to do this will be the driver in the next game.


This game develops dexterity and the ability to calculate a strike. Before starting the game, you need to draw a circle and insert a stick into its middle. A plastic cover is placed on the stick. Players stand at a distance of 1.5 m from the stick and try to knock down the one on the stick with another lid. But you need to knock it down so that it falls outside the drawn circle. Whoever succeeds scores 5 points. The one who scored the most points wins.


The game develops the eye and dexterity of the game participants. To play you will need sticks 0.5 m long and rings. If the game is played outdoors, then the sticks are dug into the ground, if indoors, then they are secured in the cross. Participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to put as many rings on a stick as possible. At the first stage, the distance between the thrower and the stick is 1 m, at the second stage - 2 m, at the third - 3 m. At the end of three stages, the winning team is revealed.


Two teams take part in the game. On the playing field, at a certain distance from each other, multi-colored rings are laid out. Players must stand on stilts and walk across the playing field, hitting as many colored rings as possible.

"Two Legs"

Couples participate in the game. Each participant in a pair is tied with one leg and given the task to jump to the flag and come back. Couples jump holding hands. The couple that reaches the finish line first is considered the winner.

"Pillow Fights"

Participants sit on a log and try to knock down their opponent with a pillow blow. Whoever falls is out of the fight.


To play, draw a circle with a diameter of 2 m. Two participants stand in the middle of the circle and, leaning on one leg, take the other by the heel with their hand. In this position, they try to push their opponent out of the circle. Using your hands is prohibited.

"Vice versa"

Participants stand in a line and repeat all the movements of the driver who is standing in front of them, exactly the opposite. The participant who makes a mistake changes places with the driver.


In the game, one circle with a diameter of approximately 1.5 m is drawn on the floor, and inside it is a smaller circle. Participants stand around a large circle, hold hands and try to push their neighbor into the restricted area. The forbidden zone is the space between the large and small circles. Participants can step into the small circle. Anyone who does step into the restricted area is eliminated from the game.

“Pass and not touch”

Players are divided into several teams. There are flags in front of each team; participants must pass them with their eyes closed and not knock them down. When the first participants from each team begin to walk, the teams must tell them which direction to go. When teams simultaneously begin to give hints to their players, none of them can understand where to move.

"Fold the Sun"

The game is team-based. First, a circle is drawn at a certain distance from each team. Each team player receives a baton. And then, one by one, on two legs, you need to jump to the drawn circle and place your stick so that the team ends up making the sun. The winner of the game is the team that completed the task before the rest.


The game is played in teams. Team members hold hands with their eyes closed. The presenter asks the teams to depict various figures, for example a circle, square, etc. The team that depicts the figure incorrectly is eliminated from the game.


Guys take part in the game. They are tied with a rope, but at a distance, and a prize is placed in front of each. Each young man must reach for the prize and thereby win over his opponent to his side. The participant who takes the prize first wins.

You can also arrange a tug of war. Participants are divided into teams and stand on both sides of the rope. On command, they take the rope in their hands and try to pull their opponents over the line drawn in advance. The strongest team wins.

You can pull without a rope. To do this, all team members line up and take each other by the waist. The first participants of such a “locomotive” from different teams join hands. On command, participants pull opponents to their side.

"Game of Rings"

The game is played outdoors. At a distance from the participants, a stick is placed between the trees, and rings are attached to it. The participants put on stilts, reach the trees and try to collect the rings, while their opponents try to stop them. The one who collects the most rings becomes the winner.

Organizing a fun holiday for adults is not an easy task that requires skill and dexterity. But the most important thing is that you need to prepare for such a holiday. For example, you want to celebrate a birthday among your girlfriends and friends who were born in spring or autumn. What does this require? It is important to choose not only good props, but also competitions for the holiday that will amuse everyone and not offend anyone. This is not easy to do, so we set out to find the most interesting competitions for adults that can be used at any holiday without restrictions.

