Soviet riddles for children: examples. The main mysteries of world history Green children of Woolpit

A riddle is a metaphorical expression in which one object is expressed through another that has some, even remote, similarity with it; Based on the latter, a person must guess the intended object.

In ancient times, a riddle was a means of testing wisdom; now it is a folk pastime. Riddles are found among all peoples, no matter what stage of development they are at. A proverb and a riddle differ in that a riddle needs to be guessed, while a proverb is a teaching. Material from Wikipedia. We bring to your attention 15 of the most difficult riddles in the world. At the same time, we also give answers so that you can immediately determine whether you are able to solve them.

The answer is hidden and is located on a separate page of the site.

  • Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How did they do it?

    They were on different banks.

  • Vasily, Peter, Semyon and their wives Natalya, Irina, Anna are 151 years old together. Each husband is 5 years older than his wife. Vasily is 1 year older than Irina. Natalya and Vasily are 48 years old together, Semyon and Natalya are 52 years old together. Who is married to whom, and how old is someone?

    Vasily (26) - Anna (21); Peter (27) - Natalya (22); Semyon (30) - Irina (25).

  • Do not write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

    5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try using a calculator.

  • Jackdaws flew and sat on sticks. If they sit down one at a time, there’s an extra jackdaw; if they sit down in twos, there’s an extra stick. How many sticks were there and how many jackdaws were there?

    Three sticks and four jackdaws.

  • Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The cause turned out to be a bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, examining the murder scene, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard Mr. Mark's voice. He said: “This is Mark speaking. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. There is no use in running. I know this footage will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. The door opens..." The assistant detective suggested arresting Jones on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turns out, he was right. Jones was not the killer, as was stated on the tape. Question: why did the detective become suspicious?

    The tape in the recorder was reviewed at the beginning. Moreover, Jones would have taken the tape.

  • Third-graders Alyosha and Misha walk from school and talk:
    “When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday,” said one of them, “then today will be as far from Sunday as the day that was today, when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.” What day of the week did they talk?

    On Sunday.

  • The hare and cat together weigh 10 kg. Dog with hare - 20 kg. Dog with cat - 24 kg. In this case, how much will all the animals weigh together: the hare, the cat and the dog?

    27 kg. (solution .)

  • There was a stone on the seashore. An 8 letter word was written on the stone. When the rich read this word, they cried, the poor rejoiced, and the lovers parted. What was that word?


  • There is a prison, next to a hospital. There are rails around them, and on the rails a train moves around at high speed. One boy needs to go to his grandfather in prison, and one girl needs to go to her grandmother in the hospital. How can they do this if the train doesn't stop?

    The boy needs to throw the girl under the train, then he will go to prison, and the girl to the hospital.

  • What Russian word can be written from right to left, turned upside down, mirrored, and it will still remain unchanged and not lose its meaning?


  • Which bird do you need to pluck feathers from to get morning, afternoon, evening, night at once?


  • Teresa's daughter is my daughter's mother. Who am I to Teresa?

    1. Grandmother.
    2. Mother.
    3. Daughter.
    4. Granddaughter.
    5. I am Teresa.

    Write your option in the comments.

Deep-sea vehicles and 3D bottom scanning techniques have made it possible to discover many secrets of the ocean. But we still know no more about the underwater world than about space.

Perfect circles

American oceanographer T. F. Gaskell predicted the presence of symmetrical and regular shapes on the ocean floor back in the 40s of the 20th century. Modern robotic drones such as Seaglider confirm this scientist’s guess. The bottom of the world's oceans is covered with seamounts, extinct volcanoes, cracks and objects of unknown origin.

The unusual shapes of seamounts have often given scientists reason to doubt the natural origin of guyots. Thus, it has not yet been established where the huge circles found on the seabed in Belize, Central America and off the coast of Florida came from. According to one version, they may be the ruins of ceremonial buildings of extensive burials, built approximately 8 thousand years BC.

Cambay mystery

In 2001, in the Gulf of Cambay in the Indian state of Gujarai, divers found traces of an ancient city. Research shows that the age of the raised artifacts is nine thousand years.

The ruins indicate a high level of civilization; a drainage system, a granary and water tanks were discovered here. And the residential buildings themselves were not built chaotically, but in accordance with the plan.

