How to find out who you are: ectomorph mesomorph endomorph test. How to find out by your body type whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph: test, determination by wrist

All people are different and this makes each person unique and inimitable. On the way to the same goal, different people achieve different results. This happens because everyone has a different set of moral, volitional and physical qualities. And the more factors you take into account on the way to your goal, the better. The more you know about yourself, the easier it is to build a plan for your actions and not make mistakes. Perhaps you already know what character traits are characteristic of your zodiac sign. What about your body type? No? Then it's time to take the test, determine your body type and find out. Such knowledge will not only help you achieve more in sports or in the fight against extra pounds, but will also allow you to better know yourself and understand your body.

Somatotype test

Body type and somatotype

Physique is the totality of parts of the human body and their mutual proportions. But physique characterizes a person’s appearance only at a given moment in time. To obtain more detailed information about the constitution of the human body, the concept of somatotype is used.

Somatotype is a body type that is determined based on a person’s physical data and characterizes the level and characteristics of metabolism (the ratio of muscle, fat and bone tissue). It is inherent in a person at the genetic level and affects the physical development of a person throughout his life. Depending on various factors, physique can change, but its change usually occurs within the framework of the somatotype. In addition, it determines the propensity to various diseases and psychophysiological differences, that is, character traits.

The process of determining a person’s somatotype is called somatotyping.

Sheldon's somatotyping system

There are several somatotyping systems. But the most common and understandable is the Sheldon somatotyping system. In this system, there are three body types:

  1. Endomorph - characterized by rounded body shapes. Has relatively short limbs, wide waist and hips, slow metabolism and a tendency to be overweight, and low endurance.
  2. Mesomorph - has a proportional build, has broad shoulders and a chest. Bone and muscle tissue predominate over fat. Mesomorphs have good metabolism. This somatotype is predisposed to high physical activity.
  3. Ectomorph - has a thin build, the limbs look long against the background of a short body. An ectomorph has narrow shoulders and a chest. Characterized by fast metabolism and a small amount of subcutaneous fat, good endurance. Has difficulty gaining weight.

These are just the main distinguishing features of these body types. To make it easier to remember the names of somatotypes, you can use a simplification:

  • endomorphs are plump,
  • mesomorphs - with an average build,
  • ectomorphs are thin.

Pure variants of these somatotypes are rare. Usually people have mixed body types, in which certain characteristics of various somatotypes are expressed to varying degrees.

The author of this system, William Sheldon, believed that the somatotype cannot be changed during life. He argued that, for example, an endomorph during prolonged fasting becomes only a starved endomorph, but does not approach either a mesomorph or an ectomorph. At the moment, it is known that with a properly developed training program and nutrition system, you can not only change your somatotype, but also maintain it in a new state for as long as you like.

Why determine your body type?

The influence of body type on the organization of nutrition and the training process has been proven in practice. Looking at the difference in somatotypes, it becomes obvious that not only should representatives of different types train and eat differently, but the tasks they solve are also different. To find out detailed nutrition and training recommendations for your body type, you must first find out what body type you have.

Technique for determining your somatotype

There are several methods for determining the somatotype.

  1. Somatotyping based on anthropometric data. This technique is the most accurate: a series of measurements are taken of the physical parameters of the body and, based on precise formulas, a conclusion is drawn about belonging to a particular body type. You can determine your somatotype using this technique in the nearest fitness room or health center.
  2. Intercostal angle. The accuracy of this technique is relative, but it is very simple to use: feel the lower border of your ribs with both hands and place your thumbs on them so that they (fingers) follow the line of the ribs. An angle has formed between your thumbs that follows the angle between your lower ribs. An acute angle (less than 90 degrees) is typical for an ectomorph, about 90 degrees for a mesomorph, and an obtuse angle (more than 90 degrees) for an endomorph.
  3. Body type by wrist. Wrist circumference does not give a very accurate result, because the measured parameters cannot serve as a reference characteristic, and besides, sometimes there are quite thick ectomorphs or mesomorphs. This method can be used as an auxiliary method.
    If you have a flexible measuring tape or tape measure at hand, then measure your wrist at the narrowest point (just below the protruding bone) and compare the result with those presented in the table