These could be:

  • birthdays and anniversaries;
  • noisy parties with competitions and sweepstakes;
  • professional holidays, corporate events;
  • meetings of old friends and classmates;
  • just entertaining shows for friends and acquaintances.

The answer to the question of what a holiday is is quite simple. For some it's just a get-together, for others it's a party, for others it's a memorable day. But definitely a holiday is a day when people who understand each other well, friends and acquaintances, come together.

We will try to help you make your holiday unforgettable, brighten up your gray everyday life, make your life brighter, charge it with energy and positivity.
To do this, we decided to collect the most interesting competitions, with the help of which you can hold a family or corporate event, make the holiday national or intimate. Whether it's a child's birthday or an adult's, there should be competitions aimed at adults who also want to have fun.

The main rule and law of any event for adults is to create an atmosphere of fun and pastime with passion and enthusiasm.

What do those who want to independently organize a party for adults need to know? First of all, carefully study your audience. There may be older people, young people and teenagers who often consider themselves adults. It is better to select competitions according to age category. Always remember that games aimed at differences between men and women are best played without the presence of teenagers and children. What makes parents happy, children cannot always perceive adequately.

Be sure to write a script. It will certainly reflect all the points that need to be paid attention to. It's okay if you make notes on the script. It is better to cross out competitions that turn out to be inappropriate, and add new ones.

Don't forget about the details that are necessary for the games. You will feel awkward if during the competition you start running around the house looking for a scarf or stool. The ideal option is to put everything in one place, so that later all the props, gifts for winners, certificates for the best players will be at your fingertips.

Cooking secrets

Naturally, as in any business, when organizing a holiday for adults there are always some nuances that need to be paid attention to. First of all, before you promise anything, evaluate your strengths: can you hold the event at a high level? If not, it’s better to trust specialists who can easily be found on the Internet: there are many holiday agencies that offer this type of service.

If you work from a laptop and tablet, make bookmarks for all the sites where you can find interesting competitions, such as ours. We have collected all the most original and interesting competitions for adults that can be held at an office corporate event or at home during family holidays.

Fun competitions for adults for the holiday

Bite me

An unlimited number of people are required to participate in this competition.

You can line up or stay seated at the table, the participants themselves decide. Those who participate in the game name what they like about their neighbor and what they don’t like about the appearance of the neighbor on the right. The presenter controls that the participant kisses what he likes from his neighbor and bites what he doesn’t like.


You need to spread lemon slices over the girl’s body. The guy needs to eat the whole lemon, finding all its slices with his lips. The eyes are blindfolded. One slice must be in the girl’s lips. It’s very simple, the pair that eats the lemon the fastest still wins.

Save the coin

To successfully conduct the competition, it is necessary to prepare all the props in advance. You will need a cigarette, a drink in a glass, a napkin. A napkin is placed on the glass with the drink, which should be stretched. With a burning cigarette, each guest touches the napkin, the glass is passed or the guests change, the one on whom the coin lying on the napkin falls into the glass must drink its contents.


One guest must crawl under the table and remove a shoe or sandals from one of those sitting at the table, then do the same with the other guest. Having taken possession of two shoes, you need to change them and put them on. Everyone at the table should not give the slightest indication that something is happening to them. The one who betrays by his behavior that something is happening to him loses and leaves the table. Such actions continue until there are no winners left.

Lucky bill

For this competition, pairs are required, which consist of boys and girls. A bill is tied to a guy on a short rope. The girl has a large wallet tied to her belt. The guy must use his lips, without hands, to place a bill in the wallet. The couple with the bill in their wallet before everyone else is considered the winner.

Teddy bunny

Everyone sits in a circle, one person carries a plush hare around the circle (can be replaced). Everyone who is in the circle kisses the toy, after that he must kiss his neighbor in the same place.

Other people's thoughts

One of the guests is covered with a blanket, a sheet of paper is placed on the blanket, and the name is written on it. A person who is covered with a blanket guesses the word, but if he is wrong, then he has to take the thing off himself.

