How to call on higher powers to punish the offender. We are looking for strength to resist our enemy

Victoria Bonna

Specialization: Parapsychology, extrasensory perception
Education: Professional

Articles written

Unfortunately, there are few people in life who have not been subjected to various attacks from their ill-wishers. We often encounter meanness and atrocities, we really want to restore justice, but we don’t know how. Don't worry, because there is a way out of all this. It will be possible to punish the offender without harming yourself from a distance. There are different ways to carry out retribution, one of them is through magic.

But first it is very important to fully understand possible consequences of this magical ritual - a conspiracy against the offender. The fact is that a magical conspiracy for your enemy at a distance is one of the negative energies that is directed at any offender you choose.

This creates an incredibly great danger that it is after a certain period of time that the entire main negative flow of energy can return to its owner again. Thus, you direct all the bad things not only at them, but also expose yourself to the possibility of returning everything to yourself. Therefore, you should think carefully so that nothing bad happens to you in the future.

Expert opinion


As we have already said, when plotting towards an offender, you need to know that a lot of bad things can happen. This can only happen if the enemy can actually repent of his own sins, and a little later goes to church and asks for help from the Lord. Why you have to be more careful. And before you do anything else, you will need to think further, before you really take on this negative task.

What are the dangers of revenge plots?

Conspiracies against the offender are powerful rituals, but they do not have a negative impact on the sorcerer if his actions are justified. The magic of retribution loves justice, and if the victim really caused you and your loved ones great harm, then you can use rituals to punish the offender.

If you are simply trying to inflict damage on a person who has done nothing to you, then the ritual will either not work, or witchcraft can turn against you. Therefore, before resorting to witchcraft, analyze the situation and make sure that the suspect is really guilty.

If you guess that a specific figure is causing the damage, but there is no direct evidence of his guilt, then perform a ritual that will point to the real culprit of the trouble.

When you decide to punish the offender, conspiracies will help you. But first make sure that this person is to blame for all the troubles. Otherwise, you can cause damage to both an innocent person and yourself.

How to identify an offender who wishes you harm

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


Before punishing a person, you should make sure that he is really guilty. If it is not possible to personally talk to a person and get information from him, then you can perform a fairly simple ritual that can open your eyes to the true offender. After the ceremony, you will know exactly who is trying to harm.

The main condition of the ritual is that it must be carried out before church holidays. There are no further restrictions. On the night before any church holiday, before going to bed, you need to read the prayer:

I, servant of God (name), will go in rows and look with my own eyes. Among those ranks is Saint Samson. In the name of the Lord God, I will pronounce the holy word. Let Saint Samson show me a prophetic dream, let him point out my sworn enemy, let him show me his face. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Most Holy Trinity will show me the way, Jesus Christ will bless my dream and reveal my enemy. So be it. Amen.

In a dream, you will see a sign indicating the real culprit of the current situation. In some cases, a person hears the name of the offender or even sees his image. Once it is known who the ill-wisher is, you can plot against the enemy.

Revenge with black magic

As a rule, people have an ambivalent attitude towards magic - some see in it their salvation and panacea, while for others, any mention of witches, black and white magicians only evokes a skeptical smile. If you belong to the first category, then all kinds of rituals can bring you a feeling of satisfaction.

Destroy with a curse

If you have not previously practiced magic, then you are unlikely to have the strength to destroy someone’s life with a curse. Meanwhile, there are many advertisements on the Internet from various clairvoyants and witches who, for a fee, promise to inflict an irreparable moral or physical blow on your enemy.

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


When deciding on this type of service, remember that stories of people who decide to take revenge on the offender in this way often appear online. The enemy was truly defeated, found himself at the very bottom of his life, experienced terrible misfortunes and the like. It is not known whether the witches were responsible for this, or whether karma overtook the person, but the fact remains that the “Avengers” felt very bad after this, believing that they had committed a huge sin on their souls.

Conspiracy for the enemy to fail

If you want to harm a person with the help of conspiracies, so as not to repent later, you should not choose too terrible rituals that promise a fatal outcome for the offender.

It’s better to pay attention to conspiracies that promise to cause problems with money or in love for some time - for example, until the person regrets that he acted dishonestly with you.

Be that as it may, do not forget that many believe that any magic can then harm the one who decides to use it.

Punishing the enemy from a distance and without damaging yourself

Also, influencing the enemy from a conspiracy with the help of prayers can become a real punishment. But in this case you need to do the opposite. That is, instead of wishing for bad things, light candles for his happiness and health.

Thanks to this, you can guarantee that you forgive him for everything he once did.

Lighting a candle can bring illness to the offender, but wishing him well-being can bring him material losses.

By doing this you are actually punishing the offender through prayer:

  1. There will be no negative aspects from prayer, because you have never wished anything bad.
  2. Regarding all kinds of rituals of white magic, all these conspiracies are directed only to cause harm to the enemy. The consequences of such rituals can have an impact on the one who uses it. In a conspiracy, some attributes are usually used, such as candles, a photo of the offender, blessed water, and so on.
  3. Dark magic conspiracy is one of the most frightening types, since here you have to call upon spirits for help. As a result, the conspirator can cripple the life not only of his offender, but also cause harm to his own soul.

How to confront your enemy

To resist all sorts of machinations of the next offender, You will need to place a small flat stone on the table, take a large nail in your left hand, and a hammer in the second.

Place the nail, point down, on the central part of the stone, and hit the nail with a hammer. Do all this three times and then say the magic spell:

“Any pebble can be opposed by iron, a sharp one can be directed against a dull one, a standing one can be directed against the most lying one, strength will be in the iron, weakness in a small pebble, one can always command, and the other can obey. Let everything be in my own power.”

If a person has too many different offenders, then use exactly as many stones as there are enemies.

How to restrain evil thoughts against yourself

If they constantly spread gossip about a person, then harbor various evil intentions or have already committed them, then You will need to write down the name on a clean piece of paper, and it is also important to write down the enemy’s date of birth.

Then pour some water into a small bowl. Roll the paper into a thin tube, tie it with a black thread and throw it into the water. Then put it in the refrigerator and say:

“With the wings of an angel and the eyes of a demon, I conjure you to be silent and never find your place in this world again!”

Punish the offender on your own without using magic

Thoughts of revenge usually appear in a person after someone seriously offends him. At first, he thinks that thinking about such a response is low, and he should just forget the offender as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this solution cannot always be implemented.

Days pass, and perhaps years, after which the realization comes that you are unable to either forget or forgive the offense, and you see the only peace in revenge. Before taking such a step, think carefully about whether it is worth doing.

Perhaps we need to wait a little longer and the ghosts of the past will disappear on their own. If you are a conscientious and kind person, then later you will be tormented by thoughts of the evil that you have caused. However, if the resentment was really strong, and dreams of revenge became an obsession, then it makes sense to try to realize it.