The origin of this underwater city has not yet been solved; it is even considered an underwater anomaly.

Oceanologists of the mid-20th century suggested that the ancient country of “Austronesis” could be here. The Cambay underwater city was located on its border, which is why it was preserved.

Zoogeographer I.I. Puzanov even described the chronology of the submergence of this territory. “Some of the originality of the animal population of Java is explained by the fact that it was the first to separate from the Malayan landmass, and first its connection with Borneo was broken, then with Sumatra. Borneo received some forms of its fauna from the Philippines, but, having separated from Java, did not manage to receive either a tiger or a leopard from India, explains Puzanov, and adds that the famous human ancestor Pithecanthropus could have penetrated to Java along a “continuous bridge of land.”

The culprit of this disaster was a giant volcano, like modern Krakatoa.

Japanese Yonaguni Monument

The Yonaguni Monument off the coast of Japan was discovered in 1987 and immediately became the subject of an iconic dispute between archaeologists and scientists.

Some argue that this object was built and decorated by man. According to the Japanese scientist Teruaki Ishi, the titanic underwater terrace dates back to the 10th millennium BC (the rock terraces of Sacsayhuaman are cited as an analogue). Opponents categorically deny human involvement and insist on the natural nature of the monument, arguing, “we see what we want to see.”
Critics are trying on another version: the monument belongs to the so-called “terra-formations”, that is, the original natural “base” was later changed and modified by human hands.

Cuban underwater city

The Cambay mystery and the Yonaguni monument may not seem so sensational compared to the complex of underwater structures that was discovered off the coast of Cuba in 2001.

For oceanographers, archaeologists and historians, the discovery was truly shocking, since it was located at a depth of 700 meters. Research shows that it took at least 50,000 years for the surface of the earth in this place to sink to this depth.

The photographs taken by surveyors clearly show the regular shapes of the buildings, clearly indicating their non-natural origin. At the same time, it is also too early to say unequivocally that they were built by man. Unfortunately, there are no scientific explanations for this mystery yet.

Interesting fact: The Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies declared the discovery heretical and does not recommend further research in such archeology, predicting that the city will turn out to be a natural formation

Baikal rings

Let's return from Cuba to Russia - to Lake Baikal. The Baikal phenomenon is rings with a diameter of 5-7 km, first discovered on the ice of the lake in the spring of 1999.

Specialists from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosgeolfond" made the assumption that these rings appeared before, but were not recorded due to the ice and their dimensions. “The dark rings on the ice of Lake Baikal are characterized by abnormally large sizes,” stated Rosgeolfond. The launch of space monitoring through the UniScan station revealed that they appear irregularly and tend to move. In particular, in April 2009 they were observed west of Cape Nizhneye Izgolovye on the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula.

So far, scientists explain this anomaly by emissions of bottom methane, but there is no clear opinion about the nature of the mysterious circles.


Oceanologists are also interested in Okhotia, a country that was located at the bottom of the modern Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Archaeologist Ruslan Vasilievsky in the monograph “The Origin and Ancient Culture of the Koryaks” wrote: “The culture created here “was a kind of intermediary between inland cultures and the cultures of sea hunters of the Pacific North, was part of the area of ​​​​the initial formation of the northeastern Paleo-Asians, and represented one of the links in the cultural chain sea ​​hunters, stretching from California to the Japanese Islands. There is reason to believe that in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk there was an independent center for the development of the coastal economy.”

According to the archaeologist, Okhotia developed in the waters of a single river system - Paleoamur, partially preserved today. Oceanologists believe that this civilization died several thousand years ago as a result of the rapid subsidence of this territory.

Antarctic Bridge

According to a number of oceanographers, the largest bridge in the world of natural origin was the Antarctic Bridge connecting New Zealand, Australia and South America. Its basis was the Macquarie, Balleny, and Maorid ridges. It is believed that it was partially flooded after the end of the last ice age, and partially went under water as a result of tectonic processes.

The famous geologist Gillooly wrote about this, who discovered that “the ancient flora of Macquarie (Tasmania, Australia) is undoubtedly related to the pre-glacial flora of Antarctica.”

French ethnographer, anthropologist and director of the Museum of Man, Paul Rivet, also recorded amazing similarities in appearance and culture between the inhabitants of the South American continent and the aborigines of Melanesia. At the same time, there are opponents of this version. However, both call the Antarctic Bridge one of the amazing mysteries of the underwater world.