Glass of vodka on the table

There are glasses of vodka on the table; there should be less people wanting to drink one. Everyone walks around dancing to the music, after the music stops you need to drink the glass that you got. The one who is left without a drink is eliminated.

Who wants to wash dishes?

You need to divide the room into two halves using a sheet. Two teams stand in different parts of the room. The teams consist of boys and girls, that is, they are diverse. Each team uses their clothes to form a rope; those with the longest rope win. The losing team washes the dishes.

Dear Kiss

An equal number of boys and girls take part in this game. Everyone participating needs to split into pairs. Guys and girls kiss each other, and one thing must be removed as collateral. Those who refuse to undress must drop out, those remaining win.

You can determine one winner, that is, choose the winner of the main prize from the remaining pair. If one of the pair cannot remove the next item of clothing, then he is considered a loser.


At the suggestion of the presenter, two people are called to the middle of the hall. The presenter gives the text of the tongue twister and the duelists begin a verbal battle. The one who pronounces the tongue twister faster and better is declared the winner, and the one who misspoke is eliminated. This is how everyone fights until the absolute winner is determined.

Expensive eggs

The game is suitable only for a noisy, friendly and cheerful company.

This game is for men only. For men, two eggs in a bag are attached to their belt, so that it hangs between their legs. Divide players into pairs, preferably by height. With their knees slightly tucked, the men stand opposite each other and begin to fight with eggs. The one with the strongest eggs wins. The absolute winner is the one who wins the final. The game is very fun and funny. It is recommended to conduct it only in a cheerful company that understands humor.

Who's faster

It is necessary to prepare props for the next competition. To do this you need two foot pumps and inflatable balls. The guys attach pumps to already inflated balloons and, sitting on them, begin to pump them, pressing the pump pedal with their feet, trying to pump it and burst it. The one who pops the ball faster wins.

Charging for the tail

The competition will be held in pairs. A piece of toilet paper is placed on the lap of the guy sitting on the chair. The girl, sitting on the guy's lap, must tear the paper. The game is played to cheerful music; as a rule, it helps to lift the mood and improves the atmosphere of any holiday where young people gather.

Favorite drink

The game is designed for people who love alcoholic drinks. Everyone is divided into pairs, and one of the participants is blindfolded. The second person from the team prepares a cocktail from all the drinks that seem available. The cocktail may include juices, water, and various alcoholic beverages. The cocktail should be very tasty, but bearable enough to be drunk. The “subject” must guess all the ingredients of the mixture. The pair that has more components guessed is considered the winner.

Who's faster

The competition is intended for the most daring and relaxed girls and boys. The game is played in pairs. The guy clamps a plastic bottle between his knees, and the girls try to open them without using their hands, that is, with their lips and teeth. The first cap to be unscrewed is a sign of victory.

Find me

Couples who are in certain relationships are invited. The brides and grooms are blindfolded and the lights are turned off, to music in complete darkness and they need to find each other and recognize each other.


Guys and girls who are in pairs are invited to participate in this competition. Couples are blindfolded and must draw a portrait of their significant other with a marker on a piece of Whatman paper. As a rule, the portraits turn out stunning and lift the spirits of not only the participants, but also the guests.

Fairy tale character or visiting a fairy tale

Young people are selected, they are given cards with the names of fairy-tale characters, and they must find their match to the music. For example: Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat, Thumbelina and the Flower Prince, etc. After the pair is formed, the participants immediately begin to dance. The winner can be determined based on various criteria. It could be the speed of finding each other, or the sexiest dance, or the most fun. The winners are determined by the audience by applause.


During the dance, the leader gives commands; according to these commands, the dancers are divided into pairs. That is, everything is very simple, left hand to left hand, right eye to right eye. The pair that completed the commands the fastest is considered the winner.

New Year

On sheets of whatman paper, men are asked to draw Segurochka, but to do this they need to use tips. Cards with drawn parts of the Snow Maiden’s body serve as clues. The cards are mixed and the artist takes them out of the bag. The point of the competition is that it is very difficult to draw a picture from parts. The results turn out to be very funny and unpredictable. The Snow Maiden, who is the most attractive, wins. Beauty is defined by the audience through applause.

