Construction of a brick wall: brick laying technology. How to lay facing bricks

The strength of the walls of a brick building directly depends not only on the quality of the building material, which includes brick and cement mortar, but also on the weather conditions during which the walls are constructed. And the most important condition for this type of construction work is the professionalism of the bricklayer, who knows first-hand how to lay bricks correctly.

At first glance, it may seem that there is no option other than laying the brick straight, that it is simply impossible to position it crookedly; after all, the brick has the shape of a rectangle and therefore by laying it in rows, you can achieve a perfectly flat wall. But this is a completely erroneous judgment.

In order to lay a brick wall properly, the following requirements must be met:

  • ensure that the same amount of mortar is applied under the brick, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve an even edge on the outer row of masonry;
  • the brick placed on the prepared working surface must lie parallel to the row, as a result of which its outer side will coincide with the plane of the brickwork, that is, it will be oriented along three axes of rotation;
  • observe three basic rules: correct linear position of the brick, the same height of the masonry with other rows, tight fit to the adjacent brick.

But even if these requirements are met, if you don’t have experience working as a mason, then nothing may work out right away. In this case, in this article we present information on how to learn how to lay bricks yourself.

In order to properly organize the workflow for laying bricks, in addition to building materials, you must have a whole set of special tools and devices.

Required Tools

  1. Mortar or mixture for laying bricks (we’ll talk about the composition of the mortar and the method of preparation below);
  2. Bricks (building material);
  3. Construction wheelbarrow (necessary for easy delivery of bricks from the storage site to the work area);
  4. Trowel or trowel (using this tool, mortar is laid out on the working surface of the brick and excess mixture is removed);
  5. Construction glasses (used to protect eyes from mechanical damage and dust);
  6. Carpenter's square (for connecting corner parts of brickwork);
  7. Level (will help to lay out both the first layer of masonry and the subsequent ones evenly);
  8. Hammer-pick (designed for splitting bricks);
  9. Tape measure (for linear measurements during work);
  10. Chalked cord (will help determine the brick laying line);
  11. Mason's cord (allows you to create straight lines of horizontal courses of brickwork).

Preparation of the solution

It is not difficult to prepare mortar for laying bricks. It consists of cement and sand, the optimal ratio between the components is 1:5, that is, we take one part of cement and five parts of sand. Sometimes clay or lime is added to the mixture to give it plasticity.

At the first stage of preparing the solution, it is necessary to mix cement and sand in dry form, take the finished mixture in small parts and combine with water, mixing thoroughly. This will avoid hardening of the overly prepared solution and, accordingly, save on the purchase of an additional batch of cement.

To save mortar, it is better not to use “hollow” bricks, since most of the mixture will go into the hole and the mortar will not be enough to secure the brick. You can read more about preparing mortar for masonry.

Currently, when building houses or summer cottages, not everyone resorts to the help of professional builders. Someone is limited in finances, someone wants to fulfill one of the three rules of life, which say that a real man must “build a house, plant a tree, raise a son.” It is for such people that the next section of our article is intended.

DIY bricklaying technology

If you decide to build a brick house yourself, then you need to know how to lay a brick wall correctly. If a certain number of requirements are not met, it may turn out that the design will be unreliable. And the first rule says that bricklaying should begin only after the foundation has completely hardened, otherwise the wall may lead to one side and all the work will be in vain.

  • To ensure that there is no doubt about the correctness of the start of construction work, you need to watch the video on our website, which will tell you in detail how to learn how to lay bricks.

  • Starting to lay out the first layer of brick, it is necessary to place roofing material rolled in two layers on the foundation. You should first decide how the wall will be built: one brick, one and a half or two bricks.

  • It is easy to guess that if the first row of bricks goes crooked, then all subsequent ones will be the same. That's why it is necessary to use special construction tools, which will help to lay bricks correctly and evenly.
  • The next requirement in the series is how to lay a brick wall correctly is as follows, it is necessary to strictly observe the gap between the bricks, which should be at least 3 cm. This is necessary so that the solution is evenly distributed between them during installation.
  • Necessary with enviable frequency check with a building level the direction of horizontal and vertical laying.