    If you don't have a measuring tool, simply grab the wrist of one hand with the middle and thumb of your other hand. If the fingers overlap each other, then this is a sign of an ectomorphic somatotype; if the fingers only touch, it is mesomorphic; if the fingers do not reach each other, this is a sign of the endomorphic type.
  4. Somatotype test based on visual assessment and questionnaires. This determination method takes into account mixed somatotypes and gives a fairly accurate result, provided that you honestly answer questions about yourself. To determine your body type, take the simple test above. Based on the test results, you will be offered recommendations on nutrition and training in accordance with your somatotype.

If you already know what body type you are, you can read the recommendations for different somatotypes - Training and nutrition according to body type

Knowing your somatotype serves as an additional help in building the body of your dreams. But genetics and natural predisposition or indisposition to something are not a death sentence. Everything is in your hands. All recommendations are intended only to help you achieve your goals. You cannot justify your laziness or, on the contrary, give up because “nature ordered it this way.” Everything can be changed and everything can be achieved, you just need to really want it.

Other methods of human typology and somatotyping

In addition to the Sheldon somatotyping system, there are other systems:

  • Kretschmer's human typology
  • Heath-Carter somatosection (based on the Sheldon system)
  • Chtetsov's somatotyping
  • Chernorutsky somatotyping

Other somatotyping systems highlight their own body types, but although they have different names, they carry almost the same meaning and are similar to the somatotypes of the Sheldon system.

Analogies for body types:

Endomorph: hypersthenic, brachiomorph, picnic

Mesomorph: normosthenic, athletic

Ectomorph: asthenic, dolichomorph

Sometimes ectomorphs are called “hard gainers”, from the English hard– “heavy” and gain- “increase”. This means that people of this body type have a hard time increasing muscle mass and strength.

People all over the world differ from each other in appearance. Some are thin, others have toned, athletic figures, and some have wide bones. And very often these indicators do not depend on going to the gym or dieting. Belonging to one type or another is genetically inherent in people.

The predisposition to gain excess weight, to burn all the sweets you eat, or to actively develop muscles is built on the speed of metabolism. It is the metabolism and skeletal structure that determines which somatotype a person belongs to.

By somatotype we mean the type of structure of the human body, characterized by the characteristics of skeletal parameters, muscle development and the amount of subcutaneous fat. Also in the determination, the genetically determined metabolic rate plays a role, which affects the main external indicators of the body. the founder of such a definition system was W. Sheldon. He developed three concepts on which the entire theory of somatotypes rests.

There are three main categories: ectomorph (rectangular body type), mesomorph (triangular body type) and endomorph (square body type).

This classification is based on concepts taken from their embryology, and the names have a common root with the names of the germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. The scientist W. Sheldon identified seventeen parameters according to which the main somatotypes were distinguished.

External differences

Although somatotypes differ from each other in a number of parameters, each representative has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no absolutely ideal or losing body type. It is not difficult to understand which of them a person belongs to, and disadvantages can easily be turned into advantages.

  1. He is tall and thin, has small muscle mass and small reserves of subcutaneous fat. Due to thinness and optimal physical activity, muscle relief is clearly visible. The limbs are mostly thin and long, which ensures their owner is tall. Intensive metabolism does not allow him to gain body fat, but also does not contribute to the rapid development of muscles. To achieve a good result, they need to exercise according to a special training program with an emphasis on basic exercises.
  2. have an athletic figure. They have average height and generally average indicators in terms of the ratio of body fat and muscle mass, average limb length, and an optimally balanced metabolism, allowing them to train effectively. This metabolism allows you to relatively quickly get rid of excess fat and build high-quality muscle mass. This is the ideal body type for bodybuilding. Their body is very defined and, with a responsible approach to training, develops evenly and balanced.
  3. has a stocky figure. He may be full and not very tall. Along with an increased amount of subcutaneous fat, he has greater muscle mass. The limbs are short and quite dense. The strength and endurance indicators of representatives of this somatotype are very high. They have a slow metabolism, which prevents them from losing weight effectively. However, this is a positive point in maintaining muscle mass at the proper level.

