Alexander Gudkov marital status. Fedor Dvinyatin - an unusual team with an unusual name

Like many of his friends, Alexander Gudkov, whose photo many humor lovers will recognize today, entered show business from KVN. And today he is considered one of the most recognizable talented TV presenter and showman. In addition, he is an actor and writes good scripts.

Biography of Alexander Gudkov

He was born on the twenty-fourth of February 1983 in Stupino. When KVN was organized at his school in 1999, Sasha took part in a tournament held between the tenth and eleventh grades. His game was noticed, and he ended up in the city team. Alexander Gudkov played with the teams “Semeyka-2” and “Natural Disaster”, and in 2009 he became a bronze medalist in the Major League.


Alexander began his independent work on television as one of the writers in the humorous program “Comedy Woman”. He even played in several numbers with Natalia Medvedeva. From April 2010 to 2011, he hosted the program “Laughter in the Big City.” Currently, Gudkov is a regular participant and co-host of the Evening Urgant show. In addition, he often tours with the Fedor Dvinyatin team. In November 2012, a cartoon called “Wreck-It Ralph” was released, in which the young showman voiced the main character.


Alexander Gudkov, who has not yet succeeded, sees enough advantages in his work. He likes that his popularity makes it easy to meet girls. It is likely that one of them will someday become his wife. But for now the young artist is confident that it is too early for him to start a family.

He helps his mother a lot; she still lives in Stupino. His sister also lives and works there. Alexander and Natalya Gudkov once played together in KVN. But today my sister works in the city administration in the department dealing with sports, youth and tourism.

Alexander Gudkov - personal life

By the age of thirty, the young artist had already achieved a lot. He is not afraid to look shocking and funny, always striving to stand out from the crowd. Apparently, this is the secret that he is always remembered. The personal life of Alexander Gudkov is closed to his fans. The artist does not like to introduce strangers to it. In general, Sasha never considered himself an actor, calling what he does today just his hobby. He considers only script writing to be his profession, although, according to him, he did not become a certified screenwriter, but rather a creative “scribbler.” Alexander, whose life today is defined by two words: not married, but still has a girlfriend. But even the showman himself doesn’t know when the wedding will take place. In the meantime, the artist’s heart is occupied by his most beloved and dear lady - his mother.

But he is confident that someday he will create his own program, in which large families will participate - with children and even dogs. Sasha always thought that this show would be very interesting. In general, Gudkov is a supporter of family programs and believes that, unfortunately, there are almost none of them on television today.


Popularity in no way affected Alexander’s personal life. But he has more fans and admirers. Gudkov treats them with great reverence and gratitude. Sasha always had a penchant for acting. At a young age, many advised him to enter a theater institute. However, the showman who later became famous never thought that he could do it well.

Therefore, Alexander Gudkov graduated from the Faculty of Metal Science. He even wanted to work in his chosen specialty, but life, having its own way, made serious adjustments to his plans. After Sasha’s contract in the “Yesterday Live” program ended, he moved to “Evening Urgant”, where he not only co-hosts, but also writes scripts.


Gudkov’s rapid popularity could not remain without questions about the comedian’s personal life. The press was always interested in whether he was married or with whom he was going to tie the knot, what his selection criteria would be, or how his chosen one felt about Alexander’s fame. But when it turned out that he, alas, was not burdened with marrying any of the Russian beauties, although this was the dream of his parents, who had long been ready for grandchildren, the most incredible rumors began to creep around Sasha. Many TV viewers were almost sure that Gudkov would never marry for very specific personal reasons. It was rumored that he had homosexual tendencies, although the comedian himself denied them.

According to him, he simply created the image of a “gay” womanizer for a team of cheerful and resourceful people. It was this image that significantly advanced his career. The skits were always considered fresh and quite humorous, but what else did a novice showman need? Alexander Gudkov himself admits that he was never interested or worried about newspaper gossip. And the flashy headlines talking about his penchant for homosexuality mean absolutely nothing to him.


The reason that the showman does not have enough time for his personal life is that Sasha recently started a small business. Together with friends, they opened a hairdressing salon called “Boy Cut”, which is located in one of the most fashionable places in the capital - in “Red October”.

