Which sports nutrition manufacturer is better? The best sports nutrition from Russian manufacturers

Today there are many companies and brands that produce sports nutrition. But it is often difficult to decide which sports nutrition is better and which company’s products are worth buying.

The basis of creation ratings of sports nutrition manufacturers First of all, there are customer reviews regarding the quality and effectiveness of this product, and of course its price indicator. For the most part, the most popular manufacturers are the USA and Europe, since their products are distributed throughout almost the entire world. Below is a table of sports nutrition ratings among its consumers.

Now we will take a closer look at each of the above sports nutrition manufacturers.


Multipower is the leader in the sports nutrition market and it is he who occupies a leading position in all ratings. Country of origin: Germany. The advantage of Multipower is that they produce entire lines of sports nutrition pre-designed for specific training regimes. After taking them, athletes always achieve the expected result. Naturally Multipower One cannot blame the quality, since they have it at the highest level and this, in turn, is reflected in the pricing policy. Multipower products are on average 10-20% more expensive than products from other manufacturers. Due to its popularity, this sports nutrition is very often counterfeited and frankly low-quality products appear on the market under the guise of Multipower, thereby undermining the company’s rating.


This American company has been on the market for about 40 years and its rating has never fallen. The company's founder and developer is David Blackman, who also developed pharmaceutical products. It was Twinlab that was the first to launch liquid protein onto the sports nutrition market. In addition, vitamins, minerals and special medications for athletes are especially popular from this company.


The company has been on the market for more than 20 years and has gained wide popularity among both beginners and professional athletes. The company was created in the USA with the aim of developing special nutrition for people involved in sports. Prolab is constantly developing new products for all categories of athletes and strictly uses only environmentally friendly ingredients in the manufacture of its products.

Optimum Nutrition

An American company that has also existed in the sports nutrition market for quite a long time. Optimum Nutrition produces all types of sports nutrition, special supplements and products for athletes. This company is especially popular for its protein 100% Whey Gold Standard and amino acids Superior Amino 2222. It is also the most popular in the CIS countries.


One of the oldest sports nutrition companies in the world, which has been around for about 80 years. The company was founded in the USA and was initially engaged in the development of special products for athletes, and its products were one of the very first to enter the USSR market.


Ironman is a Russian sports nutrition company, which is the first manufacturer of sports nutrition in Russia. But in addition to the good advertising of this sports nutrition and its popularity in the CIS countries, it still does not reach international quality standards and its effectiveness is about 50%.

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A huge variety of sports supplements and manufacturers have flooded the market, but choosing and searching for something of quality still remains difficult (of course, for those who think first and then buy =)). In this article we will tell you which sports nutrition manufacturers are the best, and which ones you clearly shouldn’t trust?! That's why we decided to make a personal rating of sports nutrition!

On the one hand, it seems that a large selection increases your opportunity to buy something really good and effective, but in reality this is not the case. It’s good when, in pursuit of the palm, manufacturers improve the quality of their goods, hoping to surprise the buyer with something new, and sometimes even innovative. But unfortunately, many brands are trying to gain popularity using a completely different approach - using cheaper and, naturally, lower quality raw materials in order to lower prices and make their product more attractive to the buyer.

We will highlight the best products that have been quality tested by tens or even hundreds of buyers. Our rating of sports nutrition manufacturers will be as honest as possible, based on personal experience and the opinions of our clients, although a little subjective

And today you will even get acquainted with several of its options:

  1. Rating of the best sports nutrition (pop brands);
  2. Rating of elite sports nutrition in the underground;
  3. Top sports nutrition manufacturers based on sales!

An excursion into the ranking of sports nutrition manufacturers in the world!

What sports nutrition brands will you see when you walk into a regular sports nutrition store? ON, BSN, Dimatize, Universal Nutrition, etc.? For many buyers, they are the best manufacturers of sports nutrition. Yes, they are the most popular and best-selling, and also very old) Pop brands have their own merits - high quality products. They can offer you an excellent recovery base (BCAA, Protein, Vitamins and minerals, etc.), but they do not have what is becoming very popular and in demand today - truly powerful fat burners, pre-workouts, pumps, nootropics, relaxants, hormone boosters growth and testosterone, and you certainly won’t find SARMs or Designer steroids with them! This is the MINUS.