Ways to determine your somatotype

How to understand what type a particular person belongs to? There are several ways to find out. You can be guided by faster evaluation methods, or use precise formulas that will require a more in-depth study of the issue. The second category of methods for determining somatotype requires more information and time for calculations.

The methods below range from simple to more complex.

1) Visual assessment method

Anyone can use this method. The information necessary to determine the type of body structure is knowledge of all the external characteristics inherent in an ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.

When looking at a particular individual, a well-read person can easily understand and identify belonging to one of the three body types.

This is a fairly old method, the reliability of which many experts today doubt. This definition is based on the measurement of a person's wrist. At the same time, a girth of 17.5 cm in length was initially considered the norm. A smaller wrist girth indicated that its owner was a thin-boned ectomorph. Mesomorphs will have a wrist circumference of up to 20 cm, while those with more impressive figures are endomorphs.

An even more old-fashioned way of determining the relationship between wrist size and somatotype will be effective if there are no measuring instruments at hand. You need to clasp your wrist with your middle and thumb fingers.

If the thumb overlaps the middle finger, then the person is an ectomorph. If the fingers only touch, then the owner of such a wrist is a mesomorph. And if the fingertips do not reach each other, then this is a clear sign of belonging to the endomorphic type.

3) Height to weight measurements

For this, different techniques are used. The simplest and most approximate way would be subtract the number 110 from the height indicator in centimeters, if height does not exceed 170 centimeters. The resulting difference will approximately correspond to the ideal weight. Depending on the difference between this figure and the body weight, you can find out what type a person’s weight is close to.

A more complex method involves age-based calculations. The formula allows you to calculate your ideal weight, which is equal to: 50 + 0.75x(height in cm – 150) + (age in years – 20) / 4.

You can also use the method of determining your body type using a table. To do this, you need to know your weight, height and age and, using the values ​​​​indicated in the diagram, identify your belonging to one or another somatotype.

5) Calculations using formulas

The most accurate approach is considered to be the use of formulas that include several variables, including limb girths, body mass index, and measurement of skin folds. These formulas, derived by anthropologists, are named after their researchers.

So, among the most famous are the somatotyping of Heath-Carter, Chernorutsky, Chtetsov.

6) Analysis of human inclinations

An additional way to clarify knowledge about a particular somatotype would be to study the tendency to be overweight and the body’s reaction to different types of stress. Thus, the tendencies of an ectomorph include a low ability to gain weight, fat and muscle.

There are special calculators that allow you to find out what somatotype a person belongs to. Some measured parameters are taken as a basis, for example, hand and hip girths, height, weight.

Why is this information needed?

Understanding your somatotype is a very important step. It has been proven that body type influences the development of an individual training program and diet.

The difference in somatotypes shows how differently representatives of these three physiological categories should train and eat, and what goals they should achieve.

In order to choose the optimal frequency and program of physical activity for yourself and create the right menu, you need to study your somatotype.

Many people who are prone to obesity dream of an ideal figure. Often they do not understand that nature has endowed them not only with a special metabolism, but also with a skeleton of a certain width.

Therefore, endomorphs, in particular women, must realize the impossibility of transforming a massive skeleton into a thin doe, no matter how much effort it costs them. This knowledge will help them come to terms with some of the characteristics of their body and turn imaginary shortcomings into advantages. After all, as you know, curvy shapes and a rounded silhouette are very feminine and seductive in the eyes of the opposite sex. By following a diet and moderate exercise, you can make your body truly beautiful, regardless of your figure type.

