Musical lessons on the theme of winter. Summary of a corrective music lesson for a preparatory school group “We really like winter”

Summary of a musical integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Winter - Winter”.

nurturing an aesthetic attitude towards nature through the integration of poetry, painting and music
develop the ability to convey the character of music through expressive singing and musical and rhythmic movements;
improve rhythmic hearing;
to form in children a sense of emotional satisfaction from creative activity;
teach children self-massage techniques, psycho-gymnastics, relaxation
Equipment: multimedia projector, slides with reproductions of paintings by Russian artists and illustrations on the topic, Christmas tree, musical instruments, musical material, an envelope with the game “Rhythmic Lotto”.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall in a dance step to the music of A. Vivaldi “Winter” from the cycle “The Seasons” and form a circle.
Musical director. Let's wish each other good morning.
A chant is performed - a greeting based on the “echo” principle.

The topic of our lesson today is “Winter”. And at the beginning of it, the music of the famous Italian composer Vivaldi was played, which we will listen to throughout the lesson.
We all waited impatiently for the day when she would come
With the first snow and blizzard our good winter.
Let's put on our skis, pick up our poles and go for a walk along the winter trails to the magical sounds of Vivaldi's music.
Children imitate skiing.
Look at the snow-covered forest, how quiet and silent it is... To a village in the distance...
Dogs are barking, horses are pulling a sleigh.. (slide)
Children stop and position themselves on both sides of the screen.
Nice winter weather! Winter - winter has come and brought a lot of snow.
And frosts, and snowstorms, and fun, and fun! (slide)
This is fun, this is fun - let's play in the snow!
Children imitate snowball fights. Speech game “We play snowballs boldly, oh, what does it matter...”.
We are not afraid of the cold, we harden ourselves in winter,
In winter we play snowballs and go sledding (slide).
Hear the bells... This is a sleigh driving along the road, the bells are ringing. Show me how they ring.
Fine motor skills exercise “Bell” (D/v 9/98)
And there’s a hare sitting on a hill, moving his ears, warming his paws (slide).
Fine motor skills exercise “Bunny”.
Axes and hammers are clattering merrily in the village.
Fine motor activity “Hammer and Hatchet”.
Hello, in a white sundress made of silver brocade!
Diamonds burn on you like bright rays.
Hello, Russian pullet, beauty - soul,
Snow-white winch, hello, mother - winter! (slide)
What amazingly vivid images of winter the poet Vyazemsky presented to us! Let us also convey this joyful mood when performing our orchestral pieces.
Children take musical instruments. Performed: “Polka” by M. Glinka, Russian folk melodies: “Dancing”, “I went up the hill”.

Snow sparkles outside the window, talking is heard, laughter is heard.
And here we have a round dance, everyone will boldly dance!
Listen to the task and how you will dance now. The girls will spin when they hear the sounds of the waltz. And the boys will begin to dance, putting their feet on their heels, when the dance song starts playing. If you hear a polka, everyone is doing jumping jacks in a circle.
Musical and didactic game “Three Dances”. At the end, the children return to their seats.
White fluffy snow swirls in the air.
And he quietly falls to the ground and lies down.
And in the morning the field turned white with snow,
It was as if everything had covered him with a shroud (slide).
Look, a snowflake fell on your palm. Let's blow on it. Follow my hand to inhale and exhale correctly.
Breathing exercise “Snowflake” (M. Yu. Kartushina).
A lot of snowflakes swirled, a real blizzard!
Phonopedic exercise “Blizzard” (M. Yu Kartushina).
And now - a little song...
Logorhythmic chant: “The white snowflakes are spinning and spinning...”
The forest is bewitched by the enchantress in winter -
And under the white fringe, motionless, dumb
He sparkles with a wonderful life (slide).
We will sing a song about winter. Do not forget about correct intonation, a soft attack of sound and inhale correctly.
“The Winter's Tale” is performed (A. Usachev, A. Pinegin).

Continuing to listen to the music of Antonio Vivaldi, we will perform a massage of biologically active zones and exercises to relieve tension in order to always be healthy and cheerful.
Look, there is some kind of envelope under the Christmas tree... The envelope says that it contains a task for brave and smart children. Let's see?
Children are given rhythm cards on which rhythmic patterns are drawn. Children are asked to “read” the rhythm and clap. The rest of the children must guess the song. Game "Rhythmic Lotto".
Next, the music director tells short stories for performing psycho-gymnastics: “Round eyes”, “Carlson”, “Thought”, “Unexpected joy”, “Dirt”, “Battle”. For example, the boy was very surprised when he saw a box moving across the floor... What kind of eyes did he have?
And now I’ll tell you a riddle:
Black and white minx, jumper, chirper.
He loves winter, and it’s not for nothing that he doesn’t fly to warmer climes (slide)
That's right, forty. Let's play a game.
Children's outdoor game "Magpie".
New year is coming. What will he bring to people?
For everyone who works, who is honest, kind and brave
Let his wish come true, no matter what he wants (slide).

