DIY fairy tale The Three Little Pigs made from paper. Master class with step-by-step photos

I'm glad to introduce you master class on making coffee toys from Irina Ledovskaya. These are the symbols of the future year 2019 of the pig according to the Chinese calendar.

Coffee toys “3 Little Pigs”

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. Plump, well-fed and always in a good mood. This mood, along with the coffee aroma emanating from the piglets, is transmitted to the house in which the brothers live.

To make fun coffee toys you will need the following materials:

  • white dense fabric such as calico;
  • padding polyester for stuffing toys;
  • instant coffee;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • black gel pen.

You will also need synthetic brushes and a toothbrush, scissors, etc.

The piglet pattern can be redrawn directly from the computer: place a sheet of paper on the monitor and trace the template with a simple pencil. The height of the piglets is about 16 cm.

It is advisable to immediately make the pattern from thin cardboard; it is more convenient to use than paper.

Fold the fabric in half and trace the pig three times on one side.

Use a sewing machine to sew both layers of fabric together along the marked lines. We begin to sew between the legs and immediately finish the seam, about 2 cm short of the beginning of the stitching. We will turn the toys inside out and stuff them through the holes left.

We cut out the stitched blanks, departing from the lines around about 0.5 cm - these are allowances. We do not cut the threads close at the beginning and at the end of the lines, so that during further work with the workpieces the seams will not unravel. Next, we cut out teeth on the allowances, which serve to ensure that the seams on the finished products do not wrinkle. We do not make cloves against the holes left.

We turn the piglets out using the closed ends of scissors or some kind of stick.

We fill the turned-out blanks with fluffed padding polyester.

Having achieved the desired shape of the toys, sew up the hole and attach a thread between the ears.

We make a coloring solution: pour a teaspoon of instant coffee into 70 mg of boiling water, add half a teaspoon each of ground cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Mix well and pour in one and a half teaspoons of PVA glue. Mix thoroughly again and you can start painting the toys with the still warm solution. We use an old toothbrush as a brush. Use it to rub the coffee solution over the surface of the toys so that only the fabric is wetted and the padding polyester inside does not get wet. This can be achieved by putting a small amount of solution on the brush and quickly rubbing it over the fabric.

Using threads attached between the ears, we tie the toys to the oven grate of the gas stove. Dry the piglets over low heat for about 15 minutes. If after this time there are still wet spots, dry the products with the heat turned off. Due to the glue in the coloring composition, the surface of the “baked” toys becomes hard and rough.

You can easily draw a drawing on such a surface with a pencil. We draw the details of the images of piglets. You can first sketch the appearance of the characters on paper, and then transfer them to fabric.

Next, use brushes to paint clothes, sweets, eyes, hooves with any acrylic paint (maybe not intended for fabric). Just remember to dry the paint layer before adding the peas and pupils on top. To ensure that the peas are the same size, apply them with the back of the brush. Apply small dots with the tip of a toothpick and leave the toys to dry.

The final touch is to use a black gel pen to outline the details and draw eyelashes. Coffee toys are ready!

Within a few months, the piglets will smell like coffee and create a positive mood with their images. Caring for toys is only supposed to be dry.”

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DIY Three Little Pigs made from corrugated cardboard using the quilling technique. Master class with photos

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Fairytale workshop. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Cherepanova Kristina 9 years old, student of the association “Imagination and Skillful Hands”
Supervisor: Ivanishcheva Svetlana Evgenievna, additional education teacher at MAU DO “SYUT”, Novouralsk, association “Imagination and Skillful Hands”

1. Description: A detailed master class with step-by-step photos will allow even a beginner to make fairy-tale characters using the corrugated quilling technique.

Purpose: This master class is intended for primary school students, additional education teachers, as well as for those who are interested in the topic “Fairy Tales” or the technology of making toys from corrugated cardboard.

Target: Creation of characters from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

- instill interest in creative activities, the desire to create unique works with your own hands;
- develop and practice skills in working with corrugated cardboard
- to cultivate neatness and artistic taste, to form a positive worldview, love and interest in the culture of the Russian people.

2. Required tools and materials: sheets of corrugated cardboard of different colors, ruler, scissors, “loach” braid, yarn, PVA glue – M “Super”, heat gun with rods, awl, eyes
Safety precautions when working with scissors:
When cutting, open the scissors wide and keep the ends away from you.
Be careful not to hurt the fingers of your left hand.
Turn the paper when cutting out the part.
Pass the scissors only closed, rings first.
When working, do not hold the scissors with the ends up.
Don't leave them open.
Do not use loose scissors.
Use scissors only in your own workplace.
Rules for working with glue:
After finishing working with glue, close the lid tightly
If glue gets on your skin, wipe it off with a damp cloth
At the end of work, wash your hands with soap.