There are so many unsolved mysteries and secrets in the world that it even becomes a little uneasy! Someone is constantly trying to comprehend these secrets of the higher worlds, but once again they fail. Ciphers, encoded messages, mysterious signs in the margins, cryptograms, etc. - all this intrigues not only scientists, but also ordinary people. Each of us, at least once in our lives, thinks about one of the many mysteries of our universe. Or maybe someone else has yet to solve it?

Mysteries are all around us.

How many films have been made and books written about how to solve these mysteries, but all these films are just science fiction. In fact, neither the world-famous manuscripts nor the complex messages to descendants from their ancestors have ever been fully unraveled.

The Voynich Mystery

It was never possible to unravel the unknown language in which the manuscript was written. In 1912, Wilfrid Voynich, an antiquarian book dealer, acquired a very strange book. All of its 240 pages contained completely new letters and numbers (if they were these characters at all). In addition to words in an incomprehensible language, the book also contained diagrams and illustrations that demonstrated incomprehensible events and also depicted unimaginable plants. Mystery? And what a one! It was not possible to determine who the author of the manuscript was. But scientists were able to determine the time period in which the book was created - 1404–1438.

The Voynich Mystery Manuscript

No one has tried to decipher the handwritten manuscript, but all in vain. But it doesn’t look like the author of the text simply decided to make fun of his descendants and drew scribbles to mislead everyone. Today there are a large number of theories in which the great scientists of the world are trying to uncover the secret of the book. Some think that this is a manual on alchemy, others - a pharmacopoeia, and still others generally see the intervention of other worlds in the creation of the manuscript and assign the book the status of an extraterrestrial manuscript. But whoever the author of the manuscript was, he definitely did not spare his personal time, effort and money to create it!

Secrets of the higher worlds! Difficult to understand, encrypted and not completely solved, the riddle on the sculpture located near the CIA in the USA is the sensational Kryptos! The sculpture was created by master Sanborn, and the four encryptions on its surface have never been fully solved (despite this “neighborhood” with the CIA). Scientists managed to solve the first three riddles, but they are still struggling with the last one (despite the artist’s hints that the answer to it is encrypted in the first cipher). In 2010, the most persistent researchers were still able to unravel one word in the code - Berlin, but what other words are nearby is still unknown.

Finding Bale's Treasure

Thomas Bale at the beginning of the 19th century was able to extract treasure during the development of gold deposits in Colorado. It is unknown what motivated this man, but he decided to encrypt the location of real wealth from a large number of precious metals and stones. For this he used a set consisting of three encryptions. Of these, only the second was decoded, and the key to it was the Declaration of American Independence. This code indicated the area where the treasure is located, but the exact location of the cache is still unknown. Many seekers of adventures and mysterious treasures still hunt for untold wealth to this day.

How to find the Holy Grail?

In Great Britain there is the famous Shepherd Monument, created in the 18th century in Staffordshire. Many people think that this is a message from the ancients to our contemporaries regarding the place where the Holy Grail is kept. The letters of the code have a certain sequence, but no one can decipher it. The author of the code is unknown, and this is another mystery of the surrounding world. Scientists suggest that in this way the Templars encrypted the secret of finding the Grail. Many celebrities tried to decode this code, including Charles Dickens and Darwin.

Writing system or Rongorongo

Mysterious signs depicted on artifacts and called Rongorongo were found on Easter Island. Scientists believe that these may be writing systems invented by different branches of humanity. It has not yet been possible to decipher the secrets of the ancient words, but there is an opinion that the encryption contains some information about the civilization that built the statues on this island.

Message from Space

In 1977, as part of a program to search for signals from extraterrestrial intelligence, Jerry Eman recorded an incomprehensible signal, and it actually did not come from Earth. Human communication with an extraterrestrial civilization lasted only 72 seconds, which was supposedly located in the constellation Sagittarius, which is 120 light years away from our planet. On his transcript, the young man wrote the word “Wow” as an expression of delight at communicating with aliens. Perhaps the younger generation uses this word for a reason, but at the suggestion of other worlds!