We wish each other a lot in the coming year - a lot of kindness, affection and warmth. Let's be a little kinder.. What is kindness? ...
Children perform a dance to the music of the song “What is kindness?
After the dance, the music director suggests listening to Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”, sitting freely on the carpet. Close your eyes, imagining something pleasant. At the end of the lesson, the children sing “Goodbye” and leave the room.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 2 “Zhemchuzhinka”


Summary of the integrated GCD

on artistic and aesthetic development (music):

"Zimushka - winter"

Maykop district

Tulsky village


enrichment – ​​emotional and aesthetic perception of preschool children

through music, poetic word, artistic design.Tasks:

Artistic and aesthetic development: Music
develop the ability to convey the character of music through expressive singing and musical movement;
improve rhythmic hearing;
to form in children a sense of emotional satisfaction from creative activity; cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards winter nature.

Artistic design

Strengthen creative skills to compose various images of “snowflakes” from geometric shapes, develop fantasy and creative imagination.

Cognitive development : consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter, the properties of snow and ice.

Socially moral development:

To cultivate in children emotional responsiveness to works of art, positive relationships, a sense of friendship and responsibility.

Tools for creating an educational environment:multimedia projector, slides with images of winter landscapes, and illustrations on the topic, winter, snowflakes on a string, geometric figures for laying out snowflakes, musical instruments, musical material,video “Magic sounds of winter” (A. Vivaldi “Winter”).

Musical material: P.I. Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Snow Flakes (audio recording),"Snow Song"music D. Lvova – Companion lyrics.S. Bogomazova (sheet music),"Ice ceiling" music. E. Honok sl. S. Ostrovsky (audio recording), “Russian Winter” music. etc. L. Olifirova.

Progress of the lesson

Slide 1

To the sound of the “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Musical director. Hello guys. Is this music familiar to you? Name the author (This is the music of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky). What does the music sound like? (light, airy, fast, magical, fabulous, whirling). She invites us to the Kingdom of Zimushka - winter. And snowflakes will help us find our way.

Children take snowflakes on strings and blow on them to the music,

moving at a calm pace in a circle.

Slide 2

Musical director. Here we are in the Kingdom of Winter. It's so cold here. Snowflakes swirl smoothly and slowly fall to the ground.

Musical director. And here is Zimushka itself - winter.

Here is the hostess herself

Winter is coming to us, coming

I dressed up the trees,

I gave the hare a fur coat.

Whitewashed all the houses

Oh, yes Winter-winter!

(V. Tomilina)


Comes in a white fur coat
Winter beauty
Walks like a queen
The hat has fringe.
Decorated with snowflakes
Sparkling outfit
She will wave her handkerchief -
Snowflakes will fly.
Sprinkles so generously
Fields and gardens all around. 1.
Nature falls asleep
Beneath the soft silver
The blizzard is frolicking,
Frosts are not terrible.
The trees sleep sweetly,
Until sunny spring.
(E. Shalamonova)

Musical director. Zimushka will wave - winter like a snowflake - the snowflakes will spin faster. And if he waves his magic wand, the snowflakes will freeze and become ice figures. Let us fly like a snowball and turn into beautiful ice figures.

The game “Ice Figures” of muses is being played. etc. M. Kartushina

Musical director invites you to sit on the chairs.

Musical director. When the winter season comes, Zimushka - winter goes to travel around the world. It was getting cold where she was passing. She also traveled through our land. How has the weather changed? (it has become cold, snowflakes are flying, a frosty wind is blowing).

New slide – winter landscape. Slide 3

Educator: Look at the painting depicting winter. How the earth has changed!

And the forest is mysterious,
And the forest is mysterious,
Silent silence...

Music supervisor: Winter comes to us as a bright, long-awaited holiday. Every twig, every twig is decorated.

And just a little bit lacking in magic. Sit down on the chairs. I invite you to plunge into the magical world of Antonio Vivaldi's music.

Music supervisor: AntonioVivaldi is an Italian composer. He was a famous composer, musician, and conductor. He composed a large number of musical works, and we listened to one of them in our last lesson. It’s called “Winter.” Now we will once again listen to this piece of music, beautiful music and see pictures of winter nature.

Winter” (Video "Magic sounds of winter")

Listening to a fragment from a piece of music "Winter"

Music supervisor: What did you think of this music?

Children: Excited. Anxious. 2.

Music supervisor: What is her character like?

Children: Kind, magical, fabulous

Music supervisor: Tell me, what main instrument did you hear in this particular piece of music? (Children's answers). Who can tell me whether the entire piece was performed by one violin or a violin ensemble? (Children's answers). Right. This work has parts performed by both a solo instrument and an ensemble of violins. What did you hear at the beginning of the music?

Children: Jagged chords.

Music supervisor: The wind howls and raises clouds of snow. Nature is frozen.

Musical director: Now we will prepare our voices for singing and sing, there is an echo in the winter forest, I will begin to sing. And you will be my echo, repeat everything.

Children sing an exercise song to develop their voice and ear for music.

"Musical Echo" music M. Andreeva

Musical director: Guys, tell me the winter season

what happens? (harsh, cold, prickly) What other winter is there?
Children: Cheerful, playful, magical, mischievous, wonderful!

Slide 5
Musical director: I’ll sing for you guys about such a winter song

new song, it’s called “Snow Song”. Listen.

