A singer who literally immediately captivated listeners with her beauty and unique vocals. How old is the singer Natalie? Personal life and Natalie's husband

Natalya Minyaeva was born on March 31, 1974 in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Father - Anatoly Nikolaevich, power engineer. Mom - Lyudmila Pavlovna, laboratory assistant. Younger sister and brother - Olesya and Anton.

The future star began singing in early childhood. While studying in the third grade, the girl herself enrolled in a music school to study piano, which she later successfully completed. Natasha also taught herself to play the guitar, actively participated in competitions and amateur art shows, and composed songs based on her own poems, which she successfully performed at school events and concerts.

As a schoolgirl, Natasha became very popular in her hometown. At the age of 15, she was invited as a soloist to a vocal and instrumental ensemble, where her younger brother Anton was the drummer. Her first concert took place at a local cultural center. After the performance, she met her future husband, sound engineer Alexander Rudin, in whose studio her musical career began.

In 1990, Natalya played the main role in a documentary-journalistic film dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city of Dzerzhinsk, which was filmed by Moscow filmmakers.

On August 24, 1991, Natalya Minyaeva and Alexander Rudin got married. During the marriage, the couple had sons Arseny (2001) and Anatoly (2010).

Natalie: “I got married at 17 years old, I’ve been married for 22 years. We met when I was still in school. To me

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In this article we will tell you how old Natalie is, tell you how interesting her biography is, and also analyze the path along which she became famous. So, how old is singer Natalie? We answer: As of 2017, she is 42 years old, she was born in 1974.

The beginning of Natalie's life journey

The singer's real name is Natalya Minyaeva. The small town of Dzerzhinsk became the singer’s homeland. Natalya was born on March 31, 1974. The girl’s parents were simple working people, Anatoly Nikolaevich and Lyudmila Pavlovna. Natalie's father worked as a power engineer at a factory, and her mother was a laboratory assistant.

From the earliest period of her life, Natasha was a very energetic girl who could not sit still for 5 minutes. Thanks to this energy, she developed excellent organizational skills. She was especially active during her school years, when, in addition to her studies, she found time for creative clubs. Not a single school event could take place without young Natasha; she always took part wherever it was appropriate.

Because of her activity and determination, the future singer already had many fans at school. Needless to say that she was the undisputed leader in the class? The children trusted her with all their secrets, were always interested in her opinion and respected Natasha. As for the teachers, they could not be happier with what a wonderful girl they were raising at school. They always set Natalya as an example to other children. These were the singer’s school years.

The girl was always interested in music, so in 1993 she, along with her friends, entered the city’s music school. Natalia liked the piano most of all, so her parents allowed her to attend lessons on this instrument. Over the years, the girl studied vocal art and soon became a first-class singer. While she was studying at music school, many songs were written for her. In addition to the piano, Natalya became interested in the guitar. After she perfectly mastered this instrument, she won many prizes at numerous music competitions in which the singer participated.

At that time, Natalie had already created her first musical group, with which she took part in music festivals and competitions.

In 1990, filming began for a documentary film that talked about Dzerzhinsk, the city in which Natalya lived. She was offered to star in this film, and the singer gladly agreed. True, to participate in the filming it was necessary to participate in the casting, but Natalya quickly passed it, charming all the directors. In the same year, the singer went to St. Petersburg to dub the film at the Lenfilm studio. After this, the young singer gained wide popularity in her hometown.

So, in the first years of starting her musical career, Natalie managed to:

  • Take part in numerous music competitions.
  • Create your own musical group and perform with it at music festivals.
  • Star in a documentary.
  • Voice over the film.

Gaining popularity

Despite the fact that the singer loved music, she began to pay attention not to her own musical development, but to the development of others. In other words, Natalie began teaching music to children. Thanks to her love for children and music, the singer graduated from a pedagogical institute in her city and received the profession of a music teacher. In 1993, she got married, after which she moved with her husband to the capital.

The singer called her first musical group “Chocolate Bar”. Alexander Rudin, who assisted the singer in her professional realization, helped the young group record their first albums. By the way, it was him who Natalie married. Album titles:

  • "Pop Galaxy".
  • "Superboy"

The singer wrote most of the songs present in these albums herself while studying at school. Both Rudin and Natalie understood that they would not be able to achieve great fame in Dzerzhinsk, and since both spouses were purposeful and ambitious, they decided to go to Moscow and try their luck there. The singer’s husband gave his all so that Natalie’s talent would be noticed. And his efforts were not in vain. In the capital, Rudin managed to contact a producer named Valery Ivanov, who arranged an audition for the singer. After the audition ended, he decided to take Natalie under his wing to help her gain popularity. A year later, Natalie released her first professional album, which she called “The Little Mermaid.” The first few years after this, Natalie had to be the “opening act” at the concerts of her colleagues. However, after some time, the singer’s audience grew, and this allowed her producer, Ivanov, to organize concerts only for Natalie.