A distinctive feature of the salon, which has already become quite popular, is a strict ban on the entry of representatives of the fair sex, regardless of their age. The hairdressing salon employs the best stylists, specialists and hairdressers with extensive experience. Everything is provided here for the convenience of the client. Those who come to this salon can expect a wide variety of cosmetic treatments intended only for men.

Comedy woman

When Alexander Gudkov became a member of Comedy Woman, almost the entire team worked well with him. This women's show has excited all television broadcasts since its first appearance. After all, many people have the opinion that girls have never been able to reproduce humor. But this point of view was crushed to smithereens.

Gradually, male characters began to appear in the show. And one of them was Alexander Gudkov. He got into “Comedy Woman” for a reason. Since his image contained feminine traits, he perfectly complemented the group of girls. His subtle voice, special, frankly speaking, non-masculine attitude to fashion, style and beauty became one of the components of the fact that he became a good friend for girls.

Alexander Gudkov was quite warmly received by Comedywoman. And, as the actor and comedian himself later admitted, a female team cannot be called the sweetest atmosphere to work in, although even here “everyone can find a place in the sun.” You just need to get used to such an environment, get to know the beauties better, so as not to feel like a black sheep. After all, all girls have their own individualism and character, moreover, on the playgrounds there are often clashes and quarrels, even some incomprehensible moments, but all this can be easily resolved.

It is easy for Alexander Gudkov to find a common language with them because on stage he is as close as possible to the image of a young man with homosexual inclinations. A plus in communication is having your own beauty salon, since the girls really like his advice on makeup and style. However, the popular actor and comedian does not intend to stop only at this show: he plans to develop more and more in television programs. His ambition with an endless stream of positive emotions will make his popularity much greater than it is now.

Alina Krasnova

Not news

Instagram; PersonStars; Starface

Dmitry Khrustalev

39 years old, “Team of St. Petersburg”

Not married. Since 2013 - partner of Ivan Urgant in the Evening Urgant program on Channel One. Replaced former KVN participant Alexander Gudkov in this position.

Alexander Gudkov

35 years old, “Fedor Dvinyatin”

Screenwriter of “Evening Urgant” and presenter of the show “Ladies’ Club” and “Music Studio of Alexander Gudkov”.


Vadim Galygin

42 years old, BSU

In 2010, Galygin married for the third time - to singer Olga Vainilovich. A year later, Vadim Galygin Jr. was born into the family. There is also a student daughter from her first marriage.

Garik Kharlamov

37 years old, “Ungolden Youth”

Since 2005, resident of the comedy show Comedy Club. In 2012, the comedian found himself the subject of gossip because of his infidelity. Kharlamov left his first wife Yulia Leshchenko for actress Kristina Asmus. Almost immediately, Asmus and Kharlamov got married, and in 2014 their daughter Anastasia was born.

Stanislav Yarushin

37 years old, “District City”

Since 2011, he has been living in his second marriage - with Alena Yarushina. The couple have two children: daughter Stefania (born in 2012) and son Yaroslav (2014). Since 2011, Yarushin has been playing in the series “Univer. New dorm." In 2016, Stanislav released the music album “About This.”

Sergey Pisarenko

49 years old, “County City”

Sergei has an 18-year-old daughter, Daria, and a 12-year-old son, Nikita.

Evgeniy Nikishin

41 years old, "County City"

Evgeniy has a son, Vsevolod, and a daughter, Arina. He works on television, participates in shows and plays on stage. For example, at the beginning of 2018 Nikishin played in the same play with Olga Buzova. Sergey Pisarenko also kept them company.

Sangadzhi Tarbaev

36 years old, “RUDN University Team”

After leaving KVN, Tarbaev produced the show “Give You Youth!” " and "One for all", which can still be viewed on the website of the STS Love channel. Sangaji is also currently involved in television production. The former KVN participant has an active social position. He was the chairman of the Commission for Support of Youth Initiatives of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. In 2013, Sangadzhi and his wife Tatyana had a son, Timujin.