But it is not necessary to resort to conspiracies and rituals of magic to carry out retribution; there are ways to do without them.

Punish a person by knowing his phone number

Knowing a person's phone number and knowing that it will be very difficult for them to change it, you can use this to your advantage. Over the years, people have accumulated a huge number of contacts, and it is not easy for them to notify everyone about a change of number - especially if we are talking about business and sociable people.

In this case, the easiest way to piss off your enemy is by making an announcement on his behalf.

For example, if we are talking about a boyfriend or ex-husband who left you for another, then you can add variety to their relationship by advertising that this man is supposedly looking for a girl “for secret meetings.”

If revenge is intended for a former boss, then you can place his data in the section of a dating site for people with gay orientation.

Intending to take revenge on your traitorous former friend, you can leave her phone number in the section for women providing intimate services.

Damage your enemy's laptop or phone

Telephone. Place the device in the microwave for a few seconds. The main thing is not to overdo it! 5-7 seconds is enough - otherwise some parts may melt, and it will not be possible to unnoticed to spoil the item. It is very important to remove the battery from the device before performing such an operation!

An equally effective method is the freezer! The principle is the same, because perhaps everyone knows how phones suffer from sudden temperature changes. So, take out the battery (so that it doesn't swell and expose itself to outside interference), and put the phone in the freezer for two to three hours. Of course, after this it may turn on, but it will not work for long - especially if you repeat the “operation”.

Laptop. In this case, it is more difficult if you are not technically savvy. The most common way is to fill the keyboard with some liquid (it is better to choose sweet carbonated drinks).

How to ruin your enemy's clothes

Of course, in order to ruin clothes without being noticed, you need to have access to them. For example:

  1. You can use a nail to make several holes in the offender's coat. If you do this with scissors, then he will definitely be sure that someone did it on purpose, but holes of unknown origin (for example, along the hem) will cause him bewilderment.
  2. Perhaps you only have scissors with you - in this case, do not make an incision, but rather rip the fabric a little - as if the person himself caught on something and did not notice it.
  3. Many people also know that almost any dress or shirt can be ruined by wine. You can easily splash a glass of drink on your enemy’s clothes, but, of course, you should do this in such a way that he doesn’t think about you - that is, if you live in the same house, this option is excluded.

Funny revenge - a lot of salt, pepper or laxative in food

Of course, a laxative will do much more damage to the enemy than salt and pepper. However, the second option can be used if you have not stocked up on a more serious arsenal and just want to at least ruin the dish for the person you hate. This may be a moment of disappointment for your offender, because most often it is possible to replace the spoiled food.

But if you are on a hike, and the amount of food is limited - although in this case, other travelers will most likely share with the upset eater. In general, this method is suitable only when you want to slightly spoil someone’s mood.

Another thing is a laxative. If you know that a person has to go to an important meeting or make some kind of statement, then such a “trick” can significantly ruin his day, career or personal life. All you have to do is quietly add the substance to your ill-wisher’s dish and wait for news about his embarrassment. However, this option can also be an almost harmless prank if you know for sure that the person does not need to go anywhere on this day, and will fight his body at home.

Make your ex-other half feel bad

In such cases, they say that the best way to hurt the ex-boyfriend or girlfriend who contributed to the breakup of your relationship is to live a happy life. Surely, your ex-other half is convinced that after breaking up with her, your life will lose its former colors, and you yourself will be at a loss.

However, if you never call or write to your ex and demonstrate in every possible way that everything is great with you (on social networks, in conversations with mutual friends), then, for sure, this can hurt him (her).

Although, of course, there are other methods that can cause damage to a person not over time, but instantly. For example, you can damage his car - scratch it with a nail, pour paint on it. It is important to make sure that there are no surveillance cameras in the area so that you remain above suspicion.

Do a dirty trick on a traitor friend who humiliated you

In this case, some incriminating evidence on your ill-wisher, which you have probably managed to collect over the years of friendship, can help you. It’s up to you how to use this information – convey it to colleagues, superiors, relatives or the other half of the offender.

Harm a colleague for meanness

You can ruin his reputation. This method should only be used if the person really treated you very disgustingly, because this could destroy his family or personal life. So:

  1. Go to his page on social networks and look for several users with whom not only he, but also his other half communicates well.
  2. Create a page with a photo of a certain stranger (a nice young woman). It is better to find the photo on the page of a user from another country and modify it slightly (for example, make it black and white) so that it cannot be found through various search engines.
  3. Now write to these people that Valery (any colleague’s name can be here) has stopped answering your messages or calls, you are very worried, and want to know if everything is okay with him.
  4. When they start asking you who you are related to “Valery”, you intriguingly answer that it doesn’t matter. Be careful not to be identified.
  5. Soon after this, delete the page, do not create it using your real data, do not access it from your work or home computer, so as not to be identified through your IP address. A female colleague can do the same by creating a male profile.

Annoy the neighbors

If your neighbors are behaving dishonestly, and you understand that the situation can only get worse, you have a great opportunity to redirect their attention in a completely different direction.

  1. Post notices in your area that rooms are available for rent.
  2. Invite applicants to come directly to the apartment without providing a phone number. Of course, the price for the room should be indicated as low as possible, but so that it looks believable. Surely, many citizens will be interested in such an offer, making your neighbors nervous and less likely to leave the apartment.
  3. You can also place an advertisement on the appropriate website according to which your neighbors are looking for a married couple “to meet.” However, the couple can be replaced with a young active man. Of course, it is important to indicate the telephone number of your neighbor.

Conspiracies and rituals to punish your offender

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


Making an enemy is not an easy task. Envy, mental and moral weakness, hatred eats away the victim from the inside and one day he strikes at the most important areas of the enemy’s life. A conspiracy against an offender is committed in exceptional cases when it is impossible to protect oneself from an ill-wisher in any other way. How to punish the offender, and how to speak out against the offender or the offender? A person is a complex system with its own, unique energy. It’s not difficult to punish an offender with a conspiracy, but is it worth resorting to such radical steps? It's up to you to decide!

Charmed water

If a person not only suspects, but already knows for sure that someone wants to do harm to him, then it will be necessary to do the following.

  1. Pour blessed water into a glass container.
  2. Place it on the mirror, place the Bible in front of them and then place a bowl of water on top of it all.
  3. Afterwards, you can place a candle between the mirror and the book.

We sit down at the table and say the following words:

“Whoever walks like this and constantly lives only with a good word will remain with it forever, whoever has blackness in his heart and soul will definitely receive all the evil that he deserves, even if he choke.”

And after these words, we pour out all the water not far from the enemy’s house. And it is after this that absolutely all planned plans will finally be destroyed, and evil itself will leave you forever.