Another sin of popular brands in a huge number of fakes! This scourge accompanies them almost all the way to their success, but it has especially spread in times of crisis. After all, what are the most popular sports nutrition brands in Russia? Of course, these are ON, BSN, Dimatize, Universal Nutrition, etc. And you don’t even think about their quality when buying, but in many cases you are buying a fake!

Attention! How to distinguish a fake from the original? There are several signs:

  1. If the price is very low, either the store is selling a Chinese fake (we ourselves saw the price list from China for all your favorite brands at cheap prices, but let us not enter into this and will not do so!), or is on the verge of bankruptcy and is trying to sell out the goods faster ;
  2. In the window you see products that are OFFICIALLY discontinued (see manufacturers' websites), for example Jack3d with geranium, or OxyEllite (a classic of the genre) - this is a 100% fake, made in India or China (by the way, sellers of these products will convince you know that USPlabs moved their production there =))! And if you see that the store has signs one and two, then it’s obvious that you need to add it to your personal blacklist and forget the way to it forever!
  3. There are many more ways to identify a fake by the label or packaging design, but to do this you need to be a person who is deeply in the subject of this business) Counterfeiting is very cool now, so this option is not for 99% of buyers.

Okay, let’s let the “ancients” go for a while and look at the domestic market, which you won’t see in the ranking. Let’s take, for example, a new product that has just flooded sports nutrition stores - PureProtein. Everyone praised, praised, promoted, and it seemed that people even believed it and began actively purchasing, but a little later the hype passed, and negative reviews about their products began to appear - either bars with mold, or with hair, or the additives taste like washing powder . They did their best with the packaging and with the advertising, but they somehow forgot about the quality (In general, like all Russian brands, Pure will definitely not be included in our ratings!

Let's move on to our beloved underground! This sports nutrition is famous, firstly, for its ingredients! They are not just wide, they are large-scale! If it is a pre-workout, then it contains a lot of stimulants, a lot of ingredients that give endurance and strength to muscles, amino acids, vitamins, etc. Underground brands are also not greedy with dosages; they work for maximum results.

By the way, it’s worth mentioning one more pro in favor of underground sports nutrition – a minimum of counterfeits. If the popular brands that we mentioned above are constantly counterfeited due to their high popularity, then little-known, not well-promoted brands are much less susceptible to this problem, but they are still susceptible and this is already a proven fact (

Rating of the best sports nutrition (pop brands)

The company began its history in 1986, the founders were brothers Tony and Michael Costello. At that time, there were already enough brands producing sports nutrition, and the guys decided to break through not with quantity, but with quality. Today the company has its own scientific laboratory, hires only highly qualified specialists and has a production area with a total area of ​​46,000 sq.m.! The familiar protein 100% Whey Gold Standard has been at the top of the rankings since 2005! In Russia, the brand is represented by such famous athletes as Stanislav Lindover, Alexander Yashankin, Andrey Popov, Arkady Velichko and others.

Best sports nutrition from Optimum Nutrition

The company was founded in 2001 in Boca Raton, Florida, and was founded by Scott James and Chris Fergusson. These guys decided to create sports nutrition from scratch, setting themselves the task (which became the company slogan) - “no imitations - only innovations!” Their success came in 2005 when their Cellmass creatine won the "Best Creatine of the Year" award and remained in the top position until 2009. Today, the brand is sold in more than 40,000 stores worldwide and is represented by such famous athletes as Ryan Hughes, Amanda Latona and even famous MMA fighter Conor McGregor!

Top BSN Products

The company was founded in 1977 and is considered one of the oldest. Its production area is located on 1500 sq.m., and its range includes more than 550 additives! Universal has one of the most interesting and unusual assortments: there are meat and egg amino acids, creatine, glutamine and other additives in a variety of dosages! Since 1981, the company has split into two lines: Animal and Universal. It was the first line that gave the world the much-loved vitamins, amino acids, creatine and other supplements in portioned sachets! Today it is not only a popular manufacturer of sports nutrition, but also a publicist of scientific materials related to sports.

The Best Universal Nutrition Products

Elite sports nutrition in the underground - our rating

Now let's talk about brands working in the underground sphere. Unfortunately, few people know about them, and the thing is that they are not as well promoted as pop brands. In the West, the underground is loved and actively used, it is very popular there, but why, you will find out just by looking at the variety and power of flagship products!