An amazing material - corrugated cardboard - so simple and at the same time unusual, affordable and pleasant, its strips are dense and elastic, the figures from them are voluminous, beautiful, and little time is spent on production. Working with corrugated cardboard develops fine motor skills, creative thinking, and teaches the basics of design. Unlike paper, working with corrugated cardboard is not so long and painstaking. Products are produced much faster and more voluminous, which makes it possible to engage in creativity with children starting from preschool age.
Currently, corrugated cardboard is found in Russian, German, Chinese and Korean production. It can be sheet or already cut into strips 1 cm wide. Cardboard from different manufacturers differs slightly in length and density. Therefore, it is advisable to use cardboard of the same brand when working on the product.
If it is not possible to purchase ready-made strips, you can make do with corrugated cardboard from children's art kits by cutting the sheets into strips using a stationery knife or scissors. The main thing is that the strips must be of the same quality and the same length. In our work we use sheet corrugated cardboard 40 by 55 cm, cutting it into strips 1 cm wide. To obtain large-sized parts, we will have to glue strips of the desired colors sequentially, lubricating the ends of the strips with glue. From the resulting strips we will glue the necessary basic shapes, fix them on the inside with glue to make the structure rigid, and then, like a construction set, assemble the images we need from dried parts.

A cheerful song of little mischievous piglets:
“We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?
We have all known it since childhood.

We invite you to look into our workshop, and if you like crafts, then thanks to our instructions you can not only make your own fairy-tale characters, but even play a fairy tale.
There are three piglets in the fairy tale and they all have a head, ears, nose, mouth, paws, and tail. Let's prepare all these details, taking into account the fact that there are three piglets, that is, in triplicate. We then personalize each piglet's look with clothing and decorative elements.

3. For the head, glue together two ovals (count 6 edges on the strip, bend and twist) 5 strips each.

4. By shifting the coils we give the shape of a dome.

5. Coat with glue and dry.

6. Glue the dried parts together. We glue the resulting joint between the parts with a strip of cardboard.

7. For the heel, cut the strip lengthwise with scissors (now its width is 0.5 cm), count 4 ribs on the strip, bend and twist into an oval.

8. For the ears, we also cut the strips lengthwise with scissors (now its width is 0.5 cm). For one ear we take 0.5 strips of light yellow + 0.5 strips of pink. We twist them into disks, fix the end and use our fingers to give the ears a triangular shape.

9. By pressing with your thumb, give it a slightly curved shape, coat it with glue and dry it.

10. For the mouth, take 7.5 cm strips of red and 7.5 cm strips of pink (0.5 cm wide), glue them sequentially, twist them into a disk, give them the desired shape and fix them with glue.

11. For the lower leg, take a pink strip, count 8 ribs, roll it into an oval and make two turns with black cardboard. So let's prepare four legs for two piglets. And for the third piglet, count 6 ribs on a pink strip, twist it into an oval and make two black turns, so we will prepare two legs.

12. For one upper leg, take a strip 13 cm long, count 4 ribs and twist it into an oval. On one side we will give the oval the shape as shown in the photo.

13. For the ponytails, fold a strip 15 cm long, 0.5 cm wide into three, coat it with glue, glue it and bend it into a hook shape. General parts for the piglets are ready.

14. Let's get down to making the first pig, let it be Nif – Nif.
For the shirt, glue a disk of 4 yellow stripes and 4 disks for the sleeves, one yellow strip each.

15. For the pants, glue a disk of 4 green stripes and two disks of 1.5 strips each - these will be the legs.

16. Take a large yellow disk and a large green disk, shifting the turns of the disk, give them a dome shape, fix them with glue, and let them dry. Then we glue the resulting domes together.

17. Glue the resulting joint between the parts with a strip of dark green cardboard. This is the body of a piglet.

18. We give the two small green disks the shape of cones by shifting the turns. Fix with glue and dry.

19.Glue the body to the trouser legs. The gluing area in this case is very small and it is wiser to use a heat gun (this assistance can be provided by a teacher or the student will do this under the supervision of a teacher, having previously discussed safety precautions when working with this tool).

20. Fastening the head with wire. The teacher uses an awl to make a hole in the piglet's head and in the upper part of the body. Then, using a knitting needle, the hole is enlarged to the desired size, a wire with a length equal to the length of the body + the height of the head is inserted into it. This fastening allows the piglet to turn its head, tilt its head, making the image more expressive.