So thanks to which of her songs did the singer gain nationwide fame? It was the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea.” Few people know, but the singer composed this particular song at the age of 13, and when she learned to play the guitar, she wrote the music for it herself. Perhaps, after this composition “came out” and every second person began to hum it, Natalie herself was in a pleasant shock.

A more modern stage of the singer’s work is associated with the release in 2012 of the song “Oh God, what a man!”

The singer's personal life

  • Alexander Rudin is Natalie’s first and only husband, first producer. They got married when Natalie was 17 years old. Alexander Rudin always treated his wife very kindly, doing everything for her career and success. The couple is still happily married.
  • Natalie and Alexander have two sons. The eldest's name is Arseny, and the youngest's is Anatoly. For many years the couple could not have children. Natalie had many miscarriages, and so she decided to go to a healer to help her. True or not, after this the singer became pregnant and safely gave birth to her first son.
  • Despite their musical career, Natalie and Alexander are planning to have a third child, this time a girl.

Natalie's life path is full of ups and downs, but she experienced all this together with her husband, whom she continues to love to this day.

Singer Natalie, whose biography is probably known to many fans, is adored by more than one connoisseur of Russian pop music.

For those who listen to her work, every detail of the idol’s life is of undoubted interest.

Of course, the name Natalie is a stage name behind which hides the famous Russian pop singer Natalya Anatolyevna Rudina, who before her marriage had the last name Minyaeva. She is not only a performer of songs, but the author of many of them.

Like many famous Russians, Natalie’s biography began in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, where she was born on March 31, 1974. Her parents, Lyudmila Pavlovna and Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, worked at a chemical plant. The family also has younger twin children, Anton and Olesya (born in 1978).

Since 1980, Natalya studied at secondary school No. 37, where she received a certificate of secondary education. School teachers and classmates still remember her restless character, organizational skills and enormous popularity among her peers.

Despite all her restlessness, she studied well. After accidentally visiting a music school, the girl persuaded her parents to send her to study music. Since 1983, Natasha studied piano for 7 years at a music school, which developed her musical abilities.

1990 was also an important period, when the future singer caught the eye of Lenfilm filmmakers who were filming a film in Dzerzhinsk dedicated to the city’s anniversary. Natalya passed the appropriate selection and played the main role in the film.

To voice the role, the girl went to the Leningrad film studio with her mother, where for almost the first time she felt the real breath of a big city.

Gaining popularity

Natalie became a singer during her school years. The first vocal and instrumental ensemble with her participation was the school ensemble “Chocolate Bar”, where she became a soloist in 1990 and where she was brought by her brother, who participated in it as a drummer. At numerous concerts and rock festivals, the girl performs her first own songs. Even before completing her studies at school, the singer recorded her first magnetic albums “Superboy” and “Pop-Galaxy”.

After graduating from school, Natasha enters the pedagogical school in Dzerzhinsk, where she receives further education. Until 1993, she managed to work as a high school teacher, and in 1993 she moved to Moscow with her husband. Husband Alexander Rudin played an important role in the development of the young singer.

It was thanks to him that the first albums were recorded. Upon arrival in Moscow, Rudin was able to meet with music producer V. Ivanov, to whom he gave recordings of his wife’s songs. The producer liked the young singer and agreed to work with her.

Already in 1994, the singer Natalie first appeared: under this name the first official professional solo album “The Little Mermaid” was recorded. Although the album's circulation was not large (only 2000 copies), it did not go unnoticed and found its admirers. At the same time, the basis of the girl’s performances for a long period was the so-called warm-up - performing songs at the beginning of concerts of other famous singers.

Natalie gained popularity after singing the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea,” which was conceived at the age of thirteen, but with the participation of composer A. Shulgin, it became a real hit. In 1998, Natalie recorded an album with this song and became famous.

The popularity continued with the hit “Turtle,” which gained numerous fans. The singer began actively recording new albums and videos. However, there was a lull in creativity for several years.

Rise of popularity

The return to the peak of popularity for Natalie began in 2012 with the release of the hit “Oh God, what a man!” (words by R. Siemens). Natalie herself wrote the music for the song almost as soon as she read the words. The composition instantly broke through into all Russian charts. The singer received the “Comeback of the Year” and “Sometimes They Come Back” awards.

In 2013, the song “Nikolai” thundered, performed in a duet with N. Baskov. This work was awarded the "Best Video Clip" award.