Quite an old brand from the underground world, which became famous thanks to its coolest designer steroids - Epi Smash, Super Trenabol, Halo Elite, Super DMZ RX 2.0, Meta-Quad Extreme and Black Jack! This company is run by President PJ Braun and his Chief Executive Officer Aaron Singerman. These guys really can be called geniuses for their innovative and loud ideas, and equally loud products! Now, in addition to DS, they have pre-workouts, burners, nootropics, BCAA, drugs for PCT, CAMPs, proteins, ... in general, everything you need for results! Blackstone is one of those whose products you want to return to again and again!

Best Blackstone Labs Products

This company is an absolute newcomer in the field of sports nutrition, but has already managed to create more than 20 super-high-quality supplements for any purpose. It was created by two doctors who worked in the field of chiropractic, cosmetology and rejuvenation, and a little later decided to create their own line of products, which are tailored for fitness and bodybuilding purposes. The first product to take the world by storm, God Of Rage pre-workout, is the most incredible composition you've ever seen! In addition to it, Centurion released the Blood Rush pack, which became an indispensable element of this stack. In addition, the guys produce SARMs, prohormones, support drugs and PCT of the highest class! As well as Omega-3, products to improve sleep and much more...

Best Centurion Labz Products

The Chaos Laboratory at one time made a real splash on the Russian market, since we did not have similar products yet. These are not only cool formulations, but also inflated dosages. The company spends a lot of money on high-quality raw materials and constantly pleases us with something new. Their products include Designer steroids, test boosters, amino acids and BCAA, pre-workouts, fat burners, nootropics, relaxers and much more. If you want to try something truly extreme, then welcome to the world of Chaos!

Best Chaotic Labz Products

Xcel Sports Nutrition started with designer steroids and brought them to a state of originality! They have the coolest line of prohormones - Mammoth DNA Resurrection - 6 extreme prohormones, Sasquatch DNA Resurrection - 4 extreme prohormones, Yetti DNA Resurrection - 6 extreme prohormones, the highest dosages and cool formulations. In addition, you can find among their products SARMs, Creatine, BCAA, Protein, growth hormone and testosterone boosters, fat burners, etc. In general, this brand will be able to provide you with both a recovery base and pamper you with a quality course!)

Top Xcel Sports Nutrition Products

The company was founded in 2008 in the USA. Its name fully reflects the policy and ideology of the brand. The creators decided to embody the idea of ​​rebirth in their brand, i.e. create sports supplements using a completely new concept! Of course, you know their most popular product - Stimul8 - an incredible super euphoric pre-workout that has captured the hearts of many. They also have aminos, relaxant, pampilka, vitamins, etc.

The best Finaflex products

The work of this company is built on three principles: innovation, quality, composition. They have their own laboratory, into which they recruit only the best professionals and constantly retrain. Today, the total area of ​​their production is about 150,000 square meters! Every year they produce 22 billion tablets and 6 billion capsules, 500 million cans, 250 million blisters. It’s hard to say that they are not popular) Surely, you know APS for their cool Mesomorph pre-workout. They also have the most powerful complex fat burner + test booster + pre-workout Phenadrine, testosterone booster, protein and much more.

Top APS Nutrition Products

A company that has existed for over 20 years. Its quality may mislead you, convincing you that the company is American. Yes, it is indeed based in the city of Norcross in the north of Atlanta in the USA, but its origins are Georgia! Among the supplements you can find the best fat burners Lipodrene, as well as sexual stimulants for women and men Stamina-Rx and much more. Their slogan is “Based on Natural – Based on Science”!

The best sports nutrition brands - rating

Optimum Nutrition
Optimum Nutrition is a corporation that produces sports supplements and sports nutrition. The company began winning its customers and fans back in 1986. The company is world famous. First of all, the company has become widely known due to the fact that their products are of good quality, performance properties are also at a high level, a variety of assortments is also present, and of course, a price that will satisfy any budget. Optimum Nutrition — occupies a leading position in terms of price and quality and has such sports supplements as: vitamins, protein, BCAAs, amino acids, gainers, etc.
Best Optimum Nutrition Products:
Protein 100% Whey Gold Standard
Gainer Serious Mass
Amino acids Super Amino 2222
BCAA amino acids bcaa 1000 caps
Vitamins opti-men and opti-women