The music director performs a song."Snow Song"

music D. Lvova – Companion lyrics. S. Bogomazova

    Determining the character (cheerful) of the song

    Determining the structure of the song (chorus, chorus)

    Explain the meaning of the word “commotion” (mess)

    Learning the first verse of a song, correctly conveying the melody

Musical director Guys, you have already learned the cheerful song “Russian Winter”, let’s perform it cheerfully and together.

Children perform a song"Russian winter" music etc. L. Olifirova


Slide 6 “Animals”

Zimushka passed by - winter over snow-covered forests. The animals became cold, they tried to warm up - some ran, some jumped, some flew, and some hid in a hole, and in order not to freeze in the winter season, they prepared for winter, let's remember the fairy tale “Winter in the Forest”, and voice the fairy tale Musical instruments will help us.


In the fall, mice ran through the forest from morning to evening, collecting food for the winter.(box, drum ). And the squirrels jumped on the branches and collected nuts( castanets). And then snowflakes began to fall from the sky(triangle). The snow covered the ground with a fluffy white blanket and traces of small paws became visible in the snow.(triangle). The squirrels began to make their own burrows in the trees, the mice hid in the burrows and made nests for themselves out of grass.(bags, paper ). Everyone had a lot of food. Squirrels gnawed nuts( xylophone – glissando ), mice gnawed grains(comb ). The cold winter wind rustled in the forest( phonogram) . But the squirrels were warm in their nests( click of tongue ), and the mice were happy in their little holes( pee-pee-pee).

Music supervisor: Guys, what do you think?where does snow come from?

Children: He falls from the cloud.

Educator: Snowflakes are formed from small ice crystals in clouds. Inside the cloud, ice crystals grow due to the transition of steam into solid ice crystals. During very severe frosts, ice crystals fall to the ground in the form of “sparkling diamond dust.” And a layer of very fluffy snow, consisting of thin ice needles, forms on the ground. Look how much snow the wind blew, and the snowflakes flew in before they melted , quickly look for two identical ones. The children search, but don’t find them.

Slides "Snowflakes"

Educator: It turns out that no two snowflakes are alike. Guys, what do all snowflakes have in common?(Children's answers)


Educator: Absolutely true, all snowflakes have six rays, but none are alike, the frost did its best.

All snowflakes are the same color -
But believe me, there are no twins.
You can't find anything similar here -
Frost tried, and not in vain.

Slide "Snowflake"

Musical director. Zimushka - winter loves to ride his snow sleigh at night. She looks into the windows and draws her snow patterns on them, and let us make beautiful snowflakes out of the figures for Zimushka.

Musical director.

Here are flowers on thin legs

On snowy windows,

Confusing winter with summer,

They bloom white.

My nose is freezing, but it’s of little use -

Winter painted them.

Musical director. Guys, in winter, little animals live in their holes, and who lives next to the forest at the edge of the forest?

Children's response : Winter in the hut!

Slide. "Hut on the edge"

Children dance to a song"The ceiling is icy."

music E. Honok sl. S. Ostrovsky

Municipal state preschool educational institution

kindergarten p. Pavlovsky

Summary of an open lesson in educational activities “Music” in the preparatory group

Topic: “Winter walk”

Musical director: Miroshnikova I.A.


(artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative, cognitive, speech, physical)


Software tasks:

1Educational: - consolidate and generalize knowledge about winter and its signs, through the emotional perception of works of art, including P.I. Tchaikovsky

2Developing: development of children's creative activity in musical and performing activities (games, dance, songs, speed and dexterity in games, coherent speech, logical thinking.

3. Educational : nurturing in children an emotional attitude towards classical music, poetry, dance, interest in the world around them, an emotional holistic attitude towards it, a desire to take care of their health.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, songs, dance. Listening to music about winter. Observations of winter phenomena in nature. Looking at the frosty patterns on the windows.

Vocabulary work : fireplace, fireplace

Equipment : winter trees, bench, illustrations about winter, magnetic board, snowflakes, projector, computer, desks, paints, drawing sheets. portrait, music presentations

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “At the Fireplace” C D 2 No. 15; "December" "Ecotez" CD 2 No. 8 music Zilina CD 2 No. 8; song “The White Blizzard is Sweeping” by the muses of A. Fillipenko;

song “Sleigh” music “Snowflakes” author Stoyanov CD 2 №9

Progress of the lesson: .Greetings

Music hand: Hello guys!

Children :Hello!

Muz.ruk : Hello teacher

Educator : Hello

Music hand Hello guests!

Guests : Hello!

Music hands Invented by someone, simple and wise

When meeting, greet “Good morning!” "Let's say hello to you too

Chant Good morning! Smile soon

And then the whole day will be more fun

We will stroke your forehead, nose and cheeks

We will be beautiful like flowers in the garden

Let's rub our palms harder, harder.

And then let's clap faster, faster.

Now we'll rub our ears and save our health

Let's smile again. Be healthy everyone!!!

Muzruk: Guys, I brought you very good news. The Queen of Music invites us to a musical winter walk, but to get there you need to be sensitive to the music and perform all the movements correctly.

Musical and rhythmic movements

Let's make a beautiful circle

We are guys after each other

We're moving around quickly

(Ecotez 50,CD2 No. 8) hands on the belt Side gallop,

And now there are large snowdrifts ahead of us. We raise the handles on our belt higher than our legs, pull the toe, and move on.....