Secrets of the Phaistos Disc

This is the most difficult riddle that Indiana Jones himself would be unable to solve if he existed in reality, and not just on the TV screen. The disk was found at the beginning of the last century by an archaeologist from Italy named Luigi Pernier. There are some strange symbols on this disc. Their similarity with the hieroglyphs of ancient Chinese written languages ​​is visible. It is believed that the secrets of the ancient world are contained in this message, because it is at least three thousand years old, made in the second millennium BC. The Phaistos Disc is the most important of all archaeological mysteries.

Mysterious underwater world

The secrets of the underwater world are of interest to scientists and ordinary people on all continents. Learning about ancient civilizations that lived before the Flood, revealing the secrets of Atlantis that sank under the water and solving other most difficult problems associated with Hydrocosmos is important for understanding our history. And if earlier they devoted a lot of time to studying the underwater world, now they have switched more to space exploration. But there are also many secrets in the depths that have not yet been comprehended!

Who are NZOs?

Unknown noises are recorded using modern acoustic devices (hydrophones). For the first time, they were used by American military services to track the movement of enemy submarines - the USSR. With the help of the devices it was possible to listen not only to the songs of whales, but also to something more interesting. The secrets of the underwater world were not completely revealed to scientists, but they concluded that in the ocean someone was sending targeted, conscious signals. received the name NZO - unidentified sound object. And who issues these signals has not been established to this day. Maybe these are messengers from the ancient world, aliens, sea monsters or someone else?

"Quakers" of the World Ocean

Great scientists tried to answer the question of who makes the interesting “kwa-kwa” sounds underwater. Maybe it's a huge sea frog? Doubtful! It all started with the interest of sailors who served on submarines in this phenomenon. Using hydroacoustic devices, they picked up strange signals and called them Quakers. This name is even mentioned in the official documentation.

The sound came from objects circling around the boats. This is exactly what was established thanks to direction finding. The strange creatures, which could not be detected, seemed to be trying to establish contact with the submarines, because they willingly responded to the signals of the submarine itself. And there was no aggression from the Quakers. The submarine was accompanied by the creatures to a specific area and then they left it, saying their usual “kwa-kwa” in parting. What it was is still a mystery. So far, scientists have stopped working on it (or are doing it unnoticed by large masses of people, so as not to spread panic), but the sounds have not disappeared and still bring fear to sailors.

This anomalous zone does not reveal one iota of the secrets of the underwater world, but only confuses researchers even more. Complex calculations, great research - but the mystery is still not solved. Since 1492, this place has been considered at least strange and frightening. The glow of water and sky, tongues of flame, frantic compass needle - all this is noted in the notes of Columbus’s own expedition. In 1840, the place located near Bermuda was given the informal name of the triangle. In this area, a self-moving ship was then found, which was completely without a crew. Where the crew and thousands of other people who disappeared in this area after the strange discovery went is unknown to modern science.

Not only ships, but also aircraft have disappeared and are disappearing in this place. Moreover, it has never been possible to find any debris or remains. But scientists studying the seabed in the Bermuda region came across a huge pyramid, several times larger than the famous pyramid of Cheops. The walls of this structure are absolutely smooth - there are no plaques, shells or algae on them, and they are made of a material that resembles glass ceramics. The secrets of the underwater world, even with this discovery, were not fully explored. The ocean is still a mystery to us today, one that interested ancient scientists and our contemporaries. Many studies of great scientists are classified. But sooner or later everything secret becomes clear, so let's wait!

Atlantis has disappeared from view

The world only learned thousands of years later that there was another continent. And searching and researching it will take the same amount of time. The secrets of the underwater world are revealed only to those who are persistent! Among representatives of the ancient world, Aristotle mentioned Atlantis. But words are words, but evidence of the existence of the continent in the form of the remains of civilization has not yet been found. They say that not all of the Atlanteans perished and founded their city in Tibet. And Mount Kailash is nothing more than one of the pyramids built by these giants. But where they lived before and what actually happened to their homeland is known only from myths. But to believe them or not is up to you to decide!

The secrets of the ancient world, the depths of the sea, one generation to another - this has always aroused and continues to arouse interest among people. Great scientists have not yet been able to solve many mysteries. Maybe you will be the one to do this, write in the comments!

World history holds a lot of mysteries. Despite increasingly sophisticated methods and billion-dollar research budgets, there are some things science has never explained.