  • From the correct layout of the corners of the structure 50% of the success of the entire work depends. Before you start laying bricks, you first need to lay out the corners in several rows. It is very important to carry out the work using horizontal and vertical levels, since it is the angles that determine how evenly the walls will be laid. And throughout the entire work, it is necessary that the corners are two rows higher than the main walls.
  • If plastering is planned in the future erected brick walls, then it is necessary to use the “empty area” method. It consists of distributing a certain volume of mortar between the bricks so that it does not fill the gaps between them.
  • Laying out the chimney, it is necessary to ensure that the empty spaces between the bricks are completely filled with mortar. This is necessary to prevent soot from settling in the pipe. Fully filled joints are also used for facing installation.

brick ordering

  • To create truly even and right angles design, you will need a “ordering”, which is metal corners that help determine the accuracy of installation. To secure the order at an angle, special brackets are used, which ensure the accuracy of the design.
  • Ensure that bricks are laid evenly in rows Special construction tools such as a level, mason's cord, tape measure, chalk cord will help. And you should not neglect their use.

If at some point during independent construction work questions arise regarding the correct laying of bricks, then the video presented on our website will help you figure it out.

  • When laying brick walls, it is necessary to ensure that the seams in other rows do not coincide, otherwise the wall will lose its stability and fall apart under the influence of force.
  • It is necessary to approach construction with special care and before laying a brick wall, it is best to draw a work plan, which will indicate the required amount of bricks and the number of laid rows.
  • If there is no practice in laying facing bricks, but such a need arises, then you can resort to traditional laying of ordinary building bricks - the result will be the same. The facing brick differs from the usual one only in its more aesthetic appearance and its purpose. If you still have any doubts, the laying of facing bricks is shown on our website in a step-by-step video, after watching which you can easily complete your plan.
  • When calculating the required amount of bricks, you need to add 10% of the total volume to the resulting number, this is necessary because approximately a tenth of the bricks break during laying.
  • In order for the mortar and brick to have the greatest degree of adhesion, it is necessary to first moisten the brick in a container of water before laying it on the mortar.
  • To learn how to lay brickwork correctly, you need patience and haste is inappropriate here. The mortar does not dry immediately, so if necessary, you can correct some shortcomings in the work.

If after reading the article you are still not confident that you can lay a brick wall yourself, we can recommend watching a video on how to lay brickwork. The video will clearly and in detail show all stages of the work.

May the walls of your home always be strong and reliable!

No matter how many new technologies are mastered, classic brickwork remains at the peak of popularity. Its principle is used in the installation of other building materials. Many developers build houses and outbuildings on their own, but many questions arise during the work.

To prevent problems with the structure during operation, before installation you need to familiarize yourself with the technology requirements and the recommendations of specialists regarding the masonry process. After all, the strength of both the wall and the entire building will depend on the quality of the work performed. In this article we will talk about how to lay bricks correctly.

Necessary tool

Trowel (trowel) - with its help, a solution is laid out on the surface in doses, and the excess is removed;

Carpenter's square, used to connect corner elements of masonry;

Hammer-pick for splitting bricks;

Wheelbarrow for transporting bulk materials and bricks to the work area;

Goggles to protect your eyes from small chips and dust;

Tape measure, level for marking precise lines;

A cord used to determine the boundaries of the masonry;

Mason's cord to create horizontal boundaries;

Read also: Insulation of the foundation from the outside: advantages, materials, methods and features of installation of various insulation materials

container and shovel for mixing the solution.


- brick;

- cement.

To impart plasticity, clay or lime can be added to the solution. The ratio is determined by the brand of cement.

Proper brickwork

Any masonry is carried out on a pre-prepared base - the foundation. It can be monolithic, columnar or strip. Concrete or concrete blocks are mainly used as materials for constructing the base. The surface of the completely hardened foundation is waterproofed with bitumen mastic or roofing felt, after which bricks can be laid.

The solution is mixed in advance. The dry components are combined first, after which they are gradually dissolved with water. Before using sand, it must be sifted to remove debris and large fragments. The proportions of cement and sand depend on the brand of the main fastening agent (usually the ratio is 1:4).

