What is the name of the rope that belays the gymnast? Drama under the circus big top: gymnasts working without insurance fell from a great height

Aerial gymnastics, one of the types of circus gymnastics, is designed to demonstrate the skills of artists working on special equipment and apparatus. Many elements of gymnastics have been known since antiquity in various countries of the East, but the main basis of the modern technique of aerialists was formed and consolidated by circus performers at the beginning of the twentieth century.

The aerial gymnastics arsenal includes working with trapezoids, rings, canvases and other structures suspended at a certain height. Structures can be either static or moving.

Tricks in aerial gymnastics are performed either solo by one artist or by a group of artists using various apparatus suspended above the circus arena. It is worth mentioning the main tools of aerial gymnasts - bamboo, frame, trapezoids, rings, loops, etc.

The genre of aerial gymnastics also includes performances with stunt flights of artists from trapeze to trapeze or from trapeze to the hands of a catcher. Aerial flights among aerialists are considered a difficult and risky part of aerial gymnastics, accessible only to true masters of their craft.

Vaulters must be able to evenly distribute muscular energy, have an ideal eye, have a keen sense of rhythm, have professional courage, courage and impeccable plasticity.

The genre of aerial gymnastics is based on the demonstration of outstanding skills in controlling one's body, significantly exceeding the capabilities of an ordinary person.

The work of aerialists is similar to the work of stuntmen, because aerialists risk not only their health, but also their lives, performing the most daring stunts. Without risky stunts, the limits of a person’s capabilities, strength of spirit and plasticity of the body cannot be shown.

In a circus show, the aerial gymnastics genre is recognized as the most intense and spectacular. Spectators tickle their nerves and see everything with their own eyes here and now. It is not uncommon for elite trapeze artists to work without a safety net, supported only by the alarming beat of the snare drum in the orchestra. Fragile girls often show not only beauty and plasticity, but also perform complex power elements in the air that require significant muscular effort.

The spectacular performances of aerialists are preceded by titanic work with the material, which the average person does not see and about which the audience is only very vaguely aware. The daily training of gymnasts is associated with injuries, bruises and calluses, and only fanatics remain in the world of aerial gymnastics. The artists solve the rigors of everyday work, training, classes, sewing costumes, creating special aerial props and renting a venue at their own expense, which is very difficult to do in times of economic crises. However, obstacles do not stop real artists and the best gymnasts break through to their fans in any way, presenting their class work, despite hundreds of large and thousands of small, everyday problems and inconveniences.

Today, the capabilities of aerial gymnastics are a rare trump card that organizers of entertainment and entertainment events can and do use. Amateur pole dancing and karaoke singing have come as no surprise to anyone in recent years. A serious guest of a hotel, restaurant, or exhibition will remember only the brightest performances of the artists; everything else, “budget art” will only make a sophisticated audience seriously versed in art, sports and show business laugh.

A serious emergency at the circus. During a rehearsal of a complex routine, aerialists Yulia and Alexander Volkov fell from a six-meter height. They always performed this act for the public without insurance, and, as it now turned out, they also rehearsed without it.

At their performance, the audience froze. The Volkovs hovered under the dome, seemingly on two thin threads. And they invariably received standing ovations. This time they broke it themselves.

Gulnara Gibadullina, arena inspector at the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard: “During the rehearsal for the performance of a very complex element, this element was not performed accurately enough.”

The circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard cannot say exactly how everything happened. And most importantly - why. Why did experienced artists escape from under the dome? They refer to a tragic accident. Yulia and Alexander Volkov have been performing their act for about 10 years. That is, they know him thoroughly. And, it would seem, it should be worked out to the smallest detail.

Last night the Volkovs held a regular rehearsal, but at some point Yulia could not hold on to her husband. They fell from a height of about 6 meters. On top of each other.

Gulnara Gibadullina, arena inspector at the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard: “She was secured to these canvases with two legs, fixed with loops. Plus one safety loop on top. That is, in principle, elements of some kind of insurance were present, but... The partner did not hold her partner in her "She couldn't hold him, which caused him to fall."

This act is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous in its genre. "Gymnasts on canvases." For five and a half minutes, the artists perform stunts without touching the arena, suspended. They hold the fabric with their hands or wrap it around themselves. No insurance.

Elena Olshanskaya, press secretary of the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard: “This genre of “Gymnasts on Canvases” does not require insurance. Gymnasts hold on to the belts themselves. In the specifics of this act, insurance is not provided. This is not available anywhere.”