The same goes for ectomorphs who suffer from lack of muscle mass. But knowing the characteristics of his body, a naturally thin person can achieve good results in sports and create an elegant, sculpted body. And excess weight and shortness of breath definitely do not threaten him.

The luckiest of all seems to be the mesomorph, because thanks to moderate indicators of mass, volume, metabolism and general abilities, he best adapts to stress and diet. However, he should not become arrogant and lazy, because the risk of gaining excess weight and losing muscle is still present.

A very important point in bodybuilding is determining your body type. It is based on this that the nutrition and training program will be built. Thanks to knowledge of your type, you can achieve effective results in building your body. The article will tell you what types there are, how to determine yours, and how training is structured for each of them.

  1. Skeleton.
  2. Muscle
  3. Subcutaneous adipose tissue.

For each person, it is determined at the genetic level by the metabolic processes that occur in the body.

The somatotyping system was first introduced by the scientist Sheldon, who proposed three main types:

  1. Ectomorph.
  2. Mesomorph.
  3. Endomorph.

This typing theory was introduced after much anthropometric measurement. The names are borrowed from embryology, each meaning one of the germ layers. So, endoderm is the inner layer, mesoderm is the middle layer, and ectoderm is the outer layer. According to the theory of embryo development, internal organs develop thanks to the endoderm, bones, muscles and blood vessels develop through the mesoderm, and the ectoderm develops skin, hair, legs, brain and nervous system.

Description and characteristics of types according to Sheldon

Sheldon identified seventeen dimensions, calculated on a seven-point scale. These measurements are described in terms of three main indicators.

Description of somatotypes according to Sheldon:

It is clear that such extremes as a clear type are extremely rare. Usually people have a mixed build. So, someone may have more of a mesomorph, but also have traits of other types. How each of them is expressed in a particular person is shown by these three numbers.

How to determine your type

As already indicated, most people belong to mixed types, which are more difficult to determine by eye than extreme gradations. Of course, experienced bodybuilding trainers can often determine the type by a person’s appearance or photo, but often they want a more accurate result. In this regard, the question arises of how to determine your somatotype. There are a wide variety of tests and methods for this.

One such method is wrist index, also called “Definition of the Solovyov index”. This method provides information about bone thickness. To use this method, you need to measure the circumference of your wrist at the thinnest part. For men, the following readings should be obtained:

  1. 18−20 centimeters - mesomorph.
  2. More than 20 centimeters - endomorph.
  3. Less than 18 centimeters - ectomorph.

For women, there are also gradations according to the wrist index, although Sheldon developed his types primarily for men. Women have their own table of somatotypes, a more extensive one, which is used in bodybuilding.

According to the Solovyov index, women may have the following indicators:

  1. Mesomorph - 15−17 centimeters.
  2. Endomorph - more than 17 centimeters.
  3. Ectomorph - less than 15 centimeters.

The next method is body composition testing. These are more complex techniques that cannot be done at home and without special equipment. Such tests show the ratio of subcutaneous fat to muscle mass in the body. There are several tests: measuring skin folds, immersing the body in water, electrical resistance. Testing can be done in clinics, as well as some gyms equipped with necessary equipment.

How to determine somatotype

Advantages and disadvantages of somatotypes

Each somatotype has advantages and disadvantages, even if this is not obvious at first glance. As already mentioned, men with an ectomorph build have difficulty gaining muscle mass and have to resort to special nutrition, as well as train hard, in order to achieve success in training. Metabolism in ectomorphs slows down over the years, because of which, despite their build, they can gain weight if they do not diet and exercise. Endomorphs, on the contrary, find it very difficult to lose excess weight. To lose weight, people of this type need not only to diet, but also to constantly train.