Now let's run a little - running with overwhelm. stopped

Breathing exercises

Now let’s take a breath (we raise our hands up and smoothly lower them), shake off the frosty breeze and snow from the branches. (And shake them off)

Hear the blizzard howling and singing along with us

U_U_U_UUU (we help with our hands)

The wind will begin to howl shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and we will spin around with it.

Guys, we found ourselves in a magical winter park. and music will help us awaken beauty.

Sounds Music "December" P.I. Tchaikovsky Game - discussion Sit down on a bench. What time of year is it now? (WINTER) What signs of winter do you know? (cold, frosty, icy, snowy, cheerful, joyful) Take a snowflake, look at it and tell me what it is (beautiful, patterned, cold, silver, white, light)

Well done! These are the winter words you know. And today we will get acquainted with the composition from the series “Seasons”. Who do you think we will talk about now?

About P.I. Tchaikovsky (photo) turn on the musicCD 2 №15

Tchaikovsky wrote this work and came up with the name “At the Fireplace”.

Kamelek is a fireplace, stove, hearth. Now not everyone has stoves at home, but steam heating. Whoever has ovens, raise your hands. Did you see the light flickering there? In the old days there was no steam heating, and the whole family gathered around the fireplace. Poor families wove, spun, and embroidered at the stove. Grandmothers told stories to their grandchildren while sitting by the fire. In general, we did all the evening work by the fire. Why do you think? (there was no light).

Poem ROMA :

It’s getting dark outside the window, only we feel comfortable and warm

Maybe a fairy tale is wandering by the window. That evening she came to see us.

Guys, tell me what kind of music this is (sad, calm)

Finger gymnastics “Spark”

Now get your palms ready. Let's show how the light burns. But the wind blew and our light began to tilt in one direction or the other. Now let’s draw with you what we listened to the melody about

Fireplace fire coloring page

And now Polina and Diana will perform a song.

Song "White Blizzard Sweeps"

It even became somewhat cool. Let's warm up and have a massage

Stand one after another in a column, one at a time.

Health saving block Winter Massage

A chill goes down the back - current - current - (with fingers they rise from bottom to top along the neighbor’s back)

A strong wind is blowing - ok ok ok (pat on the back from top to bottom)

I'll give you a massage (pinch)

I’ll warm you, you’re our friend (they knock with the ribs of their palms)

Muzruk :Whoever doesn’t sit in the cold never freezes

Imagination game (to the music of “Snowflakes” by Stoyanov

Music of hands : Snowflakes whirl, whirl and turn into shapes

(children run around and spin around, freeze when the music ends, and the teacher guesses what kind of figure the children are portraying)

Poem Diana

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets

The snow lies shining in the sun

The transparent forest alone turns black

And the spruce turns green through the frost

And the river glitters under the ice

Developing a sense of rhythm (approach the blue fabric on the floor on which there are snowflakes)

Muzruk: Look, this is a river. She was frozen. Sit down on the bank Guys, snowflakes have arrived. Look, they are both small and large, just like the notes in our music. We call small notes “ti” and large notes “ta”

Music "Sleigh" (clap the rhythmic pattern):

******F****LJ ******F ****LJ

Let the children create the design themselves and then clap.


And now I invite you todance "Minuet" »

Song "Sleigh sleigh" music by Fillipenko lyrics by Volgina

Look, there is a Christmas tree on the road, and very soon a wonderful holiday - New Year. Let's dress it up.

Musical game “We will hang the balloons”

And now we’ll go along the path to the kindergarten, we’ll come again!!

Did you enjoy our walk? What did you do today?

Now let's say goodbye to our guests! We raised our hands, took the ray of light to our hearts and gave it to the guests!!! Goodbye!

Self-analysis for a music lesson in the preparatory group “Winter Walk”

This lesson was planned by me in accordance with thematic planning on the topic

“Hello Winter Winter” Participants in the music lesson are children from the preparatory group.

I have known the children for 4 years now. For the music lesson, I prepared musical material: songs, musical works, presentations of snowflakes for building rhythmic patterns, winter trees, a bench, a portrait of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, a hoop with bells, sheets for drawing, paints.

Target : 1Development of children’s creative abilities using various types of musical activities using the example of works about winter.

When planning the lesson, I set the following tasks:

1Educational: - consolidate and generalize knowledge about winter and its signs, through the emotional perception of musical works, including familiarity with the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky

2Developing: development of children's creative activity in musical and performing activities (games, dance, songs), speed and dexterity in games, coherent speech, logical thinking.

3. Educational : nurturing in children an emotional attitude towards classical music, poetry, dance, interest in the world around them, an emotional holistic attitude towards it, a desire to take care of their health. .

Reinforcing the main signs of winter with children occurred through all the main types of musical activities: reasoning, singing, musical movement, improvisation games. The most difficult thing for children is listening to music, so I included a video presentation so that the children’s attention would be more focused. To reinforce the piece they heard, I invited the children to color the fireplace

In the second half of the lesson, such works as “Minuet”, “Sleigh” (a work well known to children) and the imagination game “Snowflakes” (for musical, rhythmic and improvisational activities) were included, and this is due to the fact that the children’s attention and concentration are less stable by the end of the lesson. I spent the end of the lesson in the form of reflection, thus learning how deeply the children understood this topic. All forms of activity offered to children were subject to the theme “Hello Winter!”