Their numbers are like twins. In these shots, Natalia performs with her husband Sergei. They are also circus gymnasts, also Volkovs, and they are family friends with the Volkovs from the Tsvetnoy circus. In case of failure, they themselves are responsible for the consequences. Natalia gave such receipts dozens of times. That's how it is.

Natalia Volkova, aerialist: “In our work, of course, there is a trick that, frankly speaking, must be performed with insurance. But this is a matter of risk. Indeed, it is very difficult and this is the only trick in which there is no fallback option.”

Yulia and Alexander Volkov came to the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in 2007. She is a representative of a dynasty of acrobats, he is a former artistic gymnast. Both are titled artists. TV viewers know them from Channel One’s “Circus with the Stars” project. They received prizes at prestigious circus festivals. And now we were just preparing for one of them. Perhaps they were rehearsing something amazing.

Natalia Volkova, aerialist: “It’s like a competition. Even something more. That is, you go to a festival - you definitely have to surprise with something, show something that no one does at all, no one has seen. And even I couldn't imagine."

But why without insurance, circus veterans are perplexed. After all, even great artists always used it at rehearsals.

Valery Glozman, academician of the National Academy of Circus Arts: “The rehearsal process is a rough job. I’m surprised why no specific safety measures were adopted.”

Last night both artists were taken to the emergency intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Institute. Alexander's legs are broken. Yulia has a broken leg, head injuries and a concussion.

Anzor Khubutia, director of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky: “She was operated on. Nothing threatens her life.”

The artists will need from a month to three months to recover. But now doctors say that there is hope - Yulia and Alexander Volkov will be able to return to the circus. Soar under the dome again.

A horse trampled a girl in Abrau-Durso

During the horse show “Kuban Cossacks” in the village of Abrau-Durso near Novorossiysk, 24-year-old Anastasia Maksimova, a native of the Chuvash Republic, died. She was performing one of the horse riding tricks - she had to hang over one side, pick up an object on the ground and return to the saddle. She never returned to the saddle. There was a version that the girl’s leg was fixed too tightly during the performance of the trick, so that she became entangled and was unable to either rise or free herself.

The horse dragged the girl several circles: Anastasia received life-threatening injuries from the horse’s hooves and when she hit her head on the ground. She died in the ambulance.

Tragedy at Cirque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil performers undergo extensive training, but their work still involves enormous risks. In 2013, during a performance of KÀ, 31-year-old aerialist Sarah Guillard-Guillot fell from a vertical platform that acted as a battlefield between good and evil and fell 15 meters from a height of 15 meters. A mother of two children and an artist with almost 20 years of experience died on the way to the hospital. Witnesses say that the music stopped, the gymnast's cable broke. According to a later investigation, the acrobat was not in the timing of the performance, her mistake led to death.


Sarah, like the rest of the performance participants, was on a safety rope.

“She screamed and began to fall. Everything was like in a movie, she was trying to cling to something,” says her colleague Arien Ramani.

North Korean gymnast dies while performing a stunt

Korean Oh Yun Hyuk, a gymnast from North Korea, died in the Vernadsky Circus during the Idol circus festival. He performed six somersaults, setting a world record minutes before his death, but felt his landing was not clean enough the first time and decided to try again.

The second time he suffered a serious injury to the cervical spine. It was not possible to save the gymnast; he died.

Tiger kills trainer in Mexico

In 2012, in a circus in Mexico, a tiger attacked and killed a trainer. At first, the predator tore off the trainer's pants, which caused laughter in the audience, but soon the giggling died down because the animal attacked the artist. The man died from painful shock.

Killer whale attacks trainer

On February 24, 2010, 40-year-old animal trainer Dawn Brancheau was entertaining visitors at Sea World. Suddenly, the killer whale Telekom grabbed the woman by the braid and pulled her under the water. An autopsy revealed that the attack was so violent that Brancheau suffered a broken jaw, a fractured vertebra, broken ribs and a piece of hair from his head. This is not the first time that the killer whale Telekom has caused the death of a trainer: several years ago she already killed her trainer in Canada, and before that, in 1999, a homeless man who fell into the pool.

An aerialist fell from a height

An accident occurred in the Kirov circus in January 2016: an aerialist performed a trick on the canvases incorrectly and fell from under the circus dome. Fortunately, the girl remained alive and announced her intention to continue participating in performances.