Ararat Keshchyan

39 years old, “RUDN University Team”

After KVN, Ararat began playing a history student in the TV series “Univer”. Ararat plays Michael to this day in the sequel “Univer. New dorm."

Ararat Keshchyan is married to Ekaterina Shepeta, this is the actor’s second marriage. Ekaterina has her own business - a wedding agency, which she combines running with raising two daughters.

Semyon Slepakov

38 years old, “Pyatigorsk Team”

Semyon Slepakov's wife Karina is a lawyer. She is younger than her famous husband and, not surprisingly given his height, noticeably shorter. Semyon produces and writes scripts for the TV series “Univer. New dorm", "Interns", "SashaTanya".

Dmitry Kolchin

35 years old, SOK

In 2011, Kolchin’s team “SOK” became the champion of the KVN Major League, after which Dmitry remained at the club as an editor. He finally left KVN in 2016. Since 2018, Kolchin has been hosting the “Weekend Show” on STS. In the summer of 2011, Dmitry married a girl named Larisa, and the following year a daughter was born into the family.

Vladimir Zelensky

40 years old, “95th block”

In 2014, Zelensky actively supported the Ukrainian military, expressed an anti-Russian position and criticized DPR supporters, calling them “scum.” In the same year, the artist starred in the Russian comedies “8 New Dates” and “Love in the City 3,” and two years later in the Russian-Ukrainian film “8 Best Dates” with Vera Brezhneva. Now Vladimir is the general producer of the Ukrainian TV channel “Inter”. Zelensky is married to classmate Elena Kiyashko, the couple has a daughter and a son.

Igor Lastochkin

31 years old, “Team of Dnepropetrovsk”

Lastochkin is the host of the show “Make the Comedian Laugh” on the Ukrainian channel “Inter”. Since 2011, he has been married to Anna Portugalova and has a son, Radmir.

Mikhail Galustyan

38 years old, “Burnt by the Sun”

In 2007, Galustyan married Victoria Stefanets, and three years later Victoria gave birth to a daughter, Estella. In February 2012, a girl, Elina, was born.

Alexander Revva

43 years old, “Burnt by the Sun”

Spouses Alexander and Anzhelika Revva are raising daughters Alice and Amelie.

Andrey Burkovsky

34 years old, “Maximum”

In 2012, Burkovsky received a role in the multi-part sitcom “Kitchen,” and in 2013 he appeared in the series “The Last of the Magikians.”

The artist got married in 2008. Olga and Andrey Burkovsky are raising their daughter Alisa and son Maxim.

Mikhail Bashkatov

36 years old, “Maximum”

Mikhail Bashkatov took part in such television projects as “Daddy’s Daughters”, “Kitchen”, “Heads and Tails”, and in 2018 the science fiction film “Project Gemini” was released, where he played one of the main roles.

During his student years, the actor met his future wife Ekaterina. Now the couple is raising three sons, the youngest of whom was born in 2016.

Sergey Gorelikov

38 years old, Maximum

Serge Gorely became a resident of the Comedy Club in 2010. In 2013, the artist married Maria Melnik, whom he met in his native Tomsk and was friends for many years.

Andrey Rozhkov

47 years old, “Ural dumplings”

The artist of the show “Ural Dumplings” on STS is a father of many children. His wife Elvira gave birth to three sons from the comedian.

Dmitry Sokolov

53 years old, “Ural dumplings”

Since 2011, Sokolov has been living in his second marriage - with KVN actress Ksenia Li. Ksenia is from Kazakhstan, she is 23 years younger than her husband. The couple has two daughters and a son, Ivan. Sokolov also has a son and daughter from his first marriage.

Sergey Svetlakov

40 years old, “Ural dumplings”

Sergei Svetlakov, together with his colleague Alexander Nezlobin, left the TNT channel at the beginning of the year and from July 1 will begin collaborating with STS, where he will host the show and create scripts. Sergei Svetlakov is raising two children: daughter Anastasia from his first marriage to Yulia Svetlakova and son Ivan from his current wife Antonina Chebotareva.

Alexander Pushnoy

43 years old, “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”

This year Pushnoy and his wife Tatyana will celebrate 20 years of marriage! The couple has three sons.