Adventures of New Year's guests

The pieces of paper describe certain situations that can happen to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The participant must depict the situation.

The main task is to think through interesting situations. For example: Santa Claus finds out that his mother-in-law is Baba Yaga.

Long thread - lazy seamstress

You need to form two teams, all team members must sew each other. The function of thread and needle is performed by a spoon and rope. Using them you need to sew participants through buttonholes, belts, etc. Those who complete the task faster are considered winners.

Crumpled newspaper

A very simple competition, to win it you need to crumple up a sheet of newspaper as quickly as possible and hold it in your fist.

Melt the ice

This entertainment is suitable for a hot summer day. Wet T-shirts freeze; the challenge for the contestants is to thaw them quickly and put them on. This competition looks great at a foam show.

The best accountant

During the festive evening, the banker, who is chosen among the guests, goes around everyone and collects tribute in a piggy bank. At the end of the evening, a competition is announced for the “best accountant.” The winner is the one who names the amount that is closest to the amount of money in the piggy bank. For a more objective assessment, it is recommended to write down the amounts that guests call.

The best owner

Competition for the ideal owner. To win, you need to be the first to walk a certain distance, sweeping the floor and holding a book or magazine on your head.

Grandfather planted a turnip

Turnips are girls, beds are boys. The guys sit cross-legged, with their hands behind their backs, the girls sit on the beds, that is, they sit down between the guys’ legs. The grandfather's task is to distract the beds and pick turnips. The beds are trying to hold the turnip. The game is very fun and funny, it lifts the spirits of all guests and creates a warm atmosphere.


It requires 12 people. Two milkmaids and ten calves. Each milkmaid has five calves. The milkmaid's task is to use a plastic bottle wearing a rubber glove with holes to give her calves something to drink. The team that empties the bottle the fastest wins. It can be filled with any suitable drink.


Married couples. Those who have a lot of experience compete with young couples. To the distillation, the wives bring a glass of vodka covered with a cucumber, the husband drinks it and runs in his arms to return his wife to her place.


A bottle with a handle or stick is tied to the belt; the most accurate one must be the first to hit the bottle.

General toast

The glasses are filled and the presenter begins the toast with the letter A, everyone continues the toast in accordance with the letter that he received. If there are many guests, the alphabet starts from the beginning.

Baba Yaga

Two teams are formed, you need to play in pairs. One participant picks up a mop and holds on to the handle of the bucket; the foot of the second member of the pair is in the bucket. The game is played on the principle of a relay race.


Situations are proposed in which team members need to come up with a way out and depict it using pantomimes.

For example: a monkey escaped from the zoo, they are trying to put it in a cage, a plane crashes, you are in it, reaction, etc.

Pass it on to someone else

The players' task is to pass the bottle around the circle faster without using their hands.

The most delicious banana

One of the team members holds a peeled banana, everyone runs up and takes a bite from it. Victory goes to the team that eats five bananas the fastest.

Fifth point

The game determines the most sensitive woman of the banquet. You need to put an object on a chair, the woman, sitting on it, must guess what object is on the chair.

Fun Zoo

Even the most respectable company will have fun after this game. Each participant in the game depicts their favorite animal using sounds and movements. Everyone is trying to remember the animal represented by its neighbors. When the presenter calls the name of one of the players, he depicts his neighbor’s animal and his own, etc. Those who start making mistakes are knocked out.

Sweet candy

A couple, a man and a woman, are chosen from among the guests. The lady sits down on a chair, she holds a candy in her lips. The man's job is to take her away from the lady. The highlight of the game is that when a man is blindfolded, the woman is replaced by another man. This joke is very funny, especially if the guests tell the contestant how and where to look for the candy.

Pass it on to someone else

The players become a chain, the leader names a certain situation, which the neighbors convey to each other with the help of pantomime. The game is very lively if the planned situations are thoughtful and funny.