Work begins on marking, which is done using a level, cord, tape measure, taking into account the thickness of the future masonry (one, one and a half, two bricks). Lacing guide lines define both horizontal and vertical. During installation, the line level should be checked regularly.

The first to be installed are the corner elements, which are driven out in several rows. Only then are the flat areas filled with bricks, with obligatory observance of the masonry rules:

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- each brick is placed on a mortar pre-distributed over the surface (1.5-2 cm thick);

- the seams of the second row must be mixed to create a durable structure;

— seam lines are repeated every other row for an aesthetic appearance;

- the sides of the brick are also filled with mortar;

- the width of the seams should be the same;

— correct placement of the brick on the mortar is carried out using a trowel or trowel (tapping from above and along the side);

- excess solution is immediately removed.

Regardless of the thickness of the walls, the corners are laid out larger to enhance the strength of the building and the connection of the sides. This will create strong support for the roof and prevent the formation of cracks on the walls when the groundwater level rises and minor vibrations of the earth’s crust.

Window and door openings are laid out using a metal corner, which is inserted into the masonry. The design of gaps for ventilation or communications is also preliminarily thought out.

If you plan to use facing bricks in the masonry, then it is necessary to draw up a plan for the location of the elements in advance with an accurate calculation. If there is a need to use brick halves along the length, consider their placement so that this does not spoil the appearance.

To improve the adhesion of the brick to the mortar, it should be moistened before use.

As a rule, professionals lay bricks, but if you understand the simple technology of laying bricks on a foundation, you can do it yourself. It should be noted that this the work is painstaking and complex, requiring accuracy and skill.

First tip for bricklaying– after pouring the foundation, you need to wait at least two days before laying the first brick. In this case, the foundation will become stronger and will support the weight of the bricks. When doing the work, it is important that the rows are even and the corners are tied correctly.

The secrets of bricklaying are known to few people - humanity has been tinkering with bricks for five or six thousand years. However, let us remember that “it is not the gods who burn the pots.”

Why are bricks placed on the foundation?

Brick laying on the foundation is done for forming a plinth enclosing the underground space. The stability of the building is significantly increased by the construction of the plinth.

Brick base

The best material for building a basement is a red brick. Above the ground level (at a height of 15 cm), special ventilation holes should be provided, which should be placed at least one for every 3 meters and covered with a special metal mesh or dampers. The construction of a plinth is a complex and responsible task. The base and foundation are the basis of the strength, strength, and reliability of the house.

Correct laying of the base

The technology for correctly laying bricks on the foundation begins with setting the correct angles. The first row is installed without mortar along the width of the base. It is necessary to constantly monitor the level. You have to measure the sides, making sure that the structure is absolutely even.

The maximum permissible discrepancy is 2 cm, since such an error can still be corrected with subsequent actions.

Having measured the sides, you can mount the base itself using a brick with a mortar of sand and cement. Solution we do this: one part cement, three parts sand, water in an amount sufficient for a thick, plastic consistency of the solution.

Minimum width of basement wall should be 380 mm - with foam insulation, or 500 mm - without insulation. The height of the foundation required for the construction of the basement is 30-40 cm. This height of the base of the house allows you to build a high, beautiful basement, where you can subsequently place a utility room or boiler room.

For the construction of the basement, a whole brick or its halves are used. It is worth paying special attention to the brick lining of the corners, since they bear the entire load.

How to lay a brick on a foundation

Should be prepared in advance work tools:

  • trowel (or trowel) for laying out the mortar, removing excess mortar, leveling;
  • a mason's hammer for splitting bricks into pieces of the required size;
  • a plumb line checks the verticality of the masonry;
  • the cord helps to lay out rows in straight lines and maintain one height indicator;
  • the ordering marks the rows according to the thickness of the seam and brick;
  • the wood rule checks the quality of the external surface;
  • shovel;
  • container for stirring the solution (or concrete mixer).

First we lay roofing felt for insulation cleaned foundation from moisture. There are two ways to go.

First way– lay out the first row completely, and then the corners. In this case, the corner should always be several bricks higher than the walls. We check the straightness of the corners, the verticality of the masonry with a level, a square, and a plumb line.