21. We put on the head, glue the ears and heels.

22. Glue a mouth under the heel.

23. From dark green stripes we make straps on the pants and decorate them with buttons. We make a collar from a strip glued into a ring.

24. Let's return to the shirt. We prepared 4 yellow discs with 1 strip each for the sleeves (see photo No. 14). We give the two disks a dome shape by carefully moving the turns. We give the other two disks the shape of a curved cone, on one side we move the coils as usual, on the other a little. Fix with glue and dry.

25. Glue the dome and the curved cone in pairs. We decorate the sleeves at the gluing site by gluing a strip of green cardboard.

26. Place the piglet on its legs and glue the upper legs. We decorate the face, glue on the hairstyle, flower eyes, and add half beads to the heels. To complete the look, add a bunch of straw to the paw.

27. Now it’s your turn Nuf – Nufa. Let's dress him up differently. For the shirt, glue a disk of 6 white stripes and 4 disks for the sleeves, one strip each.

28. For the panties, glue a disk of 3 green stripes and 2 disks of 1.5 strips each.

29. By shifting the turns, we will give the large white disk (shirt) the shape of a blunt cone, and the large green disk will give the shape of a very low dome.

30. Glue the green piece inside the white cone.

31. By moving the turns, we give the two small green disks the shape of cones. Fix with glue and dry. These are pant legs.

32. Glue the body to the trouser legs. The gluing area in this case is also small and it is wiser to use a heat gun (a teacher can provide this assistance, or the student will do this under the supervision of a teacher, having previously discussed safety precautions when working with this device).

33. The head is attached in the same way as the first pig (see photo No. 20).

34. Let's return to the shirt. We prepared 4 white discs with 1 strip each for the sleeves (see photo No. 27). We give the two disks a dome shape by carefully moving the turns. We give the other two disks a cone shape. Fix with glue and dry.

35. Glue the cone and dome in pairs. We decorate the sleeves at the gluing site by gluing a strip of green cardboard and “loach” braid.

36. We decorate the shirt with strips of green cardboard and “loach” braid, decorate the muzzle, glue on the sleeves, and decorate the pig’s neck with a braid collar.

37. Place the piglet on its legs, glue the upper legs and chupchik. Nuf - Nuf is ready.

38. For a shirt Naf – Nafa glue a disk of 6 blue stripes and 2 disks for sleeves of 1.5 strips each.

39. For the pants, glue a disk of 4 dark blue stripes and two disks of 1.5 strips each - these will be the legs.

40. By shifting the turns, we will give the large blue disk (shirt) the shape of a blunt cone, and the large dark blue disk will give the shape of a very low dome.
Secure with glue and let dry.

41. Glue the dark blue part inside the blue cone.

42. By shifting the turns, we will give two dark blue discs the shape of a very blunt cone, as shown in the photo. Secure with glue and let dry.

43. Glue the resulting trouser legs with the wide side under the shirt.

44. We return to the small blue disks (sleeves), shifting the turns and giving them the shape of a sharp cone. Secure with glue and let dry.

45. Decorate the edge of the sleeve with a lilac strip of cardboard and “loach” braid.

46. ​​Put the piglet on its legs. The head attachment is the same as that of the first pig (see photo No. 20). We decorate the edge of the shirt and the collar with a lilac strip of cardboard and “loach” braid.

47. Glue on the sleeves.

48. For the upper legs, take 0.5 strips of pink cardboard, count 12 ribs, coat them with glue, fold them and give them a slightly curved shape. Dry it.

49. Glue the paws into the sleeves. We design the face. Here comes Naf - Naf is ready.

50. Here is the whole company assembled...
Once upon a time there were piglets,
Three cheerful friendly brothers.
In the summer we ran, played,
We weren't expecting the cold at all.
Soon autumn came
She warned the piglets:
"We need to build houses for everyone:
Winter will come to you soon!"

(Vitaly Likhoded)

51. This photo shows well where to glue the ponytails.

52. Well, what’s a fairy tale without a gray villain?
Making crafts wolf. To make the head, we need to glue two disks of 4 strips in length. Let's give the disks the shape of a high dome. Apply glue and let dry.

53. Glue the dried parts together.

54. Glue the resulting joint between the parts with a strip of cardboard.

55. For the ears, glue two disks from one strip of light yellow cardboard and 0.5 strips of gray cardboard, fix the end and use your fingers to give the ears a triangular shape. Apply glue and let dry.

56. For the upper part of the muzzle, glue a disk from 1.5 strips of gray cardboard and an oval from 0.5 strips of red and 0.5 strips of gray (0.5 cm wide), counting 4 edges.