Azamat Musagaliev

33 years old, “Team of Kamyzyak region”

Musagaliev is the star of TNT projects “Where is the logic?” and "Once Upon a Time in Russia". He and his wife Victoria are raising daughters Leysan and Milana.

Alexander was born on February 24, 1983, in the gated town of Stupino. He grew up as a calm and cheerful boy and never dreamed of performing on stage. The parents also thought that their son would certainly not be an artist, but would become an ordinary worker in some company.

But everything changed when the young comedian was asked to become a participant in the school KVN, where he performed for his class. Thanks to his free behavior on stage, Sasha manages to attract attention and is invited to play in the local KVN team.

After graduating from school, the young man knew that the stage was created for him. However, he decides to get a higher education and enters a technological university. After college, the guy did not work in his profession because he considered this specialty too boring.

He tried to devote all his free time to improving his humor and tried to find his own special genre that could surprise the audience.

Coming to KVN

Having gained more experience, the young man decides to become a member of such teams as: “Natural Disaster” and “Family 2”. But the real success for Alexander was participation in the “Fedor Dvinyatin” team; success came to the young man and his sister, Natalya Gudkova.

When they first appeared on Channel One, the “Fyodor Dvinyatin” team created a real sensation. The team, thanks to their hard work and their special style, was able to significantly distinguish themselves from other teams.

But in 2008, while performing one of the songs, the “Fyodor Dvinyatin” team decided to release Alexander Gudkov in the image of Valery Leontyev. Sasha was not at a loss and went into the hall, causing crazy delight among the audience, but the jury did not like this trick very much.

In subsequent years, there were many disputes about the style of this team; many believed that this style did not correspond to KVN. But ultimately, thanks to their efforts to prove that this game format has a chance of life, they manage to win approval from the jury.

Participation in other projects

Over time, Alexander Gudkov began to move away from his team and began to pay attention to solo performances. Gudkov made his debut as a screenwriter in the humorous show “Comedy Woman”, where Natalya Medvedeva, a colleague from “FD”, also played. After some time, the program managed to become popular.

Later, he decides to go on stage at Comedy Woman, where each of his images was remembered for its brightness and versatility. Later he is invited to become a participant in a humorous show on Channel One - “Evening Urgant”. According to Gudkov, this experience allowed him to become stronger, since in “Evening Urgant” everything was completely different.


In 2013, a young comedian and his friends Andrei Shubin and Nazim Zeynalov decide to open their own hairdressing salon. After some time of deliberation, the young people decide to give the hairdresser an original name - “Boy Cut”. But this place turned out to be, most likely, a club where anyone can come to talk about their problems, get a haircut, buy clothes and accessories. Their hairdressing salon employs exclusively professionals.

Personal life

Gudkov's personal life is not as eventful as his career. For several years, many have claimed that Gudkov is gay. There are many reasons for this: some argue that the fact is that he plays gays too believably, while others believe that the fact is that he has never been seen surrounded by any girl.

But it’s worth paying attention to the fact that Gudkov has no time for his personal life. Every day is packed, he participates in various television projects, and also runs his own business. Sasha's acquaintances and close friends claim that he is straight and he respects family values.

The young man says nothing about personal preferences or his future chosen one. For him, the closest person was and remains his sister, Natalya.

Social media

Alexander is a modest person by nature. He does not like the public and the press, he tries to spend all his free time with his family, whom he loves very much. Gudkov has his own Instagram, but, unfortunately, he does not post photos as often as his fans would like, but, nevertheless, all his photos are accompanied by interesting and funny posts.

In most cases, all his photographs show him at some event or from the filming of one of his shows.

What do you think about Alexander? Write your answers below.

Member name:

Age (birthday): 24.02.1983

City: Stupino, Moscow region

Education: VTU

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Read with this article:

Alexander Gudkov was born in the town of Stupino, closed during the Soviet era. The boy grew up as a completely ordinary child; he had no special acting talents or desire to amuse the public.

He studied calmly, sometimes he was a hooligan - like all other children. Artistic abilities awoke already in high school, and then it became fashionable to organize KVN competitions between classes.