1. Was there Atlantis?

Atlantis is the most famous of. Plato wrote about it in detail. She was mentioned in their writings by Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Posidonius, Strabo and Proclus. According to Plato, the island was located to the west of the Pillars of Hercules, opposite the Atlanta Mountains. During a strong earthquake, he went under water in one day. This happened around 9500 BC.
Atlantis was searched all over the world, from Gibraltar to Peru and Brazil, but today there is not a single scientifically based theory of its location.

2. Was there a Great Flood?

Mentioned not only in the canonical books of the Bible, but also in the later apocrypha. For example, in the Book of Enoch. The story of the flood can be found in other books, in the Jewish Haggadah and Midrash Tankhuma, as well as in the Sumerian myth of Ziusudra. The first surviving Sumerian flood poems date back to the 18th century BC.
There are mentions of sea trends in the myths of all cultures, but did the flood really happen? Historians cannot yet give a definite answer. However, it is known, for example, that around 5600 BC. There was a real flood in the Mediterranean when, due to earthquakes, the level of the Black Sea rose by 140 meters, it increased 1.5 times, and the Sea of ​​Azov appeared. Perhaps for the inhabitants of those places it was a “global flood”.

3. Who built the pyramids?

No matter how modern reconstructors and scientists struggle to solve the riddle, convincing versions of the method of their construction have not yet been found. Some experts say that the pyramids were built from ready-made blocks hewn out of the rock, others (Joseph Davilowitz) say that the blocks were made at the construction site from a mixture of stone chips and “geopolymer concrete” based on limestone. The incredible complexity of the process calls into question all hypotheses. The question also remains open about who built the pyramids, slaves or civilian workers, and how many there were.

4. Where did the Mayans go?

The Mayan civilization was one of the most developed, but by the time the conquistadors arrived, only scattered forest tribes remained of the Mayans, underdeveloped and not representing a serious force. They lived in huts and did not build majestic temples and palaces. Where did the Mayans go? The mystery is still not solved. There are many versions, from epidemic and war to alien intervention, but none of them is proven.

5. Who were the Sumerians?

The world community learned about it only in the middle of the 19th century, when scientists proved that in Mesopotamia there existed a state whose age reaches 6,000 years. It was from him that Babylon and Assyria inherited their culture.
It is still unknown where the Sumerians came to Mesopotamia. It is assumed that this was a mountainous region, since in the Sumerian language the words "country" and "mountain" are spelled the same. It also had to be an area with advanced technology - the Sumerians were pioneers in many fields of knowledge, from astronomy to physics. It is speculative, but not yet proven, that this could be in the south of India.

6. Did the Vikings discover America?

The discoveries of America are being voiced more and more often, but the Columbus version is still the official one. What's interesting about both of them is that both times America was discovered by mistake (a Scandinavian trader named Bjarni Herjulfsson lost his course due to a storm, and Columbus sailed to India).
There is much less material on the Norman version than on the Columbus version, and not all of them are considered authentic, which greatly undermines its credibility.

7. Who were the Hyksos?

They are called "shepherd kings." It was during their reign that a two-wheeled military chariot appeared in Egypt, which changed the tactics of warfare. Little is known about them. The Hyksos were nomadic tribes, “rulers of the desert highlands,” who invaded Egypt around 1700. BC e. They ruled it for more than 100 years and even founded an entire dynasty of Hyksos kings. The Hyksos were expelled from Egypt only by the founder of the 18th dynasty, Ahmose I, in 1587 BC. e. The question of who exactly the Hyksos were, where they came from and where they disappeared remains open.

8. Why did Neanderthals go extinct?

The human genome is approximately 99.5% identical, but this does not mean that we descended from Neanderthals. We have 98% genome similarity with monkeys.
Contrary to popular belief that Neanderthals were semi-savage, they were not. This was a fairly developed evolutionary branch; they even knew how to make musical instruments. The versions of their disappearance are as follows: 1) Assimilation; 2) Cro-Magnon genocide; 3) The Ice Age, which they did not survive because they did not know how to make clothes as they were unnecessary.
None of these versions is yet scientifically legitimized.