BSN - this company was founded in the USA in 2001. Despite the fact that the company is still young, it has already managed to win the favor of its customers due to the fact that it is one of the leaders in the production of gainers, proteins, amino acids and BCAAs. First of all, all BSN company products are of high quality, have good performance properties, good taste characteristics and, of course, a satisfactory price. This brand of sports nutrition is well known to professional athletes and bodybuilders. The company is rapidly gaining momentum in its development.
Top BSN Products:
Protein Syntha-6
Gainer True-Mass
Amino acids Amino-X
Pre-workouts No-Xplode, Hyper FX
Pumping Nitrix
Fat burner Hyper Shred

Universal Nutrition
Universal Nutrition - this company began its work on the development of sports nutrition in the United States back in 1977. And it is one of the first. The sports nutrition of this company is distinguished by its impeccable quality, and therefore its price is quite high. Especially athletes can note the Animal series. Universal Nutrition products can also be noted for the originality of their ingredients. The sports nutrition products produced by this company occupy a leading position among competing companies. Athletes around the world trust Universal Nutrition products.
Best UniversalNutrition Products:
Protein Ultra Whey Pro
Gainer Gain Fast 3100
Complex AnimalPAK
Fat burner Animal Cuts
For ligaments and joints Animal Flex
Pre-workout Animal Rage
Pumping drug Animal Pump
Healthy fats Animal Omega

Gaspari Nutrition
Gaspari Nutrition - this corporation began releasing products to the sports nutrition market in 1996. A certain bodybuilder Rich Gaspari, thanks to his knowledge of nutrition as an athlete, began producing his own sports nutrition. There is a wide range of products from this company. Excellent value for money, so any athlete can afford the products of this company, while still achieving the desired result. Based on this, we can say that Gaspari Nutrition sports nutrition is in good demand.
Best Gaspari Nutrition Products:
Proteins MyoFusion Probiotic, Elite, Hydro, Intra Pro Whey Protein
Gainer Real Mass Probiotic Series
Amino acids AminoMax 8000, bcaa 6000, Aminolast
Vitamins Anavite
Pumping SuperPump Max

Dymatize is another American company that produces sports nutrition. This company began its work in 1994. This company decided to choose a different strategy and focused on a larger variety of sports nutrition products. The price will greatly please any wallet, and the quality will not let you down. The popularity of this company lies in the fact that it supplies the market with a lot of new products that are worth attention.
Top Dymatize Nutrition Products:
Proteins Elite Whey Protein Isolate, Iso-100, Elite XT, Fusion 7
Gainer Super Mass Gainer, Elite Mass Gainer
Pre-workout complex Xpand 2X
Fat burner Dyma-Burn Xtreme
Carnitine L-Carnitine Xtreme
Amino acids Super Amino 6000
Creatine Creatine Micronized
Vitamins Super Multi Vitamin

MuscleTech — this company was founded in the USA in 1995. She began her activity by producing a huge amount of high-quality sports nutrition at good prices. Thanks to this, it quickly became popular. This popularity and customer trust has continued to this day.
Best MuscleTech Products:
Gainer 100% Premium Mass Gainer, Mass-Tech
Protein Nitro-Tech Performance Series, Phase8, 100% Premium Whey Protein Plus
Fat burner Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
Amino acids 100% Ultra-Premium Amino 7000
Creatine Cell-Tech

MusclePharm — The company’s activities began in 2003. In a fairly short time, this company managed to become one of the leaders in the production of sports supplements. And the recipe for success turned out to be very simple: high-quality goods, good prices and a large selection of products. The products of the series aroused general delight and trust

Both beginning athletes and professionals who have achieved great results in sports, in addition to a properly designed training program, use special supplements for their diet. They provide the body of a person leading an active lifestyle with useful substances and thus allow them to achieve maximum results. There is a lot of talk surrounding sports nutrition regarding the frequency of their use and possible harm to the body. In this regard, special resources are trying to compile a rating of sports nutrition, in which you can get acquainted with the best manufacturers and evaluate the benefits of a particular drug.

Rating of sports nutrition manufacturers

In order to achieve great results in sports, drugs are used that can be combined into separate groups, which include, for example, fat burners, proteins, creatines, amino acids and many others. Particular attention should be paid to the rating of sports nutrition manufacturers, which includes both well-known and well-promoted companies and start-up manufacturers who have achieved great results in a short time, and their sales are growing every day.