Second way consists of initially drawing out all the corners, after which the walls are laid. Checking the corners occurs using the same tools. Unevenness should be corrected by tapping the incorrectly placed bricks with a hammer. The stage ends with tying a cord for guidance in the corners. Now you can begin the main part of the work.

Masonry technology simple:

  • lay out and level the width of the mortar to one and a half centimeters with a trowel;
  • lay the brick, lightly pressing it down to evenly distribute the binder mixture;
  • Gently tapping with a hammer, level the stone, following the line marked with the cord;
  • collect excess mortar with a trowel and fill the vertical seam between two bricks.

Some experienced builders pre-apply a small amount of binder mixture to the side edge of the brick to bond it to the adjacent one.

It is necessary to constantly remember about control over verticality, straightness of lines and thickness of seams.

Leveling the foundation with brickwork

The load-bearing walls of the building rest on the foundation. The secret to the stability of the structure depends on the evenness of each of its four surfaces. To level the bottom plane of the foundation you will need the following tools::

  • shovel;
  • construction plumb line;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • container for cement mortar;
  • trowel.

Creating a perfectly flat bottom plane of the foundation masonry at the bottom of the trench begins with the installation of a sand cushion. The lower plane is not visible, but its unevenness can lead to problems in the operation of the building. It will not be possible to level the uneven lower plane later; it is necessary to immediately make it perfectly flat.

High-quality formwork allows you to obtain smooth internal and external surfaces. However, there are times when the foundation is not level, despite following all the rules for constructing formwork.

How to level a brick foundation? Methods for leveling the base surface

  1. Installing new formwork and pouring concrete solution allows you to cope with significant surface unevenness.
  2. Brick lining is important for eliminating minor defects in the base.
  3. Covered with a chain-link mesh, fixed with a thick layer of plaster.
  4. Covering with a layer of additional thermal insulation (expanded polystyrene, mineral wool) hides small irregularities.

Methods for leveling the upper plane of the foundation

More often than not, it is the upper plane of the base that suffers from unevenness. Since walls are built from it, perfect evenness is required. To obtain a smooth surface at all times use a water level. The hydraulic level is used to check, first of all, the corners, then the perimeter of the base. It should be remembered that only a water level without bubbles gives correct measurements. When finishing the laying, you should use a liquid cement mortar, which will level the surface over the entire area.

A small difference, for example, 2 cm, relative to zero can be corrected with brickwork if you change the thickness of the horizontal seam. SNiP sets standards to the thickness of the horizontal seam - the maximum value should not exceed 12 mm, with a tolerance of +3, -2 mm. A deviation of up to 15 mm from the horizontal per 10 m of masonry is allowed. This deviation is eliminated by laying the next row of bricks.

Correction of the foundation of an already finished building- a complex procedure requiring the intervention of qualified specialists. In this case, it is better not to take risks and turn to professionals.

To build a house, you need to know how to lay bricks. Such buildings are in demand, but buying a ready-made home is common. A specialist will build a high-quality brick wall, but isn’t it possible to build it yourself? This requires knowledge and practical skills.

What results can you get from laying the foundation yourself?

You need to prepare materials and tools:

  • mortar (wall fastening);
  • bricks;
  • chalked cord.
  • wheelbarrow (transportation of materials from the warehouse);
  • trowel (trowel) (mortar laying);
  • special glasses to protect vision;
  • carpenter's square (checking angles);
  • level (horizontalness of masonry);
  • hammer and pickaxe in one tool;
  • roulette;
  • cord for leveling brick rows.


Instructions for preparing the composition:

  • Place cement and dry sand in a ratio of 1:5, you can add clay or lime for plasticity.
  • Mix cement with sand.
  • Take the prepared mixture in small parts, add water, stirring, avoiding hardening of the overly prepared solution.
  • It is not recommended to make a mixture of more than 40–50 liters, the consumption is small. It is better to use dry solution little by little and add water.
  • For large volumes of masonry, a concrete mixer will be required.

Hollow bricks with holes will absorb the mortar, reducing the strength of the fastening.