Of course, a mesomorph is the most advantageous somatotype, which makes it quite easy to both lose weight and gain weight, without exhausting yourself too much with diets and workouts. But mesomorphs are more often than other types susceptible to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are associated with low acidity, respiratory system diseases, and low blood pressure. Each somatotype has its own predisposition to certain diseases.

Features of training for each type

Now that it has become clear how to determine your type, you can move on to what training features exist for each of them.

Ectomorphs, due to their high metabolism, need to structure their workouts in such a way as to burn a minimum number of calories. The training is usually based on basic exercises and each workout is done in strength mode. All loads and increases in weights, as well as approaches and repetitions, are carried out gradually. It is important not to forget about rest between workouts so that the body has the opportunity to recover. The diet, on the contrary, should be high in calories, with frequent meals, high in carbohydrates. The protein content also increases up to three grams per kilogram of body weight.

For mesomorphs, due to the body’s natural disposition to quickly adapt, it is recommended to make training varied, often changing exercises. Since it is not difficult for people of this type to gain muscle mass, the main thing in the diet is that it is balanced. Proteins are usually calculated at two grams per kilogram of weight.

Endomorphs tend to accumulate fat in the body, so training frequency is very important for them. It is recommended to work with light weights, but at a fast pace and with minimal rest between sets. The diet should practically eliminate fats from the diet, the number of calories should be reduced, and the main emphasis in nutrition should be on protein.

By determining your own body type, you can create the most effective nutrition and training program that will help you achieve the desired result.

Many people who decide to start working out in the gym and optimize their nutrition are interested in learning how to determine whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph. That is why in this article we decided to tell you about the characteristic features and symptoms of various body types and a method that will help you determine your somatotype.

Ectomorphs are distinguished by their thinness and have long, thin bones. They have a very fast metabolism, which allows them to eat whatever they want in any quantity without gaining a single gram of fat.

In fact, an ectomorph's body fat percentage can be so low that it can be used to study muscle anatomy, something that would be the envy of any competitive bodybuilder.

Although the lack of predisposition to the accumulation of fat deposits is an absolute advantage, unfortunately, it is also very difficult for ectomorphs. In fact, that is why they are called “hard gainers.”

Characteristic features of an ectomorphic body type are: tall stature, narrow shoulders, hips and chest, long thin arms and legs, as well as a high forehead and receding chin.

It has been noted that the wrist circumference in men of the ectomorphic type ranges from 15 to 17.5 cm, and in women of a similar somatotype it is less than 15 cm.

Examples of training programs for an ectomorph


A mesomorphic body type is the dream of most guys, especially those who are involved in bodybuilding. Mesomorphs have larger bones than ectomorphs, average width shoulders, hips and waist. These proportions give the body a sporty look.

Mesomorphs do not experience any problems with gaining muscle mass and are able to acquire meat faster than all other somatotypes. They gain fat more easily than ectomorphs, but it is often deposited on the legs and thighs, which is much healthier for them than fat deposits in the abdominal area (like endomorphs).

In addition, by following a proper diet and exercise regimen, a mesomorph can get rid of excess fat without any particular difficulty.

Those with a mesomorphic physique can withstand high-intensity training and recover very quickly after it, thanks to which they can train more often and more than ectomorphs.

The wrist circumference of mesomorph men varies from 18 to 20 cm, in women – from 15 to 17 cm.


Endomorphs tend to have large bones, short to average height, and relatively short arms and legs. Also, among other somatotypes, they are distinguished by the presence of clearly visible fat deposits.

Representatives of the endomorphic body type do not experience difficulties gaining muscle mass. But the process of getting rid of excess fat is often more problematic for them than for mesomorphs.

In addition, their fat deposits are formed mainly in the abdominal area, including around the internal organs, which can pose a threat to health.

Accordingly, it is simply vital for people of the endomorphic type to concentrate on changing their body composition in favor of reducing the percentage of fatty tissue in the body.