    • In first place, according to the popular American publication, and their opinion is supported by the administrators of Privateness. Who is the Muscle Pharm corporation from the USA, which has been producing and selling sports supplements since 2008.
    • The second most popular, according to Americans who have achieved great results in the production of sports supplements, is the Muscletech company. The company's central office is also located in the USA, and sales of drugs under this brand are successfully conducted throughout the world.

    • Third place in the ranking is occupied by the American company Optimum Nutrition, a subsidiary of the famous cheese manufacturer Glanbia. Founded back in 1986 by brothers Tony and Michael Costello, the company presents its consumers with a wide range of drugs, including a considerable number of well-known world brands.

    • The fourth most popular company is Dymatize Nutrition, founded in the USA in 1994 and supplying over 300 dietary supplements and sports nutrition products to all continents.

    • The rating of sports nutrition companies can be continued by Top Secret Nutrition. This company is less popular than those presented above, but its drugs and supplements allow athletes to achieve greater results.

The world ranking of sports nutrition can be continued by other companies. Some of them are known to all sports fans, others have recently appeared on the horizon, but have already achieved considerable results. It should be said separately about the drugs sold under the brand name “Arnold Schwarzenegger Series”, there are only seven drugs offered, the popularity of which, thanks to the quality of the goods and a properly organized advertising campaign, is quite high today. The leaders in the ranking offer a wide range of products, including sportswear, and as for other enterprises and brands that can continue this list, they most often produce a limited number of supplements, which, however, have huge demand in the market.

Rating of sports supplements

When considering the rating of the best sports nutrition companies, special attention should be paid to individual drugs that are very popular and have great demand among people leading an active lifestyle. Particulars. Com suggests considering the five most popular drugs:

    • The first place is deservedly occupied by whey protein “100% WHEY GOLD STANDARD”, popular among active people. The drug is a good supplier of amino acids to the body of active people; moreover, it is well absorbed by the body and contains a small amount of fat and lactose. Today it is the best-selling drug, manufactured by Optimum Nutrition.

    • In second place in terms of sales is the drug “Opti-Men”, which is also produced by “Optimum Nutrition”. This is a specially selected mixture of elements useful to the body that can improve the body’s performance and provides good support for the body, and the mixture is especially useful for representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

    • According to some popular publications, the third place in the ranking of drugs used for sports nutrition is occupied by the multivitamin complex “Universal Nutrition Animal Pak” from the company “Universal Nutrition”. It has been leading the way for the last two decades and is most often used by bodybuilders from different countries. One sachet of the drug contains 55 components, among which protein-A, optimizers, nucleotides, lipotropics and many others deserve special attention.

    • A wide range of packaging is offered by the manufacturers of the drug “BCAA 1000 Caps” from the company “Optimum Nutrition”. It contains amino acids involved in the construction of muscle mass. Metabolized in the muscles, the drug is able to retain nitrogen, and it contains components necessary for the athlete’s body such as L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine, gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate.

  • Fifth place in the ranking of sports nutrition drugs is occupied by the amazingly tasty protein drink “Syntha-6”, produced by the company “Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition”. This is an excellent mixture that can be used around the clock, which is why it is popular among bodybuilding enthusiasts. The mixture is enhanced with special enzymes that prevent bloating, and it contains fats and carbohydrates, and among the minerals necessary for the athlete’s body, it is especially worth highlighting sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

The list of drugs used by athletes can be continued by other equally popular mixtures and drinks, but it should be remembered that they should not replace a good diet, and by abusing such drugs, you can harm the body. Therefore, you need to take sports supplements carefully, and it is advisable to consult with specialists before doing so. As for the rating itself, in some versions you can find other drugs at the forefront, so you can find out which drugs are actually the most useful by conducting special research and taking into account the needs and preferences of an individual athlete.


Are you looking after your health? Choose high-quality sports nutrition!

Today, on the shelves of sports nutrition stores there are a huge number of various brands, the manufacturers of which assure about the high quality of their products and advise the use of their products. However, no one knows what is actually hidden in the composition of the products. To do this, sports nutrition stores conduct various studies of sports nutrition products in order to understand this problem and help their customers make the right, and most importantly, safe choice!

When choosing sports nutrition, you should pay attention to many factors - the brand, the presence of quality certificates, external factors (for example, packaging violations), and you should not forget about the expiration dates of the products.