Features of masonry

Compliance with these requirements will improve the quality of work. Principles of masonry:

  • Make sure that the volume of solution applied is equal, otherwise it will not be easy to get an even edge on the outer row.
  • The brick is placed parallel to the row on the prepared working surface, where the outer edge coincides with the plane of the wall.
  • Three rules: equal height of the brickwork, correct linear position, tight fit to the adjacent brick.

There are several types of seams when laying.

Pustoshovka - the mortar is placed without protruding beyond the edge of the brick, leaving a gap used for plastering. The plaster mixture flows into the cracks and holds tightly.

Undercut seam - fills the gaps between bricks completely, leveled. Used in fireplace and stove pipes to create a smooth surface to prevent soot from accumulating. Rarely used as decorative.

A concave (convex) mortar joint has a decorative, design function. To create a concave seam, use a piece of a round tube; to create a convex seam, part of the surface in the tube is cut off.

Wooden lath for bricklaying

How to lay brick?

There are a number of features in the brick laying process:

  • When starting to lay out the first row, two layers of roofing material are placed on the foundation.
  • They plan to lay brickwork - one brick, one and a half or exactly two.
  • How to lay brick correctly? Having made estimates and purchased the necessary material, you need to lay out the dry masonry, identifying flaws.
  • If no errors are found in the project, you can lay the brick directly.
  • If the first line of brick is curved, the subsequent ones will be laid out in the same way.
  • It is necessary to use special construction tools for a correct, even wall.
  • Apply the solution, lay it down, adjusting it with the trowel handle until it reaches the correct position, and remove the excess into a bucket.
  • The cement hardens slowly, in several stages, it is possible to correct it and make it smooth. When a skill is formed, it will work out immediately.
  • The gap between the bricks is three centimeters. The solution will spread evenly during installation.

The gap is three centimeters

Additional Requirements

Experts advise beginners not to forget a number of additional requirements:

  • Carefully control the installation level.
  • The correct angle of the structure is 50% of the success of the work. Before work, lay out the corners in several rows.
  • They work using a horizontal or vertical level; the quality of wall laying depends on the angles.
  • The height should be twice that of the walls during installation.
  • For plastered walls, the mortar is applied as a blank. Distribute between bricks without filling the gap.
  • When building a fireplace chimney, the seams are filled completely. Then no combustion products are formed. Closed seams are used for facing installation.
  • Smooth, right angles of the structure are created by “ordering” (metal corners ensure accuracy of work).
  • To secure the tool, brackets are used to ensure accuracy of work.
  • It is impossible to ensure even installation, master class, without a level, tape measure, mason's cord, chalked cord.
  • An accurate first row is important. A stretched construction cord is used.
  • The laid brick does not have to be adjacent by a couple of millimeters so that the mortar does not press.
  • Each level is controlled horizontally, in pairs with the adjacent one. For beautiful facial styling, such control is needed.

Additional information

Tips that may be useful:

  • The seams in successive rows must be different, otherwise the wall will reduce the degree of stability.
  • Approach the construction carefully and draw a construction plan, indicating the required amount of bricks and the number of rows laid out.
  • If it is difficult to lay out facing bricks, use traditional building bricks.
  • Facing is more aesthetically pleasing in appearance and has a different purpose.
  • When planning the required amount of solution, the volume must be increased by an additional 10%; the craftsman will break this part during work.
  • In order for the solution to ensure a strong attachment, first pour water over the brick before use.
  • The mortar takes a long time to dry; if necessary, the bricks can be moved, removed or re-laid.
  • To lay brickwork, reinforcement mesh is placed every 5–6 rows.
  • For a tight adhesion, add more mortar, tap with the end of a trowel, and level it along the cord. Excess solution is picked up with a trowel.

How to learn to lay bricks? Having completed training, building simple structures (columns, steps), in the future the builder will lay out the brick barbecue itself, the walls of a barn or house, or a summer gazebo in the garden.

For anyone who doubts their ability to lay brick walls, it is important to study the theory and only then begin practice. Every professional was at one time a novice, laying bricks ineptly and began his journey to the basics of craftsmanship through familiarity with the basic principles of working with this material.

Since anyone can learn how to lay bricks, it is not difficult to build any building with due diligence.

