How to hold a lazy dancing competition. Dance competitions for weddings: bright and unusual

To participate in the Seated Dance competition, you do not need to have refined choreographic skills. All you need is the ability to improvise and good endurance. If you have such qualities, you can safely count on winning an interesting competition.

Despite the fact that the “Seated Dances” competition is considered a table competition, the selected participants will have to leave the table rich in treats for a while. At least 2 participants are selected for the competition. If there are more people willing, it’s okay - up to 10 guests can participate in the “Seated Dancing” game at the same time.

The presenter invites the players to the center of the room, where there are chairs on which the participants will dance. No, they don't need to climb up onto the chair as if it were a pedestal. The dancing will actually take place sitting down.

So, each participant in the competition sits comfortably on his chair and, at the command of the presenter, that is, begins to dance to the music without getting up from his chair.

But it's not that simple. Only one part of the body should dance, while the rest should be completely motionless. At the same time, you cannot comment on your actions, laugh, or move unnamed parts of your body.

The presenter's commands can be as follows:

  • "Eyebrows are dancing"
  • "Only feet dance"
  • “Now let’s dance with our lips”
  • “Our hands began to dance”
  • "Let's dance with our eyes"
  • “Let’s dance with our butts”
  • “Hands and eyebrows were used”
  • "Dancing with our feet and butt"
  • “And now with legs and eyebrows”
  • “The chest came into play”
  • “Let’s try to dance with our ears...”

Such dances are simply unforgettable. The site “This Holiday” offers to diversify the “Seated Dances” competition by cutting short, cool melodies, among which there will be a lambada, a streptease, and a gypsy girl.

Particularly interesting are the “Seated Dances” performed by people of non-standard build or respectable bosses and important young ladies. Therefore, be sure to include such entertainment in your program

This competition is very simple. The required props are five chairs. There should be one more participant, that is, six. The game begins. The host announces the dances. Music that matches the rhythm is turned on, and those taking part in the entertainment begin to dance. The one who, in the opinion of those not participating in the competition, dances the worst, is eliminated from the game. Five people remain. Then the presenter invites the remaining contestants to sit on chairs and dance while sitting. The already tired dancers happily agree to this proposal and even sit on chairs for some time, actively waving their arms and legs.

But still, someone will do worse and will have to drop out of the game. The remaining four people continue to sit on the chairs. The leader explains to them that now they will have to dance without using their legs. It turns out that the players sit on chairs and make the most bizarre movements with their hands, leaving their legs motionless. This stage of the competition usually works out best for the participants, but you will still have to look for one loser. Three contestants dance while sitting, without using their hands (their legs also remain motionless).

How to dance the dance without using either arms or legs is up to them to decide. Perhaps they can do belly dancing? At worst, each of them will be able to nod their heads to the beat of the music. After this, the two most inventive players are chosen to continue the fight, and the third, not so active, is declared the loser.

The remaining two participants in the game have one last task: without moving at all, they must “dance”... using only facial expressions! If you haven’t had to do this yet, try it sometime and see how difficult it is to dance rock and roll or lezginka only with the help of various grimaces. The winner is declared the one of the two remaining competitors who coped with this task better. The prize can be anything. Just don’t give the winner the opportunity to order a dance as a gift: he won’t want to dance anyway!

Thanks to dance competitions, celebrations are always filled with a special mood and positivity. That is why the wedding dance competitions offered by our website should help guests get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere and have fun from the heart.


  • Participants: guests in pairs (man + woman).
  • Props: absent.

Any number of dance couples can participate. The essence of the competition is that couples must dance a dance, but with their backs to each other. Famous dance tunes are played: polka, waltz, rock and roll, cha-cha-cha, lambada.

Lazy dancing

  • Participants: 5 guests.
  • Props: 5 chairs.