One of the criteria for choosing a purchase is the cost of the product. During times of crisis, a large number of people prefer inexpensive sports nutrition products. Usually, these are drugs from a Russian manufacturer. Few people know that in fact, products on the domestic market are only packaged in factories in our country, and the ingredients are purchased in other countries. That is, the product is mixed from ready-made components. In turn, in factories in Europe and America, sports nutrition goes through a full production cycle - from scratch. Of course, this improves the quality of the products. All stages of production undergo careful control and many checks. All products receive quality certificates and other necessary documents and only then enter the sports nutrition market. Such drugs are expensive, but they guarantee safety for human health.

What should you pay attention to when choosing high-quality sports nutrition?

  • Place of sale of sports nutrition.

Do not make purchases at dubious points of sale. Do not trust new online stores or stores in the basement of a residential area. The likelihood of stumbling upon a fake increases significantly and you may become the owner of a low-grade supplement.

  • Manufacturer's choice.

It is recommended to give preference to companies that are located in countries with a well-developed sports nutrition industry. These include German and American manufacturers. In these countries, special control is carried out over the quality and production technology of sports nutrition. The consumer can only check the integrity of the packaging of the purchased product.

  • Availability of quality certificates
  • Packaging integrity
  • Best before date

The sports nutrition store Athletic Food has compiled a rating of manufacturers who have proven the quality of their products and have deservedly become popular among consumers.


1) Optimum Nutrition is an American manufacturer that has a large range of sports nutrition products. Already in the 90s, the brand had a wide range of products and was famous among athletes.

2) BSN - the manufacturer’s products are exported to 90 countries. The company was founded in 2001 in the USA. The brand has proven itself well among athletes of various types.

3) MusclePharm - founded in 2003 and distributes its products in more than 120 countries. The products are sold in more than 35,000 sports nutrition stores.

4) SAN is an American company that has been producing innovative products since 1996. When producing products, new scientific research is taken into account, which helps improve the quality of sports supplements.

5) Nutrex is a manufacturer that since 2002 has been pleasing its consumers with sports nutrition, which is based on the latest scientific achievements. The first sports supplement company to develop liquid capsules.

6) Dymatize Nutrition is an American company founded in 1994. Produces more than 300 types of additives with various effects. The manufacturer offers everyone the same products that are used by world-class athletes for individual training.

7) Weider is a sports nutrition manufacturer whose products have virtually no negative reviews. The company monitors new developments in sports nutrition and regularly pleases its consumers with new products.

8) VPLab is a sports nutrition manufacturer from the UK that takes into account all modern advanced technologies in production. The products are made from high quality raw materials, which are imported from all over the world.

9) Olimp – Sports supplements have been produced in Poland since 1990. Has many awards, as well as international quality certificates HACCP (an organization that monitors the quality and safety of food products.

10) BioTech - products are sold in more than 50 countries around the world. In Europe there are more than 100 hypermarkets of this company with sports supplement products.

How to check the quality of sports nutrition?

  • Proteins

Protein is a protein that has certain properties. To check the quality of the protein, take a spoonful of the product and stir it in water at a temperature of 70 degrees. High quality protein must coagulate. For comparison, the flour dissolves completely.

Review of domestically produced proteins from Boris Tsatsouline

  • Amino acids

Must taste bitter

  • Gainers

A gainer is like food and must meet criteria such as good absorption, absence of discomfort after consumption, a feeling of a surge of energy and the appearance of strength. There is no clear guide to identifying the quality of mass gainers.

  • Multivitamin complexes

It should be borne in mind that high quality sports nutrition may not be suitable for a person for individual reasons. These include allergic reactions to any components of the product. Side effects may occur (always indicated in the instructions for use). This does not mean the products are of low quality. In addition, you should always adhere to the rules for taking a sports supplement, since violations of the dosage can lead to the development of various health problems.


The modern sports nutrition market has a huge number of drugs with different effects. The consumer faces a big problem in choosing a sports supplement. It is recommended to choose sports nutrition from well-known manufacturers. High-quality supplements are produced abroad. The undisputed leaders in the production of sports nutrition are the USA and Germany. As for Russian producers, we can say this - most of them remain at the level of foreign food of the 1980s. They make low quality food from questionable ingredients. This is due to the fact that there are huge cost savings in the production of additives using raw materials, and there is no high-tech equipment. A survey was conducted among athletes and coaches, the results of which indicate that most of them do not use sports nutrition from a domestic manufacturer and do not recommend it to all trainees.

Therefore, you should focus on well-known and proven manufacturers from America and Europe.