At the service entrance to the Nikulinsky Circus on Tsvetnoy I stumble. “Careful, don’t fall,” he immediately grabs my arm Stanislav Bogdanov, director of the “Air Flight “Heroes”” issue. Stas knows everything about flying. And about the falls. About a year ago, while performing a trick at a matinee performance, a gymnast fell from under the dome.

Fall and rise

“Frailed” is not quite the right word. Or rather, completely wrong. Darina Kuzmina performed the act “Drop” - this is when an artist without a safety net flies vertically from under the circus dome upside down. For reasons that have not yet been established, the net on which the circus performers fall from above has broken. The girl managed to get up, complete the routine, bow and even smile. At the Research Institute named after. Sklifosovsky was taken away like that - with a smile. Since then, she has been performing “The Drop” at rehearsals, even if it is not included in the performance, which she describes as follows: “It is important that fear does not appear. Physically, this number is not difficult, but mentally it can be difficult to overcome yourself. Not all acrobats agree to such a trick. Adrenaline puts pressure on the psyche. At the last moment you need to have time to “curl up” - to come into the net not with your head, God forbid, but with your shoulders. I'm trying. All the guys in our room are giving it their all, and so will I.”

“You can’t model or predict a fall. The main thing is to remember that you need to land on your back, and this is often incredibly difficult. After all, while you are flying down, you are twisted and tossed from side to side. It’s impossible to overcome the fear of heights; I’ve been flying for almost 20 years, but I still feel uneasy. Previously, when I was younger, there was fearlessness, a teenage “recklessness.” Now I try to do everything consciously,” Stanislav throws up his hands. They are “from the inside out”, all covered in black calluses from the trapezoids. Despite the fact that the calluses are many years old, they still bleed. “What makes me go up to the dome every day? I love the circus. I’m proud of what the guys and I are doing.”

Fly even higher

Stas first learned that he was born to fly at the age of 8 in France. The boy, quite likely, suspected this before - watching the flights of his father, an aerial acrobat Nikolai Bogdanov. But he was convinced only when he was allowed to swing under the dome on the trapeze. At the age of 12, he was already performing with his dad in Europe. At 15 I decided to go to Russia. Dad and mom let me go - and Stas “from the doorstep” ended up in the room of the famous Vladimir Garamov. It would seem, what else does a 15-year-old boy need: success, foreign tours, delight in the eyes of the audience? But Stas wanted to fly higher. I could barely wait for my 18th birthday: the props were already ready and like-minded people had already been recruited for their own performance. And Darina Kuzmina, and the most important member of the team - the catcher Nikolay Sokolov(he still catches “heroes”!). It didn’t work out right away - in Moscow they said: “Too young. You're in too much of a hurry." Stas and the team agreed in Kazan about the possibility of rehearsals and production of part of the scenery at the helicopter factory (!). They rented a room there, performed the most complex stunts - and after that the circus on Tsvetnoy believed them. Dali director Elena Poldi, They accepted the number and sent us on tour. Since then they have been flying over the whole world. “We are trying to be the best in order to again raise the prestige of the Russian circus to its deserved height. We complicate the program - we have rare triple somersaults with pirouettes. Now the North Koreans have taken the lead - they are doing a very technically complex program. But the Russian circus has one more “ace up its sleeve”: entertainment and beauty.”

Darina Kuzmina lists what helped her get back on her feet after a fatal fall: “Guardian angel. The desire not to let the guys from the room down. And also the fact that I needed to get in shape - there was a trip to Paris for a competition.” “Heroes” went to Paris. They arrived inspired, with medals. “Now we are finishing preparing special props for street performances, with which we can show our performances in the central squares of cities. We want to travel all over Russia! - Stas smiles dreamily. - We are also finishing work on the number “From a Gun to the Moon”, no one has done it in our country for a hundred years! The acrobat will fly out of an 8-meter cannon under the circus dome!” One of the greats said: “Be sure to aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you will certainly reach the stars.”

Alas, falls from heights often happen in the circus... And they do not always end as happily as for our heroes. This is a huge risk! Photo: Frame youtube.com

Stas doesn’t dream of flying, he dreams of... being late: “As if I didn’t have enough time to get upstairs before the performance started, or as if I didn’t have time to put on my circus costume.” Ordinary dreams of an unusual person who is late in his sleep, but in reality managed to see half the world from a bird's eye view.