Goals: Development of children's creative abilities using various types of musical activities using the example of works about winter. and the tasks I have set. The children were attentive, interested in the music lesson, and emotional to the best of their abilities. They make contact easily. They manifested themselves in different ways in different types of musical activity. The development of a sense of rhythm and imagination games were the most interesting for children, and therefore found a greater emotional response from children. I would like children to express themselves more, feel more confident, and not be afraid to speak in public. For this purpose, I included the minuet dance in the lesson. Not everyone coped with these tasks, but most children met this condition. I believe that the music lesson took place at the optimal pace, in a friendly psychological atmosphere, the assigned tasks were completed at the required level. Thank you to the teachers for the help provided and for organizing the children

Organizational activities, preparation for class
The lesson was carried out in accordance with the notes. The abstract was compiled independently, in accordance with the objectives of the basic general education program, corresponding to the given age of the children. To implement each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.
At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated the children’s mental activity. The manuals are of sufficient size and aesthetically designed. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the lesson.
Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.
The organizational technique “Greeting” in poetic form” was aimed at developing communicative qualities and establishing friendly relationships both within the children’s team and between guests and children.
The lesson is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while looking for a way out of a problem situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with a test, developing fine motor skills of the hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, working with cereals “Find a Vegetable”, logorhythmic exercise - “walking to the garden.” A quick rotation of techniques and changes in poses during the lesson made it possible to avoid fatigue in the children.
Didactic activities of the teacher:
All aspects of the lesson are logical and consistent, subordinated to one topic. Moments from the educational areas of Cognition were integrated into the lesson: Reinforced the ability to describe a vegetable according to its characteristic features, according to the diagram; developed the ability to distinguish and name colors; Communication: children participated in the general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated the children's vocabulary using words - the name of vegetables, practiced coordinating nouns and adjectives; “Socialization” to independently express goodwill and empathy. Artistic creativity: Improved children’s ability to roll plasticine between their palms with straight movements, reinforced pressing techniques, developing fine motor skills., Physical education; developed motor imagination and coordination of movements; Health: formed children’s ideas about vitamins and their importance. The techniques in the lesson were of a playful nature, based on game-based learning situations,

The use of the “Vegetable Garden” model helped to implement the main educational task in an interesting way - the formation of children’s ideas about vegetables and the place where they grow. My role was limited to learning to give detailed answers. This helped to achieve optimal results.

At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped them gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional attitude.
The creation of search, problem situations intensified the mental and speech activity of children,
The specifics of working with children in the classroom were reflected in a person-centered approach. She encouraged timid children and praised them in order to consolidate their situation of success.
During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to maintain the children’s interest in the lesson throughout the entire time.
The outcome of the lesson was organized in the form of a game problem situation “Guess the treat?” so that during it you can check the quality of assimilation of the material.

Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to pay special attention to individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, expand active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

Summary of the musical lesson "For a walk in the winter forest" for children of senior preschool age

The summary I presented of a musical lesson for children of senior preschool age, “For a walk in the winter forest,” contributes to the development of children’s musical abilities, speech, movement, cognitive interests and the ability to solve age-appropriate problem problems through musical, playful and communicative activities.
It is recommended to conduct the lesson before the New Year and Christmas holidays.
This material will be useful to music directors, educators and teachers of additional education on the ecology of preschool educational institutions.

Author: Olga Yurievna Godovana, music director of the MBDOU "Academy of Childhood", Sverdlovsk region, Nizhny Tagil
Target: enrich children's knowledge about the life of birds and animals in the winter season, through joint musical, playful and communicative activities using musical and playful movements, staging songs and musical games; evoke positive emotions in children from meeting the natural world.
- form correct breathing;
- to develop children’s ability to improvise and be independent in choosing actions to convey an image;
- develop the ability to independently transfer acquired knowledge to new conditions;
- develop imagination, creative and musical abilities, singing range, phonemic perception through sounds;
- develop children’s speech as a means of communication and a way of understanding the world around them;
- develop tactile-motor activity, coordination of movements, the ability to coordinate your movements with music;
- cultivate emotional responsiveness to diverse music;
- to cultivate a caring and respectful attitude towards nature, love for the native land.
Materials and equipment: artificial Christmas trees, "drifts", a bunny's "mink house", a bear's "den" made of white fabric, paper snowflakes, crispy lumps of cellophane, bullfinches figurines, toys: bunny, squirrel; squirrel hats; bird feeders; dry ice, bells; New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree; baskets, handbags, bags, a barrel of honey and jam; treats for forest dwellers; music center, phonogram of wind whistling, "Disco ball" lighting.

Progress of the lesson.