Revenge on Tuesday

To punish the offender quickly, use a simple ritual tied to a specific day of the week. You will need a candle, a full salt shaker and a desire to take revenge on the offender. To make the enemy suffer and be sick, sneak to his home on Tuesday night. Next do this:

  1. Sit on the porch (landing).
  2. Get out your artifacts.
  3. Place a burning candle at the door.
  4. Take a salt shaker in your hands (the spell is cast on salt).
  5. Pass the salt shaker over the candle and salt your opponent's threshold.
  6. Whisper a conspiracy to punish the offender.

Spell text:

“I’m not sprinkling you with salt, but I’m rewarding you with future pain. May you suffer as much as you hurt me before. I wish to punish the one who offended me in the old days. Under the Moon and the Sun, under Satan and God, my enemies are tormented and want to retire. You won’t know who did you bad. Amen".

Revenge on the needle

It is quite easy to punish an enemy with a magical conspiracy, but it is even easier to return to him the evil he has done. To take revenge:

  1. Make a cross from two sewing needles, wrapping them with black thread.
  2. Imagine the image of a suffering opponent and cast a spell to make him feel really bad:

“My needle is short, but yours is longer. Likewise, your conscience is short, like a trace of rain. My life was going well until you showed up. I want to remove all the grief, bring the trouble back to you. You know how to cause grief, and I know how to return it. I pay those who have done evil with the same coin. So be it."

The needles are attached to the door so that one of them is oriented in the direction of the opening. Talking about the ritual with other people is prohibited. Soon the enemy will have problems at home and at work.

Bloody Rite

This is one of the most complex and powerful conspiracies against the offender, so try not to confuse anything. Below is a hex that can be read on certain dates of the month (multiples of 6). For it (the ritual) to work, wake up late at night and start working at three o'clock in the morning. You will need:

  • needle;
  • white paper;
  • holy water;
  • wax candle (from church);
  • photograph and blood of the enemy;
  • pen (ink should be red).

You will probably have difficulty obtaining blood. Without this component, a plot against the offender will be useless, so be smart. Even a bloody napkin or bandage will do.

Progress of the ritual

  1. Take a piece of paper and write down the punishment you intend to ask for him. Use your imagination, sketch out more details.
  2. Heat the needle in a candle flame until black, dip it in the blood.
  3. Pierce the photograph along with the paper, say the spell:

“Sealed with blood, confirmed with the help of a conspiracy. I want to call upon the dark force and show how to take revenge on a person. I correct your life, I bring tears into it. What a person is, such is his fate. You are not allowed to hide from the court. May the destined come true."

The enchanted photograph and paper are set on fire, and the resulting ashes are scattered at the enemy’s doorstep. Such conspiracies against the enemy are quite dangerous for the performer, so sprinkle the room with holy water. The effect will appear quickly.

Magic coins

Now you will learn how to punish an offender with a conspiracy from a distance using coins. Money of any denomination, minted in any country in the world, will do. Procedure:

  1. Name the coin after an evil historical figure (such as Hitler).
  2. Leave your home at night.
  3. Throw money on the ground.
  4. Say the magic phrase (“My enemy (name) is a villain, you bury him”).
  5. Throw in the second money (its denomination should be higher).
  6. Read the second part of the spell (“You are not worthy to walk on the earth, the effect is doubled”).

When pronouncing such conspiracies, you can take revenge on the enemy in only one way - by killing him. Morally, financially or physically - it depends on your fantasies and conscience. We recommend that you exercise caution and not be zealous in carrying out revenge.

Easter ritual

How to take revenge on the enemy with the help of an Easter candle without any special consequences for your own life? You need to prepare for this ritual all year, accumulating anger and hostility.

  1. After waiting for Easter, go to the temple, buy a candle and break it in thirteen places.
  2. Imagining how the enemy’s bones are broken, build a ring from fragments of a candle and whisper the spell:

“I will close your life, I will extinguish your power. The circle breaks, you fade away. Before, you mocked me, brought evil to my doorstep, took me out of the world. Now is my time. I know a conspiracy to get rid of you forever. The earth and sky will not accept you, there is nowhere to hide. Amen".

The candle ring must burn throughout the entire ritual - this is important for the implementation of fair retribution. After this, you need to hide the candle under the funeral table and quietly go outside. Throw a handful of coins on the road, then go home and wait for the result. Success depends on the following factors:

  • sincere prayer before the ritual;
  • absence of malicious intent (only guilty people are punished);
  • good imagination (required when breaking a candle);
  • exact observance of the ritual sequence.

Rose plot

In order for all enemies and offenders to get what they deserve and no longer bother you, you need to perform a ritual for a red rose. The rose is not only a plant of love and beauty. Its thorns have powerful protective properties and can be used to induce damage.

  1. Buy a flower and place it in a large container, such as a glass jar.
  2. You will need a knife or scissors.
  3. Cut off 1 thorn at a time and place them in a vessel, saying for each thorn:

Every thorn for every evil tongue,

for every injustice.”

Next, you need to pick off all the petals from the flower. They also need to be thrown into the container, repeating:

“Bedding softly, sleeping hard,

think about your own, forget about someone else’s,

put everything in its place.”

When the ceremony is completed:

  • Pour enough salt water into the container so that it completely covers everything in the jar.
  • Close the container with a lid, cutting off the stem of the flower, and wrap it with a thick black scarf.
  • Tie the lid with strong red thread.
  • You need to tie it with 9 knots.

If you know the offender, then bring the bottle to his doorstep. If the ill-wisher is unknown, then the container should be buried in the ground next to your home. Such a talisman will protect you for a long time from evil tongues and those who like to appropriate someone else’s property, acting like a witch’s bottle.

Volt plot and photo during the waning moon

It is very simple to carry out a conspiracy against an offender on the waning moon. Even a beginner can do it. The magician will need a volt - a figurine molded from wax or clay. This will be a doll symbolizing the enemy.

If there is an image of an ill-wisher, then you should glue it to the figurine. To enhance the effect of witchcraft, you can attach to the volt any biological material of the person on whom the conspiracy will be committed.

We also need a church candle, which we need to buy after lunch.

When performing the ceremony, remove images of saints from the room and remove the pectoral cross. The candle needs to be lit from the base and the needle heated. Pierce the head of the volt and while the candle is burning, say the words of the conspiracy 3 times:

“I hit you, (name), with a hot needle! Don’t think about me, don’t harm me and don’t interfere with my life!” Then remove the needle from the head and stick it into the doll's heart. On the candle flame, say the spell three times: “I hit you, (name), with a hot needle! Don’t beat an evil heart, don’t mock me! I hit you, (name), with a hot needle! I crush your thoughts, your heart, your soul! So that you, (name), do not be sad about me, do not do evil things to me. I deprive you of your evil powers, (name). I’m sending you to absolute hell.”