The wrist volume of male endomorphs is more than 20 cm, and that of the fair sex is more than 17 cm.

Examples of mixed somatotypes

However, it should be noted that only a very small number of people are classic representatives of the three categories above. The physique of the vast majority of people is a combination of two somatotypes. These combinations can be as follows...


Ectomorphic features predominate, but the physique is somewhat more muscular. More predisposed to building muscle mass than a pure ectomorph. And his metabolism is not so “lightning fast”.


Representatives of this body type are naturally muscular, but not as much as classic mesomorphs. They gain muscle mass quite easily, but they can also lose it without problems. Such a body is better suited for explosive efforts than for endurance activities.


May be stocky or of medium build. Muscular, but with an increased tendency to accumulate fat. Has superior genetics for the ability to build muscle mass. However, it has a slower metabolism than a pure mesomorph or meso-ectomorph.


People with this body type are dominated by endomorphic features: wide hips, round face, heavy skeleton. They easily gain excess weight, but their muscles are well developed. As a rule, they have quite impressive strength, although their muscles are hidden under a layer of fat.

How to determine your somatotype?

Carefully read the description of the three main somatotypes in the following order: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph. For each of them, assign yourself a certain number of points on a scale from 1 to 5, where:

  1. This is the spitting image of me!
  2. Quite similar to me.
  3. A bit like me.
  4. Doesn't look much like me.
  5. Definitely not me!

Remember that in most cases we are a combination of two somatotypes.

Let's take the example of a naturally thin guy who responds well to weight training but quickly reaches a plateau in his weight gain.

He can gain some muscle through heavy training, but quickly loses it if he takes a long break from training. His score is 5-3-1, making him an ecto-mesomorph.

Your body type determines how you will respond to different types of exercise and to different ratios of nutrients in your diet.

Therefore, it is extremely important that you consider your somatotype when choosing or creating a nutrition and training plan.

?) you can find out your normal weight and determine the best exercise and diet plan to transform your body.

Instructions for the Calculator

Measure your wrist

Determine your body size using the body size calculator below. First, choose your gender. Then enter whichever is easier for you to measure: either your wrist size or your elbow width. Finally, enter your height in meters and click "Calculate".

To determine your wrist size, measure your wrist just below the carpal bone with a tape measure. Essentially, this is the narrowest part of the hand where you would normally wear your watch.

Measure your elbow width

To determine the width of your elbow, straighten your arm and extend it in front of you so that it is horizontal and parallel to the floor, palm facing up. Then bend your elbow so that your forearm is at a 90° angle to the ground. Place the index finger and thumb of your other hand on either side of your elbow joint. Maintaining the position of your fingers, use a ruler to measure the distance between them.

Determining your body type will help you set realistic weight loss goals (use an ideal weight calculator that takes your body size into account). We all have different body sizes, some have a small and light build, others have a heavier build. So, if you have a large frame size, then you don't have to think that your weight should be the same as someone with a smaller frame size.

This very rude a method for determining size and body type and it is needed mainly in order to:

  • You realized that we are not all built the same, and we cannot all look the same (even if we try).
  • Help you set more realistic goals.
  • Pay less attention to measurements and focus on a healthy body composition.

As you can see, this calculator determines body size from only one dimension (upper body), it does not take the lower body into account. However, the upper and lower body measurements are not necessarily the same. A pear-shaped woman's upper body, for example, may have a small frame size (thin arms and wrists), while her lower body may have a large frame size (heavier ankles). Find out which ones exist to better understand the characteristics of your body type, and what will be useful for you to work on.

Scoring systems like body mass index don't take into account your body size, which means they lack accuracy in determining whether you're actually within a healthy weight range. For example, they tend to have a medium to large build and also have a good amount of muscle mass. You can't compare the weight of such people when they are in shape with the weight of a person whose body is small and, even at the best of times, has little muscle mass.