The lesson begins in a group where the teacher conducts a conversation with the children.
Educator. Dear guys! Today I want to invite you for a walk in a winter fairy forest. There we will see a lot of interesting things, admire its winter beauty, meet its forest inhabitants - birds and animals. Let's find out how horses live in the forest in winter. Let's dress warmer.
The logorhythmic exercise “Dress Up” is carried out (author’s development)
We will wear sweaters, warm pants,
Hats, fur coats, felt boots,
Mittens, scarves.
That's it - we're ready!
Is everyone dressed? Now, don’t forget to take the treats and gifts that you have prepared for the forest inhabitants. They will be very happy about it.
Children take with them feeders, baskets, treats, and New Year's decorations made with their own hands. Everyone goes to the music room, where they are met by the music director.
Musical director. I see that everyone is ready for the walk: they dressed warmly and did not forget to take gifts for the forest dwellers. I propose to go to the winter forest on a sled. And to make it more fun, let’s take a song and ringing bells on the road.
Children perform the 1st and 2nd verses of the song “Sanochki” (Music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by Volgina)
Musical director. Here we are! Just look around!
Enchantress in winter
The forest is bewitched.
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life. (F. Tyutchev)
The teacher turns on the “Disco ball” light.
Musical director. Look how beautiful the snowflakes are swirling in the air. Let's listen to a poem about them.
1 child. Look, the snowflake is spinning,
Like a dandelion fluff
We have been watching her for a long time:
How she flashes among the branches.
Smoothly sank onto a twig,
Froze like a white spider (S. Pronin)
2 child. White snowflake,
Light fluff,
Where did you come to us from?
And did you bring your girlfriends?
They're all spinning now
In a whirlwind of a waltz above the ground.
Children of Santa Claus
And icy snowstorms. (M. Piudunen)
The teacher includes in the recordings A. Stoyanov’s play “Snowflakes”.
Musical director. Do you hear the fabulous music that sounds? This is Santa Claus with his magic staff playing a waltz for snowflakes on icicles. Let us also spin with them in a beautiful dance.
Children take pre-prepared paper snowflakes from their chairs and improvise dance moves. Adults correct children's movements.