The candle is extinguished with your fingers. After which it is cut into 3 equal parts, wrapped in black dense material and buried in a vacant lot. Leave the volt and needle there. Upon arrival at the house, fill a bowl with water, wash your hands in it and pour the liquid at the enemy’s doorstep.

How to punish an enemy with an onion

This ritual also applies to blacks. It is very strong and will cause significant damage to the enemy. It is held only on the first day of the full moon.

  1. Before performing the ritual, the name of the enemy is scratched on the bulb with a needle or knife.
  2. The inscriptions must be placed on the top and bottom along the cross, onto which a little wax from a church candle is poured.
  3. The bulb is lowered into a container with holy water, where it should remain until sunset. There is no need to peel it.
  4. When night falls, take a candle, light it and place it over the container with the onion. The wax should fall into the water. You should cast the following spell 40 times:

“As wax melts from the flame of a burning candle, so let your hatred and evil melt, (name of the offender) from my words!”

When this period has expired, you need to remove the wax from the cup using sticks and place it on the cloth along with the onion and the tool with which you scratched the inscriptions on it.

The fabric can be anything, but there is one condition - it must be new, not bearing a trace of your energy. That is, a piece of fabric from a store fits, but an old T-shirt does not. Wrap up the ingredients and bury them in a vacant lot under a dry tree. Say 3 times:

Pour the water that was in the container under the threshold of your ill-wisher’s house. The conspiracy is very powerful, so before you carry it out, make sure that this person is guilty.

White magic against enemies

This ritual is completely harmless, and there will be no consequences for the one who performs it. But he is strong enough, so you will be able to punish your enemies as they deserve. Before starting the ceremony, prepare the ingredients:

  • dry willow twigs - 6 pieces;
  • dried fern leaves - 4 pieces;
  • burdock oil - 1 tsp;
  • ground or dried red pepper - ½ tsp;
  • church wax candle.

The ritual is carried out only on those days whose dates are divisible by 3. The ritual begins at 2 am, with all the prepared ingredients (except for the oil) needing to be placed in a bowl and set on fire with a candle. While the ingredients are burning, say the words:

“I will make your heart burn with pepper, I will curse you with ferns. The weeping willow will look at your suffering. I will unite you with holy fire and direct strength. You will wash yourself with bitter tears for forty days and forty nights from my word. Amen."

When the ingredients turn to ash, pour oil over it. The resulting mass should be used to stain the enemy’s front door or personal item, or at least his photo. The effect of the ritual will be noticeable in a few days.

With a candle


  • church candles;
  • metal utensils;
  • blank paper.
  1. Light a candle, write the enemy’s name on paper, and read the Lord’s Prayer over him three times.
  2. Light the leaf with a candle and place it on a plate.
  3. While the paper is burning, say the following:

“A fiery arrow is flying, my anger is full. Not at the eyebrow, not at the eye, but at the heart. There will be pricking and cutting, tearing away all hopes. Evil will be poured out with tears, everything will return to the Lord’s servant (name)! Amen!"

Scatter the ashes in the wind that same night, or sprinkle them under the enemy’s door.

Return Witchcraft

An effective method to return to the offender the evil he committed and punish the one who did you bad.

  1. Take two sewing needles, one short and thin, the other long and thick.
  2. Insert the smaller needle into the eye of the thick needle.
  3. Wrap the place where they join with black thread to make a cross, and say:

“Your needle is long, mine is short,

Your work is evil, mine is good.

I pierce your evil and return it to you

everything he prepared for me,

everything he did for me,

I got everything back

now, this minute and forever!”

Insert a large needle into the doorframe of the victim's house, turn the tip of the thin needle to the right, repeat the spell.

Spoilage by salt

Salt absorbs energy well, rituals with it are simple and anyone can do it. The charmed salt is placed on the threshold or added to food. The ritual is done so that the offender suffers and suffers. Warning: not only the victim of the ritual, but also her family members and children may suffer.

The words are read above the salt:

“I don’t scatter salt, I send pain and steal peace. The crafty devil, take away peace from the slave (name), so that (name) would yearn, know neither happiness nor joy, so that illnesses would not go away and would endure all sorts of torments both day and dark night. May what has been done be fulfilled."

From photo

This plot will help punish the offender for meanness from a distance.

  1. Take a recent photograph in which your offender is shown alone, looking in front of him, his face and eyes are visible.
  2. Buy red and black candles.
  3. The ceremony takes place at night.
  4. Turn off the lights, light the candles, place the red one on your left and the black one on your right. Place a photo between them.
  5. Say the words:

“In a black mountain, in a deep hole, the devil sits, looking into the distance. The Angel of Darkness protects him and does not allow him to go into the world. I will beg him with fire, I will set the devil free. Go through the valleys and forests, to where the Devil himself sits. Take him by the paw and lead his servant (name) into the mansion of the Lord. Administer judgment there, surround him with evil. Let the blood run cold in his veins, let the fear not leave him. Give what you deserve so that you won’t have the strength to repent! Fire is water, from now on forever! Amen!"

Heat the needle over the red candle. Prick your finger until it bleeds and draw a cross on the enemy’s forehead. Say three times: “Paid for in blood!” Put the photograph in a secluded place, and when revenge is accomplished, burn it.

Black conspiracy

If there is no photo, this strong method of influence at a distance is used. They make a conspiracy on days of the month that are multiples of six, at 3 am.

You will need:

  • white paper,
  • needle,
  • church candle,
  • holy water,
  • red pen.

Write on a piece of paper the punishment you wish for your ill-wisher.

  1. Write down the details, be specific.
  2. Then heat the needle over a candle flame until black.
  3. Puncture your ring finger, and with the blood that comes out, cross out everything you wrote on the sheet crosswise.
  4. Say three times:

“Written in blood, sealed in blood. With the power of darkness I will correct your life. I will bring tears and bitterness into it. You cannot hide from my judgment. So be it.”

Burn the paper, sprinkle the ashes with holy water and scatter it to the wind.

A simple spell on a piece of paper with a name

The ritual must be performed when everyone is asleep.

  1. You will need to light a candle and write the name of your enemy on a piece of paper.
  2. You will need to read “Our Father” three times over a piece of paper.
  3. Then you need to set fire to a piece of paper with the name of the offender with a candle flame and put it on a dish.
  4. Before it has time to burn out completely, you need to say in your own words something like the following:

“Let a fiery arrow fly, full of my wrath. It doesn’t fly into the offender’s eyebrow, it doesn’t fly into the eye, but straight into his heart. She will stab and cut the offender and destroy all his future hopes. Let the evil committed by him be poured out to him in tears, everything will return back to the servant of God (such and such)! So be it! Amen!"

All that remains is to collect the ashes from the burnt paper. It will need to be scattered to the wind that same night. If you want to achieve results faster, in this case you need to take the ashes directly to the door of your offender and pour them there. This is one of the good ways to punish an offender without harming yourself.