In the hall, the presenter places five chairs in a row at a short distance from each other. 5 guests are invited to participate. The host explains that they must sit on chairs and dance to the music while sitting on the chair. The music turns on and the dancing begins. The one who moved slower and more uninteresting than the rest is eliminated.
The remaining four players continue to sit on their chairs. The host announces that now they should dance, but without using their legs. Again, based on the voting results, the most inactive person is eliminated.
Then 3 contestants dance while sitting, without using their arms or legs. How to do this? You can perform a belly dance, or you can simply nod your head to the beat of the music. The two most inventive players remain for further participation.
The remaining participants face the most difficult task: without moving at all, they must “dance”... only with the help of facial expressions! The one who copes with this task better is declared the winner.

Do it once, do it twice

  • Participants
  • Props: huge family panties and bras.

The presenter will have to select several pairs and give women bras, and men - panties. Players need to put on their clothes and start dancing to the music. After the music ends, the participants in a pair must exchange clothes with each other. The couple that completes the task slower than the others will be excluded from the competition. The game continues until only one pair remains. She will win this wedding competition.

Don't eat the candy

  • Participants: several couples (man + woman).
  • Props: candies.

Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple is given a piece of candy. A guy and a girl who make up a couple must dance a dance, holding the candy with their lips at both ends. The couple that keeps the candy the longest is considered the winner.

Dances of the peoples of the world

  • Participants: 5 pairs
  • Props: folk dance melodies.

Music (folk dances) is turned on, and each couple must dance their unique dance to it. A public vote will be required to determine the winning pair.


  • Participants: 5 pairs
  • Props: Slow melody.

Boys and girls are invited to participate and are divided into pairs. A balloon is tied to each girl's ankle. After which the music turns on and the couples begin to dance. The essence of this wedding competition is that couples must “pop” their opponents’ balloons. At the same time, while dancing, partners should not separate their hands. The winner will be the couple whose ball remains intact.


  • Participants: 5-7 pairs.
  • Props: cubes.

The presenter divides the competition participants into pairs and gives them props - cubes. The guy and girl should hold it with their foreheads. Music starts playing and the couples dance to it. In this case, the cube should not fall. To make the competition more difficult, each pair is given one more cube. The competition continues. The pair that gets at least one die is eliminated. Then the presenter adds more cubes. The couple that manages to hold the most cubes during the dance will win.


    First of all, competitions at a wedding should be varied, since similar entertainment quickly tires guests. By character wedding competitions can be both educational and entertaining. When drawing up competitions, the toastmaster must take into account that the tasks are not very complex, understandable to any of those present, with elements of humor, since laughter always lifts the spirits of even the most modest and boring guests.
    Wedding games are one of the main components of the entertainment program of a wedding celebration. It is with their help that the audience warms up and a festive, cheerful atmosphere is maintained. Well-chosen and planned games at a wedding will prevent guests from overeating and falling asleep at the tables.

    Wedding competition for guests "Dancing with Balloons"

    This wedding competition for most guests, or rather couples, the principle is that each couple is given a ball, which is located between the couple, and holding the ball with their body and not touching the ball with their hands, the couple dances.
    The couple that survives the test to the end is declared the winner. Whoever drops the ball or it bursts due to the “strong tension” of the partners towards each other is automatically excluded from the game. Fans of active body movements can continue to dance “purely for pleasure.”
    For variety, you can use musical cuts of a wide variety of styles and, most importantly, tempos for the competition. It’s better to start with a slow dance, and then complicate the task with some rock and roll, this will be really fun.

    Wedding competition "Dance Masters"

    The presenter invites pairs of volunteers onto the stage. For each couple, sheets of regular newspaper are spread on the floor. Participants need to stand on the newspaper and dance to the music without leaving the newspaper. After a minute, the newspaper is folded in half, thereby complicating the task for the dancing couples. And so on. Anyone who can’t stay on the newspaper and gets off it is eliminated. The last pair remaining wins.