Types of wall masonry: a) solid masonry made of ordinary bricks; b) lightweight walls made of ordinary bricks with vertical transverse walls (well masonry); c) lightweight walls made of exposed brick with horizontal connections in the form of bonded rows (brick-concrete masonry); d) wall made of ceramic target bricks.

The masonry is done in layers, in rows, connecting the stones together with cement-sand mortar, which you also need to learn how to prepare. Each subsequent row is slightly shifted to the side relative to the previous one. This is how the dressing necessary to ensure the strength and stability of the wall is obtained.

The first row should be laid on the foundation. If its surface is uneven, then this deficiency is corrected with the help of mortar. Before you start working with stones, you should make a cut-off waterproofing: any water-repellent material is laid on the concrete foundation: roofing felt, fiberglass, bitumen mastic, etc.

Next, the perimeter of the walls is marked. This is done using a marking cord and a hydraulic level. Lighthouse bricks are exposed in corners, at the intersections of walls, at the nodes of window and door openings. Intermediate beacons are placed along long walls to prevent the cord from sagging. It is attached to these stones. The evenness (horizontalness of the masonry) is checked by placing a block on the bricks and a level.

Professionals first “turn in the corners”: they build 3-4 rows of bricks in these places directly on the foundation. This allows you to transfer the cord to the level of the next row and greatly simplifies the laying process. If the thickness of the wall must be greater than the distance of half a brick, then the first row is traditionally made “poke”, that is, the stones must be laid perpendicular to the direction of the wall. If you use this technique for a beginner, he will quickly learn how to lay brick walls.

Devices and tools for high-quality masonry

Preparation of masonry mortar

Basic requirements for the binder composition: plasticity and the absence of small stones. Main components: cement, sand and water. The cement must be of a grade not lower than M300, the sand must be sifted and of medium grain size. Ratio of parts: 1:4, where one part is cement and 4 is sand. Professionals add clay to the composition, which gives the mixture plasticity and better viscosity.

If the amount of work is small, you can use dry ready-made building mixtures, which are very convenient to use. They have all the necessary additives for plasticity and the required fluidity of the solution. All that remains is to add the amount of water specified by the manufacturer of the mixture to the composition and carefully move it. Masons check the quality of the prepared mortar as follows: they throw a trowel with the blade down into the container with it. If the tool enters the mass along the entire length of the blade and its immersion stops at the very handle, then the composition is prepared correctly.

How to make corners correctly

  • the solution is laid and leveled, the so-called. "bed";
  • a brick is lowered vertically in the right place;
  • apply a building level, take a mallet and, tapping the brick, level it to a horizontal plane;
  • when erecting the next row, the verticality of the masonry is checked with a plumb line;
  • if you can’t place the stone strictly horizontally, remove it, clean the ribs from the mortar and start all over again;
  • when constructing corners, binding must be taken into account: the top stone is laid on two lower ones, thereby ensuring the strength of the masonry and connecting the underlying stones together;
  • the correctness of the angle is checked with a special triangular template;
  • When two corners of one wall are removed, nails with a thread stretched between them are fixed into the seam under the upper bricks. It will help maintain verticality when laying walls;
  • Until the mortar has hardened, the angle can be leveled by knocking bricks in the desired direction.

Rules for laying brick walls

  • first the mortar is laid and leveled;
  • At the end of the brick, before laying it, a mortar is applied. The next building stone will be pressed against this place;
  • you need to ensure that the vertical seams coincide, which will prevent the need to insert small pieces of brick into the space remaining after laying the row and will preserve the aesthetics of the wall;
  • You can level the brickwork on the mortar not only with a mallet, but also with the handle of a trowel;
  • the mortar that protrudes beyond the edges of the stone is removed with a trowel and thrown either to the top of the wall or into a container with a binder;
  • the mortar on the end of the brick does not need to be smeared; it is recommended to lay it out and leave it in the form of a tubercle;
  • you need to ensure that during the laying process no voids are formed either at the end parts of the bricks or along the front side of the wall;
  • To give the building a more aesthetic appearance, the joints are jointed: they are carried out with a special tool (joint), which can be replaced by a piece of pipe of a suitable diameter. Using this technique allows you to get a durable and high-quality seam and beautiful masonry, which we will soon learn.