Prayer for retribution, read into the wind

A prayer read into the wind helps very well. It is important that when reading it, a number of conditions are met, for example:

  • clear weather;
  • there is wind (at least a little) outside.

The ritual is performed at home near the window. At the same time, no one should be nearby.

The text of the prayer is copied in advance onto a white sheet of paper and gradually memorized. During the ritual, when pronouncing words, it is necessary to visualize them as much as possible, imagining all the vile atrocities committed by the enemy.

You need to say the following:

“Lord, my God, everything is completely in Your hands, in Your sovereignty, in Your submission. Everything in the world is controlled by you and everything is subordinate to you. You, Lord, created everything in this world yourself. The light of the sun will fade without you, all the grass and trees on earth will wilt, there will be no water, no wind, no harvest. The stars light up in your name, people are born at your desire and command, and their bodies are inhabited by the soul. I am Your creation, I am Your foolish child, I am Your reflection. Restore, my Lord, justice, return the grievances to my enemy (name).”

You can also, if the offender is passing nearby, quietly say the following to his back:

“Fly, arrow, with pain and with tears, fly along untrodden paths, fly through blood, hit the heart of my enemy. If you hit him with all your might, destroy him. Key, lock, yes the way will truly be like this!”

This is a very good, working method from the arsenal of black magic, which our great-grandmothers owned. The ritual is performed in windy weather.

Stepanova's prayer to pacify the offender

  1. On the waxing moon, buy the heart of any animal or bird in a butcher shop: beef, pork, chicken - everything will be suitable for carrying out the conspiracy.
  2. Boil the meat product in salted water, eat a piece and read the following plot:

“As I tasted the heart, so no trouble would come to me from you. The evil is yours, it will not be mine. Everyone will have their own. Lord God, do not allow evil to reach my threshold, pacify the servant of God (name), let the offense be returned to him, not with fierce evil, sword and fire, but with threefold divine good. As this goodness shines, so my offender will know shame and guilt. He will come, he will bow down at my feet three times. Live in health, my offender, enemy. So be it"

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


It is important to understand: you cannot punish a person without harming yourself. Read the revenge plot only if you are confident that you are right. If aggression is provoked by your actions, humble your anger and leave in peace. The husband left for his mistress, and she is surprised at the “intrigues” of her devoted wife.

Anyone who punishes innocent people risks “rewarding” himself with torment and bad karma. If you want to punish offenders, read conspiracies carefully and remove negative consequences with prayers. You can harm yourself with strong spells - dark spells are too dangerous.

How to punish an offender in a sinless way, without resorting to black magic? Are there occult ways to punish the offender so that negative energy does not return back to the sender?

If you decide to punish the offender by resorting to the forces of the occult, then this method will eventually return the negative to you in the form of a serious illness. The thing is that any negative energy is subject to the principle of reflection. And it doesn’t matter that you are avenging yourself, a friend or brother. This law is hidden by those who promise you to punish the offender in a sinless way. Any targeted punishment is a delusion.
What to do in this case? You can’t leave the offender unpunished.
Here is a method that, with appropriate practice, will help restore the disturbed energy balance from unreturned energy to the offender.

1). To “punish” the offender in a sinless way, you need to go to church and order a magpie about his health. This is the most difficult step, but he will be able to connect, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, light energy, which, having come into contact with his negative energy, will remind him of the committed act. This is equivalent to starting to melt ice with the rays of the bright sun. Now do you understand the meaning of the bright message? It will work when the time comes. After the magpie is reprimanded, you will feel some relief, and the offender will feel sorrow.
2). Order a magpie about health for yourself. I will now explain why this is necessary. You have been hurt. This is a negative energy message of resentment. He will try to break out and return to the desired destination. Thus, according to occult laws, after some time you will receive an energy blow of double strength. Sorokoust will allow you to level out your own energy of revenge. By resorting to the proposed method, you will save yourself from an erroneous action, and the offender will lose the opportunity to observe how bad you feel.
3). To “punish” the offender with an additional light energy message, try saying the following words.

I forgive you, I banish the offense,
I don’t reproach you for your evil deed.
Let the forces of light help you understand,
What a sin it is to try to appease a person.
He himself will receive everything when God decides,
At the appointed hour he will carry out his judgment.
When a strong wind causes the bush to sway,
I send you the magpie.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Read these lines for forty days. If you have patience and do everything as expected, then after this time you will feel how you have gotten rid of the desire for revenge, and let the Lord God choose the punishment for the offender.

The article was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky

Prayer to force the offender

(John the Warrior, sent by Emperor Julian to persecute and kill Christians, in fact provided great assistance to the persecuted: he freed those who were captured, warned others about the danger that threatened them, facilitated their escape, for which he was imprisoned. After the death of Julian, John was released and devoted all his life serving others, living in holiness and purity.)

O great martyr of Christ John, champion of the faithful, chaser of enemies and intercessor of the offended! Hear us, in troubles and sorrows, praying to you, as if grace from God has been given to you quickly to console the sad, to help the weak, to deliver the innocent from vain death, and to pray for all those who suffer evil. Be therefore a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies, for with your help and fight all those who show us evil will be put to shame. Pray to our Lord, that He may grant us, His sinful and unworthy servants, to receive from Him the ineffable good that is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones, glorified by God, always now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

How to carry out a conspiracy to punish the offender

Our world was, is and will remain imperfect. In addition to good, there is evil, hatred, and black envy. Since ancient times, people have struggled with them, but the result is the same. It is very easy to offend a person, to break him, to subjugate him to his will. In our advanced and “civilized” age, this is as easy to do as in hoary antiquity. Public corruption, property inequality, and social injustice often trample the concept of “justice of legal punishment” to smithereens.

Forgiveness method

In Christianity there is a concept of forgiveness. That is, a person must forgive the offender, since the right to judge and punish a person is granted only to God. This is the most effective method. Ask God for protection, read the “Our Father” prayer and others, turn to Archangel Michael for protection. Do not doubt for a minute the justice of the punishment.

After some time, you will be given to know that your offender has suffered punishment. Of course, this will not happen immediately; it will take some time. It was given to you to finally get rid of anger and resentment. Think about and comprehend your behavior towards your enemy. There are times when recent enemies become friends. Surrender yourself into the hands of the Lord - this will preserve your mental health.

If the person who offended you is truly a villain, he will receive punishment quickly. Just don’t think about your offense day and night. Act according to the principle - forgive and forget. Prayer in this case will greatly help you calm down and look at this incident with different eyes.

Punishing the enemy and offender using a conspiracy

But if there is no faith in God, no desire to wait, and there is a desire for revenge, then you can turn to magic. There are a number of conspiracies in which you can independently punish the enemy, the offender at a distance and achieve justice.