And it was Sasha who pulled out his team, showing a skit in which there was a place for everything - free behavior, change of voice, and wit.

Even though young Sasha caught fire with KVN, my parents insisted on entering a technological university. And the future star agreed, completing his studies without any gaps.

Gudkov has not worked a day in his profession, and his mother still assures him that he is doing stupid things and it’s time for him to pay attention to serious work and a diploma.

Alexander simply fell in love with KVN, together with Natalya, his sister, he joined the teams “Natural Disaster” and “Family 2”.

Later Alexander Gudkov joined the team"" and their appearance on television produced a crazy effect.

The participants were significantly different from the others; their act was based on unconventional humor, complete absurdity and brilliant acting.

It took Gudkov and his team two years to prove to the jury that such humor has a right to exist. Yuliy Gusman was especially critical, but already in 2009 the Dvinyatin team received bronze.

After that Alexander signed a contract with the TNT channel and became one of the writers of the show “Comedy Woman”. For several years he worked behind the scenes, wrote humorous sketches and most of all valued the absence of boundaries.

Later he went on stage and became an artist of the project, his first numbers were performed in company with Natalya Medvedeva, his colleague in “Fedor Dvinyatin”. Gudkov's appearance on stage is always bright and memorable jokes, grimaces and unbridled fun.

Following successful performances, offers poured in - Alexander works at Vecherny Urgant, “Yesterday Live” and others.

Few people know that Gudkov is also a businessman - in 2013, together with friends, he opened a hairdressing salon, intended exclusively for men, “Boy Cut”, in a format reminiscent of a club.

Clients can not just come and get a haircut, but also talk to each other, discuss news and plans.

Alexander says practically nothing about his personal life, but he really values ​​and takes care of his sister. The artist dreams of family and children and believes that one day he will meet a worthy woman. So far there is no such person in his circle.

Photo by Sasha

The guy is very charismatic, his Instagram has a variety of photos.

Today's article will tell you about the actor, screenwriter, TV presenter and showman Alexander Gudkov. He appeared on television thanks to his long participation in KVN.

The average TV viewer recognizes Alexander thanks to the TV project “Evening Urgant”, which is broadcast on
First All-Russian TV channel. He also gained some of his fame due to his participation in the Comedy Woman show. But few people know that, according to the showman himself, his fundamental activity is writing scripts.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Gudkov

Many people, especially the female part of the audience, are interested in what height, weight, and age he is. How old is Alexander Gudkov you ask. After all, it’s difficult to immediately determine something like that, especially in stage makeup.

It is worth noting that a fairly common Internet request is: “Alexander Gudkov photo in his youth and now,” despite the fact that the showman is still quite young. So, the TV presenter weighs approximately 91 kilograms, with a height of 186 centimeters.

Impressive appearance for a 34-year-old man. Many people love horoscopes and are interested in who Alexander is by zodiac sign, and his sign is Pisces. For especially devoted fans, it can be noted that his sign in the Chinese horoscope is the wild boar.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Gudkov

The biography and personal life of Alexander Gudkov begins in the weak city of Stupino, which is located in the Moscow region. The showman was born on a cold February day in 1983. The boy grew up in a middle-income working-class family. Father is Vladimir Gudkov, and mother is Raisa Aleksandrovna Gudkova, who worked at a metallurgical plant before retiring, and Alexander Gudkov’s sister is Natalya Gudkova.

The parents very much wished their child a measured and stable future. Namely, so that he would become a “factory worker” and accumulate work experience. But such a future did not suit Alexander at all, although he did not think about acting. Even in his youth, the TV presenter showed his creative self in every possible way, because he was distinguished by a unique sense of humor. The first stage experience was gained at the age of 16, when the head of the educational department invited interested schoolchildren to participate in the KVN tournament.

It came as a big surprise to everyone when Alexander, on stage, began to show himself very professionally and make witty jokes. Fortunately for the guy, the head of the local KVN team was present at the concert. And after a certain period of time, Sasha was already playing for the city team.

After Alexander was accepted into the team, while spending a lot of time with his team, he still decided to get a higher education. Enrolled as a materials scientist at a technological university. He devoted 4 years to this and realized that this was not his thing at all, but for the peace of mind of his parents for Sasha’s stable future. At the same time, he did not work for everyone in his specialty.