57. Shape the disk for the upper part of the wolf’s muzzle into the shape of an inclined blunt cone, coat it with glue and dry. Coat the lower part of the muzzle with glue as well. All parts for the wolf's head are ready.

58. The wolf's shirt consists of three parts. For the top of the shirt, glue together two disks of 4 burgundy stripes each.

59. For the third part, glue a disk of 5 burgundy stripes.

60. We give the prepared parts a shape: part 1 - by shifting the turns of the disk, give it the shape of a dome; part 2 - shifting the turns of the disk to give it a cone shape; part 3 - by shifting the turns of the disk, give it the shape of a very low dome. Coat the resulting parts with glue on the inside and let them dry.

61. We connect the dried parts 1 and 2 together with glue, glue the resulting joint between the parts with a strip of cardboard - this is the top of the shirt. Glue the resulting part to the convex side of part 3 (connect the top and bottom of the shirt).

62. Now let's prepare the sleeve details. To do this, twist 4 disks with 2 strips of burgundy color.

63. We give two disks the shape of a dome, and the other two the shape of a curved cone: on one side the turns are shifted as usual, on the other a little - a little less. Fix with glue and dry.

64. Glue the dome and the curved cone in pairs. We decorate the sleeves, glue a strip of green cardboard and “loach” braid at the gluing site.

65. For the pants, twist 2 marsh-colored disks with 3 stripes each.

66. We give them the shape of a curved cone, and on one side we move the turns as usual, on the other a little - a little less. Fix with glue and dry.

Recently, theatrical performances have become less frequent, we need to improve this business, and therefore yesterday I supplemented our schedule with this fabulous pastime. Well, what about this post? about the play about the three little pigs. Vlad doesn’t like the story in the book version, but he actively participates in the production, which actually makes me happy. His character is a wolf, he already knows his role very well, so I don’t voice his character.

A little about the scene. This is a box, the stage itself is made like a TV, the background is covered with fabric so that my body parts are not visible 😉, only my hands. But it seems to me now that this option is not very convenient.

Decorated the front with pictures.

Almost all of our characters are printed on a regular printer and colored with felt-tip pens. Then they are laminated with tape and attached to a toilet paper roll with self-adhesive tape. The roll itself is also covered with tape for greater versatility, that is, there are many more fairy tales and many heroes, and therefore, so as not to have a new stand roll for each hero, they simply change, and nothing breaks because of the tape.

The houses are made in different versions and the ugliest one, as my son noted, is a house made of straw. Intends to throw it away every time. Other houses are made more interestingly.

The tree house is made from a small juice box. The branches are glued with hot glue. I love this glue, it sticks to almost everything!

Naf-Naf's house is also out of the box. The stones are decorative, also glued with hot glue.

A scene with a wolf from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

The wolf hides under the sheep's wool.

Encore of the participants! 🙂

Marina Lipetskaya

Good day everyone! I would like to introduce you to working together with children tabletop theater based on a fairy tale"Three piglet"

A very exciting activity. Children actively participated in it and made preparations for piglets from paper towel rolls, painted and glued pig face

The wolf turned out very realistic

The children's joint work during production and playing gave very positive emotions. fairy tales, characters made by them.

The work turned out to be interesting, emotional, exciting, bright and memorable; the creation of characters and decorations did not take much time.

We also made this little box for storing our theater which was taken from the tea.

Theater helps children to experience and accumulate emotional and sensory experience, it is possible say it's theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries.

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I wanted to make some scenery for the “Three Little Pigs” finger theater, namely, the houses that the piglets made in a fairy tale, I came up with it right away, but it wasn’t so quick to implement! With the first straw for Nif-Nif, the decision immediately came to make it from cesal. The second of the rods for Nuf-Nuf, I had to rack my brains, but I came up with an idea, knitted the rods and the roof, like from logs, well, I liked the result, but with the third of the bricks for Naf-Naf I had to... think, but also with this task I did it. As a basis, in the first two houses, I took empty cups, glued them end to end, and cut off the bottom of one, and the third one was not so difficult to come up with, an empty box of sweets (truffles) came in very handy! Then I figured out how to knit the roof, sides, and window (the bottom cut off from one cup). I had multi-colored wire at hand, just three colors and that was it. The brick one had to be sewn together in detail first, and then put on the box as a base and glued instantly. The threads were different in both quality and texture, fortunately there are a lot of them in the house.
If anyone is interested or has questions, ask, I’ll tell you in detail, I’ll be sure to answer all your questions! If there are any comments or suggestions, I am ready to listen to them and take them into account; I will take them into account in other works.
Three piglets