Advice - don’t wish terrible troubles on your offenders. The message must be positive. For example, wish that all the evil that he did to people would return to him. Believe me, this is an effective punishment.

Punishment of evil people

This powerful ritual can be performed if the person who committed the evil is known exactly. In order for it to help, you need to take:

The ceremony takes place on a full moon. To do this:

The next day we order a prayer service for our health. This needs to be done 3 times.

Punishing the offender through an open window

This conspiracy against the offender, if he is unknown, is carried out at a distance. To do this you need:
  • open the window;
  • clean the apartment with a church candle;
  • place an icon of the Mother of God (seven-shot) in the red corner of the house;
  • standing near the window, read conspiracy No. 3.

For the offender to repent

If there is a desire for the enemy (offender) to repent. Then you need to perform the following ritual. For this you will need:

  1. A photo of your enemy; if there is no photo, write his name on a piece of paper.
  2. Matches.
  3. 3 small coins;
  4. White plate.

In order for it to help you need to do the following:

  • get up early in the morning, neither wash, eat nor drink;
  • put a photograph on a plate, if there is none, a piece of paper with a name;
  • we spit on a photograph or on a piece of paper, putting all our personal anger into it and pronounce conspiracy No. 4;
  • burn a piece of paper or photo;
  • scatter ashes at a crossroads;
  • throw coins over your left shoulder at an intersection;
  • When you come home, wash your plate and wash yourself, saying any prayer.

To calm down the adversary

If you have an ill-wisher who constantly threatens, and you are afraid of him and want to take revenge, then you can use Stepanova’s effective method. Having met your opponent, speak conspiracy No. 5 into his back.

Win against your opponent in court

This is a conspiracy against the offender from Stepanova, which will help win the lawsuit. If the subject of a legal dispute is property or money, then in the courtroom say conspiracy No. 6 to yourself (3 times).

Before you wish for retribution on the offender, you need to make sure that your energy will not be directed towards an innocent person. Evil people do not always openly harm others. They do this secretly and frame other people to avoid punishment or revenge. Here you need to understand that a conspiracy to punish an innocent person will always come back to you in an increased amount. Therefore, calm down, check everything carefully again and, having convinced yourself of your justice, begin the rituals.

No. 1 “As wax melts from the hot flame of a candle, let your evil (name) be driven away by my words!”

No. 2 “Your evil is here to rot. I (name) should be healthy always and everywhere!”

No. 3 “The red sun rolled across a wide field. It went down ahead of time. That is the enemy of intrigue or evil spirits. Fly away from the hut everything unclean, crawl away everything darkened so that the red sun can settle here. The enemy didn’t get anything.”

No. 4 “In my saliva you will burn (name) like demons in fire, until you repent and fall at my feet!”

No. 5 “You will find your destruction when you come to me with evil. You will turn into dust, you will turn into weakness. You are decay, I am water, I will drown you (name of the offender) forever. Amen".

No. 6 “Just as you (enemy’s name) stepped through all sorts of dirt, so here you returned your rightness to me. Amen".

Faced with the callousness and injustice of law enforcement agencies and courts, people having lost faith in them are looking for other ways. What should an ordinary person do if pain and resentment do not allow them to live in peace? He turns to available folk methods - these are conspiracies, they help punish the offender. But we should not forget that all the negative energy released on the offender sooner or later returns to the one who sent it.

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How to “punish” the offender in a sinless way.

How to punish an offender in a sinless way, without resorting to black magic? Are there occult ways to punish the offender so that negative energy does not return back to the sender?

If you decide to punish the offender by resorting to the forces of the occult, then this method will eventually return the negative to you in the form of a serious illness. The thing is that any negative energy is subject to the principle of reflection. And it doesn’t matter that you are avenging yourself, a friend or brother. This law is hidden by those who promise you to punish the offender in a sinless way. Any targeted punishment is a delusion.

What to do in this case? You can’t leave the offender unpunished.

Here is a method that, with appropriate practice, will help restore the disturbed energy balance from unreturned energy to the offender.

2). Order a magpie about health for yourself. I will now explain why this is necessary. You have been hurt. This is a negative energy message of resentment. He will try to break out and return to the desired destination. Thus, according to occult laws, after some time you will receive an energy blow of double strength. Sorokoust will allow you to level out your own energy of revenge. By resorting to the proposed method, you will save yourself from an erroneous action, and the offender will lose the opportunity to observe how bad you feel.

3). To “punish” the offender with an additional light energy message, try saying the following words.

I don’t reproach you for your evil deed.

Let the forces of light help you understand,

What a sin it is to try to appease a person.

He himself will receive everything when God decides,

At the appointed hour he will carry out his judgment.

When a strong wind causes the bush to sway,

I send you the magpie.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

The article was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky

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    The guys working there are smart, they can drive a victim crazy

    Girls! I had a wonderful, beautiful relationship, truly trusting. We knew almost everything about each other, we were very comfortable together. He was two years older than me. On my 21st birthday he proposes to me. Wonderful wedding, wonderful honeymoon! At 23 I graduated from university, at 27 I became pregnant and gave birth to a son. My husband couldn't be happier!

    But not so long ago everything changed. I’m 30 now, my son is three years old. I’ve been married for almost 10 years, during all these years I put up with my husband, I thought: I’ll improve!” but my husband didn’t even think about changing, he beat me, and more and more each time. I was terribly jealous. I went to work with bruises on my face. endured his threats, humiliations... loved him, was devoted to him!! I was ready to do anything for him, forgave everything, but I no longer had the strength to endure! He had gone too far!

    A friend, seeing my depressed state, advised me to turn to an old friend of hers, his name was Shamil. She said that a couple of months ago, her boss harassed her, did all sorts of dirty tricks, didn’t let her pass, turned her life into a complete nightmare, she turned to Shamil and he immediately decided this problem. I gave him his phone number +79678574942!

    After my appeal to Shamil, it was as if my husband had been replaced! The humiliation, threats and other nasty things on his part are over! Shamil is simply a magician! I recommend girls to everyone, he is a master of his craft! He solves life’s problems with any assholes!

    I was finally able to breathe easy and start enjoying life again! So girls, love yourself, don’t let any assholes offend you!

    A strong spell against the offender that can be read from a distance

    Every person encounters abusers at least once in their life. They often become enemies, envious people and ill-wishers, or criminals from whose actions either the person himself or his loved ones suffered. Unfortunately, evil and vile people do not always get what they deserve - justice in our cruel world loses its strength and value. How to annoy an offender for meanness if law enforcement agencies or other authorities are inactive and refuse to help? Black and white magic offers its own solution to this problem - use a conspiracy at a distance.

    Features of such rituals

    Conspiracies used to punish the offender are considered powerful rituals and most of them belong to the arsenal of black magic. And the stronger the ritual, the more dangerous consequences it can turn into. The purpose of such conspiracies is to harm a person who has brought a lot of negativity into your life and has deeply offended you in some way. At the same time, it is very important to do such a ritual without harm to yourself.