    Competition "Lazy Dancing"

    This competition is very simple. To participate in it, you will need six people who, through active tasting of alcohol, have become so uninhibited that they are now capable of anything. In addition, this game will require five chairs.
    The game begins. The host announces a dance competition. Music that matches the rhythm is turned on, and the contestants begin to dance. Anyone who does not move very actively will very soon drop out of the game.
    Five people remain. The leader invites them to sit on chairs and dance while sitting. Tired dancers, as a rule, happily respond to this proposal and sit on chairs for some time, actively waving their arms and legs. And yet, one of the participants will do it worse, and he will have to drop out of the game.
    The remaining four people continue to sit on the chairs. The host announces that now they will have to dance without using their legs. So, the players sit on chairs and make the most intricate movements with their hands, leaving their legs motionless. This part of the competition, as a rule, is the best for the participants in the game, but you still have to determine one loser.
    Three contestants dance while sitting, without using their hands (their legs also remain motionless). How to dance the dance without using either arms or legs is up to them to decide. Maybe they can do belly dancing? At worst, each of them will be able to nod their heads slightly to the beat of the music. The two most inventive players remain, and the third, not so active, is declared the loser.
    The remaining two participants in the game face the most difficult task: without moving at all, they must “dance”... using only facial expressions! If you have never had to do this, try it sometime: you will see for yourself how difficult it is - to dance rock and roll or lezginka only with the help of various grimaces.
    The one of the two remaining players who copes with this task better is declared the winner. Any prize can be awarded. But you shouldn’t give the winner the opportunity to order a dance as a prize: he won’t want to dance anyway!

    Competition "Three-four"

    Those who want to dance go to a specially designated dance area and just dance for a while. After a few minutes, the presenter gives the command: “Triplets!” This means that the dancers should quickly break up into threes and dance like this for a while. Those who succeed, after dancing a little, can leave the site. Those remaining in the game continue to dance until the leader gives the command: “Fours!” The participants of the game divide into four and dance. Those who succeed also leave the site. The game continues until two or three people remain. They are declared the winners.
    How: You see, the catch is that in this game those who fail to cope with the task win.

    Wedding game "Dancing on the newspaper"

    The presenter offers to play this game and announces that he needs several pairs for it (three or four are enough). A newspaper is spread in front of each couple.
    The rules of the game are these. Slow music is turned on, and the couples begin to dance the usual slow dance to it. Mandatory condition: under no circumstances go behind the newspaper: the one who stumbles will leave the game.
    The music stops, the newspaper is folded in half, and the partners continue dancing in a smaller “area.” After some time, the newspaper folds in half again. The game stops after the couples dance while balancing on a small piece of newspaper. The couple that turns out to be the most persistent and resourceful in inventing means to maintain balance is considered the winner. The ability to dance, of course, should be rewarded with small memorable prizes.

    Competition "Girl on her knees"

    The host calls the couples. Men sit on chairs in a row, crossing their arms behind their heads. After this, sheets of newspaper are placed on the knees, and the girl sits down on all this “goodness”. Her task is that for a minute, while the music is playing, the girl must dance while sitting on the man’s lap and try to crush the newspapers as much as possible. The winner is the pair whose sheets are as wrinkled as possible. If the situation is controversial, the winners are determined by audience applause.

    Wedding competition "Lambada with a ball"

    After everyone present has had a lot of fun, you can invite them to move. Guests are divided into pairs for dancing, each pair receives a balloon. Task: dance to slightly different pieces of music, holding the ball so that it does not fall. You cannot touch the ball with your hands. The winner is the couple who lasted the longest on the dance floor and managed to hold the ball.

    Competition "Music of different nationalities"

    Several pairs are called. Each receives the task of dancing a dance to the music of different nationalities: Jewish, Georgian, Gypsy, Russian, Italian, etc. They are given attributes for dancing. Well, then each couple dances to the appropriate music.
    The winning pair is determined by popular vote and receives a prize!

    Endurance Dance Competition

    We invite real men to a slow dance. Choose beautiful women for yourself. Beauty is great power. Now take your women in your arms and hold them until the end of the dance.