9. Where did the Scythians disappear to?

It is believed that Scythia was the first state to disappear as a result of the Great Migration. The Scythians fought with the Sarmatians, Philip and Alexander the Great, with the Goths and Huns. It is believed that after the defeat of the latter, most of the Scythians died, while many became part of the winning army. In history, because of this, there is a lot of confusion with the later definition of the Scythians. Some historians count Chechens and Ossetians among the descendants of the Scythians.

10. Why did Alexander the Great die?

We still don't know where he is buried. This significantly reduces the chances of finding out the main mystery - why he died in the prime of his life, at 32 years old. The Persians, whom he mercilessly defeated, claimed that the commander was punished by heaven for desecrating the tomb of King Cyrus. The Macedonians who returned home said that the great commander died of drunkenness and debauchery (sources brought to us information about his 360 concubines). Roman historians believed that he was poisoned with some kind of slow-acting Asian poison. According to the most common version, Alexander died of malaria. She does not explain why she made such a “single strike.”

11. Did King Arthur exist?

Almost all of us have known King Arthur since childhood. The Arthurian cycle was a bestseller back in the Middle Ages, and in our time it has become one of the cult phenomena of mass culture. Some critics argue that all fantasy literature came out of Arthuriana. However, the authenticity of Arthur's existence as a separate historical figure has not yet been proven. Probably, the real prototype of Arthur had a different name, or it is a collective image of several prototypes.

12. Why did the plague “mow down” Europe?

There is a lot that is unclear in the story of the European plague pandemic, which literally dates back to the Middle Ages. Thus, it was not possible to identify wild rodents whose habitats would also extend so far to the north. There is no answer to the question of why the Black Death pandemic struck Europe in the same sequence and over the same territories, and for the same time, as the first pandemic - the Plague of Justinian (531-589)? How did its outbreaks flare up synchronously over very extensive areas of Europe, for example, the plague epidemic in Moscow and London in the middle of the 17th century?

13. Where did the gold of the royal family go?

By the beginning of the First World War, the Russian Empire had the world's largest gold reserves, which were estimated at 1 billion 695 million rubles (1311 tons of gold, more than 60 billion dollars at the exchange rate of the 2000s).
The fate of most of the gold reserves of Tsarist Russia is still unknown (). This was approximately 490 tons of pure gold in bullion and coins valued at 650 million. According to one version, it was stolen by the Czechoslovak corps, according to another, it was hidden on the orders of Kolchak himself, according to the third, the funds ended up in European banks.

14. Where did the Templar gold go?

The countless treasures of the Templars are still legendary. According to the historian Lozinsky, the chief treasurer of the order was the chief treasurer of France, and the largest debtor of the order was King Philip IV the Fair of France.

After the trial of the Templars, he discovered that there was not much jewelry and gold in the treasuries. Where the Templar gold went is a mystery. It is known that the surviving Templars transported part of the accumulated treasures on ships, but where is not known for certain. If you believe the legends, the Templar gold ended up in Nova Scotia - the territory of modern Canada. It is believed that part of it was transported to the Canadian Oak Island, where the descendants of the temple knights hid it in a cache with numerous traps.

15. Where did the 10 tribes of Israel go?

At the end of the 8th century BC, five-sixths of Jews disappeared completely - 10 out of 12 ethnic groups. They have been sought for for 2,500 years, and are sometimes found in the most unexpected places - from India to Europe. About his kinship with even in Japan. There is a religious movement called Makuya, whose representatives claim that the imperial title “Mikado” itself comes from the Hebrew mi gadol (great). None of the versions is official today.

16. Who built Stonehenge?

The mystery of the megalithic complex has not yet been solved. According to one version, it was built by the Druids, according to another - by the Celts, according to the third - by the ancient Britons, according to the fourth - by Merlin himself. There are those who claim that Stonehenge is a hoax and was built in modern times.
It is also unknown exactly how Stonehenge was built. During the restoration of the complex, which began in 1901 and was completed only in 1964, the stones were rearranged using cranes, but in the Middle Ages there was no such equipment.

17. How were the monuments built on Easter Island?

The most widely accepted theory among researchers is that the moai on Easter Island were erected by settlers from the Polynesian islands in the 11th century. How they did this is still unknown. Thor Heyerdahl's experiments were only partially successful. Its method of transportation was not suitable for multi-meter colossi weighing 50 tons or more. The Norwegian scientist also could not explain how the Maoi wore hats weighing up to two tons.