As a result, Natalie became a frequent guest at various television concerts, which increased her popularity. Many people remember the singer’s performance in the show “Exactly”, where she captivated the audience by creating the image of V. Tolkunova.

In March 2014, a new video “Scheherazade” was released, which was appreciated by listeners. The popularity of singer Natalie is at a well-deserved, very high level.

Family life of the artist

When a biography is described, fans are especially interested in the personal life of a star.

The singer met her husband, Alexander Rudin, as a schoolgirl, and the wedding took place when she was 17 years old.

Like her entire biography, Natalie’s personal life is stable. The singer’s entire career took place in front of her husband’s eyes and with his active participation. He contributed as much as possible to her popularity and did everything to make it possible to move to Moscow.

Children did not appear in their family for a long time, but finally, in 2001, the first-born, son Arseny, appeared. In 2010, the number of children increased to two: a son, Anatoly, was born.

Natalie is rightfully considered a popular Russian pop singer. She has a huge number of fans. Of course, her biography is far from complete, and she will definitely delight her listeners with new hits.

Singer Natalie spoke about her life, children and how she was almost raped.

Natalie visited the studio of the program “The Fate of a Man” with Boris Korchevnikov. She admitted that she paid too much for her rapid career and deafening fame. The artist lost her first child in the early stages, and a year later a new tragedy came to her family.

“It happened at the age of 18 and 19, one after another... First there was a miscarriage, and then a frozen pregnancy. But at that age I didn’t fully understand what had happened, my youth... I was frightened by the fact, because at a certain time it was repeated. Only when I got to the maternity hospital did I meet women who had different destinies. I heard so many conversations in the hospital!” the singer shared.

Natalie said that her husband Alexander, with whom she has been happily married for almost 27 years, supported her during a difficult period. At that time, the couple focused all their energy on work. In 1998, Natalie had her first hit, “The Wind Blowed from the Sea.” The singer woke up famous, filled the halls, fans lay in wait for the star at the entrance, some fainted when they saw their idol in real life. “Now is the time of opportunity. I thought that the performances would take place and I would return home to Dzerzhinsk. Sasha and I have already started doing renovations in my grandmother’s apartment, which we inherited. Neither I nor my husband had plans to stay in the capital at that time. We just wrote songs, more for ourselves. But Moscow didn’t let me go, there were constant concerts. Some fans came to my performances 90 times,” the artist recalled.

Natalie admitted that it was at the peak of her popularity that she dreamed only of children and a quiet family life. “One day I came to the temple to ask for a child. I prayed for nine hours. And so, soon my first son appeared in my life,” said the artist. In 2001, Alexander and Natalie had their first heir, Arseny, and nine years later, Anatoly. And in April last year, the whole country learned that the people's favorite became the mother of another boy, whom she named Evgeniy.

“Before I had children, I bought three teddy bears: orange, light and brown. They always traveled with me. And wow, Arseny was born with red hair, Anatoly, as he himself says, is a natural blond, and Zhenya is brown-haired,” Natalie noted.

In 2013, the artist had another takeoff in her career. Composition “Oh God, what a man!” hit the top of all domestic charts. Natalie began touring a lot again. After one of the concerts, the singer returned to the hotel room, where she found an unfamiliar man who was lying in wait for her after the performance.

“I don't even know how to describe it. The situation was comical, but also tragic at the same time. I had a number of performances outside our country. One day, after working on stage, I came to the hotel and lay down to rest. And then I see a man of oriental appearance climb into the room through the balcony. Apparently, he thought that it was possible to just get to me and I wouldn’t refuse... I wasn’t taken aback, I immediately ran out of the room. That’s when I realized that there are very dangerous situations in which I have to defend myself. The husband was talking to some men at that moment; they distracted him. These people were armed. But I figured out the main one among them. As man to man, I simply talked to him and explained that this was impossible. I am very grateful to Sasha that he did not bully them, as most husbands would have done. He realized that I could come to an agreement myself,” Natalie shared.

At the end of the program, the singer repeated several times that she was absolutely happy today. At 43 years old, not everyone is given the opportunity to become a mother, and even for the third time. Natalie considers the birth of her son Evgeniy a miracle. The artist turned to her past: “Dear Natasha, never be afraid, love. Oh, I'll be brief. Believe in yourself, trust people. Everything will be fine!” the star concluded.

Our article will tell you about the singer Natalie. The biography of this beautiful blond actress is quite rich. We will tell you about the most significant and main moments of her life further.

The singer's childhood

In 1974, on March 31, a little fair-haired girl, Natasha Menyaeva, was born. This happened in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Natasha’s childhood was practically no different from the life of an ordinary Soviet child. First there was kindergarten, then school, then college.