Musical director. Listen. How quiet it is in the forest. And what wonderful frosty air: fresh, clean, cool. Do you feel it, children?
The breathing exercise “Aroma” by E. Makshantseva is carried out (using paper snowflakes).
Musical director. Let me catch one snowflake and smell it.
A strange star fell from the sky,
It lay on my palm and sparkled.
Cold, white, tender, tender
And so beautiful... she’s snowy.
Slowly sniffs the snowflake several times, making noisy inhalations and exhalations. Having sniffed for the last time, inhaling, he says:
-Oh! Aroma! Aroma! Wonderful aroma! Wonderful aroma!
Then he invites the children to each smell their own “snowflake” and say in unison: “A-ro-mat!”
The exercise is performed several times; then the “snowflakes” can be placed on the chairs.
Musical director. It's cold in the forest. You can't hear the cheerful chirping of birds. Look carefully around. Maybe some of you will notice them?
Children look around and notice figures of bullfinches sitting on the branches.
Musical director. Let's come closer.
A logorhythmic exercise is being conducted on the poem “Bullfinches” by N. Nishcheva
Musical director. Here on the branches, look (the children shake their hands above their heads).
Bullfinches in red T-shirts (torso turns),
Released the feathers (frequent shaking of the hands),
Basking in the sun (jumping on two legs),
Head turns (head turns),
They want to fly away! (running in place with arms waving).
Educator. Wait, bullfinches! Don't fly away! Children, let's give the birds a treat. Hang up the feeders, take out the treats you prepared for them.
Children, with the help of adults, hang feeders on branches and pour grains, crumbs, and seeds into them.
Musical director. It is not often that you see forest animals on winter paths. But until winter, all autumn, they worked. And who will tell me how? (they insulated their minks, made supplies, changed their fur coats). Let's see how forest animals winter.
Everyone comes up to the “snowdrift house” for the bunnies.
Musical director. Look at the snowdrift. And the ears stick out from it. Whose house is this? Well, guess what: He’s afraid of everyone in the forest:
Wolf, eagle owl, fox.
He runs from them to escape.
With long ears...
Children. Hare!
Musical director. Tell me, how do hares prepare for winter? Do they hibernate?
Children make assumptions: they change their fur coat - it becomes white. This way the bunny is not noticeable in the snow and it is easier for him to hide and run away from predators: wolves and foxes. In winter, hares do not sleep.
Musical director. Can you show me what they do?
Children stage the song “Bunny” (Music by G. Portnov, lyrics by V. Suslov // Musical director. - 2006. - No. 1. - p. 72).
Educator. Do hares store food for themselves? (No, they don’t). And then what do they eat in winter? (Tree bark, dry grass, roots, getting everything from under the snow). Let's give our treat to the bunnies. What treat will they enjoy?
Children leave carrots, cabbage, grass, and apples near the “mink.”
Musical director. Let's go further (they approach another snowdrift from which “steam” is coming).
Listen to my riddle: All paths, all paths
Covered with white snow.
And in Brown's den
Quiet, dry and warm.
Steam flows over the den -
The couch potato dreams of summer.
Guess and answer -
Who's in that den?
Children. Bear!
Musical director. Guys, do you think it’s possible to wake up the bear now, in winter? (No, you can’t disturb a bear in winter, because it hibernates.) Let’s play the “Bear” game with you.
A speech game “Bear” by T. Alyokhina based on poems by I. Tokmakova is being performed.
Children pick up “lumps” of very rustling paper and at the same time perform movements and pronounce words:
Like snow on a hill, snow
And under the hill there is snow-snow (cellophane rustling)
And a bear is sleeping under the snow (sniffing or snoring)
Quiet, quiet... Don't make noise! ​​(turning to each other, they put a finger to their lips: “Shh, shh...")
Musical director. In the spring, when the bear comes out of hibernation, he will be very hungry, completely exhausted, let's leave him a treat. I think he will be very happy about our surprise. What treat will please him the most?
Children express their guesses and leave honey, jam, and dried berries at the “bear’s den.”
Musical director. Now listen to another riddle:
It's not a bird on a branch,
The animal is small.
The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle.
Who is this?
Children. Squirrel!
Musical director. That's right. Do you know where the squirrel's house is? (on a tree, in a hollow). I suggest you turn into squirrels for a while and show how they prepare for winter.
Spin around, spin around -
Let's all turn into squirrels!
Children spin around and put on hats with squirrel ears. The “Song of the Squirrels” by E. Erantseva is being staged // Musical Director.-2009.-No.7.- p. 23 and Musical Director.- 2007.-№6.-p. 54).
M music director. And now let's become kids again:
Spin around, spin around
And turn into kids!
The children are spinning; remove the squirrels' caps.
Educator. We need to treat our squirrel. What treat did you bring her? (they give away dried mushrooms, nuts, acorns). So we fed all the forest inhabitants.
Musical director.(shivering).
I think the frost is getting stronger. It got kind of cold. I see you are cold too. Let’s warm up. (The massage game “Winter warm-up” by M. Kartushina and poems by M. Ruzina are performed.
If your hands are cold,
We begin to rub them,
We will quickly manage our hands,
How to heat it on the stove.
(Children slowly rub palm against palm)
Palms first
Just like ice,
Then like frogs,
Then like pillows.
(Children rub their hands faster and faster)
Palms warmed up.
They really burn
And not for fun.
I'm burning like fire
Here, touch me!
(stretch open palms forward)
So we warmed up. I see you are not afraid of frost. Tell me, do you like winter? What do you like in winter?
Children perform the song “What do we like in winter?” (music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by L. Nekrasova)
Musical director. In winter, our favorite holiday comes to us - New Year. Let us also organize a holiday for the forest dwellers. We still have the New Year's decorations that we brought with us. What should we do with them? (children express their suggestions: give them to forest dwellers, decorate a Christmas tree with them, etc.)
Children decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys made with their own hands: beads, balls, icicles, snowflakes.
Musical director. What do you think, will they like our gift? (children express their opinions).
Guys, you are great for taking care of the forest inhabitants. I think that our treat will help them survive the cold winter, and a beautifully decorated tree will help them celebrate the New Year holiday with joy. And as a souvenir of our walk, I suggest taking these forest cones with you. We will use them to make decorations for our New Year tree (children collect pine cones lying under the trees in baskets and bags).
The teacher plays a phonogram of wind whistling.
Musical director. Hear, the wind whistled again, the snowstorm was sweeping the paths.
A phonopedic exercise is carried out according to the method of V. Emelyanov “Wind”.
The wind wanders along the roads: "Oooh!"
He sweeps up the snowdrifts: “Uh-oh!”
He sings his own song: "U-oo-oo!"
The wind howls in the chimneys: “Oooh!”
(the text is pronounced in chest and falsetto mode along with blowing air (“blowing on a candle”).
Educator. It's time for us to return home before all the paths in the forest are covered with snow. Hurry up and get on the sled. With a cheerful song we will quickly rush to the kindergarten.
To the song "Sleigh" by A. Filippenko, the children leave the hall.

Summary of a thematic music lesson for children in the preparatory school group "Zimushka-winter"

Job Description: the presented material from the thematic musical lesson “Winter-Winter” will help children of senior preschool age to generalize their knowledge about winter in an interesting way. This material will be useful to music directors, educators and additional education teachers in preschool educational institutions.

Target: generalizing children’s knowledge about winter through musical, playful and artistic activities.

1. Enrich the musical perception of a preschooler, activate children’s speech.
2. Create conditions for the development of a sense of rhythm, the ability to play the musical instrument in a coordinated and rhythmic manner. Practice playing musical instruments in an ensemble.
3. Develop vocal and choral technique: articulation and diction, coordination between hearing and voice.
4. Improve performing activities: sing expressively and move to the music, conveying the mood of the works.
5. To cultivate in children a sense of beauty, a love of nature through fine art, music and poetry.

Preliminary work.
1. Conversation on the topic “Winter”.
2. Learning songs, dances, games.

Lesson materials:
1. Portrait of the composer
2. Musical instruments (metallophone, bells, triangles).
3. Multimedia (Skype video, White Snowflakes orchestra + presentation).

Progress of the lesson.

Musical director:
Good afternoon my friends! I'm glad to see you again!
Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

1. Game "Greeting"
- Hello, guys!
- How are you feeling?
- Shall we study?
- Will you try?
- We will dance, repeat the movements,
I ask you guys to repeat after me.

M.R.: How fun and friendly we greeted you.

Skype sound.

Listen guys, Skype is calling us. I wonder who wants to talk to us?

Video: “Hello, guys! We live on the island of Chunga-changa. We have summer all year round and we have never seen winter. Please tell us about winter. Goodbye."