    Some rituals are also aimed at blocking the enemy's powers or turning his own witchcraft against him (in case he uses magic to cause damage to you and your loved ones). It is unlikely that the use of such conspiracies will end in the death of the offender, but he will be sick, tormented and suffer greatly and for a long time.

    For the performer himself, long-distance conspiracies used to punish enemies will be safe only if their use is justified. The magic of retribution can only be used when you are the injured party. If anger on the part of the enemy was provoked by your actions or deeds, then the end result can be very disastrous for you - the conspiracy will backfire and all the evil that you wanted to direct at the “enemy” will fall on you, often in multiplied quantities.

    Before you use the magic of retribution, you definitely need to think about everything and ask yourself the question - are you really a victim in this situation? By deciding to punish an innocent person through a conspiracy, you risk turning the forces of justice against yourself. Remember that the word in some cases can bring more destruction than physical violence.

    Conspiracies to punish the offender

    Prayer of retribution to the wind

    The conditions under which the plot below should be read are clear sunny weather, the presence of wind, an open window or vent, complete loneliness. The text must be rewritten on a white sheet of paper and memorized from this piece of paper. When pronouncing magic words, the performer must visualize, imagining the atrocities of his enemy.

    The plot goes like this:

    “Lord my God, everything is in Your hands and in Your power. Everything submits to You and is controlled by You. You created everything and turned it to Yourself. The sun does not rise without You, the earth does not live without You. The wind does not blow in the desert, the stars do not light up above the horizon if You do not wish it. A person is not born, and the soul does not leave the body. I am Your creation, O Lord my God. Your unreasonable child, but wanting to know You through the manifestations of the world. I am Your small reflection! I am a part of Yours and in You. I walk under Your protection and patronage. Lord my God, restore justice, return grievances to everyone who is due!”

    A conspiracy-whisper in the back of the offender

    If you know your offender by sight and often come across him, at the next meeting, wait until he passes by you and whisper a conspiracy behind his back:

    “Go, arrow, with tears and pain, untrodden paths, through the blood, not into the eye, not into the eyebrow, but straight into the heart. Stab and pinch, hit and tear. Exterminate him, punish him, my offender (name of offender) . Key, lock, so be it!”

    A black way to take revenge on the enemy for meanness

    Attention! This spell is very powerful and dangerous, so use it only in the most extreme cases! This ritual can have very bad consequences for you.

    The ritual is performed on those days of the month that are divisible by 6, i.e. 6, 12, 18, 24, 30. Time of day – strictly at 3 am. You need to prepare: white sheet of paper, church wax candle, pen with red paste, sterile needle, holy water.

    To begin, light a candle, take a sheet of paper and describe on it in red ink as much detail as possible, in the smallest detail, the method of punishment that you consider necessary for the offender. Avoid ambiguity and understatement.

    Then take a needle and heat it over the flame of a candle - it is desirable that it turns black. Puncture your ring finger and use the blood to cross out the inscription on the sheet. Next, say the spell three times, mentally addressing the enemy:

    “Written in blood, sealed in blood. I will correct your life with dark power. I will bring bitterness and tears into it. You cannot hide from my judgment. So be it!”

    Burn the paper in the flame of a candle, collect the resulting ashes, sprinkle it with holy water and throw it into the wind. The offender will be “conquered” literally in 3 days.

    Make the offender repent

    With the help of this conspiracy, you can call your offender, ill-wisher or thief to repentance. An important requirement is that the performer must have a photograph of the villain or at least his last name and initials. If the offender is male, the ritual is performed on men’s days, if female, on women’s days.

    Waking up in the morning, without washing and on an empty stomach, the performer must light a candle, take a photo, or write his full name. on a white sheet of paper. If this is a robber, you can simply write the word “thief” on the piece of paper. Next, you need to spit on a photograph or a piece of paper with initials with all your hatred and then say:

    “Burn for you, (name of offender) , in my saliva, like devils on fire, until you fall at my feet and repent!”

    A photograph or piece of paper should be placed on a saucer and set on fire from a candle flame, wait until it burns out and ash forms. This saucer of ashes should be left at the crossroads, also throwing in a ransom in the form of any 3 coins. The stronger the offense inflicted, the more powerful the punishment will be.

    This really works, I didn't expect it!

    What exactly helped you, if it’s not a secret?

    Tell me at what intersection to throw this and what coins are needed

    Olya, please tell me is this true without harming yourself?

    I will definitely do it! I hope this freak who ruined my daughter’s life gets what he deserves!!

    If the offender is male, the ritual is performed on men's days, if female, on women's days.

    Which numbers refer to whom?!

    men's days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

    Women's days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

    A car hit me and drove away, there are health consequences, the culprit was not found, although the town is small and everyone recognizes everyone right away, he knows me how to force him to come, obey, etc. and just so that there are no consequences from the conspiracies (rollback)

    Days, not numbers! What do numbers have to do with it?

    The main thing is that justice triumphs, that the offenders understand that you cannot deceive people who are weaker than them and ruin their lives

    but it’s pointless to wait for justice, sometimes they say that the enemy’s children or relatives will suffer, but I don’t need them to suffer, it’s not their fault that their loved one is an attacker

    Help me punish the man who betrayed me.

    Girls, tell me, is there a plot against the enemy?

    I’m one freak, he slandered me, out of love, and so, for 8 years, 6 months, they gave me “humane” courts, they also warned me that if I rock the boat, I’ll be locked up for 15 years. I won’t be able to do anything to this Musorsky creature (sorry for the slang) and it’s too easy to wish death on him. I want him to live long and suffer. Sorry for spilling everything here. Just a cry from the heart.

    which moon? waxing or waning

    Please tell me how to punish neighbors for theft?

    The man I love cheated on me. He doesn’t know what I’m aware of. He cheated quite stupidly and with all his desire. She loved her deeply and trusted her. He continues to look at me blankly, as if nothing happened. I want him to suffer. To remember this every time.

    Please tell me which spell is best and without harm to me. I want to punish the person who is to blame for the death of my brother

    how to punish a person who has neither conscience nor honor

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    The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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When someone steps on our sore spot, it is unpleasant and painful. It’s even worse if you realize that the person did it intentionally. I knew it would be bad for you, but I still didn’t give up on the plan. In this situation, it is natural to want revenge. But this cannot always be done directly, in person. Let's see how to punish an offender with a conspiracy from a distance. This method is suitable in many cases. The most common is a collision with a stronger enemy. If you go at him openly, he will crush you. Magic will do all the work, and no one will associate trouble or trouble with your name. That is, you should not be afraid of a second attack from an ill-wisher.