The girl's character was soft and flexible. As her mother says, he was just a wonderful child - the dream of all parents. She never disobeyed and devoted her mother to all her affairs, including love ones.

From early childhood, Natasha was very independent. She woke up herself, cooked breakfast for herself and went to school.

Natasha was a rather active, restless and creative child, which is why the girl became the star of the local school. She took part in all musical and theatrical productions. And this is no wonder, because Natasha was a truly creative and talented person. Her teachers loved and appreciated her, and her peers considered her a real star.

From early childhood, the future singer became interested in the guitar. She learned to play on her own.

In third grade, Natasha and her peers went on an excursion to a music school. Looking at the situation within the walls of the establishment, the future singer was pleasantly surprised. From that very moment she realized that music is her Universe. After thinking a little, the girl decided that she would definitely study there.


Natasha always told her mother about her relationships with the boys. From the age of 13, she purposefully searched for a husband. Natasha was a very smart girl and before agreeing to go to the cinema with the boy, she gave them a test survey. For example, if a guy quickly agreed with her opinion or did not protect her from offenders, she quickly said goodbye to him.

One day a girl told her mother that there was not a single noble boy left in this world. Natasha was so disappointed in her peers that she rejected everyone who crossed her path. Later, the girl completely stated that she no longer wanted to have anything to do with the male sex and promised never to get married. In response to her daughter’s statement, the mother smiled and asked not to rush to conclusions, because everything has its time, and she will definitely meet the one and only.


After some time, the girl decided to study piano at a music school, while simultaneously participating in school amateur performances. At the same time, Natasha became interested in writing poetry and music, and performed the resulting songs during school performances.

After graduating from school, the future singer Natalie, whose biography interests many, enters a pedagogical university. But this does not stop her from continuing to make music and write poetry. During this period, Natalie (singer) becomes a member of a group called “Chocolate Bar”. But soon, while performing at one of the concerts, the future artist realized that the audience did not like her songs, but her attractive appearance. Upset, Natalie vowed that she would no longer study music, but would continue to study to become a teacher.

After graduating from university, she becomes a primary school teacher in one of the city’s secondary schools. But later, realizing that it was none of her business, she decides to leave the profession.

First steps to the big stage

In 1992, Natalie, whose photo we posted in the article, becomes a member of one of the popular groups called “Pop Galaxy”. This team consists of true professionals, to whom she is grateful to this day. As the singer herself says, these people helped her in many ways and set her on the right path.

In the same year, Natalie, whose biography is quite rich, is working on her first studio album called “Starry Rain”. It was after this significant event in the singer’s life that viewers first appreciated her work.

Start of a career

In 1994, Natalie released another album called “The Little Mermaid”. After 2 years, the singer shines again and releases another album called “Snow Rose”. Natalie shoots her first video clip for the same song, which is rated positively by all viewers.

Career peak

Real success came to Natalie, whose biography at that time was already of interest to many, in 1997. The superhit “The Wind Blew from the Sea” brings her dizzying success. The whole country sings the song along with the singer - from young to old. Natalie goes on tour and gathers huge armies of fans at her concerts.

Career decline

In 1999, the singer again recorded a new album called “Counting”. After this, her musical career gradually declined. But, despite this, Natalie continues to write songs and tour the country with concerts.

The singer's personal life

Singer Natalie, whose biography is quite interesting, meets her future husband at one of the concerts of the Chocolate Bar group. During this period, the singer was completely desperate and no longer wanted to make music. Then Alexander Rudov approached her and invited her to record a joint track. After this, the couple did not separate for a moment. At the age of 17, the girl had already married her lover. Hence Natalie’s real name is Natalya Rudova.

After some time, the couple wanted to have children. But, unfortunately, they were haunted only by failures. After a huge number of attempts to get pregnant, the singer was completely desperate and fell into depression. 9 years passed, and finally Natalie knew maternal happiness. The first to be born was a boy named Arseny, and after a while his brother Tolya.

Immediately after these significant events, the singer forgot about her career, because her family and children completely absorbed her attention. As the singer herself says: “I always put my family first and would never trade my beloved boys for a career.”

Our days

Today Natalie shines again on the big stage, which cannot but please her many fans. Success these days has brought her the super hit “Oh God, What a Man.” After performing this song, Natalie conquered the top of all domestic charts. The singer is also invited to various projects on television. One of them was the show “One to One”, held on Channel One, where participants parody famous world and domestic stars.


Today, one of the most popular artists in Russia is the singer Natalie. How old she is is probably of interest to many. Natalie is 41 years old. But this does not stop her from looking attractive and sexy. So we wish the singer success in her new endeavors!