It is important to note that Alexander Gudkov and Natalya Gudkova played in the same team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club called “Fedor Dvinyatin”. By the way, in KVN, the artist became famous for performing the image of a “feminine macho” on stage. In his subsequent career, Alexander continued to maintain this image.

The next stage of the artist’s career was television. The starting successes in this area were the scripts for the show “Comedy Woman”. Alexander did his work very naturally, and the stories were incredibly hilarious. This is what contributed to developing the showman’s potential to the fullest.

Subsequently, he auditioned for a show called “Yesterday Live,” which he got into by chance and was subsequently hired as the host. In the same year, 2010, he hosted a humorous TV show, which was called “Laughter in the Big City,” and at the same time, Sasha’s parents were unhappy that he was not gaining experience at the factory in order to receive a decent pension in old age. It is worth noting that Gudkov tried his hand as a dubbing actor, giving his voice to the main character of the cartoon “Wreck-It Ralph.”

By 2013, Alexander Gudkov had already managed to settle down at the First All-Russian, participating in the “Evening Urgant” project as a screenwriter, and subsequently as a co-host of the program.

Many fans wonder what the personal life of Alexander Gudkov is like. In one of the interviews, the showman admitted that he had been cherishing dreams of his own family for a long time, although he was completely devoted to work. He also said that working on television created a more liberated version of himself. This gave him a huge number of opportunities to meet the opposite sex and it would be foolish to deny that the showman succeeded in this. But, according to Alexander himself, the one and only one is not so easy to find.

Family and children of Alexander Gudkov

Many fans are interested in topics such as the family and children of Alexander Gudkov. As mentioned above, Sasha grew up in a working-class family.

The showman's family has rather conservative views. Parents tried in every possible way to persuade their son to work at a state enterprise for the sake of a stable future. Although Sasha completed higher education, this was done for the peace of mind of his parents, and he never worked in his specialty. But sister Alexandra Gudkova supported her brother. Together with Natalya, a large number of jokes were written for the team.

Natasha plays in the main roster of the KVN team in the Premier and Major Leagues.

It’s worth talking about Alexander’s opinion about children. At the moment, the artist does not have children of his own. What can we say about children if the media is not even aware of the plans for the marriage of the well-known showman.

The popular TV presenter keeps such plans a big secret. In contrast to his leisure time and work process, there is not even a hint of anything like that on Alexander’s social networks. Although a lot of photographic materials from his life appear on his Instagram page, he does not advertise his personal life.

Alexander Gudkov's wife

For fans of the artist’s work, the day when articles or interviews entitled “Alexander Gudkov’s Wife” appear in the media will become a real holiday, because the personal part of the showman’s life is covered in a thick veil of secrecy.

All information that is publicly available is limited to the fact that Alexander has plans to start a family. In one of the interviews, he said that his heart was occupied, and he met his beloved more than ten years ago. But besides all this, Alexander is not going to reveal the girl’s identity and the details of their relationship.

Orientation of Alexander Gudkov

Fans of the showman are primarily interested in two aspects, namely personal life and orientation. You can come across a huge number of questions like: “What is the orientation of Alexander Gudkov. Is he gay? Is the showman blue? and others.

The artist himself refutes such assumptions and treats the fair sex with respect and kindness. He also respects “family values.” And the main woman in a showman’s life is his mother. In addition, he maintains a good relationship with his sister.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Gudkov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Gudkov are very popular among fans and simply people who are not indifferent to his work. All kinds of content, photos of the artist’s leisure time and work process often appear on the official page on the photo and video sharing service Instagram. An interesting fact: even on the Internet, Alexander manages to express himself in such an extraordinary way. His profile contains publications that will make you feel joy and admiration, as well as think about something, and for everyone in different ways.

Alexander has his own page in the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, which contains information about himself, his work, as well as his filmography.

Gudkov is a very “media” personality; he personally maintains an account on Twitter. He has his own fan group on the social network “VKontakte” or as they like to call it now “VK”. Information related to Alexander’s life and creative process is also published there.