Destroyed the ancient world, building the Middle Ages on its ruins. Despite many versions, it is still not clear what was the main reason for the movement of the barbarians. As is usually the case in such cases, scientists talk about the sum of factors. Firstly, about overpopulation in Scandinavia, secondly, about changing climatic conditions (cooling and increasing humidity), and finally, about a shift in social strata - the tribal elite that came to power was interested in profit. The best target was the Roman Empire.

20. Who sponsored the Bolsheviks?

The question of whether this is true in Russia is still debatable. For a long time, the main version was that the German General Staff played the first role in financing, but today more and more historians are inclined to believe that support came from England, from Wall Street, and even from the Old Believers, who had close business relationships. contacts with English industrialists.

Coming up with a riddle is a creative task for the development of children in elementary school. Schoolchildren analyze, compare, and contrast the properties, features, and attributes of various objects, phenomena, animals, etc.

Composing riddles on your own is a very exciting process that children adore. They are happy to prepare such homework on the outside world or other subjects in grades 1-3 of primary school. Children especially like to come up with their own riddles about animals, seasons, birds and plants. Below are the riddles the students came up with for one of these lessons.

Riddles invented by children

Gray, fluffy, but not a wolf.
Striped, but not a tigress.
There is a mustache, but not a grandfather.
Give me the answer quickly!

They tick, they count, they calculate time,
They walk and hurry, although they stand still.

It's pouring and watering the beds
Gardeners respect

Water is dripping from the sky
What is who where
Children grow up quickly
If they fall under it

There are four horns on one leg.
Pokes, grabs, helps to eat.

Little elephant
Runs across the carpet.
Collects dust with its trunk,
The tail sticks out in the socket.
(Vacuum cleaner)

The master sewed a fur coat,
I forgot to take out the needles.

That always walks around without looking back

I have a lot of girlfriends
We are all very good.
If a person needs
We will help from the bottom of our hearts. (Books)

I'm waiting for you guys!
I am very, very beautiful!
Why don't you take it?
Because it's poisonous!

Who sings so loudly
About the fact that the sun is rising?

It blows smoke and gives warmth.

They beat him, but he flies.

He will tell us everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

In the morning they open
They close in the evening.

Mechanical screen
Shows everything to us.
From it we learn
What and where, when, how much?

What kind of miracle backpack is this?
It contains pens and chalk,
And also pencils
And look for markers.
(Pencil case)

What kind of berry is this?
Appetizing, big?
The top is full of greenery,
And she's red inside.

He has four legs
He keeps jumping along the path.

This house is very smart,
In it we take knowledge.

She herself is mute
But she teaches everyone.

Striped Citizen
Quenched our thirst.

Shaggy friend
The house is guarding.

Cross-eyed, small,
In a white fur coat and felt boots.

Sits on a spoon
Long legs.

Small, colorful,
If it flies away, you won't catch it.

You speak quietly and audibly loudly.

Cold snowstorms
The wolves are hungry
The nights are dark
When does this happen?

Arrives after winter
Maslenitsa meets
Warms everyone with warmth
The birds are calling

He'll tell you everything
And the whole world will show.

We get up on them in the morning,
And we all go to school.

She has one arm, it is very thin.
Everything is working, digging,
Large holes are pulled out.

It’s warm with him,
Without it it’s cold.

This is a beautiful animal
It loves affection, cleanliness,
Milk and mice.

This is my favorite thing
Little children.
This item can be bought
Or you can do it yourself.

And everyone loves this
Especially in the heat.
(Ice cream)

What's that bright light in the dark?

Small, prickly.

There are wires inside.
Like the sun is shining brightly
He will greet everyone warmly.

A hole has been dug and it is full of water.
Anyone who wants to will get drunk to the fullest.

In the morning it blooms,
Closes at night.

Round ball
Rolling around the field.

There's an elephant in our kitchen
He sat down on the stove.
And whistles and puffs,
The water is boiling in the stomach. (Kettle)

Wedge in the sun,
Damn when it rains

If a child is having difficulties, parents can get involved and help come up with a riddle for school together as a family. Compose together with your children; it will charge you with positivity and give the child the desired time of close communication with his parents. What could be more important than these minutes?