M.r.. Guys, let's tell our friends from the island of Chunga-Changa about a wonderful time of year, about winter. And since we are in a music lesson, we will introduce winter to music: songs, dances and games. We will film all this on camera and send it to the island of Chunga-chang. Do you agree?

Guys, tell me, do you like winter? (answers) What kind of winter is there? (snow-white, frosty, harsh, fierce, warm, cold, snowy, cheerful).
Indeed, winter is always different. But even cold and frost does not stop us from enjoying winter. Let's take a walk along the winter paths.

2. Rhythmic exercise “Along the path”
We will walk along the path, one after another in single file (walking “snake”)
We are drowning in snowdrifts, raising our legs higher (“stepping over” the snowdrifts)
Walk more carefully, just don’t break branches (walking in a half-squat)
Suddenly a blizzard came, swirled, and carried away (we are spinning around ourselves).
And let's jump like springs! We are catching snowflakes now! (jump, “grab”)
We are rolling a snow ball, and now we are throwing it!

M.r.. Let's play, relax and go to the chairs. (sat down)

Winter is an amazing time of year. Everything in the area is covered with snow, as if it were a fluffy and soft white carpet. Winter nature inspires artists to paint pictures, poets to compose poems, and composers to write music. This is how artists depict winter in their paintings.

(display of reproductions about Winter)

How winter worked! What a smooth border
Without disturbing the outlines, it lay on the roofs of slender buildings.
Snowflakes fell from the sky in such a random disorder,
And they lay down on a smooth bed and strictly bordered the forest.

M.R.: Guys, today I want to introduce you to the very beautiful music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, which is called "Waltz of Snow Flakes". But first, tell me, please, what is a waltz? What do you think snow flakes are? Let's listen to this wonderful music.

3. Listening (acquaintance) “Waltz of Snow Flakes” by P. I. Tchaikovsky

What wonderful music! Did you like it? Please tell the snowflake why you liked the music? What kind of music was it?

Children, passing a snowflake, talk about music (light, fairy-tale, crystal, ringing, magical... and a little alarming).

M.r.. - The white snowflakes began to spin.
Light fluffs flew upward in a white flock.
The evil blizzard calmed down a little - it settled down everywhere.
They sparkled like pearls - everyone marveled at the miracle.

Yes, guys, there is nothing more beautiful than a snow-white snowflake shimmering in the sun. Let's play snow music. What instruments are suitable to make the music of snowflakes light, ringing, crystalline? (bell, triangle, metallophone)

4. Orchestra “White Snowflakes” by Barinov(boys)

What beautiful crystal music we made! Well done!

M.r.. - Guys, do you like to sing? Do you even know songs about snow? Then let's begin, but only to begin with, let's sit down nicely.

Exercise for posture “Grandfather is sitting” Kartushina.
“My grandfather has been sitting for a hundred years. - children sit hunched over.
And we are little children, they sit up straight and sing cheerfully.
Our backs are straight.”

Well done guys, correct posture helps your voice sound bright and clear. And now we need to wake up our voice with a song.

5. Chanting “Winter Pure Word” by Kartushin(smoothly, abruptly)

And now there’s a mystery for you, listen up, guys.
Whoever sleeps serenely in a den in a snow-white winter (a bear).

That's right, it's a bear. Why does a bear sleep in winter? What happened to him? (conversation based on the lyrics of the song).

Let's continue learning this comic song. I start a song, and you help me (don’t forget about posture)

6. Learning the song (2k) “Once in a frosty winter” Knipper
Techniques: (clarification of words, whispering to the rhythm of a song, “echo”, phrase by phrase).

My friends, let’s sing our favorite winter song for our friends. Please stand up if you want to sing. We have formed a whole children's choir. And for the choir to sound harmoniously, like one voice, we need... Who? (conductor). Right! He will help us perform the song (a conductor is selected who shows who to sing - all together, girls, boys and no one).

7. Consolidation of the song “Winter Meeting” by Nekrasov
Evaluation of song performance (conductor) - attentiveness, expressiveness, diction, natural sounding of the voice. Praise for efforts (teacher - what you liked).

Guys, hear, the wind is rising, the snowstorm is starting. Now the girls will show us a snow dance.

8. Dance "Snow"(girls)

M. r. It's cold and frosty in the yard today,
This always happens in winter in January.
What should children do, how can they go for walks?
You just need to play winter games!

9. Game “Cold, hands are frozen” with acceleration

M.r.. We played so much fun, but we were a little tired.
We will all rest, we will breathe through our noses.

One, two, three, four, five, we can count everything.
We also know how to rest - we put our hands behind our backs,
Let's raise our heads higher and breathe easily - 2p.
(take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth).

- Guys, we told our friends about winter. Do you think the people of Chunga Chang Island enjoyed winter? Why? (children's answer - they sang expressively, danced beautifully, played merrily). It's time for us to end our meeting. Let's say to our friends: "Goodbye."

Well, friends, we say goodbye, but the winter fairy tale does not end. Winter will still delight us with its magical sounds: the creaking of snow underfoot, the dance of snow flakes, and fun winter games. And now it's time for us to say goodbye.
Calm music sounds. Children leave the hall.