Some features of the method

First, let's look at the moral side of the matter. When a person thinks about a conspiracy at a distance, he has to resolve a number of issues with his own conscience. Whatever the damage from evil machinations, I don’t want to be to blame for even greater grief that will happen to the enemy. But you should understand that by giving the power of your anger to magic, you cease to control the situation. You won't be able to stop the process if you don't like something. You know, people who have understood how to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance leave different reviews. From them we can conclude that their ideas about what should happen after the ritual are not consistent with reality. The house magician wanted the enemy to lose his position or money, and he had a divorce with aggravating consequences (the man started drinking). Or he tried to bring discord into the family, but the person became seriously ill. It is clear that he will not see happiness if he has to constantly go to hospitals, but his wife did not abandon him or turn away. That is, the ritual leads to the punishment that the victim deserves, and not to what the magician cherishes in his imagination. You should remember this when deciding how to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance. Experts recommend accepting the result with humility and gratitude. Otherwise, you will have to deal with your own sins.

How does this work

Anyone who is interested in how to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance, purposefully, and not for general development, is recommended to carefully read the following lines. After all, the practice of using magical rituals greatly depends on faith in them and understanding of the processes. All the space around us is permeated with fields. We live in them and constantly interact. It is through these fields that intention is transmitted. There are different energies surrounding us. You need to ride (or feel) the one that agrees with your worldview at the moment. Otherwise, all the work will not bring results. It seems difficult to do this. In fact, you just need to listen to your feelings. They are the best leader for those who have not quite figured out how to punish the offender with a conspiracy at a distance. White magic, for example, offers to forgive this person, only then call him to account. This is a very powerful mechanism. Remaining internally uninterested in the enemy’s troubles, a person can guide his hidden passions without being drawn into confrontation.

How to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance at home

Let's move on to practice. Let's look at the rituals of white and black magic. They are different from an ideological point of view. You should choose the one that corresponds to the internal state of the magician. To put it simply, if you can’t forgive your enemy, turn to black magic. If you can find nobility and compassion for the poor in yourself, practice the white ritual. Let's talk about him. You will need a metal cup or dish and a piece of paper. Start the ritual at a time when everyone else is already asleep. Light a candle and write the name of your enemy on a piece of paper. Read the “Our Father” over it three times. This will protect you from accidental sin. Light the leaf from a candle flame and place it on a plate. While it is burning, say the formula. It is like this: “A fiery arrow is flying, my wrath is full. heart is aimed. There will be pricking and cutting, tearing away all hopes. Evil will be poured out with tears, everything will return to the Lord’s servant (name)! Amen!" Collect the ashes. It should be scattered to the wind that same night. There is another option. If you want to quickly see the result of your witchcraft, then take the ashes to the enemy’s door and sprinkle them there.

Ritual with photography

If you cannot get rid of passionate anger and forgiveness does not come, then perform another ritual. You will need a photo of the enemy. This person in the image should be alone, looking in front of him. That is, it is important that the face and eyes are clearly visible. Buy black and red candles. Plan the ceremony for late at night. Turn off the electricity in the apartment. Its fields interfere with magical energies. Light the candles. Place the red one to your left, the black one to your right. Place a photo in the center. Read these words: “In a black mountain, in a deep hole, the devil sits, looking into the distance. The Angel of Darkness protects him and does not allow him to go into the world. I will beg him with fire, I will set the devil free. Go through the valleys and forests, to where the Devil himself sits. Take him by the paw and lead his servant (name) into the mansion of the Lord. Administer judgment there, surround him with evil. Let the blood run cold in his veins, let the fear not leave him. Give what you deserve so that you won’t have the strength to repent! Fire is water, from now on forever! Amen!" Heat a needle in the flame of a red candle and prick your finger until it bleeds. Draw a cross on the enemy's forehead. Repeat three times: “Paid for in blood!” Hide the photo away so no one can see it. Once revenge is complete, set the image on fire. When figuring out how to punish an offender with a conspiracy from a distance using a photo, you can find other descriptions of rituals. As a rule, they are all working. But keep in mind that the photo must be recent. Otherwise, revenge will take a long time to reach the enemy.

Simple ritual

Grandmothers in the village say that there is no point in waiting long to punish the offender. You should use the energy of anger. As this scoundrel passes by, spit in his back with the words: “If you were in my place! Amen!" Give it a try. The witches claim that these words are stronger than all sorcerers.

When a conspiracy against an offender is not read

Everyone has limitations. As a rule, witchcraft is not allowed against pregnant women and children. It’s easy to harm a young soul, but life is not enough to atone for this sin. Experts also recommend not to rush into revenge. Ask your guardian angel for support. It may happen that no conspiracies or rituals are required from you. Punishment will come from a completely different direction. And sometimes it is already in effect, but you don’t notice it. Find out more about the enemy. Evil people are rarely happy. Why add to their suffering? Maybe it's better to forget about them?

A conspiracy against an offender will help you punish a person and take revenge on your enemy with the help of magic, even if he is at a great distance from you. This method is suitable for anyone who has been mentally or physically offended. If you are offended by your boss, neighbor or stranger on the street or on the Internet, you can properly punish him using magic by reading the strongest and fastest conspiracy against your offender. You can read the plot at home at any time of the day or night, regardless of the lunar cycle. Witchcraft will help you make the one who offended you greatly regret what happened. Look at your shadow and read the spell out loud:

How you followed me everywhere,
And then she lay down at my feet,
I lay my enemy on sharp horns,
Under fast hooves.

From now on, my resentment is broken.

My resentment will take revenge.

Cruel him and twist him for 3 days to take revenge.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Now you know how to punish the offender without harming yourself and make him regret what happened.

Another a very strong conspiracy of black magic will help to punish the offender so that he is crippled in 3 days. After reading the plot, he will begin to feel unwell and every day he will be greatly tormented by his conscience about what he had done. The words can be read in the same way as in the previous method at any time of the day, being at a distance from the offender and even in another city, and the conspiracy is as follows:

I went on my way
Dark forest, damp grass,
Along a black path, a burnt torch,
Crossed three intersections:
Monastery, church and cemetery.
Three black angels stand there:
Angel of sorrow, angel of patience
And the angel does not forgive.
I do not forgive, master, my offender,
I send upon him turmoil, deathly slumber,
I close his eyes for three black nights.
For the first night
He will lose the ability to help himself.
During the second night, no one will be able to help him.
And how did the last night blowjob
No master can help him,
Neither a warlock nor a white magician.
I close my words with three locks,
I trample under my heel snakes and scorpions,
I take away courage from my enemies,
And it won't harm me in any way.
The lion of the tribe of Judah will approach,
He will bow his head at my feet.
I, who saw Satan,
Falling from the sky like lightning in the night,
I know the word he said
I’ll say this word about myself.


Choose any of these magical methods for punishing the offender and be sure that his crimes will not go unpunished.

© Copyright: Magician
